The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 16, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Jewelry is some
I thing that the av-
orago person
knows so little
5 about thatho must
J needs depend al-
most entirely np
! on tho Jeweler of
whom he buys.
Wo find that our
judgment is relied
J upon moro and
moro by Jewelry
buyers. People
i who wish to Avoid
mistakes are will-
Ine to have us
shoulder tho ontiro burden. If you ,
buy jowolry hero it's iumiT-no;
matter what you pay for it.
, Ne who use Bros.,
Jewelers and Ophthalmologists.
Bring ui your Watch, Clock and Jewelry J
work. We do the beat work. j
Blue grass seed at Mitchell Bros.
Bedford's Agency must have your
Chas. Gllck of Riverton was here
Take your harness repairing to Fogel
and Hutchison.
J.E. Johnson of Cowles was in tho
jcity this week.
C. A. Noble of Valparaiso, this stato,
was hero Friday.
The Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean
one year for 11.25.
Miss Nettie Vaaco of Guide Rook
was here Sunday.
Mrs. Dora Maler of Plymouth, Neb
raska was here this week.
Have you been that fine line of nets
and dusters al J. O. Butler's.
If you want anything in the harness
line see Fogel and Hutchison.
J. S. Putnam of Sterling, Illinois,
was here tho last of tho week.
Miss Myrtle Jones of Guide Uock is
visiting in the city and attending tho
ProfvEdwnrd Hussong of Franklin
was visiting Rev. L. A. Hussong and
family this week.
Jay Olney and family who have boon
in the western part of the stato, re
turned home this week.
: Miss Florence White of Bostwiok
was hero visiting old friends and at
tending tho instltuto this week.
Walt Wurrou came up from bupori
or on tho early morning train Monday,
and returned home again on No. 16.
Mrs. C. E. Nellls and daughter who
have been visiting with H. E. Pond and
-family, have returned to their homo In
Mrs. Dr. Riokards of Weeping Water
this state, left lor her home after a
pleasant visit with her mother, broth
ers and sisters.
Rev. I. W.Edson was at Guide Rock
last Sunday afternoon, where he deliv
ered a sermon and administered tho
ordinance of Baptism.
Special Sale, commencing June 10
and ending June 24, on fly-nets nnd
dusters. Special prices on nots and
dusters during this sale. J. O.Butlkk.
Three coachos of soldiers and sailors
passed through here Sunday morning
on passonger train No. 13, bound for
Manila. They stopped and took break
fust here.
has often been styled the cause of death
in persons who have long lingered in
disease. The amazing work which the
heart regularly performs would certainly
pre-suppose its breaking down. The most
active climber can raise himself 1000
feet in an hour, the best loco
motive 4000 feet and the heart
' 20,000 feet. To preserve its
energies in full glow and force
fabst Malt extract, me
"Best" Tonic,
will act as an
effective and
fuel. No
steam with
out Are. No
energy with
out faod. No,
1 er without rich auDDlles of blood.
neart is ine great engine oi inc uoaj.
Keep it going, steadily, easily, persist
ently, unto a ripe old age.
PhlltdclpbU, Pi.
I bar uaed your Mill Eilract wbtr a " Beat"
Toole teemed co tx Indicated, and the reiulia hive
proved quite eatlafactory. Where a malt preparalloa
la required, I thill not healtate to ueit the ut o!
jourprtptratlon. THOSf8HHNBB Mt0.
Al all drug elorei.
Fred Plumb hus got a new delivery
Amos Cowdon was here Sunday from
U. O. Knight of Inavalc was hero
Harness of
alt kinds
at Fogol and
Master Hoy Robiuson
inps Saturday.
Firo and tornado easo
Hodford's agency
wont to Hast-
appliances at
See W. W. Wright's
stoves and ranges.
Hue of cooking
Otto Popo is taking a lay-off from
his traveling duties this week.
Mrs. Meriiman, mothor of Mrs. E. A.
Hall, left for Hastings Saturday.
W. S. Bonso has added a soda foun
tain to tho equipment of his restaurant.
Norton Watson of Blue Hill was hero
this week tho guest of Homor Kinsoll.
L. D. Wells returned Saturday from
Boat'rico whore ho attended a conven
tion of sheriffs.
Largest lino of nets and dusters In
tho Republican valley at the lowest
prices. J. O. Butler.
A largo number of tho friends of
If-.. .. till. At a m
niurjf vtimum gaiuerca in ana gavo
him a surpriso party on Tuesday night
Miss Jessie Brown who his boon liv
ing at Omaha for some timo past, was
visiting friends hero the foro part of
the week.
