CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUM 9, 1899. LEAN PEOPLE Cleanliness goes with health. Jf we have catarrh any- where we can not be wholly .clean, MnkcHyfltetn title efforts to bo frco from thin (lisirustliiir disease. Mrs. L. A. Johnston, 103 rjlhatn nnd Itlpley HU., Montgomery, Ala,, tells her t'xpcrloncu with cuturrh of tbo stomach nud how she was oared: I will ntnto to you that I have taken eight bottles of your Pc-rit-nti and two of Mnn-a-lln nnd rejoice to nay, 'God bless Dr. Hartuiun and 1'o-ru-na.' And I earnestly aamiro you that it bm dose m More good than aey medi ate I bar arcr takes la my life. X ' rierrpg Ifto arery one I meet who ia mffariaff, aa the best medicine la iaa world, and hare made many con varta wko are bow rejoicing; ia the .x great food wkieh they hare derlred rem the aame. I caa tell you that X at almoat eatlrely relieved of indlgee tloa, that great foe which haa tortured aaa ao many years, and can now eat aytalng I desire without it is fruits or aemethlng acid." To uaderstand the scientific action cf Pe-ru-na it is best to have Dr. Hart man's special book for women or his toook on chronic catarrh. These books are mailed free by tho Pe-ru-na Medi cine Company, Columbus, O. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN. City and country calls promptly an swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office ovkr Lindsrv's Mkat Market Dr. E. A. Ckeighton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Modalist Western University, Canada. Calls Answered Day and Niqht. Orrrce Otsb Cook's Pharmacy. J. F. GOODE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ILL CALLS ANSWERED I'ltOMlTLY. Office ovor Cottlng's Drug Store. Kos idence at J. C. Warner's property. J. S. EMIQH, PENTI8T, PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Criwi Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. POHCKLA1N INLAY Aid all the Uteit ImproTomont la dental mech anlsm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LANS. Lock Uox 23. Quldo Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bouRUt, sold and oxchnURod. COLLECTIONS MADIi. TBKM8 REASONAULB P. A. WELLS, KTTORNBY KT IR3n. Offlco in F. & M. bank building with D. J. Myers. Practices in all Static and Unitkd States Courts. JS. 17. OVERMAN, RTTORNBY - RT - IKSnC. Otttct rr Pott Ottict. Dees a general law business. Practices in all courts JOHN M. CHAFFIN, RTTORNBY - KT - LHJftt, Will continue tu practice In District. Supremo nnd Federal Courts. Office Over Mizkr's Store. Oi-kra House Block. notary pubuo in offioe. It. D. JiEDFOI? , LAND, - INSURANCE, and collection agent. Special attention givon to property ef non-residents. HEADACHE "etlh mt wire and SBveeir have been las CAS0ARKT3 and they are the bLt saedlclQe wa have ever bad In the house. Laat week any wife waa frantto with headache tor two days, aha tried aomoot your OASOAKETS, aid tbay relieved tbo pain In bar head, almoat lauacdletelr. We both recommend Caacareta. . Oaaa Stdtoiid, yitWBurf Sale Dtpoelt Co., PUttburt. Pa. Plaaiaal. Palatabl. Potent. Tait Oood. Do 0ood, MsTirSlckso. Weaken, or arlpe'lOc, Xe.COa. .... CURi CONSTIPATION. ... atlhf RMWf fwaeur, Ckltir. XMnil, tw f era. SIT MAaTAaMC "P1" and cnaranutd br lldrof. mrniwmn cist to odjkb Tobacco uatu. V t mmw JUck i.JKb HHHKn rWm cadv ,ML CATHARTIC ew raaai mm ewasMMa BfeltoHaaHsaaBflaB alaaKDSaalBiB assssBHisHsa CHURCH SERVICES. uiintsTiAN cnunoii. Services each Lord's Day as follows: Morning sorvlco nt 10:130. Subject, "Christian Culture" lllblo school, 12m, Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m. Senior Christian Endoaror moots nt 7 p.m. Evening services nt 8:00. Subject, "Tho glory of Sharon." A cordial invitation is extended to nil. L. A. Hussonu, Pastor. MKT1I00I8T Services next Sunday ns follows: Children's Day will bo observed nt 10:80 and n (mo program rendered on titled "I'enco or War." I'aronts hnv lug children whom they wish baptized bring them to this session. Sundny School at 11:30 a.m. junior league at 4 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. 