The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 28, 1899, Image 1

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sMkw BaMwi3Bmaawavvaatitak r- . jv'-Mf3k9&flBBMMKMBS9dttflSSCCSHMHMAtfAIA .
. t j888lBilfe3riMPMwfasullr:' rSSSTuliPaWWaWJSfSaM x3a
B'frinwN n sps TifeEPB k iaWaMaaiuarBfK! SjkjjfIi 3sr ' HVb HPk H i lfl tin ii m nihiiliiiiHii
JWrjruijjijj jjjjjBBEEalsB trfsasajWwffiWaaaE
aHMa ?v ' ' tfRRRRRRRRRLaHaaaaHki&iav9EML99v!H iiaBvaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaHh .aavaaaiVaBaaaaaaaaTraaaVVBVaari A M ai 1 1 J l IZi aF aHaHaP Bt 1 i r TBJff pBwiiMjpwjBaMBWBJM "BBcEyT.ii-ffj.M. t W9flH
BHHEiWaaaaaaaWaMap a ilrTTnxrfiii i iTr"HKB ' lvCgi ?rr"aaaaaaaaaaWli BwMMKHw&iiKUt1' BWWHB
aVUKBraaaaaaaaaaaKIr S'CTTCB:IVVlJ6lv:HaHJ.?W fi aaaaHaaaaaaaBHBBlE9yprB VEalaV
agaBMaaaaaaaaaaaalaI. Wi 4KMl,lIrs5TBiPPW.viKMtovMrMJM IMHBW Mv HHHHHHHJrf9Sif'VHHHHHJ9BKKjr -HaaV
BfcT ''iMir3BTpMHfci 1 tt ilinT iJaarp lhRBMwyaBaTr' aBaMBaTBrrr''' BBaaMaaBaWaMaaaMawBaBBa A i Hfl l-JaHHl
jWtWB' pwtwi- . TBBBMjjMawa1MWawljB I liJaMa.BaBiRi TBMBBMlfc?5BBaiaS!!i'i - z!l jWBHHBWMawHMHHHHBMBJ aaaaVfcM4vN3p9.MtfiiHaH
Ristjlts Fatally in Nine
Cases Out of Ten
Cure Found at Last.
This fearful diseaso often first appears
as a more scratch, a pimple, or lump in
the breast, too small to attract uny
notico, until, in many cases, the deadly
disease is fully developed.
Cancer can not bo cured by a surgical
oporatiou. because tho disease is a virulont
poison in tho blood, circulating throughout tho systora, and although
tho sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may bo cut away, the
poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with
renewed violonce.
Tho wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a fow de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, nftor exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S S proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news
spread rapiuiy, nnu n was soon uuuiumirtuvu
beyond doubt that a euro had at last been
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible, of which
tho following is a specimen :
"Cancer Is hereditary in our fumily, my father, a
later and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease. My feelings may do imagined when the hor
rible disease made its appearance on my side. It was
a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm.' Tho disease seemed beyond the
kill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good
whatever, the Cancer growing worse all the will'
Nunurotu rAmivliea were used for it. but the Caliper
grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow tho others of the family, for I know hou- deadly Cancer is, especially
when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specific (S. S. S.), which, from the
first day, forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had tnlu-u eighteen
bottles, when I was cured sound and well, and huvo had no symptoms of the
dreadful affliction, though many yearH have ehipwJ. S. S. S. is tho only cure
for Cancer. Mrs. S. M. Idol, Winston, N. C.
Our book on Cancer, containing othor testimonials nnd valuable
information, will be sent free to any address by tho Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
This b the time of tho year whim n
nuiu in tho exubfianco of spring
spends his timo nnd shekels in build
ing a garden for his neighbor's hens
nnd then when ho should be reaping
tho harvest of garden hubs ho buys it
of tho peddler, whiln his neighbor sells
him eggs at IGc per dozen. Man that
is burn of woman la ti good deal of n
Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest.
The Burlington Route has established
a twice-a-wcek tourist car lino from
Kansas City to Butto, Spokano, Taco
ma and Seattle Cars leavo Kansas
City, Lincoln and Grand Island every
Tuesday and Thursday, arriving at
Seattlo following Friday and Sunday.
