THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. LW SEWS OF NEBRASKA CONDENSATION OF IMPOR TANT NEWS ITEMS. Bknrt and IMthjr rarngraplis Which. Tell of What Has Happened or Will Hap pen In Our Commonwealth The Xe f Briefly Summarised. Thursday, afnno IB. Frank LcBar, a prominent citizen of NVlloox, was attacked by iv vicious cow and considerably Injured. J. M. Leo, at Oxford fell from a lad flcr whllo engaged In painting his dwelling, and badly shattered an arm. A relief bureau hns been opened In Omaha for tho collection of merchan dise and money to be mod In assisting tho Herman cyclone sufferers. Tho re cponhc has been generous. Tho governor has Issued the custo mary state reward of 8200 for the ap prehension of tho murderer of the man named Tyler, who died at (Irand Isl and oh the result of being stabbed. At tho preliminary hearing of Time keeper James Coekrcll at Alliance for the shooting of Mark Loo and Otto Held, the prisoner was discharged, it being held tho shooting was justifiable. Leo Merry" of Oxford and a party of friends went to Orleans, and while there went In bathing In tho Republi can river. In making a dive Horry's head struck a stone and camo very near to cnustlug death. 0. II. Forby of Omaha, father of tho lato Captain Forby, has received the following telegram from Senator Thurston: "The president has direct ed the adjutant general to cable permit for remains of Captain Korby to be brought back with our regiment. Frank Tyler, who was stabbed at Grand Island by an unknown party, died In tho hospital. An Investigation disclosed tho fact that he had been out west and was getting back to his homo in Chicago as best liu could. His com panion, an Knglishman named Apple ton, has furnished information that may lead to the apprehension of the party who did tho deed. The funeral of William Hatsch was held yesterday at his home in Denton prcclnot, Lancaster county. Mr. Itatsch was killed Monday by a bull. He was holding to a rope attached to tho ani mal and was thrown against a corn Iplanter In such a manner as to fracture tills skull. He leaves a wife, ono son and live daughters. Mr. Hutsch was born in Germany and hud lived in Den ton precinct since 1885. Katunlujr, June 17 V. 1). Iumun uud II. D. Hunter of Hamilton, Ohio., passed through Lin coln yesterday on bicycles enroute for Sun FrnuclEco. Major Wallace C. Taylor of the Oma ha company in tho First Nebraska, is confined in a hosnltiil at Manila with malarial fever. i The Herman cyclone sufferers are In need of clothes aud bedding, and the governor has requested that contribu tions be sent there. W. F. llryaut of Hartlngtonhusbccu appointed deputy Insurance commln Moncr by Governor I'oyntcr, and J. G. 1. Illldobrand of Lincoln was appoint ed clerk of tho department. Information from Beatrice, has been received at the state house that the In junction restraining Dr. Lang from interfering with Supt. Sprague of the institute for the feeble minded has been dissolved and that Dr. Spraguo will give up peacefully. Tho committee to whom was re ferred tho charges In the disbarment proceedings ngalnst Attorney John i Watson of Nebraska City, after con sidering the specifications In the charges separately and at length, gave us their declhlon that the evidence was nut Mittlolent to sustain tho charges. Monday, Juno 10. The little son of (i. W. Kapp of Ne ligh was drowned while fishing. Mnrstcllcr Hros.' store at Harrison was robbed of 373, and notes, warrants and bonds to tho valve of 31,300. Three Immense tee house at McCook, the property of the 11. fc M., were burned, entailing a loss of 31,D00. Herbert Beaohlcy, a sixteen-year-old Lincoln lad was seriously hurt by be ing thrown from a horsoho was riding. The body of Adolph Kruger was found in Omaha with a bullet hole in tho head. A revolver lying near Indi cated suicide. Mrs. Stelnsof Humboldt, was Injured in Firth by tripping over a loose board buffering Injury to ono leg that may lay her up for several weeks. The misunderstanding of orders on the part of the crew