The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1899, Image 5

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I eat h
Bluo grass seed nt Mitchell Bros.
OJobu McCallum o( Bladon was horo
this weok.
Harness of
all kinds at Fogol and
Tho polos for
havo arrived.
tho tolophono systoni
Nothing is nioro import-
tint tot tuo preservation
of good health tuul clour
business judgment tlinn
Jealous caro of tho eyes.
)ofcctive vision produc
os irritation and ner
vousness, and in this J
condition no person is
cvpablo of Riving to bus- 4
iness matters or to the J
ordinary affairs of lifo
tho attention necessary
... a.innoao Pnrfuil fit. I
tins glasses will over
Ronio nature's defects. I
You can have your eyes j
examined f reo by
Newhouse Bros., !
Graduate Refracting OptkUas!
and Jtwtkn. 3
Bring ui yoor Watch, Clock and Jewelry J
wotk. We do ue bcit work. J
The Chief $1.00 per year.
Tako your harness repairing to Fogol
and Hutchison.
Will Batbjen left Monday morning
for a trip to Iowa.
Harry Goblo of McCook was in the
city the first of tho week.
If you want anything in tho harnoss
lino boo Fogel and Hutchison.
Harry Boale and wife of McCook
w ero visiting rolatlves hero Saturday.
Chas. Schaffnit waa looking after
business mattors in Hardy the Grst of
the week.
Farm loans at low ratos of interest.
Loans closocd on day of application.
C. W. Kaloy.
Miss Mabel Howard returned Satur
day from a visit with Walter Warren
and wife at Superior.
Call on G. W. Dow when in want of
now or second bond plows, barrows,
cultivators, listers or buggies.
It will bo to your interest to soo mu
if you want a pump wind mill or any
thing in that line. Jas. Peteiison.
Sheriff Wells took It. II. Parsons
whoso homo is northeast of Guido Rock
to tho insafio hospital nt Lincoln Sat
urday. If our readers want n cooking stovo
or rango they should look over the line
koptbyW.W. Wright. They have as
good an assortment as can be found in
Dr. J. F. Goode.of Houston, Ohio,
arrived in tho city last night. Ho will
have oflico rooms over C. L. Cotting's
uud will resido in tho J. C. Warner
Mrs. M. M. Stern, who has boon vis
aing in Philadelphia for several
months past, returned homo
night accompanied by her
Mrs. M. Levy, who will visit
soino time.
Mrs. A. S. Hoathcoto, a graduate of
tho conservatory of music of Oborlin,
Ohio, assisted by Miss Huoy. elocu
tionist, of lJluo Hill and by local talent,
will give a concort in tho Congrega
tional church Friday ovoning, May 5,
1899. Admission 20 conts.
Every farmer should koop an ncour
nto account of just what ho raises,
what it costs, including his own work
to run tho farm a year, and what he
receives from nil sources, as doos a
firm dntner nnv kind of uiorcantilo bus
iness. Otherwiso how can ho know
whether it pays to farm or not?
Robort Damorcll of Hastings was
hero this wook.
Seo W. W. Wright's lino of cooking
stoves and ranges.
The Chirk and tho Chicago Inter
Oi'an one year for $1.25.
Harry Goblo and wifo returned to
McCook Thursday night.
Seo tho line lino of cooks and ranges
handled by W. W. Wright.
Special orders for cakos will bo
promptly filled by J. O. Wiles.
Operator Drown of tho depot force
has been transferred to Mascot.
Insuro with tho Pennsylvania Firo of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
The front of C. L. Cotting's drug
storo has boon beautified by a coat of
Andrew Pederson of Woodruf, Kan
sas, waa visiting frionds here tho first
of tho week.
Mrs. A. C. Wilson, mother of Mrs. C.
D. Bobinion, loft for hor homo in Bluo
Hill Saturday.
Dr. Rood very pleasantly ontortainod
tho members of his Sunday school
class laBt Friday ovoning.