'At 7:45 tho choir will give a half-hour concert, after which the pastor will deliver a sermon to the teachers at tending the Webster County Teachers' Institute Subject of sermon, "The Divine Teacher." Prayer meeting on Wednesday even. ingat8KM). Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All are most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Darbt, Pastor. MAITIBT ClIURCH. Services noxt Sundny as follows. Tho morning hour will bo givon up to tho Sunday School for tho annual observanco of Children's Day. Sunday School at 11:45. Juniors meeting ut 8 p.m. Young People's Union meets nt 7 p.m. Subject, "Wheat and Tares." V. U. Fulton, leader. Evening servico nt 8:00. Subject, "Tho Public School Teacher as a Fac tor in llollgious Improvement." General prayer and conforenco meet ing Wednesday ovoning nt 8:00. All cordially invited. Scats free. I8AAO W. Edson, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL. Regular services noxt Sunday as fol lows: At 10:30 Children's Day oxorcisos and collection for Sunday school mis sionary work. Sunday School ntll:45. Young Pcoplo's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p m. Evoning services at 8:00. Mid-week prayer mooting nnd con ference Wednesday ovoning at 8:00. All cordially invited to attend theso sorviccs, Frank W. Dean, Pastor. a How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any oaso of catarrh that can not bo cured by Unit's Catarrh Cnro. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lie vo him perfectly honorable in nil business trausnctiousl and tinnnclnlly able to carry out auy obligation made by their lirui. West & Truax, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldinq, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and aots directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system. Prico 75c por bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials froo. -v Hall's Family Pills aro tho boat. Bad management keeps more people in poor oiroumstancos than any other one cause. To bo successful ono must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorablo opportunity presents itself ho is ready to take advantage of it. A littlo forethought will also Bavo much expense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keop a bottlo ef Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy in tho houso, the shiftless follow will wait until nec essity compels it and then ruin his best horso going for a doctor and have n big doctor bill to pay, besido&(ono pays out 25 cents, tho other is out a hundred dollars ami thon wonders why his uoighbor is getting richer whilo ho is getting poorer. For salo by II. E. Grico. DoWltt's Littlo Early Risers act as a faultless pill should, clonnsiug and re viving tho systoni instead of weaken lug It. They aro mild nud suro, small aud plensuut to tnko, and entirely freo from objoctionnblo drugs. Thoy assist raiuer man compel, u. U (Jotting. m There is a time for nil things. Tho tlmo to tnko DeWltt's Littlo Early Ri sers is when you aro suffering from constipatlbn, biliousness, sick hondacho Indigestion or other stomnoh or liver troubles. C. L. Cottintr. m W. Bl. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., says: "For forty years I have triod various cough medicines. Ono Minuto Cough Cure is best of all." It relioves in stantly and cures all throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cotting. t The Chief and ono year for $1.25 Chicago Inter-Ocean No-To-llac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, tnakey weak men strong, blood pure. We. It. All drawiete. Headaoho Biliousness, sour stomach, constipa tion and all liver Ills nrc cured by Hood' Pill The iion-lrrltatlng cathartic. Price 25 cents of nil druggists or by mail ot CI. Hood A. Co., Lowell, Mass. Cheap Tickets to California. Tho lowest rates of tho year nro those which tho Burlington routo will mnko Into in Juno nnd early in July, f jf the annual meeting of tho NntTonnl Educational Association, at Los Ange les. Liberal return limits nnd tm. over privileges. The coolest route to thu const is through Donvar nnd Salt Lsiko City. Go that way and for n ility mid a night you ride through tho Wonderland of tho World pitHt canons, mountains, rivers, wnterfiills, and landscapes gay with ilowers. Information andCnlifomia litcrnturn on request. J. FraucMt Gencrnl Pas senger Agont, Omaha Nob. Drink GrabvO after you have concluded that your coffee docs not agree with you. It is not a medicine but doctors order it, be cause it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It ia made from pur grains and has that riob seal brown color, and tastes like the finest grades of coffee and costs about one fourth as much. Children thrive on it because it is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. 15 and 25c nt grocers. To Whom It May Concern. All parties nro hereby notiliod that my wlfo Clnra M. Overlees has loft my bed and board without nnv causa or provocation upon my part and that from and after this dato I will not bo responsible for any debts which she tuny contract upon her own creditor upon mine. Dated this 1st day of Juno, 1890. Aluert Overlees. Does Coffee Agree "With You. If not, drink Grnin-O mado from pure grains. A lady writes: "Tho first tlmo I mado Grnin-O I did not liko it, but after using it for ono week noth ing would induce mo to go back to coffeo." It nourishes and feeds the system. Tho children can drink it free ly with great boneiit. It is tho Btrengtbonii'g substauco of nuro crrflinn. Got a paokugo today from your grocer, 15o and 25c. Deantr la Illood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cnscarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, liegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking CascarcU, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10e,25c,50c. Big Bargains in Choice Farms. Ihavo for salo within two miles of Rod Cloud about. 1000 acres choice im provetl farms of 80 acres or more, very cheap on favorablo terms. These lands must bo sold regardless of price. Come ami see mo for bargains in land. F. E. GoiiLE. UK ' ' ' Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring to tench in Webster countv ;iro hold in the superintendent's otlico nt Ueil uiouil, the third Saturday in each mouth. Eva J. Case. County Supt. m Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your life An y. To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, bo mag nctlo. (ull ot life, ncrvo nnd vlor, tnlto No-To llac, tho won Jer-worUer, tlint makes wcalt men strong. Alt druufrlsts, tOoorll. Cure Ruaron teed. Booklet und. samplo (rce. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or Now York. "IAAMWMAMUWWWWWWWWUWV 1 M MM4M-'l jrm mww 9 f Hope is that when her little ones are born, they will be vigor ous and healthy. HerhoDcs will be fully realized if she will prepare herself during pregnancy with MOTHER'S FRIEND, the widely-known external liniment which so many women use. It not only paves the way for easy de livery, but insures strength and vigor to tho now-born. Sold br Draawfeta ftar ! m bottle. tmt hmh. Illumed kM .kl MOTUUl-S milKD. m mm wuruui Muuuiun IAJ.. AUUH, ua. m i rVWrrWyWyvwwWrWii m V TRY A DINNER; AT THE Star Bakery, j I J. O. WILES, Prop. GUHtS WHERE ALL ELSE I A LS. a? I ut uouku Brrtij OouKb Sirup, Tastoi Oood. Use in time. Hold br druse lal. RT Sfuke Into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for feot, It cures painful, swoolen. smartintr. tiorvous lent, unci Inatnntlv fnkna tlin sting out of corns nnd bunions. It'sV tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foot Enso makes tight or now shoos feel ensy. It is a certain euro for sweating, callous and hot, tlrnil nnlitnr- . 'IVn it .).. CO.! by nil druggists and shoo stores. By man loraoo in stamps. Trlnl pneknge frod. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y. Flower Plants for Sale. Flowers consisting of India Rubber Tree, Silk Oak, Pnlms, Hlblscm, Gcr animus, Swnnsonin, Fuscliins, Flower ing Hngoninn nnd Box Begonias, Colnns, black, white nnd spotted Calln Lilys, Pnssillorns or Pnsdoti Vino and Made fin vinos. For sale nt store. Mrs IlKNitr Dikukrioii, P. 0. Box 150, Red Cloud, Neb. Rheumatbm Cured in a Day. "Myt Mo Cure," for rhoumntism nnd neuralgia radically cures in 1 to U days. ts notion upon tho svstem is remark. ablo and mysterious. It romovee at once the cause and the disease- imme diately disappears. The first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Bold by H. E. Grice, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. 9100. Dr.E.Dctcltoa'sAAUDkufctk. May be worth to you sore than 1100 If you bate a child who soils bedding from Inconten ence of water during sleep. Cures old and Sounr alike. It arrests the trouble at once. It. old by O. L. CotUnr, druggist. Red Cloud. Nab. Relief ia Six Hours. Dlatretilnir kldnnr and hUilar .11.... . lleted In ix hours by "New Great South Amert can Rldner Cure." It Is a great surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain n bladder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Hollovcs retention or water almost Immediately. If you nt quick relief and cure this Is tho remedy. Sold by C. L. Cotting. druggist. Red Cloud, Xcb. "", No-To-llau for Vltty Cents. Guaranteed tolmeco bablt cure. iiiuUcn weak men strong, blood pure. 60c. II. All druggists. m Edacate Tour Bowela With Caacareta. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. 10c, 25o. If C. C. C. f all, druggists refund money. Educate Tour llowels Willi t'Mscaret. y&' Sn'Jl1"; urJ tonPntlon forever. 10c. J5o. If G o. C. fall, driiRRlstB refund money Preserves r fruit. JalllM. nll-klunrmlmn r A mora easily, mora quickly, mora iiimi.uiuur Bcuea wiin jtennoa I'arafflna Wax than by any oilier metbod. DozenaofotheruseswUlbe found forReflned Paraffins Wax In every household. It Is clan, Ustclcs and odorlesa-alr, wtr aud fccld proof. Get pound cake of It with it Hat or Its many uses from roar druggist or grocer. Bold everywhere. Made br BTAMDAUD OIL CO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ulnuiKf and, Uiulint, tbt hair, l'roiiiolti a lmurl.tift vrnsth. Mover Talla to Ilcator Gray Ciuci -lp dKniti at hair LlllEf. f)g.aiJtlniat DninfliU Write for the free booklet: Acrri; jn.yni or 4fmy Jimet.- Hires Rootbeer time is here THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. Maker of Ulrt Con denied Milk, Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y HE J) CLOUD, If E Bit. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO S'J. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVEll HELENA IWT'IE SAL1 LAKE O'Y PORTLAND SAX FRAXGI&C0 and all points west. T1U1N8 LEAVE A 8 FOLLOWS! No. 18. PunkCHiKiT dully for Olicrllu mid .St. Frauds branches. Ox ford, Mct'ook, Duuvorniid all points won ..... 