of the flyer on the St. Paul road nearly caused a bad wreck at IHalr yesterday. The crew of tho flyer was discharged on the spot by Supt. Jaynes, who was on the train. Postofllce Inspector A. O. Swift of Nebraska City, who has been in Cuba for the past two months assisting in perfecting the postal service of tho Isl and, has returned home, lie is in the beat of health, and seems quite favor ably impressed with the country. Citing an Kxceptlon. Meeks But what's the use of argu ing tho matter? Ono can't get more out of a bottle tnan ho puts In It. Weeks Oh, I don't know; I put a Quart of liquor In a bottlo once and got a big head and a $10 nno out of It tho next morning. Iloiton ia. Now York. The population of Boston Is a people of moods and tenses. The population of Now York is a people of moves and expenses. New York Commercial Advertiser. J. L. Hoy of Auburn has received a telegram from Mexico announcing that his son had committed suicide. This son is the Hoy who disappeared while station agent at lthlca. Tnrstlay, Juno 20. At Omaha Hobert Alexander was perhaps fatally slabbed by Wylle Will lams. Until arc colored. The affray occurred In a saloon. Julian Ilauhand, a well known farm er living near Julian, wns found dead In his home, having evidently been murdered for his money. Frank Towel had a horse, harness and buggy stolen from his farm, three miles southwest of Weeping Water last Friday night. There is no clue to tho thief. Kd Hanson, residing near Adams, jumped from a cart during a runaway and broke an ankle. The Injury was of such a character as to necessitate amputation. Fire broke out in the buildings of the Stromsburg Hrlck company yester day noon, but by prompt action of the ilro department the lire was soon under control. Not much damage was done. At Omaha Sunday during tho prog ress of a tiro which destroyed tho big Allen lllock, several men were severely burned by an explosion of gunpowder. Lieutenant Thomas llunnc has since died. Mrs. John S'amuelson, living four miles northeast of Wahoo, committed suicide by hanging herself In the cellar of her home. She has been more or less deranged for the pust several mouths. Tho board of public lands and build ings purchased the I). B. Thompson residence just south of the capltol for tho residence of the chief executive. For 820,000 the Iward secured a property and furnishings valued at 845,000. Wmlnmliijr, Juno St. No trace has yet been, found of the Iiauhuaud murderers at Julian. Geo llirtsch, a tramp, was Injured while trying to board a freight train at Lincoln. Mont Owens of Tckamah was de clared insane by the Hurt county board of insanity. .loo Konvalin, aged nineteen, while swimming In the lake at Itlvervicw park, Omaha, was taken with cramps and drowned. Charles A. Drown, a Lincoln lad, has been sent to the Industrial school at Kearney. He assaulted the hired girl with a butcher knife. De'rt Lock, In trying to board a mov ing train at Central City, slipped and fell under the wheels and both ankles were crushed to a pulp. Colonel Mulford of the First Nebras ka regiment cabled Governor I'oyntcr yesterday that tho regiment would sail from Manila tomorrow. The Lincoln bloodhounds returned from Julian, where they were taken to work on tho Hauhuaud murder mys tery. The trail was seventy-two hour old and the dogs were unsuccessful. A Drouth In Australia. Victowa, D. C., Juno 20. Tho peo plo of Cobar mining district, West Australia, arc, according to advices brought by tho Warrlmoo, suffering through the falluro of tho water holes and artesian wells, several having died of thirst during May. Mines are closed down and hundreds of men thrown out of employment And them selves unablo to pay tho exorbitant price demanded for water for domes tic uso. Tho present charge Is twenty conts a gallon at tho nearest reliable source of supply aud about 81.50 Is udded for delivery. Stilt ThlnUi Ureyfus aullty. Paiub, June 20. General Mcrcler, who was minister of war whou Cap tain Droyfus was condemned, spoko publicly for tho first tlmo since