I vv J -fc. ', fsum4. rv rim tied cloud ciitef, fhidav, max 10, ison. 5 if Ha Tie Byes and I fteati WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Nothing is moro import- ant for thn nrAAArvfttlon 4 of good health and cloar J Dusinoss juagmcui man 4 Iealous caro of tho eyes. J lofoUivo vision produc J os irritation and nor 4 vousnoss, and in this J condition no porson is , capablo of giving to bus- 4 iness matters or to the J ordinary affairs of life ! tho attontion necessary to success. Perfect fat J ling glasses win ovui- ponio nature's defects. 4 You can hnvo your eyes J examined freo by 1 j Newhouse Bros., J MERE MENTIONINGS. i 1 Bring ui your Watch, Clock and Jewelry J work. We do the bcit work. j L ; Graduate Refracting Opticians and Jewelers. 4 GENERAL CITY NEWS. Sam Temple is home after a trip to Iowa. Take your harness repairing to Fogel and Hutchison. Tho CniEF and Chicago Inter Ocoan ono year for 11.25. Tho shoo store of Berg & Smith has boen neatly papered. If you want anything in tho harness lino see Fogol and Hutchison. Giul Wanted Good girl wanted at Star bakery. No other need apply. Jewoler Catchadol and Honry Bird wero here from Guldo Rook Sunday. Charloy McManigal is again holding down tho position of night oporator horo. Dr. Croighton was looking after pro fessional business at Mt. Glare Wed nesday. Farm loans at low rates of Interest. Loans closocd on day of application. -C. W. Kaloy. Mrs. Drew of Republican City was visiting with the family of Park Perry this wook. Mrs. A. G. Barbor of Colorado Springs is horo visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. L. A. Hussoug. Call on G. W. Dow when in want of now or second hand plows, harrows, cultivators, listors or buggies. It will bo to your interest to seo mo if you want a pump wind mill or nny thing in that lino. Jas. Peterson. Emma Jernborg of Denver, sister of Mrs. Oscar Anderson, nnd n former resident of this city is visiting horo, John Tulleys, who is holding down a position on tho Daily Call at Lead, South Dakota, arrived homo Saturday on a visit. D. M. Abel left tho last of tho week to visit with his mother and other friends in Cedar Rapids and other points in Iowa. August Lautorbach of Colby, Kan- sas, ti formor old resident of this city wus horo this week visiting friends aud looking after property interests. If our rendors want a cooking stovo or range thoy should look over tho lino koptbyW.W. Wright. Thoy have as good an assortment as can bo found in Omaha. Tbe school board bavo boon promised that tho opera houso can bo used by them for tho commencement exorcises and wo understand that tho rear exit will bo fixed ub in a satisfactory man ner. This is as it should bo. Blue grass seed at Mitchell Bros. Geo. Morhnrt was In Guldo Rock this week: Harnoss of all kinds at Fogel and Hutchison's. Soo W. W. Wright's lino of cooktng stoves nnd ranges. Turn Chief and tho Chicago Inter Ocoan ono year for 11.25. Soo tho flno lino of cooks and ranges handled by W. W. Wright. Special orders for cakes will bo promptly filled by J. 0. Wiles. L. M. Crabill has troatod his kack to a now coat of glossy black paint. Insuro with tho Pennsylvania Firo of Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt. Win, Outhwaito and Mrs. Kellogg loft Thursday morning for Lincoln on a visit. Mrs. Robinson mother of C. D. Rob inson returned to Hastings tho last of tho wook. Abel Jernborg and family have re moved to Holdrcgo whoro thoy will ro sido in tho futuro. