tf. VOLUME XXVII. Boils and Pi AN UNFAILING SIGH TH6T NATURE IS APPEALING rnn UCI P must bo gotten rid oC ; thoy are an urgent appeal for assistance lUn nCLli a warning that can not safely ho ignored. To no loot to purify tlio blood at tins time moans more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these Impurities uro allowed to remain, tho system succumbs to auy ordinary illness, and la unable to withstand tho many ailments which are so prevalent during spring and summer. It , L. Gentile, 2001 Second Avenue. Seattle, Wash., says . I was a til ic ted for a long time with pimples, which were .7 annoying, as thoy disfigured my face fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain. S S. S. promptly and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in good comploxion, which I never had before." uapi. w. 11. uuniiip, 01 1110 a. ur. o. K. ., unauanooga. ieuu write; " Several boils and carbuncles broko out upon me, causing great pain and annoyance. My blood seemod to be in a riotouR condition, and nothing I took poemed to do 49l Hk'Etftt any good. Six bottles of S. S. S. cuicd mo completely ana my uiooa nas S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the best blood remedy, liecauso it is purely vegetable 9BH and is tho only one that is absolutely free from potnsh and mercury. II promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses tho system, builds up the general health and strength. It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Tetter, Boils, Sores, etc., by going direct to tho cause of the trouble nd forcing out all impure blood. Books free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. OBITUARY. Dallas Disney died at his home in Nowborg, Oregon, on March 0th, 1600, of heart disease after a lingering ill ness of soveral weeks. Tho deceased t j was born in Washington, Iowa, Decern- ber 18, 1847, whero ho resided until ho was twonty-tlvo years of age, when he moved to Red Oloud, NebraskB. He married Misa Josephine Davis on Oc tober 18, 1880, and four children were born to them, two dying in infancy. He moved to Franklin, Nebraska , where his wife died shortly after. July 0, 1886, ho married Mrs. May Ball, who grew up with him in youth, and one child was born to them in Franklin, June 1, 1880. In 1800 be moved with bis family to Oregon, and the greater portion of the timo since they have made their home in Newberg. He was esteemed by all who knew him. In his death ho leaves two daughters, one son The Nichols-Shepard Separator The essential points in a Separator are capacity, thoroughness of separation, and simplicity and durability of construction. On each of these points the Nichols-Shepard Separator has great advantage over all other threshing machines. Any one of the nine sizes will akkkk thresh more and save size of any PjJJf, W.kBHHlBVffikKABinTi?itlf&V kkVflkkkEfekkkik 4CwVkE9kisw. ifci4 'Mllll mples Give flaming When Ntturo fa overtaxed, she has her own way of giving notice t hut aeslst nnco is needed. Sho does not ask for help until it is impohslblo to get nlong without it. Boils mid pimples aro an iudicntion that tho nvstcm is accumulating impurities which oeen penerr" pure ever since." and one step-daughter, Mrs. A. D. Cardmott, Mrs. G. T. Hardwick, Grace and Eddie. One brother is nil that is loft of his father's family. Wo extend our slncoro sympathy to the bereaved family. A FllIEND UK TIIK FAMILY. If you huve piles euro them. No use undergoing horriblo operations that simply removes tho result of tho dis ease without disturbing tho diseaso it self. Place your confidence in DoWitt's W itchHazei Salvo. It has never failed to cure others; it will not fail to euro you. C. L. Cotting. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. U. says: "I would nor. bo without One Minuto Cough Curo for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I over used." C. L. Cotting. ' more grain than the corresponding other separator. The Nichols-Shepard Separator is as strongly, sim ply, yet perfectly made as a separator can he. The wort of separation is done without the aid of pickers, raddles, forks, or other complicated parts that in other machines cause continual bother and expense by breaking or wearing out. Write for large free catalogue that pictures and explains every part of the Nichols-Shepard Sepa rator and the Nichols-Shepard TRACTION ENGINE. NICHOLS A. SHEPARD CO., Battle Creek, Mich. BrancH ITonnc nf KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. wltfc tall ocli of modi I itr anil tr. . lWWOOOf RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. APRIL 21. 189W. BLADEN. Mrs Smith of Linrolu 1 the guest of U. C. Stout and wife. C. K. Keeker of Bltm Hill was in tho city Friday evening, James Dority shelled sonio oorn for (iiuiil & Co Monday. Gilbert I.mvn'z and John McCalliiiu each have a uivv wind mill. Mrs mid Mis V ). 