tho court of cassation rendered its decis ion, at a mooting of the French Patri otic League yesterday. Ho declared his absolute conviction of tho guilt of Captain Droyfus and his belief that tho Henncs court-martial would fear lessly ascertain tho truth and do its duty. Want Morrlnm ltecalloil. New Yoiuc, Juno 20. Tho Central Federated Labor unlou yesterday adopted a resolution instructlnc its secretary to writo to Presldcut Mo Klnley and tho war departmont de manding tho recall and trial by court martial of General Merrlam, because of his policy regarding tho striking miners of Couer D'Alono, Idaho. A commission was also nppolntnd to draft resolutions denouncing General Mcrrlum. Feilaratlon of Zionists, n.unitoitic, Juno 20. The second annual conferonco of tho Federation of Zionists opened yesterday, to bo continued until Monday uight Tho federation has for Its object tho colo uring of Palcstino with Hebrews and assisting and encouraging the Hebrew colony already in Palestine. Captlted by a Squall. Ciiicaoo, June 30. Ira J. Holmes, brother of Burton Holmes, the lec turer, was drowned In Lnko Michigan yesterday by the capsizing of a skiff. A Change In the A. O. U Vf . iNUiAXAroM", Iiul, June 10. The lupreme lodge, Anelent Order of United Workmen, has decided to en iargo tho limit of the beneficiary de partment in order to Include an afll inced wife, Horetoforo only blood relatives have been accepted as bene ilciurlcs. Ho Wat I'resldeut of n Kama Dank. Piiatt, Km, June 19. Clarkson Toms, president of tho People's bank of this place, died early this morning at tho ago of 81 years. Ho was o pioneer of this place. A-COLONIALEXPOSITION Bcmarkablo Achievement For the Big Bbow That Is About to Begin. THE GATES GO OPEN JULY 1, 1899. A Great Collection of Interesting Exhibit Ilrnnght From Our New Colonial I'oa eestlone Vast Hums Hprnt to Urine Together Hint Whlrli Will IMIfy nnd Instruct. Never before in the history of expo sition building have such grand re sults been accomplished in the same length 'of time as in tho First Qrcat erer American Colonial Exposition, to bo held In Omaha from July 1 to No vember 1. The buildings nnd grounds of the Trans-MIsslsslppl Exposition, f 'iyfmz AGRICULTURE which represent the expenditure of moro thnn 12,000,000, have been leas ed by tho present exposition company, but in all other respectt) the exhibition will bo entirely different from that of Inst year. The dominant feature, in fact tho key note, will be the magni ficent and exhnustive exemplification of the resources, products, mnnufne- GOVERNMENT lures and possibilities of those Islands of tho seas acquired in tho recent war. Tho people of the Philippine Islands,, Hawaii, Cuba and Porto Rico will bo represented in considerable numbers, nnd their home life, occupations, dress, customs, ceremonies and characteris tics will be faithfully portrayed. The United States government has muted- U' 111 .ly'' f '! " "' gagQffilnM,,, A--4--rr43r-fbnr(--. MINES AND MINING BUILDING. ally nided tho exposition management in accusing representatives types of these people and the splendid exhib its from tho several islands. Tho grcnt colonial exhibits building nnd portions of several other large build ings will be utilized for tho display of the resources of our far distant po3- MANUFACTURES BUILDING. sessions and tho work of securing such an exhibit, which usually covers a pe riod of two or three yenrs, has, with government assistance, been accom plished in a few short months. The coming exposition is destined to fulfill an educational mission, to bring to the people of this country informa- MACHINERY AND lS I nJHR " V kJoH ,a jw4rsA i .U ts p IreSlk mil SSISaSSffilMK tlon on a vital question and to furnish enlightenment to thousands who aro discussing territorial expansion nnd aro intensely interested in tho out como of tho new policy which the na tion Is entering upon. Few are thor oughly informed on any phase of this Important issue nnd this fact is due to tho general lack of definite knowlcdgo of tho several