7:W H.m Xo, II. l'aBBODKor dally for St. Joe, KaiiHSS City, 'clilson. St. I nlllu T liiii-vl Ia la. nud nil points cut and outb 13:50 a.m 1'astfCiiRcr. dslly, Denver, all No. IB. R Ci ;olnts in Colorado. Utah and Ulliornm ...... 8:40p.m. No. 10, I'aasonger, dally for St, Joo. KatisRx city. AtcbUou, St. .outs ana an points cast and south. 10:20 a.m. No. 141. Accommodation, dally oxcept Sunday. UastlUKS. Qraiid Is land, Black Hills and all points In tbo northwnut i-mn No, 143. Accommodation, dally oxcept ' Suuday, Oberlln, Kansas, and iuiciiuvuihiu Butuous, via ite uublican- No. S4. 'relKbt. dallr. Wvmnrn and 18:30 p.m. St. Joe aud Intermediate i unction nolnls.. lM5 d m Mich, .(II. . li..kTiitV:'1,'r."- No. -- - ..-, ub..j .w. nviuuilL.u Orleans, Oxford and all points west No 60. Freight, dally except Sunday -10:30 a.m. 'orwymore and all point east 7:00 a.m. 73. Freight dally to Oxford aud No. 878, intermediate points l:30p.m Sleeping, din ng, and reclining chair cars, (seats free) on through trains. TJckols sold aud bagRngo chocked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets ftU i"l,.r aU(lre" .A. conovcr, Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Ooucral I'asaengot Agent Omaha, Nabraaka. MIEibB m i j ' 'i OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY 1st, CLOSES OCTOBER 31st. BVBaYTHltW NEW UCETT TIB BUILMNOS. mM PLATT & Ghieago Itambef Yard, RKD CLOUD. Lumber, Lime. City Dray and Express Line. ROSS 2ft RIIbb, PROS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. arreAxRs iumbfox co, DEALKRS IN LUMBER and COAL. Building; material, Bto. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, 1'IIUPIUETUK. DBAT.EIt IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. m ALWAYS ON TAP. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Debiqnb copvriqhts &c. Anrono sendlna a aketrh and (lenrrtntlnn ma quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether an lions atrtctlrconDdontli InTentlnn Is prnbnblypntcntablo. Ccimmnnlrjk. Handbook on I'ntcnls sent tree, tildeit agency tor securing patent, lai. Patents taken tbrouab Muiin Co. recelre wpmm nutKr. wnnoub cparyo. in inc Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. llustrated weekly, tamest dr. sclentlOe Journal. Terms. 13 a tba.ll. Sold by all newsdealers. , &6 F Bt, Wblngtoo, D. C. culatlon of any aelentlOe Journal, ear i lour mqnioa, i. Boia oy ail newao Branch Ofllce, l ft VhUkeaUr-a Kull.k Diaaaad Hrua NNYR0YAL PILLS Orlctaal uj Onl Soiilin. arc, alaa t.lUU.. lucks aik Waiilll tat Ckttkouri KnclUk Dt-. Mend Brand la UmA and G'JJ nlAllla, Mm. tralal wlio bin: ribbon. Taka aaathva. Jhrt. dawom .fcniiu. la ituifia ft dartltaltrf, iMUmoaUli anS " llaUef far EadlM." it. Utltr. ,.. iwaj mmd imltnttnma ltDnrtlui.MMtliA. r MalL 10,oa Tr.llmol.U. fmt raptr. OklrkcatMCkaakMdtia-UadlMa 1'lare, ""'' IIIL.AUA.. I"A. Itreitswltb Dfrte-klillaa with yon wbstber yon e ontlnna tb kllllaelobacro bablt. MOTU.UA removes the tteslre for tobacco, wltbv uu. uerTuu.uiiiraBi, aipaia nicov tine, poriaca iaa uiooa, ra makes you itronir u,c w. .umjuuvu iXXlboiei Old. 00 OOO inneaiiu.nferTe calfapurcil. lluv anapocsev- NO'TO-llACMrom UUQE: wlllvnurh tnrnm TlcHltwflh Tour nwn HruiriTiflt. h. h.. m. :r... -iiz."