The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 07, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BED CJ,(H7n CUTTCF, FRTDAV, .TTLY 7, 1890.
1 Jk i
J (tijpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff1
Dlckery. dlckery, dock.
The hands go 'lound the clock,
A t half pan twelve thoy'ro clearly seen,
' But misty net by three fifteen.
Thoy both at six o'clock are trim,
At nlno one't bright and t'other dim,
Dlckery. dlckery dock.
What Is wrong with the clock? J
Tho eyes are wrong, the clock's all right
'Til tho homely tent of a crooked sight.
W niekcrv, dlckery, dock. J
The ability tosee lines clearly In one dlrec- !
tlon, whllo recti but dimly In another, Is an J
f unfailing sign of astigmatism, one of the J
most acrious forma of eye trouble. Wo cor- J
J recfall forms of astigmatism. J
Newhousc Bros.,
J Jewelers and Opticians. J
J Urlng us your Watch, Clock and Jewelry
J work, Wc do the best work. :
Curtains at cost at Taylor's.
Everything at cost at Taylor's.
Bluo grass seed at Mitchell Bros.
Drink Cberryen at the Star Bakery.
Take your harness repairing to Fogcl
and Hutchison.
The Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean
one year for 81.25.
Have you teen that lino Hue of nets
and dusters at J. O. Butler's.
Mrs. CI) as. Milligau of Oxford is hero
visiting friends and relatives this week.
Jay Olney and wife and Miss Helen
Roby left Wednesday on a trip to De
troit, Michigan.
Superior furniture nnd piano luster
lor sale by F. P. Hadley, Maufacturcd
by Red Cloud Luster Co.
Ed. Smith and wife of Norton,;
Kansas, were here this week visiting
with J. H. Smith and family.
Miss Trix Mixer who has been attend
ing tho Chicago Musical college return
ed home last Saturday evening.
Married, on Saturday evening, July
:9th, by Rev. L. A. Hussong at his resi-
donce, Mr. Henry DeLong and Malin
da J. Galbrith.
Special Sale, commencing Jtlne 10
and ending Juno 24, on fly-nets and
dusters. Special prices on nets and
dusters during this sale. J. O. Butler.
On account of the increase in travel
Uo Black Hills resorts the Burlington
baa put on a new sleeper between
Lincoln and Hot Springs, South Da
'kota. At the meeting of the city council
last night a committee of three was
appointed to arrange for the building
of a brick flue at the the water works
to be fifty feet tall.
v What might have been" if that little
cough hadn't been neglected is the
-sad reflection of thousand of consump
tives. Ono minute Cough Cure cures
coughs and colds. C. L. Ootting.
Dr. F. E. McKceby and George
Ovetiug who nitidis an overland trip of
ubout a month duration to tho homo of
Dr. G.E. MoKcoby, Guthrie, Oklahoma
roturned homo tho last of the week.
Work on the telephone system has
4 again been delayed on account of tho
delay in i ecoving the wire to attach tho
receiveis with, As soon as this comes
nnd this part of the work is dono the
system will bo in running order.
3 Causes sweet sleep, restores
a faded looks, lightens weary 3
minds and builds up the 3
3 body. It braces; it gives 3
you vim and bounce. 3
Furniture at cost at Taylor's,
"Racket" store, Moon block.
Hummock's at cost at Taylor's.
Harness of all kinds at Kogel nnd
Chris Ravser Is now switching In the
yards here.
SfP W. W Wl'tcrM's llnnnf onnl-ln
stoves and ranges.
Quench your thirt with Cherrvon
at tho Star bakery.
Mrs. E. J. Ducker left Mondav morn
ing on a visit to Lincoln.
THE CHIEF nnd thn PMnncrn Intni-.
Oooan ono year for 11.25.
Sen thn finn linn nf rnnlra mill riM.i
handled by W. W. Wright.
Frank Anson of Hastinflrs was a Red
Cloud visitor on tho Fourth.
If VOll wnnt nnvMilnir In Mm lint-noon
lino see Fogol anil Hutchison.