Islands and their inhab itants. Tho First Greater America Colonial Exposition solves a perplexing prob lem. It would be Impossible for tho ma jority of tho people' of tho United States to visit these far away islands, hut it is comparatively an easy under taking to bring to this country repre sentatives of tho native people and ex hibits showing their resources, Indus tries, nnd the possibilities of tho is lands wherein they live. This has been done, nnd when tho gates of the Ex position open on July 1st those who aro seeking facts upon which to base conclusions, will find that which could not bo seen and learned in monthB of travel and research. BUILDING. Many Improvements have bsen made in tho grounds und buildings. Thou sands of trees, plants, shrubs and flow ers from tropic nnd sub-tropic landB have been added to the ground deco rations, nnd the nlfihi illumination which won so much lualso last year has been vastly improved upon. Sev eral new and startling electrical ef- r-gSKrt. BUILDING. fects have been introduced, notably the fairy gardens and the lighting of tho statuary upon the buildings. Three great events are promised for the opening week. On July 1 the for mnl ceremonies Instituting tho ex position will be held. July 3 thero will bo exercises commemorntivo of the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Santiago. It will be known as Schley day and tho gallant admiral will bo present to receive the greetings of nn admiring people. Tho nation's Natal day will receive fitting observance on tho following dny, and the people of Iowa and Nebrnska havo been invited to join in the demonstration. On each of theso occasions speakers of na tional promlncnco will be present in tho capacity of orators. The enchanted island at the Greater America Exposition in Omaha this summer will contain a marvelous troupe of marionettes performing amidst elaborate scenic effects. ELECTRIC BUILDING. IRS' PlgJF VICTORY. What the Little Republic Expects tc Do in Case of War With Britain, ALLEGED PLAN OF CAMPAIGN, After nionlns Up the Klmberley Diamond Mine, General Jonbert Rxpactt tc KareU to Cape Town, Capture It and Dlotate l'eaee Term. London, Juno 20. Tho St. Jamei; Gazette clnlVns to have received from an absolutely rcllablo source at Pre toria, capital of tho Transvaal, the plan of campaign which will bo fol lowed by General Joubcrt, com-mandcr-ln-chlof of tho Boers, in the event of war between the Transvaal and Great Britain. General Joubcrt's force, It appear, will consist of 20,000 men armed with Mausor rifles. In addition to this army ho will havo forty-six quick firing guns and 1,000 artillerymen. Most of tho artillerymen are drawn from tho German and Dutch aitnlcs. With theso troops and help expected from the Orange Free State, Joubort expects to take tho offensive immedi ately after tho declaration of war,' enter tho Oruugo Frco State and march on Klmbcrly, tho British diamond mining center in West Griquatand, which forms four of tho seventy divi sions of Capo Colony. Klmbcrly is about tOO miles northwest of Blocnv fontein. In his march on Klmbcrly, Joubcrt will uso tho railroad as far ai availa ble. He expects to capture tho town with slight loss nnd blow up tho De Beers diamond mine. Simultaneous ly, it is added, tho railroad from Capo Town to Bulawayo In Matabolcland will bo destroyed by Boer sympathiz ers and agents in Capo Colony, who will destroy alio tho Port Elizabeth Pretoria lino south of Blocmfontcln, to prevent tho British from using it. Finally, immediately after Klmber ley is captured, General Joubcrt will advance on Capetown, the capital of Capo Colony, on tho south coast This march of hundreds of miles will lead through the western provinces, where tho Dutch predominate and aro ex pected to join tho Boers. Joubcrt calculates that he will bo master of Capetown a fortnight after tho declaration of war and that he will then be able to dictate tortus of peace. SLIPPED PAST THE STRIKERS. Operator! Bring Men From Fort Soott Into the Yale Camp. Pinsnuno, Kan., Juno 