The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 07, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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AwVSi-t-fV4'iiWiii.vrtr'e WcjKrf'. '
"i4 Gefe WtW
of Western Birth
Tells no sweeter story to humanity than
the Announcement that the health-giver
and health-bringer. Hood's Sarsaparilla,
telts of the birth of an era of good health.
It is the one reliable specific for the cure
of All blood, stomach and liver troubles.
&C(CS SaUafymi
Out year...
Ill months
Soterod t the post office at Hod Cloud, Nob. as
second class mall matter.
Local advcrtlslnit; 6 cents icr line per Imiic.
Local Advertising for cnterialnmsiits, con
tens, socials, etc., ftlren br churches, charitable
saddle a, etc, where all moneys mined there
from are lined wholly for church or charitable
socle lies, Oral ten lines free and all over ten
lines 3) rent per line per Inane.
Local advertising of entertainment, concert,
recital, etc, where per cent la given to pro
ten, i centa per line per Issue.
DtarLar AuranTtsiNo.
tine celuran per taontli ............... .......! 0)
One balf column per month ........ 3 K)
One fourth column per moiilli... 1 73
General display advertising till cents per
Inch per Issue.
ana Thing that Disturb tha Household
Every hoitflcltccpcr known that it It
Dot tho steady routine work which
goes on day after day, with variations
of incidental company and incidental
extra work of various kinds, that
breaks down the health and temper.
In tho harmonious home, and thcra
re thousands of such happy homes
throughout tho land, each member of
tho family contributes u sliuru uf work
to the comploto whole.
The things that exhaust the patience
nnd leave a powerful impress finally,
like drops of water on -tho hard rock,
wearing out nervous strength and pa
tience, are tho" unexpected. There
seems to bo certain individuals so con
stituted that they can not conform to
the routine ways of any home. They
Invariably tangle up tho work by go
ing on in an individual way of
their own, rcgnrdlcss of the con
venience of all other members of tho
household. Tho hour for breakfast
may be hottlcd for all the rest, but not
for them. In all sorts of unexpected
ways they manage to Interfere with
the routine of tilings, and actually
make double work for overyonu else
There aro some housekeepers who
have no idea of system, who aro hard,
drudging workers, forever cleaning
and grubbing over floors nnd pantries
that ought to bo kept clean. Hustle
Bnd noise art) not.rmrts of n irnod hnuso
eepcrswork. '1 lie wheels of motion
In a well-kept house move so nolslcssly
that no one is nwaro that there is a
system in all that goes on, unless it be
by the sense of quiet and peace pro
vailing over everything. It Is
Jnst this quiet atmosphere which
the undisciplined person falls to
appreciate. Yet there can be no
home without serious breaks in
omfort where there is no thorough
iBYitcm, disguised though it maybe;
ad tha ignorant person wonders why
verythlng seems to bo in perfect order
without say display of extraordinary
work. The reason is that the work U
11 done at as appointed time, and aa
extra effort Is made if there is to be
extra work.
The housekeeper who is systematic
foes aot attempt to do more than she
an. She refuses to do unnecessary
work which she is sure can not be ac
complished without hurry and confu
Ion, and which will put back neces
sary work. It requires cool judgment
to estimate this, and some independ
ence to accomplish It. When every
other woman In the village has joined
new society, It seems churlish to re
fuse to do so, yet the systematic house
keeper must sometimes refuse if It In
terferes with necessary work nt home.
In general It will be found that she
does moro for the church and for tho
other objects in tho vlllugo because
her time is so arranged that bho has
more to spare.
The family Hewlng-busket la not al
lowed to got beyond hor needle. The
old maxim, "A stitch In time saves
nine," Is carefully heeded, and the
mending is lessened. Tho systematic
woman keeps nu account-book and
knows to a penny what t ho expendi
tures are, and she docs not go beyond
them. She Is not subject to untoward
accidents, like the upsetting of lamps,
the overturning of china, and thoso va
rious mishups that try tho patience, be
cause she Iscareful. The whole socret of
her system lies In her care of little
things. And because of this very care
ahe Is saved much of tho labor of more
negligent women.
Nothing is so wearisome and so wear
ing to the nervous system as the irrita
tion arising from want of system aud
general haphazard methods of house
keeping. It is truth, not Action, that
Indolent people always work the
hardest. They never find what they
are in search of. They make all man
ner of work which of necessity they
are compelcd to take care of. N. Y.
Flower Plants for Sale.
Flowers consisting of India Rubber
Tiee, Silk Oak, Palms, Hibiscus, Ger
aniums, Swansonia, Fusehlas, Flower
ing Begonias and Box Begonias, Colons,
black, white anil spotted Calla Lilys,
Pusslfloras or Passion Vino and Made-
ria vines, For sale at stoio,
Mus. Hl'.NUV Diedkhich,
P. 0. Box 150, Red Cloud, Neb.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
lly local application?, us they cannot
reach tlm dlsciiTd portion of the ear.
