I'M tJ.f 8 THE TIED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1890. ILLING TO HELP hi curing free dom J i vi t the grip i' citttinh males loyal ft tends or the liberator, (Vni-nti linn Ih'cii limiting friends in this kind for many ytmrs. It cures , catarrh whor- over located, k .. i t.'...i.. Yf ill I it. Ik. feiiMUSt I UI Hit i.KHV)m clffhlh St., De troit, Mich., Is, one of the many thou tnmlof I'e-ru-na'fl friends. Tills is what ho bays to Dr. JIurtmtin: " Wo huvo used your I'o-nt-na with the most reinnrlcnblo results and would not bo without It. Wo have always recommended it to our friends. A few years ago I purchased a bottle of your Pe-ra-na and after ocelng1 Its results, recommended it to my grocer who was troubled with dyspepsia, the curing of which induced her to sell it in her store. She has sold large amounts of it My daughter has just been, cured of jaundice with Pe-ru-na. My pen would grow weary were I to begin to tell you of the numerous cures Pe-ru-na has effected in our immediate vicinity within the last couple of years." Dr. Uartman, President of the Surgi cal Hotal, Columbus, Ohio, will counsel and prescribe for fifty thousand women this year free of charge. Every suffer ing woman should write for special question blank for women, and havo Dr. Hartman's book, "Health and Eenuty." All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN City nnU country calls promptly nn swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office ovkk Lindsey's Meat Maiikkt Dr. E. A. Ckkigiiton, Honorary Uradimtu & Silver Medalist Western University, Ciuindii. Calls Answeked Day and Night. Orrrce Ovun Cook' riunuAcr. J. F. GOODE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ILL CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY. Office over Cotting's Dntr Storr. Res idence at J. C. Wnrner'A properly. J. S. EMIGKH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT rr. Ctowd I Bridge Work or Tetlh Withtut Plitei PORCELAIN 1NLAT And all the latest Improvement In denial meoh anliml I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LANS. Lock llox 23. Quldo Hock, Neb. All klud9 of property bought, sold nnd exchnnged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKUMS HKASONA1ILK P. A. WELLS, KTTORrjEY KT I-Klltf. Offico in F . & M. bunk building with D. J. Myers. PllACTlCKb IN ALL STATU AND UNITKD States Courts. E. U. OVERMAN, KTTORNEY - KT - L.KJn. Otttcc orcr ltn Olltce. Does n gonornl law uiislni'. Practices in all courts JOHN Al. CUAFF1N, KTTORNEY - KT - L.Kiot, Will continue to procure in PlMrlct Supreme mill Vcilcrnl louru Onicv Ovi.u Mix.lr'.s Stoiii . Oit.ra lloi'SK Hum ic NOTARY PUDUO IN OFT Cf. . Ilinve licen using CASCAKU't'S for iDSomuia, with which I nave been Hffllctvd (or over twenty cars. uml I can say that Cuscurcti havo wtven inn moro roller than ony other reme dy I have over tried. 1 shall certainly recmn- menu mem 10 iny irienirt as Demi: oil ttiev tire rcpresenicu, xnos. uiluaud, liiij .11 CANDY TRAOttUAN KUWItlO l'Isnt. I'aUtnble. Potent, Tsste (lond no Oood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Urlre. 10c, Kc, N'o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... iitfii.r nwy rarmr, cMti. nir.,i, n. i.rk. sit un Tfl.Bin Sold nnd iriiaranii-rd by all drug nU I UDAu gliu to iTUKH Tobacco llabtt r$BSBmm MteSMHWSJ "ifc Avkv.vw i,mi.f - vnww' pg jjj titno. Bold by urujytt nt-1 LINE. Hnin, lain, nnd moro to follow. Win. Lewis nnd wlfo wcro the quests of L. Aiibiislion Sutfdar. Dick Hutchison was the guest of I 'rank VunDyko this wook, Albert Kcnglo nud wlfo woro tho guests of Clins. Isoin Slintlto'. K. W. Andorson, jr., of Mt. Hope, Is building u sod houso for Dnn Grew oil this week. Mr. Uosuiicrntis and Mr. 1'ottor hnvo opened