The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 07, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Ihort and rilhy Paragraph Which Tell
of Wht Ila llnppened or Will Hap
pen In Our Commonwealth The Newt
Briefly Buniuiarlied.
Thurftday, ilunc -!.
Hastings ofltcltilR propose to adopt
jm ordinance to protect from the small
boy all birds other than the English
The remains of Oscar II. Hlllis of
Omaha, who was clerk of the federal
court, were taken to St. Paul, Minn.,
to lie cremated.
A south-lound freight train was
wrecked on the Missouri I 'ad tie road
a few miles south of Nebraska City re
cently. Bight or ten box ears, to
gether with their contents were
smashed to pieces.
A barn on theiannof Owen Clifford,
a few miles from Wilcox burned last
night. Several sets of harness belong
ing to Ora Hrawner, a tenant, were
also consumed. The wuh no insurance.
Origin of lire is unknown.
W. R Kenyon, a brakeman, met wlti
frightful accident at Wayne. In tit
tempting to step an the beam at the
rear end of the, tender of the engine
he slipped and fell under the wheels.
One leg was so badly crushed it had U
be amputated.
Ex.Govcrnor Iloleotnb has in his
possession a candlestick made of ma
terial taken from the wrock of the
Maine. The shaft is a piece of ma
hogany door taken from the ofllccr's
quarters. He will probably loan the
relic to the university. It came from
M. Massey of the United States navy.
The board of public lands and build
ings yesterday paid for and (secured
possession of the 1). K. Thompson resi
dence ns a home for Nebraska's chief
executive, and ulso closed the deal for
the purchase of the Milfgrd soldiers'
home. For the latter the board paid
813,000, and will use the other Sr.00 of
the appropriation to make needed re
-' 1
pairs. -
W. S. Cole, who is jointly charged
with Jesse Tooman with the murder
of .1. P. Kreichbaum, the farmer near
llloomington, was on the stand in his
own behalf: He told his story of the
events -as they occurred prior to and
nftor the murder. The main part of
bis testimony was an effort to prove an
alibi, and his story was generally cor
roborated by other witnesses. The
prosecution gut him badly tangled up
in the cross examination. Cole has a
jTeat many ady friends who talk and
h;ikc hand, with him at every oppor
tunity. t'alurdar, J air 1.
Conrad 'Schurbcr of Hartlngton was
fun over by a wagon kind of wheat
and several ribs were broken.
The iLcigh Creamery association has
leased its plant to the West Point
Creamery company far a term of five
The .1-year-old daughter of Charles
Hoyt of Cherry county drank indelible
ink and came near losing her life as
a result."
The mother of Charles Carleton, who
was sentenced from Dodge county for
murder, has petitioned the governor
.for his pardon.
"Mrs. II. C. Hltteiibonder of Lincoln
is in Chicago attending a council of
the Mercer heirs. An estate of 3200,
000,000 is the consideration, and Mrs.
Hlttcnbender was made chairman .of
the executive committee of the organ
ization. Monday, July II.
Governor Poyiiter received a cable
gram yesterday from Colonel Mulford
stating that tho First Nebraska had
bailed from Manila July 1.
The jury in the Cole case in llloom
ington declared Colo not guilty of being
an accomplice in the murder of J. I.
Kreichbaum last December.
Miss Lulu Uriels of Chester was bad
ly burned about tho face by the explo
sion of some gun shells which she ac
cidentally put in the stove with some
Hurt Kygcr, a workman iti the 12lk
horn railway yards at Fremont, had a
leg broken while unloading lumber A
brace was knocked out and tho lumber
fell on him.
Saturday Governor I'oynter made a
formal demand for the books and
records of the state Insurance depart
ment Auditor Cornell refused to turn
them over, apparently acting upon tho
advice of Attortey General Smyth.
Yesterday morning at Klmwood John
Harris shot and killed George Jones
and wounded Wm. Malone and Joe
Hart during a quarrel over a game of
cards. All parties are from St. Joe.
Harris was arrested.
Hughey Malloy, who lived with his
parents west of Fremont.was accident
ally shot while cleaning a shotgun
which he didn't know was loaded.
Tho load struck tho boy near the right
nipple and he lived but a short time.
A south-bound freight train was
wrecked on the Missouri Pacific road a
few mile south of Nebraska City and
eight or ten box cars smashed to
The various Hastings bucket shop
.proprietors were arrested on the charge
of violating the city ordinance rela
tive to gambling. The case was ad
journed until July a.
