THE RED GLOUD CHIET. W WIDE WORLD NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF VITAL IN TEREST. A Ilrlef Bnnminry of In Which People, nro Deeply I-iUtoiIpi1 Short Kditmirrt Cmni) Inn it World of In fonunllon In Our Ituiulrn. Tlnirmluv IMur 111. General llairlson left for Pnrls. Hear Admiral Schley has ltf t Wash ington foriivlHU to General Mnnderson at Omaha. Fire in tlm lumber district if C'hloii go destroyed nearly 8'il)O,0DO worth of property. Ily ii vote of twelve to nine the Ton nei'tleut senate Iiuh rejected a measure piovidlng for woman suffrage. Montpeller, O., was tornndo swept mid four persons were Icilled. 'I'lie iioii'rty loss whs considerable. The Baxter senatorial Investigating committee of tliu Illinois legislature Is In Chicago. It Is Investigating police crookedness. Mrs. John O'Kccfe of Norfolk, V., Ijavo birth to thrco sons. The father piomptly nninctl lliem Dewey, .Schley mid Sampson. At West Alexandria, O,, Frank Camp hell hot nnil hilled his wife and sister-In-law and then himself. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were tceeutly divorced. Near Mansfield, la., a limited dis trict was tornado swept and four per sons were hilled mid a number more Injured, rami houses were torn to pieeos. Ex-State Senator J, L Hose o' I.os .Angeles, Cal., one of the best hnown liowe breeders- and winegrowers in the iitnle, committed suicide yesterday. No cause is now hnown for the deed. I'rlilny, M.iy III. Paris postmen me out on a strike. The president has leturned to Wash ington. An agreement lr. hoped for in the Transvaal muddle. .lohn W. Jorgcusou, or "Jnck-the-hnlr-cllppcr," committed suicide In Chicago. Carey Castle, olllelal residence of llilllsh Columblu'H irovcrnor. at Vic toria, II. C, bmned. Ex-Senator l'etfer of ICiiiimis has re Itirned to the parly to which he tlrst belonged the republican. A southern white girl shot her negro assailant. The assault was made near the town of Twelve Mile Post, Ala. Tho steamer llaibaiosia which left New York for Soul hamptou was obliged to put back on account of a tire in her forward hold. Fred Hurt, n fanner nt Lnngdon, ?. Y., yesterday shot, and fatally wounded Ms four-year-old sou and then blew out hl.s brains. The forces of Agiilnaldoare whipped into submission, and it Is said that he has made now ovorture.s to General Otis. ItesolutlotiH petitioning the peace conference. atTho.llaguoto take initial stons In establishing a court of nations mid asking tho senate ratify an arbi tration treaty with. Great Britain were mlnnted at a public meeting at Phil mlelpbia held under the auspices of the E angelical alliance and the national 'eform league, i Kultirilny, May 20. The peace conference of the nations uhsemlded yesterday at The Hague. AH efforts to settle the strike at Buf falo, N. Y., have been abandoned, and it will have to wear itself out. .Addls-on Parker, a well known turf man, committed ,siilldo' iy shooting himself at Heaver Crossing, Vts. The Ohio Federation of Lnborof Cln ciiinnti Is talking strongly of running Mayor Jones of Toledo for governor. At Port Collins, Colo,, .lames lT. Du bois, secretary of the state board of :igrUMilture, commit td suicide by talc ing poKon. Herbert Williamson and Tlioman Mullock were drowned by the upset ting ot their boat while ilshing at St. Andrew, X. 11. Miss Harriet A Furrand, for thirty .years assistant editor of the Advance :md author of several books on reli gious subjects, is at Chicago. The Maryland Steel company yester day shipped UMi tops of steel' iliils to the Australian government and will ship another consignment to that gov ernment later. The trouble at Paua, 111., between the mine operators and union miners hns been settled. All negroes must leave the e(ty, and only union men will be employed. London papers throw cold water on tho peace conference They say that the great success of the 'conference will be tho establishment of a perma nent court of arbitration. Sunday, Jltny SI. Tho American section of theosophlsts aro in session at Chicago. Hoston confectioners are attempting to combine all concerns east of St. liUllis. The big liner Paris is ashore on the Munaclcs, off the Cornwall eoast, near Falmouth, An Incendiary tire at Jacksonville, Fla., destroyed tho (lato Cigar manu factory. Loss 3in,(H)0. A combine of the ice companies of ten states, with a capital of,. 