THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. I 1 , i u n it COLONIAL MMM'. rw viJ t-- - a. t - ' To Sab ? Is LUWHI9S Irf A LHrmt! t t Ut K Hbvw t itnT Amrtm KtyHtm Trv Ube- SSr Cnty AAvrAr4 try or fevrnr ffcet WW lVtww U4 44avlrjva -f M4x4. erf TS.TWjt. Is Ctrt fcva lo- iL waA trtxe. caa- t to yeMie late ! Jos s $ sT wxif trttJx. I our' sr usw tare i 4 rcytfWte bt- , we to &&r tlzitjvi ia a sy, whm Wa aa tAt -voAi ttrixi sA Mt to tfc jMrfrwVsf of a rwunwd -.sivs3 a 'r,mt of a &-w i4 tsUMr Vii. TUt &niv tA 1- t J&r i t uljil. II lux. tA . m- uoa aurr Jitar Ja ibe lnOuje f lL ;lt of it tsurris. T-nt Tcrr44 Iriw TL ttik of oHitllss rr fato4lJt fcjlti ifit of tljJ jir jstlJif irfc 4 erliau froa IT isi( fw mM tiuut 1i 4i sat I CSoia. Porto lifcw, Knirtit a ti. PKUii tuAlova 4txi oe treJ."' xA I F2dys5tt bltx.4 in ctie cssra- ItW vto vojH d fsj JJ5-1 fvroeiT'y 7 17 KTrsi3it jaj4rtA wj rrj'B crttsii vmK c- sSt- tw4 jaot air tjfc 'smMU of io i "''7l , . ' ..t'.,.,..:.i. ... .i ..7 a ijxnltlos istAmUival J3 lu'swtti. Tt ofivn of c- aar . o. JUroXtrrt!lixt4 tittt variatT 7yrtUUx of Ote cvt3- wair tlMr to 1 Mrtx."Zil to roM:t Jo It rerl UTis. bTt vMvCSI' JabJaawPaaa rf BaaBaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaa9PBaw ai aaaaaanaaaaLT SiZ0" fwnre houc li misrib, -5fr ?? r-R'SSBaaaalBilltKBSr o rR&rvtU. afcd yet lUir ork t iarM no tZtriM to awlxt In tfc col- jwadily p--bl forward to a it- Jnitioo of 'zblbitt -fchlch voald ex ful uu:lnxlM atd tl votU att a na-nbatutirelr illttstrate each aalltnt fea- tlon tUfjnz aad rlgorou orjtb to tre of u.b U tnr new poMiiosf, a MJxbt ar 1th an old ort4 and -whole fatalifca of natir. repre- fxnrer and at tbe tame time bold jEaUc almoct erery racial character' raad ix'snUUxi. trviWtiK 1U irral Istlc of tbe Inbabltan of tb-s ea- rnmitv. 1U marrelo-jj projjrs and srasbM lands, have bn laluced to Its faJ!nlt txilblllti. That same irarM to the laad of Htars and Stripe, spirit of Jodvmluble nrrxr has reade Ui-re to buHd their bome and Tllteees It powJLI to orwalr another grand Un a bri-f time and to faithfully re- exVAlUim which shall -xpMt tbe pos- produce tbHr dally life and customs. sI'ns so rntly acrjulrd. In tbe colonial exhibits buUdlr will Tfc American peopl are ax-rly ly found the manufa-tures and prod- dICMlnj5 a most absorbing topte. and ucU of Cuba, Porta Illto. Hawaii and f J r ft tm"- " -g1"PBaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaasaif - . - r..C -' 4BVaaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsflaaaaSssBaakJsBBBaHBSfPTSBaaX fa.1HbaVaBiBsa . cAnF.Niii in uzon-" circr wiumy as to the solution or a Ccut uutlonul problem. Imperialism and (-xpanslon find earnest advocates and bitter opponents, and th future of the yoiitiK nation ilependa largely upejn a proper colntlon of this (jura tion. To rn--t a wldxpln(J durnbnd for Information, to brlriK atxclal knowl edge on u special subject to the Amer ican propK to llliihtrato and exploit the cliaracU'rUtlcN of the peoples who have recently found niieller beneath our flnic. to show without prejudice or lavor tneir rapaiMiuies ami poxsiuill- t0&QnKrM 1 WBBBaaainLatfBshBaaaiBaaaBBaPsBaHBaaaaaaaaBaPSBaBBfl aBaaaatBaB5CaIe- f l i ii in ,i1 I r f irTTT a- w -- '.. Tho lllustrutlonx nhovn lierowltb give but u faint Idea of a few of thu colonial features of thn exposition and lufeerw to foreshadow the wonderful rosuH'H" which have been achieved In securing n rcprrsentatlvo exhibit from our colonial possessions. Tho lieople of Hawaii aru proud of the fuel that they nro it part of this great nation, and have made extensive preparations for an exhibit of their products and resources. There will uIhii bo a vlllngo Jf tho native people, the former owners nnd rulora of these rich islands, In which natlvo life nnd cus tom will bo accurately reproduced, tit, ia Uixiz tsmSr he sake rant trJt UrXUua tM sutUsUi 4C ttrtftr 9rs EM; SMr cswcre a " fa s-rfwftw tie rt Craw Ajbvfea Gefes&tJ t&ttc iJ&r 1"- TfcKt 51 was jrjstuVl ! lil cwnte 7 ?