.-WVS--TA-,t-JffilieB.1MFW-.n c.- i cviaV TIIE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FIttDAY, MAY 2(3, 1800. "fe TW 5fe))5 Does the Business." All the world admires 4 staying power. ' ' On this quality success depends. The blood is the best friend the heart has, and44 faint heart" never won anything. Hood's Sarsaparllla is the best friend the blood ever had; it cleanses the blood of everything. If you would be strong in tlio race of life and "do the business," you must "stay." Hood's Sarsaparllla makes the strugglo easy. It gives clear, strong blood; hence perfect health ensues. fjves-"The Itching of hives which troubled me last summer was terrible: blotches ctmo nil over my body. Hood's B.riaparilla and Hood's l'llls cured me." Mas. Mary Innorr, 235 Houth Wolf St., Baltimore, Md. AH Run Down - " I jvai as tired In the morning as at nllit, had no ambition, wenk and run down. Three bottles of Hood's Barsarmrllla built mo up and cured me. Can cat well and sleep well." Mrs. Ciiab. Iolz, 418 Madison Ht., .Sandusky, Ohio. Female TroublOS-" I would have wel comed death any time as a relict from catarrh of the womb and other serious troubles. The best physicians said my case was helpless. I stopped taking every thing elso and took Hood's Sarsaparllla. New life came to me and I gained until I 3m perfectly well and strong." Mrs. Emma , Fishkb, Lonedell, Missouri. MOod&SaMa, ing around Chain county, has romo to tin: conclusion Mint old Webster is good onoupn forhlin and has mndo up his mind to stny hero. Well ns I hnvo boon nccuscd of uot writing tho truth nnd ns I stated ho fore I (lid not wish to bo reprimanded, I will acknowledge Mint I mndo one tnistnko in my Items of May 12 In re gard to tho sorvices at tho Methodist church, ns Rov.Blnokwcll failed to an poar, boing called olsowhero. Now nil tho apology I havo to mnko Is to extend my thanks to thoso who corrected mo. Gold Duo. e ft ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft ??? tjZ't''' 071' 0-?'0-0if0'000r' ft ft Do You Trade in the Big Store ? IF NOT, WHY NOT? We lead. Competition acknowledges it. You often hear, "Just as good as you get at Miner's," or "Just as cheap as you get at Miner's." That acknowledges leadership. We guarantee regular prices to be lower than others specials. We mark all goods in plain figures. A dollar is a dollar, no matter in whose hands it is. Marking in plain figures secures fair treatment for all and means a satisfied customer. Satisfied customers come again. We buy and sell for cash, no bad debts to look after. If you are not satisfied llood't Mill car IItw III, .he non Inlutlngind ' enlf eethtrtle to U with llood'i SeinperllGj THE CHIEF ruBLianao ar W. L. MoMILLAN. One year 1100 U month! SO PUDM9HKD KVBRY FRIDAY nterod at the poit office at Ked Clond, Nob. a Second clan mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Local advertising 6 cent per lino per Imuo. Local Advertising for entertainments, con certs, socials, etc., given by churches, charltablo societies, etc., where all money raised there from are used wholly for church or charitable societies, flrst ten lines free and all ovsr ten lines 314 cents per lino per Issue. Local advertising of entertainments, concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent Is given to pro moters, 5 ccnta per line per Issue. sisrLAT Anvintiaixo. One column per month . - . 17 00 One bait calumn per month .. 