000, now seems assured In spite of de nials. A state association, an auxiliary of the national association of letter 'car riers, was perfected In Lincoln, Nb., yesterday. Tho business portion of Jerome, Ari zona, a town of 3,000. was almost en. tlroly wiped out by lire. Noah II. Swayno declines to have his name considered as a candidate for tho republican nomination for gov ernor of Ohio, Tho Texas house has passed a bill .-barging nn Income ti of I per cent on all personal Incomes in excess of Si',000 per year. Tho reported offer of an English yndlcate to buy all cotton yarn mills of Jlrlstol county, Mass., has been ao ecptcd. Seven mills are Included with h cnpitallutlon of 80,0.10,000. The mice paid is said U be 3d,4GO,0OO. The United States t-ansport Mcatlo left Ponce, Porto Itlco, yesterday with the Nineteenth infantry, bound for New York. A terrible hurricane on the north Queensland eoast destroyed eighty-six iinning siiuicks, nearly -iisi iiives were lost and a large stretch of country was laid waste. Tomorrow a horseless carriage, con taining the Inventor, Alex Wlnton. and n companion, will leave Cleveland for Now York, a dlstunce of 800 miles. The trip Is expected to be made In five days. 'I'lm lltal VnliPfihln rrtli.wl f-nm SatiFernaudoto Calumpit Saturday for a thirty days' rest. The regiment numbers but .100 weather beaten veter ans. Two of the companies are mere squads, and the battered canteens and shiny clothes show unmistakable marks of rough campaigning. Hut the soldlcrA are happy. When they boarded the special train at Calumpit bound for Manila they yelled like school lxys, and the other troops went to their stations and cheered heartily. Mmuliiy, May S"J. Patent leather manufacturers aro llxlng up a combine. (leneral Funston has been given the command of a brigade. 'Mill Mttrillll till, f.filiiiulltili. tvlwi linu been critically ill, Is convalescent. A monument to Sadl Carnot. fourth president of the Trench republic, was unveiled at 1)1 Jon. A ease of smnllpov was yesterday discovered on Illackwell's Island, X. Y. and In consequence 10,00(1 persons have been placed under quarantine. The Spanish cruiser Kiena Mercedes Is at anchor In Hampton Itoads, having just arrived from Santiago in tow of the Merrltt Wrecking company's tugs. At Kansas City, Levi Moore shot and perhaps fatally wounded Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mrs. Emma l.audis, and Mrs. Anna Meek. The Campbell woman, who was a divorced woman, hail de serted Moore for another man. At Joplln, Mo., Andrew Woods a ne gro barber, resented remarks made to his wife by Hewitt Leonard, a white man, and started after him with a re volver. In the melee which ensued Woods was killed, and several bystand ers were Injured by stray shots. Eduartl Sellek, for thirteen years paymaster in the Xew York customs house, committed suicide by shoot inir himself. He was aged 7:.'. Two months ago he war replaced by a republican, nun inn urns III Ills position anil III health Is believed to have been the cause for the deed, TucMiiur, May :j:i. The Missouri legislature adjourned sine die yesterday. The big liner Paris Is still on the roeks. Divers have discovered several large holes In her bottom. Her cargo will bo transferred. Passengers will go on other boats. The 1'nlted States Philippine com mission has submitted the following written proposition to the Filipinos: "While the final decision as to the form of government Is in the hands of the congress, the president, under his military powers, pending the nctlon of congress stands ready to oll'er tho fol lowing form of government: A gov ernor general, to be appointed by the president; a cabinet, to be appointed by the governor general; all the judges to be appointed by the president; the heads of departments and Judges to be either Americans or Filipinos, or both; and also a general advisory council, Its members to be chosen by' the peo ple by a form of suffrage to be hereafter carefully determined upon. The pres ident earnestly desires that the blood shed cease and that the people of the Philippines at an early date enjoy the largest measure of self-government compatible with .peace and order." The United States commission nro. pared the scheme ami t)io president r v:iii)iuii dim imnmvin m tiu mrm or in document. Wftlnrfttliiy, Sliiy ! I, Queen Victoria is eighty ycarti olo today. The steamer St. I.ouls, sailing for Kurope today, takes out i:i:t,()00 ounces of silver. William Jennings llryan addiessed an audience of ten thousand people at Qiilney, 111. The London Dally Telegraph an nounces the discontinuance of its Sun day edition, recently inaugurated. The bubonic plague is Increasing In Hong-Kong. So far