8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1899. UMMER CATARRH Catarrh of the bowels, be. cause it is most frtvalent in the summer months, IS called summer catarrh. w fpT jml bowel tmublo Ih cntnr WffVjLil rlml. Dr. Hiirtmun'n boolcn miiltc HiIh plain. Wrlto to tho I'uTU-nu Mcdlclno Co., ColumbiiH, O., for tlicin. Thoy tell nil nbout cnturrh nml how Pc-ru-nn cures It wherever located. "IlimlclironludinrrlKca for fifteen yonr.s," writes Mr. T. K. Miller, Grand rrnlrie, Tex. " I tried tunny medlcltieH nnd doctornlnvnln. Atlaat Pe-ru-nfi wna recom mended, nnd It relieved and cured mo ntonce." Mr. John Harting, 033 Main St., Cincinnati, O., writes: " My wlfo and tnynelf tHtk your l'c-ro-tia for chronic (liar rhfrn nnd It cured us. No doctor or medicine we tried before helped UN." Mr. Edward Wormuck, Ledbettcr, Tex., writes: " Pc-ru-nn for bowel troubles Is unequalled by anything In my ex perience I owe my life to I'cTii-na, ami shall nlways recom mend it to those sufTer tag us I who." Mr. John Edgar-ton, 10M Third Ave, Altoonn, I'm., says: "I suffered from dysentery for three yenru I took Pe-rn-na and am now well." FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN. City and country calls promptly nn awored day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Okfiokovkk Lindskv'h Mkat Makkkt Dr. E. A. Cukigiiton, Honorary (irnduatu St Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. (Jam.8 Anhwkhkh Day ani Night. Orrri-K Oven Cook' Piiaiimact. J. F. GOODE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ILL CALLS ANSWERED PKOMrTLY. Office over (Jotting's Drug S'oro. Res idence at J. C. Warner's property. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT IT. Crowi Bridge Work or Teeth Witbwt Nttei. POHCKLAIN INLAY And all the latest Improvement la dental mech anlimf I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LANS. Look liox S3. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of proporty bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKHMS ItKASONAULE P. A. WELLS, RTTORNBY RT L.KM. Office in F. & M. bank building with 1). J. Myers. Practices in all Statu and United States Couktb. E. U. OVERMAN, KTTORNBY - RT - L.KW. Office ertr Pott Office, Does a general law business. Practices in all courts JOHN M. CHAFFIN, KTTORNBY - BT - LHini, Will continue to practice In Iilntrlct. Supreme and Federal Courts. OkkickOvkk Mizeu's Stohk. Opkua House Hi.ock. notary public- in offioe. R. D. BEDFORD. LAND, - INSURANCE, and COLLECTION AGENT. Special attention given to proporty f non-residents. A DIAMOND FOR A DOLLAR. A Limited Special Offer Which Till Last for Ten Day Only. UKNUINK HAHHIOH DIAMONDS bavo a world wldo reputation. It la almoil Impoialble to distinguish them from genuine diamonds costing hundreds of dollars each. They aro worn by tho best people. We will forward a Genuine Barrios Diamond mounted In a heavy ring, pin or stud to any address upon receiptor price 11.00 each. Barrings, screws or drops, 13 er pair. King settings are made or one con Mnuous piece of thick, shelled gold, and are -warranted not to tarnish. Special :comblnatlon offer for Uu dsya only. Ring and stud ut to aay address upon receipt of ll.M) In ordering rlag give finger measurement by using a piece f string Also fullpartlculara. Address plainly TUB UARRIOS DIAMOND CO. ' lisi-uuilroadway. New Turk. 73 WHK All U FallS. n i Syrup. TaataaOaod. TJseH a. Sold by drogfUU. g taUas. ll ill iiJ .irF 9S& ifftAi CHURCH SERVICES. CI1KI8TIAN OI1UUCII. Sorvices each Lord's Day as follows: Children's Day progratnmo at 10:30. Sarnion at Hoaton school homo At 11. lliblo school, 12m, Junior Christian Kndonvor 3 p.m. Senior Christian Endeavor meets at 7 p.m. Evening services at 8:00. Aided with Hel-opticon. A cordial invitation is extended to all. L, A. lltwsoNO, Pnstor. METHODIST Surviues next Sunday as follows: Morning service at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. junior MHiguo at 4 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Evening sorvico at 8:00. Prayer mooting on Wednesday oven ing at 8:00. Ladios Aid Socloty Friday afternoon. All are most cordially invited to at tend. James Mahk Dakiiv, Pastor. IIA1TIST CIIUUCH. Sorvices next Sunday as follows. Morning sorvico at 10:80. Subject, "A Groat Commonwealth." Sunday School at 11 :45. W. F. West, superintendent. Juniors meeting at 3 p.m. Young People's Union moots at 7 p.m. Subject, "Intempornto Pleas ures." 1. 