11 you want your pump repaired or
pipe fixed I havo a pump and wind mill
man that will do you a good job. Jas,
Mrs. Geo. Leming who baa boon vis
iting with Wm. Parkos and family left
for her homo in Gillette, Wyoming,
It makes no differonco how bad tho
wound if you uso DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo; it will quickly heal and
leave no scar. C L. Cottlng.
George Fentress, who run a ibar-
ber shop in this town ton years ago
has openod up again in the llttlo room
south of the meat market. Guido Rock
John Wiles will open up for business
Saturday in the building formerly oc
cupied by Van Baron, Ico cream and
other delicacies of tho soason always
on hand.
Don't buy a rango tor cooking stovo
until you oxamino tho lino kept by W.
W. Wright. They are of tho latest
pattern and built to do good cooking
and save fuel.
Geo. O. Yoiser is homo from Omaha.
Fresh bulk gardun seeds. Mitchell
Miss Laura Smith visited iu Lebanon
last wook,
Leave your orders for Ico cream nt
tho Star Bakery.
For hand made harness go to Fjgcl
nud Hutchisons.
Tho Chief nnd Chicago Inter Ocean
one year for $1.25.
Harry Bosscmoynt' of Superior was
in tho city Monday.
C. F. Gather of Lincoln was in tho
city tho first of tho week.
Seo tho "American" hog fenco nt
Mitchell Bros. Boat ou earth.
A good fonco has boon put around
tho residenco proporty of P. A. Wolts,
A nico fonco is an Improvement at
tho resldonco of Al Framo on Seward
If you want a drivo well mado I can
do it for youfin first class stylo. James
Mrs. Patmoro who has boon visiting
in the north part of tho state camo
home Monday.
Last Monday waa May day and tho
youth of this city put in tho ovoning
hanging baskets.
Last Monday was Dowoy Day, but
from appoarancss it was not vory well
known in this city.
Mrs. II. W. Browor loft Monday for
a trip of sovoral wooks duration in
Kansas City and St. Paul.
J. M. Sollars was on tho sick list this
wook and J. W. Kinsol has had chargo
of tho ongino at tho pump house.
Miss Ewan who has boon horo visit
ing with tho family of J. M. Sollars
has rcturnod to hor homo at Orloans.
Miss Mollio Ferris was in Lincoln
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
tnenaccn to health of the present day.
om MmHO rowot oa, tw tow.
Warm Weather
Wanteh Good girl wanted at tho
homo of M. M. Stern.
J.S. Marsh nnd wifo of Guido Rock
woro in tho city today.
Charley Schulta roturned from
Omaha Thursday night.
A now awning has been placed in
front of Honry Cook's drug storo,
Jay Olnoy of tho Nebraska Mercan
tile Company was horo tho first of tho
John Young Jr., of Cedar Bluffs,
this state is horo stocking up tho Goblo
Mrs. W. S. Garbor arrived in tho city
Monday ovoning accompanied by tho
John Dickorson has moved into tho
houso on north Wobstor street owned
by J. O. Butlor.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Smolser
on Sunday, April 80th, a son of tho
usual Nebraska woight.
Miss Orolla Goblo who has boon vis-
Light Underaieai?
Buy it where they show the best assortment
this weok attending tho stato convon-1 iting with Geo. Nowhouso and wifo, re
horo for
fonvalescing I
is more or less a very slow process, S
according to the severity of the g
sickness. Vitality, when at a low
ebb, works at a great disadvantage,
and more time is required to regain
the lost strength and power.
Malt Extract
produces marvelous results in such
cases. The richness of the malt
gives life to the blood and the bop
principle gives tone to
the stomach creating
both a desire for food
and the ability to di
gest it
Al all 4ru tierae.
By allowing tho accumulations in tho
bowle 3 to remain in, tho ontiro system
is poisoned. DoWitt's Littlo Early
Risers rcgulnto tho bowles. Try thorn
and you will always uso thorn. C. L.
Fok Sale. Houso and lot, corner
Webster street and Fifth avenuo, con
taining 13 rooms and cellar; also barn
and lot. For further particulars, ad
dress, L. Batjm, No. 71 Potomac Avo.
