Z.M 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1891). Hemrt Disease 4 Years. IHMk jsaePaFLTJi f '"I am positive I would not be living today but for your wonderful remedy, Df. Miles' Heart Cure. I had fceart dis ease four yean and doctors failed to help me. When I be . f as. takinf thk remedy I was 1 unfit for anything, but for six months I hare felt perfectly w" C. Grand Forke, Minn. w DR. MILES' Heart Cure la sold by all druggists on guarantee Brat bottle beneflta or money back. Book on heart and nerve sent free. Or. Milts Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN. City and country oalls promptly an swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. OffickoykkLindset's Meat Market Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. Calls Ansavehed Day and Nioht. Orrrcs Otis Cook' I'uamiact. J. F. GOODE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' ill CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY. Gfaee over Cotting'a Drug Store. Res idence at J. C. Warner' property. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY ir TOU WANT IT. Criwi Bridge Work tr Teeth Withtit FliUt POROSLAIM INLAY And all Ike lateit Improvement la dental aecb anlial I. B. COLVIN, REAL .ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Look Dos S3. Guide Rock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TERMS REASONABLE P. A. WELLS, RTTOHNBY RT LKW, Oftce in F. & M. bank building with D. J. Myers. 'Practices in all State and United States Courts. OVERMAN BLACKLBEOE, XTTORNBYS - RT - LRU, Ottlct ever Pttt Ottlct. . RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. JOHN Af. CHAFF1N, i ATTORNEY - RT - L.K&IC, Hill' continue to prec'tlce In District. Supreme v and Federal Court. OririCE Over Mizer's Store. Opera House Block. , notary public in offioe. .'I R. D. BEDFORD. LAND, - INSURANCE, i and COLLECTION AGENT. , Special attention given to property ef . non-residents. XV. Af. WOLFE, BLACKSMITH. Agent for McCoimiok machinery all kinds and Badger cultivators. HonsKsnoKiMo a Specialty. Of P. F. COBLB, OKF10K IN MOON BLOCK. I nauranco written on city and property at lowest rates. farm naaaiia TJoueBByrunTTaatee OoodV Use I la tuna. Bold by drmgtota. I CHURCH SERVICES, christian church. Services each Lord's Day as follows: Morning services at 19:30. Subject, "Unltarianism." Ulblo school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p.m. Senior Christian Endeavor nieots at 7 p.m. Evonlng services at 8:00. From Esther 0:8. Sermon from chart at Inavale at 8:80 A cordial invitation is extended to all. L. A. Hussong, Pastor. METHODIST Our services will bo of n patriotic order. At 10:00 sermon, "Tho Penco Congress, or tho High Water Mark of Civilization." Old soldiers, sons of veterans, and soldiers of tho lato war especially Invited to scats of honor. In thelcvonlng tho league mooting will be conducted by Miss Mabel Saun ders, subject, "Our Country for Christ." At 8 o'clock the choir will render a few choice selections, after whioh the pastor will deliver a twenty ninutea address entitled, "Lessons for the Fourth oi July." Jjmf.s Marx Dabbt, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning service at 10:89. Sermon "A reviow of tho year. Is our nation al history for the past year commend able? Future demands and how to meet them." Sunday School at 11 :45. W. F. West, superintendent. ' Young People's Union meets at 7 p.m., topic, "Our Country for' Christ," the pastor leader. Evening service at 8:00. Subject, "Christian Science." A preliminary discourse. General prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONOSEOATIONAL. Regular sorvices next Sunday as fol lows: Morning services at 10:80. Sermon followed by tho Lord's Supper. Sunday School atll:45. Sermon at Indian creek bb 0:80. Young People'a Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p m. Evening services at 8:00. Missionary prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8KW. "God's Hand in tke Affairs of Nations." All cordially invited to attend these services. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. How's Thk? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Walpino, Kinnan &,Marvin, Wholesale Druggists,' Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucout surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials freo. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Drink GrahvO after you have concluded that your coffee does not agree with you. It is not a medieino but doctors order it, be cause it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color, and tastes like the finest grades of coffee and costs about one fourth as much. Children thrive on it becauso it is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. 10 and 25o at grocers. i Shake Into Your Shots. Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for feet. It cures painful, swoolen, smarting, nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ago. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c in stamps. Trial package Dree. Address Roy, N. Y. Allen S. Olmsted, Le ,L Flower Plants for Sale. Flowers consisting of India Rubber True Silk Oak. Palms. Hlbisous. Ger- alliums, Swansonia, Fuschias, Flower ria vinos. For salo at store. Mits. Henry Dikdeuicu, P. O. Box 160, Rod Cloud, Nob. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for nersons desiring to teach in Wobstor county are held in the superintendent's office at Red Cloud, the third Saturday in eaoh month. Eva J. Cask, County Bupt. $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti DUuretk. May be worth to you more than SUM If you have a cblld who soils bedding from Inoonten euce or water during sleep. Cures old and 60UHR alike. It arrests the trouble at once. II. old by O. L. Coiling, druggist, Ked Cloud, Neb. e-a Thk CniKF and Cbloago Inter-Ocean one year for 11.25. ing uegonias anu uox Begonias, Colons, black, white and spotted Calla Lilys, Fassinoras or Passion Viuo and Made. Tonight Just before rcttrlne, if your liver Is s lURRlsh, out of tunc and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Hood' PHI And you'll be all right In the morning. Fourth of July Program. Following is tho program arranged for the Fourth of July celebration In this city. National saluto at sunrise. At 10 o'clock procession forms at Fireman's hall and March to Elm street tli on co south to Fourth avonuo, thonco west to Soward street, thonco noutli to Second avenue, thonco enst to Wob'stcr street, thonco north to Gth nvonue, thenco to court liouso grovo Pi ores sion will form in tho following oi dor Franklin Cornet Baud. Soldiers of Spnnlsb-Amoricnn war under command of Captain Underwood of Co. I, 3rd Neb. Vol. Members of the O. A. R.and soldiers of the civil war. Civic societies. Speaker and master of ceremonies in carriages. Mayor and city council. Business men's displays. Representation of states by young ladles under command ef Prof. Goo. I. Kelley. Unele Sam in costume. Citizens in carriages. Callthumplans under command of T.W.HatGold. Immediately after the arrival of tho procession at tho court houso the following program will be given. Music by band. Meeting called to order by Hon. Jbo. R. Mercer, master of ceremonies. Prayer, Rev. L. A. Hussong. Song by glee club. Speaking by Captain Arthur A. Un derwood and Lieut. Pulis of Co. I, Ord Nebraska Vol. Muslo by band. Dinner. Tho afternoon will be largely devot ed to sports. At 2 o'clock there will be an exhi bition drill given by Spanish-Amorican soldiers under command of Captain Underwood, Dancing. Bicycle racing. Hose race, open to any company. Grand water tight; first prize 110.00; second prize, $5.00. Fat man's race; contestant must weigh 200 pounds or more and be over thirty years of age. Distance.50 yards, first prize, 92.50; second prize, 91 GO. Boy's race. All contestants must be over 10 years of age. Distance 100 yards; first prize, 92.50; second prize, 