C. D. McMillan camo down from
Geneva and spent tho Fourth here.
Insiirn with thn Pnnnavlvania l'li-n
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
Georgo W. Dow and wifo loft Wmlnns.
daymornlugfor a trip to the ruoun.
Mrs.L.S. Wilson after a visit with
relatives in Iowa returned homo Mon
day morning.
R. B. Fulton returned Sundav from
a visit' of several wcoks at Cripplo
Creek, Colorado.
Largest lino of nets and dusters in
tho Republican valley at the lowest
prices. J. O. Butlek.
Mrs Harry Goblo of McCook arrived
in tho city Sunday morning on a visit
with the family of F. E. Goblo.
R.H.Parker, of Craig, Missouri has
been here for several davs past visitinc?
with his brother Will and othor frionds.
C. F. Evans has moved his socond
hand storo to tho old rookery on tho
corner of Webster street and Fourth
W. H. McKimmey, and children of
Norton, Kansas, firmer residents of
Lester wero visiting friends hero tho
hrst of tho week.
U A n iMntrtfrl (n aIaa m.l la.-il
kia.iiJK uvliuuii i unj.ii; (ill l m J uuai-
Mnn !m Un nil, t 0AH ... ..llH. .4..1.
ini.ia iii iiiia viijr i iiuur my flllliu biuuk
ui iuruiuiit.-,i;i'i ihm, curtains anu wan
pnpur in. uusfc. r. v.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp Elston, Mo.
writes: "Ono Minute Cough Cure saved
tho life of our little boy when nearly
dead with croup. C. L. Cotting.
If our readers want a cooking Btovo
or range thov should look over tho lino
kept by W. W. Wright. Thoy have as
good an assortment as can be found in
Omaha. '
MargueritoCrans.who has been mak
ing her homo with tier sister Miss Ma
bol Cornell, at Tablo Rock, arrived in
tho city Wednesday night on a visit
with J. D. Crans and wife.
DeWitt's Little Early risers benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pain or
weakness, permanently curing constip
ation and liver ailments. O. L. Cotting.
Miss Johanna VanPiUum of Pella,
Iowa, has been elected as assistant
principal of the higk school here. The
young lady is now taking a summer
course of instruction in the University
of Chicago.
I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in my family for years and
with good results, says Mr. W. B,
Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small
children we findjit especially effective."
tor sale by H, E.Grico.
The little ton-yoar-old child of A.
Jacobs got tho lingors of her loft hand
badly mangled in a food outtor at tho
homo of Goo. Hollistor on Wednesday.
Drs. Croighton and Moranvillo wero
called in and amputated tw.o of tho in
juretl members,
Tho Goshen Indiana Daily Timo has
the following to say in regard to a
former well known boy of this city; A.
P. Howard has received his permanent
appointment in tho postal service
which is accompanied by an increase
of salary. Previous to this timo his
appointment was only probationary.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllcoat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending July Oth,
Albln, Ward Milligan, Mrs. S. A.
Miller, Joel Mcllonry, James
Munford, J. R. Simpson, Lloyd
Smith, Win, Wanington, J. A,
These letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter ofllco July 20ih, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M
Tho Fourth of July celebration in
this city passed off quietly and nothing
of a serious naturo pcourred to mar
the pleasures of the day. A largo
crowd of pooplo from, over tho county
were hero and whllo the program was
not up to expectations as advertised
the peoplo scorned to enjoy themselves,
On account of Capt. Underwood not
being able to arrive on timo G. R.
Chancy acted as orator of tliu day.
After dipt. Underwood's arrival ho
made a pleasant and interesting talk
Tho bowery was a largo attraction and
was crowded until a Into hour.
The Chief ei 00 per year.
Carpots at cost at Taylor's.
Wall paper at cost at Taylor's.
Fresh bulk garden seeds. Mitchell
Ed. Pulsipher of Hastings was here
this week.
Will Ktiohn left Wednesday for atrip
to Kansas City.
