The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1899, Image 4

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.Every Patfi
Wie puddle in the pathway
of most lives is a defective
circulation due to a blood sup
ply that instead of growing
clear and strong like a moun
tain brook, is stagnant and
impure Puddles may be puri
fied, however, and become
limpid streams. That is what
Hood'sSarsaparilla does with
human blood.
It .clarifies, purifies and strengthens
tlio blood, and when this is accom
plished, tho vital organs, liver, lungs,
kidneys, bowels, nro nil braced and in
vigorated. It never disnpjmints.
Dyspopala "Suffered everything but
death for years with dyspepsia. Nothing
rcllovod me until I took Hood's Hnrsnpn
rllla and It nioclo and kept mo well. Can
eat anything I wish."' Mns. Evqehk
MunriiY, Hull's Mill, Danbury, Conn.
impure Blood-" riv years i surrerwi
with pimples on facn uiul body. Hood's
Barsaporllla cured mo permanently. It
also cured my father's carbuncles." Ai.bkht
. Ciiabt, Tustln City, Cal.
ICryslpetas-" My little girl Is now fat
and hoalthy on account of Hood's Snraapa.
rllla curing lier of erysipelas and ectcnia.
It Is our faintly medicine, as wo all take It."
Mns. II. O. WiiBATMsr, Port Chester, N. V.
Tho law Milt last wook botwoen L. J.
Lnckridgo suing Mr.Stnnscr enmo out
in Mr. Lockridge's favor. Wo under
stand Mr. Stntisor is going to appeal.
It seems as if somo pooplo can't leave
other people's farming tools nlono
when they pass, while tho farmers are
in tit noon or nwny from home, If wo
havn to call their attention again wo
wilt call it in n dlfTciont way.
Wo think it it slinino that somo
voting men go to chiircland spit tbuir
tobacco julct out of tho window and
nothing is said about it. Wo think it
would bo well and good for the janitor
to expel such from tho church.
Grandpa Ferguson, tho medicine
mnu as ho is known, was on the creek
the last of tho wook. While hero he
called on Walter Applognto and tried
to hoII him somo soothing syrup, but
Walter said bo was not ready for him.
Uu said it novor fulled to givo instant
Gou Iluu.
IJood'a l'llli eure IItt III. Hi lion Irritating nil
only cthrllo lo Uk with lliwf . hruarinr.
ruBMiniD bt
One year 1100
11k months 60
Knttrod at tho post offlco at Ited Cloud, Nob.u matter.
Local advertising 5 cents per lino per Issue.
Local Advertising for cntertalnmints, con
certs, hoclsls, etc., gtven by cburclics, cliarltsblo
societies, etc., where nil moneys rnlscd there
from are used wholly for church or charitable
noddles, flmt ton lines free find nil over ten
lines lii cents perjlue per Usuo.
Local adrorllslug of entertainments, concerts,
recitals, etc., where por cent Is glen to pro
motors, 5 cents por lino per Issue.
Ono column per montb............ ..IT 09
Ono half columu per montti .. ......... 3 M
One fourth columu per mouth... ...... 1 73
General display advertising HJ cents per
Inch perlsatie.
Dry, dry, dry and windy.
Joseph Klllough was homo visiting
Inst Sunday,
Tboro nro lots of shows and lots of
whiskey in Mount Clair.
Warrun Donnoy had tho misfortuno
to lose a lino colt Inst week.
Joel Christy's wnro visiting with
Geo. Huffman's last Sunday.
F. S. Lum is expected ohmo. Ho has
boon in Mlchigau for somo tiuio.
Miss Amelia Minkio was visiting
Miss Lillio HulTman last Sunday.
Uhns. Shumun nml Mnry Tavlor of
Blue Hill wore in our midst last Sun
day. Mrs. Jool Christie and Jessio Lum
were visiting Mrs. Mary Downing last
Tho farmers in those pnrts nro very
much discouraged over the continued
dry weather.
Miss Jessio Lum was visiting Kov. A.
L. Young and wifo of Gttldo Uock ono
day last wook.
Miss Lena Wngnor has bought tho
Hilton farm Northwest of Lawrence
Consideration $3,200.
