THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APRIL 2b 1899. r i s i The Byes and Health Nothing U more import- i pi (good health and clear J business judgment than 2 jealous oar of the eves. J Defective vialen produc- m Irritation and ner- 4 vousness, and in thii J ooBditiea no person is 2 capable of giving to bus loess matters ar to the ordinary affairs of life theatteation necessary to success. Perfect fit nag glasses win Tor gasae nature's defects. I Too can hare your eyes i exaaaiaea ireo oy t Ifwfl1HC ftlViC. 3 a.wwuww ia w.p Graduate RtfracUag OeUcfcuat aad Jewelers. Brlag ui your Watch, Clock tod Jewelry wots. WBaointowiwora, 2 GENERAL CITY NEWS. The Oniir 11.00 per year. IIS. E. Smith of Beatrice was here Monday. Takoyour haraeos repairing to Fogel and Hutchison. A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was in the oity yesterday. It you want anything ia tho harness lias see Fogel and Hutobison. A new walk was put down in front of the F. & M. Bank this week. A aew walk has been laid on tho south sido of the I. . O. F. hall. G. H. Greenhalgh and Geo. Uoit of Cowlea woro in tho city Wednesday. B. G. Auld of GrlswolU. Iowa, a brother of W. T., was in the city this .wook. Farm loans at low rates of intorest. Loans cloaeed on day of application. -C. W. Kaloy. Call ou G. W. Dow when iu want of now or second band plows, harrows, cultivators, listers or buggies. It will'bo to your interest to sou mo if you want a pump wind mill or auy thing iu that lino. Jas. Peteuson. Mrs. Geo. Leming of Gillotto, Wyom ing arrived in tho city Saturday evou ing on a visit to Wtu. Parkos and family. Walter Roby returned last Saturday from Danbury, this state whore he has been employed for some time past by ..Fay Olnoy. J. S. Whito will conduct the Sunday sohool service at Amboy next Sunday .afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. Darby being in Superior. Ed. Smith -and wifo arrived in the citv Tuesday morning from Salt Lake Gity, Utah, and are visiting with J. H. Smith and family. If our readers want a cooking stove -or range they should look over tho line keptbyW.W. Wright. Thoy have as -good an adsortinont as can be found in Omaha. L. H. Biackledge, the new attorney -who will movo hore about tho first of Juno, has purchased the residonco in tho west part of town formerly-known ,& tho Pope property. ' We uaderstand that at tho noxt meet ing of the tire department the quostion of a Fourth of July colobratlon will be discussed. The probabilities aro that . if sufficient funds car be raised tho boys will again give a colebration. Strong Endorsements Dr. MaryE. Groen, president National UouseholaEoonomlos Association, mem ber Amerioan Medical Association, member American Public Health Asso ciation, author of "Food Produots of the World," writes from Charlotte, Mich.: 'The excellence of Pabst Malt Extract Is not unknown to me, as I have used it professionally foryears, always with the aost satisfactory results. For mothers aurstng their children and for general debility from any cause, I regard It as of espeolal Talue, as it combines both tonlo and nutrient properties, which take it truly the 'Best' Tonic." "I recently presoribed Pabst Malt Ex tract, The "Best" Tonlo, to three of my patients, all of whom were ladies, and all of whom were suffering from uyspep sle and Its consequences, and I sequences, ana in an wese oases it acted line a onarm. iwo oi thsea bought more of the tonlo, and continued to take It, until now they tell tainly Improved wonderfully in weight aad strength. I have prescribed your "Best'' Tonlo a great number of times. It U one of the best, if sot the very best, of its ktad." . ft. stauraa, U. D.t Jersey City, V. J. me they can eat anything, anct one oi them added " every thing?' without the iiirhtAdt innnnvAnlanee. The v have cer WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Bluo grass seed at Mitchell Bros. Harness of Hutchison's. all kinds at Fogol and Irving Cummings this into his residonoo. woek moved See W. W. Wright's line of cooking stovos and ranges. John Potter of Lawrence is visiting in the rity this week. Thk Omar and the Chicago Inter- Urean one year for 11.95. See tho flno lino of cooks and ranges handled by W.W.Wright. F. C. Busohow of Bluo Hill was donlg business in tho city Thursday. Special orders for cakes will be promptly tilled by J. O. Wiles. Walter Sherwood has purchased the property in which be has been living. Insnro with the Pennsylvania Firo of Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt. Rev. James Mark Darby holds quar terly meeting at Superior next Wed nssday. ikMrs. Vetter of Toeumseh, mother of A. Vetter, ofthedopot force, is visit ing here. Mohrart 4 Cutter have some choice milkers, some fine yearling steers and stock bulls for salo. QH. E. Grice has had his drug store neatly papered and it is now one of tho prettiest rooms in tho city. Mr. Butler of Norcatur, Kansas, is visiting tho family of R. C. Leggett on tho south sido of tho river this wook. W. N.Boynton, who was here sovoral days tho last of tho wook returned to his home at Manchester, Iowa, on Mon day. If you want your pump repaired or pipe fixod I have a pump and windmill man that will do you a good Job. Jas. Pkterson. Mrs. Carl Jenkins of Beatrice ar rived In the