THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. WIDE WORLD NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF VITAL IN TEREST. A DrUf flnmmary of KvenU In Whlrh People are Deeply Intori-Mml Short Hentenrre Convey Inn m Worlil of In formation to Our Header. ThnrRilny,' June III. The Oregon regiment has hailed for homo. Serious trouble Is predicted in the Buffalo strike. President Kruger refuses t) make nny more concessions to John Dull. M. Poincnre 1ms heen given the task of forming the new French cabinet. The park commissioners 61 Chicago linvc issued tin order excluding auto mobiles from the driveways. The statue of1 Benjamin Franklin, presented to Philadelphia by Justus 0. Strnwbridgc, was unveiled with much ceremony. August Hiigcnow's band of Lincoln. Neb., captured the first prize at the Modern Woodmen head camp meeting' at Kansas City. A Lebanon, Mo., special says that Congressman island's condition is such as to excite grave comment. He lias been in u deep sleep for many hours and it is feared that it is the beginning of the end. The employes of the smelters in Col orado are on n strlko for fewer hours for the same pay they have heretofore received for ten hours. Nearly 40,000 men will be affected. Only the trust smelter employes are out, the employes of the anti-trust smelters already hav ing the eight hours and big pay. Friday, .tunc 1(1. Drackett, Tex., is said to bo under three feet of wutcr. The results of tho peace conference are said to be disappointing to the Albanians assisted by 2,000 Turkish troops have begun tho invasion of Servln. The first formal meetingof the Vene zuelan arbitration commission opened at Paris yesterday. Abraham llcrchborg, whllo insane, leaped from a tenth story window at Dayton, O., yesterday, and was killed. He fell sixty feet. Among the exhibits at the Paris ex position will bo handsome models of tho battleship Maine, Dewey's llagshlp Olympla, and the Oregon, A landslide in the Florence. Wis., mine yesterday killed two men mimed Cook and Britzman. and Arthur Khar is thought to bo under the debris. All wore residents of Florence. Professor Fcsscnden of tho universi ty of Pennsylvania has invented a tele scope that will lessen the effect of smokeless powder In warfare by locat ing the Hash when the powder is dis charged. Kntur.lny, .tune 17. Stove men are to combine. Tho yield of wheat In European countries is not up to tho, average. John R. Gentry paced a mile In 2:0il; st Detroit, the fastest mile this season. Tho kidnaper of the Clark baby in New York, was sentenced to fourteen years. Chief Kipley of Chicago says that city's population has passed tho 2,000, 000 mark. At North Siding, Cape Breton, II. C, more than a score of men were killed and many were in lured by an explosion of gass accumulation. Tho report from New York of the organization of tho Federal Printing Ink and Supply company Is confirmed by the senior member of tho Ault & Iborg company of Cincinnati. The new concern includes all tho leading Ink houses. Kuutluy, June 18. Boston yesterday celebrated the 123d anniversary of tho battle of Hunker Hill. Infp, with W. Turner up, won the suburban handicap at Sheepshead bay. At Pedro, Cat, at the United Smoke less Powder works, nn explosion killed Ed. and John Tccumbe, James Morris ley nnd M. Hollenbcck. Marcus Daly and his associates have sold their interests In tho Anaconda, Mont,, copper mine to John D. Rocke feller. The price was 523,000,000. Thousands attended the funeral of Congressman Bland yesterday at Le banon, Mo. President MoKinloy tele (rraphed his sympathy to Mrs. Bland. Tho Transvaal situation is still tho nll-absorblng toplo of conversation In Great Britain. The situation is u trlllo less warlike, and it Is believed that President Kruger will back dowu; also that his defiant is assumed for home effect. Reports just received at New Rich mond, Wis., show nine deaths in tho county heretofore unheard of. Along the Burkhart road about 200 farm houses were wrecked. Tho wholo work of the tornado cannot bo known until complete returns from tho couutry are In. The official list of deatliB at New Richmond, Wis., contains 103 names. A number of bodies are known to be In the rulnB. It Is bellevod the full list of deaths will reach 125 The loss will reach $350,000, tho loss of household goods fully $200,000. The relief fund has reached $35,000, Dr. Nnnscn thinks Andreo may bo alive, nnd thinks he may bo heard from in Greenland. Congressman Payno of Now York and party arrived at