ggggggg"',,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,'"----- L- lWifii?Tr.Tfta"'il. 'Mir"1! f '" rTJilloH!!L-ZirrMJni - " "MBWBgBTBBriBBrBir1 -1 fr"jfrSgSawfcrTiaa "Vftf J&J&iHtfl- -AEiBnaBBBr m,aBK? BBBBBBftVcBBB 3 aBrfefeLV BBM BBBatf ' SnH Basr - lajjsaaaaaasawaMaw?-' t iPJI 3fc'-n?)il7fliR3PKBT,5!3BBBIBBBBBBMMiMBBMBF a HHIHIIHHHBBBtfKdBBHSKSIiH mBm0t"!sSc- -scn."-jp -ftiiiB'ffifflBMBIBBSBiteJ-- jBSWaaaaaaaaBaW WmLmmKmvkimm "" ""-HHSaisi aa2HSHaHB5W2aamlB h. . . , mt volume xxvn. S. S. S. GOES ItED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE J), 18iM, I. .WT1 TO THE BOTTOM, Promptly Reaches (be Seat jiw-sAaB f all Blood Diseases and SF "? ? a? at unu merit or remedies have failed, S. S S , Cures the Worst Cases. -'SauSXBa 'w- 11 ier,one wno ,iaa had experience with , ..ui .... . hlqpd. diseases knows that thtSS -!S -w.l,t.h ui.nx.ut tiuuuma BO ODIlinate and (limmilt fr...n r . - nu mi tn pnrn nh .l -."tJT f! V1?!01111 CUre. Vervfnwmntix.l.l - w .u... uocu-bcoh'U UIOOU U aim ana am a a oner such Incontrovertible evidence of merit S R i. ' none CM1 is a cure 1 It goes down to the v B0.f".i?,.?: 5.J L1, not me"ly a tonlc-it roundation of the very worst cases, and routs thZiZf e ..8 and Bet8 nt tho not, like other remedies, dry ur . ?Xtan and TriPf!!,thI0 8y8tem Itdoe" only to break forth aaa n nwre vlolJSff than eS-SflV0" temporarily, Airs. 1. W. Lee. Mnntimmoi-v a i. .....i." .: vo no purpose. The mercury and potash whfnh tiinJ gave me seemed to add fuel to the awKilZ ,,.ii.i .1 l oy bottles cured me completely." Swift's tfpeciTc- y S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD t ;& "pt.We, and contains no cure Cancer, Eczema cro7ifla I ihinm.H' i,,eiicInl- It never fails to Tetter, BollsOarhucles, SoTe", etc mwumatiBm Contagious Blood Poison, Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta. Ga. Inter State Fair Association. Tho board of directors of tho Inter state Fair Association met at tho ofllce of tho secrotary on Juno Oth, 1808. Tho meotlng was called to order by J. L. Miner, president. Members present, J. L. Miner, L. M. Crabill, "Was. Peterson, W. V. Wright, G. V. Dow, John Polnicky, M. M. Stern and v. J. Myors. Prosldont appointed D. J. Mycis, L. M. Crabill and James Peterson as n committee to revlso and rccoivo bids for tho publication of tho premium list; said oommlttco to report at a meeting Tuosday evening, Juno lUth. President appointed L. M. Crabill, W. W. Wright itno John Polnicky as a committee to solicit special premiums kfid report at meeting June 18th. Mrs. E. J. Duoker was appointed as president of tho Lidies' Auxiliary and was fully authorized to call a meeting of said auxiliary nud choose officers for tho same. The dates for tho holding of tho fair wero mado from September 18 to 21 in clusive. The secretary was instructed to se lect an assistant secretary at a salary of 82.") for tho season. Prosldont appointed sccrotnry as superintendent of tho uico track and grounds, to mow and repair it in gen eral. Tho meeting was then adjourned. Sweet, kekhksiiino sleep is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla which strength ens tho nerves, tones tho stomach and overcomes all dyspeptic svmntoms. xou should try it. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient. Easy to take, easy to operate. Priio 25 cents. BMiiafaavoav,'Tav"'n l . .TlisBsmLsm The Thresher You're After i4 is the one that will earn and save the most money that will thresh the most jrrain and separate it most pertectly, at the lowest cost. Every part of the Nichola-Shen- ard Separator is -designed to An thr best work in the best way, in the shortest time at the least expense for power, help and repairs. Every feature and attachment from the self-feeder to the stacker 13 of the most improved pat tern; efficient, strone. durable. Pur. - m 1 .