The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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If V V w v
l '.,B
Jewelry is some
thing thntthn av
o r n g o person
knows so little
about thntho must
noi'ds depend al-
entirely up-
on the Jeweler of
J whom ho buys.
Wo find that our
judgment is rolled
J upon inoro and
J moro by Jowolry
buyers. Poop I o
who wish to avoid
mistakes aro
incc to havo
incr to havo us
X shoulder the entire burden. If you 2
J buy jowelry hero it's monT no J
matter what you pay for it. 4
XNewhouse Bros.,
I Jewelers and Ophthalmologists.
! !
! Bring uh your Watch, Clock ami Jewelty J
work. We do the best work. j
i 4
Blue grass seed at Mitchell Bros.
Wm. Woods of McCook was hero
Mrs. Ladd of Inavnlo was hero
Takoyour harness repairing to Fogel
and' Hutchison.
Tho CliiEt' and
one year for 81.25,
Chicago Inter Oceau
Havo you seen
and dusters at J.
that tino lino of nets
O. Butler's.
Another rain or two and the ground
won't hold all the potatoes.
If you want anything in the harness
lino sco Fogel and Hutchison.
Ed. Dyer and wifo have left this city
:and have gone overland to Hastings.
R. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was doing
business in the city the first of the
L. A. Hussong is to preach in the
Christian chutch at Cowles next Sun--day
at 3:15 p.m.
Sheriff Wells was in Franklin Wed
nesday attending tho trial of Colo for
the murder of Kriechbaum.
Charlie Gurney returned home from
"Kansas City Saturday. He had made
a shipment of stock to that place.
Mrs. Harry Bealo of McCook who
lias boen visiting with relatives in the
city left for home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tonnant were
called to Franklin Wednesday night
on account of tho sickness of the child
of their son Earl.
The county commissioners wero in
session this week as a board of equali
zntion. Tho proceedings will bo found
-elscwhore in this issue.
Mrs. Max Lustig and daughter and
Miss Zolma Schwartz of Hastings, ar
rived in the city Wednesday for a vis
it with M. M. Stern and wife.
Special Sale, commencing Juno 10
and ending Juno 24, on fly-nets and
dusters. Special prices on nets nnd
dusters during this sale. J. O. Butleii.
Mrs. H. 0. Spolmnn, wifo of a
'former pastor of tho Congregational
church in this pity, died in Edgorton,
Wisconsin, Tuesday, Juno 13, of spinal
Prof. E. C. Hubbel preached a good
-sermon at tho Christian church last
Sunday evening. His theme was,
"Experience vs Prejudice." Tho pro
fessor went from hero to Bloomingtou
to assist in tho Franklin county teach
ers institute
I TN a careful chemical ex-
I 1 amination of the leading
S Malt Extracts of the world,
I the United States Govern-
I ment Chemists found
was the only one of all that
S was absolutely pure and per- 5
H feet. Others cannot replace 5
a it. a
3 At til drug stores, js
It. L.
Tinker of McCook was hero
llnrtH'ss of
nil kinds at Fogel and
SeoW. V. Wright's liuoof cooklug
stoves and ranges.
Mark Parkes was here from McCook
the last of the week.
The Chief and the Chicago Inter
0"an ono year for $1:25.
See tho line linu ot cooks and
handled by W. W. Wright.
Insuro with tho Pennsylvania Firo of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
Largest line of nets and dusters in
tho Republican valley at tho lowest
prices. J. (). Butler.
Ed. Bohanan and wifo of Lincoln
wero visiting with tho family of E. B.
Smith this week.
Will Duckor who has been teaching
school at Pawnee Citv, this state
arrived homo Friday night.
Miss Florence Whito who has been
visiting hero for some timo past return
ed to her homo at Bostwick Monday.
Mrs. Mark Laurltson. formorlv of
this city, now living at Holbrook, this
itato, is hero visiting with J. 0. Lind
ley and family.
Concert: It is expocted that Miss
Beatrix Mizer will sing in Red Cloud
under tho auspices of tho Congrega
tional Aid society about July 18th:
If our readers want a cooking stove
or range thoy should look over tho lino
kept by W. W. Wright. Thoy havo as
good an assortment as can be found in
J. A. Schear, of Scdalia, Mo., saved
his child from death by croup by using
Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippo and
all throat and lung troubles. C. L.
To euro pilos strike at tho root that's
tho way. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
strikes at tho root it removes tho
cause quickly and permanently. Don't
squander time and motoy in a vain
effort to remove tho effects. C. L.