A suit for 815,000 damages has been
filed by John .Johnson against tho
Hammond Packing company of South
Onaha for injuries received through
carcleasesB on the part of the company
which resulted in permauent injury.
Tho court expenses in the Wntion ,
disbarment case at Nebraska City
amount to something like SI,M)U.
Wfrtnmday, duly n.
Ambition is a feeling that you want
to do something that you know you
John W. Moon, treasurer of Ashland
is missing. He leaves a shortage of
S'JiSOO. Efforts of the authorities to
locate him havo been fruitless.
George Gummerer of Stratum is in a
McCook hospital minus his left hand,
which was blown off by the bursting
of a shot gun .while celebrating tho
At Humboldt a gang of railroaders
got Into a quarrel, and in tho melee
Dick Saver hit Art Thompson on tho
head with a wagon spoke, inflicting an
injury that may prove serious.
lohn Harris, the man who shot Geo.
.lones at Hlmwood, has been found by
the corner's jury to be guilty of mur
der in the first degree and has been
bound oer to stand trial on that
During a heavy rain and elect rlcn'
storm at L'lysses, Victor and Ira Dob
son. John Am !s, of Ulysses, and Thos.
Hldwelland Herman Eagers of Lincoln
were killed by lightning. The party
were in a buggy.
Governor Poynler yesterday issued
tho two usual Fourth of July pardons
to convicts, tho fortuirito men being
Andrew Jackson, colored, sent up from
Lancattcr county in lSS'.i for thirty
years for murder, and Olo Anderson,
a life prisoner from Drown county for
At McCook Charles Traver had a
hand blown off and the' sight of one
eye destroyed, Willie ICilpatrick lost
a thumb, and Jack Went?, had his face
burned by the prematura explosion of a
camion. The accident was caused by
too frequent firing without cleaning
and not letting cannon cool.
Accident Near Fremont Which Ilenuln
Hughey Malloy son of Mr. and Mrs.
J, 0. Malloy, who HVe four miles west
of Fremont, accidentally shot himself.
Ho was cleaning a shotgun and did not
know it was loaded. A workman near
the young man was just remarking
that he thought tho gun was loaded
when it discharged. Tho load struck
young Malloy near the right nipple
and he lived but a short time.
Wanti Ileaiy Damage.
A suit for Sl.1,000 damages has been
Hied by John Johnson against the
Hammond Packing company on account,
of an accident that occurred at the,
South Omaha plant early in June.
Johnson says that it was his duty to
strip kkin from tho beeves after they
had lieen swung on the gambrels. On
this occasion the company had a fourteen-year-old
boy to make the incisions
under tho tendons and insert the gani-
Iwels and he asserts that the work was
carelessly done. As the plaintiff started
to strip the skin from the bullock one
of the gambrels pulled out nnd the
beef fell on him and forced his knife
through right arm above the elbow.
The brachial artery and tho medial
nerve was severed, causing a pcrma
nent injury.
War on ttie Hucket Shop.
The various Hastings bucket shopi
proprietors, three in number, were ar
rested recently, on complaint of Chief
of Police Martin, charging them with
violation of the city ordinances relat
ing to gambling. They appeared in
police court and took an adjournment
of their cases until July 5. They have
employed counsel, but an effort is be
ing made to effect a compromise,
whereby they may be permitted to
continue business on payment of ar
occupation tax of S-T per month.
Drank Indrttulo Ink.
The 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hoyt of Valentlne.Cherry
county, drank a bottle of indelible ink
and came near losing her life. The
accident happened at Hot Springs, S.
D., where tho parties arc spending the
summer. The little one was left in a
room alone and securing the bottle
drank the contents. When the par
ents returned shortly afterward, tho
girl was almost unconscious, and it
required hard vork to get her out of
her danger.
Wnnta u Full I'ardon.
The mother of Charles Carlton, who
was sentenced from Dodge county for
the murder of one Grothman, In 1803,
appeared before the governor last week
and presented u petition signed by over
1,000 citizens of Dodge county asking
for his pardon. Governor 'llolcoinb
commuted the sentence of Carlton,
which was the extreme penalty, to life
imprisonment, and now the application
is made for a full pardon
Hun Over by HI Team.