'J'horiio drovn over to Hint' Hill TuiMdny. ill Maitlott of Cuiiphull over to .see hit inolliei' Satunlay. J. 11 Ilinn urd'y ."pent Sumlav with Mrs. Horn's mii at Upland. Mr. P. Darker of Nelson was trans acting business In the city thu first of tin week. Will Tookor, son of Mrs. C. II. Clnrk is hero on a visit. Ho has just returned from the army. Miss Blanche Cox has been out of school this week confined to tho house with the measles. Thos. Bunion and wifo drovo to Red Cloud Sunday to visit a couplo days with their son James. Mr. Frazior and Mr. Dresbach are busy these days sotting nut trees on their ground north of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pashby woro pas songors to Swanton Friday morning to consult with an old Indian doctor. Quito a good deal of tho winter wheat has been killed, and tho farmers nro busy replanting tho ground with spring wheat or oats. Mrs. Phelps and daughter of Uose land drovo over Saturday nnd Mr- l'-i who has boon working for C. E. Hicks accompanied them homo for a few day's vacation. m STATE CREEK. Win. Dollinger enjoys riding in a new $70 buggy, also several others. Bob Slovens oew house looks splen did sinco ho has got tho addition in front. Clias. Arhuoklo will soon havo his largo barn painted. O. A, Provalt has his painted also. Josso Sapp and wifo. of Cora woro visiting relatives on this creek Satur day and Sunday. Mossers. Rushtou and Young of Highland, Jewell county, attouded the funeral at Mt, Hepo last Sunday. Oat sowing will soon bo a thing of tho past and there will be several hundred acres in this nook of tho woods, Mt. Hopo needs a church. There were enough people thero to attend tho funeral last Sunday to have tilled tho school houso twice. Willie Stevens, who has been qulto seriously ill with lung fever or some thing similar for tho past two months died Saturday morning, April 15, 1890, Tho funeral services woro hold at Mt. Hopo on Sunday and woro conducted by Rev. Robt. Goldsworth. Tho re mains wero laid to rest in tho Mt. Hopo cemetery. northeastVebster. Very windy, Ed. Linney is giving his now houso a coat of paint. Some of tho farmers are plowing up their fall wheat. Miss Laura Patten of Nelson visited ut F. S. Lum's last Sunday. A social dances was given last Friday eyening at tho residence of John Menk en which wns a grand success. Soveral of our young people attended tho meiliujnosliow in Hosemont Satin ilas ovening. They reported it good. Miss Lena Wagner of Ml. Clair has just received a dowry of several thous and dollars from 0110 of her uncles in tho old country. She is thinking of starting to Hamburg, Ucrmauy, soon whero sho expects to mako her futuro home. It seems that Wm. Coiilbtook, a su cret service man, has made himself known to O. M. W. of Mt. Clair and others. Ho lneatcd a gang of counter feiters and bank robbers in this vicinity. Wu would give mora particulars of tho onRii hut it being o lato this week wo wiI givo further pniiiculars wheu things more fully materialized, I GUIDE ROCK. Mr. Carter of North Brunch wns In town Thursday. Mr. Neil of tho Dr. Baker Medicino Company is in town this week. Ed Harmon got his thumb mashed in the printing prosi Thursday. Ed Parker is delivering nursery stock for tho Lawrence, Kansas, nur sery. lliuilcr agents are thick and aiu working the country thoroughly from this point. Win ivirkpatrick of Mankato, K-iti-sas, has brought a couplo of liorsus hero to track this season. W. C. Moon was in town Wednesday on his wav to Kenesaw, Nob., to dillv ur some nursery stock for the Dillon nursery. I. D, Colvin was in tho country east and north Tuesday and reports wheat iu the stalks all right mid on tho plow ing no good. A window pane mysteriously disap peared from a rear window of one of the stores horo tho lirst of the week and no traco of it has since been fouud. A Giiidollouk gentlomau recently ac cidentally put $100 in gold in his stove nnd he and an old miner of tho town havo slnco boon panning ashes for gold. Considerable nursery stock is being delivered from this point. Last week Ed. Parker dollvorod for tho Luwrenco Kausas, nursery, and this weok Chas. Cirwin makes a dolivory for tho Blue Springs nursery, Dillon of North Branch nukes a delivery from his nursery, Mr. Imhof is making a doliv ory for nn eastern Nohraska nursery. Amidown. LINE. Regular dust storm Sunday and Mon day. Mrs. Harris Noblo of Walnut Creek is qulto sick. Tuff Sutton is busy hauling milk for tho Red Cloud creamery. Bonj. VanDyke commenced listing corn Monday of this weok. Cbas. Isoni bought a cow of Chas. Besse of Red Cloud for 145. Mrs. John Boaucbamp is quite sick and under the doctor's caro. Tho assessor has been around find ing out how much the farmers are worth. Albert Keaglo talks of returning to tho mountains in the near futuro to spend tho summer. Mrs. Frank VanDyke and Mary Van Dyko woro tho guosts of Riloy Lewis ono day this woek. Georgo Poson and L. A. Haskins havo planted two acres of onions on the Sherwood ranch. Apralrto tiroon sohool section six teen did about 950 worth of aamago to Frank Kuohn this weok. Rev. Robt. Goldsworth of Lobanon, Kansas, preached the funoral sorvioo of Wood Stovens Sunday. Fred Brockhlll was called to his homo at Broken Bow this woek on account of tho illness of his