- s i.-c r..-., tOTftT" nATlJPUV uyzo!. PBJt inAiii., t Un Tm-- UiuiixiirA Kttxritiua -v rtiil iis-1 '& xS ixzA im tie trr ra- " rJLr w wltr w far aaaterf Ltre JS?2!15S 525 vtryuAii -ri .TJ7 "H A"- ' -" It.. iJM ........ . . ., 4 -v.- t T4 the Philippines. In the Government building the historical rcllcti of the late war with Hpaln and the present war In th Phlllppiives will prove of lntret to all. In thq Horticultural building, or Winter Harden, may be seen the trees, plants, fruits and flow ers of tropic and nub-tropic lands, a splendid collection, the like of which has never been surpassed at any ex position, and which present a rich flew of study to the lover of nature, Many of thro raro plants and (lower are uwu Jn ilecoratlnc the grounds. I. bmbi if JIHlBBi9ICj I " SV KJm i IMF !''' ' il1 i "- m-s V7 ' - .iiii i fiimiTi h i . ' -yT7-p?ntaj -KU.-Afll 3355-2.- - S " ---i rT'COHDAGE rAcronY-mzofi In nl. other department!! the first Greater America Colonial Exposition bids fair to far surpass the great suc cess scored last ycqr by tho Trnns-Mls-slkslppl exposition. Knch department is under tho supervision of a manager well versed la the art of exposition building, and from July 1st to Novem ber 1st no efforts will bo spared to score a grand success. Tho Hnchanted Island at tho Oreatcr America Exposition Jn Omalm this summer will contain a marvelous troupo or Marionettes performing uuuubi cmuorcio scenic tncc'a. SMJMI11L F H3ftJreitk Rpasst Hm L& Xisils fcr Sm Fnr.d izx fWO CAFTA1KS AMOKG THEM, ruvz Z.M Ait 5 k i. tiM CW f Xuu jir ct fwr U- 1T 7. Hat i j. crr. Ma. Jt tr Tl JfMCfi- ii "'l- VZr :?,;vaJ'rJrr T ri 4 9., a, 4 ff-. -. - . reaai s,r ua vrat hat k 3lr W SDraaretilM dsiar dctr. lTlt. - , ..- 4--4 i .,. , .. ."- -- .v&rr aejsyr i iae rrrisaect t.4 ,..-l T . '1- '" Kja r5?Mieti; ssonnM trearth Jt iVsct it Uivt oto. vr,tb ti,eria? Hae. i are W, L" L"?": J to any of the xdtlaK beea t, death repvrttd J atia! "d. IIJrd,a. ,4s" cc ap t ..v. -r C... .. r'BpeaU for JatUce ad fairness. A "k "2- TC. i7.T T SJSt ZriS??Z?.!h .'.... . V. 7. 77."., r a ...,4 .. .v meat io-4ar. muiDt t..e Mia- of so P74?!41 n" their appeal from the Kaau. vo'-dier.w It UufVj 1t hat wwa of the chair wa pot to the o.'ti JMnaSifwdn-r ' -,-.h',lie' The J1nteat over what gerwail klci. A LONG REPORT FROM OTIS. A Hflcfctrr Vlw f tb SUstta la lb f.UwS. IVjtimjcTOX. Joae 27. In rep'. to a cable froa tbe War departraeat ' Is? for iafortaxtloa reardloy the Mt catloa and coodltioat Sa the l'hilip piae. General OtU ct the follow-in? dUpateh to the War department to- . daj: j "Majrsru, Jane ST. AdiaUnt Cea- J eral, Watbisytoa: JUiujr Muon. L".t- I tie taiaad canipalyniay potjlble In I Luzon. We occapy .arye portion Ta?- alo coaotry, line atretcbin; from Jwustoutfi, to fcaa Fernando north. nearly sixty miles, and eattrrard Into Xinft02at' ,In,or-ent rS5!ci ! hot yesterday, the Chinese govern have suffered great losses and arc ,.. ' , ii.m. .,. .,.., . scattered; oaly large for held to- tbe anc3ent ct.incte wall that scpar- fYaYL TM rTlZC?rmtChlaV'oPcr from Chinese Tar ince and northern Pampanga. There ! ,,, ti .. .