( THJj RED OLOUD OHLUJF, ITKIDAS. APRIL 28. 1899. i ECULIAR TO OUR SOIL. Catarrh it an American dittatt, Mrs. (Ircger, Hagby, Tcx.,finyr.: "I'oTii-nn huadono so much good for mo that I am nblo to do my own work." ? SM rar Mr. JncobOrlflln, Klincr, Midi., writes: "I was very nervous and unublo to & work. I have taken several bottles of l'e-rii-na and nm entirely well." Esther I.ntlior, Frank llnsvlllo, N. C., Buys: "I took your I'u-ru-nn for deafness can hear now aa well as I ever could." Aug. Tryloff, Mt, Clem ens, Mich. .writes: "Iliad Is grlppo and It left me with a terrible cough. I took 1'e-ru-na and was cured." Mrs. E. Quest, Kearney, Buffalo Co., Neb., writes: "I took your Pc-ru-na for catarrh, and can nay that I nm now entirely cured of it." II. Walter llrady, Cas cade, Ark., says: "I had running cars. It was so offensive I excluded my self from all society. After I had borne it fourteen ! tl years I read Dr. Ilartman'a book called 'The Ilia of Life.' I took seventeen dollars' worth of his remedies and am atiroly cured." Fraztr Axle Grtase Net affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awarde at Centennial, Peris and World'a Fair. Frazer Lubricator Co., piles Iaer4thatortarMortha elasBa.a with protruding piles brought on by oonitlpa Moa with whloh I was afflicted (or twenty rears. I rsn across your OASCARKTS In tbe mid of Newell, I., and never found aay thing to equal them. To-dy I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man." a tl. Kbits, lilt Jones St., Blous City, la CANDY CATHARTIC TNADIMANN nMnt, Palatable. 1'ot-nt, Tail flood, Do ood, Ns?sr Sicken, Weaken. or Orlpt, lOo, c, Uc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... I Iwri; Caapaaj, Cabas. ImUmI, S. T.ia. Ill M.TA.S1P Bold and guaranteed by elldrug MV'lav gliuto CI) Tobacco Uabll. Are You A Renter? F -a farmer's aon un able to prucuie a (aim nrar hum, or burdened with laict, hrary HtortKait--, lm- piitrri.lnd .oil, and failure of crop IF SO llin .olutlnn lo your trouble. Ii of. fcrwl by (lie Canadian Uovarnmtmt ertry buna ride Mttl.r vetting- a f Free Homestead of 100 rtcriot of the beat land on tbo con tinent for uraln laWlnii and mixed farmlns. Mo. t Hard Wbeat U raliKl In Weitern Cauadai the areraga jltld It from ,'. to :lfl bushels to the ore. Hallway., chooL, cluiri'he., etc , roimnlentt siimaie n me iieaunie.n ine mii me lien, For Infor. mauun apply to'Mit, immiirrii Hon, Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. BESNKTT, TOpedlan Uo-ernmeiit A iient, 801 Mow York Lift, llulldlug, - Oann.hu, Nab, aaaTBaT"Wwrwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw--a--ai, I BS Ha ! saaaaB YM lea UVaVWi I Bm ST i bbbS BB bbbbbI Yfl aS IB aVal' I aa bT 1 aaa bbj bbbi ivj bbi bpV aal i I aw m a al bbw aj kwj aaJ vVBl I .aw ai BBJ 11 BBj BJBBW I BBbT aW BBJ BBI BBBJ Bk v BH BBBAi ' I BBTaaaa VH BBl BBBl a. BB BiBl m Bay awja wj bbj BBjaj bb bb bjbb? J1 VaTV)IH,W awv-.'.auaa vw...t.ua.u mK 4- est liuiintM conducted for moocrate rice. V a-.a MM TMila.Ma.La ntil.lM.il anil all Da. J oun orrioc is OpoaiTc U, 8 PATtMTOrricrt and we caaaecure patent in Ii 4T,mnt a from WaahiiiJitoa. leu time l tllin tlll)alal S5od modeL drawing or photo,, with ucKtip. HQOt eMVevf .-. . mw, -. w( ,t la. Affavlava If tntitavnleaTila i-tia n, Iraal nlf n- Wfl aWruc, ii pairniauto or not, iree chan. Our ice not due till patent Ii aecurrd. A PAMPM 'AMVULfT. V yj " vm How lo Obtain Patent" lth coat ol laameln tbe U. b ie.r t o i .-- a -.m ay, I IKI (ukj ituciu vouu.irica si "fR twice M,r. M efetW' MM&'Kv Hdis-3 & i iH ; jaent tree, wootcm, , C.A.SNOW&CO. M taUae. Bold tyfS&i-r LINE. A good rnin Tuosday. LIstlDg corn is tho order of the day. Hon, VauDyko has forty acres of corn planted. Mr. Walker of Ked Cloud was in Lino ono day last woek. Chas. Gust and wifo woro tho guests of L. Auhushon Sunday. William VanDyko was tho guest of V, I). Hutchinson Sunday. Luko Hutchinson is farming for Kd Cooper of Sherwood, Kansas. F D. Hutchinson mndo a business trip to North 11 ranch, Kansas, ono day this ivuek, Olint Henderson of North Branch was tho guest of Frank Van Dyko ono day this woek. Tun" Sutton's team ran away ono day last week. No sorious duniago except a mix up of groceries. itov. Campbell will preach at Fonny creek, Dist. No. 