The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 30, 1899, Image 1

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volume xxvn.
ji PIMfeL
fcnff'raraw i wcfeinfwj
In fifteen minutes, with only a cake of Ivory Soap and water,
you can make a better cleansing paste than you can buy.
Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing ; and will clean
carpets, rugs, Kid gloves, slippers, patent, enamel, russet leather and
canvas shoes, leather belts, painted wood-work and furniture. The
special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it
can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles
that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica
tion of water.
A WORD OF WARNING. Ttwrs art many wWt soaps, each represented to be "Just as rood
, as the 'Ivory';" they an not. but nice all counterfeit, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities ol
the genuine. Ask for "Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting It
eermMT ism iv tmi fmcti a samsu co. Cincinnati
Over the Rockies to California.
If you would enjoy your trip to Los
Angeles see to it that your ticket reads
through Denver and Salt 'Lake City.
Being the most elevated of all the
direct lines to the coast, it is coolest
and freest from dust. Penetrating tbo
very heart ot the Rockies, it surpasses
all others in beauty of scenery.
Low rates late in June and early in
July. Ask the nearest. Burlington
Route agent about them.
Information and California literature
on request. J. Francis General Pas
senger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Exposition Opens Saturday, July 1ft, J 899.
Grand parade, good music; Dan
Godfrey's Military band and scores of
others; good oratory; excellent exhib
its; hundreds of new features; bis the
works in evening; biggest and best ex
position ever given in the west.
Bad management keeps more people
in poor circumstances than any other
one cause. To be successful one must
look ahead and plan ahead so that
when a favorable opportunity presents
itself be is ready to take advantage of
it, A little forethought will also save
much expense and valuable time. A
prudent and careful man will keep a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,
the shiftless fellow will wait until nec
essity compels it and then ruin his best
horse going for a doctor and have a big
doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays
out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred
dollars and then wonders why his
neighbor is getting richer while ho is
rcr. in
for salo by H. E.
The Greater Amcrica3Exposition' Opens
tZL-i JBaturoayJuly ?? I'ICZZJ
The Greater America will be a hum
mer you will say so when you see it.
Special rates on all railroads, grand
parade; magnificent fireworks.
The essential points in a Separator are capacity, thoroughness of
separation,! and simplicity and durability of construction. On each of
these points the Nichols-Shepard Separator has great advantage over all
other threshing machines. Any one of the nine sizes will
thresh more and save m6re grain than the corresponding
size of any other separator. The Nichols-Shepard
Separator is as strongly, sim
ply, yet perfectly made as a
separator can be. The
work of separation is
done without the aid
of pickers, raddles, forks,
or other complicated parts
that in other machines cause
' continual bother and expense
by breaking or wearing out.
Write for large free catalogue
that pictures and explains every
part of the Nichols-Shepard Sepa
rator and the NlchoU-Shepard
j pj . j
1 llgfl 'm
Battle Creek, Mleh.
Branch Hodm M
with tell atk f ataehlacs Bad extra.
Rain, rain, and plenty of it.
The potato orop will be immense.
Most of tho farmers aro busy plow
ing corn.
Will Aubushon has moved in with
. W. Anderson.
Most farmers got their alfalfa out
and stacked bofore the rain.
Mrs. Vina Hutchison is homo on a
short visit from Garfield, Nebraska.
Corn looks tine and oats look as
though they would not make over
twenty bushels per acre.
Mrs. L. Aubushon made a visit to
her sister, Mrs. Wittwer, of Pleasant
Grove, Kansas, who is very ill with
lung trouble.
Thero was an insuranco agent in
Line one day last week. A good many
of tbo farmers got their crops insured
against hail and tornadoes.
The wheat and rye are ripe and
ready to harvest, and bid fair for a big
yloldMr. Dickorson's wheat on bis
farm nt tho mouth of State creek will
make twenty bushels per acre.
Tho school board of Dist. Mo. 8 mot
last week and it was decided to hold a
six months' term of school, to com
mence on the first of September and
continue three months, with a two
months vacation and then three more
months of school. A school levy of
twelve mills was made for the ensuing
year. The treasurer's report showed
$180 ott band.
The picnic at Aubushon's grove Sun
day was a grand success. In tho fore
noon tho Penny ereek Sunday school
rendered an excellent program con
sisting of an opening address by Wm.