Mrs. Robt Dameroll left Thursday
morning, accompanied by Mary, for a
visit with relatives and friends at
Oquawka, Illinois.
C. W. Kaley and wifo have gone to
Auburn, Indiana where thoy will make
a visit and then will go to Ohio whore
they will spend the remainder of the
A man by the name of Paper was re
cently man led in Garfield county to a
woman by the namo of Carrier, and an
exchange tersely remarks that the har
vest will be newsboys.
Mathow McKeighan, cousin of the
lato Wm. McKeighan, is vititing here
with Mrs. McKeighan and daughters.
He is a representative of tho Rogers
Commission Company of Kansas City.
Married, at the iesidence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Turner, on Saturday evening, June 10,
Mr. Benjamin N. Pegg and Miss Leona
Turner, Rev G, W. Blackwell officiat
ing. J. A. Sehear, of Sedalia, Mo., saved
his child from death by croup by using
uno Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and
all throat and lung troubles. C. L.
Tho change in appearance of a build
ing by a liberal supply of paint has
been demonstrated by tho improved
looks of the Fourth Avonuo Hotel
which has been in tho painter's hands
this week.
Tho Methodist church observed chil
dren's day last Sunday morning at
10:30. Tho program rendered, "Peace
or War" was n fine one Tho church
was beautifully decorated and a largo
audience presont.
Rev. Darby preached the institute
sormon at the Methodist church last
Sunday evening to the teachers of
Webster county. Tho church was
crowded to suffocation. Tho choir
rondored a fino musical program.
During tho storm of Tuesday night
the barn of Lee Campbell living seven
miles northwest of Cowles was struck
by lightning and burned with its con
tents. Several hundred bushels of
corn which was iu the barn was con
sumed. To euro piles striko at the root that's
the way. DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salve
strikes at tho root it romovos tho
causo quickly and permanently. Don't
squander timo and inouoy in a vain
effort to remove tho effects. C. L.
Look at your left hand. If there is a
long line around tho base of tho thumb
it Is tho dolinquont subscribers hook.
Pay your subscription or itmoansithat
tho line will form iu your right hand
and you will finally die; your wife will
marry again and your money will bo
spont in riotous living. Pay up and
avert disaster.
1). J, Myers purchased sometime ago
outright a largo number of accident in
surance policies of tho International
Registry Company. The time limit of
writing them up expiring on tho 10th,
and having made no arrangement for
an extension of timo he generously do
nated and wrote them up for his
It is intimated that the republicans
might bring out as their candidate for
county clerk Mr. Olarenco Reed of Red
Cloud, who it will be remembered was
shot through the body and both arms
in one of the engagements in tho cam
paign before Santiago do Cuba. If Mr,
Reed wanta tho nomination ho can
doubtless have it for the asking, and
in a case of this kind a nomination
bhould beequivatont'to an election.
Guido Rock Signal.
The Chief 11.00 per year.
Fresh bulk garden seeds. Mitchell
Geo. Coopor of Superior was here
F. B. Dauchy of Hastings was hero
For hand mado harness go to Fogel
nnd llutchisous.
M. B. Marsh of Guido Rock was on
our streets Monday.
Mrs. Rasmusscn of Guide Rock was
in the city Monday.
Mrs. Proudfit of Guido Rock was iu
tho city Wednesday.
Mrs. K. II. Mooro of Guido Rock was
in the city Monday.
Erorott Dyer was hero Monday visit
ing with his parents.
J. A. Tulloys and wifo left Monday
for Clay Center, this state.
Soo tho "Amorican" hog fenco at
Mitchell Bros. Best on earth.
J. C. Dickorson and wife woro visit
ing friends in Hastings this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dow, parents of Mrs.
A. U. Kaloy aro visiting in tho city.
Miss SadioOvering returned Monday
from a visit in tho western part of tho
Mrs. E. W. Blanch of Guide Rock
was visiting in the city and attonding
tho Institute this week.
T. P. Chester of Champaign, Illinosi,
was looking after business matters
hero tho last of tho week.
Mrs. L. H. Rust returned Wednesday
from Boaver City accompanied by Mrs.
Clara Hughes of that place.
Ralph Foe came homo the last of the
week nnd spont Sunday here. He is
holding n position as operator at Ober
lin, Kansas.
Misi Mabolln Lindsoy entertained a
fow of her young friends at a tea Wed
nesdav in honor of Miss Florence
White of Bostwiok.
Elmor Crone returned tho first of tho
woek from tho western part of the
stato where he has beon in tho omploy
of Jay Olney selling organs and pianos,
Get your sale bills printed at this of
fice and tho announcement of sale will
bo printed in tho paper during tho
time preceding the salo day free of
Guide Rook Camp of Modern Wood
men will have a special service next
Sunday afternoon at which a sermon
will be delivered by Rev. I. W. Edson
of this city.