8 M One fourth column per month 1 75 General display advertising 8 cents per tach per Issue. ASH CREEK. N. L. D. Smith has a new organ. Oats are looking fino sinco tho rain. Win. Roberts is qulto sick nt this writing. I. B. Stnnsor was running two listers last week. Low King was holplng Arthur Par sons lust wook. Anglo Smith was visiting in Hud Cloud lust wook. Goo. Coon sold three loads of fat hogs last Saturday. George Thorno was tho guest of Ed Mohlor last Sunday. J as. Amaok was on our crook last wook with his shellor. J. J. Smith and R. J. Skeon listed up their wheat last week. Jap Smith has finished breaking prairie for Kittle Wagoner. The daace at John Hasselbachers Uit Saturday was a failure. Jessie and Ira Wagoner were calling onLylo Llppinoott last week. Mr. and Mrs. Levi DeHart were vis iting with Alf Harris Sunday. Mr. McNutthas bought two bunchos of wire notting to fsnco bis gardon. Joo Wagoner nnd his sister Katio wero visiting Nu9oCunipboll las) Sun day. ' Mr. nud Mrs. Emertou wore tho guests of John Hassulbachcr last Sun day. Mr. Kenyon sent to'Iown for n bushel of seed corn, for which ho paid ono dollar. We see tho Ash rieok salesman hu his bills stuck to the fcuco posts along thu road. Corn is coming up splendid in this part of tho county and .no ono is com plaining. If this wot weather continues Ne braska will produco ouo of thu largest crops in its history. Miss Katio Wngonor was out to church last Sunday after boing con lined to her bed for two weoks. The rites of Baptism was adminis tered to Henry Smith's baby nt tho Methodist church last Sunday. Walter Apulcguto departed for Gib sou, his former home, to bring his cat tle. Ho expects to bo gouo about a week. Thero was to bo a magic lantern show tit tho A in :ick school liousu last Friday night, but owing to tho weather it wns a failure. N. 11. Wngonor hauled his fat hogs to Rod Cloud on Tuesday and drove hts fat cattle lu on Wednesday. Ho shipped them to St. Joo. Tho wiltor was at tho Brethren church last Sunday, and from tho in terest manifest they havo an exceed ingly good Sunday school. Mr. Bryant says ho extends bis thauks to Tramp for his sympathy, but thinks ho ought to bo congratulat ed on having tho old hen left. Thero will bo preaching at the Amaok school houso every four weeks, beginning the 4th of noxt month by a Christian minister from Guide Rock. Sorvices will bo hold at 4 p.m. Charley Piatt of Red Cloud was out to tho Brethren church Inst Sunday and took tho plcturo of tho church nnd thine of Ash urecK's young intue, Misses Mmy Mohler, Grano White nun Otn Thorne. Al White nft'T an absence of i years dtu lug which ho bus been chns- GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Schuman is very sick. 0. Ayor has gono to Oklahoma. A bran new boy nt Agent Cassolls. Now buggios, mowers and rakes ar riving nt Peterson's today. O. A Edgortan arrived from Ham burg, Iowa, Monday evening. Win. Montgomery now runs a restau rant in tho nflddlo of tho streot. Mr. B. Bargman and Miss L. Hage uioir wero married Sunday, May 21. Commencement exorcises wero largo ly attended, tho Baptist church being crowded. Tho butcher shot) and barber shop aro undergoing u low coat oi paint tliis week. 1). 0. Loith tho horso buyer bought (lfteon horses and mules hero Monday nnd Tuesday. Tho rnln Saturday provouted tho horso race, but ouo is arranged for noxt Saturday. Parties from tho cast wero horo again Tuesday looking for a building to put in a gonernl storo. Who snid it novor rains in Nebraska? What's tho matter with 2t inches of rain in ton days? Mr. Chas. Molloys brother from Wis consin is horo on n visit. Thoy bad not scon each othor for 23 years. Word was rocoived hero Friday night May 10, that S. McCorklo near Bost wick had just boon killed by lightning. Bon Piorco passed through town Tuosday night on his way to Burr Oak with tho boy that rau away with Judy's horso. Wm. Montgomery is moving out his restaurant and putting the Shuman building in its placo instead of tho oast sldo of tho streot. Bon Piorco of Burr Oak wns hero Saturday on his way to Burwoll, Nob ruska. wliithor ho was going nfter tho other of tho two boys who ran away with Judy's horso, tho boy having boon captured by tho sheriff at Burwoll. Tho other boy has boon sont to reform school. Married nt the rcsldenco of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osborno Ayor, Mr. F. P. Heal and Miss Lulu Ayor, Rov. V. E. Shirley officiating. Miss