Chicago, Ills.
On Monday night last Miss Boulah
Hall entertained about twenty of her
young friends at tho homo of hor
mother on Soward street. Delicious
refreshments wero sorved nnd a pleas
ant time was had by tho young ioIks.
Tho Kansas socretary of agriculturo
has issued a report saying that about
25 por cent of tho winter wheat in that
stato is dead. This is hotter than was
expected, although it is bad onough.
A couplo of weoks ago it was reported
that at loast 40 por cont of! tho winter
wheat had boou winter killed.
Suit was bogun by tho cltyllast Sat
urday against Morhart and Mizor for
permitting tho opora houso tojbo opon
ed for a show Friday night after it had
been ordered closed by tho mayor on
account of tho bad condition of tho
stairways. Tho case camo-'up for
hearing Monday and a continuation
was taken until May 15th.
A populist paper at Boatrico says:
"It is not easy to spoakl of individuals
without knowing their onvironmonts.
It is safo to say, howovor, that tho man
who wants work, and doosn't find it,
is an indiifuront huntor." Thogood
brothor should bo more careful how ho
admits tho advent of prosporous times
or ho might bo banished from tho
ranks of populism.
Mayor L. H. Bock rotirod from that
oflico Wodncsday night and turned
over tho cares and troubles connocted
with tho mayorship to his successor,
Mr. Whito. Mr. Book and tho city
council have mado much improvement
to tho city in various ways and the
policy begun, will from indications bo
continued during tho prosont year.
Doc. has mado a good ofiiaal record
during his incumhonoy of tho mayor's
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllcoat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ondlng May 4th
Caso. M. M. K. Leeso, Frank
Smagley, Mrs. Jim Rosoburv, Jas.
Waiton, Ida Wilson, Dottle Mao
These lottors will be sent to tho dead
letter office May 18th, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say advertised. T. 0. Haokm, P. II
tion of tho Order of tho Eastern Star.
A gentloman by tho namo ofJDreyfoos
from Cincinnati, Ohio, was in tho city
this wook. Ho says ho is a cousin of
Droyfus of Dovils Island.
Get your salo bills printed at this of
fice and the announcement of salo will
bo printed in tho paper during tho
timo preceding tho salo day free of
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough roadily
yield to Ono Minuto Cough Curo. Uso
this remedy in timo and Havo n doctor's
bill or tho undertaker's. C. L. Got-
Members of A. O. U. W. and Degree
of Honor will meet nt Masonic hall
Sunday May 7, nt 10 o'clock a.m. sharp
and march in n body to M. E. church
where memorial services will bo hold.
By oiiDKit ok Committee.
A quiet ceremony was witnossod at
tho Fourth avonuo hotol on April 27th,
by which Mr. Jacob Monia and Miss
Edna Woodsido, both of this county,
wero united in marriogo, Pastor
Hussong of tho Christian church officiating.
Do you take cold with
every change In the
And do sharp
through your
feel raw?
pains dart
Don't you know these are
danger signals which point
to pneumonia, bronchitis, or
consumption itself?
If you are ailing and have
lost flesh lately, they are
certainly danger signals. The
question for you to decide Is,
Have I the vitality to throw
off these diseases ? ' '
Don't wait to try SCOTT'S
EMULSION "as a last re
sort." There is no remedy
equal to It for fortifying the
system. Prevention Is easy.
prevents consumption and
hosts of other diseases which
attack the weak and those
with poor blood.
the one standard remedy for
Inflamed throats and lungs,
for colds, bronchitis and con
sumption. It Is a food medi
cine of remarkable power. A.
food, because It nourishes the
body; and a medicine, be
cause It corrects diseased
joe. ind f 1.00, ill druftUU.
SCOTT A DOWNE, ChcmliU, Ntw York
turnod to hor homo in Ayr Wodncsday.
Tho now restaurant and bakery of J.
O. Wiles which was opened up last
weok will bo known as tho Star. John
is already getting a good trado.