For hand made harness no to FjeoI
and Hutchisons.
All kinds of useful articles at tho
Racket store, Moon block.
Sco tho "American" hog fenco at
Mitchell Bros. Best on earth.
Mrs. Robert Btirkloy and her sister
left Thursday morning for Missouri.
A. A. Peak and wife of Franklin wero
hero thin week visitiug with old friends.
Will Yoisor was down from Oxford
visltinp with tho folks hero tho last of
tho week.
A gentleman of color has been in tho
city for several days past engaged in
blacking shoes and dancing.
George Hcffcrn,' of Grand Rapid,
Michigan was looking after business
matters in the city this week
Georgo McCail and mother of Guldo
Rock wero visiting with tho family of
James Petorson the first of the week.
James Bouron who has been making
a several weeks visit at his former old
home In Kansas returned to this city
tbo last of tho week.
There will bo a preaching scrvico in
charge of Rov. F. W. Doan after Sab
bath' school next Sunday in tho Win.
Dickson district. Everyono Invited.
Don't buy a range or cooking stove
until you examine tho line kept by W.
W. Wright. They arc of tho latest
pattern and built to do good cooking
and save fuel.
Charley Dickcrsun after spending
a few days with Ills parents horo return
ed Wednesday .morning to Lincoln
whoro ho is in tho employ of tho
Beatrlco Creamery Company.
W. E. Garrison, Chris Fasslcr, Chas.
Conrad and Peter Morton of Bluo
Hill 'wore hero yesterday. Their visit
hero is said to havo been of a political
naturo and certain populist ofllco
holders are now on the anxious seat.
Thomas Rhoad, Centcrfiold, Ohio,
writes: 1 suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No romedy gave mo relief
until DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo, less
than a box of which permanently cured
mo. Soothing, healing perfectly harm
loss. Beware of counterfeits. C. L.
Having been wrongly informed we
stated in our write-up of tho Rosomont
case in last week's issno that some of
tho goods wero found in tho possession
of Peto Nelson. Having found out
sinco that we were in error wo make
this correction as we do not wish to
havo Mr. Nelson to suffer on account
of it.
Its Easy
To Take
I Thin, pale, anaemic girls
need a fatty food to enrich $
m their blood, give color to $
ft &
their cheeks and restore their j
health and strength. It is
safe to say that they nearly
1 all reject fat with their food, f
; 1
! is exactly what they require ? ! !
j it not only gives them the inv ;
portant element (cod-liver oil) ! !
in a palatable and easily di-! !
j gested form, but also the hypo-
phosphites which are so valua-
ble in nervous disorders that
j usually accompany anatmia. ; ;
! ' fatty food that is more easily !
1 1 digested than any other form ; ;
of fat. A certain amount of! !
' ! flesh is necessary for health.
You can get it in this way. ; (
We have known per-
sons to gain a pound a t
1 1 day while taking it.
() Joe. ndfi.oo, ill druggists, ib
I SCOTT i BOWNE, Chemists, Ntw York.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Arum baking powder are the greatest
mcfucers to health of the present day.
oi lAxiwa rowtus eg, new voon.
J. A. Hosmer was visiting with his
brother hero this week.
A fine baby bey arrived at the homo
of . J. linker this week.
Will Mitchell aud wifo havo been
visiting friends at McCook.
Arch Martin of Hastings was visiting
with his parents hero this week.
Daniel Uurbor leaves today for a
trip to Colorado Springs and Denver.
Uoorgu Hadoll of St. Joo was here
this week visiting frionds and relatives.
Jack Haves and wifo wore among
tho visitors from Guldo Rock on tho
W. G. Black of Galcsburg, Illinois,
was here this week looking after laud
Miss Nelliu Clark and sister Gracio
of Oxford visited with friends here
this week.
Mr. Bower uf Fulton county, Illi
nois, was hero this week looking up a
land deal with D. J. Myers.
Miss Lucy Garbor returned Saturday
night from a several months stay
with her sister Cora in Chicago.