city the last of the week to visit with her mother and other relatives hore. It makes no difference how bad the wound if you use DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve: it will quickly heal and leave no scar, C, L. Cotting. A. G. Willis left Sunday night for a trip to Boise City, Idaho, and other pointi in the far west to seo if bis health would not be benelittcd by tho trip. John Wiles will open up for business Saturday in tho building formerly oc cupied by Van Baron, Ico cream and other delicacies of tho season always on bond. Don't buy a range or cooking stovo until you oxatuino tho lino kept by W. W. Wright. They arc of tho latest pattern and built to do good cooking and savo fuol. Ninety-two cars of stock woro ship ped through this city Thursday to Kan sas City and Chicago. Four sections of No. 64 and and an extra stock train to Hastings took out the shipment. By allowing the accumulations in the bowles to remain in, tho ontiro system is poisoned. DoWitt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowles. Try them nnd you will always uso them. C. L. Cotting. Fok Salk. House and lot, corner Webster street and Fifth avonuo, con taining 12 rooms and collar; also barn and lot. For furthor particulars, ad dress, L. Bauh, No. 71 Potomac Ave. Chicago, Ills. Tho rain of Tuesday night, tho first good one of tho season, put an entirely different appearance to the faco of all nature. There wero some who had be gun already to prophesy no crop this year. Married by Rov, G. W. Blackwoll at his residence in Red Cloud on Sunday afternoon, April 28d, Mr. James C. Billings of Smith county, Kansas, and Miss Julia C. Sybort of Wobstor coun ty, Nebraska. ThoW.C. T. U. mass moqtlng will bo held at tho Baptist church Sunday evening, April 80th. Rev. Dean will deliver tho address. An overflow meoting will be held at tho M.E. church Rev. Edson conducting tho sorvice. "Pap" Rust has a forco of men at work this weok sotting out his first in stallment of strawberries, 10,000 plants. We shall anxiously await tho appear ance of tho fruit, especially the usual spring sample whioh invariably finds its way to our desk. There is now a first- class mad be twoen this city and tho Kansas line, our venerable friond Cap Uouohin having completed tho work. With Lebanon and Smith Centre both on the "dry" list this yoar, no doubt this bit of road improvement will be very ben eticial to this city. Public Sale. Tho undersigned will sell at publio salo the buildings and lot known as the Stern's property oppo site tho state bank on tho corner of Fourth avenue and Webster street. This property will be sold to the high est bidder for cash on Saturday, May 6 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p. m M Stern. MERE MENTIONINGS. Fresh bulk gardon seeds. Mitchell Bros. For hand made harness go to Figol and Hutchisons. Tho Cmir and Chicago Intor Ocean ono year for IL35. See tho "American" hog fence at Mitchell Bros. Boat on earth. Mrs. Anthony Clark of MoCook is visiting frlonds hero this wook. T. G. Tumor, tho tuulo man. was hero again tho last of tho week. Dillard Bedford returned Tuesday morning from a trip to Oxford. John Wiles roturnod Sunday night from a trip to Kansas City and St. Joe. . M. Storn of Chicago is in the city this woek looking after property interests hero. If you want a drlvo well mado I can do it for you.ln first class style. James Petersoh. P. A. Welle and wife returned Satur day from a trip to McCook where they formerly resided. S. F. Spokealeld has opened a pro duce and feed store in the oldGulll- ford building on Fourth aveaue. For musio lessons see Miss Effie Campbell at tho resldenoe of B. F. Mixer or leave orders at musio store. TheA. O. U. W. Memorial sermon will bo held in tho Methodist church on Sunday morning, May 7th, at 10.80. No. 15 was sovoral hours Into Thurs dav nlaht on account of high water and washouts in tho eastern part of tho state. J. O. Wilos wishes to announce to tho publio that ho will be oponed up for business in his new restaurant on Saturday. Tho city counoil held a special meet ing labt Tuesday t for the purpose of al lowing bills for' work on street and witness fees. The storm doors were removed from the front of the weather bureau (post office) this week as a notification that spring had come. Get your sale bills printed at this of fice and the announcement of sale will bo printed in .tho paper during the timo preceding tho sale day freo of charge. Bort Duckor this weok bought a one acre lot in tho Outhwaito pasturo, just south of the A. Couovur property and will at onco commouco the erection of a now dwelling. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yiold to Oao Minute Cough Cute. Uso this remedy in time nnd savo a doctor's bill or tho undertaker's. C. L. Cot ting. Tho street grader and a forjo of mon havo been doing soma good work on Elm street this week, and when tho work is finished the water will run in tho gutter, instead of in tho middle of the street as at present. Help... Nature Babies and children need I proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. t SO!!" COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITESor LIME tSODA 1 will rfnratlv correct this 1 difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For I larster children, from half to f a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very ) soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mothers milk does not nourish the (baby, she. needs the emul sion. It will show an erred at once both upon mother ! and child. jx. and i.oo, ll droifttu. SCOTT & BOWNB, Chimtitt, Ntw York. tM i II i II II ill RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Aim feUa powders are tfcsgrsataw sen to Bjsawn ee wc mwm car. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Geo. O. Toiser Thursday. mado a trip east G. M. Warner of Guldo Rock was here Monday. Mrs. Anna Scott returned from dowa ia Kansas Monday. O. A. Latham of Cowles was doing business here Saturday. J. II. Brown and wife of Cowles were in tho city Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Hayes of Guide Rock was hore tho last of the week. R Q. Stowart was looking aftorjrev enue matter hero Thursday. Kdward Robins of Guldo Rock was doing business hero this wook. Mr. Cowloy of Bladen was a pleasant caller at this ofilco on Saturday. M. R. Bentley and family returned Sunday from a sojourn at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mrs. Jos. Williams has put in city water at her rosidenoo property in the south ward. Ltittlo May Robinson who was so badly burned last Thursday is getting along nicely. Tramps aro getting thick in these parts. They must have Just thawed out with tho frogs. We call your attention this week to tho publio sale of tho Stern property in anothorcolumu. Mrs, N. Springor and her daughter Mrs. Serl of Bladon woro visiting iu tho city this wceK. Sheriff Wells took an old man named Milncr to tho asylum Thursday from his home near Blue Hill. Mrs. Moses Wilson of Bluo Hill and Mrs. Nellie Holuuson of Hastings aro visiting with C D. Kobinson and fam ily. Mrs. J. O. Warner loft tho last of tho week for Hastings where alio will visit and will then go to Now York to join her husband. Asa result of tho noncompliance of thoordor of tho city council that the steps leadlug to the rear entrance to tho opera house should be repaired the mayor ordored the doors to bo locked until tho order Is compiled with. A deputy sheriff gave a crazy man a revolver and cartridges on a Rook Island train on Monday morning and a car full of passengers crawled under tho seats in consternation. Tho deputy wanted to "just please tho poor man." If you have piles cure thorn. No uso undergoing horrible operations that simply removes tho result of tho dis ease without disturbing tho diseaso it self. Placo your confidence in DoWitt's WltchlHazol Salve. It has novor failed to cure othors; it will not fall to cure you. C. L. Cotting. It is told of Sam Jones that on his return from a fasbionablo dinner he was asked by an innocent old sister how tho ladies were dressed, and tbo Georgia preacher replied: "I toll you they aro not dressed at all above tho tablo, and I never looked under the tablo to soo what they had en," Nols Sorgenson, residing northwest of this city on Thursday afternoon dur ing a fit of temporary insanity, tried to amputate his left haud at tho wrist joint withashoeknifo. He succeeded in cutting everything but one small bone in the wrist beforo he was stop nod. Drs. McKeoby and uock wore called and found it necessary to ampu tate the wounded member. Boys in tho south ward bavo boon troubling C. H. Kaley considerably of late by shooting his ducks and chickens with the aid of sling shots. A special order placing a ban on these woapons within the oity limits should, be m.ado. and every kid carrying one-should be arrested and fined. Thoy aro a weapon of silent destruction and should not be tolerated. Tho total cost of tho graveling dono on Webster stroet was a little less than 1100. Now that tho experimental work done by tho out-going administration has been so successful and generally acknowledged to be tbo best way of securing good streets, it is to bo hoped that tho in-coming e.dministratIon will see fit to treat the rest of the stroets in the business part of town in a like asmer. Warm IS HERE. YOU liight Underwear Buy it where they show the best assortment BEST 25c BALBRICCAN IN TOWN Couiden-Raley Clothing Gompany. m I $500.00 Given Mm During this $500 Worth of Queensuiare away as follows: To each customer making a $5.00 purchase in our Dry Goods room may have their choice of any dish on the top shelf of our dish rack. A $4.00 purchase in the Dry Goods room, choice of any dish on the second shelf. M A $3.00 purchase in the Dry Goods room, choice iff any dish on the third shelf. tin H A $1.60 purchase in the Dry Goods room, choice $ any dish on the lower shelf. Wo wish to call your attention to our Carpet - Department as the most attractive in town. Tho most attractive feature being THE PRICE, below all competitors. It will bo a pleasure to show you our carpets and a pleasure to save you from five to fifteen cents por yard. We are offering special values all through our Dress - Goods - Department Also special values in Remdy Made Skirts and Shirt Waists. Now Is the timo to secure some good dishes. Wo need the room theso dishes tnko up nnd aro going to givo thorn away. TURNURB - BROS. I mmmwismmmmmmmwmJm fgfl Weather NEED m month wo will givo of of m jxyipitjoL. -. ft rAaS&jjA. BUsaWMauiatdiaMeWisfsK