Conrad Schurber was knocked down
at llartlugton Saturday and run over
by a team of horses hitched to a load
of wheat. He was trampled upon by
the horses and the wagon passed over
his body, breaking several ribs and In
flicting intcral injuries. It is not known
whotSier he will recover or not.
Girl Dadly Ilurned.
At her home; Jn Chester Miss Lula
Uriels, aged fifteen-'yearrf, was "badly
burned about the face by an explosion
in the stove. She v-jut out to build a
fire and put some cobs Into the stove In
which there were, some No, la sholls.
As the fire Ignited tho shells exploded
shattering the stove and badly burn
ing tho girl. It Is not known how tho
shells came to be In tho basket.
Leather Railway Wheel.
Railway rails rnauo of leather have
been experimented with In Franr
TEREST. ft. Brief Summary of taenia In Which
1'eople are Ilrrply Int-rrtd Short
8nteurrt I'mitrylng n World of In
formation to Our Itrndrn.
Thursday, .June 211.
Heavy floods arc causing much dam
age in the vicinity of (Irceu Hay, Wis.
A negro rapist named Ollle Williams
was shot and killed by a mob near
Wakon, Tons.
At the Anlmosa, la., nenltentlary MM)
convicts refuse to work, claiming ra
tions are Insufficient.
Governor Jones of Arkansas has l&
sued a proclamation forbidding tho
importation of negro miners.
The United Norwegian Lutheran
Synod In session at St. Paul, Minn.,
unanimously adopted a resolution op
posing the army canteen.
Illinois farmers have entered pro
tests against the killing of cattle al
leged to be affected with tuberculosis.
They claim tho killing Is unwarranted.
At Foster, 11. I., Sadlo H. Matthew
son was murdered by her alleged par
amour, bauiucl Kowcns. It Is claimed
both were drunk. She was '.'(1, ho S7.
He was arrested.
The ICentucky state convention of
democrats completed Its state ticket
yesterday and adjourned, Oocbcl, the
gubernatorial nominee, completely
dominated the convention.
The Pennsylvania crew won the four
mile boat race at Poughkeepsle, N. Y.,
defeating Wisconsin by scarcely half a
length. The Wisconsin crow were
swerved out of their course Mil) yards
by a floating berry crate, otherwise
the race, might havo ended differently,
as the Wisconsin men were at that time,
in tho lead.
Friday, dune 30.
Failure to agree on the wage shedule
will shut up the tin plate mills.
The decomposed liody of Adolph Wels
was found in a corn Held near Staun
ton, 111.
hazard Frercs, of Now York, will
tomorrow ship 82,000,000 In gold' to
A case is up before the Colorado su
preme court to test the Icirtilltv of the
elgh-hour law.
Off Lorain, O , tho steamer Marga
ret Olwall foundered and nine of the
crew were drowned.
Jus. S. Hallinger, self-confessed mur
derer of his wife, was hanged In the
Dauphin county, Pennsylvania,
Wm. Woodrum, a prominent
goods man of Jefferson City, Mo.,
drowned while swimming in tho
souri river.
General Robert McCulloch of Cook
county. Mo., wants to succeed the late
Richard P: lilund as congressman trom
the Kjghth district.
Louis Hush of New York is In jail,
charged with smuggling 820,000 worth
of diamonds. They were found wrap
ped around his ankles.
At Now York, the coroner's jury de
clarcd-Mrs. Harry J. Kamsey was In
sane when she cut the throat of her
husband because he snored.
Mayor Ilalblrnic of Muskegon, Mich.,
was assassinated by J. W. Taycr, a dis
appointed ofllcesecker. Taycr then
swallowed carbolic acid, shot himsolf,
and died an hour or two later.
At Weathcrford, Okla., Alderman C.
11. Griffiths, a prominent, was
murdered by Dan Asliby. Ashby was
on a "bender" and determined to mur
der somebody. Griffiths was tho first
man he met.
At New London, Harvard won the
three boat races from Yale, the uni
versity eight, the irehman eight, and
the snbstlturo four defeating Ynlc In
succession. It has beeu eight years
since Harvard has defeated Yale.
August Hccker, tha Clilcajo butchcr
who murdered, dismembered and boiled
his wife that he could marry a girl
with whom he was Infatuated, may es
cape punishment because the indict
ment named Mrs. Heckcr as Elizabeth
when it should have been Therese.
Saturday, .Inly t,
A 5 a. m. today Captain Dreyfus had
not arrived at Uennes.