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson parents of Mrs. C. D. Robinson returned to their homo at Blue Hill Saturday. Only two moro weeks of school and then tho festivo boy (and girl) and tho fish polo will bo a common eight. John Porson and wlfo loft Thursdny morning for Galena, Kansas, whore they will visit with Mt . Persons mother. If you want your pump repaired or pipe fixed I have a pump and wind mill man that will do you a good job. Jas. Piterson. Mrs. Chas. L. Soaver of Colorado Springs and Mr.' Ralph F. Still are vis itors at the homo of their sister Mrs. Goo. E. Shuto. Elmor Tinker, a formor old Red Cloud boy, who is now holding a posi tion with tho B. & M. water service was here this week. Don't buy a rnngo or cooking stovo until you examino tho lino kept by W. W. Wright. Thoy aro of tho latest pattern and built to do good cooking nnd Bavo fuol. MI1II1II1IIIIIIUIII1IIIIII1IU1U1I1IU1UUIIIIU 1 Taken at night stops the eter nal thinking by putting you to sleep. It feeds your brain X so that it recovers us tone s r 1 for the next day's toil. 5 Alt druegtsts sell It. 5 1 niiumimmmmmmiiiiiiiiummmmn By allowing tho accumulations in tho bowles to remain in, tho ontiro system is poisoned. DoWitt's Littio Early Risers regulato tho bowles. Try them and you will always uso them. C. L. Cotting. For Sale. Houso nnd lot, corner Webster street nnd Fifth avonuo, con taining 12 rooms and collarflalso barn and lot. For further particulars, net dross, L. Baum, No. 71 Potomao Avo. Chicago, Ills. Tho pcoplo living on "sacrod knob" who havo no wells, had a good time carrying water from tho wells in tho "valley" tho foro part of tho week, whilo tho water commissioner was cleaning out tho well and standpipe. R. L. Tinker of tho B. & M. water sorvico has boon horo for sovoral days superintending tho placing of a pump in tho round houso to bo used in pump ing water to bo usod in tho engines, tho city supply having to bo shut of! on account of shortago. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllcoat Rod Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ondlng May 18th, 1890. Borry, Jas. B. Gifford, G. Hartmnn, Chas. Saundors, Mrs. These letters will bo sont to tho doad letter ofllco Juno 1st, if not called for before Whon calling f or abovo ploaso say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M. There is an inclination on' tho part of somo to tli ink that tho shutting off of tho B. & M. wator supply by tho city was done in rotalintion of tho takiug away of half of their round -house at this place Howovor, wo can stato on good authority that such is not tho case. The wator ws shut off sololy on account of tho shortago in tho sup ply from tho wells, and tho crook wat er being unlit for uso. Thero aro sovoral pooplo living in tho north part of town who aro Rotting oxtromcly tired of putting in tho timo between 0 and 8 a.m. and 0 and 8 p.m. ohasiugcows out of thoir gardens and lawns. Probably it would! bo a good thing if tho mayor would givo somo of.tho boys who drivo cows to pasturo a notico to koop thoir cows in tho mid dle of tho street or quit driving. Thoy could easily do so. Thoro is no sonso in having gardens, lawns and side walks dostroyed in this manner and people arcgotting tired of it. Tho boys who wont to Cuba the boys who didn't got scared and corao baok homo whon thoy woro going to got a chanco to soo sorvico tho boys of Nebraska's third rogimont roturnod to thoir different homos tho first of tho week. A largo crowd assembled at tho depot on Sunday evening to welcome the boys home. Charloy Porry a mem ber from horo did not return after tho muster out but will return to Cuba whoro it is said ho cau socuro a (rood position. Lesiio Grnvos stopped off oast to visit n sister. Thoso who ro turned wero Molvln McCord, John Pcgg, Al Groat, Harry Brown, Herb unrui-r, r-rou Miner aim unnrioy uock I all. Tiik Chikk ?1.00 pur year. Fresh hulk garden seeds. Mitcholl Bros. Loavo your orders for lee cream at tho Star Bakory. For hand mado harnoss go to Fogel and Hutchisons. Soo tho "American" hog fonco at Mitcholl Bros. Best on oarth. W. B. Roby is having his rosidonco In tho first ward neatly paintod. Mrs. Low Clapp and Mrs. H. 0. Cut ter were visiting in Riverton ono day this week. If you want a drivo well mado I can do it for you,in first class stylo. James Peterson. Wm. Zoltiff has bought tho Fred Pet erson plneo just north of C. F. Evnns rosidonco. Chas. Whito wentto Superior Thurs day to tako part in tho rendition of a musical program. Charlie Frisblo loft Thursday morn ing for a visit tit Minneapolis and