11. Holmes, loador. Evening service at 8:00. Subject, "Unjust Stewards." Gonerul prayer and conforonco moot ing Wednesday ovoning at 8:00. All cordially invited. Scats frco. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. conoreoational. Regular services noxt Sunday as fol lows: Morning services at 10:80. Subject, "Tho Ascending Lord." Sunday School at 11:45. Services at Indian Crook at 8:30. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 7:00 pm. Evening services nt 8.00. Subject, "Working With God." Mid-week prayer mooting and con ference Wednesday ovoning nt 8:00. All cordially invitod to attend tboso sorvices. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. How' Tbii? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chonoy for tho last 10 years, and be- lievo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholcsalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is takon internal ly and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Prico 76c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials freo. Hall's Family Pills are tho bost. - m Bad management keeps more pooplo in poor circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a f avorablo opportunity presents itself ho is roady to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also savo much expenso and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy In the house, the shiftlesa fellow will wait until sec essity compols it and then rula his best horse going for a doctor and hays a big doctor bill to pay, besides; ono pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and thon wonders why his neighbor is getting richer whiio ho is getting poorer. For sale by H. E. Grice. For Sale. One hundred and sixty acres of un improved land four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of tho west half of tho northwest quarter, and tho oast half of tho northeast quarter, of soc tion fifteen, in township two north, rango eleven west. Tho land is loasod at presont, but subjoct to sale. Price 2,500. For further information apply to Mrs. James Kirkwood, Fairfax, Missouri. DoWitt's Littlo Early Risers act as a faultless pill should, cloanslng and re viving tho system instead of weaken ing It. Thoy are mild aud suro, small and pleasant to take, and entirely froo from objoctionablo drugs. Thoy assist rathor than compel. C. L. (Jotting. m There is a time for all things. Tho timo to take DeWitt's Littlo Early Ri sers is when you aro suffering from constipation, biliousness, sick hoadacho indigestion or othor stomach or liver troubles. C. L. Cotting. W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., Bays: "For forty years I havo tried various cough medicines. One Minuto Cough Curo is bost of all." It relieves in stantly nnd euros all throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cotting. Tuk CniKV and Chlo.icro Inter.ftaa.n ono year for 11.96. Hood' Pills Do not Krlpo nor Irritate the alimen tary canal. They net gently yet promptly, cleanso effectually and Give Comfort Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. Why They Died. "Did you over," remnrks an px chango," visit a cemetery on a Sunday afternoon or any other nftcrnoon, nnd whilo wandering aimlessly nnd listless ly among tho graves call to mind tho various kinds of folly that have sent tho victims hither? You will in all probability pause besido tho last rest ing place of tho follow who blow into tho tnuz.lo of a gun to ascortain if it was loaded. You will likely pass tho spot whoro roposo tho tntlorcd rem mants of tho roubon who warmed frozen dynamite into lifo by placing it in tho bosom of tho kitcbon stove A littlo further down tho pathway is buried the fragments of tho smart young man who tried to jump n rapid ly moving train of cars. That hand some maiblo shaft on the loft, giving the namo and ago of n populist states man who blow out the gas, casts a shadow across tho bosom of the red hoaded servant girl who started tho kitchen firo with kerosene. In closo proximity undoi n tuft covered