There is only one wny to ctuodoiifni'ss
anil thiitis by constitutional remedies.
Donfni'M Is caused by an inllnincd
condition of thu mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
ml! uncd you have a rumbling sound
or Imperfect healing nnd when it is
entirely closed deafness results nnd
iiiiltss tho inflammation can bo taken
out and Mils' tube restored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever. Nino ensos out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but nninflamed contlitiouof tho mucous
We will give One 11 limited Dollars for
any case of Deafness caused by catarrh
that cannot be cuted by Hail's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, frto.
F. J. CiiKNKr & Co; Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills ate the best.
Persons troubled with diarrhoea will
be interested In tho experience of Mr.
W. M. Hush, clerk of Hotel Dorranco
Providence, It. I. Ho says: "For several
years I have been nlniost u constant
sufferer f i em diarrhoea, tho frequent
attneks completely prostrating me and
rendering tuo unlit for tuy duties at
this hotel. About two years ago a
traveling salesman kindly gave mo a
smalt hottlo of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aud Diarihoea Remedy.
Much to my surprise and delight its
effects -veto immediate Whenever
I folt symptoms of the disease I would
fortify myself against the attack with
n few doses of this valuable remedy.
Tlio result has been very satisfactory
and utmost comploto relief from tho
alllictiou." For sale by II. E. Grico.
Rates for Greater American Exposition.
Rcducn rates to Omaha will apply
from points on the Burlington Route
within 250 miles of that city during
thu outiro period of the Greater
America Exposition, which opens July
1 and closes October .'II.
There will he three different kind
of tickets;
Ton-Day'Tickcts, which will bo sold
at 80 per cent of doublo the one-way
Seven-Day Tickets, rate for which
will he one fare for the round trip plus
5 per cent on salo Tuesday.
"Weok-Kml" Tickets, which will bo
on sale Saturday and Sunday trains due
in Omaha before 1.00 p. in. One fare
for tho round ttlp. J. Francis, Gener
al Passegcnr Agent, Omaha Neb.
' -
Talcing; a Momentous Step.
"Whot'll you charge mo for a mar
riage license?" asked the loose-jointed
young man in brown jeans.
"Two dollars," replied the county
"Is that the reg'ler price?"
"I lo."
"Can't git it no cheaper in any of the
other offices?"
"Don't keep no second-hand license!
that was brought back 'cause the feller
got slipped up on and hadn't no use fur
"Of course not."
"Well," said the young man, pushing
his hat back on his head, "you kin save
me far me. Ill be round agla next
Saturday with the two dollars. I'aa
goln' back now to hunt up agal.H
Chicago Tribune.
Bravery Apareetatetl.
Waterman Talkln' aboat bravery,
there goes the bravest ataa that walks
this earth.
Summer Visitor That little dade?
"That's the one."-
"My! Myl Tell ate about him.
"He can't swim stroke, and yet he
alls cat- boat." Good News.
Of No Importance.
Guest (at a down-town restaurant)
Gracious, do you know you're wiping
that knife off with your handkerchief,
Mild-Eyed Walter That doesn't slg
nlfy, sir, U'b a soiled one." Truth.
The. Parlor Military.
She (petulantly) I don't care if you
are captain, you needn't dovote allyour
tune to uruilng your company.
He But, my dear, a captain is known
by the company he keeps. Detroit Free
English firemen wero greatly ad
mired at the International congress
held at Antwerp. Tho Belgians and
the foreign dulegates warmly prnhted
tho smart condition of men, horses and
engines, while the firemen were most
enthusiastically cheered for the stead
iness of thoir march past the parade.
Does Codec Agree With You.
If not, drink Graln-O made from
pute grains. A lady writes: "Tho
first time I made Grain O 1 did not like
it, hut after using it for ono week noth
ing would induco me to go back to
colTco." It nourishes aud feeds the
system. The children can drink it free
ly with grent benefit. It is the
strengthening substiincoof pure grains.
Get a package today from your grocer,
15c and 25o.
$100. Dr. E. Deletion's Antl Dieuretic.
May l worth to you more than Hoo If you
havo a child who soils bedding from Inconfeu
once of wutcr durlnt? nloep. Cures old aud
yoiiiiK alike. It arrests the trouble at once. tl.
Sold by U. I.. Cottlnt;, dniKXlst, Hcd Cloud, Neb.
Try Colorado this Summer.
