THE RED CLOUD CHEEP. 1 11 i i II 1 1 1 t1-4-'-HH'-f-M4-H4--H-H.t-- PHANTOM SHIP -OR- The Plying Dutchman. H-4--H"t"H-4''K CHAPTER XXX. Amine had Just returnetl from nn nttornoon's walk through the streets of Qoa: she had made some purchases at different shops In tho bazaar, and had brought them homo under her mantilla. "Here, nt last, thank heav en, I am alone nnd not watched," thought Amine, ns alio threw herself on tho couch. "Philip, Philip, whero are you?" exclaimed she. "I havo now tho means, and I soon will know." Llttlo Pedro, tho son of tho widow, en tered tho room, ran up to Amine and klssod her. "Tell me. Pedro, whoro is your mother?" "She has gone out to see her frlcnd9 this evening, nnd wo are alone. I wIU stay with you." "Do so, dearest. Teh mo, Pcdro.can you kcop a secret?" "Yes, I can tell It mo." "Nay, I have nothing to tell, but I wish you to do something; I wish to make a play, and you shall see things In your hand." "Oh, yes show mo, do show mo." "If you promlso not to tell." "No, by the Holy Virgin, I will not." "Then you shall see." Amine lighted somo charcoal In a chafing dish and put It nt her feet; she then took a reed pen, somo Ink from a email bottle, and a pair of sclssora.and wrote down several characters on a pa per, singing, or rather chanting, words which wero not Intelllglblo to her young companion. Amino then threw frankincense nnd coriander seed Into the chafing dish, which threw out a strong aromatic smoke; and desiring Pedro to sit down by her on a small stool, she took tho boy's right hnnd and held It In her own. She then drew upon the palm of his hand a square figure with characters on each side of it, and in tho center poured a small quantity of the Ink, so as to form a black mirror of the elzo of half a crown. "Now all Is ready," said Amine; look, Pedro, what see you In the Ink?" "My own face," replied the boy. "She threw moro frankincense upon tho chafing dish, until tho room was full of smoke, and then chanted: "Turshoon turyo-shooa come down, come down." "Bo present, yo servants of theso names." "Remove the evil, and bo correct." Tho characters she had drawn upon the paper sho had divided with the scissors, and now taking one of the pieces, sho dropped it into tho chaflns dish, still holding tho boy's hand. "Tell mo, Pedro, what do you see?" "I seo a man sweeping," replied Pe dro, alarmed. "Fear not, Pedro, you shall see more. ,y Has ho dono sweeping?" "Yes, ho has." And Amino muttered words which were unintelligible, and threw Into the chafing dish tho other half o! tho pa per with tho characters she had writ ten down. "Say, now, Pedro, 'Philip Vanderdecken, appear!' " "Philip Vanderdecken, appear!" re sponded tho boy. trembling. "Tell mo what thou seest, Pedro tell mo truo?" said Amine, anxiously. "I seo a man lying down on tho -white sand. I don't like this piny." "Be not alarmed, Pedro; you shall havo sweetmeats directly. Toll mo what thou seest how tho man Is dressed?" "He has a short coat. Ho has white trousers; he looks about him ho takes something out of his breast and kisses it." '"Tis he! 'tis he! and ho lives! Heaven, I thank Theo. Look again, boy." "He gets up. I don't llko this play; I am frightened; Indeed I am." "Fear not." "Oh, yes I am; I cannot," replied Pedro, falling on his knees; "pray let me go." Pedro had turned his hand and spill ed tho ink, tho charm was broken and Amino could learn no more. She soothed tha boy with presents, made him repeat his promlso that he would not tell, and postponed further search Into fato until the boy should appear to havo recovered from his torror and be willing to resumo tho ceremonies. f "My Philip lives mother.dear moth er, I thank you." Amino did not allow Pedro to leave the room until he appeared to have qulto recovered from his fright; for somo days sho did not say anything to hJrn except to remind him of his prom lso not to tell his mother, or any one else, and she loaded him with pres ents. One afternoon when his mother was gone out Pedro came in and asned Amine "whether they should not have iho play over again!" m Amino, who was anxious to know more, was glad of the boy's request, an