The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1899, Image 1

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    ..aLflaaV - - -mii i . .. j , infc (Ml Maaa iirtflfTHfciiB 1 1 u. .
ratMaKFaMaaagTSSSyfeTPwttaii -j.
fji i '4 i TnlMPiinT 'flBWMTfl ni 1, iff In urr1 rtA3eiyM
p-TW-ii MajMMy--- t- - A'$ci ,.u;.ftT SiCici- wL'-iaitiia la ij-icmw.aBft atfallBBBEiiBHBBBBBBHBMKaYrTWu r"-.-itiin-ji'msH
I 9
Boils and Pimples
Give Warning.
help until
it. Boils
the system is accumulating impurities wbicn
rnn nri n must be gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance
lUn nCLri a warning that can not safely be ignored.
To neglect to puruy tne biooa at tnis
time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and
unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to
remain, the system succumbs to any ordinary illness, and la
unable to withstand the many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Gentile, 9004 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash.,
says : " I was afflioted for a long time with pimples, which
were very annoying, as they disfigured my face fearfully.
After using many other remedies in vain. a. S. S. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in
good complexion, which I never had before."
uapt. w. ii. uuniap, 01 tne a. u. a.
R. R.. Chattanootra. Tenn.. writes:
" Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me, causing
great pain and annoyance. My blood seemed to be in
a riotous condition, and nothing I took seemed to do
any good. Six bottles of S. S. 8. , cured me completely
and my biooa, nas
S. S. S.
is the best blood
and is the only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It
promptly purines the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up
the general health and strength. It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma
tism, Tetter, uous, cores, cic., Dy going
forcing out all impure blood.
Books free to any address by the Swift
Mr. NoU Sorgenson wns born nonr
Bergen, Norway, January 13th, 1854,
and died in Wobstor county, Neb
raska, Juno 13th, 1890. Ho enmo to
Nebraska about 26 years ago and most
o( the time ho has resided in Webster
county. About nineteen years ago he
was married to Miss Ellon Nilson, and
to this union wero born live children;
thoso with thoir mother are left to
mourn tho loss of n kind husband anil
father. Tho funeral sorvico was con
ducted at tho homo by Uev. Berg as
sistod by tho writer, and his remains
laid to rest in tho Lindquist comctory
in the presence of a largo number of
neighbors and friends.
Uev. A. G. Black well
If You Go to California.
Lato in June or early in July, you
can buy a round-trip ticket to Los
A Thresher Feeder
that has every advantage of efficiency, convenience and economy
over all other feeders is the Nlchols-Shepard Self-feeder. It
feeds either bound or loose grain evenly and steadily, without'
waste or litter, and completely regulates itself to the speed of
the separator. The feeding apron stops and starts automatically
and the feeder can be stopped while the separator is in full
motion. It is held rigidly in place when attached to the
separator frame and its adjustable supports keep it always per
fectly level. This Self-feeder is designed for the
Nichols &
Battle Creek, Mich.
Branch Houta at
with lull (lock et
When Nature is overtaxed, she hM
her own way of giving notice that assist
anoe is needed. She does not ask for
it is impossible to get along without
and pimples aro an indication that
been perxectiy pure ever since."
remedy, because it is purely vegetable
aireci u roe cauco 01 me trouble ana
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Angeles at about half tho usual rate.
Liberal return limits and stopover
Don't mako n mistake and go any
other way than through Denver and
Salt Lako City. That is tho route near
ly 20,000 Christian Endoavorors select
ed two years ago.
Boing tho most elevated of all tho
direct lines to tho Coast, it is coolest
and froost from dust. Penetrating tho
very "Hoart of the Rockios," it
surpasses all others in beauty of scen
ery. Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desiro in this way to express our
heartfelt thanks to tho many neighbors
and friends for tho sympathy mani
fested, and kindness rendered us in
our great affliction,
Mrs. Ella Sorenskn & Family.