-.,, mmm chasers of the Nichols-Shepard SEPARATOR have the choice of various styles of stackers. The Sebum f 4-rMwni i- iuc ucwcai jurm 01 wina fitfloiriMv atiri io riatr r -mmmtmm m iwf A4 ftw m I I wm &3 y A vft Hure that will instantly commend it tb thresher buyers. Som of IU AdvanUtMi Tha ebuta iUrU from the top oftha 'pantort 1 higher from tba (round; awlnf In a compUu circle j It can bo loaded or unloaded by oca man. Write for free caUloguo and learn aUaboutthoNlcboU-ObepardBeparatorand NICHOLS A SHEPARD CO., Battlo Crook, Mich. Branch HoBaa M KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, rllU full atock of machine and cxtraa. UoMMMMaMMMOMMMMMNNMMaMMMMI lTTwfflyM J COHMINCEMENT. Twelve New Names Added to the Rolh of the Red Ootid Hif h School Alumni. uir ocnooi uutiei iaae. Tho Tenth Annual Commnnr.AmAni of tho Rod Cloud High School, held at the opera house last Friday evening, was an unusually interesting one by reason nf tho fact that'thn nlnao a largo one. Thoy uumborod twelve exceptionally bright younjr ladies nnd gentlemen, and their teachers, parents and in fact tho ontlro community can wen feel proud of them. Tho crowd in attendance was fully equal to that of other years for notwithstanding tho threatening condition of tho weather tho opera house was crowded, and tho Interest in the program if anything was greater. Tho state was ham!. somoly decorated and prominently dis played at tho top of tho drop curtain was the class motto. "Year Tnnoii More Than Books," neatly arranged in the class colors, crimson and white. Tho program as published was carried out in detail. On account of tho large number of them tho orations wero not delivered, and Instead of tho graduates seeing how many words thoy could uso and how much timo thoy could con sumo in expressing a few thoughts their efforts wero side-tracked and an address by Dr. Eugene May of Wash ington, D. C, had Instead. However wo think it no more than rlcriit nmi justice to the graduates that their ora tions should befgivou to tho public in some manner and would suggest that should tho pai ties having chargo of tho proceeding in future desiro to cut out mo orations that thoy mako arrange ments to have them published in at least ono of the city papors. Dr. May is a very lluent and able speaker, and hisaddicss, the subject of which was "From Cork to Causeway," was very attentively listened to and well ro- received. Geo. I. Kelley, supei intend ont of the schools ptoscntcd tho grad uates with their diplomas, and it is needless to say that ho was lust as irlml to bo ablo to givo a diploma to each as they J,wcie to receive it, for if there is ouo thing 11101 e than another he is in teio3tcd in it is our public schools. After tho piosontntion of diplomas tho llower chihhen presented tho gradu ates with Dowers In boquots, hunches, wreaths, etc.. given as tokens of esteem by friends who wero pleased to seo and appreciated their advancement. Tak en altogether the class of '00 is a grati fying reflection on the system of in struction in uso, tho work of the in structors and. the accomplishments of tho students. Another noticeable featuro was tho number of graduates that came from other districts outsido tho city, which speaks woll for our present school system. After tho graduating exercises wero over tho graduates repaired to tho Masonic hall where a sumptuous lepast had been prepared for them by tho Red Cloud High School Alumni and tho fnnntinn and toasting was kept up until long after tho hour hand on tho clock had started on its dowirvard courso, nnd all ropahed to thoir homes a, tired though n happy crowd. Tho juniors gavo tho seniors another banquet on Monday evening which was u very pleasant and enjoyablo affair, Weather of the State. Report of state weathor obsnrvor. A. (J. Lovoland for tho week ending Juno Oth, 1899. Tho past woek has boon warm nnd wot in tho southeastern counties and dry and windy in tho central and west ern counties. The avorago daily tern poraturo excess has varied from fivo degrees In tho eastern part of tho state 10 less tuan ono degree in the western part. Tho rainfall has been nimvn normal in tho southeastern counties and generally below olsowhoro, being less than a quartor of an inch in most of tho southwestern counties. Taken as a wholo this has imn n good growing week in most parts of mo siato. .back of rain In some of the southwestern counties has been rnthor unfavorablo but as vot no ilnmn.r,. i, rosulted. Ryo