..wL" .v: "zmy i. :- Will, natl.ntlr. nr.l.tntl. linn . STiarantaeii to cure, or we refund money, SUrU.f a.a;r., Ckltae. lrl. Mm Tort. r- uua, v.. uau.ll, CU..II .IIUll'l(;W. rflSfiaafk T0PPD FREE it AT W Permanently Csratl m J lasan'.tjPetsatatfBy Ul IR. KLINE'S MEAT W IEBUE nESTOHER J-TmIUm enr rw all rmuMMii, rui. tQtfr, M anT, taetain, rwiM' iot. 9lUerlfrTomMM saner rirai nas'iasa. THaiiaaan.l siawilkui. ttfw t 11 pttllttUa UJ frjU II(nl CLsUMt OsV hea rwliej, Htai t Ur. Kllue. LU, .. loailtnti f f Ila4lript, Ml Arch Pi.. l'hHaJIt,Ma. ORDINANCE NO. 30. An ordinance levying the taxes (or all general and specltla purpotos authorized by law for the fiscal year beglmilDf ou tho llrst Tu as- day In Slav. 1809. lie It ordained by the inayorand council of the city or Hed Cloud. NogTaska. That the following tajfes be and tho same are levied upon all tho tapble property of the said city of Ited Cloud, aajter tbo assessed valuation thereof on lharlrst JCesdsy In May. 1609, to wit: For general rcVcnu purposes tbe sum of ten (.010) mllli oiihtie Jollar : for Interest on water bonds twelve jidJbnehalf (.0126) mills on tho dollar; forlnArsIt upon electrto light bonds three(.0O3) mllWbn tbe dollsr;for malntalnanco of water worksltour and one-half (.0OJ&) mills on the dollar) making a total of thirty (.030) mills upon the dollar of the assessed valuation thereof. This ordinance shall take effoct and be In full force from and after Its approval and publica tion according to law. J. 8. Wuitb, Mayor. Attcsf-J. E. Krslkii. City Clork. To Cure Constipation Forever. TakeCuscartts Candy Cathartic lOo orSio. jjmrra -M asllu I as I ,ait rgta IT.IIIalV " " aa aaak SPECIAL FEATURES aisseaassaeaisaBsaawBt Colonial Pcek rHnkArwmak.. ProAttb. Hetmi Ptk!$ Fsrcworki ArtExhit,Mc chankal Exhft. Hi, The Midway, Godfrey's British 1899. Will Eclipse Last Year. Military Band.... (FREES CO., NEBKAHKA. Goal and Cement. AND Western Edition Asatrieaa Acriealtartst. By special arrangement with thepubllshera, we are enabled to offer Tn Oramoe Juod Farm. b, the leading- agricultural weekly of tho. .H,ie.T?.f.nd M1PP Valley BUtes. In club with this rnpor. at an exceedingly low figure. Tna Orahos; Juno Fibmih la remarkable for tho Hart!yJanSjJntS.reR otJta contents, and Is un. doubtedly tbo best and most practical paper of Its kind. ITS FARM such as X.lre Stock.Dmlry IngTxTurtlouIlure? oiiTTTV. Ill Arlcr (lm uruuu - . , -. , -"rfF - w -. cal am with to tnakA lfc InrnliinhlA tnihA.aMi.Ati.... i forallTlng." The latest Markets nnd Com. merolal Agriculture aro features In which Tub Oiunob Jtod Fjiuier is unexcelled. TUP F1UII V CCATIIDCO. Short sto. ma.inmiui SS.niUIIUOi rlr, Xjtt. eat f aanious. iraiicr ii i Work,- Tho Good Cook, ruziln Conteats, JLIbrnry Corner, and Aoung Folks' l'Bo comblno to make this Department of as much vnluo nnd Inter, est as most of the Special Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All scndlnp tliolr subscriptions Immixllntelr. tinder our chibblnu otrcr, uro prcscnteil, posti fiald, with tho Aur.nicAN Annici'LTi'msT Year look nnd Almnnao for 1 too. This riy at book of (WpaKes Is n Cyclopia of TroKressand Eventa of he World, n Guldo to Markets, JIarketlnc. nud l'rlccs. "', . clV? o'Btatltlea,reTls4 to date, for Farm or Home, and Offlco or Factory. A Refer ence Work on Every Subject TerUlnlng to Agri f""ujIndusti7.0omnierce,andJIark?t8: Pub Uo Affairs, Economics, andtolltlca ; Household Education, Kellglon, and Society. It Is sluaa t-A SAMPLE EHPYO..T,, ...... Pl52.I12 ISS"' will bo mailed to-you br oddreaa Ing TDK OBAMGK JDDI FAKMEJt, IrUr quetto llulldlBg, Chicago, 111. Our SPECIAL Offer: ODlio Farmer KND The Olxief ONB YBPR FOR $1.25. flambletonian Wilkes,. MBMBR1NO CHIEF. ? tfxmtfi rnrr year book rf.Lt m ALHAHAC H33sKB9BrBBBBBB THE 8HANDAIID BKED 6TALI.ION Hubert Cyril, 30379, Foalud in 1896, Browu borae, will bo 10 linntU and weigh otor 1200 pounds when matured. Will make the season at the STAR Livery Barn, Red Cloud, Neb. For teams address Ghus. H. Bess:. rM ') -!-J w1 - l l . 'v' si u. w. jasa se i .1 g'gjjiL?!g?CTyMgwsi