THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE , 1800. fiff- T bk " KV ' m - dewelrym IIone$tyx Ji fli j issomp thing that thn nv. , .. .. o ,. ., know 10 little about thntlin must needs depend nU mot entirely up on tliu Jeweler of I whom ho buys. Wo find that our judgment is relied I upou more and moro by Jewelry buyers. People 1 who wish to avoid 1 mistakes aro will in to have us shoulder the entiro burden. If you 4 J buy jewelry here it's right -no J matter what you pay for it. MIL ? 1 F - ' ! WiBa PV BIBT BMHB HhhhB HBhBbI c m HH H) 4 V 4 W 4 V w -i WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Ncwhouse Bros,, Jewtlcn and Ophth-Imologut. 4 "J Bring ui jour Watch. Clock and Jewelry work. We do the best work. J . GENERAL CITY NEWS. Blue grass seed at Mitchell Bios. Rev. J. M. Darby was in Beatrice Monday. Tako your harness repairing to Fogel -and Hutchison. The Chief nnd Chicago Inter Ocean one year (or $1.25. Have you been that fine line of nets -and dusteis til J. O. Butler's. If you want anything in tho harness Jiuo sue Fogel and Hutchison. Miss va Brown departed she fore part of the week for a visit with friends an Hildreth, this state. Paul Dickson who has been at Lin coln attending the btate university is home. Call on G. VV. Dow when in want of new or second hand plows, harrows, cultivators, listers or buggies. It will bo to your interest to see mo .if you want a pump wind mill or any thing in that line. Jas. Peteuson. (ieo. Negley and a Mr. Eshelman of 'Fulton county, Illinois, were hero this week confening with D. J. Myers in ngurd to laud. Geo. Drako who was serving a four gear's soutonco iu the penitentiary -was released from that institution and .arrived home last Saturday night. Special Salk, commencing Juno 10 and enditig Juuo 24, on tly-nets and clusters. Special prices on nets and ,. -dusters during this sale. J. O.Butler. 1 It would bo a blessing if some people would leave their "gab" at home whon they attend lectures and entertain ments and thus give intelligent people ft chance to hear tho speaker. The republicans have plenty of good timber in Webster county to sdo;t ifrom when tho timo comes to put a ticket in tho field and no pledpes should bo made until all candidates Jiavo made themselves known. A fair example of what might hap lien behind an open umbrella is ably il lustrated in tho window of Tiirntirp Hi o. dry goods storo. Patrons of -jhool hoiHu poichi's, church stops, shado trees, etc., should not miss this .example. "Go thou and do likewise." No person can walk tho streets of lied Cloud without admiring tho beau ty of tho city. Beautiful residences, tiico lawns and yards, and a profusion of shado trees of most evoiy varioty. lit is the general remark of nil eastern visitors that this section of Nebraska is the finest of all the state. nuMMmuMmiiiimuiumiiHmniMinu In all Conditions of Debility whether from overwork, in protrac ted illness, or in convalescence, the digestive organs partake of the general weakness, and are unable to assimilate sufficient food to build up the wasted tissues. In such cases as is just the nutritive tonic you need. 3 It gives tone to the stomach, and s 5j stimulates the appetite. It aids the s S digestion of food, and brings re- B freshing sleep. 1 StffiuuUfjiuuifjIUUWflUJUg . WIPIBIIWIIIIHHWwllllWwriipH Harness of nil kinds ut Fuuol and Hutchison's Sou W W. Wright's Hue of cooking stoves nnd ranees. Mis John Cinns left Monday morn Ingfora visit nt Knnns City. P A. Wells and wife veto in Kansas C.ity tho foro pnrt of the wpok. The front of Goo. Lindsay's meat maiket has hcpn nuwly painted. Mis. J. J. Vetter of Tecumsch nr rived heic Monday on a visit to her son A. W. Vetter. Largest lino of nets and dusters in tho Republican vallev at the lowest prices. J. O, Butleii. Mrs. Margaret McGrew who has been visiting hero loft Thursdav mornincr for her homo at Shickley. Will Tulloysof tho round house force has been promoted to the position of firemau on the switch ongine. The people of Guido Rock are some what put-out that tho now B. & M. dyer doesn't stop at that point. Mrs. L. H.Rust