Owing to tho crowded condition of
tho paper this weok wo woro compel
led to lay over a portion of the com
missioner's proceedings until next
Tho chango in mayors will cause no
cessation in tho good work now being
done on tho streets. Tho now mpyor
is as much inolinod to good stroots as
tho former ono.
Pooplo who havo taken DoWitt's Lit
tlo Early Risers will never havo any
thing olso. Thoyarotho "famous lit-
tie pills" for torpid liver and nil irrcg-
ulantios of tho system. C. L. Cotting.
Tho tenth annual convention of tho
Wobstor county Sunday Sohool Asso
ciation will bo hold in this city May 23,
24, 25. Tho program for the conven
tion will be published in our noxtissuo.
Seed Potatoes For seed and eating
potatoes soo tho undorsigned at his
residenco 5) mllos southwest of Rod
Cloud. Seed potatoes S5o and eating
potatoes 05o por bushol. Daniel Non
ius. I havo boon a sufferer from chronic
rilnrrhnna nvnr sinr.n tho war. and havo IV':
used all kinds of medicines for it. At
last 1 found ono remedy that has boon
a success as a curo, nnu mat is iiiiaui-
borlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. P. E. GmouAM.GaarflMills,
La. For salo by II. E. Grico.
At tho mooting of tho firo depart
ment Monday evening a committee
was appointed to solicit tho necessary
funds for a Fourth of July colobration,
and havo succeeded in raising nearly
onough to defray tho expenses, nnd
judging from present indications Rod
Cloud will celebrate.
At their recent city olection Tecum
sob's citizons voted to rofund hor $21
000 ,vator bonds at a lower rato of in
terest. Only eight persons voted
ugainst tho proposition. Their pres
ent bonds aro six por cont and thoy
can rofund thorn for four nnd ono-half
por cent. Horo is a good oxamplo for
Rod Cloud to follow, and it is to bo
honed tho now council will look into
tho matter. This city could savo ono-
fourth of tho money now expended for
interest on water bonds by refunding
nnd issuing 4 J por cent bonds in placo
of tho onos now outstanding, and as
low a rato as four por cont might bo
Tho third Quarterly meeting of tho
Red Cloud circuit of tho M. E. church
will bo hold Saturday ami Sunday, May
Oth and 7th, as follows. Tho quarterly
conferonco will bo held ou Saturday
afternoon at i! o'clock at my residenco
in Red Cloud. Lovo fcait, prouchiug
and communion sorvices will bo held at
tho sohool houso in Dist. 41, four mllos
north of Inavalo on Sabbath morning,
commencing nt 10 o'clock. In the aft
ernoon at :30 o'clock preaching und
communion sorvices at tho Hummel
sshool houso 4 miles southeast of 'Ina
valo. Rov. W. B. Aloxander, presid
ing elder will officiate at those services,
A general invitation is extended. A.
G. Blackwem,, Pastor.
Clothing Gompaoy.
I $500.00 Given ftmay 1
During this month wo will giro
I $500 Worth of Qaeensiaare
away as follows:
To each customer making a $5.00 purchase- ini our
Dry Goods room may have their choice oC any
dish on the top shelf of our dish rack.
A $4.00 purchase in the Dry Goods room,
any dish on the second shelf.
choice of
Mij A $3.00 purchase in the Dry Goods room, choice
any dish on the third shelf.
of $
A $1.00 purchase in the Dry Goods room, choice
any dish on the lower shelf.
Wo wish to call your nttontion to our
Carpet - Department
as tho most attractive in town. Tho most attraotivo feature being
THE PRICE, bolow ull competitors. It will bo a pleasure
to show you our carpets nnd u pleasuro to sato you
from tivo to llftoeu conts por yard.
f Wo aro olTcriug special values all through our
H Dress - Goods - Department
$. Also special values in
Ready Made Skirts and Shirt Waists.
iM Now is tho timo to secure some good dishes. Wo need tho room
JM these dishes tnko up and nro going to glvo thorn away.