91.50. Sack race, 50 yards, free for all. First prize 92.00; second prize, 91.00. Bicycle race for boys under 17 years. First prize 91.50; second prize 91.00. Egg race for girls under 12 years. First prize, 91; second prize, 50c. All who desire to contest in any race must tile entry blank with H. E. Pond secretary, on or before jury 1st. Entries for all races free. A grand disylay of fireworks will be given at 8 p.m. at the fireman's ball. This will be the best celebration ever held in the Republican valley. a m Docs Coffee Agree With You. If not, drink Graln-O made from Dure Brains. A lad? writes: "The first time I made Grain-O I did not like it, but attor using it for one week noth ing would induce mo to go back to. coffco." It nourishes ana feeds the system. The children can drink it free It with sreat benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, loo ana aoc. Mr. P. Ketoham of Pike City, Cal., says: "During my brother's late sick ness from soiatio rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm was the only rem edy thai save him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt re lief from pain wbiob this liniment affords. For sale by H. E. Orice. a Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "MyitfoGure," for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. tH action upon the system ts remark able and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease imme diately disappears. The first dose freatly benefits; 75 conU. Sold by H. I. Grice. druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Relief fai Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re Uered la six hours r "New Great South Ameri can Kidney Cure." It la a sreat surprise oa ao count of Its exceeding promptness in relleTlnsj pain In bladder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Kelleves retention of water almost Immediately. If you want quick relief ana cure this Is the remedy. Bold by C. L. CotUog, druggist, lied Cloud, Neb. miws, Beware ! AMcxfduxtmtAhttUittHmJ last take anything at all tkaa taow (SasUvcly daogerotts mixtures so widely advertised to relieve bar discomfort and nausea. S&c ought to know that oaj( enAeraal treatmeat k the only way that cm atasaftly aw of any benefit. Sheoutrbt totaowtaat Moth frfanssf at the only remedy that win help her, and it is aa external liniment. It take new through tke caters period fat comparative ceeBfort,iSkortea fabor.aad cUlSertk at aolocurertobeaVcaaVd. Mora tkaa (kaL it preaerves key krkUsfa shape after the orSeaL and fear Utile one wfil coeac sate tae world perfect in form aad teak. Oat Mother's Friend at tbe era stores for St a bottle, or seadte ( Tl TIB BfUDFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLABTA, GA. Write Immu Am book, Itefoc Btby It Bwa, Saaly vwwe erww awatiisajte wwanw SBUB' Rates for Greater American Exposition' Rcduco rates to Omaha will apply from points on tho Burlington Routo within 250 miles of that city during tho entire period of tho Greater America Exposition, which opens July n 1 and closes October 31. Thero will be three different kinds of tickets: Ten-Day Tickets, which will bo sold nt 80 porcont of double tho one-way rato. Seven-Day TIcketB, rato for which will bo ono faro for tho round trip plus 0 per rent on snlo Tuesday. "Week-End" Tickets, which will bo on sale Saturday nnil Sunday trains duo in Omaha before 1.00 p. in. Ono faro for tho round trip. J. Francis, Gener al Pnssegunr Agent, Omaha Nob. If You Go to California. Lute In Juno or early in July, you oan buy a round-trip ticket to jl-os Angeles at about half tho usual rate. Liberal return limits and stopover privileges. uon'tmaxe a mistake ana go any other way than through Denver and Salt Lake City. That is the route near ly 20,000 Christian Endeavorers select ed two years ago. Being? the most elevated of all the direct lines to tho Coast, it is coolest and freest from dust. Penetrating the vorv "Heart of the Rockies." it surpasses