loft this Friday morn ing for Beaver City having received tho information that her sister was very sick. If you want your pump repaired or pipp fired I have a pump and windmill man that will do you a good job. Jas. Pkterson. Anton Anderson, of Omaha, a cousin of Oscar Anderson, after a week's visit with thnt gentleman nnd family has returned homo. Mrs. Crnbill, mother of Lloyd and Wm. Crablll. arrived in tho citv Thtirs- day from her home at Winchester, Virginia, on a visit. Paul S. Moon, son of tho lato J. W. Moon, accompanied by Thomas J. Dickson wore here from Muskegon, Michigan this week. A case containing samples of tho hnndiwnrk in dentistry of Dr. J. S. Emigh hns been placed at tho foot of tho stairs leading to his oflicc. Winnio Coon of Lathrop, Colorado, who has been visiting for sevcrnl months with the family of George Coon returned home Thursday night. What you want is not temporary re lief from piles but a euro to stay cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles, and they sty cured. C. L. Cot-ting. Will Jackson who is now holding a position on tho Atchison, Topekn and Santa Fe railroad nt Raton, New Mexi co, has boon visiting bis former old homo here this week. J. A. Schc.'ir, of Sedalia, Mo., saved his child from doath by croup by using Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippo and nil throat and lung tioublcs. C. L. Cotting. To euro piios striko at tho root that's tho way. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo strikes at tho root it removes tho causo quickly and permanently. Don't squander timo and money in a vain effort to remove the effects. C. L. Cotting. The practico of throwing ashes and rubbish on the streets should bo stop ped. Now thnt tho streets have been gravoled and put in nico shnpo the gonernl rubbish from the stores should not bo placed on tho streets. Oidi nance No. 0 covers this and it should bo enforced. Wo hnvo no objection to our corres pondents slapping ono another in little "squibs" if they enjoy if, but wo can't allow continued controversy in our columns. We can do nil tho scrapping that is necessary to keep this journal in fighting tilm ourselves, and still have time for peaceful pursuits. A mistaKC occurred in our Lino cor rcspondonco lust week in regard to tho dato of thoMapIo Grove Sunday school picnic. The picnic will be held;on Saturday, Juno 24, nt tho Aubushon grove on tho old Oatman place, and the Maple Grove and upper Penny creek schools will unite in tho day's pleasure. The Young Men's club entertained a number of thoir friends nt their club rooms Wednesday evening. Juno 7th. Their rooms were handsomely deco rated with Mowers nnd other articles which served to beautify them. Tho young people enjoyed tho early part of tuo evening playing whist, whon ro froshmonts wero served. After le freshments tho whist tnblos wero sot aside nnd dancing was tho ordor of tho hour until the clock pointed to tho hour which announces tho approach of dawn wLon they departed to thoir homes. Bruco Payne of Otto, member of tho First Nebraska regiment landed from tho Zoalandla at San Francisco fresh from tho Philippines on last Saturday and nrrived in this city on train No. 14 Thursday morning making tho trip in just thii ty days. Ho was in tho firincr lino for three months nnd was about thirty foot distant from Stotsonborg whou ho was killed. Asa souvenir of this engagement hu brought homo n Mausor lillo which ho cnpiuiedat thnt timo. Ho presented Frank Cowdon with a weapon shaped oxnotly liko a sciuuiter and has many other nrticlos of interest. MERE MENTIONINGS. The Cmikk 31.00 per year. Fiesh bulk gat den seeds. Mitchell llriw. For hand made harness go to Fjgel and Hutchisons. F. II. Lindspy of Holdrego was hero the first of the week. CJay Popo has taken a position with the round house force. F.d Pulsipher of Hastings is visiting friends in tho city this week. Seo tho "American" hog fence at Mitchell Bros. Best on earth. Walter Collins loft Monday for Ox ford whoro ho has socurod employment. Madison Finch was looking after business matters in Lincoln this week. Born To Mr. and