mound lies ail that is mortal of that dear, in nocent old Indy who kept baking pow der nnd rat poison upon tho samo pan try shelf. The timid young girl and sweothoart, tho choorful idiot who rocked tho boat, slumber poacofully sitlo by side. Tho dtido who woro a plug hat whilo on n visit to Texas and tho gambler who held fivo nccs is a gamo of draw at Cripplo (Jrcok, woro brought homo in cold storngo by thoir sorrowing f rionds and laid away under tho shado of yon ovorgraou. The fra gilo maidon who laced her corset to its limit and thon danced ovory sot at tho Four Hundred ball, sloops not far from hor lover, tho addlo-patcd imbccilo who rodo a bicyclo a mile in ono and a half minutes. Tho stylish young man who lighted a cigarotto whilo cleaning his trousers with gasoline roposcs un der a weeping willow, whilo tho stray ing branches of a honeysuckle wave over tho gravo of littlo Willie, whoso giddy mamma heedlessly gavo him hair bleach for syrup of squills. Be neath a grassy hillock mouldets all that was loft of tho simploton who found the leak in tho gas pipe by the aid of tho candlo. Tho troubles of the farmer who stood in front of his self binder in order to oil the sickle bar are now over, as are also those of the battle scarred veteran who fought in the Mexican war, won bright laurels in the rebellion, but drew his musket muzzle end first through a barbed wire fonco while hunting rabbits. That sunkon, weed grown neglected spot in the corner of tho cometory marks tho dopository of a cigar box full of gib lots, all that tho section boss and his crow were ablo to scrape together of an unknown who went to sleep on tho track, an empty whiskey bottlo telling the story. And that rank, luxuriant growth of last year's dog fennel over yonder by the back fence was fertil ized by tho romains of a chump who tried to lick an editor. Tboro may be, perhaps, a number of cboico corner lots as yot untenanted, but tho fool killer will in his own good timo provide every one with an occupant." m m To Whom It May Concern. All parties are hereby notified that my wifo Clara M. Overloos has left my bod and board without any cause or provocation upon my part and that from and after this date I will not bo responsible for any debts which she may contract upon her own creditor upon mine. Dated this 1st day of Juno, 1890. Albert Ovkrlkbs. Does Coffee Agree With You. If not, drink Grain-O made from pure grains. A lady writes: "Tho first time I mado Grain-O I did not liko it, but after using it for ono week noth ing would induco mo to go back to coffee" It nourishes and feeds tho systoni. Tho ohildron can drink it free ly with great benefit. It is the strengthening substanco of puro grains. Get a paoknge today from your grocer, lOo and 35o. Big Bargains in Choice Farms. I havo for salo within two miles of Rod Cloud about 1000 acres choice im proved farms of 80 acres or more, very cheap on fitvorablo terms. Thoso lands must be sold regardless of price. Come and see mo for bargains in land. F. E. Goble. A Mother's Hope ia that when her littlo ones are born, they will bo vigor ous and healthy. HerhooM will b folly realised If sho will prepare herself during pregnancy yrth MOTHOrSfMatO, the widely-known external liniment which somany women use. It not only paves tho way for easy de livery, but insures strength and igor to the new-born. . SM ky ravsteta ffcr (U m tottU. m a mt m iummm has w.i u orarn-s ranuts. na smtarau) asetnjiToa cc aiuau, a. laaaLm faVtm RIAi&wjw Cheap Tickets to California. Tho lowest rates of tho year nro thoso which tho Burlington routs will mako lato in Juno and early in July, f jr the annual mooting of tho National Eduoational Association, at Los Ange los. Liboral rottirn limits and stop over privileges. The coolest routo to tho coast is through Donver nnd Salt Lako City. Go that way and for a day and n night you rido through tho Wonderland of tho World past canons, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, aud landscapes gay with llowcrs. Information nndCalifornia litoraturn on request. J. Francis, General Pas senger Agent, Omaha Neb. Drink Grain-O nftcr you have concluded that your cotleo does not ngrcn with you. It is not a mediciiiu but doutorn order it, bo causo it is healthful, invigorating nnd appetizinR. It is mado from miro grains and has that rich seal brown color, nnd tastes liko tho finest grades of coffee and costs nbout ono fourth as much. Children thrivo on it because it is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. 