Tboyaio upholstered in rattan. Tho
bed linen and furnishings nro clean
and of good quality. Tho heating, von
tilating and toilet arrangements are all
that can be desired and each car is in
charge of a uniformed Pullman porter,
whoso solo duty is to attend to tho
wants of passengors. Cars run through
without cbango of any kind and the
borth rate from Lincoln to Tacoma or
Seattle is only 15.00. To iutcrmediato
points it is proportionately low. Mon
tana and the Pugot Sound country aro
now enjoying a period of unexampled
prosperity. As a conscqueneo, travel
to the northwest is rapidly attaining
large proportions. This new tourist
car-lino has boon established with a
viow of caring for tho Burlington's
share of it in tho best possible manner.
Berths, tickets and full information
can bo had on application to any Bur
lington Route ticket agent or by ad
dressing J. Francis, tt. P. A. Omaha,
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor
of tho Democrat, Lancaster, N. H. says:
"I would not bo without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is tho best
remedy for croup I ever used." C. L.
Tho atmosphere has been filled with
sinoko during tho pant week from tho
various tires made by tho burning of
rubbish. There is one rule that should
not bo neglected in burning rubbish;
novor burn your rubbish when the
wind will blow the smoke toward your
own house. Wait until it will blow to
ward vour neighbor's and it won't
bother you.
ThoTepoka Capital states a very
omphalic truth in tho following:
"Thoro is ono thing that makes an edi
tor of u local newspuper very tired; oh,
so tired. That is to bo presented with
n bill for merchandise made ont on an
axlo grease or baking powdor bill head
after ho has writton columns of matter
advising the residents of tho town and
vicinity to stand by homo merchants."
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofficoat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho weok ending April 27th
Bollinger, Nathan Ware, Julia
Wilmot, Tom
These letters will bo sent to the dead
letter offico May 11th, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Referring to the interesting fact that
several gentlemon, at different times,
have threatened to lambast tho editor
of the Tribune, wo recall tho Interesting
fact that if tho average newspaperman
was lambasted as often as he is threat
ened his lifo would bo ono succession of
bruises. But how often do you have
an opportunity ot noticing bruises on
tho avorago editor. Beaver City Tribune.
ToJCore a Cold in One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Qulnino Tab
lets. All druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. 20c. Tho genuine bas
L. B. Q. on eaoh tablot.
aV4 m ritry aHEaaJlM-Mr
CSlaKtAjJr in" ""'"FiTiiflMMfcTrTviiil
The Nichols-Shepard
Nothing that helps to make a perfect road and thresher engine has
been left out or slighted in the construction of the Nichols-Shepard
Traction Engine. Everything has been done that science, skill and
experience could suggest to odd to its effectiveness, power, durability
and safety from explosion and fire. The boiler is of the very best selected
teel, thoroughly well made nnd provided with every approved safety
appliance. The fire-box ia surrounded by water top, bottom and sides.
The draft-damper is so made thut sparks and usUeu can't drop out, and
the smoke-stack is fitted with patent bonnet and spark-arrester. Every
port is strong, durable and is thoroughly tested.
Detailed descriptions and many illustrations of the Nichols-Shepard
Traction Engine and of the Nichols-Shepard Separator and other
threshing machinery are contained in large catalog mailed free.
NICHOLS A. SHEPARD CO., Battle Creek, Mich.
with full stock of machines and extras.
looks ai bright as a now pin. Tho
placo has taken on a cozy bome-liko
appcaranco and as this is ono ot the
essential features it will bo a trade
drawer. Thoro is nothing which wc
liko to bob better than our young men
engaging in a business for thomsolvos
and we hopo for John tho best of success.
Charles Scbultz and William Harris
have entered into a partnership as
Scbultz & Harris and will occupy tho
building west of tho postoillco for a
meat market. A refrigerator, marble
top counter nnd fixtures of latest de
sign have arrived and tho market will
be a beauty. The faot that Mr. Harris
is connected with the market will in
sure fair treatment to patrons and
draw trado to tho now linn.
Edward H. Smith ana brido arrived
in the city last Tuesday on a visit to
tho groom's parents Mr and Mrs. J. II.
Smith. Tho marriage of Edward II.
Smith to Miss Amstice Barrow occurred
at the residence of tho brido's mother
at Salt Lako City on Tuesday ovonlng,
April 18th nt 8 p.m. Tho groom is well
and favorably known heio having mado
this city his homo for many yoars. The
Chief extends congratulations and boat
Our totnperanco people havo planned
for their regular mass meeting to bo
hold next Sunday evening at the Bap
tist church, and also for an overflow
meeting at tho M. K. church at tho
Hunio hour. At tho latter service Rev.