Don't buy a range or cookintr stove
until you examine tho line kept by W.
W. Wright. They aro of the latest
pattern nnd built to do good cooking
and savo fuel.
You got up in tho morning tired, a
bad taste in tho mouth and a headache.
Know what's tho matter? Biliousness!
Take DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Thoy regulato tho liver and euro con
stipation pleasantly and promptly.
Never gripe. O. L. Cotting.
Ask your physician this ques
tion, "What is the one great
remedy for consumption?"
He will answer, "Cod -liver
oil." Nine out of ten will
answer the same way.
Yet when persons have
I consumption they loathe all
sary for their recovery and 1
i tney cannoi larte piain cou
' liver oil. The plain oil dis
j turbs the stomach and takes
away the appetite. The dis
agreeable fishy odor and
taste make it almost unen
durable. What is to be done ?
This question was ans
wered when we first made
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo-
phosphites. Although that f
was nearly twenty-five years 1
atfo. yet it stands alone to-
day the one great remedy i
tor all affections oi tnc tnroat
and lungs.
The badtaste and odor have been
taken away, the oH ibsjf ha been f
partly Ud. ana the mo sen
tHive stomach objects to M rarely.
Not one in Cm can take and digest
theplainoU. Nine out of ten can
take SCOTTS EMULSION and di.
gest it That's why it cures so
many cases of cany consumption.
Even in advanced cases it brines
comfort and jrcatly prolongs life.
toe and tt.oo, all drugflata.
SC0TT4 SOWT4I, Ckafaiaaa, Hrar York.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menaccrs to health of the present day.
oti Mwita rowotn oa, niw yook.
Land, bargains at Bodford's agency.
Fred Gund of Bluo Hill was horc
E. Peters of Guido Rook was in town
Joromo Vance of Guido Rock was
hero this week.
I. W. Crary and wifo of Guido
woro hero Monday.
R. P. Hutchinson of Lebanon, Kan
sas, was uore Sunday.
Mrs. R. B. Fulton visited with frionds
in Rivorton this wook.
Donald McCallum of Guide Rock was
hore the first of tho week.
Tns Chief and tho Chicago Intor-
ucean ono year lor f 1.30.
Charley Wright loft Thursday even,
ing for a visit at Denver.
See the fino lino of cooks and
handled by W. W. Wright
Insuro with the Pennsylvania Fire of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
Gene Wright tho genial traveling
man was visiting at home tho last of
tho week.
Mrs. J. D. Crans
visit with relatives
Monday night.
roturned from a
in Kansas City
C. L. Cotting and F. W. Dean went to
Franklin Wednesday to attend the com
mencement exorcises of tha academy.
J. D. Crans has disposed of his feed
grinding establishment to M. W. Roby,
who will carry it on at the old stand.
Postmaster Hacker has again made
some changes in the postoffice, giving
more room to patrons having boxes on
the west side.
Acaso which is of too revolting a
nature,, for puplication was heard in
Judgo Duffy's court on Thursday. Tho
prisoner was bound ovor to district
If our readers want a cooking stovo
or range thoy should look over tho line
koptbyW. W. Wright. Thoy havo as
good an assortment as can bo found in
Tho tolephono people have about
completed their outside wiring and
connected most of tho places whoro
phones will bo put in, The placing of
phonos will commence tho tirst of the
Tho special premium committee of
the agricultural society havo about
completed tho soliciting of premiums
for tho coming fair and havo boon vorv
successful and it will bo worth while
competing for thorn.
Mrs. .0. O. Case ontertnined tho
teachers attending the instltuto at her
homo on Monday night. Tho lawn was
beautifully decorated with bunting and
Japanese lanterns. Refreshments
were served and a general good time
was had.
Thomas Thurman, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says if everyone in the
United States should discover the vir
tuo of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo for
piles, rectal troubles and skin diseases,
tho demand could not bo supplied. C.
L. Cotting. .
Win. Short who for tho past seven
teen months has beon suffering from
the offocts of a cancer died at his homo
in tho south part of tho city Wednes
day night at twelvo o'clock. Ho was
a memoer oi tuo Ancient uraer oi
United Workmen and tho services wore
conducted by that order and tho re
mains takon to North Branch, Kansas,
for burial.
Wo havo boon requested by the may
or to ask parties who havo boon in tho
habit of tying teams along tho curbing
on main street to quit and hereafter
tie thoir teams on side streets whoro
suitablo places have beon provided for
hitching. The roason for this is tho
bad manner in which teams dig and
paw up the gutters.