Largt illustrated catalogue
that tells all about the
Niclols - Shepard Sepa
rator and its im
and the
Shepard Traction
Shepard Cokimt,
machinea and eilai.
Charlie Brubaker is breaking sod.
Mrs. Jackson is now almost well
No my dear friend, plow shoes No.
10 is hero yet . ,
Boyd Harrington is pegging away at
bis snnflowers and cookie burns.
Roy Tait and Miss Grace Garbor
wero on the creek a few weeks ago.
Jako Lacy and wifo now havo ono of
tho finest looking nnd most comfort
able homes in Willow Creek valley.
Mr. Godwin has a farm stocked with
Duroo Jersey Red hogs that is worth
a ten mile trip just to tako a look at.
a Mr. Hardy has his houso painted a
beautiful pink with bluo trimmings.
Joshua BruuaKor did' tho painting.
Tho Misses Ethel Brubaker, Florence
Godwin and Louie Vanco were attend
ing institute last week at Rod Cloud.
Bob Post has a flno field of corn and
the drought will have to harry a little
if it catches tho corn napping this roar.
T. G. Wilder has a brother visiting
him who has a twonty-fivo thousand
dollar patent on o bay press. Lucky
dogs he is.
J. D. Conyno, father of 'Mrs. T. G.
Wilder has gono to Cass county, this
stato to make his future homo with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brunei'"'
Mr, and Mrs. Charley ,Ogiovio gave a
party to the young people of his and
adjoining neighborhood which was
greatly enjoyed by all present.
We had a ralu Tucsday-WTghT that
btatthe record in this section of tho
country and everything looks lovoly
and tho farmers and their wives grin.
Miss Bessie Wilder gavo a party to
tho young folks undor cighteon years
of ago of the evening of June 8th.
Eyeryono report a fine time and well
spont evening.
Wo heard ono of tho bost sermons
it has been our plcasmo to liston to
for a long timo last Sunday preached
by tho Rov.o Doakin of Cowlcs at
Willow Creek school houso.
gJMiss Nellie Bon was the recipiont of
a beautiful hat pin through tho mail
from the Woolsou Spico Co. Tho
donor is unknown to Miss Nellie yet
novel theless she sends many thanks,
Charlie Knob is in possession of a
curiosity a man without a heart or
brains. It has been thought so for
somo time and it was proven tho other
day when throe eminent physicians
made a thorough examination and
found where his hoart aught to be
thero was a rack about as big as an
ostrich egg amU whoro his brains
should bo was cold mush.
Weather hot and dry.
Albert Keaglo is the. owner of a now
top buggy.
L. A. Haskins has cut and stacked
his alfalfa.
Cultivating corn will soon bo a thing
of tho past. ,
Robort. Hicks is building an addition
to his houso 14x10,
Miss E, Victory Hnskins is spending
vacation with her parents.
Geo. Posen is talking of going homo
son) e time in the near future.
John Boauclmmp out his alfalfa last
weak just in time to got it wet.
Mr, and Mrs. John Beauuhamp were
the guests of L. Aubushon Sunday.
Ruubon Keaglo is talking of coming
back to Nebraska to mako it his future
Tho rpad between thebridgo and tho
narrows is almost impassable and
should bo llxcd up onco.
Prof. Shannon was atteuding tho
institute last week in Red Cloud and
reports a largo attendance.
E. W. Anderson will attend tho class
meeting at Rock creek Sunday as ho
is tho teacher of tho Penny creek class.
The ico cream social at K.,W. Andor
son's Sunday afternoon was reported a
pleasant affair by those ho attended.
The arran jments for the ohlldron's
Day entertainment at tho Aubushon
grove on June 25th aro now completed.
Pap Wilson put sixty-eight head of
cattlo in the Stonebrakor pasture last
John Coon shipped his cattle 14th of
this month.
