TA&WtVs-JWilW WijnwjumMnww ifexyfi-.. ' 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. A. ". 7 -fW Prompt Relief. Two years ago I suffered se verely from neuralgia and pal pitation of the heart. I was unable to do light housework. Nothing brought relief until I took Dr. Mile? Heart Cure 3 bottles removed all trace of my disorder and I now feel like a new Woman Mr. J. D. Houston, 160 0. Water St., Easter, N. H. " DR. MILES? Heart Cure la Hold by nil drugglstA on guarantee) first bottln benefits or money buck. Hook on licart mid nerves sent free, Or. Mllos Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind, FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgeon B, M. R. R. Company, and U, S, Pcntlon Surgeon City nntl country cnlls promptly an swered dny or night. OfKIOKOVEII LlNDSr.Y'fl Meat Maiikht N10IIT CALLS AT OPFlCt). Dk. E. A. Ckeigiiton, Honorary ('rrtdunlr. & Silvor Medalist WVstoi n University, Cnnniln. Pa M.8 AKwr.nr.n Day and Is'ioiit. Orrrrn Oven Coos's I'maiimict. J. F. GOODE, PHYSICIAN ANT) SUIICISOK. ILL CALLS ANSWERED 1'HOMl'TLY. Oftlcc oyer (Jotting's Drug Store. Res idencit J.C. Warner's property .J", J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT II. Criwi Bridge Work or Teeth Within, Plttec PORCELAIN INLAT And all lai lstest Improvement U dental mecb anlsm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Lock Hoi 23. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold find exchanged. COLLECTIONS WADE. TEUMS KEASONAI1LK ' P. A. WELLS, ATTORNEY 3CT L.TUM. Offlco inF. &M. Imnk building with 1). J Myers. Practices in ai.i. State ani United State.s Courts. OVERMAN tf BLACKLEEQE l IUKINBYS - ST - L7"liZ. Qlttcc tret Jhst Ottlce. RED Cl.OUU NEBRASKA. JOHN M. C11AFF1N, KTTORNEY - KT - L.HSftf. Will continue to wsctlce In DUtrlct. Supreme ntl Federal Courts, Office Over Mizer's Store. Opera House Ulock. notary publio in office. R. D, BEDFORD. LAND, - INSURANCE, and COLLECTION AGENT. Special attention given to property f non-residents. W. M. WOLFE, BLACKSMITH. Agent for McCormlck machinery of all kinds and Badger cultivators. Horseshoeing a Specialty. F. P, COBLE, i:lvjra3vo:e5 OFFICE IN MOON HI.OCK. Insurances written on city and property nt lowest rates, farm CQHS WHtHE Ml list FAILS, t Cough Syrup, 'lute Good. Bold by drugai.ts. HI CUKtS WHtHt Ml tut JAILS. .. El HBatOougb Syrup. Tastes Good. VnQ B In Urn. Bold by druQiUta. W CHURCH SERVICES. christian church. Services enrh Lord's Day ns follows; Morning services nt 10:30. Subject, "Associates on Hecomlng n Christian," lilblo school, 12m, Junior Christian Kndeavor 3 p.m. Sotlnr Christian Endeavor mceti at 7 p.m. Evening services at 8.00. Chart on "God in Three. Fold Perfections." Aided by the scl-opticon. Afternoon sermon at Inavale. A cordial invitation Is extended all. I,. A. Hussono, Pastor, to METHODIST Services next Sunday ns follows: Morning J service nt 10:30. Subject, "Tho now song." Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Con ducted by D, li. Spanoglt. junior league nt 4 p.m. Senior Lcaguo at 7 p.m. Evening scrvico at 8:00. Subject, "Tho Up-to-Dato Church." Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 8:00. Ladles Aid Society Friday afternoon. All are most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Dardt, Pastor. hatost cnuncn. Services next Sunday ns follows. Morning services nt 10:80. Semen by Rev Tronnry of Superior. Sunday School at 11:45. W. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union meets nt 7 p.m. Miss (iuln Reed, leader. Evening scrvico nt 8:00. Subject, "Christian Science".' Goncrul prayer meeting Wednesday ovonlng nt8:00. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONOUKOATION'AL. Regulnr services noxt Sunday ns fol lows: Morning service nt 10-30 Subject, "Returns." Sundny School at 11.45. Prcnching at Indian creek nl 3 30 Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor :it 7.00 pin. Evening services nt 8:00. Subject, "Obligation." Prayer nnd prniso nicoting Wednes day evening nt 8. All cordinlly invited to attend theso sorviccs. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. Frwjing Weather in July Would cause great discomfort and loss but fortunately itis seldom known. A vast amount of misery is caused nt this season, however, by impoverished blood poor nppotito and general debility. Theso conditions may bo remedied by enriching tho blood nnd toning tho stomach with Hood's Sarsa parllla. This medicino seems to put now lifo into tho whole physical system simply because of its wonderful power to purify, enrich nnd vitnllzo tho blood, crentcs an appetlto nnd invigorate tho digestive functions. Wendvisoyou to got a bottlo and try it if you nro nol fcoling just right. It will do you more good thnn a six weeks vncation. Itis tho best medicino money can buy. - . Rates for Greater American Exposition Rcduco rates to Omaha will apply from points on tho Rurlington Route within 250 miles of that city during tho entire puiiod of tho Greater America Exposition, which opons July 1 nnd closes October .11. Thcro will bo thrco dillerent kinds of tickets: Ten-Day Tickets, which will bo sold nt 80 per cent of doublo tho one-way rate. I Savon-Day Tickets, nito for" which will bo ono faro for tho round trip plus 5 por cent on snlo Tuesday. "Weok-End" Tickets, which will bo on sale Saturdaynnd Sunday trains due In Omaha before 1.00 p. in. Ono faro for tho round trip. J. Francis, Gonor al Passcgonr Agent, Omaha Neb. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in tho exporionco of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrnnce Provldonco, R. I. Ho says: "For soveral years I hnvo been almost a constant sufferer from diarrhoea, tho frequent attacks completely prostrating mo and rendering roe unlit for my duties nt thia hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave mo a small bottlo of Cbamborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Much to my surprise nnd dolight its effects weio immediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against tho attack with a few doses of this vnluablo remedy. Tbo result has boon vory satisfactory and almost completo relief from tho aflltctlon." For snlo by II. E. Grico. Does Coffee Agree With Yau. If not, think Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes: "Tho first time I mndo Grain-O I did not like it, but after using it for ono week noth ing would lnduco mo to go back to coiToo." It nou'rlshos and feeds the system. Tho children can drink it free ly with great bouelit, It is the strougthcuii'g substance of pure graius, Get n package today from your grocer, 5o aid 25c. Through Tourist Sleepers to Narthwett. The liurlington Routo has established n twice-a-weok tourist car line from Kntisas Cily to Unite, Spokane, Taco ma and Seattle. Cars leavo Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Islnnd every Tuesday nnd Thursday, arriving nt Seattlo following Friday and Sundny Thoy nro upholstered in rnttnn The bed linen nnd furnishings nro clean and of good quality. Tho heating, ven tilating and toilet arrangements nro all that can he desired nnd each car is in charge of n uniformed Pullmnn potter, whoo solo duty is to nttend to the wnntsof passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind nnd the berth rate from Lincoln to Taconia or Seattle Is only 85 00, To Intermediate plntf it Is proportionately low. Mon tana and tho Puget Sound country nro now enjoying n period of unexampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to the northwest Is rapidly attaining Inrgo proportions. This new tourist car-lino hns been established with n view of caring, for tho Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can bo had on application to nny Bur lington Routo ticket ngent or by ad dressing J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. Deafness Cannot Be