this month there have been 413 eases and a.U deaths. The Michigan legislature will not be able to adjourn on May 'M, the date set, on account of press of needed leg islation. The town of Pullman is to be aban doned. Fntler the quo warranto pro ceedings the Pullman Palace Car com pany has live years to dispose of Its holdings. The report that the Fnited States cruiser Detiolt had fired upon th Nicaragua!! gunboat San Jacinto and sunk it Is untrue. Everything Is quiet nlong the Atlantic coast at Nicaragua. Divers who have examined the steamer Paris believe the ship can never be floated. Powerful tugs have been summoned. The ship is resting easily, and unless tue weather gets very bad and rough, may be saved. Charles Hutehlnsos. a young man, was shot by his wife during a family quarrel at Arcadia, Intl., and Instantly killed. The woman pleads self-defense. She is but twenty-six years old and Hutchinson was her fifth husband. Yesterday saw the general breaking up of the dock strikes at DufTalo.N. . The settlement of the grain shovelers' trouble, as has been anticipated, was quickly followed by the disintegration of all the other strikes along the water front. Tomorrow tho Illinois Central Hoad will begin laying track on the Ft. Dodge and Omaha line. Adolph Telkainp, a Hamburg, der many, merchant, has sued the Akron, ()., Cereal company for 3."i,000 damages. He bought a lot vf cereal foods, but could not sell them becauso the face of the empress of llermany was noseless. The conference between tho United States commission and tho Filipino commission cdntlnues. The military and civil elements of the American commission differ regarding the wis dom of continuing the conferences. The military adheres to demand foi unconditional surrender. AFFAIRS OF STATE EVENTS OF INTEREST AMERICAN PEOPLE. TO timely Mention of the Doing of tlm Na tional L'oncrrM, Ileiar(uiniiUI nml Ki ecutlrc OfllcUl Action, it nil Mot uicutt of Army nml Navy. TliiiMiluy, Miiy 1H. (Jenernl Mcrriam has sent word to (lie war (lci)artmcnt that. In tu ..I, ,,..!. aiding the the governor of Idaho to ulalinain order. The society of Hough Hitlers will hold their tlrst annual reunion at Las Vegas, X. M June St. (lovernor Hoosevelt and stnu" will be present. The Illinois Steel company has noti fied the navy department that It will not bid foiymuor for battleships owing to the heavy pressure of private work. "Near-Admiral John (!. Watson, who win relieve Admiral Dewey In com mand of the Asiatic squadron, has sailed for his post on the steamer City of Peking. (lovernor Stevens of Missouri hns signed a bill placing a license of SI on all foreign corporations which desire to do business In the state, In addition to the present tax. Postmaster (leneral Smith has Issued an oisler permitting commercial papers and samples of merchandise to be sent In the malls to Cuba, Porto Itlco and the Philippines at universal postal rates. I'rlilny, May 10. Joseph It Archer of Fremont and Carl Myers of Wlsner, Xeb.. have been appointed railway mall clerks. A postofllee has been established at Cascade, Cherry county, Nebraska and Azubah, X. Cady commissioned post master. The war department officials' expect that within the next two months the Pacific transport licet will be on its way homo from Manila with the last of the volunteer regiments. The secretary of war has chosen a distinctive flag to be displayed by boats of the transport service. It consists of red, white and blue in diagonal lines, with the insignia of the quartermast er's department, surmounted by an eagle. Snturiluy, Muy 20. The secretary of the treasury has ad vised the postofllee department that samples Imported In quantities and in tended to be sold by jobbers are duti able. The secretary of war has received from Judge Advocate (leneral Lleber an opinion confirming his right to loan or give to municlnalitie.s.d. A. It. posts and other patriotic organlations such of the camion captured from the Span iards In Cuba ami Puerto Hico as are unserviceable. Letters received in Washington In dicate that Senator James K. Jones of Arkansas, chairman of the democratic national committee, had n pleasant voyage across the Atlantic, and that his health Is much Improved. It i.s likely that Senator Jones and .family will sojourn on the Isle of Wight 'for several weeks. Secretary of the Navy Long Is deep ly interested in the result of an exper iment which i.s to be made tinder the direction of dipt. John M. llawley, for the enlistment of .100 to men n the middle west and we. t for