VanDjke and followed by recitations
and songs by the school, and a seleot
reading by Mrs. Aubushon, followed
by other recitations and songs after
which an adjournment for dinner was
taken. After dinner the lower Penny
creek people organized another school
to meet in tho lewer Penny creek
school house next Sunday at 3 o'clock.
The Pleasant Grove Bunday school
rendered an excellent program con
sisting of songs and recitations, fol
lowed by an excellent sermon by Rev.
T. . Horton the Red Cloud evangelist.
There were in the neigkborhoodof five
hundred, small and large, present, and
a great amount of good was done.
Half an inch of rain Monday night.
Charles Guy is out again after bis
sick spell.
Casper Metaner went to Kansas City
1 Sixty hundredths of an inch of rain
bere.Tuesday night.
Grandma Sawyer returned from
western Kansas today.
Mr. Postolwaitc's mother is here
fromlMissuuri ona visit.
Chas. Guy Is going to western Kan
sas for a Bhort stay and rest.
Wm. Holtz has let bis crop out on
shares on account of poor health.
, O. Christy is ablo to get down
tnwnlagain with tho aid of a cane.
Ed Harmon went to Bloomington
Tuesday evening as a witness in tho
Colo murder trial.
At the school election Monday W. A.
Sf eley was re-elected to succeed him
self and Dr. Ira A. Page was elected
to succeed M. Lovitt whose term ex
pired. Mr. Caster, formerly operator of the
croamery at McCook took charge of
the sopei-ator at (this placo Monday,
Jesse Corwln, tbo former operator go
ing to Beaver City.
Ed Hagan started for Clayton Wed
nesday morning overland, taking his
wife land two daughters with hini
whero they go for a two week's visit
with his tou Sam. Josle Colvin wont
with them to visit her undo and aunt,
E, Gautschy and wife,
J. A. Lockhart says we are going to
have a crop this year.
John Peterson and family called on
J. C. Brooks Sunday.
Plenty of rain and everything look
ing fine in this part of the county.
The young sports gathered at D. II.
Larrlck's ono day this week and played
E.Fogg living near Iaavale bought
some corn of A. N. Wilson Tuesday of
this weok.
J. C. Brooks bought 860 bushels of
corn of Chas. Llndgren this week to
finish his steers with.
School district No. 65 will build a
new school houso this fall somewhoro
botween G. R. Lewis and Tom Wilson.
There will bo a fourth of July plcniu
held in J. C. Wilson's grove one-half
mile west of tho school house by the
New Virginia Sunday school. Come
ono, come all both great and small.
Good music and good speaking, J. C.
Brooks nml Bruco Payno will bath
speak, and as tkoy am both good
speakers we expect something very
interesting to listen to. The Cathcrton
Sunday school is expected to bo pres
ent and take part in the entertainment.
Nebraska jiereantile Go.
Our Speeial Bargain Sale Continued.
We are always hunting for bargains to place before
. our customers.
Special Values in New
Seasonable Merchandise.
We have placeed on sale some special values in
Wool Dress Goods, Linen Crash for skirts, etc., La
dies' Shirt Waists, Boys' Blouse Waists, Bobinctte,
New Muslin curtains, Carpets, Window Shades, Sum
mer underwear, Ladies' Men's and Chileren's Shoes
and Oxfords, Men's Shirts and Pants, and many oth
er goods that it will pay to come and see.
Weather of the State.
General summary of the weather
and orop conditions over the stale as
reported by the state observer at Lin
The past week has been warm and
wet. The average daily temperature
excess has been about one degree. The
first day of the week was very hot, tho
maximum temperature exceeding 100
degrees in most of the central and
western counties. The last days of the
weok were coolor than normal.
The rainfall has been above normal
in all excep,; a few of tho southeastern
ceuntlos, whoro about half the aormal
amount foil. In most of the state it
exceeded an inch, and in many coun
ties exceeded two inches. In Sheman
Buffalo, Kearney aad Harlan counties
the rainfall was very heavy, varying
from three to nearly six inches.
The past week has been the most fa
vorable one of the soason for crop
growth. The high temperature tho
first days was unfavorable in a few
southwestern counties, but was fol
lowed by general and heavy rains,
which revived the small grain consid
erably. Warm weather, with frequent
showers, haa caused all crops to grow
rapidly. Oats have continued to im
prove, and now promise a good crop
in many eastern counties. Winter
wheat and ryo have filled well, but tho
crop, will be light. Corn has grown
exceedingly well. There is some
complaint of weedy fields, but on tho
whole the fields are about as clean as
usual, and corn is now in unusually
good condition. The cutting of timo
thy and clover for hay has commenced
in southern counties.