Aver is ono of our toncnors at this placo, highly respootod by all and will be missed by her pupils all of whom seem much attached to her. Died, at his residenco at 7:15 a.m. Tuesday, May 32. Mr. J. P. Varrell, aged 00 years. Mr. Varrell had been afflicted ror several years witn rheum atism and heart diseaso. Funoral sor vices wero held at tho homo at 10 o'olock Wednesday conducted by Rov. Day. Tho remains wero loiioweu oy a largo procession of relatives and friends to the uuiuo kock coniotory. Rumors of another wedding aro go ing tho rounds. Amidown. ft with your purchase brine: it back and get your money back. ft 2 Prints. M Ono Case Di ess prints at 4c. jli Ono case fancy prints 5c per yard. W 1,000 yards silk finish novelty at Oc. ffi 1 case faucy novelty at Co. uuud, umuAO auu uiuca n. t. ft jj Muslin. ft ft ft ft ft ft muslin, longths, yard 1 balo mill ends unbleached regular 7o grndo, 8) to 7 yard at 4o per yard. 500 yards unbleached muslin, wldo nt 3c BostL. L.atCo. A good blenched muslin 4u Hope blenched muslin fc. Fruit of tho Loom or Lonsdale, 6c Silks. Waist patterns and trimming silks. Wo havo just received another largo lino of silks. Ono of tho largo oastorn silk importers overstocked. We ro coived a few patterns. 8oc to 51.50 per yard. The best silk values we havo ever offered. Dress Goods. Carpets. BEAVER CREEK. Who said it couldn't rain. Mr. A. Bragg's havo a new organ. A new clrl is reported nt tho homo of Fred Mnaia. Potitious in Dist. GO aro Hying thick and fast now nays. J. R. Crozior und family took dinner with Sanford Croxton on Sunday last. J. V. Varrell of Guldo Rock dropped dead at his home near thero Monday. O. C. Vaughn's hand whioh he had mangled in the corn shelter is healing very rapidly. MissSadlo Vauuhan was one of the graduates of the Guide Rock high school last week. Andrew Mollev of Wisconsin is visit log his brother Chas. Mollev whom he had not soen for twenty-five years. Rev. Day failed to fill his appoint ment last Sunday at Eokley. Ho was callod to preach a funoral sormonon Wlilow crook. Beaver creek still has a fowold bach olors nnd a widower or two who would like to got married. Girls, ploaso dont all speak nt onco. K. H. Vanco, Miss Minta Robinson, Miss Suio Sprnchor nnd Mrs. Alpha Wells wero cliosuu deloirutes to ropro- sent tho Ecklov Sunday sihool ut thu convention at Red Cloud this wook. Ramiu.ku. A Proclamation. Whoreas, uiiiny of tho alleys of tho city of Rou Cloud, NobrusKit, havo bron used as tho places for depositing refuso from tho barns, stables und out houses aloncr suoh allovs. nnd Whoreas, suoh deposits havo beoome uublio nuisances, and tho health of this pooplo has bocomo ondangered by l V tfi tff to it to it to to to it to to to to to it it it) to it to Remnants of Brussels, Monuettcs and Axminstors in short longths, fust enough to carpot rooms about 0x12. Prico 81.00 made up. Romnant price 80c made up. Tapostry carpets 50c mado up. Cotton Ingrains 25c to 8Tc mado up. Union Ingrains 40a to GOc mado up. Light weight wools 45c to GOc made up. Medium " " 00c to 05o mado up. Extra super all wools at 70c mado up. Our carpot selling this season has boon far in excoss of expectations, com pelling us to ropeatcdly order carpet. Wo carry twenty rolls of ingrain in stock. Guarantco tho fit of all carpets, nil carpets cut without wasto. You pay for actual carpot for covering floor. Furniture Room. May 1st eastern manufacturers ad vanced tho prico of furniture. Wo an tisipatod tho ad vanco nud secured a car load of goods. This car will arrive about May 23th. Wo guarantee to savo you money. Wo make tho prico and lead all com petition. New Idea Patterns. This is a new department and is prov ing a great success. New Idea Patterns guaranteed the best. Our polioy in all business is the best for the least money. NEW IDEA PATTERNS at 10c for all sizes nnd all stylos enables us to again fulfill tho policy. This is proving our most