the navy. The recruits will be sent to the re ceiving ship Independence at San Francisco for several months prelimi nary to "shaking down." ami then will embark upon the Hartford for Xew York, either by way of Cape Horn or across the Pacific to China. Mencral Otis cables the war dera-t-inent as follows: Manila. Mav is Adjutant (ieneral. Washington: Kep resentatives of the Insurgent cabinet and Agulnaldo, who is in the moun tains twelve miles from San Isldro, which was abandoned tho loth Inst., will send In commission tomorrow to seek terms of peace. Majority of the forco confronting MaeArtliur at San Fernando has retired toTarlue. tearing un two miles of ml hi n w tlitu f,.,-,. i,.,,. decreased to about i.."00. Semiilm- parties and detachments are moving today In various directions. Kobbe is with a column at Cundava on the ltlo Orande. A great majority of the in habitants of the provinces over which troops have moved are anxious for peace, anil aro supported by members of the Insuigent cabinet. The aspect of affairs at present is favorable. nuuuuy, .liny , 1 , The president hopes to avoid an ex- un nurmuu. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of the coming week, at the national capital, will be devoted to a peace ju bilee. Nearly every Nebraska n who goes to Washington makes it a point to call on Comptroller Dawes, who is easy of ac cession. F. A. V. Carsey has been designated as a member of the board of civil ser vice examiners In the postofllee at Ne braska City. (leneral Otis cables: "Commission ers of Agulnaldo arrived this (Satur day) morning. Wish to consult Fnited States commissioners, which they will do on the ,'.'x'd Instant. Their power is limited and apparently an armistice is a condition precedent to negotiation. Agulnaldo askes a cessation of hostil ities to ascertain the desire of the Fili pino people. i Monday, Mny '-!''. Word has reached the United States that a native servant of (leneral Whea ton mado nn attempt to ussaaulnate htm but failed. Lleut.-Col. Marlon P. Mans, Inspce-tor-goneral. formerly on the staff of General Miles, has been ordered to San Francisco as inspector of that depart ment. In nil public land states, compiislng much of tho territory west of the Mis eouri, where unapproved surveys have been made, examiners from the gener al land office are now at work to re port on these surveys. Acting under orders from the war department, Maj. William Langfltfa corps of engineers has made a com plete survey of Honolulu harbor and prepared a map of the harbor llnea similar to those of the United States. An order has been promulgated for the establishment of rural free deliv ery service ot Elk City and I!cuc?a Douglas county, Neb., on June 1. The steamship Meade, which left Ponce, 1'. It., Saturday evening having on board the Nineteenth Infantry, re turned Sunday morning, a leak having developed during the night. Ilcfore leaving Manlln, Admiral Dcwev. In nneaklncr of tlm Hlimitlmi. said: "I believe we are near the end. The insurgents are fast going to pieces. The sending of a third commission shows that they believe this commis sion means business." Captain Walker, commander of the Concord, the last of the commanders who entered the bay with Dewey on the morning of the battle, went to the admiral and said: "Don't leave mo behind." He was relieved of his com mand and will come home on tho Olympla. There was a rumor In Washington that there had been a hostile meeting at Minefields between the Nlcaraguan gunboat Son Jacinto and the United States cruiser Detroit, which Is look ing after the interests of Americans In that vicinity. The report lacks con firmation so far as official advices are obtainable, the statement being made In responsible quarters that up to 11 o'clock there had been no information received in regard to it. Tiit'Htlay, Miiy S3. Comptroller of the Currency Dawes has approved the First National bank of Lincoln as a reserve agent for the Central Nebraska Xatlonat bank of David City, Nebraska. The last act of the Missouri legisla ture, which adjourned sine tile yester day, was the defeat of the revised revenue bill which sought to tax fran chises of public and quasi-public cor porations. The state department has cabled to United States Consuls llanna at San Juan, Porto Ulco. nml Williams at .Ma nila to close up their olllccs on July l. After that date neither of these ofllclals will be in the service of t.hc United States, and consulates will be abolish ed. Director of Posts Vallle, at Manila, has notified the