all others in beauty of scen ery. Information and California litera- iaA An waniiAit I kVnnlla f2Aiania 1 Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. First Colonial Exhibition of Grea Ur America Opens at Omaha. Saturday. July 1st, 1800. Splendid muslo; good speakers; Brand civio and military parade; mag nificent fire works in the evening. Don't miss opening day. Write for tbe free booklet: "Utrrv Xhymtt for Thirty Timet." Hires Rootbeer time Is here THE CHABLES E. HIRES CO.. PMMtlfkla, fa. MoktTi of mrt OmdtrutdMUM. ' ' I THE FOURTH IS HERE j AND SO IS THE I Star Bakery, I COME IN AND GET YOUR DINNER. k I 1 WIT CU !, LJ. V. HlUUO,llf. g TS Twfftt MW" a. auM's swr OWE RESTORER ,ii,i nmmDUiMt.rtii.m ka.rayM ,w'HSSi'V!SST UvalntAit'ilH. TrMlllitMll trial seaMa i." i.y.i uui... m ink a,.. ruuju. r- Order of Hearing on Petition for Appofat ment of Adminittratrix. State of Nebraska, Webster county, ss: ' At a County Court held at the County Court room, in ana xor saiu couuiy, .uu , a, . 1890 & In tbe matter of the estate of Nels Jorgerson eonread"lng and filing the petlUen of Ellen 8or gerson, widow of the deceswed, praflng that ad ministration of said esteteltnay Ja granted to heras admlnlrtratrix. ..,.. ,oaQ .,,. Ordered, thnt July IMh.UA.jHI. 1889, at 10 o'clock a.m.IsuKlgned for n earjfg said petition when all persons Interested litrgfld matter may appearata county court to bv'bold In and for said county, and thow caui.a why tbe prayer of petitioner should not be grained: and that no flee of the pendency of said petition and tho hinf thrr.wif i irivpn to all ixTki'in Interest- .Mi in uld mutter by DulillihliiK a oupy of this order In the Bid Ctoiiu Cmxr. a weekly news paper printed In said rounty for three success ivo weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Jams Durrr, Couuty Judge. mjwi & rwm and Trade-Marks obtained aad aS 1 cat businua conducted foe Modsnatc rua. model, drawing or photo., with descrlp-1 Boa. Wa adyiie, it patentable or not, irta ot " v" " .. Vi .rArT.Tp7,;;. -uh .. . n. . a rfii. ,1 mtni uuenrea. i A paMPNLCT... "- '- -y.-.T "-r?VJt cost ol aaae la us u. o. wm i. w-( aent bee. Adartu, C.A.SNOW&CO. u .w nmwtrr IWaaiiiiiaTAW. B. SS. If "aSkdnaVrZ l It's easy to M IvVvSbwVw9)) fe" big aH It 4-Y I V load up tiB kRvLIV bi8 hiU if afaTefl Bnce5Clr5y you grease BH BkS the wagon RBRj BRBj wheels with BRBj MIOA Ail IrMtt RBBV Get a box and learn why It's the TjBBJ BBBW beat a ma a aver pnt on an axle. BBBJ BBBBT Bold everywhere. Made by BBH RJW btandardoil co. aauV.lv'c'ur.t'.luViS U7JLSffiSc5 remote from Waahlngton. .,..J SaaA model, drawing or photo., with descrlp-C laan vVtifS' ' ' ''''" OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA JULY 1st, v CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, 1899- ivmmM raw sQCnVT Will Eclipse List Year. Tm Tbw6 BUlLMNflSeeMMea mmmwmmmrwrmm PLATT & Ghreajo Lumber Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. City Dray and ROSS St RIFB. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. OPRJDX&RS, IXJMBEOBfc CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COAT Bt3.ildin.fS material. Etc. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DBAUtRIN Wines, Liquors, California randies. ALWAYS ON TAP. Trade Manas Demon Copvumhts Ac Anyone sanding a sketch and description soar auteklr ascertain our opinion frea whether an forenoon la probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conadentuu. Handbook on PateuU aent free. Oldest agency for ecurtncpatanU. Patents taken through Mono Co. reeelTa special noilc. without charge, la the SckNdfic JiiKrka. A handsomely UtuitraUd weekly. trastetr. emiitlonoranytdeouaskwnijiL Terse, aa a year i fowaaoetas mitesEdUBP Biae.ei. bwi . u Hwpmwn. PENNYROYAL PILLS 47v eiigtaalaaillBaalaa Jk VTtV aarc alway iiW.tli, uoiie a fr kSSMSa IIIH11 wm mtjmm-m jwmi r"immm ajaawaraiMMti aiaiiaia saaaaaa ' b""w SfVBWit, MtarS vlikkMc t!Ma.JTjaaj yT FAicffFi HAIR BALSAMR