Getting thorn costs very little ono
fare plus $i for tho round trip every
ilny from June S15 to July 11. Tickets
.food to return until October 31 See
nearest Biiilington agoni and gel pat
No fewpe, Pssin
Or discomfort, no Irritation of the In
testines but Kcutle, prompt, thorough
healthful cleansing, when you lam
Hood's Pill
Sold by all druggists, 25 cents.
Weather o! the State.
Genet nl summary of the went I er
and crop conditions over the slate as
reported by the state observer at Lin
coln: Tho past week (ins been wot, tem
perature about normal. The nvdrago
dally temperature dopartmo has been
less than 1 degree in most parts of the
state. Tho maximum tcinperattiro of
tho week were generally about 00 de
grees. Tho rainfall of thu week has been
normal or above in most sections. It
has beon deficient, howover, in the ex
treino southeastern corner and in parts
of tho western portion of tho stato.
Tho past wook has bctn an oxcellcnt
one for the growth of yegctntiun in nil
except a few northwestern counties,
whero lack of rain has caused consider
able damago to small grain and retard
ed tho growth of grass. Tho heavy
rainfall of tho past few weeks has been
very favorablo for small grain. Whoat
has improved in condition. Winter
wheat has filled well, and, while tho
crop is small the quality is good; har
vesting has commenced in southern
counties. Oats havo continued to im
prove, nnd now promises rather moro
than an average crop. Corn has grown
very rapidly during tho week, and cul
tivation has made .good progress in
most counties. Considerable corn has
been laid by in southern counties free
of weeds nnd in unusually promising
condition. Corn in all parts of tho
state is in oxcoptionnlly good condi
tion. m
Unprecedentedly low Rates to Colorado.
Evory day from Juno 25 to July 11.
Onu faro plus $J for the round trip to
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo nod
Glenwood Springs. Tickets good to
return nuy timo until October 31st.
Never before such an opportunity.
Take advantage of It and spend tho
Summer in tho heart of the Rockies
where heat nnd dust tiro unknown
whero tho sky is as bright blue as
Italy's, and the nir as invigorating as u
tonic where you can bathe, and swim
and climb mountains nil day and every
See nearest Burlington ticket agent
and got full particulars, or, if you pre
fer, write J. Francis, Gou'l Pnssengor
Agent Burlington Motile, Omaha, Neb.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to bo bus ken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen,
nervous and hot, nnd get tired easily.
If yuu linrc aiuut'llng fuct or tight nhoeS,
try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools thofoet
nnd makes walking easy. Cures swol
len nnd sweating feet, blisters nnd
callous spots. Believes corns and bun
ions of all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try It to-day. Sold by all dreg
gists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address. Allen S.
Olrustead, Le Roy, N. Y.
Drink Graln-O
after you have concluded that your
coffee does not agree with you. It is
aot medicine but doctors order it, be
cause it is healthful, invigorating and
appetizing. It is made from pure
grains and has that rich seal brown
color, and tastes like the finest grades
of coffee and costs about one fourth as
much. Children thrive on it because
it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. 15 and 25c
nt grocers.
Beware of the Doctors'
Patchwork; You Can
GUre YOUrSelf at HOme. am9Wthe doctors ever givefor
.. , , . Tho doctors aro wholly unablo to get rid of
tins vilo poison, and only attempt to heal up tho outward appearance of the
disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into tho
system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash
and mercury. Tho mouth and throat nnd other delicate parts then break out
into sores, and tho fight is continued indefinitely, tho drugs doing the system
moro damago than tho disease itself.
Mr. it. t,. Myers, 100 Mulberry St.,
nunureu uoilnrs with the doctors, when I realized that
they could do me no good. I had largo spots nil over my
bcdy,and these soon broko out into running sores, and I
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro
duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as n last resort, and was
soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
tions for Self-Treatment,' and tho large splotches on my
chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long
uiBBppeareu ennreiy. i wns soon curat perfectly ana my
skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my
self at home, after tho doctors had foiled completely."
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to euro OontaciouB Blood Poison, for thn dtanaan in lm.
yond thoir skill. Swifts Specific
acts in an entirely different wny from potash nnd mercury it forces the
poison out of tho system nnd gets rid of it entirely, Henco it cures tho
disease, while other remedies only shut tho poison in whero it lurks forever,
constantly undermining tho constitution. Our system of private homo trent
mont nlspos p euro within 0o reach of all. We givo all necessary medical ad
vlxse, ui-wwf iuairit-, and save thn patient tho embarrnssmont of publicity.
Writo for full information to Swift Spt-cilic Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest.