tlia road on tho statu lino nt seollon 83-1-11. Listing corn is over for this aonson, nnd sowing millet nnd corn is tho order of tho day. l'rnnk VnnDyko nnd wlfo wcro visit ing with Harris Noblo on Wnluut ureek this wcok. Mr. nud Mrs. Campbell of North lirnnch woro tho guests of William VnnDyko Sundny. Mrs. J. O. Fouls; of Guldo Hock vns tho guest of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. VnnDyko Inst Sundny. Clias. Oust has moved into tho brick houso on Maynnrd's ranch. Ho will help Mr. Maynard farm this season. Rev. Horton tho cvangollst of Has tings, proftched at Penny oreok, Dist. No. 8, Sunday night. Ho will preach again some timo in the noar future. A number from lino attendod tho Sunday school convention at Rod Cloud this wook. All report a good time. . W. Andorson was sent as a delogato from Penny crook, District No. 8. Tho Sunday School at Mt. Hope was reorganized last Sunday. Mr. Corbott of Sherwood was elected superintend ent and Dan Growoll, assistant. Sun day school moots at 10 o'clock a. m. ovory Sunday. Rov. James Campbell of North Branch will pronch at Penny crook, Dist. 8. at 11 o'clock, May 28th, assist ed by 1). 11. Dillon of tho socloty of Frionds, who will give n short nccount of what ho saw in Palestine Tho Pleasant Grovo Sunday school was re-organized Inst Sunday. Tho now officers nro Mr. Shannon, superin tendent; Mr. llcardslen, assistant sup erintendent, nnd Wm. Lewis, secre tary. School moots ovory Sunday nt 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is oxlendod to all to attend. GARFIELD. Another lino rnin Tuesday night. John Fox hns begun to cultivnto corn. Kd Moulor shlppod his cattlo this week. Cap Houohin bought another now lior.su. Geo. Coon shipped n cnrlond of hogs Monday. Jim Amnck shipped his cnttlo Inst Monday. C. A. Campbell began cultivating on Tuesday. J. Bryant was a pleasant cnller on John Clark Monday. Jap Smith tradod horses with bis uncle, Chas. Mungor. J. M. Clark had a tramp for break fast Wednesday morning. N. B. Wagoner shipped a carload of cattlo to St. Joo this week. Preaching at tho Methodist church by Rov. Blaokwoll last Sunday. Mrs. RnlU had hor houso plastered Tuesday. W. Perry did tho work. Ed King is fencing a hog pnsturo this woek. Geo. Boaucunmp is doing tho work. Low Kins has not run off with tho irvusles ns Gold Bug expected. Ho was just im listing for his brother-in law, Mr. Parsons. C. F. Hnuson was scon bringing out somo clilcKon netting, innrs wuai Bryant should havo had thou ho would not havo lost Ills sotting lion in tho wind storm. Tkami. STATE CREEK. Corn plnnliug is n thing of the pnst, now it is cultivation. Mrs. Jesso Snpp of nenr Corn visited on our creek Inst week. Miss Vnloy Scrivncr is visiting her sister nenr Corn this week. Dan Growoll's now houso is nonring completion nud ho will movo in soon. Albert Scrivuor sold n lino horso to tho Missouri horso buyer at Red Cloud for $50. Professor Gainer Is back homo ngnln ns his term of school hns closed nt Lebanon. V. U. Uosencrans, tho road ovorsoer is doing some splendid work in his districtjngnln this yenr. The VnnDyko brothers and Hutchin son succeeded In gottlngtlto bouuty of 25 for their wolf scalps. Tho young sports of this place en joyed themselves well nt the social hop at Snm Johnson's Inst week. All is quiet in our corner. Planting corn is tho order of tho day, and while some are done n few nro not moro than half done planting, Sunday school was organized last Sundny al Mt Honu with John v. Corbett, superintendent; Dnn Growoll, assistant superintendent, Evoryono Is invited to talui a part and holp. Three couples havo recontly got married on our wost lino and over iu east PnwueojOid tho boys hnvo done their part in charlvaring. Tho happy