postolllcc department unit ne uas estnuiisnetl tlie railroad post service between Manila and Ma lolos, the former Filipino capital. This is the Initial move in the direction of building up n railway mall service In the Philippines. In anticipation of the prompt return of the volunteers in the Philippines, the secretary of war has telegraphed Instructions to (leneral Shatter, com manding the department of California at San Francisco, to establish a model camp at the Presidio for the accommo dation of about four thousand volun teers from Manila pending their mus ter out. In nn opinion handed down by Jus tice Milras the court confirmed tho opinion of the circuit court of appeals for the Second circuit In the case of K. Iv. Ilayden. receiver of the Capital Na tional bank of Lincoln, Xeb., vs. the Chemical Xatlonal bank of Xew York. The contention of Mr. Ilayden was that he had a right to recover "n be half of the Xebraska bank on remit tances made to the New York bank, which were enroute when the X'ebras ka concern Jailed. The decision in this was adverse to his claim. Wi'ilni'Hilny, Jlny IJJ. A postolllcc has been established at Ivlump, Custer county, Nebraska, with Jane P. Ivlump as postmaster. Xebraska postmaster appointed to day: Itelgrnde, Nance county, Elwood 1). Morris, vice Robert L. Osborne, re moved. Final arrangements have been comj pletcd at St.ljouls for the greaU anti trust dinner th which 1,300 gu'es.tsfwill participate jF1 !J ft?" 5- The United States cruiser Olymnln, with Adiniral-D6weyzabonrdJf."has -arrived at Hong Kong from Manila. It was. saluted by the ships of all nation, lleginning with mi imposing parade of military and other uniformed or ganizations and closing with a display of fireworks at night the national cap ital today Inaugurated a three days' peace jubilee. Charles F. Hrush.'the inventor of the are electric light, of Cleveland, has been awarded the lluniford medals for the practical development of aro electric, lighting by the American 'academy of arts ami sciences of Hoston. Nobiaskii patents issued today: Fred X. Ilu lilgh, Friend, adjustable fasten er for s'lirt bands and collars; Thomas It. Whittlesey and F. Y. MoKinstry, South Omaha, machine for skinning fat meat: James A. Yarton, Omaha, oil gas lamp, Hon. Peter White of Mnrquctto, Mich., lias been selected to make a col 1 'stion of copper specimens "for tho Paris csposltlon in conjunction with Senators Wolcott anil Clark. Tho Michigan college of mines at Houghton has been designated to collect all gen eral minerals coining under the head of "native elements. In the land ease of Samuel W. John son from the O'Neill district of Xebras ka, Secretary Hitchcock rendered n decision that will be of Interest to nil settlers on tho big Sioux reservation, who have resided thereon fourteen months or longer and have otherwise complied with the laws relating to the opening of the land to settlement. The secretary held that patent should Issue to Johnson upon the payment of the amounts due under tho third section of the act opening tho laud to settlement. The decision is reached In aceortlanco with a provision of tho sundry civil act of March 3 last, which relieves set tlers of the necessity of residing on these hinds for llvo years, us In the cuso with other lands. Representatives of the leading tablo manufacturers of the United States aro in secret session at Mllwaukeo and have, decidetl on an advaneo In prices. In response to nn urgent request of the Industrial commission, Senator Kyle has consented to continue at the head of the commission, and according ly has withdrawn his resignation as chairman. The prosldent Is satisfied with Gen eral llrooke's conduct In reganl to the payment of the Cuban troops, and has liad the secretary of war cable to tlon oral 1 1 rook e to proceed with the pixy meat. The arms nro to be stored in tho arsenals at Santiago and Havana. NEWS OF NEBRASKA CONDENSATION OF IMPOR TANT NEWS ITEMS. Short ml Pithy Paragraph Which Tell of What Hits Happened or Will Hap pen In Our Conimnnnrenlth Th New Urlafly Suuitnarlicil. Tliurmlny, May IH. Colonel Vlfquain of the Third Ne braska has returned home to Lincoln. Mike Dowtl ami Isaac Polwosky, two bad boys of Lincoln, have been sent to the reform school. C. II. (lortlon of Chicago has been selected to the supcriutcndcncy of the city schools of Lincoln. (Jovernor Poynter has reappointed 0. W. Hoxle as superintendent of the Kearney Industrial school. The Donald-Porter Wholesale Oro cery company' of (Irand Island has filed articles