Mrs. E. D. N. Kouthworth. he novel
1st, died last night at her residence in
Near Calvert, Tex., tho bodies of
three negaoes havo been recovered
from the flood.
The rcclevershlp of the Haltlmorc &
Ohio railroad has ended and the road
has been turned over to tho stockhold
ers. The United States counsel at Salva
dor informs the state department that
yellow fever has made its appearance
The American Writing Paper com-
fany has been incorporated under tho
aws of New Jersey with a capital of
The Chicago Packing and Provision
company has shut down, deciding not
to operate Its plant until the strike is
Tod Sloan, the American jockey,who
assaulted a vyalter at a London restau
rant, settled the trouble by paying the
waiter 81,000.
Charles M. Murphv, a New York
wheelman, made a mfle on a bicycle in
fifty-seven and four-fifths seconds, bo
i ng" paced- by a locomotive.
White mountain grasshoppers have
aPPW?d In thj country about
Minneapolis, Minn., and threaten to do
damugei Drastic measures may be
taken'to'klH them off,
The. 1'oledo, O., lodge i of Elks will
erect a handsome Elk temple.
At , Tcrre,'JIk,ute Ind,4 John, Sage,
shot and.. killed William Gorvey for
striking a young woman.
It is said the president has given
General Otis to understand that he is
to haye all the men necessary in the
conduct of the operations against tho
The treaty confirming the agreement
of Februury 13. ceding the Caroline,
Pclew and Marlanoa islands to Ger
many, and the declaration granting
the most favored treatment from July
1, were signed at Madrid by Premier
Hilvela and the German ambassador
Count von Itadowitz.
Hooker, the Chicago wife murderer,
must stand trial, the judge holding h
cannot escape on the technicality 'that
the name of the wife was wrongfully
given in the Indict ment.
Fifteen of thotwcnty-oneeowfiwhloh
Mipply the milk to the Illinois soldiers'
and orphans' home at Normal, have
been killed, being affected with tuberculosis.
Nundn), .Inly ,
Yellow fever is dying out at
Chicago assumed control of the town
of Pullman yesterday.
Heavy loss of life Is feared Calvert,
Tex., on account of the big floods.
Trouble in the Chicago stock yards
continues unit a general strike la
Six hundred brick lavers are on a
strike at Hutlalo, N. Y., for higher
A man could make money with five
fingers if he didn't have ten for It to
slip through.
A young man named Thomas, aged
13, at Athens. Ala., killed his mothei
and sister. IhVls ut large.
John II. Moore, a spectator, was
killed by stray bullet during a fraeae
between white men and negroes at the
Pittsburg, Pa., steel mines.
Captain Dreyfus arrived at Kcnnce
at 0 a. m. Saturday and was at once
taken to the prison. Not much com
motion was made on his arrival His
wife saw him shortly afterward.
Union City. 111.. N in ashes. Union
minersassiiulted Ihenonunlon negroes,
who made a charge, drove the union
miners out of the town and burned It
down. Troops have been rushed to
the scene.
The White river Uncompahgre and
Uintah Utes are dancing at White
Hocks agency near Price, Utah. They
are about 2,000 strong, and the band
of which old Soxyoclo is the leadrr
numbers fully 1,000. They are camped
in a bunch about a tulle from tin
Monday, duly II.
liiots continue in Spanish towns and
the situation Is considered grave.
The estimated damage in the flooded
district In Texas foots up 81,000,000.
Lee Kirwln was shot and killed at
St. Louis by Henry Yankee, caused by
jealousy over Miss Annie Mayford.
The presence of troops at the scene
of the mining trouble In southern Illi
nois has brought a temporary ealin.
A collision of electric motors on the
street railway at Pittsburg. Pa.,
resulted in two men being killed and a
lurge number injured.
lllshop John P. Ncwnmn of tho M.
E. Church, is critically ill at his cot
tage at Saratoga, N. Y. He Is suffer
ing from paralysis and pueuinonia, and
his recovery is not likely.
Mrs. Tekla lia..yk, Auirusta and
Agnes Wcweski, crawled under a
freight car In Chicago to escape a rain.
A switch engine moved the car and thu
women were badly mangled.
A trial was made in Iluffalo at col
lecting mall witli an automobile, re
sulting in forty boxes In a territory of
six miles being collected in half the
time it takes a horse and wagon.