Sovcral of our young folks nttundod
tho show at Ml. Clare Friday night.
Thoy report it good.
Mrs. Lena Bangort is very siok. Dr.
Morauvillo of Guldo Uock is attending
hor. Slio is slowly recovering.
Wo tindorstnnd tboro is a roward of
fered for tho arrest 'and conviction of
tho safo blowers and bank robbers nod
it is rumored that n lady in our midst
has taken tho responsibility upon her
self to sco that the law in onforcod.
Mru. L.L. Dullart is no hotter at this
Goo. Aniack sold two loads of hogs
last wook.
E.A.King sold two loads of hogs
Inst week.
J. J. Smith was tho guest of J. Bry
nut Inst Sunday.
It. J. Skeon put cattle iu Allsop's
pasture last week.
Tho King's Daughters met at Mr.
Kent's last week.
Somo nro through planting corn and
others have just begun.
J. M. Clark was up lo N. 11. Wagon
ers on business Inst weok.
Leo Parsons was tho guost of Undo
llillio Roberts last Sunday.
I It. Stanser is putting out threo
acres of potatoes this spring.
Kov. ninckwi'il preached nt tho
Methodist church last Sunday.
Miss Illunoho Lnckridgo is working
for herginndpnronts, Mr. King.
There will bo services at the Broth
rou church next Sunday at 11 a.m.
U. J. Skeon was helping Uncle Billio
Roberts plant potatoes last week
Charley Miles Is very anxious to sell
out as he wants to go to Michigan,
R.J.Skoon'sson-indaw from Smith
county was up lo sco him last week.
A.J. White has bought soinothing
over S80 worth of woven wire fencing, j Wilson was on our crook last
week fixing the Stonebrakor pasturo.
Tho Ilifithron Sunday school terr.
gnnizod with no w ofllcers lasl Suuda -'
Jim Harris of (iuldn Hook, was tho
guest of hi-i son, Alf 11 arris on Sunday
James McCartney wns hauling corn
from John Hnssolbachor's one day Inst
Mr. Canton sold his fat cattle somo
tlmo ago, and ho was quite a honvy
Kli Houohin is nfraid he will havo to
list up his wheat as ho has a very poor
Sunday school and prnvor mooting
at tho Methodist church next Sunday
at 10 a.m.
Rev. "N 11. Wagoner filled his ap
pointment at the Maple Giovo church
last Sunday.
Win Lipplncott wns plowing somo
ground for Undo Hillio Roborts Mon
day unci IHHIH,
J. Bryant is bidding n now bouse,
Wo understand bo is going into tho
chickon business,
Tboro is considerable nnxlely as to
wbother wo nro going to got tho bridgo
at Amboy or not.
James MoNutt has purchased a now
snravor and is going to spray his or
chard this summer.
Mr. Dolhl, who bought tho old .las.
Amaok place, has moved tho buildings
to his placo farther oast.
It is rumored that thoy aro going to
move tho Wagoner sohnol uouso down
bv tho Woltirou cnurcn.
Mr. and Mrs Warner and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson were the guests
of A.J.WtuVon8unday.l
Another good rain Tuesday night,
Llstiug corn will soon bo a thing
tbo past.
Wm. VanDyko was in Garliold on
business this wook.
An naent for school maps was in
Lino and Waluut last wook.
JeiT Boauchninp of Garliold lias
planted ton ncros of pop corn.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgnrton of Walnut
crook wore visiting with P. D. Hutch
inson last Sunday.
What about having a Sunday school
plonlo at Penny crock, Dist. No. 8,
somo timo iu Juno.
Mr. and Mrs. Mountford woro in tit-
tondnuco nt tho mooting nt tho McCnll
school houso Sunday and report n good
Kov. llorlon, tbo Hastings ovnugelist,
will preach nt Penny crook. Dist. No. 8
on Sunday, May 14th, at 7:80 p.m. All
nro invited.
Tramps In droves of four to twelvu.
Tho now gtnin buyer nt tbo west ele
vator is nlso buying hogs.
' 11. 1). Hunter shipped tho best lot of
fnl cattle Monday that havo boon ship
ped fiom hero lately.
Michael Salzmnu, n former resident
of this con uiy is visiting with his sou
Charles northeast of town.