Mrs.E. G. Moran villo, on Friday, Juno 2d, a boy of usu al Nebraska weight. llarvoy Cox left Wednesday morn ing f ir Lincoln whore he will take a course at tho state university during vacation. F. E. McKeoby and George Overing havo started overland for a trip to Guthrie, Oklahoma. Thoy will visit at several placos onroute. Get your sale bills printed at this of fice and tho announcement of sale will be printed in tho paper during tho timo preceding the sale day free of charge. Don't buy n range or cooking stove until you examine tho lino kopt by W. W. Wright. Thoy aro of tho latest pattern and built to do good cooking and save fuel. On Juno 18th Pastor Hussong of the Christian oliurch is to preach at Hoa ton's school I10118O at 11 a m., at Inn vale at 8 p.m., and will bo in Red Cloud for tho evoniug service. Tho B. Y. P. U. of tho Baptist church will givo a social in tho court houso yard, Thursdny evoning, Juno 13th. Cnko nnd fruit ico ci earn will will bo served. In caso of rain it will bo held in tho Bnpttst church. You gat up iu tho morning tired, a bad taste in tho mouth nnd a hcadncho. Know whnt'8 tho matter? Biliousness! Tako DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers. They regulate tho livor and euro con. stipation pleasantly and promptly. Nevor gripe. O. L. Cotting. The telephone company is rapidly pushing thoir work in this city and In the course of a week or ten days the old familiar "Hello, central" will be flying back and forth over the wires. The wires are mostly up and the work of putting in the phones, which aro al ready hore, will bo begun at onco. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllce at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending June 8th, 1809. Buatzner, Carl Mack, N. E. McIIenry, Jns. Law, J. P. Watson, Minnie Thesn letters will bo sent to tho dead letter office Juuo 22d, if not called for before. When calling for above please say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M. Have YOU Heard $ You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive- fea tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it. Neaitv all children like it and ask for more. SCOTT'S EMULSION looks like cream; it nour ishes the wasted body of J the baby, child or adult better than cream or any1 other food in existence. It ' bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that ' cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other so-called "just as good" preparations, you will find that this Is a fact. The hypophophltes that are'J combined with the cod-liver oil give additional value to It because they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole 1 body. VK inufi wt tiuiUTKm, SCOTT & UOWNb, Chemliti, New York. RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum tuidng powders are the gradat mouccrs to bcahn of the present dy. ovuimtanwtea,MWYOt. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Judgo Bcall was horo tho first of tho week. Leave your orders for ico cream at the Star Bakery. Henry Clark is homo after a visit with friends at York. See tho fino lino of cooks and ranges bandied by W. W. Wright. Geo. R. McCrary of Blue Hill was in the city the last of the weok. James Yoiier returned today from the state university at Lincoln. Miss Clara Schnellcr left tho first of tho weok for Clay Center, this state. Tho partnership of Lindsoy & Smith has been dissolved Mr. Smith retiring. R. B. Fulton is in Cripple Crcok, Col orado, looking aftor mining interests this week. L. H. Blacklodgo wont to his former homo in Culbortson Thursday night to look aftor n legal caso. T. A. Wilborn has had carpontors and painters at work and bcnutiliod lib rcsidonco very much lately. Do not fail to hear tho sormon in tho Methodist church Sunday evoning to tho teachers of Wobstor county. Miss Maudo Miller loft Wednesday for Lincoln whoro she will tako a pre paratory courso at tho stato university. J. W. Grace and brother of Gonova, Indiana, wero horo this week looking upsomo real estnto deals with D.J. Myers. If our readers want ft cooking stove or range they should look over the line