Tueiday, July 4.
lllshop Newman's condition docs not
Chas. llalllngton of Springfield, III.,
shot ami killed his wife while intoxi
The Spanish senate yesterday rati
fied tho treaty of peace between the
United States and Spain.
The situation in llelgiiim is very
grave, and as a result of the unrest the
monarchy may bo swept from exist
ence. At Camp Verde, forty miles west of
Prescout, Ariz., J. M. Rogers and Clin
ton Wingflcld were killed by masked
The acting governor of Illinois hat
been asked to recall the troops from
Cartervllle, 111., as the civil authorities
claim they are not needed.
Four neotlle wer( hurled nllv and n
number were Injured by the falling In '
of the walls of tho Western Panel I
Stock company's plant at Chleagc
which burned yesterday.
At Maishalltowii, In., Joseph Royka,
a ltohemiau, shot his wife, to whom
ho was recently married, nnd thon
shot hiinsrlf. He is dead, and his wifr
Is in a precarious condition.
Wednalduy, July A,
Cuban and Porto Rico towns cele
brated. J. O. Jones, ono of tho founders of
Terrc Haute, hid., aged 88, died yes
terday. The floods along the Hrnzos river in
Texas are getting worse, and thu gov
ernor hus been appealed to.
Matthieu Dreyfus, brother of Captain
Dreyfus, was yesterday allowed to sec
the prisoner.
William J. Hryan addressed an enorm
ous and enthusiastic crowd at th
lturnsvllle, Ga., Chautauqua yesterday.
One body, that of Miss Josie Doyle,
has been recovered from the ruins of
the Western Paper company at Chica
go. At a point eight miles west of Lead
vllle, Col., nine persons were injured
in a wreck on the Denver t Rio (J ranch
Senator Cullom, who delivered the
4th of July oration at Morris, Illinois,
sprained his back and bruised hit
thigh in falling down the stairs of the
At Hi. Louis, Eugene Donnelly, clerk
for Wm. Miller, a votinc irrocer. shot
nnd killed Mrs. Miller, fie stooped and jumped from the second ttory win
kissed her lips, warned the husband dows. Seven woro injured, not dan
not to follow him, ana made his es
cape. It Is believed he was infatuated
with his employer's wife.
Monater I.ake of neer.
The beer which la ce ed
throughout tho world In a single year
would make a lake "6 feet deep, 3
miles long, a mile wide, or 2,319 acred
In flfan Tn 4fila tinat tatA nf tm wn
In area. In this vast lako of beer wo
could easily drown all the English
speaking pec pie, to tho number of
120,000,000, throughout tho entlro
world; or vc could give a beer bath
to every man, woman and child at the
tame tlmo In the entlro continent of
America, while all the peoplo of Eng
land, Scotland, Ireland and Frano
could And standing room on Us bed.
His Counsel Tells tho Prisoner the
Events of His Exilo,
Until Mnndiy t tin dtptsln Knew Nothing
of Whitt llnppetied In Fritnrn He l
tu ltrttor lltntlh Thin Witt F.iparleil
l.y llli rrlcnilt.
Hn.NNKR, France, July .V Maltro
Laborl and Maltro Dcmaiige, counsel
for Captain Dreyfus, who had a long
conference, with Mine. Dreyfus yester
day, visited Dreyfus In tho military
prison at 10 o'c'ock this morning.
The permit for tho lawyers to outer
tho prison boro tho inscription!
"Tenth Army Corps, Tribunal of tho
Court Martial Permit to bo available
until the d.iy Is delivered.
"Monsieur , counsel of the
court of appeals, Is authorized to com
municate with Captain Dreyfus, whom
ho Is charged to defend. Major Car
rlere. "
This was the tlrst time M. Domange,
the defender of Droyfus at tho court
martial of 18U4, and Dreyfus had seen
eaoh other sluco tho sentence. M.
Luborl became, famous from tho wsy
in which he conducted tho c.iso of
Emtio Zola.
On entering tho room M. Dcmaugc
and Dreyfus threw themselves into
eaoh other's arms. For some tlmo
neither was able to utter a word.
Dreyfus, when able to speak, thanked
M. Domango for his dovotod sei vices.
M. Damage then prcsintcd M. La
borl, who had beeit a silent spectator.
Dreyfus clasped M. Laborl's hand, In
a choking volco expressing the deep
est gratltu lo for tho splendid manner
In which M. Laborl had championed
hi1 cause.