W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., says:
"For forty years I have tried various
cough medicines, Ono Minute Cough
Cure Is best of all," It relieves in
stantly and cure all throat and Tung
troubles. C. L. Cutting.
Shatter Day. at the Bctrlcc Chautauqua.
Tuesday, July 4th, will bo Shatter
day at the Beatrice Chautauqua. Maj.
Gen. Shatter will be there and will tell
of tho campaign before Santiago.
The Burlington Routo, to enablo
residents of towns along its lino to
hear General Shatter, will run 'special
trains to Beatrice from Edgar, Tablo
Rock, Hanover and intermediate
points. Trains are scheduled to arrive
in Beatrlco at a seasonablo hour in tho
morning, leaving there, on the return
journey, about 8 p.m.
Regular train servico from almost all
nearby points other than thoso named
is such as to permit ono to make tbo
round trip to Beatrice, reaching, homo
the same day,
July 4th is the last day of the Beat
rice chautauqua, and It will be brought
ton closo in right royal fashion. A
program of surpassing interest has
boon arranged for tbo entertainmont
and instruction or the thousands who
will spend tho Fourth on the chautau
qua grounds. No better, cheaper and
more satisfactory- way to pass the day
can be imagined, Get tickets and in
formation about trains from nfarett
agent of the B. & M. K. R. J. Francis,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Special values in Percales and other Wash Goods at
5c, 7c, 8c, ioc.
30c Imported Organdies at 18c.
Special in Unbleached muslin at 4c per yard.
Special in Ladies' Wrappers at 50c, 75c and $i.oo.a
If yon need a fan come and see our new line We
can suit you in style kind and price.
Men's Ladies and Children's Shoes and Oxfords at
money saving prices. '
Special bargain values in Men's Shirts at 25c, 32c,
45c, 75c and li.oo.
Don't forget to see our Men's Ties. They are right
and cheap in price.
We are making special prices on our stock of Men's
Pants. This means a saving in price to
those'that wish to buy.
In our grocery department we can do you good.
Our new grocery counter keeps our dried fruits,
rice, and other goods in nice, clean cond
ition w,hich is quite an object.
Another lot of dishes for coupons.
Our special values in Summer Underwear are the
best ever shown. Ladies Vests at 10c, 15c, arid
1 8c, usually sold for double the money.
Selling our carpets at special prices. Ingrain Carpet
at 25c, 30c, kc, 40c and 50c. Tapestry Brussels
at 45c. Wilton velvet Brussels at 75c. China
Mattings at 10c, lajc, 15c, 20c, and 22c.
Window Shades on Spring Rollers at 10c, I2$c 15c
and 22c. New ruffled curtains at 50c and
75c. They are very nice. .
We have bargains Umbrellas and Parasols at 45, 50.
65c, 75c, 1, $1.25, $1.50 and up to I3.50.
Another special lot of Silk Mitts placed on sale at
money saving prices 15, 20, 25, 35 and 40c.
We are selling the best corsets at the lowsst prices.
. Summer Correts at 25c and upwards.
Special values in New Shirt Waists. Best values
ever offered at 50, 75c and $1. Come
and see them.
Wool dress goods at 20 per cent discount. Now is
the time to get a nice, stylish dress pat
tern at a bargain price.
Placing our Zephyr Ginghams on sale at special re
euced prices. 10c ginghams at 7Jc. 15c Ging
. hams at ioc. 25c Ginghams at 15c.
Crash Linens for Suits and Skirts. We place them
on sale at special prices. Come and see the
bargains. It will pay you,
Nebraska - Mercantile - Co.
DeWitt's Llttlo Early Risers act as a
faultless pill should, clouuslug and ro
vivlng the system instead of weaken
ing it. They nru mild and sure, small
and pleasant to take, ami entirely free
from ttbjectiouablo drugs. They assist
inther than compel, 0. L. Cotting.
Big Bargains in Choke Farms.
1 have for sale within two miles ot
Red Cloud about 1000 acres choice im
proved farms of 80 acres or more, very
cheap on favorable terms. These laada
must be sold icgnrdlegs of price. Cowa
ntul see me for bargains in land. H
-. I. -M