20. A Mis souri Pacific freight train from Fort Scott backed down to the dump at the Yale mine of the Western Coal and Mining company this morning without attracting attention. Ten negroes, nine men and one woman, who had been brought from 'Dcs Molnos, Iowa, wcro unloaded. Thoy went at onco Into tho shaft house. This action was a surprise to the miners. There is no stockado around tno Yale shaft, nothing except a thick barbed wire fence, a sort of trocha. The company has, however, an armed guard of fourteen men at Yale, who carry Winchesters nnd hnve raado tho improsslon among tho miners that they are "bad men." The minors had watched the witch, whero the men were brought in, every night for a week, but they did not think tho operators would bring them in in brand day light, and no miner was present when the train nrrlvcd. It was followed by a special train with deputy marshals and mine ofllclnls who camo through to Pittsburg when it was apparent that thero would bo no trouble imme diately. A train with threo coaches packed with negroes loft Fort Scott just ahead of tho freight for Yale. The men wero said to be going to Lehigh, L T,, where the Missouri Pacific owns mines that are Idle, but it is balieved that If tho little party sent here to day docs not make trouble tho train sent to Lehigh will como back. Tho bringing of a small force at this tlmo is in tho nature of a "feeler." Yale is ono of the big mining camps and 100 men aro needed beforo tho ml no can run at anything near Its full capacity. BUSY DAY FOR MR. M'KINLEY, Crowd! of Curlou! Cltltens Follow the President AroumL TIoi.tokk, Mass., Juno 2(. Sunday for tho President was anything but the day of rest that was hoped for. Tho continual crowding of tho curious citizens, tho immense jam at the church and later in tho day an unex pected nnd totally unprepared for ro coption in connection with tho bac calaureate exercises at Mount Holyoko college mado tho day long nnd tiro some for all. The Preildant was not content with going one? to church, but went twice, leaving Mrs. McKlu- ley in tho hands of her laiy friends on each occasion. ). Can't Increase the mcjrle Tax. Bkhlix, June 20. It is announcod seml-offlcially that any increase In tho tax on American bicycles impossi ble, because the commercial treaties with Austria, Russia aud Italy exclude such a thing. ) Making 'flood rrogrej. Dkhveb, Cola, Juno 2CJ If tho unanimous opinion of thP citizens' committee, which includes x-Govorn-or Adams and President Jeffrey, of tho Rio Grande railway, appointed by Mayor Johnson and Governor Thomas in behalf of tho city of Denver aud state of Colorado, to endeavor to effect a settlement of tho trouble between tho smelter managers and their em ployes, is a criterion, It'jls only a matter of a few days until tho largo smelters in this city and loblo, now closed on aocount of wage fiueronces, will be in operation. THE "QUAIL HUNTER'S" PLEA. Colonel Mnfilck'K Speech In Defenno of John Kennedy, HAnrviM.K, Mo., Juno 20. William Jennings and Joseph Shopard aro to bo tho next accused train robborti tried In Wright county. Judgo Cox returned to HartvlUe this morning to take up tho bench as soon as tho Kcuncdy caso goes to tho jury. Unless he Is again sworn off tho bench, ho will proceed at onco with the cases of Jennings and Shepard, who aro jointly indicted. Judgo Nevlllo will thon re turn to his court in Springfield. It is expected that the arguments in the Kennedy caso will bo completed late to-night or early to-morrow morning. In tho mean tlmo the court house Is filled with the shouts of earn est lawyers, and tho Jury, In a state of ennui, is shifting its position rest lessly from moment to moment. Col onel Mustek opened tho defenso this morntng at 6 o'clock. Thero was somo curiosity to know what defenso tho "quail hunter's" lawyers would mako, and after Colonel. Mustek had spoken nearly four hours his defense was still indisccrnablo to those who listened to him. "In the first plnco, said hofVtho state has laid down 'two propositions, to