Vancouver, B. C., yesterday en route to Alaska. They will sail from Seattle Juno 20. Over a ton of gold dust and nuggets wero landed at Whlto 1 torso Rapids, Alaska, last Friday from the first three steamers to reach that point from Daw ton City. The grand jury at Wallace, Idaho, yesterday found true bills against all tho participants in tho riots of April 20 iu Shoshone county, A largo mass of Indictments accompanied tho bills. Meagre reports are In of a tornado which destroyed a portion of tho little village of Montana, wis. No casualties' Monday, .In ne 111, Denver citlzcnsareat worlc endeavor ing to scttlo tho smelter employes' strike. A military prisoner at Leavenworth attempted to escaiw and was sltol ul was snot ...i .... down by Private Oil lson, , in urc uu guard The Phoenix Paint and Brush com pany's four-story building. Philadel phia, was gutted by fire yesterday morning. Loss, 800,000) Insurance small. During a fight at a Bohemian picnic at Cleveland Sunday afternoon, Frank Hajdut was shot through the head anil instantly killed, Tho murderer es caped. . In a collision off Friedrlehshaven be tween the Herman steamer Artushofl and IhcjHritish.stcamcr Mauritius, the Artushpff was sunk and ten of liercrew drowp'e'd. Dr. B. II. Hean of Hierry Valley.Ill.. a well known physician, committed suicide. He left a note saying the cause for his act wan his infatuation for a married woman of Cherry Valley. In attempting to save Mrs. Jennie Prlco, a bicyclist, who fell In front oi a train at a railroad crossing at Cleve land, O., Blaze Patrie, a railroad sec tion hand, lost his life. Mrs. Price was so badly injured she may die. Augustus W. Lclghton, Joseph Iter nado and David Evans, three well known citizens of Cottage City, Mass., arc supposed to have been drowned in Kdgarton bay Saturday. Their boat has been found adrift water logged. TiiMMluy, June "JO. Sioux Falls, S. I)., will bo the next meeting place of the supreme lodge, A. O. U. W. Charles E. Llttleileld wns elected to succeed Nelson Dlngley, deceased, ol Maine. Llttleileld is u'rcpublican. Missouri, Kansas, and Texas mine operators are IhuuhI to run their plants, and are Importing negro laborers. Trouble is feared. John W-. Gates, president of the American Wlro nnd Steel company, hopes, It Issald, to succeed Senator Cul loin in the senate. A gang of masked robbers raided the receiving office of the Fairmont Parlt, Philadelphia, Transportation company and blew open the safe, securing 84,000. At Oalosburp-, 111., M. nollenberc was killed by Charles Liudewald. The trouble arose over a claim of indebted ness denied by Bollenberg. Lindewuld is under arrost. Near Astoria, Ore., a freight and passenger train collided, due to a mis understanding of orders. One man. 1). P. Bell of Portland was killed, Five others were Injured. Tho great Norwegian firm of Chris tenson & Son of Christinna lias sus pended payment. Tho Christiana Discount bank Is Involved to the amount of 3,000.000 kroner and other banks for smaller sums. Justico Fursman, In the criminal term of the supreme court of New York, signed the order resubmitting the case of Roland B. Mollneux, ac cused of the poisoning of Mrs. Kate Adaim, to the grand jury. Enoch Eavanoski's young wife and their infant daughter were burned to death yesterday at Pittsburg as the re sult of tho explosion of an oil. can with which .the 'woman attempted, to start a fire In their house. The husband was badly burned trying to extinguish the tlames. Tho grand jury at Buffalo, N. Y., yesterday held John, alias Buck Sklnner,.(ioorge Skinner, George Frye and John O'Brien for court on a charge of murder, it being alleged that they wero responsible for tho death of Boss Scooper Kennedy, resulting from u quarrel on the docks May 2. Writnt-Ailiiy, .June SI. Marcus Daly, the ex-copper king, is to engage in stock raising in Colorado. Printing Ink companies have com bined with a capitalization of 820,000, 000. Dan Patrick, a negro, confessed to assaulting miss Jicssie Ireland near Soranton, Miss., and was lynched. Street-ear strikers at Cleveland are nt the riotous stage, and threaten to wreck venganee on the non-union men. Thi tntn.1 rni'Mnti frntn nil cut..,,. at the ports of Manila and Ilo-llo dur-1 ing the first four months of 1SU0 were 01,-IH,UJt. Thrt Vmv Vni-lr nltt- nitinnll adopted a resolution making July 3 a holiday in commemoration of the bat tle of Santiago. Dr. C. W. Super has been elected president of tho Ohio university at Athens. Ho occupied tho position