other points in Minnesota. Mao Pope left Thursday morning for Omaha aud will go from thoro to Seattlo, Washington. A cow fenco has boon built nt tho rcsidouco property on Fourth avonuo nnd CoUar streot belonging to Ed. Mo Farland. Tho water commissioner had a forco of mon at work tho foro part of tho weok cloaning tho north well at the pumping station. Tho now residence of Bert Ducker in tho west part of town has been com menced and tho carpenters aro rushing tho work along in good shapo. Get your salo bills printed at this of fice and the announcement of sale will bo printed in tho paper during tho timo preceding tho salo day free of charge Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to Ono Minuto Cough Curo. Use this remedy in timo and savo a doctor's bill or tho undertaker's. C. L. Got tiug. If you have piles curo thorn. No uso undergoing horriblo operations that simply removes tho result of tho dis- oaso without disturbing tho disoaso it self. Placo your confidence in DoWitt's W ItchJHazel Salvo. It has novor f ailed to curo others; it will not fail to curo you. C. L. Coitlug. Wo call tho attention of our readers to the professional card of Dr. Goode who has rccontly arrived horo from Ohio nnd pormanontly located in Red Cloud for the prnctico of his profession. Ho has located his otllco ovor Cutting's drug store in tho rooms onco occupied by Dr. Damoroll. Tho gontloman has had a long nud successful career aB a physician having boon in activo prac tice ainco 1880. From all wo can loam ho ividoutly understands his business and will bo a valuablo addition to tho medical profession in our community. RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. I Safeguards tbe food against alum Alum baking powders arc the greatest mcaaccrs to health of tbe pretest day. 50m SAKINQ rOWMft CO., MW VOf. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. U"" III I Ml III II III HI HI" isftffly TooThh? If so. there must be some trouble with its food. Well f babies are plump t only the sick are thin. Are you sure J the food is ail right? Chil-1 I dren can't help but grow ; I they must Crow if their food nourishes them. Perhaps a mistake was made in the I past and as a result the di 9 w.Iiam 2 tnjiiitrnfl If Ak-ii Ktuiiuii i wc.iircu. 11 mat is so, don't give the baby 1 a lot or medicine; ust use I your every-aay common i sense and help nature a little, and the way to do it is to add half a teaspoon ful of SCOTT'S EMULSION f to the baby's food three or four times a day. The gain I will begin the very first day . . . A you mve iu u seems iu z correct the digestion and gets the baby started right I again. If the baby is nurs ing but does not thrive, tnen the mother should take the emulsion. It will have a good effect both upon the mother and child, twenty f five years proves this fact. 50c, in J Ji.ro, all druggist 1. SCOTT & DOWNC, Chemlit. Ntw Yotlc, I.IH H.H ' Box Kites for the Little Fellows FRBB. t M. W. Dickerson was in Omaha this wook. Joromo Vaucu of Guido Uock was horo Thursday. Al. llmtrnr of Riverton wns horo tho first of the week. Attorney Hlncklcdge of Culbortsou was horo Thursday. G. A Harris of Uluo Hill was doing business horo Thursday. P, A. Wells was looking after legal business in McCook this wook. Wanted: -A fow cords of good, dry hard wood at tho Star bakory. Jeff Myers returned homo from tho western part of tho stato this weok. C. W. Fullor of Cowles camo in from strip out tho valloy tho first of tho week. C. L. Cotting returned Monday morn ing from a trip to Cripplo Crook, Colo rado. Will Toisor attor a visit with tho folks horo roturnod Mondav evonlncr I to Oxford. W. R. Roby has placed a flag staff, flag and streamer on his food storo No. 1 Third avonuo. Mrs. J. O. Lindloy loft Monday eve ning to visit with hor daughter Mrs. William Wood at McCook. Thoro will bo Decoration sorvicos at the Stone church in Highland township on Decoration Day, May 80th. Tho local board of (ho Childrons Homo Society will moot nt tho rosi donco of V. B. Fulton Monday evening, May 