soon had everything prepared. Again was her chamber filled with the moke of the frankincense; again was sho muttering hor incantations; tho magic mirror was on the boy's hand, flpnd once more had Pedro cried out, "Philip Vanderdecken, appear!" when the door burst open, and Father Ma thlas, the wldow.and several ofher peo ple raado tholr appearance. Amino started up. Pedro screamed and ran to bla mother, jjjThen I was not mistaken at what I saw in the cottage at Tornouso," cried FatheY Mathlas, with his arms foldod -BY CAPTAIN MAWYAT. ! H"HH"M-f H over his breast, and with look3 of In dignation; "accursed sorceress! you are detected." About half an hour afterward two men dressed In black gowns came In to Amlnc'a room and requested that sho would follow them, or that forcu would bo used. Amino made no re sistance; they crossed the squaro; tho gate of a lnrgo building was opened; they desired her to walk in, and in a fow seconds Amine fouud herself In one of the dungeons of the Inquisition. Sho was subsequently tried and con demned to be burned at tho stako as a sorceress. Subsequently sho was ex ecuted according to sentence. We must again return to Philip and Krantz. When tho latter retired from tho presenco of tho Portuguese com mandant, he communicated to Philip what had taken place, nnd tho fabulous talo which ho had Invented to deceive tho commandant, by a story of burled treasure they had Invented. "I said that you alono knew whoro tho treas ure was concealed," continued Krantz, "that you might be sent for, for in all probability he will keep mo as a host age; but never mind that, I must take my chance. Do you contrive to escapo somehow and -ojoln Amine." They concocted a story of buried treasuro on a distant Island, and through tho soldier, Pedro, readily got me consent of tho commnndnnt to ac company them. Pedro, Schrloftcn and other soldiers connected with the fort accompanied them In the vessels. Nono of these bore the commandant good will. Tho party arrived under tho tree the bhovcls soon removed the light sand, and In a few minutes tho treas uro was exposed to view. Bag after bag was handed up and the loose dol lars collected Into heaps. Two of the soldiers had been sent to tho vessels for sacks to put tho looso dollars In, and tho men had desisted from their labor; they laid aside their spades, looks were exchanged, and all wero ready. Tho commandant turned round to call to and hasten the movements of tho men who had been sent for tho sackB, when three or four knives sim ultaneously pierced him through tho back; ho fell, and was expostulating, when they wore again burled in his bosom, and ho lay a corpse. Philip and Krantz remained silent spectators; the knives were drawn out, wiped and replaced In their sheaths. The party then set sail for homo. CHAPTER XXXI. Years havo passed away since wo re lated Amlno'a sufferings nnd cruel death; and now once moro we bring Philip Vanderdecken on tho scene. And during this time, whero has he been? A lunatic at one tlmo frantic, chained. coerced with blows; at others, mild nnd peaceable. Reason occasionally ap peared to burst out again, as tho sun on a cloudy day; and then it was again obscured. For many years there was ono who watched him carefully, and lived In hopes to witness his return to a snno mind; ho watched In sorrow and remorse ho died without his desires being gratified. This was Father Ma thlas! The cottage at Torneuse had long fnllon Into ruins; for many years it waited tho return of its owners, and at last tho heirs at law claimed and re covered tho substance of Philip Van derdecken. Even the fate of Amino had passed from tho recollection of most pcoplo. But many, many years have rolled away Philip's hair Is white -his once powerful framo is broken down and ho appears much older than ho really Is. He Is now sano; but his vigor Is gone. Weary of life, all he wishes for is to execute his mission and then to welcome death. The relic has never been taken from him; he has been discharged from the lunatic asylum, and has been provided with tho means of returning to his country. Alas! ho has now no coun tryno homo nothing