twelve years prior to 1800. The Standard Oil company is pre paring to abandon Us charter In Ohio, and Its headquarters will be removed from Cleveland to New York. The Cambria Steel company has posted notices at Johnstown, Pa., of a general advance in wages of 10 per cent. About 8,500 men are affected. Captain Leonard B. Cliapln of the Third Ohio cavalry committed suicide by hanging at Berlin Heights, O., his home, Monday night. Despondency on account of ill health was the cause. At Pittsburg, Pa., last night, James Armstrong, a steel-worker, shot and killed Thomas Welch, a follow work man, and then shot himself dead. Welch was too Intimate with Arm strong's wife. At Pulaski, Va., John Raines and Madison Pratt were bathing. Raines accidentally kicked Pratt, which start ed a quarrel. .Both ran to their cloth ing, secured revolvers and begar firing. Both were killed. "Joe" Mutlett Liberated. London, Juna 10. "Joo" Mullott, the Irish political prisoner, sentenced to Imprisonment for life, for attempt ing to murder a Juror who convicted Mlohael Walsh, was talcan to Dublin last night and liberated. Ho is In i dying condition. A Ditto of Marlborough lemi. London, Juno 10, Connoisseurs are greatly Interested In tho forthcoming sales of tho Marlborough goms. It will be tho most Importaut of Its kind since 1875, when the same collection wu sold la a lot for $175,003. AFFAIRS OF STATE EVENTS OF INTEREST TO AMERICAN PEOPLE. rimnljr Mention of tlir Doing of the Na tional CongrrM, Departmental anil i: entire Oniclitt Action, autl Movement! of Army and Nnty. Tlinrml.'iy, Juno Iff. The insular commission is busy at ivork drafting laws for tho Island of rorto iitco. It Is now expected that the peace conference will not adjourn before this .mimic oi .nny, The Spanish ppwer la to make another effor to negotiate with Agulnaldo for .he release of the Spanish prisoners. Mr. Thomas' F. Lyons of North Caro lina, lias been appointed n first lieu tenant in the I'nltcd States marine corps. The appointment of a non-commissioned officer to the grade of a first lieutenant is almost without precedent In the history of the marine corps. Frliliir,iiiiiiti in. The commission sent from Jamaica to tills country to further the com mercial relations of the United States and Jamaica, has arrived at Wash ington. Rear Admiral I'lnren Crrwl.t- .,.it....,1 one of the last of Farragut's active "lutein in mi- Hurring sea lights or the civil war. died nt Vn.l,irnrt i. night of diabetes, aged seventy-six years. To prevent SlllUlrirltllir on tlw. rs.i..... coast Col. Tasknr II. ItlLu ,.li..i. t customs at Havana, is to have placed nt lite ilti.H.ti . 1 -. - . ..v ...T uinimaiii us .soon us possible sev eral small vessels for use n r..v..n.. cutters. Admiral Watson has arrived at Honir ;-": "-" "" " own station, took command of the Asiatic squndron, relieving Cnptuin Barker of thuOrciron tvlinlinu lux,,, ! ..1. ......... ..i . i . Dewey sailed from .Manila. Tim nrebtilntif n..l r.. r..,. left Washington lato yesterday after- nnnn fnr II.. 1. ,.!,.. t...... ... .. -- ,. "j "- -u., wnere tnev go to attend tho commencement exer cises of the Mount Holyoko college at South Hadlcy. Their niece, Miss Grace Mplv nley. will graduate from that in- SUtlltlntl tlitu v.,,,.. riu... .i- ...i,. : ,Tj..t. iiiuin i will oc- nilnv fnnn r.t.i .l...n i i . . ....... lul uj'B ill nvi) WeCKH. Artillery manning the coast fortifi cations will have n larger allowance for ammunition for practice. A new order issued by tho war department looking to the Improvement in marks manship of the gunners provides for additional ammunition ranging from five rounds for tho ten-inch guns to eight rounds for the eight-Inch guns. Nnturilny, ,lune 17 The Nebraska regiment hns been or Uered to sail for home early next week. J Under the most favorable circum stances it will be hardly possible for the government to Increase Its iirmyiu the Philippines up to tho 3.1,000 lhnlt before August 1. i1''10. wn.? department today re ceived n dispatch from General Otis -.... ...i....Ki,iu rcpuisoor an insurgent attack upon our forces at San Femnndo. The attack was made by a body of rebels under the direct command of Agulnaldo. The rebels were driven buck with heavy loss. Fourteen of our men were wounded. Monilny, Juno i. Ex-Senator Benjamin E. Harding of .ottage Grove. Ore., is dead, llo was flno'r .ttHt,l01L?l,te,lStntCh Mnni J 1802 to fill out the unexpered term of Senator Baker, deceased. The bureau of statistics lias issued a corrected