Cured By lo'cal applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the cnr. There is only ono way to cure deafness and thnt is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian 'l'ubc. When this tubo gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing nnd when it is entiroly closed deafness results nnd unless tho inflammation can bo taken out nnd this tubo restored to its normal condition, lienring will bo destroyed forever. Nino enscs out of ton nro cnused by catnrrh, which is nothing but nuinllamcd conditionof tho mucous surface. Wo will givo Ono Hundtcd Dollars for nny enso of Deafness caused by entnrrh that enunot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circular", free F J. Cheney fc Co; Toledo, O Sold by druggists, 75t Hull's 1'iiniil) Pill nre the best. J. V. Hobbs, M. D.lort VnlltM , (in , suys- I have been practicing medicine twenty live years and know piles to bo ono of tho most difficult of diseases to cure, but hnvo known DnWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo to euro nunibiis of cases nnd do not hesitntn to recommend it. Re snro you got "DoWitt's thcro nro injurious counterfeits on sale. C. L. Cottlng. DoWitt's Little Early Risers expel from the system nil poison accumula tions, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, nnd purify the blood. They drivo away diseases' dissipato melancholy and givo health nnd viger for the daily routine. Do not gripe or sicken. C. L. Cotting. - Gun shot wound nnd powder-burns, outs, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and ivy poison ingquickly honied by DoWitt's Witch Hazel salve. Positively prevent blood poisoning. Rewaro of counterfeits. DoWitt.s" is safe nnd sure. C. L Cotting. ERUNVS VICTOR Dr. S. O. lUvtnun Cou 'fitts, O. Dnn Sir: - I feel lilccnncwwoman bliico uslug your Pe-ru-nn. Your medicine hns helped inoso much that I can work nnd never feci tired out. When T first began touso your medicino I couldn't f. weep my own room, run tho sowing machine or lift anything, not even nchnlr. Itcvcnliurt mo to rldo or walk nny distance. Now I can do nil this, nnd I believe more, nnd never feel tho effects of It. I feel bo proud of tho way it hns brought rao out that I toll it far nnd near. I can heartily recommend your medicino to any woman Buffering from female dis ease. I know from experience, that your modlclno will do just what you Bay It will. I thank you, Doctor, a thousand times for your treatment. I nhall recommend your medicine wher ever I go. I know what it has done for me and I know it will do the same for others. I feel that there arc thousands of other women who would, after using your treatment, as I did, be thankful. I am bo glad I got your treatment. This month is tho first time in my life that I can remember of having my menses without pain. Why, I can't do anything but recommend Pc-ru-na. Miss Emma L. Ilolden, Wllberforce, O. Tho Po-ra-na Medicine Co., Colum bus, 0 will mail Dr. Xlnrtman's special hook for women, free on application, tc women only. All druggists sell Pc-ru-nu. ltresta with too wh.tb.r yoa contlnae tbv r.mov the d-.lr. (or tobacco, wli out nervoui ui.ir..., eip.li nicov. tins. Dnrifle. tha bloi tores lost manhood, llOl.f maaea too sirooc sold. 400,030 iDD.aiin.nerv and pocaeV O-Tlk-HAUfroiu r. uuy ixiei. own aruKgni.wnr hrarna.T.k.ltwIth Bbo,SI. uiusily cure.l Iboiea.atM, roar.nte.d to ear, or we refund money, lUfiUl tUml C., CSlMI, SHlml, l.w I.lt. ti.tl.atlv. n.mlitntl.. On PARK. I HAIR BALSAM ICleanwa and braatin. tht httr. l-roBMc. laiuTt.nt ffrowin. Mever falla to JU.tor Oray I uur w . van. MLlmz mm Ui-CTfjisssssssj -n.iiraiB i. rwaa'vsasLssnoo .'. 