lift .;s THE BED CLOUD CELIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1399. ' 44 Woman's Work School District No. 1. 1, II mills. r :i " 10 " iSSSSCSfe'fe'aSiCaSSiS. MINER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. $&$$&&&&$&$::. mv is Never Done, tt m h V 4 Tlie consiAnl cue cuises sleeplessness, loss of Appetite, extreme nervousness. And tftAt tired feeling. But a ivonderfut cfuvigc comes ivtten Hood's SArsApArilla is tAkcn. It gives pure, lich blood, good Appetite, ste.idy nerves. SaUaf)Wilt THE CHIEF ruBLintiD nr v. i. McMillan. One yesr .. Mx month! 1100 50 i. ii H jo, ir ' ii . j(()) y i. ii ii jjj, 25 ii i. ii ii o1( 10 ii ii ii ii oo( 15 ( ii ii ii 7Q( io i ii it 7jj( 5 ii ii 7j( 5 i ii ii ;a, ; ii .1 ii 9if 3 ii ii ii ii 82, 3 " On motion, board of equalization n jonrncil sine die. J. P. Ham;, Clerk. PUBLISHED KVERT FRIDAT Entered t the post office at Red Cloud, Neb. m lecond clan mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Local advertising ft cent per line per luatie. Local AdTertlilnt for entettalnmenta, con cern, wclali, etc., given by churchci, charitable aocletle. etc., where all tnonejr railed there from are uned wholly for church or charitable ocletlea, first ten linen free and all over ten line 3M cent per line per Italic. Local advertlalng of entertainment, concert, recital, etc, where per cent I given to pro moters, cent per line per laaue. ciarLAT adtertibixo. Oae column per month ... (7 on One half column per month .....- .1 ro Onefoorth column per month........-.....- 1 75 Qenaral dlaplay advertising 8U cents per Ucb per laaue. Commissioners' t Proceedings. WL $iy Wm Ibk I m mm v We give Red Cloud, Neb., Juno 12, 1800. Board of county commlBsionerH met pursuant to adjournment. Following present: E. B. Smith, Geo. P. Wober, Jerome Vance, Win. Ironn, Win. A. May, chairman. Business was transacted as follows: Petition of I. Frisbio nnd others for bridge across the Republican river at Amboy rojectcd. Petition of J. Wntten to open up road commencing at the went end of tho lnot one-half mile caiit and between AdainH and Webster county granted. Petition of Thoi. Roder and others to open up road commencing at northeast cornor of section seven, and northwest corner of section 8. town 2, range 12, running one mile south between said sec tion. First half mile of load opened as prayed for. Resignation of Geo. O. Yeiser, justice of the peace, Red Cloud City, was pre sented and accepted. J. R. Coon was appointed road over seer district 27 and bond approved. Moved and carried that the county have a telephono in the county clerk's office. Board adjourned to meet Jtino 10, '09. Red Cloud, Juno 10, 1801). Board met as per adjournment, to transact general business. Members present: May, Weber, Vance, Irons, Smith. On motion, the county treasurer was instructed to transfer $1200 from the poor-house fund to county bridge fund. Contract for building a vault in the court house as per plans and specifica tions filed, was let to G. W. Ross for 450. County treasurer was instructed to sell lot 0, block 27. city of Red Cloud, for $100, In payment of all delinqnent taxes, including those of 1800. Resignation of J. Porter, Jr., as jus tice of tho peace, of Red Cloud city, pre sented and accepted. On petition, Sam'l West was appoint ed justice of tho peact vice Geo. O. Yei ser resigned, both in Red Cloud. E. J. Solomon was appointed justice of tho peace for Harmony precinct. Tho following official bonds were ap droved by tho board: A. B. Wiggins, overseer road district '?!. R. D. Bedford, justice of the peace, Red Cloud city. E.J. Solomon, justice of tho peace, Harmony precinct. Sam'l West justice of tho peace, Red Cloud city. On motion, E. W. Coplen was author ized to purchaso one self-binder, one mower and one hay rake for use on county poor farm. On motion, county clerk was ordered to notify tho several road overseers that tho county board will not allow claims for road or bridgo work, or material for bridges or culverts, unless same is or dered or sanctioned by some member of tho board. Claims were allowed ns follows: HJMaurer, road work OM bulrloy. " ' QHouohln " " , tJEldrldge " " KHouoUIn " " itofliFearn " " the best prize, viz: Value in every piece of goods sold. All goods marked in plain figures. We Lead. Prices and quality guaranteed. If yoa m not satisfied uuth your purchase bring it baek. Red Cloud, Neb., Juno 1H, 1809. Board met as a board of equalization, with all members present, and pro ceeded to review assessment books from tho various precincts. And later appeared before the board, Jno. Hardwick, requesting tho board to reduce the assessment of lots 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, and se4 of soctlon 2-1-12, to $1.50 per acre. Action postponed. At 5 o'clock, board adjourned till 8 n. m., Juue 14. June 14, 8 a. m board met, and con tinued to review assessors' books. Geo. Nowhouse now comes before tho board and asks a reduction of assess ment in the sum of $00, on lots 7, 8, and 10, block 4, Red Cloud, which, on mo tion boord refused to grant. At ft p. in,, board adjourned till 8 u. in., Juue 15. June 1ft, 8 u. in., board met as ad journed, with all members present. Moved and carried that the county clerk make tho following changes in tho real estate assessments in tho various precincts: Beaver Creek, , . .add 2 per cent. OakCievk " !t "' " Garfield " 1)7 " Pleasant Hill.... " 0 " " Batiu " 12 " " Walnut Creek... " 11 " ' Cntherton " 10 " " Stillwater.... reduce 4 " " Potsdam ' 10 " Rod Cloud... " 4 " " Glenwood.... " 18 " " Harmony.... " 4 " " Moved and carried that the clerk make the following changes In the assessment of personal property. Guide Rock add 2 per cent. OakCroek " 2 " " Gartleld " 0 t Pleasant Hill... " 4 " " Inavale " 7 " " Harmony " ft " ' Line reducol " " Red Cloud... " 0 " " Walnut Creek " 8 " " Catherton.... " 7 " On motion, the county clerk was or dered to extend on the tax list for the year 1690, the following levies for county purposes: County general fund, 0,2 mills. ' bridge ' 2.0 " " insane " .5 " " railroad bonds2.0 " Soldiers relief fund.. .!! " County poor fund .... 1.0 " " road " ....8.0 " Jim Fox W Anbushon Jas KcbrIo Ij Aubuauon O Andoraon SCO 18 00 90 90 OM 30 40 000 000 2 00 000 IN 200 I'opo 4 MoClamu, road plow 10 00 Ooo, Karl, road word 7 SO Ooo Earl, bridgo work BOO Joa HoKee, bride work 5 35 All Bowman, timber 0725 M L Flnkenbtnder, road work 8 00 w ) f l it l Of tt tt tt Shoes. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt a SJtU Wo still have some of tho Bradley & Metcalf shoes which we are selling at actual cost. Ladles 93.80 vici kid, cloth top, hand turned lace shoes at t2 75 Our 13.25 vici kid, stock tip, hand turn, button, at 2 GO Our 83.00 bright dongola, Good- your welt, b S 2 25 Our 83.00 bright dongola, lace, hand turn 2 25 Our $2.25 bright dongola, button shoo at 1 00 We havo a completo line of shoes from tl to $3.50 per pair. Childrens shoos from 25c to 11.40 per pr. Boys and youths shoes 81.25 to $2.00. Men's shoes 81.40 to 84.00. Dress Goods. Furniture. Our stock in this line is always up to our motto: "The best goods for the least money." Henriettas in mixed and all wools, also tho latest brocador in blacks and colors. Storm Serges in blue and black. Fino wall sergo In black, new blue, green, cardinal and gray. LaUcarge in aifferent shades. Wo lind that we havo a fow nice sum mer dress patterns in 7 yard lengths, which we intend to make go by giving 20 por cent oil the tho regular pi ice. Carpets. Carpet remnants at re in units of former prices. REMNANTS IN INGRAIN. All cotton, !(0o per yard made up, tegular -lOo grade. Union at 45o per yard made up, regu lar 55o grade. Ail wool at 5Co aud GOc por yard made up, regular GOc and 70c grail o. Remnants in Moquettes, Axminsters, Brussels at 771c par yard, made up. Just about enough for a 9x10 room.o All carpets out without wast to pur chaser. We guarantee tit of all carpets. Combination have advanced tho price on furniture from 10 to 80 por cent. We bought before the advance. Commenced unloading another car on Thursday, June 8tb. We Guarantee to lead all competition. Iron Beds 8 8 00 to $ 5 00 Special in Couches 0 00 to 18 00 Bed Room Suites 13 00 to Kitchen Safes 3 50 to ChiQioncrs 5 00 to Bed Springs 1 40 to Mattresses 2 50 se Sideboards 12 10 to Tho largest line of chairs ever shown in Red Cloud. From tho smallest to the largest. Dining Chairs, wood seat 8 70 tor 8 I 40 Dining Chairs, cano scat. 90 to 2 00 Rockers 1 25 to 15 00 45 00 11 00 15 00 5 00 0 00 35 00 Table Linen. SPECIAL VALUES FOR JUNE Linen finish Damask, two patterns at 18c per yard. Liuon finish damask 23c to 35c per yd. Linen Damask 40c per yard. Linen Damask, bleached and unbleach ed 50c to 81.75 per yard. Turkoy Red, Yellow and high colors. Value in every piece. Prices range from 12 to GOc por yard. Prints. 