edition of the May statement ? ... jmlorts and exports of the United States, which shows that dur ing the last eleven months the ex ports of merchandise exceeded the Iiii ports by S70.452.131. Governor General Davis of Porto Rico, lias signed an order establishing a provisional court at San Juan and lias appointed N. B. C. Pcttigill pre siding judge of tho body, with two army officers as associates, and J. M Weedy prosecuting attorney. Generals Hale and Funston desire to accompany tholr regiments home. The Utah nrtillery, it Is announced, will accompany tho Nebraska troops on board the transport Hancock, leavine; their guns at Manila. Tho Pennsvl yanlanswlll start for home on the triltisnort Senntnr tlilu n.nnlr 'l'l... t.. dlana has sailed with 500 dlseharired" anil slnlr cr.1f1tn.i Cl. 111 P . I dock for a few days at Nagasaki, Japan. Late Honolulu papers publish Presi dent McKinley's formal official an nouncement directing that the general election provided for by tho constitu tion of of tho republic of Hawaii, to bo held on the last Wednesday of Scptem tcmber next, shall not bo held. All native officers whose terms of office shall expire before appropriate legisla tion shall havo been enacted by con gress shall be continued in the offices at tho pleasure of the president. The United States transport Sher man, which sailed from San Francisco, May 24. with 1,800 men and seventy five officers under command of Briga dier General Fred D. Grant, has ar rived at Manlln. aftnr n mmviil, ,.n, One private died after tho transport's Kinvui, j. uwbc vroops win go to the Island of Negros to relievo the Cali fornia troops. General Bates, who ar rived on tho transport, and General Grant will probably be assigned to the command of tho volunteer generals, Borne of whom will leave for homo toon. United States Consul General Wins low, at Stockholm, reports that trich inosis has been found in a piece of American pork. Stockholm Is a good market, he says, for American meat, and it will be spoiled by careless pack ing. Noah Hawk of Willow Springs, Mo., who Is deputy sergeant-at-arms of the house of representatives nt Washing ton, hns wired that ho will attend tho Bland funeral and that ho has selected Congressmen Joy, DeArmoud, Lloyd and Clark of Missouri, G. W. Farrls of Indiana, Halley nnd Lanlinm of Texas, Pierce of Tennessee and Henderson of Iowa to represent that body. James S. Bennett of Omaha has been admitted to practice before tho interi or department Tiirmluy, Juno SO, The president's trip to Massachusetts is benefitting him greatly. Bellamy Storer, United States min ister to Spain, yesterday had an audi ence with the queen regent. A movement Is on foot to erect n 810,000 monument to the memory ol the lato Richard Parks Bland. Wm. J. Bryan has subscribed S200, nnd other amounts, in all about SI,000, have already been raised. It is stated at the navy department that every man attached to the Olvm- phi. libston, Baltimore, Concord, Ra leigh, Petrel and McCulloch, during the battle In Manila harbor, regard less of rank or station, will receive a metal of honor. Tho war department will announce this week that franchises and conces sions in Porto Rico can be granted only by congress. Army engineers will prepare maps showing the wharf age and dockage needs of the different Porto Rtciin ports. The insular com mission lias furnished information rel ative to the Interior needs of tho Isl and. A Paris syndicate is seeking a franchise for a railway line In Porto Rico. Information lias reached tho treas ury department from the senate com mittee which Is now considering this subject of currency legislation. The republicans of the senate committee, according to the information, take about the same view as the republi cans of tho committee which met nt Atlantic City In April, and there will bo little difficulty, it is said, of getting together upon u program for currency legislation. Wcilm-mliiy, June 21. The postolllce at Bell, Sioux county, Nebraska, lias been discontinued. Mall will go to Agate. New patents issued to Nebraskans: Ilanna C. Hamnnn, Omaha, darning npparatus;SpcncerOtis, Omehn.bolster; Julius A. Perkins, Omaha, cage for bearings. General Leonard Wood, until recent ly governor of Santiago, lias been of fered the presidency of the Washing ton Traction company. He lias the matter under advisement. Tho celebrated case of Scott Bibb against tho city of Alton regarding right of negros to attend white schools, was reversed by the Illinois supremo court, which