Parties from tho eastern part of tho
stato were hero Monday looking for a
building to put in a general Htoro.
Martin Konzuck wns in town yester
day afternoon with livu wolf scalps
which lie killed in Nuckolls county
ami which ho sunt to Nelson for the
Curt Evans of Red Cloud was in
town Thursdny mid wo understand
took tbo job of moving tho Sherman
building on tho corner down to Peter
son's implement sUiul next week.
Thursday evening Loron Andrews
llttlo boy, Ilnrry, went after tho cows
on n pony. Somo time later ho wns
found unconscious on tho ground iu
the pasturo and blood oozing from hit
mouth and ears.
Wotd was received hero Monday
morning of tho robbery of a storo at
Rosemont mid in tho afternoon that
tho goods and tho thief's team had
been captured at Edgar, tho men, throe
iu number escaping.
While work lug with his shcllor nt
Harry McUoi mars yesterday C. E.
Vaughn got his right, hand in tho gear
ing and look Ids middlo finger oh" nt
joint nn. I crushed tho fotcfingor, neces
sitating nmpuinuon at ino itrsi joint.
Dr. Robinson dressed tho wounds.
Commissioners Vnnco of Reaver
creek, and Irons of Innvalo woro in
town Thursday, having mot lioro for
tho purpose of viewing tbo road near
H. McCormals, and from there they
wont to seo about locating n bridgo
nt Amboy, or Lester ns it is now called.
Ren Piorco wns hero Monday ulghl
on his way homo, having captured the
younger of tbo two boys that ran away
with A. J nay's horse irom uitrr Oak.
Ho said bo followed tho other boy into
tho bluffs on tho Loup river una lost
tho trail. Tho boy it is claimed stole
two saddles, and is only cloven years
Am own
Does Coffee Agree With You.
If not, drink Grnin-O mado from
puro grnins. A lady writes: "Tho
first timo I mado Graiu O I did not liko
it, but after using it for ono wook noth
ing would induce mo to go back to
colloo." It nourishes ami feeds the
system. Tho children can drink it free
ly with groat benefit. It is tho
strengthening substnnco of puro grnins.
Got n packugo today from your grocer,
lGc and 25c.
Drink Grain-O
after you have concluded that your
eofTfe does not ngreu with you. It Is
not a medli'iiiu bin doctorn order it, becalm-
it Is healthful, invigorating and
appetizing. It is made from pine
grains mid has that rich seal brown
color, and tastes like tho finest grades
of colTeu and costs about one fourth us
much, Children thrive on il because
it Is n genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. 15 and 25c
at grocers.
Severest Trial.
Until recent years woman's severest
trial has been toe bringing of children
into the world.
Today nearly all the sickness, pain,
discomfort and dread are avoided by
those expectant mothers who use
Mothers Friend, that wonder
ful liniment made famous by the great
good it has done. It is used externally.
That fa the only sensible and safe way
to relieve morning sickness, headache,
tightness, swollen, hard or rising breast.
The bearing of children need no longer
be dreaded. Mother's Friend has been
called a Godsend by mothers all over
this land. Sold at drug stores for $1 a
bottle, and by
Tbe Bradileld Kegnlator Co., Atlanta, Oa.
Write far our free lllutttited book, cntltUd." Before
lUty li Dora."
our regular prices aro lower thnu others specials.
"The Proof of the Pudding is In the Eating." I
Tho romarknblo increase in our business during tho past year goes to provo t
our claim. Wo do not uso any prizes or premiums to draw trade. f
Woputour quality into every pieco of goods that wo - I
put on our counters.
Pupils' Examinations.
Examinations for pupils of county
schools who wish to luku ndvuutngn of
the now high school law will bu held
at Guido Rock, May 25, 1808; Blue Hill
May 31st, 1899; Rod Cloud, July 8lst,
1SJH. Examinations begin at 1 a. m.
Eva J. Cask,
County Supt. of Schools.
If you havo piles euro them. No uso
undergoing horriblo operations that
simply removes tho result of tho dis
ease without disturbing tho disease it
self. Placo your confidence in DoWitt's
Witchjllazol Salvo. It has novor failed
to euro others; it will not fail to euro
you. C. L. Cottiug.