15,000 yards prints in stock. Dark cofbred dress prints, per yard Fancy colored dress srints, " Blacks, Reds, Grnys and Blues, per Vara Amorican Shirting Prints por yard. Oil Calicoes, fancies and plain colors per yard, 7c to Summer Goods. Napkins. Colored, Bleached and Unbleached. Many match patterns In damasks. GOc to 85.00 per dozei. Shirtings. Checks and Plaids Gc Fancy checks and plaids 7c ouuuienu ouk 8C m Amoskeag loo " to to to to to to -to to m to m to m m to to to to to to to to Ranchman's 12i Fancy Newport 15c Just tho tking for boy's waists. Sheetings. sheet- We are offering special values In lag arm reauy made sheets. 9-4 unbleached sheeting 14c 0-4 bleached sheeting 15c 0-4 unbleached PepperillR 16c 10-4 unbleached Pepperill R 20c 9-4 bleached Pepperill R 10c 10-4 bleached Pepperill R 20c 50-inch pillow casing 12 40-inck pillow casing 10c 70x90 ready made sheets, hemmed each 07c Pillow casos to matck, each 10c 70x90 ready made sheets, hemstitch ed, oach 70c Pillow cases to match, each 20c Muslins. 4c 0c 5c 5c 10c Our line of Dimities, Whits Goods and Shirt Waist materials tho best ever showa la Red Cloud. Special value in every article See our colored and white tigurespiques at 15c to 30c. 3c 4 c WE ARE ACKNOWLEDGED LEAD ERS. WE MAKE THE PRICE. Yard wido unbleached muslin, por yard Yard wide unbleached L. L. muslin per yard Yard wido unbleached L. L. muslin best you can buy, por yard 5c We are offering a special value in mill ends muslin, 1 to 7 yd lengths regular 7c gride, our price per yd 4 Naumkeg extra heavy unbleached, per yard 6c Other grades, por yard 7c and 8c A good bleached muslin, per yard.. 4c Hope bloached muslin, per yard .... 5 Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale muslin, por yard 8 Cambric muslin, per yard, 10c and 12 v p Ktiuadj. Wm Aubuabon, F H Itlobardaon a ti Buaukliu Curt Jorsenaon DA Dickey K Mattocks L Enoy 500 400 000 15 00 31 C 2187 350 1100 Miner Bros., Red Cloud, Nebr. '00'00'. lay minfr RDnTUPRc Dm p.i nun ucnotci V to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to v MINER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. 23: Ia Molutoab, bridge work 10 25 SUndqulat " " 1350 JoallarU " ' 1025 C 11 Crouo, froaoaao ot llont 2 CO Trailer Lumber Co., lumber 5 12 O A tiutbrlc, wltuoss Nelaon caao 3 20 WBbhlrloy, 3 2 Q E Oatman, aaaoaalng Oak Creek 00 00 0100 J A Bailey M W Fuller O Ferdinand W M Dlokaou W lirettbauer Joa Ilnrta It Ailnmaou W K ItoyuoMu K lloitlor O W Hatifui Cbaa Wolt J W Wurrcu 11 eo May Orrin Tabor I W Molntyru Heaver " .... Harmony 8t00 Stillwater 70 50 lied Cloud precinct., 150 00 Catborton 7120 Datln 7700 Pleasant Hill 61 0 WaluutCrcok... . 8180 Kim Creek 7220 (lulilullook 1.13 40 GnrneM 08 GO Hod Cloud City 18700 Olenwood 82 60 luavale 8101 Total 17 mills. Moved and carried that the comity cloik be also instructed to extend on 1801) tax list tho following levies lor payment of bdiool district lionds on sinking fund: I.luo 5680 Ii II Heck.vmncas (eoa 340 Joa Warren, Inquoat Borgouaon caae .... 1260 WMCrabill, Jury (eea 200 OF. Itamoy " ' 200 n Iiludqulit " " 2 00 KW Coplen " " 200 WLMcUlllan" " 200 CTDIckoraon. smithing 400 W H Hoaencrana, road work 0 00 IjESpence, printing 700 IiF.Talt ' 1575 W L McMillan " 00U J O Lludtey, moala for Jurors 8 20 J P Halo, part tax Hat 40000 Ii B Wllaon. office rent 810 Harry Btroup, labor on Jail 4 00 WW Wllllama, Janitor work 200 11 F Mlier.auppllos 525 Jaa llurden, postage, oto 1000 II Y Hudson, wltneas fees 300 It Dledericli, rudsofor poor 1 50 State Journal Co., supplies 1505 J II Walsh, supplies , 6043 Sherwood & Albright, rudso for poor 150 K W Coplen. salary 0060 Or. Y K MoKeeby, medical aid 8 69 A J Htiyea, mdsefor poor 3500 C D Hoblnson, cash advanoed 2200 E J Peterson, fence for poor farm 14 87 . LB Wllaou, expense Hayoa-Hent case., . 