held that negros can at tend white sehools. Tho French cabinet crisis is still prolonged. President Loubet, will, it Is said, call upon M Bourgeois, former premier, to form a cabinet. Order will issue not to have the Sfax, with Drey fus aboard, arrive until the new minis try is formed. Among the passengers who arrived yesterday on board the steamer Orinoco from Bermuda wero Lady Barker, General Russell Hastings and Hon. A. Allison, colonial secretary; J. II. Trln inghnm. jr., and Hon. T. J. Madson, reciprocity commissioners of Bermuda, enroute for Washington. The secretary of tho interior hns ap portioned tho appropriation made by the last congress to aid tho agricultural colleges of the various states. The Nebraska agricultural college will benefit to the extent of S'.'.I.OOO nn ad vance of S1.000 over the allotment for the current fiscal year. There was a test of armor plate at Indian Head yesterday for armor plato for the new battleship Wisconsin, tho lot aggregating 700 tons. Tho test plates tapered from sixteen nnd three quarters to nine and one-half inches in thickness. Tho first shot, a Car penter armor piercing projectile, with n velocity of 1.370 feet, penetrated the plato six and three-quarters inches. The second, a Iloltzcr armor piercer, with a velocity of 1,800 feet, penetrated nine inches. The plate was not cracked and the test was satisfactorily met. Hero Roctlon Man Killed. Ci.RVKr.Axn, Ohio, Juno 20 Blaso Patrie, a railroad section hand, proved himself a hero yesterday, and was fa tally Injured In an attempt to savo a woman from death. Mrs. Jennie Prico was riding a wheel across tho Lake shoro track at tho entrance to Gordon park and fell in froi.t of an approach ing train. Patrie, who had been de tailed to assist tho fiagman at the crossing, ran to Mrs. Price's assist ance but both ho and tho woman wero run down. Mrs. Prlco lost a log and an arm and suffered a fracture of the skull, whllo her rescuer was struck by the pilot of the englno and was picked up insensible from a bad wound in tho head. Tho woman re tained consciousness, but tho physi cians say both will die. Tho New Frenoh Cabinet Paris, June 2( Senator Waldeck Rousseau ha informed President Lou bet that he hopes to complete the list of the now cablnot to-night. It is generally believed that tho new pre mier will prosecute tho Dreyfus con spirators to tho end. Tho opposition leaders are quoted as saying: "Waldeck-Rousseau is as a rock. Nothing can move htm. A regime under hlnr will produce civil war." John Cotllne In a New Hole. Lkavknwouth, Kan., Juno 20. John Collins, tho young Topekan now Borvlng a (life sentence In the Lansing penitentiary for tho murder of hi a father,- can now claim authorship honOrs.M lie has written and printed with his bwn hands a most creditable pamphlet which ho has entitled "A Brief Description of tho Life of tho Prisoners in tho Kansas State Prison." Mors Tornado Victim. Minneapolis, Minn., June 10. A dolayed special from Pinevllle, Polk county, Wis., says: The storm which swept over this part of tho stato Mon day left death and destruction in its path. Sovoral people wore killed and Injured and much property was de jtroyod. Artlllclul Mnibi. Artificial arras and legs wero In uso In Egypt aB early as B. C. 700. They were mado by tho priesti, who wero Ui physicians of that early time. iHMIll Rebels Met a Reconnoitering Bat talion South of Manila. INSURGENT.LOSSVERY HEAVY. CIo Amerlctm Killed In the Engage ment AVheiton Ilronjht Up tho Iteit of the Fourth Infantry iiui Drove Mack the lineiny. Manila, Juno 2 0. A battalion of the Fourth infantry, which left Imus. whore Gonoral Wheaton 19 in com mand, this morning, to rcconnolter towards Perczdasmarlnas, soven miles south of Imus, wlicro it was bcllovcd most of tho robsls who escaped from Parnnaquo and Bacoor had ficd, was attacked in tho rear by apparently friendly natives. This brought on a sharp ongago racnt, lasting sovoral hours, resulting in tho killing of flvo Americans nnd the wounding of about twenty-fivo. Tho loss of tho robots was vory heavy. Tho battalion soon exhausted its ammunition, and at 2:30 this after noon General Wheaton and his staff, with tho Second battalion, two mounted guns and ono fiold pteco, went to rclnforco tho troops attacked. General Wlieaton was flrod on in a road and had a narrow escape Later tho Third battalion was or dered to tho front and formed on the Las Mtnasroad Hoavy firing on both sides foltowcd, tho artillery being frooly used. Tho onomy