mother. Ono of Juno Bout's hoys is working forJ.W. Haskins and ono forL. A. Haskins. Thoy got 811 por month for five months. Bev. Campbell of North Branch failed to flit his appointment at Penny Creok, Dist. No. 8, Sunday on account of tho storm. I was reading nn advertisement of Chamborlaiu's Colio, Cholora nnd Di arrhoea Remedy in tho Worcester En- terpriso recently, which loads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to It for colic and diarrhoea. I havo never had to use more than ono or two dnsou to cure tho case with myself or children. W. A, Stroud, Popomoko City, Md. For sain by 11. E, Grico, Utile, neglected scratches and wounds frequently result in blood-poisoning. Bettei heal them quick with DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo, a thoroughly anti-septio application with a record of always curing piles, old ulcers, Mores, cuts, wounds and skin diseases. C L. Cotting, ." ! 73 j The housewife keeps, with greatest care, Her dainty glass and linen fair, Her china and her tableware, As sweet as she is able; ' And Ivory Soap's her greatest aid, Because 'tis pure and cleanly made Of tilings which none need be afraid To have upon the table. IVORY SQAP IS MADE OF SWEET CLEAN MATERIALS. COrTXIOHl IDM IV IMl PIIOCT1R Otxau CO. CINCINNMI GARFIELD. Windy weather but tho farmers aro sowing oats. Mrs. At Chaso has returned from Chaso county. School closes Friday at tho Wagoner school houso. John Coon is putting up a nlco fenco around his yard. Sunday school at tho Amack school houBO at 4 p, m. noxt Sunday. The baptizing was conducted by Rot. N. B. Wagoner. Seven wero bap tized. CapHouchin waa still working bis gang on the road the other day. Cap Joes a good Job and understands bis business. Would write more items bat dad is after me and says I never will get tho oats sowed, and be wants to get to planting corn. PAWNEE. Sowing oats is tho ordor of the day. Thero will bo a larger acreage of oats in Prwnee than ever before. Mrs. W. P. Williams is quito sick. Mrs. Bullard of Koarnoy Is visiting relatives hero. Sorao fields of winter wheat hero wero winter killed and othors nro looking woll. RhcumaUttn Cured, My wifo has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with groat relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheuaiatism nnd other housohold uso for which wo havo fouud it valuablo.W. J. Culvkk, Red Creok, N.Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading merchants of this vllliago and ono oftho most prominent men iu this vicinity. W. G. Piui'i'iK, Editor Red Creok Hoi aid. For sale by 11. E. Gricu. Baby Wardrobe Patterns. Twenty-seven patterns for dlfToiont articles in long clothes with full and complete directions for making samo, showing necessary materials, sent post paid for 25o in stamps. Fifteon.pat. torus of shot t cloth os 25o or both for 40c. "Information to Mothers" sent free with each ordor. Address. Dowuoy Pattern Co,, Butler, I mi. ' Peoplo who havo takon DoWitt's Lit tlo Early Risers will never have any thing else. Thoy aro tho 'famous lit Uo pills" for torpid liver and all irreg nlaritics of tbo system C. L. Cotting. NUMBER 16 Through Tourist Sleepers to Northwest. The Burlington Route has established u twlce-n-wcek tourist car lino from Knnsas City to Butto, Spokano, Taco ma and Seattlo. Cars leavo Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thursday, arriving at Seattlo following Friday nnd Sunday. Thoy aro upholstered in rattan. The bed linon and furnishings nro oloau and of good quality. Tho beating, yon tilating and toilet arrangements .aro all that can bo desired and each car is In cbargo of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose solo duty is to attend, to the wants of passongers. Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lincoln to Tacoma or Seattle is only WOO. To Intermediate points it is proportionately low. Mon tana and tke Pugot Sound conntry are now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to tho northwest is rapidly attaining large proportions. This now tourist car-lino baa beon established with a view of caring for tho Burlington's share of it in tho best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route tickot agent or by ad dressing J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Nob. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. At this soason your feet fool swollen, uorvous and hot, nnd got tirod easily. If you havo smarting feet or tight shoos, try Allen's Foot-Easo. It cools tho feet and makes walking oosy. Curos swol len and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Reliovos corns nnd bun ions of nil pain nnd gives rest and com fort. Try it today. Sold by all drug gists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial paokago FREE. Address. Allen S, Olmstcad, Lo Roy, N. Y. Tiik Ciukk and Chicago Intoi'-Oeeaii ono year for 81 .26 kaNSM ARE YOU SORE AND STIFF From hard work or outdoor exercise? ST. JACOBS OIL Will core after a few appli cations, and make the muscles limber aad strong. L "WN.. M.WlWNBf V , is. A I jSjaxUMmiM.