is headed out, and with out oxcoptlou is leported a thin stand, with prospects of a poororop. Wintor wheal is beaded ! southern ooaatis.i NUMBER 22 OaU And spring wheat are weedy, and in a fer instances tho weediost lields have beon listed to corn. Corn has grows, well in all nana nf th . Cultivation Is in progress and in south! ern cobntlos most of tho crop has bocn cuiuvaieu tne lirat tlmn In nm-n.... ern cbuntlcs considorablo roplantlng has been done, but olsowhoro tho stand is much above tho average, and thus far burllttlo complaint has bcon mado of danjiage by cut worms. Pastures and nieadnws nrmtimm tn n.n..n... condition. Potatoes and mio-m- Iw.ntu nro growing nicolV. Alfalfa in hnlno cut in the southwestern counties, and tho crop is only fair. I SFourth of July Program. Following is tho program arranged forthe;ouith of July celebration in this city. National salute at sunrise. At 10 o'clock procession forma nt Fireman's hall and March to Elm street thonce south to Fourth avenue, thence west to Seward street, thence south to Second avonuo, thonco cast to Webster street, thcuco north to 0th avenuo, thenco to court house grove Proces sion will form in tho following older Superior Hand. Soldiers of Spanish-Amoiican war under command of Captain Underwood of Co. I, Old Neb. Vol. Members of tho G. A. R.and soldiers of tho civil war. Civic societies. Speaker and master of ceremonies in carriages. Mayornnd city council. Business men's displays. Representation of states bv vouuer ladies under command of Prof. Goo. I. Kelley. Undo Sam in costume. Citizens in carriages. Callthumpians under" commnnd of T. W. Hatfield. Immediately after tho ai rival of tho procession at tho court house tho following program will bo given. Music by band. Meeting called to older bv Hon. Jno. R. Mercer, master of ceiemonios. Prnjer, Rev. L. A. Hussong. Song by glee club. Speaking by Captain Arthur A. Un. dorwood and Lieut. Pulls of Co. I, 3rd Nebiaska Vol. Music by band. Dinner. Tho afternoon will be largely devot ed to ppotts. At 2 o'clock thoro will bo an exhi bition drill given by Spanish-American soldiers under command of Cantaln Underwood. Dancing. Bicycle racing. Hoso raco, open to any company. Grand water light: first orlzo 81O.0O-. second prize, $5.00. Fat man's race; contestants must weigh 200 pounds or more nnd bo over thirty years of ago. Distance 50 yards, first prize, 82.C0; second prize, fll CO. Boy's raco. All contestants must be over 10 years of ago. Distauco 100 yards; fiist prize, 82.00; second pri.e, $1.50. Sack raco, 50 yaids, free for all. tirst ptizo 82.00; second pri.o, $1.00. All who desiro to contest in anv raco must lilc entry blank with II, E. Pond secretary, on or before Julv 1st. A grand disylay of fireworks will bo given at 8 p.m. at tho fireman's hall. This will bo tho best celebration ovor hold in tho Republican valley. She washes her delicate laces With Ivory Soap suds, soft and warms The frailest in bottles she places And shakes them it cannot do harm. If thoroughly rinsed with clear water, They're wholly uninjured when dry Because, as experience has taught her, Ivory Soap has no free alkali. The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap Is made fit It for mnnv anui for which other soaps are unsafe or unsatisfactory. a"y 8pW 1 '! I Street Incident. "My dear sir," oxolaimod lawyer Bartholomew Livingston, moetinc tho Rev. Dr. Archibald Windham on tho village street, "what does this mean. I thought you wore laid ud with nil sorts of bad diseases?" "And so I was,"roplied the reverend gentleman, "1 had an attack of indi- gestion and from that time on my wholo system has been in a disordered condition until I bogan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla which has put mo on my feet ami cured my stomach troubles." "I don't doubt it said tho lawyer." "This samo medicino cured my wifo of iheumatism and niv llitln chilli nf sciofula. Whon they say it's tho best modicino money can buy they only ion uie iiuiu." "Yes, yes, so thoy do," replied tho siaister, mi! the two paissd . I Teachers' Institute. Tho annual session of tho Webstei County Teachers' Institute will bn hold In Red Cloud, June 10 to 17. Iho educational mectimr onnnnlna most of tho time Saturday afternoon but instituto enrollment and other preliminary business will bo attended to at this time. The instituto sermon is to bo pi each ed by Rev. James Mark Darby at tho M. E. chinch Sunday ovonlug. The dally sessions of tho institute aro from 8:30 to 4:10 p 111., Juno 12 to 17. Prof. Hubbeil of Falrliold. ono of thn nblost and most experiencod of our school mon; Schuyler W. Miller, A. M. of English donartmont. State Uuivor. sity, and Miss Cora E. Clary of Nebras- Kauty havo been engaged as teachers. Tho ovonlng sessions of tho instituto are as follows: Monday, informal reception of teachers at superintendent's homo. Tuesday evening, lecturo at Bantist church by Prof. Hubbel. Wednesday evening, lecturo at tho Christian church by Supt. Hussong of Franklin county. Thursday ovonlng, lecture at tho Congregational church by Frank W. Chaffee, A. M Into of Vale University. Tho public is cordially Invited to these locturos. All friends of educa tion aro gladly welcomed to dnilv In- stituto sessions. Eva J. Cask, County Superintendent. GARFIELD. Mis. King is very low arid is not ex peeted to live. Mm. Phoenix united with the Moth, oilist church last Sunday, Lun Mungpr lost aline calf Monduy by letting it get on tho alfalfa. Chan. Muiigur was in town Monday gutting soino ice for Mrs. King. Davo Wagoner of Burr Dak was vis iting friends hero soveral days last week. If we can raise as good a crop of corn this year as wo can of wind we will bo in tho swim again. Most of tho young ueonlo of nm neighborhood attoudod tho children's mectiug at Maple Grove last Sunday. J. D. Campboll's team ran away last Monday. His wifo was thrown from tho wagon and badly bruised hut no serious damage was dono. TllASIl'. - - If VOIl want 11 ilrivn urn 1 1 mn.l.. I ...... do it for llrsl clat.s stylo. Jamks 1'wruuflev, INAVALE. A. B. Ward has his now dwelling north of tho church nearly complotod. The good ueonlo of Innvnin n.,,i i cinity wero blessed with anothor copi ous rain Tuosday aftornoon which was very accobtablo to evoryono. U. G. Knight will match any ono with runnway horses, havlntr n tnnm whini. ran away twico In ono day this weok and doing no damage in either ohaso. Wesley Wilson bus bnnn JirmMn a R. Davis' house to a couplo of coats of paint, winch is a very notlcoablo Im provement. If you havo anything you wnui uxeu can on Wesley. Our dopot agent got thonowsystom of mail matter and trains badly mixod up last Monday, and Billy couldnt help him out a bit. Everything is all O. K. now and we think tho change a flno improvement. One of our young mon who just weighs ninoty-threo pounds, has just purchased a now pair of two inch lines todrive his trotting horso with, and now he is afraid ho will break his lines every timo ho hitches un hiu hnnn Too much oats, Jiuimlo. Wo understand that A. R. Dnvl wil 1 return from Kansas City by way of Lincoln and brirnr a carload of Mnpn,-. mack binders and mowors homo with mm the first of tho weok. A. R. seema to bo doing thu lion's share of tho busi ness in thoso parts all right. Sovorai of our business mon aro in Kansas City this week, thnrn iwin .. trninloadof stock shipped thoro from this place hi Ohas, Huntor. Sawyer & Davis and the llaivov Bros. Innvnl., is strictly in tho cattlo fooding business and ships Homo of tho lino9t oattlo that go over tho road. Citizens' Meeting. Tho oitizons of the oitv of Rod ( linn ,1 aro requested to meet in tho Fireman's Hall on Saturday ovonlng, Juno 17th for tho purposo of providing entertain ment for tho soldiers of tho latowar who will bo In our city on July 4th and will bo ontertalnod bv tnn ni .,1 guests of honor. Evorybodv rennet. ed to eomo out. J' S' WniTB, Mayor. J. L. Keilek, City Clerk. Mr. P. Kotcuam of Plko Citv. Onl says: "During my brother's latn inir. noss from sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlniu'H PaIii m .o .1 J, ""' . ; 7 -...... .o iuu willy rum- edv that anvii Mm ...... -nnr J; others havo tcstlfiod to tho prompt ro "f ' P'li" whloh this linimont affords. For sal by U. &. ttrlee. w .lib. ,i aiU