- i. .. . are scattered forces in bands of 4J . to yi in other iorlions Ltizon: in Cavite and IiaUnjas prorinces, could assemble possibly 5.C03, though de ajorallred froaa recent defeat. "Maswof psop'.e tcrrorirsi by Id surgent soldiers, desire peace and American protection; no longer flee oa approach of onr troops unless forced by Insurgents, but gladly wel come them; no recent burning of towns; population within our lines becoming dense, taking up land culti vation extensively; have kept out of Manila as much as possible, as dty population Is becoming too great to bs sreJ for. 'fhc natives of Eouthsast Luzon arc combining to drive out insurgents; the oaly hope of Insurgent IcrJ.-rs Is United States' aid. They proclaim near overthrow of tho present admin istration, to lc followed by Indepen dence and recognition by the United States. This is the influence which enabled tlim to hold out "Much contention prevails among them and no civil government re mains; trade with posts not in our possession, former sourcj of insur gent revenue, now Interdicted; not certain of wisdom of this policy, oa people in thoss parts arc- without supply of food and merchants arc suffering losses; meditate reitoring trade privileges, although Insurgents reap benefits. Courts here in success ful operation under able Filipinos "Affairs in other islands compara lively ijulet, awaiting results In Luzon. All anxious for trade and re peated calls for American troops re ceived. Am giving attention to' Jolo archipelago and Palawan islands. "Our troops have worked to the limit of endurance. Volunteer organ izations have bet-n called In, re'.acod by regulars, who now occupy talicnt positions. Nebraska, Pennsylvania nnd Utah now taking transports and Sixth Infantry sent to Ncgros to rellcva California. Thasj troops arc in good physical condition. Sickness among tho troops has Increased lately, due mostly to arduous srr vie j and cli matic influences. Nothing ..tann ing. Of tho 13 per cent of tho com mand reported sick nearly 0 per cent arc in general hospital, of whom It per cent havo typhoid and 17 per cent malarial fevers; 35 per cent have Intestinal trouble; remaining 53 pur cent havo various ailments, 14 per cent of which is due to wounds or in juries. "Many officers and mon who served in Cuba break under recurrence of Cu ban fever, and regular regiments lately received aro Inadcqtutuly oUl cored. Otis." Tho inadequacy of tho numbjr of officers mentioned will bj remedied sojn. Tho transports Zealaudla and Shoridan hove salleJ, carrying- many otllccrs for rcgimsnts in thj Philip pines. Adjutant Uoaoral Corbln says that all otlleers belonging to rogl munis in tho l'hlllpplnus who arc not ablaut on account of n surgeon's cer tificate are under orders to join their regiments at one a. Forty-four officers havo sailed upon the recent transports going from Munlla. Secretary Alg.r said to-day that no action will bo taken for the enlarge ment of tho army or ec tiding troops to , niiiiuric u.-ncrui u;i!t until mo re- J turn of President McKlulcy. Ho also said that General Whcolcr would rc ctlvo no atshrnmcut until that time. UPROAR AT LOUISVILLE. j uTSSSSir'SrtSSrS; !oJid to order .t 10 o'clock tbii lawo lay tbe llire-ratr4 Sat for tb Tiletti'sjTii &vzuxtiloa tx zpyts- "r r AstUemeat tha oa 1 Star4sT Cafercct livtfn? oat:l ?rtSw. Ibtraji lor time it looked a.t j tkosjii fetooe &al llzriia might get l?1ir I Jha E. Hica tailed titration to the ?retta is tbe bull of j!ic-tujeo, tbe isfereae belnr tht tber w there kJapJy Vs Veep order. He mtrti that tiitirata order theta rtraotto. Tbe dulrsi r:JJ taeatteaptof t fcU ,,Mf .