31 08 It F Hudson, care for poor ,, 3409 Rill of Austin Western Co. for 14.00 was rejected. The following claims wore laid over: Chas. Wolf, bounty on coyotes. . . .$8.00 Geo. Tophani, ' ' ' 0.00 W. N. Richardson, illegal taxes... 05.80 Hoard adjourned. Juue 10, hoard-met in rugular M-wion; membeiH all pretout. On motion, .1. W. Wiitren was np lK)intod coroner. The following bonds were next ap proved: Geo. Chaput, overseer road district 47; J. W. Warren, coroner. On motion, four wheel scrapers and six drog scrapers were ordered from Pope & McClaren, two wheelers to be shipped to Inavale, balance to bo deliv ered at Red Cloud. Claims allowed: J P Hale, recording official bonda 22 90 Goo P Weber, commissioner sorvlco 3210 EHHmlth. " " 42 25 Win A May, ' ' 33 40 Wm Irons, " " 35 93 Jerome Vano. " " 2S20 Finding that the numerical iuilex for lands in the county is in bad condition, and in order to secure the county and individual against loss or injury, county clerk was ordered to purchase tho index or indexes required and transcribe the contents. On motion, Smith, Weber and May were appointed to settle witli tho county ofllcers. Board then adjourned, to meet August 7, tSUU. I was seriously uillicted with a cough for several years, and last fall bad a more severe cough than over before. I have used many remedies without re ceiving muck relief, aud boiug recom mended to try a bottlo of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy by a friend, who, knowing me to be u poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it, and with most grat ifying results. Tliu tirst bottle relieved me very much and tho second bottle has absolutely cured me. I have not had as good Health for twenty years. Respectfully, Mus. Makv A. Ukahd, Claremore, Ark. Sold by ii. E. Grice. ' . t TolCure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. lhe genuine has L. U. Q. on each tablot. Beatrice Chautauqua. A rare opportunity to havo a delight ful sunuier outing at little cost, secur ing incidentally the advantages of a splendid Chautauqua course. Begins July 21. Ends July 4. The program is completo lectures on every crfn colvable subjectband concerts every evening something to do, somewhere to go every Jhour of the day. The Chautauqua will close in n bla.o of glory on Tuesday, July 4th, when Gen. Shatter will tell ot the campaign be fore Santiago. Half rates to Beatrice via the Burlington. June M to July 4, from stations witlilu 200 miles. See the Light Running MILWAUKEE, It Cured Her Boy. Cheap Tickets to Detroit. Michlgaa. Take advantage of the low rate, one fare plus $3 for the round trip, which tho Burlington has made for tho '00 meeting of tho Christiau Endeavorers and go east at about half usual cost. July 3, 4 and 5 aro the dates of sale. Berths, tickets and information about return limits, sldo trips from Dolroit, etc., can be had at any Bur lington route ticket olllco. J. Francis, General i'assengor Agent, Omaha, Nob. m t What you want is not temporary re lief from piles nut a euro to stay cured. DeWitt's Witch IItt7.f1 Salvo omes piles, and they stty unrwl U. L. Cot-ting. m&Jm '1 III lilWhl t lor 81 25 lit llltill Oft'HIl out "When my son George was 14, he was stricken with a ter rible nervous affliction. Phy sicians nor medicines helped him. He lost his speech, use of limbs and could hardly swal low food Before he had fin ished a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine he could talk and eat well and 5 bottles cured him. Mrs. Julia O'Connor, Fulton, Ky, 9P DR. MILES' Restorative Nervine is sold by nil drugots on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Hook on heart nnd nerves sent free. Dr. Miles flcJIcal Company, Elkhart, tnd. Jit Jas. Peterson's. F. V. TAYLOR, The FOFfiitafe (Dani IS STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. ictwje;i prices, 331000011 GOODS, THAN ANYONE. CALL AND BE CONVINCED BEFORE BUYING. -f u. Y