In tho world to Induce him to remain In It. All he asks Is, to do his duty and to die. Tho ship was ready to sail for Eu rope, and Philip Vanderdecken went on onrd hardly carlnc whither h went. To return to Terneuse was not his ob ject; he could not bear the Idea of vis iting the sceno of so much happiness and so much misery. Amlno's form was engraven on his heart, and ho looked forward with Impatience to tho tlmo when ho should bo summoned to Join her in the land of spirits. "When, oh when is It to bo accom plished?" was the constant subject of his reveries. "Blessed Indeoa will be tho day when I leave this world of hato and seek that other in which the weary aro at rest." Tho vessel on board of which Philip was embarked as a passenger was tho Nostra Senora da Monte, a brig of threo hundrod tons, bound for Lisbon. Tho captain was an old Portuguese, full of superstition and fond of arrack a fondness rather unusual with peo ple of his nation. They sailed from Goa and Philip was standing abaft and sadly contemplating tho splro of tho cathedral, in which he had last parted with his wlfo, when his elbow was touched, and ho turned around. "A follow-pasioflscr again." snta a well-knoru voice It waa that of tho Pilot Schrlfteu. Thcro was no alteration In tho man's appearance; he show oil uo marks of ftecllnlng years, his one eyo glarud as keenly as ever. Philip started, not only nt tho sight of the man, but at tho reminiscences which his unexpected appearance brought to his mind. It was but for n second, nnd ho was again calm and penalc. "You here again, Schrlften?" observed Philip. "I trust your appearance for bodes the accomplishment of my tnsk." "Perhaps It does," replied the pilot; "wo both are weary." Philip mado no reply; he did not even ask Schrlften In what manner he had escaped from tho fort; ho was In different about It, for he thought that the man had n charmed life, "Many aro tho vessels that have been wrecked, Philip Vnnderdocken, nnd many tho souls summoned to their ac count by meeting with your father's ship while you hnvo been so long shut up," observed the pilot. "May our next meeting with him be more fortunate may It bo the last!" replied Philip. "No, no! rather may ho fulfill his doom, and shall till the day of Judg ment!" replied tho pilot, with em phasis. "Vile caitiff! I havo a foreboding that you will not havo your dctostablo wish. Away leave mo! or you shall find that, although this head Is blanch ed by misery, this arm has still somo power." Tho ship had now gained off the Eouthcrn coast of Africa, and was about one hundred miles from tho Lagullas coast; the morning was beau tiful, a slight ripple only turnod over tho waves, tho breeze was light and steady, and the vessel was standing on a wind at tho rnto of about four miles an hour. "Blessed bo the holy saints," said the captain, who had Just galnod tho deck; "another little Blnnt In our favor and we shall lay our course. Again, I say, blessed bo the holy saints, and particularly our worthy patron, St. An tolne, who has taken under his par ticular protection tho 'Nostra Senora da Monte.' We have a prospoct of fine weather; como, slgnors, let us down to brenkfust, and after breakfast we will enjoy our clgarros upon tho deck." But tho sceno was soon changed; a bank of clouds rose up from the east ward, with a rapidity that to the sea men's eyes was unnatural, and It soon covered the whole firmament; tho sun was obscured, and nil was ono deep and unnatural gloom; the wind subsid ed, and tho ocean was hushed. It was not exactly dark, but tho heavens wero covered with one red hazo, which gave an appearance as it the world was in a stato of conflagration. In the cabin the Increased darkness was first observed by Philip, who wont on deck; he was followed by the cap tain and passengers, who wero in a stnto of amazement. It was unnatural nnd Incomprehensible "Now, holy Virgin, protect us! what can this bo?" exclaimed the captain, In a fright. "Holy St. Antonio, protect us! but this Is awful!" "There there!" shouted tho sailors, pointing to tho beam of tho vessel. Ev ery eyo looked over tho gunwale to witness what had occasioned