The dato of the Pleasant Grove and
Penny creek Sunday school picnic has
beon again changed and will remain as
now stated, Juno 25th. All people in
vited to come and bring their baskets
woll tilled, and Sabbath schools to at
tend as such with their banners and
bpskots. A good timo will bo looked
for and may much good result from
tho observation of Ch ildren's Day.
People who tiro complaining about
their neighbors chickens bothering
their garden, should remember that
r?25dat5f' . gyv f :.
aKvMH Mam
j Jpl-1'""T Willi
J WrlTT ml m
Are You
or merely covored? Some clothing
will dress and cover too. Wo havo
that kind. Hero are
of CRASH and SKRGK, in fashionable I
pattorns nnd shades which are cutand i
finished just as woll as tho fashionable I
tailor will do it but at a half less thun
tho tailor's price. !
We havo
4 -
They aro particularly dressy.
i Comden-Kaley
SaupHfieiseo Poultry Gar
will be near tho B. &. M. depot J
s Thursday Forenoon, June 30th t
l Bring in your poultry to this
a prices in
j Hens
j Rooosters
Ducks and Geese
I Hen Turkeys
I Tom Turkeys
: opi uiy vuii-tvcub 1 1131; per puuuu. 1
I Do not forget the date, as car will bo on tho track only 4
a club, suitably applied, will forever
abate tho nuisance. Tho supremo
courts of different states havo hold that
chickens aro wild game and therefore
no damages can result from tho killing
of them unless tho owner of the chick
ens happons to bo tho "biggest" nnd
'thumps" you.
Listof letters remaining uncalled for
at tho po8tofllco at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending June 10th,
Arolds, Goo. Bondeict, Clove
Boyco, Nollio Bristol, W. S.
Davis, Mrs. E. E. Nickorson, A. G.
Theso letters will ho sent to tho dead
letter oflico June 20th, if not called for
before. When calling for abovo ploaso
say advertised. T. C. Haokeh, P. M.
Under the head "Music Notes" tho
Stato Journal of lust Sunday says:
"Two Nebraska names appoar in tho
list of modal winners in tho Chicago
Musical College, Miss Ina Ensign of
Lincoln receivod a gold medal in tho
teachers' certificate class. Her rank
was third. In the graduating class,
vocal department, the William Castle
gold medal was awarded to Miss
Beatrix Mizer of Rod Cloud. Her
rank was second. The first prize was
not awarded."
On Tuesday a report oame in from
the home of Nels Sorenson living north
west of the oity stating that that gen
tleman had died suddenly that morn
ing nbout ton o'clock. At tho coroner's
inquest it was found that ho had been
cutting weeds during tho early morn
ing and thit tngothor with other exer
tion in his weakenod condition, he hav
ing out off his hand in a lit of insanity
somo weeks ago, caused his death.
The verdict of the corouor's jury was
them at
Clothing Go.
car and got tho following
07c per pound.
$i-75 per dozen.
05c per pound.
07c per pound.
o6jc per pound, j
that bo died of heartfailuro brought on
by exertion while in a weakened con
dition. Tho many pretty girls who are) hero
attonding tho institute must havo had
a demoralizing effect on some of tho
boys. Some of the young men of our
city havo beon very abstracted whilo
attondiug to their business duties
and those who could possibly do so
havo fou mi very important business
out of tlcors during tho recesses of tho
session. It is said that tho effect was
so strong on ono young man that ho
hugged and kissed ono of tho pretty
handlers of the rod without her con
sent and now ho wishes that ho hadn't.
Ho is feeling just liko Fitzsimmons for '
the lady landed 11 right on (ho cheek
and he was out in thu first rouud,
Unprecedcntedly low Rates to Colorado.
Every day from Juno 25 to July 11.
Ono fare plus $3 for tho round trip to
Denvor, Colorado Springs, Puoblo and
Glenwood Springs. Tickets good to
return any time until October 31st.
Never before such an opportunity.
Take advantage of it and spend the
Summer in the heart of the Rockies
where heat and dust are unknown
whore the sky is as bright blue an
Italy's, and the air as Invigorating as a
tonic where you can bathe, and swiat
and climb mountains all day and every
Soe nearest Burlington tioket age at
and get full particulars, or, if you pre
fer, writo J. Francis, Gen'l Passonger
Agent Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb,
m m
Try Colorado this Summer.
Getting ilinro oomus very little ono
fare plus 92 for the round trip every
day from Juno 25 to July 11. Ticket
good to roturn until October 31. Seo
noarost Burlington ageat and get par