successful selling senson from dress goods stocks. Wo are offering many excellent values. When wo sny values wo do uot mean 25c goods marked 40c, nud thou offered for 33c special. Wo moan n pieco of goods that Is a value at 25c, tho samu applies to the prices. Wo murk all coods in plain ticures. ouo price to all. Wo buy and sell for cash, that means at least a lGporcont saving. Wo give you tho benefit. Dress goods in all the latest novelties henriottas, serges, cropons, covort cloth, etc. at 10c to $1.00 per yard. Shirt Waist Material. We aro showing tho newest novelties in this stock. Valuesl Yes, every ono of them. Why? Again we say, BUY- ING AND SELLING FOR CASH. Wo aro now showing our second largo in voice in those goods. The line com prises picrotines, percales, plain colors and fancies, fancy porcales, silk finish calicoes, English shirting, piques in colors and white, corded ginghnm, fancy French gingham, etc., at Go to 25c per yard. Queensware. Got our special prices on Queensware. Wo aro closing out soveral pattorns in order to make room for now goods. Groceries. 7 pounds fanoy navy boaus, 25c. 8 bars White Russian Soap, 25c. 0 bars Santa Claus Soap, 25c. 10 bar) Forn Soap, 25c. 8 ouo pound burs soap, 25o. 1 gallon pail syrup, finest quality, 35c 17 pounds No. 1 Granulated sugar, $1. Socond grade, tho kind handled bv many dealers, $5.45 per cwt. Wo also carry Fnney cookies, Low uoy's caudles, vegetables, nuts, lard, nud all articles that compriso a first class grocery stock. Wo guarantee tho freshest stock. If you aro not satisfied bring back your purchase. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft H 'v Shirtings. Gingham. Apron Checks 3c to Gc. Fancies from 8c to 25c. Table Linen. Tho largest assortment of table linen ever shown in Red Cloud. Linen finish damask 18o to 30c. All linon 40c to 11.75. All linen napkins from 70c to 15.00 per dozen. Plaids and checks, Oo. Othor grades to 15c. Southern Silk, tho best values, 8c. Regular Ranchman's black or bluo, 12Jc Ranchman's seconds, 10c. Ladies Muslin Underwear. Spocial clearing salo on tho ontiro stock. Rapid selling has brokon lines. Wo placo thorn on sale at special prices. Sewing Machines. Why pay 930 to $40 for a sewiug ma chine whon you can got a macbiuo guaranteed to have no peor on the mar ket for $25. We sell direct from tho factory. An agent offers you $5 to $10 for your old machine and asks a $20 to $30 difforoncc. Wo soil you tho machine for $20, and you may bo ablo to got 15 for your old machine. SPOT CASH PRICES. .$10 50 . 10 50 20 00 Bed Spreads. Extra values in spreads at 60c, OOo, $1.00, $1.40 and up to $3.50. See our special No. 0500 fringed quilt. A very handsome piece of goods, sure to plcaso. Miner Bros., Red Cloud, JSebr. &&&&&&&&&& & Hi 0 it iXi itif it i 0 it it it U 0 it it it it 0 it it it it it 2SS33S3333333a3SS 3 drawer Vindox, high arm, 0 drawer Viudox, high arm, 5 drawer Vindex, drop head 0 drawer Field, high arm 20 00 0 drawer Field, drop head 20 00 A full sot of attachments with each machine. Guaranteed the best. All machines oak finished case. Bicycles. A strictly up-to-date high grade bi cycle, Morgan & Wright tires, Shelby tubing, Brown saddle, seat post and handlo bars expander, two pieco crank hanger, Indiana chains at $20. iS CHURCH SERVICES. christian onunon. Services each Lord's Day as follows: No mornlag service. Biblo school, 13m. Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m. . Senior Christian Endeavor meets at 7 p.m. Evening services at 8:00. Subject, "Forgiveness." A cordial invitation is extended to all. L. A. Ucssono, Pastor. Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's cough Remedy. I did net think that any medicine would help him, but after giving htm a few doses tthattemedy I noticed an im provement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicine I ever had in the house. J. L. Moobk, South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by H. E. Oriee. reason of tho accumulation of filth in said alleys. Now thoroforo I, James S. White, Mayor of tho City of Red Cloud, Neb raskti, by virtue of tho authority vosted in mo, (uuder Articlo rour (4,) Section 2850 of tho Con. St. of Neb.,) do hereby request and direct that tho occupants of promises nnd tho owners thereof proceed nt onco to romovo nil rubbish, garbago, tilth, and deposits from M10 alleys bounding their rospectivo prop erties. In tho event of tho failure on tho part of anyouo to comply with tho terms of this proclamation, tho city will, on and nfter tho touth day of Juno, 1891), proceed by Its streot de partment to cicnu tuo alloys 01 said city, and tho cost and oxponso of suid cleaning will bo chatgod agaiuBt tho property owners who fail to comply with this proclamation. Done in tho City of Red Cloud, this 20th day of May, 1800. Jas. S. WuiTEfMayor. 100,000 Sweet Potato Plants For Sale. Early Jorsoys, Southorn Queon nnd Red Bormuda. Also a soloctton of nice tlowors consisting of India Rubbor Treo, Silk Oak, Palms, Hibiscus, Gor animus, Swansonia, Fuscliins, Flower ing Begonias and Box Begonins, Colons, black, whllo and spotted Calla Lilys, Pnssilloras or Passion Vino mid MnuV rla vinos. For salo at Moro. Mil. llFNlU JHlUIKKICII, l P. O. Box 150, Rul Cloud, Neb. METHODIBT Services noxt Sunday ns follows: At 10:30 we will unite with tho Unbu Memorial sorvices nt tho Congrega tional church. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Pleaching nt Aniboy nt 3 p.m. .itinior ieaguo ut 1 p.m. Senior League ut 7 p.m. Evening service nt 8:00. Piuyer mooting on Wednesday even ing at 3 :UU. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at lend. Jamks Makk Dauuy, Pastor, uaitist cnuncii. . Services noxt Sunday as follows. No morning servlco. Sunday School at 11:40. Juniors meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's Union moots at 7 p.m. Evening service at 8:00. Subject, Gonernl prayer andconforonco meot tnir Wednesday ovonlnir nt 8:00. All cordially Invited. Seats froo. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. ToICurc a Cold in One Day. Tnko Laxative Bromo Quinino Tab lots. All druggists refund monoy if it fails to euro. 25c. Tho gouuinohas L. B. Q. on each tablet. Ex Treasurer State of iclaine. CONOUEaATIONAL. Regular sorvices next Sunday as fol lows: Morning sorvico ut 10:30. Subjoct, "Tito Mission of tho Sword " Union memorial services uuder tnu auspices of thu G. A. R. Sermon by F. W. Dean. Sunday School at 11:45. Young Peoplo's Society of Christian Kudonvor nt 7:00 1) in. Evuuiug survicos ut 8:00. Subject, "Elijah Tho Prophet and tho Mau." Mld-wook prayer mooting nud con ference Wednesday ovonlng at 8:00. All cordially invited to nttond these services. Fkank W. Dean, Pastor. Drink GrahvO after you havo concluded that your coffeo does not agreo with you. It Is not 11 medieiuo but doctors order it. be cause it is healthful, invigorating nud appetizing. It is mndo from pure grains nnd has that rich seal brown color, und tastes like tho linent grades of coffeo and costs about one fourth as much. ChildiHii ihrive mi il heenuoo it I u-"'il" ! drink t'lniiHiniug noti,.. . ,wu.iiuiiunt. in und 85c at gmxrs. wWmrl Three years ago I was all run down, weak, exhausted had indigestion, constipation, and my system was1 debilitated in general. Physicians did not help me and I begin taking Dr. Miles' Ncrvini. Now, I am as well as ever. oh. a. whit., Ex.Tr.i, 8UU of Malta, Qwdlner, M.. " Off. MILES' Restorative Nervine 25000 IN USE. FA010US OHIO OUliTMTOH THAT ALL TRY TO IMITATE. FOR SALE BY JHS. PETERSON. Or, is sold bv all drw hnt t'Oltie htn'i (look on limit r.n MlUa Mouicai C U on cmrantce, r nvney back. nave tent frte. i.pany, Elkhart, Ind. F. V. TAYLOR, The fmitm (Dan IS STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. JCCrWEI PRICES, KISTTMSI GOODS, THAN ANYONE. CALL AND Bj: CONVINCED BEFORE 11UYINO. 1