8 THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1899. I I m i UMMER CATARRH Catarrh f the towels, be- cause it is most frevalent in the summer months, is called summer catarrh. Hjk SI If bowel trouble Ih cntur JTVlllV rbal. Dr. Ilnrttimn'a boolnt nmlto tills plain. Write to tlto l'c-rti-nn Mftdlcino Co., Columbus, O., for them. They toll nil nbout catarrh mill how Te-ru-na cures It wherever located. 'I hud chronlcillnrrluca foe fifteen yours," writes Mr. T. B. Miller, Grand. Prairie, Tex. "I tried any medicines and doctors lu vnln. Atlaat Pe-rn-na was rccora soended, and it relieved m&d cured ine atoncc." Mr. John Hartlng, 033 Main St., Cincinnati, O., writes: "My wife an myself took your Pe-ra-nm for chronic 4kr (om aad it eurtd us. Ho doctor or medietas) w triad before betped ma." MmT BaVVMaTtt T3rtMfcJC LedWtUr, Tex., wriUa: " rVr-aa fer bowel 4aaMaa ie aaeeelled ay aaythUf is aay ex erleaee. I owe ray Bfe to Fw-rtuna, and hall always recom vend it to those ufTer lag aa I was." Mr. John Bdgarton, 1020 Third Ave., Altoona, Pa., asrya: "I Buffered from -dysentery for three years I took Pa-ns-aad am now well." FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN .and SURGEN. City and country calls promptly an- swored day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. OrriCIOVBRLlHDBKT'S Meat Market Dr. E. A.Creighton, Heierary Graduate & Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. Calm Answered Day and Nioht. Of rrcc Otbb Oook'r Pmamiigt. J. F. GOODE, TIIYSICIAN AND SUKGKON. ALL CALLS ANSWERED PK0M1TLY. Ofllee over (tatting's Drug Store. Res idence at J. C. Warner's property. J. S. EMIGH, DKNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without Piatt FOKOKLAIN INLAY And all tfaelatott Improvement in dental mecn anlstnl I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LANS. Lock lloi i'l. (Initio Hook, Nub. All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TF.lt.M3 KKA80NAULH P. A. WELLS, RTTORNBY KT L.7Un. Oftico inF.&M. bank building with D. J. Myers. PlUCTICKti IN ALL fsTATK AND UKITKD States Couhts. JS. U. OVERMAN, XTTOHNBY- RT - LKlad. Office trer Ptt Ottici. Does a general law business. Practices in nil courts JOHN M. CUAFF1N, RTTORNBY - KT - L.7JnZ. Will continue to practice In District. Supreme and Federal Courts. OFFICE OVER MlZKU'S STOUK. Ul'KltA House Hi.ock. notary puolio in offiqe. R. D. BEDFORD. LAND, - INSURANCE, and COLLECTION AGENT. Special attention given to property f non-residents. A DIAMOND FOR A DOLLAR. A Limittd Special Offtr Which "Will Last for Ten Days Only. GENUINE IIAHIt OS DIAMONDS lime a world wldo reputation. It in nlmon Impossible to distinguish them from genuine diamonds costing ImiulreilM of dollars each. They aro worn by llio best ieople. We will forward u ...ninno unrrios uiamonu mounted lu a heavy rlnir, pin or ttml to any address upon receipt of prlco (1,00 each. Barring, screws or drops, J per pair. Ring settings are made of out con ilauous piece of thick, libelled gold, and are warranted not to tarnish, Hpeclnl Iconiblnatlou offer for tin daya only. Ring and Kind aentto aay address upon receipt or (i.fo In ordering ring tUe flnKer measurement by ukIhk a place f ktrlng Also full particulars. Address plainly THE UAHHIOS DIAMOND CO.. U8MtA3roadway. New Tork, Bsaa BcilfcMi 1 1 ;i assl Jl rl B .. (JURIS WHIRt AIL lUt (AILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastca Ucxnt. In time. Hold br drug-gluts. Wl rJf sSsBiw Ol m v M e dM .-M iB CHURCH SERVICES. CHRISTIAN OnUKOU. Services each Lord's Day as follows: Morning sorviccs at 1:30. Subject, "Tho Story of the Spies." Ulblo school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 3 Senior Christian Endeavor at 7 p.m. Evening services at 8:00. p.m. moots Aided with scl-optlcon. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 1. A. Hussono, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday ns follows: Morning servico at 10:00. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. junior tongue at 4 p.m. Sonior League at 7 p.m. Evening scrvleo at 8:00. Prayer mooting on Wednesday even ing at 8:00. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All are most cordially invited to at tend. Jambs Mask Daxbt, Pastor. BA1TUT CBUBOH. Services aext Sunday as follows. Moraine service at 10:80. Sermon to Red Cloud lodgo A. F. & A. M. Sunday School at 11 :45. W. F. West, uperlatendent. Juniors meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's Union meots at 7 p.m. Topio, "Spiritual Growth." Miss Rose Kicker, loader. Evening service at 8:00. Subject, "Allolula." General prayer and conference moot ing Wednesday ovoning at 8:00. All cordially invited. Scats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONOREOATIONAL. Regular sorviccs next Sunday as fol- lows: Morning services at 10:80. Subject, "The Feast of Tabornaclos " Sunday School at 11:45. Services at tho Piorco school house at 8:80. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p m. Evening sorviccs at 8:00. Subjoct, "Trees of tho Lord." Mid-week prayer meeting and con ference Wednesday evening at 8:00. All cordially invited to attend these services. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. Cheap Tickets toCallf ornla. The lowest rates of tho year are these which the Burlington route will make late in Juno and early in July, for the annual mooting of the National Educational Association, at Los Ange- Ios. Liberal return limits ana stop ovor prlviloges. The coolest route to tho coast is through Denvor and Salt Lake City. Go that way und for a day and a night you rido through tho Wonderland of the World past canons, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, and landscapes gay with flowers. Information andCallfornia lltoraturo on request. J. Francis, General Pas songor Agent, Omaha Nob. m Drink Grain-O after you have concluded that your coffee does not agreo with you. It is not n medlcinu but doctors order it, be cause it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is mudo from puro grains and has that rich seal brown color, and tastes like tho iiucst grades of cotleu und costs about ouo fourth as much. Children thrive on it bocauso it is a ganulno food drink containing nothing but nourishment. 15 and 'JSo at grocers. i Shake Into Your Shoes. Alton's Foot Ease, a powder for feot. It cures painful, swoolen, smarting, nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new shoos fool easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired aching foot. Try it today. Sold by nil druggists und shoo stores. By mail for 25o in stamps. Trial package free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Flower Plants for Sale. Flowors consisting of India Rubbor Tree. Silk Oak. Palms. Hibiscus. Gor- alliums, Swunsonia, Fuschias, Flower ing liogonius ana uox uegonias, Colons, black, white and spotted Calla Lilys, Passillorus or Passion Vino and Mado- rm vinos, tor sulo at store MltS. llENltr DlEDKUICII, P. O. Pox 150, Rod Cloud, Nob. -, Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons dosiring to teach in Webster county aru held in thu superintendent's olllco at Red Cloud, thu third Saturday in each month, Eva J. Case, County Supt. $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Antl Dleuretlc. May bo worth to jmimoro than (100 if you have a child who kolU heddluK from Incontcn enco of water durlni; deep. Cures old and yoiiiic allku. It arrests the trouble at ouco. (I, Sold by U. L. CottliiK, dniKKlst, Kcd Cloud, Neb. Relief in Six Hours. niftrcBsliii; kidney and bladder diseases re lleu'd In six hours by "New Utrut South Amori can Kidney Cure." It Is a ureal turirho on ac count of its exceeding promptness In relloTlnR pain tu bladder, ktduc)s and back, lu male or female, ltelleves retention of water almost Immediately. If youvaut inilck rcllof and cure this Is the remedy, bold by U, L. Cotting, druggist, Kcd Cloud, Neb, Thousands Going to Colorado on tbo low rutcs via tho Uiu'llugton Kouto every day from Juue 25 to July 11 Donvor, Colorado Springs, Pueblo. and Glonwood one fnro plus 12.00 for tho round trip. Suo nimrost Hurling, ton URont, Thk Ohikf and Chicago Inter-Ocean ono year for 81 .25. After Dinner To assist digestion, relieve distress after eating or drinking too heartily, to prevent constipation, take Hood '9 Pills Sold everywhere. 