15 and 20c at grocors. Shake Into Your Shoes. Alton's Foot Ease, a powder for feet. It cures painful, swoolon, smarting, nervous feet, nnd instantly takes tho sting out of corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or now shoos feci easy. It is a certain curo for sweating, callous and hot. tired aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggistB and shoo stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package l"rco. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Flower Plants for Sale. Flowers consisting of India Rubber Treo, Silk Oak, Palms, Hibiscus, Ger aniums, Swnnsonia, Fuschia9, Flower ing Begonias and Box Begonias, Colons, black, white and spotted Calia Lilys, Passilloras or Pusslon Vino and Made ria vinos. For salo at store. Mrs. Henry Diebericii, P. O. Box 150, Red Cloud, Neb. . Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys tic Cure," for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. t.s action upon tho system is remark able nnd mysterious. It removes at once tho causo and the disenso imme diately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits; 75 oonts. Sold by H. E. Grico, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Thousands Going to Colorado on tho low rates via tho Burlington Route oyery day from Juno 25 to July 11 Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Glenwood one faro pins $2.00 for the round trip. Suo nearest Burling ton agent. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach in Wobster county are hold in the supeiintendent's office at Red Cloud, tin third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Cask, County Supt. $100. Dr. E. Dctchon's Ami Dicuretic. May be worth 10 yon more than 1100 If you have a child who soilr l.olilliiK from tiironten euco of water dmlug slei'p. Cures old and young alike. It Hrrei tlio I rouble at once. II. Sold by C. h. Cent Inc. ilriiKKlm, Uud Cloud, Neb-. n Relief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney aim) bladder dlette8 re lieved In xlx hours lj ".N'tw ureat South Amerl can Kidney Curo." It Is n ureal surprise on ac count of Us exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder. kl(lnc and liaclc, In male or female. l(ellees ruientluu of water almost Immediately. If yu vatit quick relief and cure this Is the ri'iiuilv .-.old by (', I.. CotUng, druggist. Red cloud . . l WrlU for the fro booklet: "Kerry RtHmtt for TMrtty Timet," Hires Rootbeer time Is here THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadelphia. Pa. Makers of Hires Condensed Milk. DINNER AT THE t llillVl lightens 1 Fill A I i Axle j (Grease - 1 H helps the team. Saves wear and L expense. Sold everywhere. M t STANDAIIB OIL OO. jB W ij TRY A J Star Bakery, LJ. O. WILES, l'rop. 1 OPENS AT OMAHa!nEBRASK CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, ITOYTMNO NEW EXCEPT THE BUILDINGS............... PLATT &IFREES CO., Ghieagoltumber Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, City Dray and Express Line. ROSS St F2IFB. PROS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. oema:der ivXjAdt:BK)Ri co, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAE. BtAilcliwLfi: material, Bto. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. SOOTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. ALWAYS ON TAP. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Design Copyriohts Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description maj qntcklr ascertain oar opinion frae whether an Inrentlon Is probablr Patentable. Commnnlca. tlons strict ly oonOdeni ctiroonoaenuai. uan i. OldAat mamntvr t nr ml Handbook mi Fiuou tent tree, uiaest .saner for aecnrlntf nat Patents taken through Mann A Co. recelrs encr lor securing patents. tfeeial notion, without clam, In the Scientific American, A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest dr. eolation of anr Mlentlflo Journal. Terms, 13 a rear i roar roonins, . dokj 07 bii newsaeajers. MUNNftOOUt-r'. NewYork AgtOO, D. C. Branch Oflce, a Bee, 6S F Bt, Washington, Bam CkkhMiar1 EuUih ' Bnal. RNNYROYAL PILLS afi-w JngtaalsaMwalytMBakMb WgjgTkV atarc. mlmmjm nlUbW. lAotsa uk A DnirM mmlstn nfgui aw ciiruif atutu dia M(u Ci, la OoidBHUUW min ttOti, if imiwiimi trj.. vita bloc num. . T.k. mrtwiumm. alDraaaHM.wss.tla Htlttgtr tMtttm," Utttr, 97 iwjjarw CTIrtssts.