8 at 11 a.m., April 80. Everybody welcome Rev. Nobln of Walnut creek preach ed at Fenny oroek, Dist. No. 8, Bun day at 11 o'clock and at Dist No. M nt 8 p.m. Cap. Houchin and Mr. Uoyco did some good work on the big hill south of tho bridgo. They now have a good road graded from tho bridge south to tho Kansas lino. "A word to tho wlso is sufficient" and a word from tho wiso should be suf ficient, but you ask, who aro the wiso? Those who know. Tho oft repeated ex perienoe of trustworthy persona may bo taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy gives hotter satisfaction than any other in tho market. Ho has been in the drug business nt Elkton, Ky., for twolvo years; has sold hundreds of bottlos of this remedy and nearloy all othor cough modicinos manufactured, which shows conclusively that Cham borlain's is tho most satisfactory to tho pooplo, and is the bost. For Bale by H.E.Grico. NORTHEAST VEBSTER. Fino woathor. I hoar thorn wedding bolls. Mrs. Nowman is vory stale. Mrs. Odenridor is in Omaha on busi- noss. Walter Taylor has bis now houso completed. Tho farmers are sowing thoir wheat Holds to oats. Miss Jessie Lum will start for Cali fornia May 15th. Banken ft Bumps aro building a now house for Mr. Church. C. M. Wolls'is back from California, Ho says it is the place to live. C. F. Uenkel of Blue Hill was in thoso parts ono day last woek on legal business. Some of tho Mt. Olaro boys attondod tho danco in Lawronco Friday evening which onded in a scrap. Tho counterfeiters and bank robbers aro being shadowed and aro located, and something will pop aB soon as suf ticiont proof and ovidenco can bo found. Graln-O Bring Relief to tho coffee drinker. Coffou drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in and almost aa universally injurious. Have you tried Grain-Of It is almost liko coffeo but tho effects aro Just tho opposito. Coffeo upsots tho stomach, ruins tho digestion, effects tho heart and disturbs tho whole nervous system. Graln-0 tones tho Btomach, aidsdisges tion nnd strengthens the nerves 15 and 25c per packago. FARMERs'cREEK. Rnin is needed in this neighborhood bad. Kho danco nt Irelands was liuo and well attended. Evorot Dean has moved on his own fnrm this spring. Spring is hero in all its glory. Every body sowing oats. A lino baby boy arrived at tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Harvey on last Wednesday. All doing well. Miss Ilertha Keonoy and Ellis linger from Cowlcs woro visiting in this netghborhond Inst woek tho guests of Mrs. O. P. Harvoy. Miss Laura Hedge closed a vory suc cessful toun of school at Mt. Hopo last Friday. Tho spoiling school and enter tainment glvon by her and tho school in tho evening was well attouded and enjoyed by all present. GARFIELD. Windy woathor. Favmors havo "began to plant corn. N. P. Campbell sold two leads of hogs last week, Hev, Blackwoll preached nt tho M, K. church last Sunday. N, U. Wogonor preached at the Maplo grovo school houso last Sunday, Sunday school nnd social meeting at tho Dunkard chinch last Sunday. Abo Glllau returned to this neighbor hood last Sunday aftornoon after an absoneo of iivn years. Ho wns gladly received by his many friends. TiiAMi". iMorate Your llowels With CHScurets. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. lOo. iiCc. If a O. O. tall, druggists refund mosey. Tonight Just before retiring, If your liver (a sluRxlah, out of tune and you fetl dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Hood' Pill And you'll be all right In the morning. GUIDE ROCK. Geo, Fentress wns in town Monday. Tho liorao buyer, Turner, is hero again. Harry Curtis of Stlllwator was In town Monday, Mrs, Dasholll spont Sunday at Rivor ton, returning Monday. George Fentress nnd family moved to Guido Hock Wednesday. Samuel Wilson is just nblo to bo around with tho aid of n cane. Tho horso buyer, Turntr, bought threo bortios and threo mules Monday. Mrs. Georgo Eeklar died at North Branch, Kansas, Saturday night of pleurisy. Frank Cobb has purchased the Mus selman farm ono mile west and two milos north of Guide Rock. Nursery stook still arrives at this point. If it all grows tho country will bo a f i uit country in a few years. The entertainment given by tho Scandinavian singers at tho Baptist church Wednesday night was