The Burlington Route has establ'shed
a twlce-a-wcek tourist car line from
Kansas City to Butte. Spokane, Tsen
in i mil Senile l'ii .live Kite is
Cii,I.iii In t j1ll,v! i- mdiMiy
Tllnsil ,-, -nul ImIIsiI'U, mrivii ) a
c:itl.i fn. lowing I" III It ti'ld Sllnl 'V.
luuy aie uph iitd i f. tan. I te
bed linen and firnishli - ire c in
and of good qu ill. y. Tin 1 1 -ding. V) n
tilating and toilet arrangements ate all
that can be desired nnd each car is In
chnrgc of a uniformed Pullman porter,
whoso solo duty is to attend to tho
wnntsof passengers. Cars run through
without change of any kind and tho
berth rate from Lincoln to Tacoma or
Seattle is only 15.00. To intermediate
pointt it Is proportionately low. Mon
tana and tan Ptiget Sound country aro
now enjoying a period of unexampled
prosperity. As a consequence, travel
to tho northwest is rapidly attaining
large proportions. This new tourist
car. line has been established with a
vlow of caring for "the Burlington's
share of it ia the best possible manner.
Berths, tickets and full information
can bo had on application to any Bur
lington Route ticket agent or by ad
dressing J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha,
For Sale.
One hundred nnd sixty acres of un
improved land four mlloi northwest of
Red Cloud, consisting of the west half
of the northwest quarter, and the cast
half of tho northeast quarter, of sec
tion flfteon, in township two north,
rango eleven west. Tho land is leased
at present, but subject to salo. Price
$2,500. For further information apply
to Mas. Jamks Kirkwood,
Fairfax, Missouri.
ToJCure a Cold in One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinlno Tab
lots. All druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuino has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
The Chief and the
year for $1.23.
Inter-Ocean one
Catarrh of the bowels, be
cause it is most prevalent in
the summer months, is called
summer catarrh.
Itsurprlscs many that
bowel troublo Is catar
rhal. Dr. Hartman's
books mako this plain.
Write to tho Pe-ru-na
Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for them.
They tell all about catarrh and how
Pe-ru-na cures it wherever located.
"I hadchronlcdlarrhoca
for fifteen yenrs," writes
Mr. T. E. Miller, Grand
Prairie, Tex. "I tried
many medicines and
doctors in ruin. At last
Pe-ru-na was recom
mended, and It relieved
and oured mo at once."
Mr. John Harting, 033
Main St., Cincinnati, O.,
writes: "My wife and
myself took your Pe-
ru-na for chronic diar
rhoea and it cured us.
No doctor or medicine
we tried beforo helped
M. Edward Wormack.
Leaaetter, Tex., wattes:
" sVru-aa for bowel
smsMm U aneaualled
hy anything in my ex- j
atrrlenoe. I owe my W
fife to Pe-ru-na, and I.1
hall always recom
saend it to those suffer
ing as I was."
Mr. John Edgar ton, 1030 Third Ave.,
Altoona, Pa., says: "I suffered from
dysentery for three years I took Pe-ru-na
and am now well."
n) b wk,
There is not the slightest doubt that the
doctors do moro harm than good in treating
Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of
this lonthsomo disease would be much better
off to-day If they had never allowed them-
flMvpfl fn YtA flrtBf.fl nn mantniv mnA nnfaah lk
Newark. N. J., says: "I had
spent a
I OsCk laf
IKT;3 -'-' dtQfP JCaaaaak&fVfJtn
I V aa t . laaiRi 'j. aw$iBBaaBWMEf4aBaBaaaV
vm - ff S5S35EaW
VCErl liff' Ian -am i ''mJMMfOtktttrKnUi
The Nichols-Shepard
Nothing thst helps to make a perfect and thresher engine has
been left out or slighted in the construction of the Nichols-Shtpard
Traction Engine. Everything has been done that science, skill and
experience could suggest to add to its effectiveness, power, durability
and safety from explosion and fire. Ihe boiler is of the very best selected
steel, thoroughly well made and provided with every approved safety
appliance. The fire-box is surrounded by water top, bottom and sides.
The draft-damper is so made that sparks aud ashe3 can't drop out, and
the smoke-stack is fitted with patent bonnet and spark-arrester. Every
part is strong, durable and is thoroughly tested.
Detailed descriptions and many illustrations of the Nichols-Shepard
Traction Engine and of the Nichols-Shepard Separator and other
threshing machinery are contained in large catalog mailed free.
NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO.. battle Creek, Ml oh.
with full stock of machines and extras.
See the
Light Running
i aaaansBHsasa
gag5s&,. ' VMysJfOjfl J illlliiiiiiir t ' n --:'gsBW"-"'
fit Jas.
City Dray and Express Line.
ROSS a Rita. PROS.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
BixiltfLirxs: material, Bto.
Ghieajoliambef Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
Petef son's.
and COAE.
Coal and Cement.
T ,