W. B. Ulaino and family who havo
been veiling with T. K. Penman and
wifo havo returned to their homo at
Tomplo, Texas.
Charley;iluscho w formerly of this city
now of Colby, Kansas, accompanied
by his daughter, stopped off In tho city
on Monday whllo on his way to Bluo
Mrs. Jerry Baker camo in from tho
east last night on her way homo to
Oberliu, Kansas, and stopped off to
visit with L B. Mauniug south of tho
August Roats mado a shipment of
twelve cars of fat cattle, 283 head in
all, to Kansas City Wednesday. Wo
understand ho recoived 85.80 per hun
dred for thorn.
A very ploasant partv was sriven to
tho young friends of Boyd Smith last
rid ay night in honor of Miss Bohanan
who has been horo visiting with E, II.
Smith and family.
Pure, clean blood and a healthy liyor
result from the use of DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills
They cure constipation, biliousness
and headache. C. L. Cotting.
We vrjah thore having charge of the
advertising of entertainueats would
read our advertising rates on page 4.
We haven't so far been able to exchange
compimentary tickets to entertain
ments in payment of our paper account.
Tho wind storm of Wednesday eve
ning did considerable damage, blowing
down quito a number of wind mills.
Tho largo barn of Jos. Polnicky on his
farm north of town was partially
moved from its foundation and pretty
badly wrecked. It was Insured for
$350. Tho barn of a neighbor was also
moved from its foundation. Consider
able damago by hail is also reported
from several localities.
Captain Underwood, lato of Co. I,
Third Nebraska voluntcors was in tho
city on the Fourth. He is an English
man by birth but is proud or his
adopted country and thinKS tbo United
States is tho greatest country on tho
globe. Ho is woll educated, a fluent
conversationalist and has aeon con
siderable of tho world. He was the
recipient, as a birthday present, of
a lino sword prosonted by Co. I, which
bo prizes highly.
Our baby has been continually
troubled with colic and cholera Infan
tum slnco his birth, aud ull that wo
could do for him did not soom to givo
Aiorothcn temporary reliof, until we
tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. Sinco giving
that remedy ho has not been troubled.
We want to givo you this testimonal as
an ovidenco of our gratitude, not that
you need it to advertiso your meritor
ious remedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk,
Iowa. For sale by II. E. Grice.
A little incident occurred on tho
Fourth hero which causod considerable
commont, and while wo had no inter
est in tho matter one way or the other,
it was brought forcibly to our minds
thuttho city authorities havo a pe
culiar Idea of their own as to the right
or wrong of things. A cripplo, who
had to bo whuolcdarouud In an invalid
v...V.. ,v.. ,v- ..:., .:.,. :.:.
Hot Weather Clothtoj
PANTS, 25c to $1.50.
SUITS FOR MEN, $2.25 to $7.50.
Everything a person needs to keep them
Gouiden-Kaley dotting Go.
chair, sought out tho parties who had
charge of the issuing of license ami
obtained permission after paying his
license to run a gamo of chance on tho
street. After having gotten well start
ed somobody mado complaint and ho
was given back his license money nnd
his gamo was stopped. Remember, as
wo said before, this man was a cripplo
and took this method of obtaining
money to enable himself to live. Wo
have before stated our attitude on the
matter of gambling in our city, and wo
are not against it, but we are against
favoritism. If our city is going to be
rua on the moral plan well and good,
but we do not want to see this idea
aimed only in certain quarters. If it is
wrong for this poor cripple to run a
game of chance where fifteen cents is
at stake it is wrong for a game of pok
er to be run in some back room where
the stake is larger. This cripple paid
a liconso to run his gamo while the
othor fellows do not pay a cent. A'
gamo of chance where the stako is five
cents worth of chewing gum is gamb
ling just as much as where 1I10 stako is
live conts in coin. There is a policy
in this town to deprive some parties
of privileges whoro In other quarters
the use of tho same privilcgo is winked
School Board Meeting.
At a regular meeting of the school
board held in tho ofllco of the secretary
tho members present wero T. C. Hack
er, chairman, F. G. Turnure, Henry
Cook.S. Beckwith, L. II. Fort and C.