1 1 1 alo'o .SHBllllvirUMeu lM'-.ltWWI afliK i. IV aTmlWm .Bavianaiii asaaP'l Constipation llentlnche, bllloiiBiicss, heartburn, Intll pcstloti, nnJ ull liver Ills nre cured by Hood's Pitts Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. A DIAMOND FOR A DOLLAR. A Limited Special Offer Which Will Last for Ten Days Only. OENUINK IIAltltlOS 'DIAMONDS lmo a world wldo reputation. It Is nltno.t Impoxulblo to illMliiRiil.il them from Rcnulno diamonds coMlnij hundreds of dollars each. They nru wotnlij- ilio best people. Wo will forunrd nomilne llnrrloi Diamond mounted In a heavy rltiK, pin or slud to any address upon receiptor prleefiOupflch RsrrltiKs. screws or drops.fi per pair. Itlnn tcllliiBs are mndcof one con ilniious piece of tr-lrk, shelled cold, nnd nro warranted not to tarnish. bpcclnF;cnnildnntloii offer for ten deys only. HIiir nnd stud sent to any nddres upon receipt of i.w) in ordorlnt, rlnc cIto fliiEcr measurement by using a piece of strlnK-Aho full particulars. Address plainly THE HAItlHOS DIAMOND CO.. ll8l-HS3Ilroadway, New Tork. Relief in Six Hours. DlMrcsslne kidney and bladder diseases re lieved In six hours br "Now Great South Amerl can Kldnev Cure." It Is a great surprise on ac count of Ha exceeding promptness iurelleTlna; pain In bladder, kldneyr and back, In male or female. Kellercs retention of water almost Immediately. If you ant quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by u. E. Cotting, drugglit, Red Cloud, Neb, $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Dieuretic May be worth to you more than 1100 If you have a child who soils bedding from Incontin ence or water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. II. Sold by V. L. Cotting, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. o a Destntr ! Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. No-To-IIno for rifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c. 1. All druggists. Ku-To-llnc for flftj Cents. Ciuurantocd tobacco habit cure makes weak wen sarong, blond pure. f0o,el. All druggists To Curo Constipation forever. Take, Cascarets Candv Cathartic lOcorKo. II C. C. O. fall to cure, druggists refund money. rrf THIS ; If you aro fading under tho weakening inffuenco of "female troubles," do not longer experiment with useless or dan gerous drugs, but try Bradf iild's Female Regulator It will regulate tho menses perfectly, nnd curo Falling of tho Womb, Lcucorrhcca, Headache, Hackache and Nervousness. Itis a harmless vegetable remedy, which Euts the menstrual organs in perfect calth, stops drains and pains ana over comes weakness. Sold at drag stores for $t a bettk. til IlADratD UGUIATOK CO., AtUlU 6a. BAD BLOOD "C1IOARETS do all claimed for tliaaa and are a truly wonderful mertlalne. I bare often wlsbed for a medicino pleasant to take and at last bare found It In Cascarets Blnce taking tbem, my blood bas been nurlncd and my complexion bas Im proved wonderfully and I feel much better In every way.' S1iis.Uai.lik K. BsuiUts.Luttrcl1.Tenn. tfym CANDV ISsVcaJicvo TAOr MASK snoisrsaf D . Plesisnt. Platabl. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken. or Orlpo. 10c, Sic, Wc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... St.rllar. n,nil Cpf, Cl.ltf, M.stn.l, ft Turk, Sit Mfl.Trl.llAr1 Bold and guaranteed hy oil drug-nU-IU'BAb Kiit,to OiiHK Tobacco Uablt" Star Bakery, uhuEutll&RM ; JjVl'ILNP I asaasfl at a.P'A Ugbtcus H in ii a i I AXLE ort,.sl IOrease - 1 I helps the team. Saves wear and I K expense. Sold everywhere. M SsBBaaaf, WAD BT SmV E STANDARD OIL CO. jH Ww'S W ,' f 5 -:? J WHEN HUNGRY J i EAT i , AT - S THE J k II t J. O. WILES, Prop. OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY 1st, CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, BrarnnNo kew bxccpt tiftii c it tub duildinos.. mil uLiipse uasi icar. Military Band.... a J SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY. i'ROPRlETOH. DEALER IN Wines. Liquors, California randies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone ending n sketch nnd description may nulckly nirertnln our opinion free Invention Is prolinlily pntpntnblo. ethpr nn dimmunlrn. tionsstrictirronciientl.'il, mi in: f pnt