couples nro Mr. Snm lnir and Miss Corn Johnson; James Hillings nud Miss belburt, of Logan; nud Mr. Pnul Grieo and Mls9 JonnioRudd of Pnwnco. Occasional. STATE LINE? A good rnin foil horo last Friday and Snturdnv. J lio mill crop is about gono in tins part of tho country. People aro plowing up their oats in this part of tho wood. Mrs. Maui! Fagnn has been on tho sick list but is better now. Mrs. Goo. Turner's baby has been very low but Is hotter uow. Rllss Lucy K. Toland was on tho sick list but is getting hotter now. Miss Nnney llaskins is now staying nt hor cousin's, J, U. Arrnnts'. North Branch graduation Friday t f ?, Maj 2fltl Fui)lHl. tn No-To-Kao fur lrlfty Cent, auaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak man atrong, blood pure. Mo, fl. All drawiau. Constipation Henclnclje.tillloiisiicsi.licnrt bum, Indi gestion, nud nil liver ills are cured by Hood!' Piiis Sold by i.U Uru i. -jcc.i'l. School Apportionment. Following Is tho soini-niintinl school apportionment, showing tho amount onch district Is entitled to, Amount certified to by state siipcriutondout 83800 7G From cnuntj trensurcr 83 50 Total $3842 20 dibt. 1.., A XT. S1C0 80 MIT, AMT 15 40 82 .157 1!) 10... 37 12 17. . . 31 00 21 14 20 50 48 17 70 oi ui 'in : iu vz 0 40 4i! 50 34 00 8 27 88 0 42 00 10 85 48 11 23 70 12 48 48 18 12 08 14 20 50 15 40 03 10 48 48 17 56 72 18 48 48 20 8131 21 82 68 22 4002 28 25 18 24 84 74 25 4101 20 49 85 27 87 40 28 80 02 29 45 05 80 37 40 31 100 27 82 45 05 33 84 00 34 88 18 85 52 00 80 50 54 87 4040 88 44 80 80 22 38 40 35 43 41 37 40 42 43 07 48 28 CO. 51 80 12 52. 03. 20 60 GO 64 54 40 42 65 38 18 60 47 11 68 84 00 50 5122 60 60 47 01 85 48 02 20 25 63 5102 64 27 88 05 42 00 00 88 18 08 80 10 00 84 74 70 80 02 71 ' 23 70 72 23 70 78 73 80 74 227 06 75 27 20 77 81 82 78. 52 01 70. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 80. 87. 14 07 88 85 30 03 32 01 80 13 54 07 50 55 7 42 25 83 Many old soldiers uow foel tho effect of tho hard service they endured dur ing tho war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson of Rossvillo, York county, Pouusylvnnia, who saw the hardest kinu of sorvlco at tho front, is now frequently troubled wiin riioumatism. "1 had n sovoto at tack lately," ho says, "nnd procured n bottlu of Chnmborlnin'flPuiu Bnlni. It did so much good that 1 would like to know what you would charge mo for ono dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own uso and to supply it to his friends nnd neighbors, ns overy family should huvo a bottle of it iu their homo, not only for rheuma tism, but lamo bnok, sprains, swellings cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled. For sale bj 11. . Grico. Don't Leu any Time About It. If you expect to go west this spring &9k tho nearest Burlington route agent about tho specially reduced rates now in effect to Montana, Utab, Cali fornia, Washington and Oregon points. Ask about them right away today. They may be withdrawn at any mo ment. Through tourist slooping car sorvlco to San Francisco, and Los An geles ovory Thursday; to Butto, Spo kane nnd Seattle ovory Tuesday and Thursday. J. Franois, Goneral passen ger Agout, Omaha, Nob. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right sldo, pains under tho shoulder-blade, constipation, bullous ness, sick-headache and feel dull, hoavy nnd slcopy your liver is torpid nnd congested. DoWilt's Littlo Enrly Risers will euro you promply, plonsnnt ly nnd pormuucutly by removing tho congestion nnd causing tho bilo ducts to open nnd How naturally. They arc good pills. C. L. Cutting. Does Coffee Agree With You. If not, drink Grain-O mado from puro grains. A lady writes: "Tho lirsl time I mado Grain O I did not like it, but after using it for one wcok noth ing