Domingo And Ltborl then gave tho
prisoner a general review of all which
has happened slnco Dreyfus was scitt
to Devil's Island. Dreyfus explained
that ho knew nothing but what was
contalnod In the voluiuo which M. La
borl had scut him, giving an account
of the proceedings of tho court of cas
sation In im.
Domango an I Laborl then left.
They wero both greatly Impressed
with tho nppearanco of Dreyfus. They
declared that both physically and
mentally ho was in much better
health than they had anticipated.
As to Dreyfus' reported loss of
speech, tho prison doctor, Hamon,
says: "Ho has tho full power of
speech, but his words conio a little
slowly, because for more than four
years ha has been a prisoner, and
prisoners aro not allowed to excrclso
their faculty of articulation. For tho
namo reason his memory Is a little
slow to work. Hut In two or threo
weeks, with inducements to exert
thoso neglected faculties, ho will
speak and remember as well as any
III! Sleitrtffet From Amarlov
Nkw Yoiut, July 5. A dispatch
from Rcnnos, Franco, says a tablo In
Dreyfus' cell is covered with messages
of congratulation, many of thorn from
Americans, Including governors of
states. Tho evidences of American
rejoicing Improls him more than all
olsc, but tho impression Is of dazed
amazement. Ho has not grown ac
customed to fame.
Imprisonment is not mado hard for
him. liy orders of tho government
tho prison rulos havo been rolaxcd in
his favor. This was why Mmo Drey
fus was allowed to see him again yas
tcrday, and to stay with him an hour.
Morcovrr, she Is allowed to provide
him with food at discretion, a wo
mauly ministration in which she
takes tho keenest dullght.
General Ilufllnfton It Experimenting to
loipruve the Kr4jr-Jor2men. I
Wabhinoton, July A. Important'
modifications of tho sights of the
Krag-Jorgenscn army rlflo aro being"
made under tho direction of Hrlgadlcr
General liufllngton, chief of ordnance.
Ho has advlsod a light sight, whloh
will enable a marksman to nlm di
rectly at tho bullseyo of his targot In-
j stead of at a point in tho lower loft
hand corner.
Tho army is also experimenting
with a rimless cartridge, and is meet
ing with fair success. Until thoso ex
periments aro concluded tho navy will
not chango tho caliber of its rlflo to
that of tho army weapon.
Bevoral I'oraone In' ired and Three
Mhilnjr In Chicago Flro.
Cmctflo, July 5. Tho factory of
tlie Western i'aper htoclc company at
Fourteenth street and Indiana nvcnuo
I cauht flro th, morn,D nn
," ,,, , . .wi,,i.. .ii.,.
flaine" &a,na ,0 """ that
d ttio
a gen
eral alarm was sent in.
Twentyflve girls employod in tho
factory found escape cut off and
gerously, and threo men are reported
miuuig. At noon too names were
under control.
Cole VUIU Kenuedy In Jail.
SrniNOFiKU), Mo., July . Jamcf
Cole, of Kansas City, who has been
attorney for John Kennedy, tho train.
robber, in several cases, Is hero as at
4xrwi nx 1.A l... 1.1 sit
torney for tho train robber. Colo
called at tho jail and had a long talk
wltK Kennedy regarding bond.
Another Car of Negro Miner In Kama.
Wtm City, Kan , July 5 At half
past 10 o'clock this morning a St.
Louis & han Francisco special train
brought another carload of negroes to
Kansas and Texas mine No. 23.
(liiftlitldl MrltnviH frith til In nnd ItnputM
Ileum rthniil I I'nlto.
IloMn, July ft. It will bo remem
bered that at the banquet to commem
orate tho tuttlo of Dijon, at which a
son of tuo Italian hero took a chair,
General Rlcelottl Garibaldi made a
speech, In which, alluding to tho pres
ent situation in Italy, he spoko of tho
probability of an alliance between
tho Catholics ami Republicans for tho
purposo of overturning tho monarchy.
Tho speech therefore produced
something of a sensation, ami wai
very keenly discussed An under
standing between the Republican and
Catholic parties would Inevitably
bring about tho fall of tho House of
Gavoy within a short time.
General Rlcelottl Garibaldi Is about
to start for America, and I was anx
ious to obtain from his own lips a few
hints as to the policy of which ho In
dicated tho malu lluov
"Do you think," I askod, "that If
your father wcro stilt in tho world ho
would enter into tho political vlows
which you proclatmod nnd lund him
solf to tho agreement with tho Cath
olics for revolutionary ends?"