ireo. (llilcst neency for sccurlnir Ilnndbook on l'ntcnta 1'ntents tnken thrnuiili Jliiim lc Co. neoncY for spnirliitr nn: niems. L rppnlrp tprcmi naiicr, wunoui ennrgo, in loo Scientific American. A handsomely lllustrnted weekly. I nrccst clr- dilation of nnysrlcntlllo Jonrnnl. Terms, J n jpnr: louriuomiis, i. com tynn ncwmirnicr. rilUNfUCo.30'0"1"1 New York ltrnnch Offlco, Ch V lit., WnsbluRton, li, c. C-lf'ir i'R' LV aVaaA A jjmTja rfin.7. O ' n I " A, . i t , , i,i nru iro. t. ' ;- ii lui-i I lllmeil la Km! nn I 12. .1 pi.aIuaV nm m .11 .,.k 1 .. .111 ... ' nnniucr, .'ninuaiir ri.mfii;: v v... vm i n ,.. b ,UiJ..a. IDkQ In itmi-f fjf jinlcc ir, tutlmocUU .nl "It'lp r for I.c-tlc-'itlOTtr tirrrtnra MalL JI,(1 ! ri nlinnliK. A,..;i,r. . tu. -thioitkiilt aJnilU.m I'lnra Ifl.i.u!... .1,.., ... am m - .,-. j, ,ttu.ui, ru Write for tho frco booklet: "Merru Jihymcs or Thirsty J'imes." Hires Rootbeer time is here 1HE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Makert of Mr$ Omdtnted Milk. HaaTiataaaTOfPED FHEE II ParaaiMtly Cirti m. lassaltvPrsvsaUsst iR. KUNE'C tREAr W lERVE RESTORER wHiiviuf is-TSMI sw PSiSjTaia'w, ar ae, jia mjjap m4Ft, iw ;0sm. olucrKrtlruaM r "V.?'" '" ..T"tiM and $s trial bottls mi i-rcni-eu, rmt l sr Klin. I lit ilvlttro Icr-ltLt if rM.tliq.im Afct.Pt Pbl' ti.i tiU. P, Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros, Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Administratrix. Stnte of Nebraska, Webster county, ss; At a County Court, held at the County Court room, In sud tor laid county Juno SOth, A. V. 1699. In the matter of the estsle of Kels gorgerson deceased. k On re Ming and flunghe petition of Ellen Ser gerson, widow of the deceased, praying that ad ministration of saldt (state may be granted to her as administratrix Ordsred. that Jul lltb, A. D. 1889. at IS o'clock a.m. Is asslgnid for hearing said petition when all persons Intirested In said matter may appear at a county court to be held In and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that no tice of tbo pendency of tald petition and the beariiis tnere or De a Ten io an persons interest ed In said matter by publishing a copy efthls order In the kkd Clsud cuisr. a weekly news pa: wiper printed in sara county ier three success ve weeks, prior to said day of hearing. IAMBS uurrT, v.ouuiy ijuubc. ORDINANCE NO. 3J. An Ordinance appropriating moneys out of the soveral funds ana receipts of the City of Ked Cloud. Nebraska, for the use of said city. Do It ordained by tbo maor andr council of the City of Ked Cloud, Nebraska. That the following amouni bo and the same are hereby appropriated oujfcf the setcral funds nnd receipts accruliiir to tlA city of Hed Cloud, ns heroin designated! fothe specific purposes herein meutloiicd f61 tUtj fiscal year beginning on tbo first Tuesday lb ay, 1899. to wit: Out of General Funior official salaries, ftift); for street commissioner and police, fKXUD'for ball rent, tioo.oo; for Incidental expenses, MOO. Out of water Ootid Fund, for Interest on water bonds, ftoOO oo. Out of Elcctrlo Light llond Fund, for Interest on electric light bonds, 3CO. Out ot Water Levy Fund for water engineer. i3?l,RJ3r?9f'!n5'iy f- ' h?l! 9 fS Aiinaimo of ("itlmdars, tho Weather, Astro EWnVfiiUVisii, FSLLS ,l-n1' t.i.lI.u-sf.rtachMon.h.Da'tes.ctc. ?SRm Cm K?wsm iTJ 2Wi " ""k.a ' 3la tit Ki Lnon L Jk-U.00; for repairs lo water wsrks (ISO 00. Out of Occupation fund, for repairs on streets, joOO.U); for Incidental expenses on streets, fono. Out or Water Fund, for coal, HOOi ror repairs and rcuowals, t.100. TIiIn ordinance to bo In full force and effect on and after Its pastago and publication accord lug to law. J. 8. Wuiw, Mayor. Avtcst:-J. B. Ksssua, City Clerk. ltHMMtWMMtfi SPECIAL c FEATURES Colonial People Birds, Anlmali... Produd, Homej Paki'i RrtworKi Art Exhibit. Me chanical Exhlb Its. The Mldwav. 