-, ,- ,v. ,.., -. ., ,7. V .. -. mi o; orr. e B3 oiwrr swot ac4 ILkrdia leaders iowiLi from th! ; - j ".'i ,. T :enMoa ad dezaiaded call of tbe Tbe Avfnir; MIVMMV' ' tie ppel, ai ordered the ( ,f hj . .Lt,.. ' TrT" . .L v"' :!';B',e V doea of thea gathered la tbe space feron, .B?port of hundred, of del. Torfferon o?ptrt eaie ceciarea tbe willot tbonld sot were be'.ieied to be arbitrary deciv loa of the chair bide tr to put a top to farther butiaetn. Here oc- earred aa Incident illustrating tbe tate of feeling. A note rra handed Chairman Uedrrine aad he Mt down to read It. Ayain the delegates be came wildly excited. "What does yoar hot asy?" "Read It ontr they yelled at the top of their Toices. The note was handed to the clerk and reid. It prored to be a note from the printer in regard to a short ae of tally sheets. TO TEAR DOWN CHINA'S WALL Tti Mlory of a Ctilcaco Knxloer Oa til TVr to lb Far IUt-De.vs-eb, CoL. June 27. According " to Frank I.vris, a Chicago civil cngU China to a&&Ut In tearing down iho famous structure. Mr. Lewis goes to China oa behalf of a syndicate of Chi cago capitalists. He said: "I understand the enterprise is one of tho Chinese government's own con ception and is independent of Rus sian. German or French influence. The cost will bj great, involving mil lions of dollars. The concession that will be granted will bo worth tho candle and I anticipate there will bo sharp competition." Mr. Lewis said ha has information that a New York syndicate is tho only other American concern after the project and that there are two liritish syndicates out, a French syn dicate and thrcs German companies. The Chicago syndicate is said to havo such men back of it as the Armours, .. ...w I Marshall Field, th: cldjr Lslter and Carter Harrison. The great wall extends 1.250. miles from the ocean to the boundary of Turicestan. It was begun by the great emperor Che Huang-Teln 214 IJ. C. to keep out the Mongolians. 'As it did not keep out tho Mongolians, and they got possession of tho country, it now runs through China proper, and is on no boundary except the ancient one. The destruction of tho wall will not bo such an enormous task as might bo inferred. Near Pekin, where the wall was built for display, it is an impos ing structure, broad and high, of solid masonry, but the rest of the wall never corresponded to this. Recent explorations havo shown that large sections of tho wail arc utterly iu ruins nnd most of it never deserved the name of wall. It was made of sand, earth and broken stones piled in heaps Over hundred miles where the wall was suppoicd to ex tend, tlicro never existed n wall, but only here and there a watch tower. The great wall, it has been said, would bettor havo been called the "great bluff." JENNINGS WAS NEARLY FREE. Two I'rlionert Kiot;isl From tlu Trata llobtir4 Cell In SprlosHilil. S imuxokiki.i, Mo., Juno 27. "1HU" Jennings, the convicted train robber, nearly escaped from tho county jaUnt about 2 o'cloo'.c this morning Jjmss Hennessy and Charles Witchert, eill matoi of Jennings, escaped and have not been capturo.l. They crawled through a hole which they had cut through the stono wall, Jennings would have cscapsd, but tho hole was not big enough for