Thomas Thurman, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says if everyone in tho
United States should discover tho vir
tue of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo for
pilos, rectal troubles and skin diseases,
tho demand could not bo supplied. C.
L. Cotting.
One of the committee of the Fourth
of July celebration at Campbell in
writing in tho Press says they will
havo a steam "Mnry-go-round." Now
wn would just llko to know what it is
"Mary" is going to steam around. If
there is enough "Mary" to go around
wo might be induced to celebrato at
Most of tho men who havo been
engaged hero putting in tho telophono
system left Monday morning for
McCook to engago in tho work of put
ting in tho exchange at that place. Two
men still romain here to finish up tho
work of putting in tho phonos and do
bat wiring remains to bo done.
Ono of the most popular of tho songs
of the day is "She Was Bred in Old
Kentucky." The words of tho pieco
are singularly idiotic; it is a strange
fact that most popular songs nro silly
in tho oxtreme. Any kind of cheap
John poetry will do, so that tho music
ian strikes a piece of music that is easy
to whistle.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllceat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Juno 22d,
Benedict, Clevo J. A. Miles:
These letters will bo sont to tho dead
letter oflico July G'.h, if not called for
bofore. When calling for above plcaso
say advortised. T. C. Hacker, P. M
Everybody has a roar coming on tho
worthless dogs that chaso about tho
town in tho early morning hour,
awakening tho whole town. Sunday
morning a bunch of eleven mado the
grand tour of the city about five-thirty
just tho hour whon sleep tastos tho best.
A little shotgun practice on their
carasses would do them good.
Tho late rains have come to the roliof
of tho small grain crop of this county
helping it out amazing. Pieces of
wheat that it was thought would not
pay to cut a few week ago will now cer
tainly mako a good yield, and in
sovoral places tho crop will averago
up to thatof last year. Wheat is all
beaded out and in u couplo of weeks
tho most of it will bo ready for tho
This oflico is quite busy at present
getting out tho premium list for the
Inter-State fair. Tho fair this year
will bo hold September 18, 10, 20 and
21. Under the new association tho fair
will undoubtedly be a success as they
guaranteo tho paymout of all premiums,
By guaranteeing the nice purses an
unlimited quantity of good horse flesh
can always be found to compete for
Hi mi i and this feature can therefore he
expected to bo llrst. class this year. Tho
premium Ii8t will bo ready for distrib
ution about tho first of July anil yon
should obtain a copy and see what you
will gtl (not what you will bo promised)
Uhould you desire to make an exhibit.
The Cuii:k1.U0 per year.
Fresh bulk garduu ueds. Mlloholl
For hand made haruuss go to Fjgel
and Hutchisons.
Tho celling of the oflico has been
nuatoly painted this week.
Miss liUlu Sollars has returned from
a visit with friends in Lincoln.
Seo tlio "American" hog fence at
Mitchell Bros. Best on earth.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Claronco
Kizor on Saturday Juno 17th, a sou.
Josslo Kellogg returned homo Friday
from Lincoln where sho has been
attending school.
Attorney Blacklodgo was looking
after legal matters in Lincoln tho
first of tho week.
Ida M. Harst, of Omaha who has
been visiting with John Brush and
family returned homo Tuesday.
Alvin Popo who has been engaged in
teaching in an educational institut
ion at Washington, D. 0. returned
home last Sunday evening.
Get your salo bills printed at this of
fice and tho announcement of salo will
bo printed in the paper during tho
timo preceding tho salo day free ot
Don't buy a rango or cooking stovo
until you examine tho lino kept by W.
W. Wright. Thoy aro of tho latest
pattern and built to do good cooking
and savo fuel.
All members of Red Cloud Council
No. 447, F. A. A. aro requested to bo
present nt regular meeting of tho coun
cil Saturday evening, Juno 24th.
Election of officers. Claka McMil
lan, Secretary.
You got up in the morning tired, a
bad tasto in tho mouth and a headache
Know what's tho matter? Biliousness!
Tako DoWitt's Little Early Risers.
Thoy regulate tho liver and euro con
stipation pleasantly and promptly.
Never gripo. C L. Cotting.
The Woodman of this city aro being
treated to a series of musical enter
tainment at their meetings these days,
tho music being furnished by Messrs.
McBridoandMcNitt. They nlso havo a
committee on social entertainment
which generally has something prepar
ed to ticklo tho palates of attending
members after a hard night's work
initiating new members. Music and
refreshments are certainly good induce
ment to attend.