Special Examination.
Notico is hereby given that a special
examination tor teachers will bo hold
iu tho superintendent's olllco at Red
Cloud, May 10, 1809.
Eva J. Cask,
Superintendent of Schools.
It is true wo sell nil kinds
of shoos Men's, Wohkn'h
nil styles of each of theso
kinds. Rut each shoo is
mado in a factory devoted
exclusively to tho making
of that particular kind.
This is why our shoes aro
far superior to many others
that sell for n much higher
price. It also insures tho
wearer of getting tho very
best material tiud workman
ship us well us tho latest
Out Foot form Shoes
aro tho talk ol tho town and wo fully
guarantee every pair or your
monoy back if you want it.
Berg- - & - Smith,
Rkvaikino well done.
Wo havo purohasod a largo job lot of Ladles Unbrollns. Thcso
goods wro mado to retail from $1 2b to $1.75. Wo placo them on salo
tit $1 to $1.80.
All silk glorias, steel framo, fancy handlo for 81.
Other grades upwards lo 35.
Paper I?.t:te:r;
A saving of from Co to 20o on
each pattern.
The New Idea.
All sell for
.... . .....i.mpie(iBi Anv al'n. Ant Mlvtn
IBty-LAUlCS ri.coiMi j ., W..J.V. CouiUlltiK of Jacket, DIOUSO.
8ii,2i,2i.M.M. Monthly fashion shoots free vwtonasnin.
Sltrs , 4, C cars.
II tvISi
1121 D0VS' SUIT,
A complete stock of Window shades
Complete shade with spring roller, 10c.
A good cloth curtain without fringo, 8c.
Colors ct2Go each.
Other grades 85c to GOc.
Will continue to practice In District. Supreme
and Federal Courts.
House Ulock.
notary pudlio in offioe.
J. D. Rridgu, editor und proprietor
of tho Democrat, Lancaster, N. 11, says:
"I would not bo without Ono Miuuto
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a couch or cold. It is tho best
remedy for croup I ovor used." C. L.
' ...I.
To'Cure a Cold in One Day.
Tuko Luxativo Hioino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists rofund money if it
fails to euro. '..'5c. Tho genuine (has
L. II. Q, on each tablet.
Dr. E. A. Ckkighton,
Honorary Grnduato & Silvor Medalist
Western University, Canada.
Calls Ansaveuei Day and Night.
OrrrtEOvKit Cook's Puaiimact.
Buy Binder Twine
...IN OMAHA..'.
Soapta tal prkts niij start
Msjr 1st. It jouirt sot slrtsl
oa Mr list write as st .
Tb Western Mtrcantll Co,
Successful selling in tho carpet room has left us a number of
short lengths in Moquottos, Axmiuisters and Brussols.
Tboro is enough carpet in each of those pieces to covor a room
about ton by eleven feet. Theso aro nil this soason's patterns. Somo
wo make up witli borders. Thcso goods havo retailed all spring at
$1 por yard. To clean up wo will make them up nt 80c per yard.
Now is tho timo to socuro tho bost carpet valuo ovor offered in
tho city.
All wool lugruius atCOo.
Special nil wool ingrains at C5c por yard.
Extra super ail wool at 70o por yard.
Cotton and wool -iOc, 00c, GOc.
Cotton carpets at 25c, !)0c and 40c.
All enrpots guaranteed to lit. Wo out carpets without waste to
tho buyor. All carpets aro priced uiadp up. Wo allow tho price of
sewing whoro purchasor makes tho carpot.
JEtir jait txjee
.Wo buy direct from tho faslories, uo middlomous prolits.
Wo nro now loading a car of furniture in Chicago, Thoro may
bo somo articles that you would liko to havo that wo do not carry in
siock. o win muKO a special prico on all special orders.
This car of goods to arrivo in about 20 days.
Wo havo purchased another largo invoice of Sowing Machines to
arrivo with furniture cur.
3 drawer oak linish case, high head, full sot of attachments with
each machine, for $15.50.
Same Maclitno with 0 drawers for $10.50.
Samo mrehino, drop head, for $20.
THE FIELD, 3 drawer for $19.