well at tended. Receipts 131. As Clark Crow was coming up Main street Saturday evening bis team started and ran about three blocks. One wagon wheel came off thimble and all, tho team stopped and no other damago was done. Amidown. State or Ouio, Citt or Toledo, LOCAS COUHTT ' 88 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chonoy ft Co., doing business in the olty of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that firm will pay tho sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho.uao of Hall's Catarrh Curo. FRANK J. CIIENET. Sworm to boforo mo and subscribed in my presence this Gth day of Decem ber, 18D6. A. W. Gleason. (seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts direotly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for tottimonials, froo. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. Don't Lose any Time About It. If you expect to go west this spring ask tho nearest Burlington route agent about tho specially reduced rates now in effect to Montana, Utah, Cali fornia, Washington and Oregon points. Ask about them right away today. Thoy may bo withdrawn at any mo ment. Through tourist sleeping car service to San Francisco, and Los An geles ovory Thursday; to Butte, Spo kane nnd Seattle evory Tuesday and Thursday. J. Francis, General passen ger Agont, Omaha, Nob. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on tho right side, pains under tho shoulder-blade, constipation, billious ness, sick-headacho and fcol dull, heavy and slcopy your liver is torpid nnd congested. DoWltt's Littlo Early Risers will curo you promply, pleasant ly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing tho bilo ducts to open and flow naturally. Thoy aro good pills. C. L. Cotting. e Give The Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap potiziug, nourishing food tirink to tnko tho place of coffeo. When properly prepared it tastes liko tho lincst of cof feo but is frco from nil its injurious properties. Grain-0 aids digestion nud strongthons tho nerves. It is not n Btimulont hut a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great bonotlt. Costs about i as much as coffee. 16 aud 25o at grocers. - Homeseeken Excursions. March 7th nnd 31st, April 4th and 18th, and May Sd aud 10th, 1800. To points in Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory. Rate of ono fnro plus 9J for round trip, final limit of all tickets is 21 dayB from dato of sale. A, Conoveh, Agent. Rod Cloud, Nob., Mnrch 0, 1801). Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "MyGlioCuro," (or rheumatism nnd neuralgia radically euros in 1 to!) days, ts action upon tlm system is remark nblo and mysterious. It removes nt unco tho cuuso aud the diseaso Imme diately disappears. Tho first doso greatly bouclits; 70 cants. Sold by II. E. Gricu, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob. i Deanty la lllooil Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beautv without it. Casearets. Candv Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up tho lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Uegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, &0c. a m .So-To-Muc fur riftj Uvula. Guaranteed tolmci-oliatilt ourt mukea weak toen HtronK, blood pure. 60o, II. All druggists, a No-To-Ilao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit curo. makes weak men strong, blood pre. Mo, M. All dnifgleu. CHURCH SERVICES. C11UI8TIAN CilUnOH. Sorviccs each Lord's Day as follows: -Morning servlco at 10:80. Subject, "Is Consuionco nn Infallible Guido!"' Bible school, 12m. Junior Christian Endoavor 8 p.m. Setinr Christian Endeavor moots wituH.Y. P.U at 7 p.m. No evening service. A cordial invitation is extended to nil. L. A. HussoNo, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Morning servico at 10:80. Social meeting conducted by J. S. White in tho absoneo of tho pastor. Sunday School at 11:80 a.m. junior ijcnguo at 1 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Evening service at 8:00. Sormon by Rev. I. W. Edsou of tho Baptist church. Prayer mooting on Wednesday even ing at 7:80. LadioB Aid Society Friday afternoon. All at o raont cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Darbt, Pastor. BAITIST CI1UR0H. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:80. B. Y. P. U. servico, music, papers, addresses, etc. Sunday School at 11:45. Juniors meeting at 8 p.m. Young Peoplo's Union moots at 7 p.m. Evening servico at 8:00. General prayer and conference moot ing Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially invitod. Scats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL. Rognlar services next Sunday as fol- lows: Morning sorvico at 10:30. Subjoct, "Parrots." Sunday School at 11:45. Young Pooplo's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:80 p m. Evening services at 8:00. At tho hour of evening sorvico tho regular tomporanco mass meeting will bo hold. Mid-weok prayer meeting and con ference Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially invited to attend those sorvicos. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. ' atoa't Teiaeeo Spit J Saoke Tour life Alter. To quit tobacoo easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Dao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, BOo or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample tree. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. a $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Dieurctlc May be worth to you mora than 1100 If you have a child who solid bedding from luconteu ence of water during sloop. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. II. Bold by O. U Cotting, druggist, Ked Cloud, Neb. a Relief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladdor diseases re lieved In six hours by "New Great South Ameri can Kldncv Cure." It Is a great surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promptnotslu relieving pain In bladder, kidney and back, In male or fcmitle. itellcvcs retention of water almost Immediately. If you .rant quick relief and cure this Is tho remedy, bold by C. L. Cotting, druggist, Ked Cloud, Nob. To Cura Constipation forever. Tako Cascarots Candv Cathartic lOo or 250. It C C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Eureka Harness Oil It tbe beet oreservatlva of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your brat harness, your old bur una, and your carriage top, anil they is 111 not only look better but wear loncer. Bold evervwhf rein cuoa all sizes from half pints to Ave gallons. Ile4. bj BT1KD.RD OIL (U. BUY B.'iOER Twihe IN OMAHA. . Sample ai pi . r.M b alnul May 1st. II i. is .-nul Jlmdy on oir IIU nrlic u ai on.c. Tbe Wt.ttrs Mrtcanllle Co. OMAHA. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chum- berlnin's Eyo and Skin Ointment Is without an equal. It relieves tho itch ing nnd smarting almost instantly and its continued uso effects n permanent cure. It also cures itch, buruer'H itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chrnnio sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cody's Condition Fowlers for horses aro tho best tonic, blood purifier anuvermitugo. inco, !acuuta. Bold by JOHN AI. CHAFFIN, KTTORNBY - RT - L,K3fl, Will continue to practice In District. Supreme and Vedcral Courts, Ofkior Ovkii Mizkh's Stohb, Ol'KHA IlOUSK llLOCK. NOTARY PUOLIO IN OFFICE. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary Grndualu & Silver Medalist Wostorn University, Canada, ( 'a i.i.s Answkiiud Day and Nioiit. Orrrcc Otsii Cook's Pasmi&ot. -tv v. (w) A A PLATT & IFREES CO., Ghieago Iiumbep Yard, RED OLOUD, Lumber, Lime, City Dray and ROSS S RIFE. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TRADERS rXJAdCBIOR CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COA! BtiilcHniE material, Eto. Red Oloud, - - Nebraska. P. A. WELLS, RTTORNBY HT L.K3IIC. Office InF. &M. bank building with D. J. Myers Pkacticks in all State and United States Courts. B. U. OVERMAN, httornby - kt- law. Ottlee ercr Pott Office. Douh u Kunerul luw business. Practices in all courts FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN. City unci country calls promptly nn swered day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Okmokovkk Lindsey's'Mkat Makket J. S. EMIG-H. DKNTI8T. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teetb Without Plate. I-UKCKLAIK INLAY And all thn latent Improvement In dental mech anltml I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LANS. Look Uox IS. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and uxclmnged. COLLECTIONS MADE, TKHMS UCASONAULE Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CltasMt aod txantinti tho halt, rromoua a luoilast aravth. ever rail a to Beatore Ore? Cufti acalp diaM a hair TaUli SOc.andStWat Dnifiiltti TIMETABLE. B. & M. R.Y IIED OLOUD. NEBU. LINCOLN OMAHA OHIO AGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS nnd all points cast and south. DENVElt HELENA DUT'IE SAL1 LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAJV FRANCISCO and all point weal. TlUthB I.BAVB AS rOLLOWS: FrelKht, daily except Holiday No. No. No, 00. for Wy moreand an point cast 7 :U0 a.m. 10. Vassctiger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south.... . 10:20 a.m. 114. Accommodation, dally ozcopt auuuay, iiasnnss, uraua is land. Illack llllla aud all points In tho uorthwcst 1 :00 p.m No. 143. AccommolatIon, dolly oxcopt isunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate staUons, via lie publican .... lt:3Hp.m Freight, dally, Wymore and Ht. Joe and Intermediate Umctlonpolnts...,.....i8!45p.ui Freight, dally for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all points No. 04. No, M. west ... . 10:Sna.ir. No. to. rassen Vassenger. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California ........... fl:4(lTvm Nu. 873. Freight dairy to Oxford aud Intermediate points .......... l :30 p.m Sleenlcg. dlnlnir. and recllnliie chair ran (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cbeckod to any point In tho United States or Canada. for Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Qcueral Passenger & Iwan, nevnuaaa. i . i mm EffiaSaPSLI Hi NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Express Line. SO VEARSr . CXPCRIENOI TfUDE Maims dcsions CorviitaHTS Ac Anyone seniJInt eketeb sad deeerlpOoa Baas' qateklr aeoertaln oar opinion free whether aa Invention ta probably y tern able. Oompaolaav Uons atrtetly oontMestial. nandbook on Patamas sent free. Oldest areney tor axMruialpaMntB. Patents taken tfirowh Mann S Co. rteetre rfeUU nettcs, wlthoot eaarav, ta tM SckHtifk fltwrkaii. : A kandeomery lllaetrated weekly. Lanreetetr. oalatlon of any actenttfle loarul. Term, aa a year i four months, L Bold by all twvedatOen. Branch OOee, mTBU Waahlacton, D. C. aft ftlaliaaas Eawttah Plaiaai Hr PENNYROYAL PILLS rictaal mm Oal Br.al.n arc. atwan raltaahi Laoiaa a vraavn war uhmhhti Aiutua .vm.. J alaS B-taUUaW 3STWJ MMMMIUKMlMtaM ua, m-jm wim bis: tlMan. ls:ttM-n. TakaV, a'aaf.a.tliFaaaa. ' a. alDtasstna.aTiai ia ikcr. i-ui raian, uniaHaaaai aaa f!l? fetyi Ill's rUILAJA..TT I ,, tlifMts with Ten whatker yaa eantlaee J raisoTM iaa aaaira lor aovaeco. vrTsuiinaj MfDMcraj nKoia. twaatjk uu, pnnsae steras lea i ou. Hrr.ni iuk.aw, z aaanaood. amasae yon laaaaitn. eurad. Bay aaa l-raaa llToaeh far am. Take It wlak ho.l. uaaally oareai S boinCeaJS, aranl.edtomir.,orwerrond mnmtw. uaU.atlT. naialalaiitli Oaai 'CaaCi1 awavMi m., OMafa, aainai. law lark. ITS STOPPED mim nnMaMatly carat CaftAsKaaU,. Baj-aaaaaBBBBBBkafl Saaa aTaHaWasTIf aT iVVVaaaHsjVJ M. stLHat'C Mt7r IERVE RESTORER ,! n a an JT a mmJSt.TuufDm. .nuKn . h.nuWw.'i. mil na uncifiiH, ftaat.rm.iu. i. TiadaaaajastHaleaMla awy lias iirnMUaiiHav wbea rwI.M. Kama ta fr U. Lid. lt.11.1 l.mi.u ..r Htduitt.. wi st.ii m.. rtiiad.iptto. ra wm . arra i SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies.. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. XvOOk: amonc ynur neighbors who havo pur uhasud HARNESS from us nnd you will find that in ovory caso it has proved to bo of suporior make and ox collont quality. aVaaSAata m amaaar amaamaaw aaawaat aaaaaaTamaamaaaBi Vv W Sft??zJu SJltsMSillTSMMS, aritOjvasiBSBawaaaBBBi paw aucafl i nvnaaaaj a1'allBlBftaiS. airaos-v y. s mmm narraaafM aaj is mWEmr Docacvaaai .aafaV-a bm sbt-hiv vwk. m m ai 'aiaa-av aaBw . "laHamW'1 aaBBWAawa an .!& will. l ft' All wo offor is mndo of tlio Oalc tanui;d' leather and will stand hard usage, f5 Evory piece ii carefully put together nothing belug Blighted. CZD Horo is an idor ot our prices: $32 00, (81,00, $80.00, 120.00, $28.00, S20.G0.C 125.00, 823.00, 20.00, 810.00, all goosl A no. 1 Farm Harness, Call ane seo for yourself, Jf. O. Butlen s. "ISlJal JtWII'l i r-iiM-m-..,,.. asrM!fPwiia. i .li.ia.iilw.k.MailfiM.ni -iif-u.' "Auti'ifaik,