such ex clamations. Philip, Schrlften and tho captain wero side by side. On tho beam of tho ship, not moro thnn two cable lengths' distant, they boheld slowly rising out of the water tho tapering mast-head nnd spars of another ves sel. Sho rose and rose grndually; hor topmasts and topsail yards, with tho sails set, next mado their appearanco; higher nnd higher sho rose up from tho element. Her lower masts and rigging nnd, lastly, hor hull showed It self abovo the surface Still sho roso up, till her ports, with hor guns, nnd nt last tho whole of her floatago wero above water, and thoro sho remained, close to them, with her main ynrd squared and hovc-to. (To be continued.) PHILIPPINE MUSIC. Almoit All Tunc Are I'athotlo and Melnnohnl) In Tone. Philippine music Is becoming popu lar. Returning voyagers to tho far distant lslnnds havo introduced It hore. Llko the Hawaiian, It Is distinctive, and characteristic of tho national lifo of the people, though without doubt an adaptation of tho sweet and mel ancholy music of the Spaniards, Flute, violin and harp aro tho favorite Instru ments, as In tho Italian, but it is not llko tho animated music of Italy. Tho liveliest strains of the Filipinos are pathetic and melancholy In tone. So, too, aro tho titles of most of their musical compositions, as, for Instance, "Los Dlas Ultimas del Verano" ("Tho Last Days of Summer"), "Tho Wail of a Lost Soul," "Tho Approach of Au? tumn." Tho harp twnngs softly, the violin bow is gontly drawn, while abovo all floats tho wail of a flute, which rises and falls In melancholy cadences. This music speaks as elo quently to tho foreigner as to the na tive. "The Approach of Autumn" is so plaintive and sad that you can al most hear the rustle of the forest leaves, or tho sighing of autumn zephyrs through the pine trees. Church music, too, Is of tho same plalutlvo character, all pitched in a minor key. Indianapolis Sentinel. Teaching Eaw to lloiton Policemen. Under the workings of a new rule, Boston's policemen are receiving in aaructlon In tho law. Every week a number of logal questions pertaining to matters which como under their dally observation aro propounded to them, and this system of examinations Is beilovcd to havo greatly Improved tho efficiency of til force. fata iKMEWMftviB 11 i 1l f" twW9Wfcl M MmlmlMmmMImm III W14 flfl s;!&ir. .. y lDSfaiT Bwmicp. - fctfl - SWEETHEART Perhaps the morning never dawned on a sadder scene than on July 4th, C3, when over the blood-sodden field of Gettysburg the light hegan to break. Could all tho history of the wounded and dead have been written never be fore nnd been such a chronicle of ro mance and tragedy, but It was not; only now and then a leaf, ns It were, has been written mid preterved this one by an army nurso. My hands and HklrU were dabbed In blood; my heart was faint within me. For long hours I had fasted and work ed; Into my ears hnd Iippii poured tho most tender of last messages; the most heart-breaking tales. "You ought to rest a little." said thi rough but kindly voice of nn old sur geon; "only, If you can stand up a minute longor there la ,a case over hero I want you to seo. ' In silence I followed him to a small church build ing that had been turned Into an hos pital. Every pew was a bed of pain; blood dripped from between tho altar rails; even tho aisles wero partially blocked with tho wrecks of humanity. It Is In a scone llko this that one ap preciates the "other side" of war. The surgeon led me straight to the singer's stand and pointed to a young man in shoulder strnps, whose blonde curls wero matted and whose beautiful bluo eyes, beautiful even In their pnln, roved restlessly over the walls iud celling. He was lying Hat on his back with only a prayer book for a pillow. I saw at a glanco thnt an arm was gone. Tho lingers of the other hand worked nervously. "I can't mnko out whether ho 1j In his right mind or not," tho surgeon said In an undertone. "Maybe you cmi tell." I kneeled and laid my hand on his brow. He seemed not to hnvc noticed me before. Now ho turned a startled, wondering gazo on me. His tips moved, but at first I could not catch tho words. By