him to crawl through. In trying to enlarge it ho made a noise thututtractoJ the guards In the j.iil office, adjoining. They put an end to Jenning.' plant ICannedy oocuplcd n sjpirato cell und had no opportunity to join in tho break. Enllitftil 330 1'orto Itlctnv Wabiunotox, Juno 27. Secretary Alger has bjeu advlsj I by Urlgadlcr General Davis, commanding the De partment of Porto Rico, that 300 na tive Porto Rio ins have been enlisted into tho battalion authorized by tho war department. Ono liuudrcd more men will be secured. London, Juno 27. Tho attempts mado Saturday and Sunday to float tho American lino steamer Paris were unsuccessful. Tho vessol is more buoyant, but still fast. Flvo divers aro uow examining her morj closely. HICK U iXD A Mishap to the Irish Challenger as She Struck the Water. :HA5 NOT A GOOD BEGINNING, r-U4 With m Hrx la XMttrpmn TtM EsUst of the Ihmf JCt Kmh r UpUn CetrrUls DtetJaraltbod Prf. Lwrwor, Jane 27. Sir Thomas Lip too cap challenger, Shamrock, was Launched at 3 o'clock this aftersooa at MHIwalL Up to that time she was htJdeo from view jn an eaormoas iaaochlo; cradle coder a temporary Shed in Samuda's yard. At 11 oVloeif iMlra.rnUi V.1 aien completed the preparations for a auaca am me occasion was observed as a general holiday. Oa a little spot aaiong tbe forests of masts a large 'erected ODDOlite the rarht. nhtA stood upoa tbe slips ready tor tbe water. She was flying the Stars and stripes and Union Jacks. From the river little could b nn except tbe stern of the yacht, where a bright, golden letters sboae the name "Shamrock.' Previous to the launch, Sir Thomas Lipton gave a lunch at tbe Savoy ho tel to the guests invited to the cere mony. They included Admiral Lord Cbarle Heresford, the Marrjtiis of Dufferin, the Earl and Countess of Clanwilliam. Lady Kuvsell of Kilowen. non. Lilian Ku&sel,. the lion. j Schombcrg, Kerr McDonnci.. pr.ncipa! private sccretarr to the M.-im.,,. nt Salisbury; Sir George Faudcl-P.iiiipp,, ex-lord mayor of London, and Lady Phllipps; Herbert Gladstone. Major ocuarmaa-crawiora. tbe Hon. W. Walsh and II. M. McGilldownv. the ast three representing the Royal Ul ster Yacht club. Lady Russell christened the yacht with the customary bottle of cham pagne, saying: "I christen you Sham rock. God bless you; good luck to you; may yon bring back the cup.'' Three cheers were then given, nad on a signal from Lady Russell the boat and the cradle glided safely into the water. As the Shamrock reached mtd. stream, from the slios. a barra col. tided with her, striking the yacht's bow above the water line and mnMnr. a big dent. The full extent of the damage done has not been ascer tained. Lady Russell, tho sponsor, Is the wife of Charles RushslL Iiiron ct k. owen, who was made chief justice of cagiauu in IS'JI. MILES URGED IT MONTHS AGO. Advised fUUIox Volunteer, for SIsolU la April The Otlt Dltpitcli Denied. W.sshixoto.v, June 27. Major Gen eral Miles is a strenuous advocate of the dispatch of large reinforcements to General Otis in the Philippines. As, far back as AdtII hn 'vinmtn.n,i..i that ten of the volunteer regiments wmen me rrcsiaent is authorized to raise under the armv ronrrr-ini.itinn law be organized and sent to Manila. mere is no truth In the story that General Miles has applied to be sent to Manila. General Miles would not wish to taka any action to dis place General Otis, when that officer ia doing all he can to quell the rebel lion with tho limited means at his command. Notwithstanding t'te