of Incorporation. Capi tal stock 8.")0,000. Hen Hrooks, a paroled convict work ing for Mnylon Leidlgh near Xebraska City, has been arrested for attempted rape on Mr. Leldlgh's little daughter. Chris Hanson, nn oltl resident of Howard county, committed suicide re cently. Ills wife left him the first of the year. He was formerly postmaster at Dannebrog. Frank Paul of Chatlron accidentally shot himself, and fenrful he would die a lingering death, deliberately tried to end his existence. He Is in a hospital and may recover. Nebraska City bicyclists hnvc become so reckless it has been found necessary to pass an ordinance to Iceep them off the walk and limit their speed. The penalty Is a fine from 515 to Sr. The body of a man was found in the river near Plnttsmouth. S300 In gold, S20 in currency, and a gold watch was In his pockets. Two fishermen made the find. The body hns not vet been Identified. Fairmont people were surprised re cently when they found that a saloon man had secured the requisite number of signatures to his petition for license and it is said that as a large majority of the board are in favor of It they will have a saloon. Miss Lethe Watson, elocution teach er at Cottier university, was found bound and gagged in a room of the building. She claims the work was done by partes whom she had sur prised in theTict of attempting to bet tire to tlie building. biitiircluy, May SO. Platte county farmers declare that only about 4 .1 per cent of their wheat was winter-killed. Tom Itarrett, an nged citizen of Wy more, has been arrested for stealing brass, etc.. from tho Iteatrlce water works. Judge William V. Allen will defend Sheriff Dargan of Chatlron, indicted for taking two deserters away from an ofllcial. The deserters were wanted for burglary. Near Auburn the little three-year-old child of S. Carson, was crushed to death under the hoofs, of one of the horses her older brothers were driving up from the pasture. The animals were coming up a lane, and the little one tried to avoid them by Jetting to one side. A big reception was held at- the state eapltol building in Lincoln last Friday night In honor of the members of the Third Nebraska which recently re turned home. The receptlqn was held In represent at ivo hall, refreshments being served in the senate chamber. Adresses were made by members of the Grand Army, ofllcers nml privates of the regiment and Win. J. Hryan. Siinilny, May si. Oinnha's Ak-Sar-Ilens are making elaborate preparations for their festival celebrations this summer. Thomas Crlger, charged with forging a 82.1 check on tho Diller bank, was given a sentence of thirty days In jail. Win. Hanks, colored, of Ft. Scott, Kansas, hau been placed in the emer gency hospital at Omaha. He has the smallpox. The people of Ashland are agitating the matter of building a bridge across the Platte connecting them with Saun ders county. The X'ebraska grand council of United Commercial Travelers adopted a resolution against trustsatits session inllastings. The Omaha reception to Schley was a grand ovation from start to finish. The admiral stood the ordeal well and seemed to enjoy it. The Murray hotel at Omaha has been Bold under foreclosure proceedings to satisfy a claim of 80.1,000 held by the Mutual llcneflt, Life association. Joseph H. Ccrny, a newspaper man employed on the Pokrok Zapadu of Omaha, has gone back to his Itohemian home. Ills father wanted him to coino back, ani deeded him property valued at S700,000 as a consideration to do so. Ho has a wife and two children. Lightning Friday night killed "Mrs. John Hayes of Near Loup City; S. P. McCorkle, a farm near Hostwlck; and mortally shocked 11. Sehulalbers near Hemlngford. United States Deputy Internal Rev enue collector E. M, Jenkins found at Nebraska City several thousand collars worth of the counterfeit Jtnmpcd el gars. He seized them at once. Rear Admiral W. S. Schley nrrlvcd In Omaha Friday to pay a long-expected visit to his friend, (leneral Marnier son. Ho was today accordetl a public reception by the city of Omaha Dr. C.I.Krlckbaum and W. .1. 