and by I made out: "I want Dolllo. Please bring Dollle here." Agnln: "I will give all I have to the ono who will bring mo Dollle." Who Is Dollle?" I asked, gently, still smoothing his forehead. He looked up with almost a smile In his eyes, and asked naively: "Don't you know Dollle?" "I nm afraid I don't," I said, and I smiled a little, too. "Dollle Is my sweetheart," he an swered a moment later. His face was "I WANT DOLLIE." very grave now. "And, oh, how she cried when I came away! Poor Dol llo!" A few momonts I busied myself in trying to mako him more comfortable; then he broke out again: "If only I could seo hor JUBt a fow minutes It would be heaven on earth. Maybe she would como If she knew I am sick. I am sick, ain't I?" "What alls mo? I feel bo queer and sore nil over aud -" "Thcro!" ho suddenly Interrupted himself "if you look quick you will b'se Dollle's head up there when the light jhlnes on that lamp. Ldok! Why, how nntural hor curia, and she emllea at mo out of tho corners of her PiH mm --. - it JtrvjLj- '7 rvt TY Ww cjes a trick of hers. Dear Uolllc! Sho's gone now. 1 drrnnicd of her last night; dreamed thnt her arms were about my neck and that sho was kiss ing me nnd calling me hur soldier boy." 'Was she willing for you to go to WHr?" I nHked. Llko tho doctor, I was not sure of his mental condition. "Yes, willing In a way. She felt that It was right for mo to go, and right Is law with Dolllo." I went nway then, but nn hour Inter, having bribed a good woman over tho way to let mo have n pillow her lnt ono I roturncd to his side. It seemed to mo that ho hnd failed during my absence nnd the troubled look In his eyes wns Intensified. When I had put the pillow under his hend and bathed his face, he said, gratefully: "How very kind you nro! Your touch 'minds mo of mother's." Then I know ho wns watching me, but he did not speak for n long time, nnd when he did It was not to me: "Father In heaven, let mo seo Dollle onco more; plenso send her to me." I could not stand cither the words or the pathos In the voice. I mutt help nnswor that prayer If possible. By and by I said: "Could you tell me where to send for mH, to "YOU DOLLIE?" Dollle? Maybe sho would come to you If It Is not too far, nnd I should toll her how much you noeil her." It wns a hazardous thing to say. Wo did not often daro make such sugges tions, for, of course, fow comparative ly, could come, and It did not do to ralso falso hopes. Howevor, I folt confident that ho could not llvo many hours, and his plendlngs touched mo Inexpressibly, even nmld tho scouo and sights surrounding. -At the question he flashed me such a look. "Will you?" That was all, but oh, tho Intensity of It! "Write to S. II. Sterllng.Sterlluu's Corners, Pennsylvania." I was not in tho least doubt of his sanity at tho moment, but beforo I could trnco tho words In my notebook, his gazo was onco moro on tho cell ing, and ho wns babbling of mother and Dolllo. Reluctantly I brought myself to search his pockets, finding, strange to say, only n notebook with tho namo In gilt letters on tho covor: "Donald Dee." My letter wns brief, only this: "Donald Dee Is dangorously wounded and calls ceaselessly for Dollle." It was a memorable Fourth of July, one never to bo forgotten by tho poor fellows suffering through tho hot, In terminable hours, or tho busy surgeons and nurses, who never paused in tholr work of moistening hot lips, bathing throbbing brows, washing out gaping wounds.recelvlng last messages, "writ ing letters homo;" In short, doing what thoy could when everything was to do. As soon as possible we had tho young captain removed to moro com fortable quarters. His wounds woro doing fairly well, but tho surgeon said tho shock hnd been too much for his norvous system; ho might or might not live. "Everything, I should say, do pends upon the nursing," ho added, looking meaningly at me. "I will do my best for him till Dol llo comes," I mndo answer, but my heart mlsgavu me; I did not think sho would come, and If she did well, tho future was veiled, as futures aro apt to bo. Day by day ho wasted awny. Al thojfch I proparod him fairly decont rar? "ftyp mMsos