&awilsa7yiM!i!laeS aw Hitlnun. umimI I " fHILADA.. PA. PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM OlasBH and bwrtlnM tht halt, rramoeam . luxurlint nowth. M.Ter Vails to Xlestor Uray nur .u iw. luiuuiui buior. Con scalp diMucs a hair itiilaa, SOc,aDdllJst Druglic. "ITv rsrisssstly Csrai laiisn KUW'S NUT rwawr. m he gktwaw Hmw, Km, !. IbiimimUm. ntutlttmm. htTUmmttrnmmtm bimarin. JtjayaltrlajkaWJe Vf? rMritM. ana LDr7iuii., lh, b.iutw 1..II1.K of llU.lm, SSI Ar Bl.. I'Mll.lptU. flu , ORDINANCE NO. 30. An orilluancolevyluK tho taxes foe all general and siieclQo purposes authorlrjsa by law for tho HbcsI year beKlnnlng onjtlie tlrsi Tins day In May. 1800. J Holt ordained by tho mayor aqffcouucll of the city or Hod Cloud. Nobrarfa. That tho following taxes bjr and the same aro levied upon all tho txableJtropcrty of tho said city of lied Cloud, ajper po assessed valuation thereof on the tint 'Kiesdiy In Hay. 1899, towlt: For general rcvenuefpujFoses the sum of ten (.0101 mills on the dis: for Interest on water bonds twelve and oiAalt (.0125) mills on tho dollar; for Interest upon electric light bonds tbree(.0O3) mills on the dollar ;f or malntalnanco of water works four and one-half (.0015) mills on the dollar; making a total of thirty (.0) mills upon the dollar of the assessed valuation thereof. This ordinance shall take effect and be In full force from and after Its approval and publica tion according to law. J. 8. Wuiti. Mayor. Attesf-J. K. KisLsn, City Clerk. Doa't Tobacco Salt aid Satoke Ioar Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and visor, take No-Tc-Du, the wonderworker, that makes weak men itroof. All druggist, too or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreca terUsf Xeexesjr Cs. Calasts Kew Tsrk aVaVAAaat mllMiWti Vi w!! I ( .VI. l I uft rtVWVbVMMUiT SPECIAL FEATURES ColOflW feat BinkAftlmtk.. PM$ Brcworb Art ExhibK. Me chanical Exhlb-I 1899. Hs, The Midway, Godfrey's British Will Eclipse Last Year. Military Band.... WWrWSV NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros-- TIMETABLE. B & M. E.1- ItED CLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN OMAIIA CHICAGO 31. JOE KANSAS CITY S2. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL1 LAKE C"' PORTLAND S.M FRAXCI&CO' and all pointp west. Truing Liava as follows ; 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all points west ... 7:65 a.m. 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison, St. Louis. Lincoln via Wymote aud all points east and south 18:50 ajB. 15. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California 8:40p.m 19. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, No. No. No. No. Louis and 1 Kansas 1,117. Aicnison, si. UBll I points east and soutn. -10:20a.m. No. 144. Accommodation, dally except annaay, Hastings, urana is land, Black Bills and all point In the northwest 1 :W ..m No. 143. Accommodation, daily except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Re publican.. .. .1I iSO a.aa, 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and F NO. st. ioe ana intermediate Junction points 18:45 p.m. u, do. r icikui, uajir lur Jicpuuucan Orleans, Oxford and all points west 10:80a.ai. Nn. 60. FrelehLdallv expert HiiiuIm .. for Wymore and all point east 7:00a.m. No. b73. Freight dally 10 Oxford and Intermediate points r.SOp.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair can. (seats free) on through trains. Ticket sold aoffi baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ked Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha. Nebraaka. Hambletonian Wilkes,, MEMBR1NO CHIEF. m TUB 8RANDAKD BRED STALLION Hubert Cyril, 30379, Foaled iu 1896, Brown horse, will be- 10 bands and weigh over 120t pounds when nintrjred. Will make the season at the STAR; Livcrjr Barn, Red Cloud, Neb, For teams address Chas. ?. Bcssc. w' tV f. I A hi .',