keptbyW.W. Wright. They have aa good an assortment as can bo found in Omaha. Harry Hollonbeck, formerly of this city, now of Scandin, Kansas, was shaking hands with old frionds horo Monday. Tho city council failed to moot on Wednesday evening on account of a lack of quorum. Tho mooting will bo hold on Saturday night. W. G. Black, a real estate man of Galesburg, Illinois, was hero this wook looking aftor semo land deals with our local real estnto dealor, D. J. Myers. Advortisingis a great deal liko eat ing. You cannot eat a very largo meal and expect to go without eating again for tho next week or ton days; neither can you advertise successfully by using a largo amount of spaco ono week and thon dropping out of sight a mouth or so. Sheriff Wells wont to Boatrico Thurs day on tho early morning train to at tend a mooting of tho sheriffs of tho northern tier of counties in Kansas nnd tho southern tier of counties in Nebraska, held for tho purposo of per fecting nn organization by which it is expected tho gang of robbers which havo so long infested theso two rows of counties will bo broken up. Tho Burlington's now fast trains to Denver and the west nnd St. Louis and tho east mado thoir frst trip on Sunday Juno 4th. Tho easl bound train will leavo Rod Cloud at 12:50 a.m., arriving at St. Joseph at 8:10 a.m., Kansas City, 10:25 a.m. and St. Louis 7 p.m. The weBt bound train will leave at 7:55 a.m. arriving in Denver at 0:20 p.m. Through sleeping and chair cars in both directions. Dining car and buf-fet-smoking-library-car west of Ox ford. Tho wedding of Miss Fidelia Mary Schaffnit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaffnlt of this city to Mr. J. H. Crafton of Quincy, Illinoii, was Bolemnized Thursday morning at 8 o'clock at thn home of tho bride's par ents. Tho Rov. F. W. Dean officiated. Tho wedding was a quiet affair only tho family and i'mmediato frionds being nmsnnt. Tho brido is well and favor ably known having resided horo for many years and is much osteemod by ber many acquaintances. She was a popular teaohor of our city schools for soveral years and for tho past two or threo years haB boon teaching in Hast ings whore tho position hold by her was again tondorod her for next year nnd not nccopted on nccount of her marriago. Tho groom is piuicipnl of tho actual businoss department of tho (iein City business collegu and is an educator of merit Tho happy couple loft shortly aftor tho cm oniony for their futuro homo at Quincy where thn best wishes of a host of frionds will follow them. 4 4 2w hi m 9V' r- m i-m na 4pr v T : b? w I Men - of - Business appreciate the value of the I CLOTHINGS obtainable horo and those particular about stylo will be ploasod with tho cut of each garment. Wo givo you Prices -ot-&- Few - Suits 1 soloctod at random from an oxtensslvo stook. Everything has boen done to mako thorn perfect. $5.00, . 5.50, 80.00, 7.00, 8.00, 8.50, .000. j Comden-Kaley Clothing Co. 1 LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. aVwwwvw lmvmmmMmmimmm m- S-PJEOOIAIL, GHDflGH DAY SibE I FRIDAY, MAY 26th. SS Will be METHODIST CHURCH DAY. Five per m cent of cash sales on Friday, May 26th, will be 2 given 10 me mecnoaist church. n I FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd. $ Will be CHRISTIAN CHURCH DAY. Five per gfg ft cent of cash sales on Friday, June and, will be m given 10 me v-nnscian cnurcn. I FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, H Will be CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH DAY. rive per cent or cash sales on rnday, June 9th, will be given to the Congregational church. FRIDAY, JUNE 16th, fj Will be BAPTIST CHURCH DAY. Five per cent tht of the cash sales on Fridav. Inn i firh will K M given to the Baptist church; VR IT LIES WITH YOU TO 1 Build Op the GhoFeh at Oar Expense, & for every dollar you spend with us on Friday of each week, you are mj dropping 5 cents In the treasury of the church. gg Yotau Can Buy Vojre for j Yotaa? -Oollar BE at TURNTRE BROS, than any storo in town, and eaoh Friday will W be many spocial bargains offered. 1 TURNURB BROS l m:im:'f'm 4 teW ..f.3