25 cents. Fourth of July Program. Following is tho program arranged for tho Fourth of July celebration in this city. National salute tit sunriso. At 10 o clock procession forms nt Fireman's hall antl March to Elm street thencu south to Fourth aventio, thenco west to Seward street, thenco south to Second avenue, thenco east to Webster street, thenco north to 0th avenue, thenco to court house grovo Proces sion will form iti tho following older Franklin Cornet Band. Soldiers of Spanish-American war untlor command of Captain Underwood of Co. I, Old Nob. Vol. Members of the O. A. It. and soldiers of the olvil war. Civic societies. Speaker and master of ceremonies in carriages. Mayor and city conncil. Business men's displays. Representation of states by young ladies under conmand of Prof. Geo. I. Kelley. Unele Sam in costume. Citizens in carriages. Calithumpian8 under command of T.W. Hatfield. Immediately after the arrival of the procession at the court houso the following program will bo givon. Music by band. Mooting called to ordor by Hon. Jno. R. Mercer, master of ceremonies. Prayer, Rov. L. A. Hussong. Song by glee club. Speaking by Captain Arthur A. Un derwood and Lieut. Pulis of Co. I, 3rd Nebraska Vol. Music by band. Dinner. Tho afternoon will be largely devot ed to sports. At 2 o'clock thoro will bo an exhi bition drill given by Spanish-American soldiors under command of Captain Underwood. Dancing. Bicyclo rncing. Hoso rnuo, open to any company. Grand water light; first prizo $10.00; second prizo, 85.00. Fat man's race; contestants must weigh 200 pounds or moro and bo ovor thirty years of ago. Distanco 50 yards, first prize, $2.50; second prize, $1 50. Boy's race. All contestants must bo over 1C years of ago. Distaace 100 yards; first prize, 12.50; second prize, 11.50. Sack race, 50 yards, froe for all. First prizo 12.00; second prize, S1.00. Bicyclo raco for boys under 17 years. First prizo $1.50; second prizo $1.00. Egg raco for girls under 12 yoars. First prizo, $1; second prizo, 50c. All who desire to contest in any rnco must lilo entry blank with II. E. Pond secretary, on or beforo July 1st. Entries for nil races froe. A grand disylay of fireworks will bo given nt 8 p.m. at tho fireman's hall. This will lio tho best celebration over held in tho Republican valley. Does Coffee Agree With You. If not, drink Grain-O made from puro grains. A lady writes: "Tho tirst time 1 mado GrainO I did not like it, but after using it for one week noth ing would induce mo to go back to cofTeo." It nourishes ana feeds thu system. Tho children can drink it free ly with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grainB. Get a package today from your grocer, 15c and 25o. m , Big Bargains in Choice Farms. I have for sale within two miles of Red Cloud about. 1000 acres choice im proved farms of 80 acres or more, very cheap on favorable terms. These lands must bo sold regardless of price. Come and seo mo for bargains in land. F. E. Goblk. Mr. P. Ketchnm of Piko City, Cal says: "During my brothor's late sick ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham borlaiu's Pain Balm was tho only rem edy that gave him any relief." Many others havo tostiliod to the prompt re lief from pain which this linimont affords. For salo by H. E. Grico. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Myf.ioCiire," for rhi'iinmtism and nouralRiu radically cures in 1 to 8 days. t aotlou upon tho systi'in is remark' aula and mysterious. It removes at unco tho riuiso and tho disenso iinnio diutely dixauputirs. The first doso arcntlv honetltH: 75 eonts. Sold by II. E. GiTce, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR la for women's diaeaaea and irregu laritios. It cures overytliing that is commonly called a ' 'femolo trouble." It acta directly upon all tho distinctly feminine organs of generation, driv ing out weakness and imparting strength; stopping unnatural drains, and regulating the monthly How In nvnrv Inutntirn. Tr. mnkps slcklv and wonkly women strong und well ngaln. f 1 a uottie at unig stores. Send for a froo book about it The Bradford Retulater Co. , Atlanta, fit. 4J? .sssBsssssfrLsilKl'V Eureka Harness Oil Is tho beat preaerTAtlva or new leather and tho beat renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your hest harncaa, your old liar tiPM, and your carriage top, and tlxy will not only look liettfr but near longer. Hold everywhere In cntm-all sizes from half pint, to me gallons. Mtdf 1 BT1MI1KU oil to. Ice water will chill the stomach, but It will make you feci warmer. HIRES Rootbeer will cool the blood and make you really cool. It'a tha drink for warm days. rms caiBLM u. mass co., nMttMt, r. Mum nnwm wmhih mijb. 'jrrr Mimu frr TUmt nrnm." Sl tn. dinner! AT THE f a Star Bakery ' J. O. WILES, Prop. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. TIMETABLE. & M. R.Y RED CLOUD, NEBli. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS und all points cttnl mul south. DENVER HELENA lUJT'IE SAL'l LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAX FKAXCISC0 and all points west. TIIAINS LKAVK A9 FOLLOWS. "o, 11. 1'iikbciiRer tlnlly for Obcrllu unci St. Fnuiclxhriitiches. Ox ford, .McC'ook, Denver and all points west. ............ .- 7:& a. to No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison. St. I.ouIh. Lincoln via Wymote mul nil points cast and houtb IS :50 a.m. No. 15. VaksciiEcr. dally. Denver, all points lu Colorado, Utah and California 8:40p.m. No. 10. Passenger, dally for St. Joo, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points cast and south 10:20 a.m. No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Hastings, Grand Is land. Black Hills and all points In the northwest 1:00 p.m. No. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and intermediate stations, via ne publican ..12:30 p.m. No. 04. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joo and Intermediate Junction points 13:45 p.m. No, 63. Freight, dally for Itcpubllcan Orleans, Oxford and all points west 10:30 a.m No. 60. Freight, dally excopt Sunday for wymoro Riid all point east 7:00 a.m. No. 873. Freight dally to Oxford and intermediate points . i :;w p.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars, (seats freo) on through trains. Tickets Bold and baggago checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conovcr, Agent, Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha. Nebraska, Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Administratrix. Stato of Nebraska, Webster county, hs: At n County Court, held at the County Court room, lu and for said county, June Willi, A. D. In the matterof tho estate of Ncls Sorgcrton deccasod. S On rending und QltiiKJUio petition of Ella Sor gorsou, widow of tllo deceased, praying that nd inliilstratlon of saU state rany be granted to herns ndinlnlbtratrlk Ordered, tin t .iHy. 1MU. D. 1889, nt 111 o'clocOi.ui. iHitkslAed forhcnnngsnid petition when all persons Interested In bald matter may appear at a com ly court to l held in and for said county, and fhovtTntiMjv. by tho prayer of peiUlOlier BIIUIllll II". vv K"l'cil, niiuiua.itv tlco of tho pendency of snhl petition and tho iimriiiL' tliorr-nf lii L'lven tn all i ions Interest' cd In suld matter tiy puhllslilng n i- ofthiB order lu tnu HluClouii Cnisr. h weekly news paper printed lu said couiitv for threo success ive weeks, prior to said dMy of hearing. Jamsk Dtfi'rv, County Judge. mm Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Ft- entbuiineis conducted for moocratc Fees, i ooorriceior,poaiTeu,a.pTiNTorriei andwecansccuro patent in Icu time tnaa those; remote from Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip;' tlon. We advise, If patentable or not, freo of' cnarre. uut ice noi uuc mi nmcu. ii.n-mi, , a Diy.uirr "How to Obtain I'atents," with cost of samo n the U. S. and foreign countries; sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO Opp. Patcnt Orricr. WasHlNQTon, O. C V 1 i TRY A OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY 1st, I CLOSES OCTOBER 3kt. -. ... ..y EVEBYTBINO NEW EXCEPT THE DUILDINOS FWMM.VttmV.VWAW.V.Wr PLATT & Ghieago Itamber Yard, RED OLOUD, Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. City Dray and Express Line. ROSS RIFB, PROS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. 'X'RArRS XXJIBKr CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COA1 Iiiilclin.fg material, Bto. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. ALWAYS ON TAP. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copvriohts Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion freo whether an Intention Is probably patentable Communtca. tlonsstrlctlyronOdeutlal. Handbook on 1'atenta nt. f r- mrinat njrnncr for securing Datents. I'atents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the scientific Hitiericath A handsomoly Illustrated weekly. Ijireeit clr- mlaflrm nt &nv arlAntltla Inum&l. Terms, J year t four monuis, si. Boiaeyaii newsaeaiera. Branch Offloe, &6 F Bt, Washington, D. C. CktAUm EIUli Planoad HrmaC NNYR0YAL PILLS erteUalaadOalyeenalne. Ine. Ml luiatu. JIFK. WWKva fii.in. w.ui. Pnvitit fcr aukuuri jniiia J iwiw. ksM4 iui bio: nMoo. 1 o LlkMU ff.ftl.. rf....HIMl .llli.flfll lay mi ImltalUmt. ADruztou.TMsSi. la sum fcr mtiIiiUii, mitswiiUU sa4 ulUkf for Cs4lM." UUar. br ntin T Mail. IO.OOOTHU1M0UU. Jarm; htir, etmrfmtlkimlalV.M milm 1'lara ( .m .j UuXUnuMt. rillLAUA.. PA. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OleaoM and bnuitlnM th. hatt, )MmAiM A luenrtfttit ffrowth. N.ver rills to Itestor Oray Con. sc&lp dlKSM. It nslr tllsx. Uc,pdSli3st Dnr'luj a at iv n iibi snui.ni us i,uiur. (1 STOPPED FREE T" In raraaMBtly Cirai Bv latUltyPrattfttss'b 'B KLINE'S tBCAT , W ERVE RESTORER rwlUr. nr. fpr tn Mwi DUmm, fu: syoqr. Kini .d St. ruM Dwmt. ha t lu o N.rrnnHa ur Dri nmiit'iiH. Trr.tJu nd tS trial bottla ml'n twIiM. btai to ir. Kilo. 1.11. B.U.ro. aaa in.t IniUlol. i.l imln.ll Atea Bl . ivmivi- ipni. r. ORDINANCE NO. 30. Aiiordlnnncolovylng tho taxes for all general and scltlc purposes nuthorlied by law for tho llsol year beglniilug oiutho first Tius dny lu .May. 1809. Uoltordalncif by tho mnvourtid council of the city of Ited OloutI, Nebftskn. That tho followim tnxaw bo mid tho samo aro levied upon all tho t xale property of tho said cltv of Ited Cloud. a isfr tho assessed valuation thereof on the llrst '1 tsday In May. 18TO, towlt: For general revenue Purposes tho sum of ton (.010) mills on tho diflar: for interest on water bonds twolvo and otialf (.0125) mills on the dollars for interest Ipon electrlo light bonds thrce(.00.1) mills on the dollar;for malntaluanco of water works four and onphalf (.0013) rnllla on tha dollar; making a total of thirty (.0)0) mills upon the dollar of the assessed -valuation This ordinance shall take effect and bo tn full force from and after Its approval and publica tion according to law. J. S.Wuits, Mayor. Attest --J. B. KusLsn, City Clerk. Ikia't Tobacco Kpit and Smoke Year 14 fe Anaj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be uiag netlc, full of life, ncrvo and rigor, take No-To-Uao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, f0o or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address StsrMRf Rstnody Co., Chicago sr New Yorlc 0 k. sVAA iLAsNUW Pe 1 JM slH IIKMnllnlHnSM, SPECIAL FEATURES Colonial Peepk Birds, AnJmak.. Products, Homes Pate's Fireworks Art Exhibit, Me chanical Exhib 1800. W it!, The Midway, ...... r- .1 . ... Godfrey's Brltlshf Will Eclipse Last Year. T Military Band.... g . v -. FREES CO., NEBRASKA. AND Western Edition Aauricaa Aa-rlcaltartst. By apecla.1 rra&Rement with tho publishers, . we aro enabled to offer Tub Oranoi JcddFajui- Tut Obamos Judo Farmer (a remarkable for the variety and Interest of its contents, and la un doubtetlly the best and most practical paper of Its kind. ITS FARM such an Live ll RtAnlr. TlAlt. K17nTorTImIItur5Jton"ry. Market Oar denlns;, and other topics, written by practl. cal and successful farmers, supplemented with Illustration by able artists, combine to make It invaluable to those who "farm It foraliving." The latest Market and Com mercial Agriculture are features In which Tus Obanok Jl-dd Farmer Is unexcelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES; TT. KtFKTnonaTFancyWorTiT The Good Cook. Puzzle Contests, Ubrary Corner, and Young; Folks' rage cotnblno to make this Department of as much value and inter est as most of the Special Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All Bending their subscriptions Immediately, under our clubbing offer, aro presented, post paid, with tho American Agriculturist Year hook nnd Almanac for 1K99. Tills great book of COO page la n Cyclopedia of Progress and Events of tho World, a Uuldo to Markets, Marketing, and Prices. rnrr year book rrlLL AND ALMANAC It Is a treasury of Statistics, revised to date, for Farm or Homes and Office or Factory. A Refer ence Work on Every Subject Pertaining to Agri culture, Industry, Commerce, and Markets ; Pub lie Affairs, Economics, and Politics ; Household Education, ltellglon, and Bocletr. It Is also an Almanac of Calendars, the Weather, Astro nomical Data, Hints for Each Month, Dates, etc E-rA SAMPLE COPY fctetesg magazine form, will be mailed to you by address ing TIIK ORANGE JUDI) FAKMEB, Mar quette llulldins;, Chicago, 111, Our SPECIAL Offer: The Ia:rixi.3:r ONE YBFR FOR $1.25. Hambletonian Wilkes,, MEMBRINO CHIEF. IU THK SUANDAItl) 1IUKD STAU.ION 41UWWL ujrii, WOIA7. Foalud in 1800, Brown horse, will bo .adfSaERv Hs.Klltass.sT1' tmlJsflBHHsflBBBa' 10 bands and wolgu ovor 1200 pounds when matured. Will make the season at the STARq Livery Barn, Red Cloud, Neb. For tennis address Chms. ?. Besse -f fc i ' v