I. W. Edsou has been appointed to do.
livor tho address and has chosen for
hissubjoct: "A Business Man's View
of tho Temperance Question." It is
oxpected that both churches will bo
well filled.
Tho High School Theatre company
of this city went to Ouido Rook last
Friday evening and presented ono of
their plays to tho people of that placo.
They woro well received nnd "netted a
Moat sum for tho benefit of our school
library us a result of their undertak
ing. A number of our citizens accom
panied them nnd witnessed tho per
formance, whicii they report as very
creditable to our young people.
John Wiles has this wook taken
chargn of tho bakery and restaurant
formerly run by Mr. VaoBaren and
will opon up for busiuoss on Saturday.
The place has been thoroughly gone
over and cleaned and fixed up and
A Kansas blacksmith roeently sent
out statement to his customers who
bad failed to liquidate. Ono happened
to strike a farmer whoso dander was
easily raised, and ho sent tho money
and bill to his creditor And requlrod
that tho creditor send him a roceipt
from tho "birth of Christ to tho death
of tho devil." This roused tho passion
of tho good blacksmith, and after look
ing over his books found it would lako
ninety cents to balance tho account,
and he so notified tho farmor. Tho
bill was paid and tho long receipt was
given. Pioneer.
A man in Missouri who is too stingy
to subscribe for his home paper sent
his young boy to tho neighbor's to bor
row one. As tbo boy wns going homo
he fell down and broke his leg. Tho
farmer heard his cries and ran out to
get him, but slipped and foil, dislocat
ing his knee and tearing the bosom out
of his 110 pantaloons. His wife ran to
his assistance leaving a two year old
baby on tho floor. Tho baby crawled
out and fell down the well, and whilo
the mother was fishing tbo child out
the house caught fire and was totally
destroyed. Moral: It novor pays to
borrow a paper.
One of our pretty school marmB who
teaches af few miles out of town was
using all hor ingenuity in teaching an
apparently dull little follow to spoil
and pronounco a fow simplo words.
Sbo wrote "fcot" on tho blackboard,
but Johnny could not pronounoo it al
though ho could namo the letters.
With her most coaxing smllo sho laid:
"Now Johnny what Is it a co has four
of whilo I havo only two?" Tho an
swer wns prompt though incorrect nnd
tho smile faded from her fnco only to
bo multiplied on the faco of tbo numer
ous wicked little fellows who woro not
in the same class.
f ?T
"Every line in a newspaper," says tho
Evansvlllo Review, "costs something.
If it is for the benefit of an individual
it should bo paid fer. If the grocers
wero asked to contributo grocerios for
ono who is absolutely ablo to pay for
them he would refuse. Tho proprietor
of a newspaper must pay for all of tho
freo advertising if the bcneileiary does
not, and yet it is ono of tbo hardest
tbingBto bo learned by many that a
newspaper has spaco in its columns to
rent and must ront to livo. To givo
away or ront it at anything less than
living rates would bo as certainly fatal
as for a landlord to furnish rent freo,
Mr. George J , Warren, until recently
editor of tbo Red Cloud Argus, was in
Guldo Rook tho foro part ot tho weok
on buslnoss. We tried to interest him
in a good paper in a good town, but for
tho present at least ho seems to think
ho is out of it. Ho has a foolish notion
that ho wants to get out on a farm
wboro he can brcatho tho f roo nir of tho
prairies and rniso hay gonorally, and
wo nro of tho opinion that anybody
who has any old farm that they would
liko to work off for residonco proporty
at tbo county seat would lind him an
easy mark if tboy will tako him whilo
ho Is in tho present notion. Guide
Rock Signnl.
Tho city had County Surveyor F. A.
Kuohn at work tho fore part of tho
week establishing n grado between
Fourth avenue and First avenue, with
tho intention of grading Wobster street
to that point nnd also making gutters
which would carry all surplus water
to tho cretk at that point. At presont
the water goes to Third avonuo nil
right, but from thero it takes n kind of
a go as you please courso down through
the Piatt & Frees lumber yard, and W.