1 I899. i i W uodfreys British AND Western Edition American AgTlealtnrld. Byspeelalnrrangcnicntwlththopublishcrs, we are enabled to oltprTncOnANOKJenDFAnM in, the leaillne BR-rlcalturkl weekly of tbo Western and Mississippi Valley States, In club with this paper, at nn exceedingly low figure. Tnt Osuxos Jl'dd Farmer Is remarkable for the variety and Interest of Its content, unit I nn. doubtedly the beat and most practical paper Vliiasiuu. mm ITS FARM irKTIIIjES Ins;, nortlcoltnre, rosUtrj such an X.lrti ! Stock. Dalrr. ry, Market Oar- deaiasr. and other tonics, written br sractl. cal and sacceaaral fjarmers, supplemented with llluatratlona by able artists, combine to make it Inraluable to those who "farm It foraliTlng." ThelateetlfarkeUandCom. merelal Arncnltnre are features In which Tbb Osuxob Jcdd FaKMsk Is unexcelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES ;g,h..rtgl?: rnrSSGCSnSrTmScjrvVoTS Tho Good Cook. Pntsle Contests, Library Corner, nnd Vonng Folks' Vgt combluo to niako this Department of as muchToJue and inter cat as most of tho Special Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All sending their subscriptions Immediately, under our clubbing oircr, nro presented, post paid, with tho AMKniCAN AanicvLTCRMT Year Hook nnd Alumnao for 1899. This great Imok of COOpageslsnCyclopodlnof Progress nnd Event of the World, a Uuldo to Markets, Marketing, and Prices. FREE YEAR BOOK AND ALMANAC It Is n Iroasuryof Btntlstlw, revised to ilntp.for arm or Iloiuo.nnd Olllco or Factory. A Itefer- rami i ( IK II U riiltun-, 1 A IT nt, nuiKim i.vurj .juujt'ct. i t-ruumnj? iogri-iltun-, Iudtistrj'. Conimcrce.nnd JInrkr-tn ; I'ub- Aftalrs, l.c inoinlcs, and Pi.lltlcs; IlousJioM , ) liicntl m, P.rllfflon, nnd Dclety It U nli nu CSF'A SAMPLE cnPYofT,'o0r'nK'' b J" HOnilllLLUUri i,, rarmcr, iiinpiiilrio form, will lm tnallod to von hvnddress- inc thi: ouangi: .iirnu iWitaiun, ainr- (juotto llullillnt;, Chicago, III. Our SPECIAL Offer: ONE YEPfR FOR $1.25- Hambletonian Wilkes, MEMBRINO CHIEF. TIIK SI(AN'I)AI.I) lllinu STALLION Hubert Cyril, 30379, Foalt-t' in 1890, llrown horse, will bo 10 bunds and weigh over 1200 pounds when nmturcd. ' Will make the season at the STAR Livery Barn, Red Cloud, Neb. For tciins nddrcss Chas. R. Besse. TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y RED Q LOUD, NEB It, LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 61. JOE KANBAS CITY B'l. LOUIS and all poinU east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT'IE SAL1 LAKE C' PORTLAND SAX FRAMISC0' and all pointi west. TBAIHS tXATB AS rOLLOWS! No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all points west- ...... 7:M a.m No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison, tit. Louis. Lincoln via Wymote mid all points east and south 19:50 a.m.. No. 15. Passongcr. dally, Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California . .. 8:10p.m. No. 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison, Bt. Louis and all points esst and south . 10 :20 a.m. Nn. 144. Accommodation, dally oxcept Sunday. Hastings, Grand Is land, Ulack Hills and all points In the northwest . 1 :80 p.m. No. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln. Kansas, and intermediate stations, via Ite publican . 12:30p.m. No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe nnd Intermediate Junction points ..-13;4p.m. No, 63. Freight, dally for Kepubllcan Orleans,Oxfordandallpoluts west.. . . ..10:S0a.m. No. t. Freight, dally except Sundny tor wymore anu an point east i:uua.m. No. 873. Freight dally to Oxford and Intcnoedlnte points............ 1 :30 p.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars, (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For Information, tlmo tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, lted Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent OauUa, Nsbraaka. HM a SSslJiBaK TaaawEi HI f . a tjTjisraatsiv nrjsi& k inUKSur n -wnmi 'm i'V - itiwfc(-T" a'-