Everybody is thought stacking their
alfalfa and turned thoir attention
again to plowing corn.
Miss Applogato was attending tho
toacher'8 instltuto last weok.
Miss Kato Wagoner was visiting her
brother Saturday.
Yes, Gold Bug will climb tho greaso
polo while Tramp catches tho grcaco
Al Whitn wns calling on J. Bryant
and undo Blllio Roberts Sunday.
Wm. Alsop and Al. Whlto havo
bought tho Lockridgo farm for 1800.
Thero was a talking machino
exhibition at tho Wagoner school houso
Saturday night.
Sarah Mohlor superintended tho
Sunday school at tho Brethren church
Mrs. Nellio Clark was visiting Mrs.
McNutt Monday.
ElmorPhonix was trying to break a
two wheel horso last Sunday,
rliot winds appeared Sunday to tho
disappointment of many.
J John Hasselbacher was cutting
Undo Blllio Robort alfalfa Monday.
- Frank Smith and family woro visiting
JoojSmilh Sunday.
, J..T. Smith caught a Bwnrm of boos
one day last week.
Elory Ralph was tho guest of
Gravenor Stansor last Sunday.
We ask tho readers of tho Chief to
pardon us for not handing in tho news
of our neighborhood last week for
which I think I havo a lawful excuse,
for aftor rending Tramp's items last
weok foil in n trnnco and did not
awaken in timo to hand them in.
Tramp, whoscs news sounded liko a
fog horn said that Mrs. Lipponcott
unloaded a sowing machino at Mrs.
Kawls, which is a mistake for wo have
it by good authority that Mrs. Rawls
bought her machine from F. V. Taylor
of Red Cloud. Gold Buu.
Another line rain.
Mrs. King still lives but is no bettor,
Mrs. Henry Wolf is quite sick at this
Two peddlcas wore soon on tho creek
this week.
Mr. Stanser has boon cutting his al
falfa this weok.
Mat Bakercports things good in
Jowoll county,
N. P. Campbell sold a load of hogs
the otbor day.
Rov. Blackwoll prencbod at tho M,
E. church last Sunday.
Miss.Nollio Clark was a caller on
Mrs. MoNutt last Sunday.
Mrs. Iva Person is staying with her
mother, Mrs, King this week.
Ed Mohlor and family woro callers
on D. J. Campbell and family last Sun
day. Wo fcol that tho Gold Bug tins boon
imposing on the tramp Intoly, but It is
not to bo wondered at for It Is written
in tho scriptures "doth not tho rich op
press tho poor."
Rates for Greater American Exposition.
Reduco rates to Omaha will apply
from points on tho Burlington Route
withijj.-2!50 miles of that city during
tliBootiro period of the Greater
America Exposition, which opens July
1 and closes Uctobor III.
There will be throe different kinds
of tickets:
Ton-Day Tickets, which will be sold
at 80 per cotit of double tho one-way'
Sovon-Day Tickets, ra'te for which
will be ouo faro for tho round trip plus
5 percent on sale Tuesday.
"Weok-End" Tickets, which will bo
on sale Saturday and Sunday trains duo
In Omaha beforo 1,00 p, in. One faro
for tho round trip. J, Francis, Gener
al Passegeor Agent, Omaha Neb.
Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Ivory Soap.
It is the highest result of scientific soap making.
Ivory Soap has been analyzed by many of the most noted
chemists, who pronounce it of superior quality. The tests of
chemists give confidence that it is pure, and the tests of thousands
of housekeepers who have used Ivory Soap for years is even more
convincing. They say that Ivory Soap will do some work for which
no other soap can be trusted. They know from experience.
conwicHT iim it thi mocti
C. E. Vaughn is still shelling corn in
E. C. Christy is still down with rheu
matism. Ono.fourth of an inch of rain at this
place Thursday.
Win. Short was buried at North
Branch last Friday.
I. B. Colvin has somo cheap farm s
tor snlo if taken soon .