"I don't doubt It," replied the Gen
eral, "for my father always took tho
shortest road to attain tho Ideal at
which ho aimed. My fathor, though
at one moment ho seconded tho ambi
tions of tho Hotiso of Savoy, none tho
less remained radically and thorough
ly Republican.
"To-day, purcatvlnjf that tho pres
ent monarchy Is played out In Italy,
ho would strive In order to found a
republic to suit all tho forces whloh
might contribute to that result.
"You may bo sure that with that
end in view ho would not rofmo to
seek tho nld of tho Catholic party.
Tho papacy has no Interest in perpot
uuthijf the existing situation, from
whloh there is no issue.
"It cannot condemn Itself to llvo
forever hi a state of hostility with thu
established power, yet It cannot rec
oncile Itself with tho monarchy which
bears the Inherited burden of usurpa
tion, of which tho papacy considers it
is still thu victim.
"It must therefore desire tho estab
lishment of another form of govern
ment with which it could negotiate a
modus vivendl.
"Now, In Italy, apart from tho
monarchy, no form of government Is
possible except republican. Tho con
clusion Is evident that tho aim nnd
Interests of tho republican democracy
and tho Catholic party aro Identical.
My uniting they can hasten the reali
zation of a desire which they havo in
Ilelclura Still In Grave Danger From
the loelallila.
lliiusHKi.B, July :. There is still ft
feeling of alarm In government clr
clcs. llclgium faces an impending;
revolution, tho outbreak of whicli
was only provcntcdJast week hy tho
action of tho king tt""plncutln7?"tla
Socialists. Tho lL-lglutn Socialist is
a dangerous character to trifle with,
and that following, now regarding
themselves as tho victims of an
attempted confldonco trick, will ac
cept nothing but universal franchise.
Should this not bo granted, there Is
likely to bo bloodshod and revolution
In earnest. King Leopold Is moro oc
cupied with his prlvato pleasures and
tho Congo schemes, from which tho
largsst part of his Income is derived,
than with internal affairs. Ho now
finds his kingdom In a stato of chaos.
Mlsgovcrnmcntha? gono from bad to
worse, and, as In Franco, tho reaction
la duo to clerical intrigue. Their
manipulation of M. Van dor Peorc
booin's electoral bill would practically
havo dtsonfranchiscd tho cities and
left all power with tho Roman Cath
olio farmers.
Former Jupaneie l'remler H.iyi Tartl-
tlon Ii Only a Queitlon or Time.
( Tacoma, Wash., July 5. Marquis
Ho, former premier of Japan, in a re
cent nddress declares his tirm belief
that partition of China among tho
powers of Europo is only a question
of time. Ho ay: "What Japan de
sires, both for her own sako and China,
Is that China's integrity should bo
preserved, and that sho should become
progressive. Hut It must bo confessed
that China has fallen Into a condition
offering little hopo of these things be
ing accomplished, I think wo shall
soon find ourselves separated from tho
countries of Europo by only a narrow
strip of water, Japan must talco
steps for her own protection, making
every effort to maintain a' rate of pro
gress equal to that of countries by
which sho will bo confronted."
Official Japan believes Ito tn bo
right, ho having recently visited China
on a tour of inspection.
The rolleeman FounJ Wealth In Alaika.
Vascouvkii, H. C, July, 5. Tcho
ntcamor Teas arrived last evening
from the Northwest wU.h a largo
party of returning Dawson inlncri
Wallace Haywood, a sergeant of local
police, brought ;out 851,000 'in gold'1
duaU Eight others had heavy boxes
of tho precious mo tab. Captain Gosse
reported 81,00d,010 on board.
The National Oolf MatcliM.
Ciucaoo, July 6. Tho fifth annual
championship tournament- of . tho
United States Golf! asgoolntiqn opened
at tho Onwontsla club' links at Lako
Forest, near Chicago, this mornlnir
with Walter MoIClttrlck of ).ho Lake
Forest Golf club and- 1'holps HrllpVi-
of tho
u onview lion ana Polo 'club
on ior tuu ursL quaiiryisgi
Thoy wero followed1" evij
few minutes by the 10!i other aspir
ants for championship honors in' the
order In which thoy wero paired 'off.