22d at 8 p.m. Conrad Fitz who purchused tho Rust property west of town is building a substantial two story addition to tho rosidonco building. Tho timo for tho now trnins which will bo put on horo on Juno 4 to nrrive hero it is said will bo No. 18 from tho oast 7:85 a.m., No. 14 from tho west 12:50 a.m. All mombors of tho M. W. A. lodgo aro requested to moot at tho lodgo room on next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and attoud tho sormon at tho Baptist church in a body. People who havo taken DoWitt's Lit tio Early Risors will novor havo any thing olso. Thoy aro tho "famous lit tio pills" for torpid llvor and all irreg ularities of tho system. C L. Cotting. Thoo Fonsar who has boon suporin. tending the putting in of some improve ments at tho mill at Naponeo was here Wednosday and left that night for De troit. Ho says thnt novor beforo has ho soon such a gonornl demand for im provements in machinery nnd other things used in tho milling business. Ho says tho prosperity in theso nnd all other lines U phenomenal, Tho city authorities last Saturday shut oil tho wator supply of thoB.&M. at this point,aud rescinded tho contrnct for furnishing thom wator for tho on suing year. This movo was mado nec essary on account of tho shortago in tho supply of water, and as numerous objections wero mado to tho turning in of tho crook, especially so by partios who depend solely on tho city wntor for thoir supply of drinking wator, it was thought advisable to cancel tho contract and dapond sololy on tho two wells for tho supply, ft is tho opinion of tho "city, dads" that by a careful observance of tho ordinauco rognlnting tho uso of wator tho wolls will furnish an ample supply of good wator for all purposes. Tho Nebraska Tolophono company placed thoir forco of mon nt work o"h tho tolophono system for this placo on last Saturday and tho excavations bavo boon made and tho poles havo gono up rapidly and soon tho work of stringing tbo wires and placing In tho phones will bo going on. Tho rcsidenco of Geo. J. Warren has boon decided on as tho central ofllco. A station whoro long distance connection can bo bad and tolls paid by those not having phonos will bo put in some storo at a central location down town. Ihoso having ofllco phonos can got long dls ..nnn onnnnntfon bv callint up central and talk direct from thoir place of bus iness. As this ofllco is glad to soo any now improvement como to onr city wo aro happy to chronlcio this now ontor .un Tim tlmn L'ivon nut for tho com Hintlon of tho system hero is tliroo weeks. Every purchaser of a knee pants suit to the amount of $2.50 or over will be given one of these kites. This offer holds good for thirty days only; Largest Line of Children's Suits In the City. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. LBKDBRS IN LOSflt PRICBS. SPECIAL GflllflGfl DM SALE I vn FRIDAY, MAY 26th. Will be METHODIST CHURCH DAY. Five per cent of cash sales on Friday, May 26th, will be given to the Methodist church. FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd. Will be CHRISTIAN JCHURCH DAY. Five per cent of cash sales on rnday, June 2nd, will be t&t given to the Christian church. fcy FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, Will be CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH DAY. f Five per cent of cash sales on Friday, June 9th, win ue given to 111c uugrcgauuuui cuuruii. FRIDAY, JUNE 16th, ff Will be BAPTIST CHURCH DAY. Five per cent f$ &jj of the cash sales on Friday, June 16th will be m glVeil lO IIIU UUJL1SL UIIUllll. M" IT LIES WITH YOU TO Build lip tbe Church at Oar Expense, I Ijj for ovory dollar you spond with ub on Friday of ouch weok, you aro vf& v flrrtnnlnrr R nnnta in Mm trnnnnrv nt thn nlinrnlt 22 (rHMHMnMMBMMM N A Yon Can Bur 3Vore for M' .. 'rnnHfrnP nilOQ lUn nun .Ini-n In tntun nnA n.h L'rtI.ii mill MJIUUUAUU UUVUI IrUKU UJ " '" Vn U V1HU HUJ ..... bo many special bargains offorod. TURNURB BROS. MMiai!(S1,;tl assfe5$us i-'T,T"i-'---7:!;-f-oifrs,; 2S?WJSrgiStfWSK; I X ii 'J I VI ' . . . '&. w