How environment tends to mould
opinion and givo a local stylo to social
etiquette. The following is -ho way an
RcdCloud lady ask a morchant to show
her a pair of garters: "It is my desiro
to obtain a pair of circular elastic
appendage contracted and oxpaned by
means of oscillating burnished steel
appliances that sparkle like particles
of gold half sot with Alaska diamonds,
and which are utilized for keeping in
position the habiliments of the lower
extremities which innato delicacy for
bids mo to mention."
I Babies and children need I
proper food, rarely ever medi- j
cine. If they do not thrive
! on their food something is
I wrong. Thcv need a little I
I help to get their digestive
ive I
j macmncry wonumjprupcn
will generally
correct this
1 difficulty.
If you will put from one
fourth to half a teaspoonful j
in baby's bottle three or four 1
times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement. For
larger children, from half to
a teaspooniui, according 10
age, dissolved in their milk,
if you so desire, will very
soon show its great nourish
ing power. If the mother's
milk does not nourish the
baby, she needs the emul
j sion. It will show an effect j
at once both upon mother j
i and child. ?
I vx and $i . ill druggists. I
? Sl'.Ol 1 & NOV.'N... UwmuH, Nw York.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum biking powders are the greatest
menacen to health of the present day.
now Mia rowM oa,, tw rtm.
At tho closo of tho teachers' institute
last Saturday resolutions wore adopted
in which tho ronomination of Mrs. Eva
J. Cass as county superintendent was
made a promlnont feature. Tho teach
of Webster county, with tho exception
of a small per cont, may not bo eligablo
voters on account of their sox, however
that Is no reason why thoy should not
be judges ot tho competency and ef
ficacy of a candidato for that oflico, and
tho wishes of tho teachers should not
in this instance bo overlooked.
A universal sentiments exists among
Nebraska pooplo, irrespective of politi
cal belief, that thoro should bo aomo
demonstration of respect tendered tho
First Rcgituont on its return homo.
A movement to this end has already
bogun at Lincoln and it should rocolvo
tho hearty co-operation of tho ontiro
stato. The reception ns planned will be
held in Lincoln some two or throo
weeks after tho return of tho regiment
and transportation, onlertainmont,otc.
will bo free of chango to them. Tho
object of putting it olT for two or
thrco week after their arrival is that
thoy may first visit homo nnd friends.
It is proposed to givo tho boys
a reunion on tho camp grounds from
which thoy marched n year ago, and
where veterans of tho Grand Army of
tho Republic will bo waiting to receive
them, and also tho Second nnd Third
Regiments, together with tho Stato
National Guard acting as a guard of
honor. Webster county has sovoral
boys in the First Regiment and why
not help this move along to givo them
a fitting reception, or hotter yet, got
up ono for their benefit shortly after
their return.
Candidates for oflico aro springing up
about as thick as toad stools around a
stump. Of courso they all havo their
own ideas about their chances of re
ceiving tho nomination and of finally
being olectcd. It is indeod amusing to
stand around and hear them toll of
the running qualities in an election,
from tho republican who thinks ho can
carry Potsdam without a strugglo to
tho populist who thinks ho can carry
the Second ward of this city by a large
majority. Now we will not montion
tho names of any candidates as yet for
fear of "raising somo one's dander"
but will say that wo havo rosorred a
few spaces at the head of our editorial
pago which are well suited for an
nouncements, which can bo had for tho
small sum of livo dollurs each should
candidates desiro to inform tho pooplo
between now and tho timo set for hold
ing the convention that thoy want
somo oflico. Wo havo about come to
tho conclusion that a newspaper man
has no business springing candidates
on nn unsuspecting publio and so havo
decided to lot them announco them
selves. If you nro a candidato for any
oflico announco yourself in stylo and
after that tho newspaperman will havo
an opportunity of saying something
nice about you without being accused
of springing candidates or trying to
nominato tho whole ticket.
Bryan now decides that it takes
moro bravery to fight tho trusts than
to chango up San Juan hill. In conso
quenco we can soon look for another
resignation. Tho only idea of a charge
that over entered this leader.s head
was tho greatest possible chargo for
tho uso of the tongue. Ho is ono of
thoso marvellous swashbuckles whom
Ben Hill so graphically described year
ago as "invincible in peace and invisi
ble in war. What terror must reign
in tho breast of tho trusts as thoy bo
hold this great long distance fighter
oiling up his tonguo for tho fray. Don
Quixote would not havo mot such dis
aster bad ho avoided tho wild mill.
But what aro the poor trust to do
whon they seo tho wind mill flowing
on their trail. They havo no refuge
expect cave, Billy tho Bravo is to daro
what no rongh rider ever dared on San
Juan, risk what Chaffee and the fight
ing Seventh a. El Caney never risked.