re port to the contrary, the President is satisfied with General Otis' course and has no intention of relieving or recall ing him. It is equally untrue, it is asserted by Acting Secretary Mclklejohn, that General OUs has cnbled that he will bo compelled to retreat unless prompt ly reinforced. TO GO OUT WITH SAMPSON. Slcsbee, Tnylor and Chad wick Will Probably Iiare Shore Duly In the Vail. Wasihnotox, June 27. Captain H. C Taylor, who commands the Indiana and vhos3 tour of sea duty has ex pired, has applied to tho department for permission to remain on his pres ent duty until November, when tho department expects Rear Admiral Sampson to relinquish command of tho North Atluntic squadron. About tho samo tlmo tho lour of sea duty of Cap tain Slgsbeo, commanding tho Texas will expire and he will be placed on shore duty. When Rear Admiral Sampson hauls down his fing, Captain P. E. Chadwlek of tho Now York will probably request shore duty. As tho Now York, Indiana and Texas are crack ships of tho homo squadron no troublo will bo experienced in get ting officers willing to command them. Thcro aro already several applications on die. Hwnro to n F.Uio tk I.ttt WAititKxsnuno, Mo., Juno 27. John Q. McDonald, a farmer In Southeastern Johnson county, has pleaded guilty in tho circuit court to making a false assessment list nnd paid a fluo of 825 Ho had been under indlctuumt about six mouths. McDonald la a Demo cratic politician und a mau of consid erable Influence. Fired on n Cub in Mho. Cienfukoos. Cuba June 27. Thrco American officers, who had beon mak ing a disturbance and had roslstcd ar rest, wounded a policeman. A mob followed the officers to the railroad station where Americans pickets were on duty. They fired on tho crowd and wounded three civilians and two po licemen. Mujor llowiunn finally re stored peace und locked up tho officers. Putting tho bread of life on the church steeple won't feed those ou tht ground. THE COLUMBIA'S TRIAL TRIP, Kte faa Ottf Cay befrnj., 1b1 Ttmt tte ratter. XewroBT. E. L, Jnse n Tht first trial trip of tbe sew A -terse a cat defender Colombia, which to- p;ic is Narraraasett bay yesterdsy, ', tsore saceesifol tb-aa t-itber Lr ba..d en or fctr owcera bad reason to hop' Not oaly did tbe new boat ik Z self to b ab!e la e-rerT ,' bat she met the oid racer, De' leader. In a friendly brash of a a;.l to wiadward." aad vanquished i'tt with the greatest ok. The race be tweea the flyer, wbleh was cr fa five minutes, was sailed la aa eight kaot breeze nadrr tbe um con,, tioos. each boat carryiag three lower salts with sheet well flattened. Ij took tbe Colombia a boat three m u ctes, sailing from the DcfinJt-j weather quarter, to blank t ber, anc la five xalantes she was lwj vardi ahead, going past tbe old cap defender as if the latter were anchored. Under these conditions It would teem as if tbe Colombia were from fifteen tc twenty secoads a mile fast-r than De fender, and if she can make the sam gala in a hard blow the fears for the safety of the America's cap wi.i t, considerably a.layed. WIND WRECKS A VILLAGE. nrmitef, ?fb, ftefferi rrom a stem TTIodlo; Twitter. IlRADLEr. Neb, June 27 Early yesterday morning a twister strncic this thririag village and partially wrecked is. The storai came from the north with a tremendous roar and aroused everybody froza bed. It first struck the two-story brick bock owned by Charles Nash of New York and occupied by a drug store and a general merchandise store below and the Methodist society