was located in tho woods nt 4 o'clock. Tho rebels showed signs of retiring, as they wero pressed very hard. Oaa gun of tho Sixth artillory, in an advantageous position, did great execution. Tho fighting was still In progress at 5 o'clock, at which tlrao tho Ameri cans had seeurod a quantity of Fili pino arms, which had been abandoned in tho woods. Tho scone of the fight is over twenty miles from Manila, FOR THOSE WHO STAY. fhe War Department Offer Induce ment! to Philippine ColonliU Denvkii, Juno 20. Letters received here indicate that many of the Color ado regiment will stay in tho Philip pines. Thoy havo discovered In dif ferent portions of Luzon undeveloped regions where thoro are strong indi cations of gold and silver deposits, as well as placer abounds. Reports of similar opportunities in other islands of the group have been re ceived nt Manila. The chances aro looked upon as so favorable that many of tho mountain man will try them before returning to tholr homos. Some tlmo agon volunteers' petition was presented to the government, asking that thoso of tho soldleas de siring to bo mustered out at Manila bo allowed travel pay to tholr homes. They pointed out that In no other way could so strong a colony of American residents be created or the resources of tho island bo so quickly developed. It was promised that tho men would organizo into a resident military forco if It were desired that they should do so. Friends of the men Interested Con gressman Bell of Colorado in tho peti tion and he has been in communica tion with tho war department. Ho has received a letter from Adjutant General Corbln, in which tho position of tho departmont is set forth. Whllo travel pay from Manila to homes in tho Unltod States will not be allowed, General Otis lias been authorized to discharge at Manila all men who wish to stay in the islands. Each soldier must make application through his company nnd regimental commanders. Each man discharged will be allowod two mouths' extra pay, travel pay from San Francisco to his homo and the right of transportation from Manila to San Francisco on any govern ment transport within a yoar from the dato of muster out. In other words, tho soldier can stay In the Philippines for a year, If he wlstyos to examine tho country, and will thon be given free transportation to San Fran cisco. As a nest egg to start him on his business career iu the Islands, ho will havo two months' pay allowed by a special aat of Congress on January 2, and tho travel-pay from San Fran cisco to his home. NO PROTECTION FROM CHINA. MUilonnrlet Murdered While Under Government Protection. IIonq, June 20. It has been leveloped that tho Rov. H. S. Phillips, Mrs. Phillips and Miss Soars, mission aries of tho Church Missionary So ciety, who, with threa native converts, wero recently killed in tho province of Ngan-Hwol, had sought protection of tho yamen at Klen Yang. Tho ya men, not being strong enough to pro tect them, sent tho party under escort to Klon Ning Fu, but tho missionaries were murdered on the way. It is reported that tho natives de stroyed also tho church, parsonage and hospital at Klon Nlng Fu. The British consul Is active In tho matter, but tho floods intcrfero with communication. Toledo, Ohio, Juno 20. Mayor Jones has Issued an open letter in an swer to several thousand people all over tho country who have mado ap peals to him for personal aid. Mr. Jones' mall slnco his campaign for mayor has besn enormous, keeping a forco of clerks busy openlnj nnd sort ing. Many of theso letters havo been appeals for personal help in every conceivable form. Mr. Jones states that while ho Is an advocato of the theory of tho brotherhood of man, it is impoisiblo to give these people tho nsststanco desired or Uud tlmo to write an answer to each. BANDITS IN PHILADELPHIA. A Street Knlltvuy OfDrlnl In rnlruinaut Park ICohhril of 31,000 Philadelphia, Juno iO. Masked robbers, probably ten In number, ralde.l tho receiving offico of tho Fair mount Parlt Transportation company at Belmont In Fairmount park early this morning. After "holding up" tho receiver and fivo other employes of tho railway, they blew opon tho safe, securing 81,003, tho company') receipts for two days. Frank Leavan, receiver; Frank Wat son and Henry II. Whltehousc, con ductors; James Cavannu?h, fireman of powerhouse; Philip Eaves, electrician, aud William Cadmus, laborer, wero bound iiand and foot with wire. In addition to the men who actually com mitted tho robbery, other operated miles away from tho