Two our loads of telephone poles
wero unloaded here Monday.
The family of Joseph Crow havo all
recovered but Josoph is no hotter.
Stewart Albright and Thad McNitt
wore in town several days this week.,'
It is reported that Carl Cone and
May Ferguson were married Thurs
day. A blind man gavo a f reo entertain
mont at Moore's hall Monday night,
but at a voting contest for tho prettiest
girl in town, at Go por vote, ho got a
rako off of 945.
As II. Wichman's daughters were
starting from town Wednesday oven
ing tho buggy tonguo enmo down ami
frightoned tho team and thoy ran away
breaking tho tonguo and doublo troos.
No ono hurt. Ahidowk.
For Sale.
One hundred and sixty acres of itn.
improved land four miloj northwest of
Red Cloud, consisting of the west half
of tho northwest quarter, and the east
half of tho northeast quarter, of sec
tion llfloou, in township two north ,
range elovon west. Tho land is leased
at prosent, but subject to snlo, Price
13,500. For further information apply
to Mrs. Jajikh Kiukwood,
Fairfax, Missouri.
m m
DoWitt's Little Early Risers act as a
faultless pill should, cleansing and re
viving the system instead of weaken
ing It. Thoy aro mild nnd sure, small
and ploasnut to tako, and ontirelv free
from ohjectlonablo drugs. Thoy assist
lather than compel, C, L. Cutting.
Thero is a timo for all things. The
time to take DoWitt's Littlo Enrly Ri-
strs is whon you aro suffering from
constipation, biliousness, sick headache
Indigestion or other stomach or liver
tumbles. C, L, Cotttug.
W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa,, savfti
"For forty years I havo tried various
cough nicdiolnori, One Minute Cough
Cure is best of till." It relloves in
stantly and cuies nil throat and lung
troubles. C, L, Cottlng,
h a umu co cincinmmi
Bad management keeps more peoplo
in poor circumstauces than any othor
ono cause, To bo successful ono must
look ahead and plan ahead so that
when a favorablo opportunity prcsonts
itself ho is ready to tako advantago of
it. A little forethought will also save
much oxponso and valuable time, A
prudent and careful man will keep a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy in tho houso,
tho shiftless fellow will wait until nec
essity compels it and then ruin his best
horso going for a doctor and havo a big
doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays
out 25 cents, tho othor is out a hundred
dollars and then wonders why his
noighbor is getting richer while he is
getting poorer. For sale by H. E.
Unprccedtntedly low Rates to Colorado.
Every day from June 25 to July 11.
One faro plus $2 for tho round trip to
Denver, Colorado Springs, Puoblo and
Glonwood Springs. TickoU good to
return any time until October 81st,
Novor beforo such an opportunity.
Take advantago of it and spend the
Summer in tho heart of tho- Rockies
whero heat and dust aro unknown
whoro tho sky is as bright blue as
Italy's, and tho air as invigorating as u
tonic whero you can bathe, and swim
and climb mountains all day and every
day. boo nearest Burlington tickot agent
and gel full pnrticularsl or, if you pre
fer, wiito J. Francis, Gon'l Passongor
Agont Btirliugtoh Routo, Omaha, Nob.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any oaso of catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo,
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props. Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F.
J. fihonoy for tho last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable iti all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry Out any obligation mad ft
by thoir firm.
West & Tiiuax,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walking, Kinkan & Mauvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is takeu internal
ly and acts directly on tho blood and
mucout surfaces of tho system. Price
7fio por bottle. Sold by all druggists.
testimonials free,
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
i i
Many Other Should Try This.
Ponder, Nob., Juno 1, 1809. Mrs.
L Pailono of this ploaso has been
nlllloted with rheumatism in tho buck
and shoulders. She was persuaded to
tako Hood, Snrsuparlla and It has.
completed cured her,
'A-y 5kH,