prove. Ono Is that 'Davis is Ken nedy, and tho other Is that 'Davis' was in the Macomb holdup. Thero Is1 no bit of evidence, gentlemen, that Ken nedy was in tho robbery, it is all 'Davis.' What docs that prove?' In the first place, he contended that tho railroad aud express companies had not proved that they wcro cor porations organized under tho laws? of the state of Missouri, and then ho delivered a haranguo on theso "corporation! that come hero to hound an Innocent man to his death." With great vigor ho argued an hour with tho jury to glvo his client tho benefit of tho reasonable doubt, and then, taking up tho testimony of Byrum,. which, he udmlttcd, if true, would convict his client, ho said. "Byrum testified with n spoon in his mouth and a club over his head," and there fore asked tho jury to ollmlnatc hla from the,caso altogether. That was no idle threat of tho state's lawyers, as Mr. Wllllum Wright of Norwood can testify. Mr. Wright swore to tho jury Saturday afternoon that Byrum had told him ho was to receive from tho railroad company forty acres of land and 5500 for telling on tho train robbers. This morning II. n. Ball, prosecut ing attorney of Wright county, swore out a warrant against Mr. Wright, charging 1dm with perjury, and Sher iff Cantrcll is now on his way to Nor wood to arrest him. "Perjured testimony often goes un punished," said Mr. Ball, "but I am, determined to put a Btop to it in thin county. I havo throe witnesses who say that Wright swore to a lie in tho Kennedy case, and I am going to force him to stand trial on that issue " CALIFORNIA OFFERS TROOPS. A Telegram From Senators Tendering an Org-anlxed Ileglraent. Washington, Juno 2 . Tho follow ing telegram was received at tho war departmont to-day from the two Cal ifornia senators: "San Fiiancisco, Cala., Juno 19. Hon. II. G. Corbln, adjutant general, Washington: Southern California supports administration in its efforts to suppress the Philippine insurrection nnd tenders tho President tor Immedi ate service well organized and thor oughly disciplined regiment of infan try. Ofllcers and men ready to embark as soon as necessary field equipment can bo furnished. Gorge G Perkins nnd Stephen M. White, United States Senators." It 1b btated at tho war department that no action can be taken iu tho matter of the California regiment offered by Senators Perkins and White. Tho question of calling for volunteers has not been determined;, besides, it is not lntonded to organizo state troops if volunteers aro called. for. FUNST0N WANTS TO RETURN, The Kansan and General Hale Anxious t Leave the 1'hlltpplnei. Manila, June 20. Tho United States transport Sherman, which sailed from. San Francisco May 21 with 1,800 men and soventy-flvo ofllcers, undor com mand of Brlgadlor Gcnoral Fred D. Grant, has arrived hero after a smooth' voyage. Ono prlvato died after the tranbport's arrival. The troops brought by tho trans port will go to the Island of Negros to relievo the California troops. General Bates, who arrived on tho transport, and General Grant will probably bo assigned to tho command of the volun teer genernls, somo of whom will leavo for home soon. Generals Halo and Funston desiro to accompany their roglmonts home. Tho Utah artillery, it is announced, will accompany tho Nebraska on board the transport Hancock, leaving their guns hero Tho Pennsylvanians will start for home on tho transport Sen ator this week. Tho Indiana sailed to-day with 300 discharged and sick soldiers. Sho will go into dock for few days at Nagasaki, Japan. Why Church Is Ulren Up. New Yonit, Juno 20. The Brlgga controversy and the coming McGiffert trial aro given as tho causes of the. abandonment of tho Calvary Presby terian church by tho congregation. Tho building will bo sold for a Jewish synogoguo. To Line Up Aenlnst Trusts. Nrw Yoiik, Juno 20 The Wcrld Bays: Tammany is going to array it self against trusts. Its Fourth of July celebration this vea? will be mainly devoted to sounding the anti trust wnr cry for tho campaign of next year. u Y' '' W