" " 5 drawer for $20.
' " 5 drawer drop head, $25.
Written guaranteo with nil machinos sold by us.
1 pier Bros., Hed Gloud, Keb. !
Was Wearing My Life Away, Had Suffered for
Twenty Years. Cured by
Dr. Miles' Nervine.
The most common nilmcut among
civilized pooplo of toilny is headache.
Tho reason for this is thnt nowadays
pjoplo uso their brains moro than they
formerly did, tuid aro nlso moro sub
ject to norvous troubles, which aro the
direct oiiuso of headache. Too much
bralu work takes needed nerve fotco
from tho heart and stomach to tho
bond, thus loturdlug circulation und
deranging digestion. Tho body is not
fed tho norves rebel. Loss of nppo
tllo is followed by a tired body und u
tortured brnin. You need rest You
know it, but you havau't time. Dr.
Miles' Nerviuo will g'.vo you tho lest
you tieed. It is for the man or woman
whoso digestion needs help, whose
brnin is overworked and whoso vitality
is impaired. It gives recuperative ca
pacity lo tho organic functions of tho
syfltoin ami is a speedy remedy for ner
vous troubles of every description.
"Permit mo to add my testimony to
tho thousands who havo already sound
ed prnlso for Dr. Miles' Norvlno. For
twenty years 1 suflorcd Intousoly from
nervous headaches, from which I
could got no relief 1 was frequently
compollod to quit work because of
their severity. Ono day on my way
homo from tho olllco I procured a bot
tle of Dr. Miles' Nervino and began us
ing It. Before the first bottle was gone
my headaches disappeared, and 1 have
not had them since. I havo reason to
boliovo that 1 havo been permanently
cured and Dr. Milos' Nerviuo must
have tho credit.
W. W. Evans,
Editor Independent, Wnynesburg, l'u.
"For ton years I had periodical at
tacks of hoaducho and neuralgia in a
very severe form so severo in faot
that It was almost unbearable, During
that time I consulted fcirvoral physic
ians and tried no end of advertised
headache cuilm, none of which seemed
to" give more than temporary relief. A
friend of mine, u diuggUt, put Minded
mo to givo Di, Miles.' loiorntive Net v
ino u trial I did m und nfier a few
mouths Use I wns completely cured.
Although hovcrtil jeais have passed
since 1 used the lust bottle ot the run
edy, 1 havo novor had a return of those
terrjblo attacks. I have recommended
Dr. Miles' iSorviuo to u number of my
friends who had similar doubles and
always with the same happy results
It is the bust remedy in the world and
sine li d.) its work well."
A. L. Iluoiihs,
l 0. Hox405, Milwaukee, Ww.
"About four years ago I was tnkou
with a severe nervous trouble which
striotuly affected in head, causing mo
great pain and dizzy spells. I doctored
for some tlmo without getting any re
lief; iu fact I grow worse nil tho timo;
had to quit my work and for live
mouths 1 was unable to do anything,
und most of thu timo wus confined to
my bed. At last I was induced to try
Dr. Miles' Restoiutivo Nervino und I
found that il helped me a gi eat deal.
1 had become completely dispirited,
but I now took now courage as I saw
that I was gaining, and us I continued
thu remedy my health (steadily im
proved. In u few weeks 1 was nblu to
return to my work nt tho htoro and
sineo then havo enjoyed very good
health. I am known all over this sec
tion, and many of my friends luve
.isked me 1 took for my troublo.
I uIwujb reply thnt to l)r Miles' Nerv
ine is due the credit of my recovery."
R. J. Vauohan,
Middloburgh, N. Y.
A tthil package of Dr. Miles' favorite
treatment, consisting of Dr. Miles' Re
storative Nervine, Dr. Miles' AutbPniu
Pills and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Livor
Pills will be sent absolutely frco of cost
to auy person sending imnio and ad
dress ou a postal curd, requesting tho
samples, und mentioning tho namo of
this paper to Dr. Milos' Medical Co,,
Elkhart, Ind.
25000 IN USE.
The FaMtaf e (Dan I
i lr.srfcTcr cMii -r-iTr.-ir-7vol
j "-' v- Mm.. .. JSJLWJLVias, t