would luduco mo to go back to coffee. " It nourishes and feeds the system. Tho children can drink if free ly with great boiiollt. It is tho strengthening substance of puro grains. Got n package today from your grocer, 15c nnd 25c. lli-nuty In Illood Deep. Clcun blood means a clean fikin. No beauty without it. Caacnrets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving nil im purities from the body, licgin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts, bc.iuty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Don't Tobacco Spit anil Smoke lour Lire Anaj. To quit tobacco easily nml torover, bo mag netic, full ot llto, nervy and vigor, tulco NoTo Rao, tho wonder-worker, thnt mnltoi wenlt men strong. All urugglht9,(0oorei, CuroRuaran tccil. lloolclct uml saiunlo (roe. Address Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or New York. it makes no dillorenco how bad tho wound if you uso DoWilt's Witoh Hazel Salvo; it will quickly heal and leavo no sum', C L, Cotting, ttitnuntn Your itnwi'ln Willi i uicurt'tH. Candy Cathartic, euro coiiKtlpution forovor. Ntt, 8So. ir c. G, CJ tall, druggists ret mid money NERVOUS WOMESNS Do you feci like screaming last before and during the monthly sick ness? Arc you easily irritated? Do you get the blues and wish some times you were dead ? If your answer is "Yes" to any of these questions, you should lose no time in taking: BRADFORD'S FEMALE REGULATOR it wm overcome and cure every form of irrcguUr rsrr cs, lcucor , rhoca, falling; of tl.c vomb and i other uterine trouble. 01 tt DfuytMm. tn WUPWIIO MCOUTQ. CO, AttaaK a Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Con tain Mercury ns mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell nnd completely dernngo the whole system when outoring it through thu mucous surfaces, Such tiitlclcfl should uover bo used except ou prescrlpthtiH from reputable physic inns, ns thu damage thoy will do is tun fold to tho good you can possibly de rive from tiiein. Hall's Catarrh Curo manufactured by F. J. Choney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury and is taken internally, noting directly up on thn blood nud mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curu bo sum you get tho genuine. It is taken internally nnd mndo iu Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chonoy & Co. Testi moninls free. Sold by druggists, price- 75c per bot tle. Hull's Family Pills nro tho best. Shake Into Your Shoes. Alton's Foot Easo, a powder for foot, It cures pnlnful, swoolon, smarting, nervous foot, nnd instantly takes tho sting out of corns nnd bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foot Easo makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is acortain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all drugglsta and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package ree. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure," for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days, ts action upon tho system is remark ablo and mysterious. It removes at onco tho causo and tho disease imme diately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by H. E. Grfco, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob. . $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Dieuretlc. May bo worth to you more than 1100 If you havo a child w ho soils bedding from Incontcn enco of water durinK sleep. Cures old and young alike It arrest the troublo at once. tl. Sold by C. L. Cotting, druggist, Ited Cloud, Neb. -. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re lieved in six hour by "Now Great South Amerl can Kldnev Curo." It la a great surprise on ac count of Us exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Kellevca retention of water almost Immediately. If you tvalit nulck relief nnd euro this Is tho remedy. Hold by C. L. Cotting, druggist, Ited Cloud, Neb. No-To-llae for Klftj Cents. Ouarantocd tobacco bnblt cure, makes wcolt men strong, blood pure. 60c. fl. All druggists. EdncntoTour nowcls With Cuicarets. Candy Cathartic, curo constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C, fall, druggists refund money. Eureka Harness Oil la the best preservative of new leather and tho best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, bluclc ent nnd protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best bin), your old hr dw, nd your carrlac top, and tbf y will not only look better but wear longsr. Sold everywhere In cans-ail tlMt tram half plnta to Ave callona. Msat by STUDIED OIL CO. c PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OieaoM and. bMsUrici ths bate Xfever Tails to Butore Oraj t-romotti a luxuriant Krowtn. Mxmir to li luuaiui yoior. Curt, icalp diK.Mt a hair laUlsf. Sue, and S I .UU at Dninl" Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. IvOOK uniuiiK i'our noicliliors who havo pur t'lmscil HARNKSS from uh uutl you will find thnt in ovory easo it hits provcil to ho of suporior niitko nnd ox collont (unlity. All wo olVor is mndo of tno OnK tnnnud lonthor nnd will stnud hard usngo. Every plcco i cnrofully put togothor nothing being sligntou.L , Horo is mi idur ot our prices: t32.00, 831.00. 830.00, $20.00, $28,00, $20.00. $25.00, 822.00, $20.00, $10.00, all good A no. 1 Farm Ilnvuosa. Cull nno soo for yoursolf. J. O. Ktxtler. viwwo 3 iiism"IV MI"V 'TL IflU ' i v lamMJ iaoHiB vnvif Ana HI Si J (to) OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, I Sm. Will Eclipse Last Year. T Military Band.... f WWWWArW.VWAWWWAWWAUMrVVrWWrWrW PLATT & Ghieago Lumber Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. City Dray and ROSS & F2IFB, PROS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. 1RAI:E:iEfc ILTMBE&R CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL XStaildirifi: xn.aterial. Bto. Red Cloud, - SOOTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALSR IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. raBsnjTBaHBMKBW9aBx,1a,pBSBi. il B SMp. pmB bmB VJ Igaj BJaTBv l H 1 Vfl Bjbb BbVJ kl BBa PWI IS piIfB " K V HJ UgVJ l BsV WJ HS BbVI km" B BsBBiBal 'I sbW 1br B Bbb bibH Sam bbb BBfiw 1 l sT bIbS tS SbW Bb SB sbWT Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtalnec) and all Fat' cntbutlness conducted for Modcratc Fieb. Our Orrict is Opposite U. 8. PATtNTOrrict anu we cun secure patent in leal time ttun tuc remote lrom Woihini-tcn. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We ndviie. If patentable or not. Iree of charge. Our fee not duo till patent is secured, a Diuuirr "How to Obtain 1'atents." with cou ot satno in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Auaress, C.A.SNOWf&CO. Opp. Pat t nt Orrict. Washinqton. D. C. SO YEARS' . EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desiqno COPVniQHTO &c. Anyone sondlnR n sketch nnd dcscrlrtlnn may nulclclr nscertnln our opinion froo whether nn Invention Is probably pntcntublo. Oirninunlrn. tloiisstrlctlreonUdonttal. Handbook ou l'ntents tent froo. oldest nponcr rorsocurlnitpatcnts. I'Atonts taken thruuuh Slunu X Co. receive ipfcbil notice, without chnrco, lutho ScietUiftc Hmericam A hanrtsoniolr Illustrated weekly. I.nrccU clr culatlpii of any sclentlllo Jourmil. Terms, l.'l n yrnri tour months, fl. Siold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.36IB",ad New York Mranch orllco, CM V HI.. Washington, 1. U. P Chlrhr.tM'a Ens1l.il IHamc A llrani. ENRVR0VAL MLL8 ira!4. lord ftaa nctu L..VUA.. l'A. ltrcits with yon whether you rnnllnni; LtbVf,Trv!a urTti-kllllnv tobAcco