N, Richardson's fcod yard. Whilo tho
work as proposed would entail a con
siderable expense, It would bo it piece
of word that would relievo Webster
afreet of numerous mud holes,
The many uses to which Ivory Soap is applicable, make ft an
economical as well as a valuable soap. Spots on clothing are quickly
and easily removed by an application of the foamy lather of Ivory
Soap with a dampened cloth and a brisk rubbing. Ivory Soap cuts
the grease and leaves the surface rubbed perfectly clean. Be sure you
use Ivory Soap, or the remedy may be worse than the grease spot.
conmiOHT ittt ay tut moon a nnu oo Cincinnati
There is no question but Swift & Co.,
aro making a big effort to corner tho
ogg market. They aro overrunning
tho country, with agents buying up
eggs. Mcnoe tbo prevailing prlco of
oggs. Some of theso big concerns havo
discovered a process for tho successful
cold storage of oggs so that they will
keop indefinitely, and they aro being
stored by tho millions of dozons in
Chicago, Kansas City, St. Josopb,
Omaha and olaewhero, where thero
are cold storago warehouses. The de
termination seems to bo to squeeze ont
the smaller concerns if it can be dono.
In tbo mcanwbllo tho domestic hen
keeps up the supply, ignorant of her
importanco in contributing to a grow
ing trust.
i m
It has boon demonstrated satisfac
torily that two hundred and twenty-
livo pounders who get their "tins" on
a weaker adversary without justifiable
causo may get their just deserts in a
Webstor county court even if they nro
poaco oflicors. Somo peoplo think it a
crimo to bo called ignorant but we
don't boliovo tho word is so bad after
all. Thero are very fow persons, if
any, in a community who know it nil.
It has boon mado very plain that tho
accused canuot got tho court together
and fix up a deal to havo himself ar
rosted, plead guilty nnd bo lined with
out giving tho plaintiff in the case a
show for his white alloy and it has also
boon shown that u change of venue
cannot bo tnkon from a county court
to a justice court.
Rheumatism Cured.
My wife hns used Chamberlain's Puin
Bnlm for rhoumatinm with great relief,
nnd I can recommend it ns a splendid
liniment for rhoti.nntism anil .other
housohold uho for which wo havo found
it valuable. W. J,, lied Ci ook,
Mr. Cuyler is ono of tho leading
merchants of this villiago and ono of tho
most prominent men in this vicinity.
W. G. I'm win, Editor Red Crook Her-
aid. F.jrsalobyH.E.Grico.
Baby Wardrobe Patterns.
Tweuty-sovon patterns for different
articles in long clothes with full and
completo directions for making same,
showing necessary materials, sent post
paid for 23a in stamps Fifteon pat
terns of short clothes a5o or both for 40o.
"Information to Mothers" sent freo
with each order, Address.
Downey Pattern Co., Butler, Iml.
1 ' -
Tuk Ciiikp unit Chicago Inter-Ocean
one year for It .2.1.
A Good Club Offer.
All our farmer leaders should tak
advantage of tho unprecedented club
bing offer wo this year make,
which inoludcs, with this paper, The
Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers
Institute editions, The Poultry Farmer,
Tho Furinor's Mutual Insurance Jour
nal and tho Humnno Alliance. The
subscription prica of these livo pubU
cations amounts to $2.80, whilo our
paper is $1, a total of S3 80. Wo are
prepared to sond thorn nil, includiag
our own papor, to nny rarmor in
this county for 11.45, which is only 45c
more tnan our own subscription price.
Never boforo was so much superior
reading matter, of the most practical
ana userni cnaructer otrereu lor only
11.46. Tho first four of tho papers
named aro so well known throughout
tbo west that but little need bo said of
them. Thoy commend thomsolvcs to
tho readers favnrnbln attention tipou
more mention. Tho Humano Allianco
is dovoted to humnno education and
should be in every fnrmor's family, so
that tho boys and girls on the farm may
early imblbo tho principles ot a broad
humanity Hint shall include all God's
creatures, and learn tho wickedness
ami brutalizing tendency of cruelty of
all kinds. Take udvnntngo of thi
great offer. .
' i
Try Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to bo shbkon Into tho shoes.
At this Hoason your foot fcol swollen,
nervous nnd hot, and get tired easily.
If you havo hid lifting feet or tight shoos,
try Allen's Foot-Euso. It cools tho fool
nnd mnkes walking easy. Cures swol
len nnd sweating foot, blisters and
callous spots. Relieves corns and bun
ions of all nuin and gives rest and com
fort. Try it today. Sold by all drug
gists anil shoo stores for 25c. Trhl
package FREE. Address, Allen t.
Olmstond, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Examination Notice.
Regular examinations for persontt
desiring to teach in Webster county
nro hold in tho supoiintendont's office
nt Red Cloud, the thlid Saturday in
each month,
Eva J, Cask, County Supt
St. Jacobs Oil
I . ,, - J
?Sto.iTi. tjttfriJt, U