B. Crone.
Minutes of tho last meeting wero
read and approved,
Goo. J. Warron prosonted to tho
board a petition signed by patrons of
tho fifth room in tho Socond ward ask
ing tho board to reconsider their action
in tho selection of a teacher for said
room and replaco Mrs, Baum back as
teacher in said room,
G. W. Dow mado annual report as
school treasurer as follows to-wit:
Ilnlancc on hnutt Jul)' 1U, 1MH .. .........I 1'J !ii
Saloon license. I0U) 00
Flues ... it) 00
County Treasurer -.......,.. M18 'J7
Tuition ....... ................. JWT47
Total .
Total uath on hand July 1, 1890...
Paid out -
..16380 00
..0860 18
llalatice on hand-.... ... ai 78
Unpaid warranta registered.. ....... .....:W07 77
Unpaid warrant July 1, 1898. 3910 8T1
Tho committeo appointed to nettle
with the treasurer reported that books
wero found to bo corrent nnd in ac
cordance with treasurer's report.
Miss Johanna Van Pilstim of Pella,
Iowa, was elected as assistant princi
pal. The clerk was authorized to contract
with all of the teachers hired for the
coming year except Miss Skjelvcr aud
:..,'.:.: -jM!W ' SUV I&itf.m
m ',!
r. :
to contract with her for tho falMertu
Moved ond carrlod that tho school
shall open September 4th, 1809, with a
term of sixteen wooks, ending Decem
ber 22, with a vacation of two weeks.
Second term commences January 8th,
1800, with a term of ten weeks, ending
March 10th, with one week's vacation.
Third term to commence March 23,
with a ton week's torm ending June
In the matter of tho petition present
ed by ttao. J. Warron and othors, mo
tion made, seconded and carried that
petition be laid on table.
The following claims wire allowed
and clerk ordered to draw warrants
for same.
O. W. Dow, expenaea a 9 09
Ia 0. Fort, aalarr. noitarc. atn t ait
Mabal Howard, senrlcea . 1 00
Board then adjourned.
The following program has been ar
ranged for tho musical concert to b
given at tho opora house next Thurs
day evening, July 13th.
taut 1.
l'lnno solo, "1 rutltanl" . Leybacli
Ml Mabel Howard,
Solo, "Kor Till" UeKoven
WhlMllug nolo ......Sclccled
Mm. I'.A. Welti.
Solo,"Hobollnk" Jlliclioff
Mlii Mlzer.
Mandolin and Guitar Duet ..........Salected
Memri MoUrlde and McNIlt.
Solo, "Lleto Slgnorl" from tue opera "Hu-
guenota" Myerbeer
MUi Mlier.
(Thla waa mug by MIm silier at tho contcit In
Chicago where alio rocclved the gold medal.)
I'AitT ir.
I'lauo kolo, "Carnival of Venice".... Melnotto
Mla Florence Cotting.
Solo, "Protctatlom".., ...... .....NorrU
Mlii Mlzer.
With Violin Obllgato by Mlts Margaret Miner.
Piano Duet, "Sulto do Landlera". Andrea
Mlsaea Alice and CJrace Coomba.
Solo, "Mia Picclrulla" Gomea
MI11 Miter
Heading........ Selections from Hlley
K. W. Dean.
SoIo,"Love'a Sorrow"..-..., Shelby
Mils Mlzer.
Prices of admission !5o and 35c. Re
served seats on salo at Cotting's.
Big Bargains In Choice Farms.
I havo for sale within two miles of
Red Cloud about 1000 acres choice im
proved farms of 80 acres or more, vorv
cheap on favorable terms. These lands
must bo sold regardless of price. Come
and see mo for bargains in land.
F. E. Goble.
Examination Notice.
Regular examinations for porso
desiring to tench in Webster county
are held in the Miporlntondont's oflloe
at Red Cloud, the third Saturday in
each mouth.
Eva J. Cask, County Supt.