0'Hrlcn, citizens of Ceresco, were nrrested for Illegally selling whisky and beer. A search of their places of business re vealed several cases of beer. Recruiting stations nre springing up ull over Nebraska. Soldiers are wanted for service In the Philippines. It Is said many of the volunteers of the Third will enlist In the regular army. Tneilny, lax S3. The Lincoln city council last night let contracts for repaying O street from Eighth to Sixteenth. Hurt county's prospects for n great crop or small grain are said to be bet ter than ever before known. Safe crackers made a failure of their attempt to blow open the safe of the Omaha Xews company. The business men of Omaha met Rcnr Admiral Schley yesterday at a reception held at the Commercial club rooms. The slnte board of Irrigation has re appointed Secretary Wilson. T. J. O'Kcefe, editor of the Hemmingford Herald, was appointed under secre tary. The dead body of John C. Martin, a Hastings shoemaker, was found In the Medicine river near Stockvllle by some boys who were fishing. The supposed cause of death is suicide. Hlake Co., of Lincoln were award ed the contract for building n boiler house and setting boilers at the deaf anil dumb institute at Omaha. The contract price was S(!,(M1, while the ap propriation made by the legislature for the purpose was 87,700. Judge Holmes of the district court of Lancaster county has decided that Superintendent Abbott of the Lincoln insane asylum Is entitled to tho addi tional 8.100 a year salary provided for by the 1807 legislature, notwithstand ing the fact that It was erroneously engrossed. The judge refused to go behind the enrolled bill. Weilnemlny, May SI. The students of the state university had their annual night gown parade last night. Excavation has begun for the found ation of the new 812,000 school build ing which is to adorn the town of Wakefield. Jesse Foster, aged twenty-two. ot Sidney, was thrown from a horse ho was breaking and received injuricj that may cause hlsdcath. Morgan Rice of Wakefield swallowed a sufficient quantity of concentrated lye to produce eternal slumber. Ho was in 111 health and despondent. Johhule Gannon, residing with his parents at Greeley Center, was smoth ered to death by being caught in a badger hole, the earth caving hi on him. The romance department of tha state university is to form a class or two In Spanish language. An instruct or will be procured through the bureau of education of San Juan, Porto Rleo. Auditor Cornell has announced thnt he will appeal the case of Dr. Abbott's salary claim to the supreme court. Ho will fully, test the question whether there is any way to go behind the en rolled bill signed by the governor. The past week has been cold, cloudy and wet. Light frosts occurred In tlm northern counties, but no dnmnge was done. The rains of the week have re moved all drought conditions, and have been very beneficial to oats, wheat and grass. The state military authorities aro hoping to perfect arrangements where by a guard of honor, consisting of members of the First Xebraska regi ment now at home, may uccompany the remains of the late Colonel John M. Stotsenberg to New Albany, Ind., where they are to bo burled. The re mains arrived in San Francisco last Monday. " An insane man was found rushing around In the wheat fields of a couple of farmers near Lincoln at an early hour the other evening. He was taken to the county jail. It is believed he had jumped from a passing train. On his person was found a ticket from White Sulphur Springs, Mont., to Ash forth, Ariz. Ills name was not learned by the ofllcers. To Proiurve Plant. Salt hay is used In winter for cov ering various kinds of plants that grow close to the earth. It has a long staple and It serves this purpose well. Straw with long staple Is still used for bund ling up plants and shrubs having (italics. Salt hay Is used In cemoterle3 to cover up Ivy-clad graves. The Ivy Is thus kept In better condition than If It wero left exposed to the blasts and tho cold of winter. The brown hay Is laid lengthwise upon tho grave In a covering of-uniform thickness all over It, which Is heia in place by bent rods settled down upon It nt intervals, hoop like, and with their ends In tho ground on dither sldo. AbrlnUii Avcucei-k. In Abyssinia It is tho law that tho murderer be turned over to tho rela tives of the dead person, they If they please, to put him to death In the sanio manner In which the murdered porson was removed. Giant PUnlnir Machine, Our readers have doubtless seen Iron j planlng-machlnes In operation remov- -Ing narrow chips of Iron from tho piece thoy planed, in Buffalo, a planer Is In operation which at each cut removes a shaving full twelve inches wide from solid cast Iron. Tho knife Is between twelve and thirteen lnchoa wide. ' l'nttlnc Uuwu Young Mr. Hraan "Exciiio mo," said the lly young man, "but havo wo not met beforo?" "Very likely," roplled tho up-to-dato miss, "but I was merely a guest of tho head keeper's daughter." .-