bblt. WO-T- AJJa '& removei the ileilre (or tolmvo, wtthn f nflsssSsS' outnerTouidUtrtsi.strielsnlcowfB.iBB VWF71 tine, purines ths Md, re- f B K B"Arlw. tores kit niAnhoodTil'fJIJboiiMi makes you itron T I H I Alsold. p0,000 In heltb, nerTi5sT U lJJB'c"s ; ."uy nnd pocket--VIbMUI UMliO-TiyU At) from book. ril rjVBlyour own drugtiit.wbr ..famm I SBBsW" 111 Touch Corns. Take It with M f IPTwlll,patlrntly,pertUtently. On Bl Mboz, SI. utually cured 9 hoies, f 1 M, VK'iriiaruiteea to euro, or we refund money. VSurtUf BtyC.Cklin,Bttrtl,Trk. ITS TOPPED FREE "' Permanently Csrsfl isitniiyrrssniiaD BR. KUKE'8 flMAT RERVE RESTORER Ptil.Mr fk.tl VA-wlykU4 U-J. f 't ttHtrtr. nerenie . r rtf -l-'rl fctttl t. i- i t :. r I.I. . lll.l-b To Cam Constipation forever. TVn naspnrets Candv Cathartic. Wo Orl&O. U o. O. C lU to sure, druggists refuna mwf. WkAAsA a jjmjjra rV (l;iiiiuanati' jr. "' a foSiriiSSJi i. jrru-lni:nliM' li ''UoVf7 'J-v TiiVS?i'jM. iliviil. rf' Cm.ogr , iv irvi l. i i mr iws'. s fwrfmA I L 'V tn .wi i tit t.'l Rr dmonUlt lr Ei ' Heller fur t.a4. ' (lr. tr tv Jv D . BI.II. 10.000 T ''"!.'. .-"rkl. hMtv7btiiitciii idliua l'l ' 0 LWAlUTUlAUU. f Asm hVAWAViV SPECIAL features! Colonial People 3: Blrdi, Animals... Products, Homes ! Paln'i Fireworks j: Art Exhibit, Me-1 1st, I chanical Exhib- jjj its, The Midway, 1899. A finiihW Rrlt lh FREES CO., NEBRASKA. Express Line. - Nebraska AMD Wnttrn Edition Amtrlcan AsrlcaltarUt. By special arnni rement with thocubllshers, we are enabled to offer Tnx Objlnok: (JUDDFARll- br, tho leading; rlcnltnjl -weekly 'of the Western and Mississippi Valley Bttes, In club with this paper, at an exceedingly low figure. Thb Okanob Jcdd Farmbr Is remarkable for the) variety and Interest of its contents, and is un doubtedly the best and most practical paper of IU kind. such as Utw Stoek, Dairy , Market Oar. spies, written by praeti Carmera. aumilemeDted oal and successful with Ulastratlona by able artists, combine to make it Invaluable to those who "farm it forallvlng." The latest Markets and Cobb saerclal Afrlculture are features in which Tbb OaaKOB Judo FaaM Is unexcelled. TUC CiUII V CClTIIDCOs Short sto. Ills. iniBIH li.WIUIll.Usrla. lm.1. est raatilons. ATarn "f. WorST The Good Cook. Pnzxle Contests. Library Corner. and onni Folks' rage combine to mako this Department ot as much value and Inter est as most ot the Special Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All scndlnc their subscriptions immediately, under our clubbing Oder, nro presented, post- Iiald, with tho Auerican AnnicuLTUnieT Year loolc nnd Almiinna for Ib'JO. This crcnt book oC COO page Is n Cyclopedia of ProRress and Events cf tho World, u 0 ul Jo to Ilarkets, Markotfng, and l'riccs. Frsrr year book ntt AND ALMANAC It is n treasury of Slntlstlcs, reused to date, for Fnrni or Home, and Olllco or Kactory. A Refer- enco Work on Every Subject Pertaining to Agri culture, Industry, Commerce, and Markets ; Pub lic Affairs, Economics, and Politics ; Household Kducatton, ltollclon, and Society. It is also Ma Aliuanao of Calendars, tho Weather, Astro uotnlcal Data, Uinta tor ach ilonth, Dates, etc. Wh SAMPLE COPYtfJSs r?Jr mai;nzlno form, will bo mniled to you by nddress ItiR T11U OltANOK .IUDIJ FAKMKK, Mar quetto llulldini;, Chicago, 111. Our SPECIAL Offer: 1Ma.3 Farmer KND ONE YEKR FOR $1.25. Hambletonicin Wilkes, MEMBR1NO CHIEF. TItK SHANIMItl) 11UED STAU.ION Hubert Cyril, 30379, - FoalutJ in 1890, Brown horso, will bfr 10 hands and woijjli over 1300 pounds when niatured. Will mako the season at the STAR Liver' Earn, Red Cloud, Neb, for toams nddress Chas. R. Besse. X7eJfFliffisrahMIFSsl'$ ITS CADU CCiTIIDCC Enffor7Ic5nureoBaRV, saasr. and other V If'iJ aWssaslsSiilBsaBlsaBUBsW ur z t i --iVA J6ii g$AWM