Ho is going to open the battery of his
jaw at tho trusts oven at tho risk of
having it silenced, Imagine tho "Mat
terhorn" boroft of her glittering cor
onet of snow, tho mighty Niagara
shorn of tho thunder that rolls up from
the abyss into which she leaps, and
llryaii with his month closed by a
giant trust in compressed air. No
wonder the soldier who never faltered
while othurs climbed San Juan hill,
win) stayed not his onward march
until ho saw the sea, now pales before
Are You
or maraly covared? Some clothing
will drass and caver taa. Wa kava
that kind. Hera ore
of CRASH and SERGE, la fashioaabla
pattaras and shades wblck ara cut'aid
finished just as wall as tha fashianabla
tailor wilt do it but nt a half lass than
tho tailor's price.
Wo hava
Thoy are particularly dressy.
SafipHflciseo Poultry Gap
will be near the B, &, M. depot
Friday Forenoon, June 30th
Bring la your poultry this car and get tha following
prices la cash.
Hens 07c per pound.
Rooosters $1.75 per dozen.
Ducks and Geese 05c per pound.
Hen Turkeys 07c per pound.
Tom Turkeys 06 Jc per pound.
Spring Chickens 1 ajc per pound.
Do not forgat the date, as car will be on tke track only
the octopus that threatens to compress
tho chief raw material of a vorv raw
politician. But wo look for bravo deeds
from him who mado that groat march
"from Jacksonville to tho sea." Stato
Resolutions of Webster County Teachers.
Wiieukas: Wo tho tcocbors of Web
ster county in instituto ussembled havo
had a most pleasant and piontablo
week in tho art of teaching,
Bo it resolved; That we feel it both a
duty and a ploasure to extend our
heartfelt thanks to the Instructors for
the many favors and efficiont sorvlcos
they havo rendered ub in endeavoring
to show us tho better ways to load the
ohildron in oasier paths toward tho
plnnaclo of loarning. And wo us
tonchcrs will strivo to show our ap
preciation of their labors by striving to
do more efficient work in futuro than
in tho past and tho good wo havo re
ceived "pass it on."
Bo it further resolved, That we tako
this opportunity to extend our thanks
and appreciation to our worthy county
superintendent, Mrs. E.J. Case, for her
careful and wise selection of instruct
ors for tbo instituto and the supervis
ion of the schools of our county; thoro
fore, we tbo teachors feel it our bound'
en duty to work for her renomina
tion and re-election.
Weather of the State.
General summary of tho weather
and crop conditions over tho sialo as
reported by tho state observer at Lin
coln: Tho pitsl week has been warm and
wet in eastern counties and dry in
western. Tho averago dally tempera-'s Iiih varied from 2 degrees
in tho eastern pari of the stale to less
. .
them at
Clothing Co.
than 1 degree in tho western.
Tho rainfall has exceeded uhalf inch
incenteral and caste rn countries and
was exceedingly heavy In Dodge Wash
ington, and Burt counties, ranging,
from 4 to nearly 7 inches. In most of
the western counties tho rainfall was
less than a quarter of an inch.
The continued dry weather in tho
western country has been exceedingly
unfavorable for small grain. OaU and.
wheat cousideraly injured in that part
of the stato and many fields aro ripen
ing prematurely. In some counties tho
grass is drying up. Tho post week has.
boen oxceeptionally favorably to crops
in most of the eastern counties. In the
counties whero the houvest rainfalls
occurred corn suffered considerably
from washing, continued-wet soil and
lack of cultivation. Wheat and oats are
heading out and ryo is beginning to
ripen. Corn is backward and small in
all section, but stand is good and tho
crop healthy. It has not yet been in
jured by tho drought in southwestern
u 'Unties and litis made liuo growth in
eastern counties during tho past week.
Generally the corn is freo from weeds,
and tho second cultivation is well
advanced. But in the region of heavy
rainfall whero cultivation has beeu
detained, tho fields are becoming soma
what weedy. Potatoes are growiuc
voiy well and aro now genorally in
bloom. Cherries nro ripo and the orop
is good, Alfalfa is mostlj cut for tho
the first timo and tho crop is light.
Sugar boots aro growing woll.
Try Colorado this Summer.
Getting thorn eoM very little olio
faro plus 82 for tint round trip every
day from J uno 1!5 to July 11. Tiokets
good to return until Outobor 31. Seo
nearest lliirlingtou nont and get particulars,