Praaiuw a lonuUmt nia I M.' it tmu to BMtore wnajl Ill ; ti iti yoitufui Can Malp diMM balr iulteg. v? in nmuuii yv"- g 9UOtmaa9i wmm nrvtmm ORDINANCE NO. 30. An ordinance levying the taxes forall Reneral - . ... r .. . and speclfio purposes autliorlj 1 by law for the fiscal year beginning onAbe first Tues- . In Xmw IfMM Be It ordained by tbe mayor saH council of tbe nit nt iiKd dlnaul. NobraHa. That the followlUs island tho same are leyicd upon all tho MxablaAroperty of the said city of Ked Cloud, al perfe assessed valuation thereof on the first lier In May. 1899, to wit: For general rovenuewiarposes the sum of ten (.010) mills on tho dolsW: for Interest ou water bonus twelve and onelalf (.01U) mills on the dollar; for Interest upon electrio light bonds three(.ooa) mills on the do!lar;for malntalnanco of water works four and one-half (.0043) mills nn Ih. Hnllar makllllF a toUl OI iu trty (.0M) if, mills upon tbe dollar of the assessed valuation thereof. rhl. Arriln.nraah.il t.ka eflTact and be In full force from and after ita approval and publica tion according to law. ... J. S. WutTi, Mayor. Attesf-J. E. KssLxn, City Clerk. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros, wfcfcialMat BO YEARS' . HEXrERIICNCE aifteataTMBMa. IU1LADA.. FA- H IaSltASjjjUfjaaaA4n SPeTOTWaTv ffCBBrVwVHaL- SPECIAL FEATURES CakNriai Pste Rlamisi AaftlamU DUVaVf nXWnnmam Pain's Fkcwerks ArtExMbM.Me. chanfeaj ExhaV fe The Midway, Godfrey's British Military Band.... FREES CO.. NEBRASKA. Express Line. AMD with the cob we are enabled to offer Tain Oaucaa josd Fjjui- Itwral weakly of tl ad TsJiVyatalee, I wyeeedlngiy low Bgur club with tola racer, at s lowacure. Tan OBAxaa Joed f ABma la remarkable for tha joed FAJUtxa u remarkable for the' Tariety and latereH o( Its content, and la uav oouDteoiysaiw ewsanaawawiiiawiaaufeiyai of IU kind. - live) Btoek,D4rjr- amarKMMr aewtaar. and other tonlca. written by raU- eal and eneoeasfal Carnaers, supplements with lUaatratloaa by able artists, combine to make It Inraluable tothoeewho"farmlt forallTlng." The lataat Markets and Com. merctal Agriculture are featuree In which Thb Oaaxoa Judo FaaiHatsunexoeUed. THE FAMILY FEATURES;! SaTjnEXIonaTnrwarsV'orE ' Short Bto. la. Ti. on, jrajfey Work. Tne uooa K,vaMtart -- . Cook, Paule OoBteita, IJbrary Corner, and Young; Folka Face combine to make hla Department of aa much value and Inter eat M most of the Special Family Papers. . A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All sending their subscriptions Immediate); under our clubbing1 offer, are preeented, poet- na tneir aunacnmiona immeaiatair. TMtld. book and Almanac for 1809. Thla areat book of io, witn the AutnicAH AorucuLTuaisT Yi ear BOO pagea la a Cyclopedia of Progreaa and Erents of the World, a Guide to Markets, Marketing, and Prices. rnrr year book riltt AND ALMANAC It la a treasury of Statistic, reriaad to data, for Farm or Home, aad OSSee or Factory. A Befer- rery Subject Pertaining to Ajcri ', Ooanmeroe, and Marketa ; rub culture, Industry, Obanmeroe, and Marketa ; Pub n m,- lic Affairs, Economica, ana rouuee t Houseaoia XdncatiOB, Bell-ioB, aad Society. It is also sua of Caleaaara, taa Weather, Astro- Bomlcal Data, Hint for Each atoath, Date, etc. SAMPLE COPY g3K. rawgr- ' magaatnn form, wiU be maued to you by addi lag xaus oavauiujs tiuiu) gAana, wee ajBStaa;, ejauaac, IU Our SPECIAL' Offer:' IMie ITCi.rrravsr HND r OTlT-e 01xi3 ONE YBPR FOR $1.25. Jiambletonian Wilkes.. MEMBRINO CHIEF. THE HKANDAIID DKED STALLION $ Httbeft Gypil, 30379, ' Foaled in 1896, Brown horse, will bo- 10 hands and weigh over 1200 pounds when matured. Will make the season at the STAR: Livery Barn, Red Cloud, Neb. For teams nd dress Chas. R. Besse- A as ,m, i-- EsJawSat-eaaVf .. ,. fTaTaV?c raw X.B'WBEf.V.eaBJI ' weejersj Beasoai Jtasaveasai Aawsaaxaaseas. raisnlalasTaaeaaaii ire enabled to oi the leexiiaar aarrsew. assay STtlailssIs BaVafleW BkRff ii I t HI A n h a ariastv-arWwa KviSaaWlssmie.'