ho scarcely ate at nil; ana though a real bodntead had been loan ed him, with a real though somowhnt dilapidated straw inntlress on It, ho seldom slept. Without being moody, ho was not talkative. Ho seemed to bo silently consumed by some Inward longing. "He Is dying to seo his sweetheart poor boy!" wns what tho surgeon said, and what wo nil thought. It was the evening of the fourth day after I had sent my message to Sterling Corners. Sitting by his couch, fanning him It was Intensely hot I wna stnrtled to hear him say In a hurried whisper: "You don't think she will get hero In time?" To give myself time to framo nn an swer, I feigned not to understand. "I am afraid I will not hold out till Dollle gets here. I drcamed'thls after noon thnt hor mother was hore by the bed. nnd she snld, 'You won't havo to wait much longer, Donald.' Her mother Is dead, you know, nnd I think it means thnt I am soon to go." Assuming a hopefulness that I wns fnr from fooling I nnswercd: "I do not so Intorprot your drenm. I tako it thnt you will not havo long to Ho hero and wnlt before Dolllo comes." He caught hopefully at tho sugges tion nnd seemed much bettor nil night. Early tho next morning I wont to see a poor boy whoso end was unmistak ably near and who called mo "mother." I was dotalned somo tlmo nnd ns my return to my headquarters necessitated my passing whero Capt. Dee was quar tered, I thought to servo him his breakfast nnd then take an hour or two of rest, Tho surgeon met mo, saying: "Dollle has como nnd Is waiting out there in the kitchen. Boo her nnd then break tho nows to him. He is very weak this morning." My heart beat fast; nt last I would seo Dolllo with her arms about hor lover's neck. I could Imaglno Just tho way ho would look at her; ho said so much with his cyos. I paused on tho threshold of the kitchen; sho wns not thoro no on but tho cook, a strango man nnd a llt tlo child were In tho room. Dollle must hnvo grown Impatient and Bought him out: tho shock might kill him. Hurriedly 1 turnod away, but as I did so the child sprang forward and caught my hand, exclaiming vohcinent ly: "Dolllo wnntB her papa!" In my surprise I Jorkod my hand away and fairly staggorcd backwards, "You Dolllo?" It wns all I could say. "Of courso I'm Dolllo," she answered In an Injured tone, adding pltcously: "I want my pnpa, and ho wants me." Tho stranger, nn elderly gentleman, now Intorposed by handing mo mjr own lettor and Baying: "I nm S. U. Sterling, Donald Deo'a stepfather, and this Is llttlo Dollle, his daughter." "Cortalnly yes, I seo," I stammered, and I did, though as yet dimly; it was so entirely different from what I had expected. And then I went to Capt. Dee. Ho seemed restless nnd fovorlsh, and I gave myself tlmo by wotting a cloth and placing it on his head. By and by I said: "If Dolllo should come today, could you bonr tho Joy of It?" "I'd llko to try the experiment," and a ghost of n smllo flitted over his wan features. "Joy Is not as apt to be fatal as cither hopo deferrod or robol bullots, and I know something of both of those." Then I said: "Well, sho Is hero." I can no more describe tho unutter able look of gladness that lighted his faco than I can describe the rapturo of tho blest. "Thank God and you!" A fow moments later Dollle was covering his faco and hands with kisses and ho was hugging her with his one nrm and calling her "sweotheart" over and over again. For tho time the grandfather and I stood apart and lot them enjoy them selves, tho former telling mo mean while of the unusual affection exist THEY HUGGED AND KISSED EACH OTHER. Ing between them, of how the young wife had dlod whllo Dollle was a babe and of tho almost constant prayer of the child for hor father's safety slnse ho cnteied the army, Sho was a lovely child, with her father's blonde curls and fine bluo eyes. Donald Dee did not dlo, and a few days later ho was taken homo to the mothor lovo and caro awaiting htm there. I nm now grandmother to Dollie'a children, for you must know Donald and I celebrated our next Fourth In a far moro pleasing manner than tho ono a year before, aud Dolllo has long bei my swjstheart as well as his,