sccno by destroy ing telegraph and telephone wires connecting with thotrolloy company's main offices. Tho Fairmount Park Transporta tion company operates various lines of trolley cars through the park. Tho traf fic is unusually heavy on Saturdays and Sundays. Six mon, employes, wero In the office whon the burglars mado their appcaranco. Each robbor was armed with two revolvers and thoy took tho employes completoly by sur prise It was tho work of a few mo ments for tho robbers to pinion tho workmen, who wero rolled over to ono side of tho room, with tholr faces to tho wall. Ten minutes later the safo was craokod and tho gang tlod. Frank Levan, tho night recolvcr, ono of the mon gagged and bound by the robbers, told tho story of- his ex perience "Whllo I was standing at tho offico door, I heard footsteps in tho renr. Turning, I saw two men with mask.i on tholr faces. Thoy had two big ro volvers and took mo into tho clndor room and tied my hands and feet with wlro and laid me upon the floor, with my face to tho wall. In tho conduc tors' room I saw Whltehouse was also being bound nnd gagged, "When wo were laid upon tho floor a man was detailed to guard us. In a few minutes in camo another victim, whotn I think was Watson, a conduc tor, and ho wont through tho saino thing. Then two more cams In and wero bound. Tho burglars worked quiotly. It only took then tou min utes to blow tho safe. "The guard frequently threatened to shoot us if we mado tho least out cry or motion. I think thoy must havo had a wagon to tako away the cash, for it was very heavy to got away with. "Shortly after tho money was taken out our guards loft Finally Philip Eaves, tho electrician, got himself un loosened, and he then unloosened us. "I tried to reach the city hall by wire, but the .vlros of both telephones had been cut and I had to run In thu pitch dark across country to Belmont pumping station, wliero I gave tho alarm and they informed tho dcteo tivoi." ALL TO SAIL BY JULY 15. DIM Cnlilm Th:it Threo :o;lment, In cluding Nehr.ult nn, I.o.vnat Once. Washington, Juno 20 General Otis cables to tho war department: "Transport Indiana with 131 officers and sohllcM discharged as sick, with civilians, left for San Francisco via Nagasaki yesterday. Hancock and Sherman with Nebraska, Pcnnslyva ula and Utah leave for United States as soon as troops can bo placed iu readiness. Callfornlans will leavo as soon as collected. Colorado to follow on first avallablo transport. "All voluntoer organizations here desiro muster out San Francisco." Adjutant General Corbln slid to day that General Otis' dispatch stat ing that the Nebraska, Pennsylvania nnd Utah volunteers would leave Ma nila at oaco for San Francisco, Indi cated that the commanding general iu tho Philippines now saw His way clear to return all tho volunteor forco to this country, aenoral Corbln said that while all of General Otis' cable gram was not mado public, tho gen eral gave no Intimation of when the Twentieth Kansas or any other volun teor regiments would leavo tho Phil ippines, but that ho had no doubt that tho entire volunteer forco would havo loft for San Francisco by July is. A Mexlcm Gorernor to Attend. Las Veoas, N. M., Juno 2(. Word was recotvod here 'from Chihuahua, Mexico, that Governor Ahuroada, ol that province, will attend tho "Rough Riders' " reunion hero as President Diaz's personal representative. Gov ernor Ahumada will bo escorted by the military band of Chihuahua, num berlng 80 pieces. A number ol "Rough Riders" have already arrived here. Governor Murphy of Arizona will b hero Saturday, Without Wire In the Indlei. Kinoston, Jamaica, June 2a Tin government of Triuidad has decldod to adopt tho Marconi system of wire less telegraphy for communication with tho dependency of Tobago. To bago la an island in tho Windward group of the British West Indies, thirty-two miles long by twelve wldo, twenty-four miles northeast of Trini dad. It was cedod to Great Britain by France In I7d3. Chicago, June 20. The details ot organization of the Illinois Electric Vnhlcle Transportation company are now all but completed and the company expects within u month to havo automobllot running in Chicago. Tho company will havo an authorised capital of 520,000,000. LoNDON.Juno 20. The wife of Jaract Mlohael, the bicycle rider, secured a divorce from him to-day upon the grounds of desertion nnd unfaithful, ncss. Michael had sued for divorce in Indiana. He and his wife separated three months after their marrlasro at Cardiff. Wales. i v