up-stalrs. The building was totalty wrecked, entailing a loss, including merchan dise and furnishing, of SIO.OW. Floyd A. Walworth was caught in the debris and seriously hurt- Across the street the postoSec was totally wrecked. The bui.diag was owned bV William 'Miller and valncd at SI.OOu. Corliss" general store was unroofed, the residence of David Mangus was badly racxed. Rev roatc.i lost a car riage house aad barn and John Jones a barn. The ground was plowed up by the wind aad some stock killed. NON-UNION MEN CLUBBED, Resumption of Street Car TraCc In Clevelsni SlarUjJ ij Vlolcnc. Cleveland, Ohio. June 27 Only one outbreak of violence attended the resumption of traffic on alt the lines of the Rig Consolidated street railway yesterday. There was objection in some parts of the city to the retention of the non-union men who were kept by the company. A party of twenty five men assembled near the Urooktyn bridge, just south of the cty, and whenever a car came along with a non-union crew the passengers were asked to disembark and wait for a car manned by a union crew. In most cases the passengers did as requested. Finally a non-union conductor under took to argue with the crowd, and he was promptly struck over the head with a club, and he and the raotorman driven away. Tho mob refused to permit the car to move until a unkin crew camo along and pushed it to tho bara. Dlrei From a St. Loalt Urldee. St. Louis, Mo., June 2 7. Miles Mc Donald, aged 21, employed by the P. M. Long Syrup Company, as the result of a wager with some fellow employes, dived from the center span of tho Eads bridge, badly Injuring himself and narrowly escaping death. Mc Donald alighted on his shoulders and the upper part of his back, nnd but for the prompt assistance of a and crew In rcadiucss lie would havo been drowned. Frankle Flormon'e Good Luck. Tacoiia. Wash., June 27. Mist Franklo Plormon of tho Black Hills, S. D., has discovered what Atlln min ing men bcllcvo will become the great est quartz mine in Alaska and ltrltish Columbia. It consists of an oro vein from 203 to 000 feet in width and near ly a milo long. In its course this im menso vein is intersected by Atlln City. Tho ledgo is a truo fissuro of frco milling ore, with a hanging wall of serpentine and a foot wall of quartzlte. tVeitern I'louenr Ii Dead. Pohtlani), Ore., Juno 27. Colonel Thomas Cornelius, a pioneer of 1815, is dead nt his homo in Washington county. In 18S0 he was a candidate for governor, but was defeated by Slyvcster Pcnnoyer. Ho was a votcrau of two Indian wars in the northwest, and in 1801 ralsol a remnant in this stato to fight for tho preservation of tho union. Wnnti Ilh I'emlon Itedaeed. Woostkk, Ohio, Juno 27. A c.iso much out of tho ordinary is that of John J. Hullingcr, an old soldier, who lives nt 104 East Henry street, this city, who wants tho ponsion depart ment to reduce his ponstoa of 572 a month to S50, Hulllm-cr is totnllv disabled, having b.en conflnod to his noino with rheumatism for 15 years. I'lncroe Snjr AlRnr Ii Wise, iCtiioit, Mich.,Jua3 27. In an in- .-view Govornor Pwgrco stated that Socretary Alger would not leave tho cabinet to accept a foreign appoint ment. Said tho governor: "Ho knows better than f go over to Europe wlion ho has a Senatorial tight on iu Mich igan." Will I us tu lit a CiudUlate. Cni.uumu. Ohio, Jua37. In a Id ler to u Columbus friend, .Mayor S. M. Jones of Toledo announces himself ready to stand as a cnmliudto of tho Independent movement for governor. ..n: