mifi RED CLOt CHIEF. KK1DA1. APRIL, t. lftltf, t X ' I re ft fe WERY-DAY HEROISM! StmifRlltif,' through life, etirecil with ca tnrrli, in u common experience. How t'ver heroic tlio light catturli gen- ( urtilly whin. Under homo iiiimo or other itgi-tH the best of ii.m. IVimlc 10. Insulin, Waco, Tex., nnd thou hands of otlior.s 3wto boon permanently cured of catarrh "by Dr. Hortmiin'ri miccewifiil remedy rc-ru-na. Hero 1h Mr liignllr,' letter: Dr. S. B. Ilartman, Columbus, O. Dkir 8m:" Pe-ru-nannd Mnn-a-lln Ihavo cured mo of one of the wontt cubes of catarrh any one over had. My caso wu bo uevcro that I wan compelled to 4iaoonthiu my buHlncsH, thai of con 4uotor on a trailrood; but I am sow mtlrely well." Ordinary treatment of catarrh is for focal relief. Cures are not expected. Dr. Ilartman'fl method eradicates ca 'Urrh absolutely. (Jet his latest book taad learn Jiow to combat thin insidious -flUeae. The Pe-ru-na Mcdicinn Co., 'Columbus, O., will mail Dr. Ilartman's tfeooks free on application. II. A. Scott, Hurt, Tcnn., writes: "I feci very thanhful to my Maker tand your great medicine that I am cured. I would not be without Pe ruana in the house." Po-ru-nii lias been curing catarrh for forty years. It plucks out the roots of catarrh and builds people up. All druggists sell it. Frazer Axle Grease wmsm i Ai2awnHBWIiRDiu,j,,r oE KW.D EVERY WHIjRnO .ailr J"Z-T." A. &.' "AC TWICfc STSi nixNYninv'i -. IXLtaiWK.T. fr Not affected by Heat or Cold. Hlfhart Awards at Cuntennlal, lasr. t)iiu nwriw air t rrirwxn Luonibdiun uui rMMflN WlSHjJVt 4VMf NOT TMIm Biliousness "bare- aaol yoar valaakle CA8CA KBTS and and them perfect. Couldn't do without thorn. I have used them foraotnc time for IndlgoNtlou and ulllousmns and am now com- 81elely cured. Kccommcnd them, to every one. nco tried, you will never bo without them In too family.'1 Knvr. A. Maui, Albuny, N. Y. CANDY kr bninnniiv. CATHARTIC TWAOI MANN HMD ,,"l'fint. Palatable. I'ownt. Taste (Imxt, Ito Uood, hover Slrt.cn. Weaken, or Urlie. lUc,c, SUc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ,rtt (? Cllfu., l(rl, H, Yr, JJI M. TO. liC A'W and iruaranlMsJ Xij altilruie lU'BMW (liuto CUIUS Tobacco LUbllT COMPLETE LISTS. OF P-i Homtstead ncc Lands.... ?s -W.. reju.it:u Iii the Agricultural Districts of EIji n "ilCi TOfiSTari? i.ana.'.a y&x ami limli for iTniiiHU ami mi.' ll llli' lll.t.lMu (' II mill-mil. , y , ii In am ifim iiiini nt ha.l on .,,Atl ajrrm ukmiiI n & ...... . ; - ." ..' .iii.ii iti,,,,, , t li rl ill.lii.i.i.. ..... I,..,,....... ramlly "ml iwiioht c Ulit.'i li jmiuit nK) t nllllnt lu i !..,.,Jr''l,,.,,,,. ""r ,11'1" ,n ""' !". whi-M Ih-II may Imi had at low iirlcoa lmnia Kni'illtut cllmati-. Tam ami rallmail lati'i low Tin- Mimic aula flllor.' oltlrlal iiHirt aj "Wram iim.t Im l.rtwMl by the ureal iiirrirultiiral wcaltli ,if the vat nnrlrr rt-arliliiK from Die I... r iii niouuuiii.i'a.t ward to U liinli't-u'. Ttii a.t ami rich agricultural arra onrn thd icrpatr.t cuMlblo lnilun'innitnlioiiH. Mtkrr.an.l liilf,n i Imsyimio ono of Die ilrhcil rrllnnaof the North Anif rlcn rontlnrnt." Information ran Ik had on a)lratlon to Mupt. of lminlliatliii ia. t . " nuiriimH, .I'liiMim mill Inn i',H, Hib.I lif i iinuKHintlfll, WU"l,i,iniUlt Of VZil W. V. BENNETT. Canadlantiovernmoiit Aiivnt, Vf VtfJ?k um c&u ap. lurauy iiuiltlin mjf. m Bl into. ai'.''w' 'I Bs bbm bVi Bab 1 1 VjBJl b Bail BBk aaj aaaa i IBWBBlBjBBPTBBlBBJBa ( CaveaU,and Trado-Marka obtained and all Pat ent busineuconducted (or Moderate Fees. n tin nmecia opposite U, S. PATCNTOmett andwocanaecure pattotia leu timo than tbuacC rtmota from WaihuiEton. , i Sod model, drawing or photo., with dcKrlp tlon. Wa sdvUe, 1( patentable or not, Irto o(' rh.rtm. Our fen not duo till patent Uaecured. 5 iMniin "How to Obtain patents" with SeoU ofaamoln the U. S. and (ortisn countries Stent Ifce. Aourcu, C.A.SNOW&CO lr IH ' ' ' '"JUL. - 2M "N Mk 1 sr - V PwPvMvrBjv m gHsfimi j mm ut Bmer. UABHINOTON. D. C. in time. Bold by druwhua. . BTl IH?"t-r, OUT AT THL ALTAR. IXnvt A Younp; KiiRlUhwomnti Tliwarfrd )trr Fathnr'a MnlrlmnnUl I'1mi. If all tho young women were like MIrs Amy Lambert lOvccJd bo n train ing to parents in tho way they should pr Mr. Lambert, tho father of Miss Amy, was a signaler in tho iroveriiment tciegrnph ofllcu nt Alia habad, India. Probably hn hnd been Inilueiiced by what lie fiaw f llfo in India. At nny rate, hn regarded his daughter much ns ho did tho telegraph instruments in his ofllec. With those ho pressed a button and it recorded whatever he wanted it to. Ilo cx pectod Miss Amy to do tho f.nmo. Plnnlly Mr. 1'aswina, i. dusfty gpiitlo man In the employ of a native prince, met tho daughter of tho slgnalur, and iho pleased him. Hho was so eminent ly satisfactory to his fancy that ho forthwith announced to her father that ho wished to marry her. The telegraph operator thought it over. Court gentlemen, even If rather swarthy ones, wcro not to bo had every day, and it behooved the father of a family of daughters to allow poMlblo wooers to come early and often. So he announced to Miss Amy that her future was antanged for and to pre pare for the wedding on such and such a day. When the astonished young woman recovered from her suprise she assured her father that sho liked not tho rajah's brunette courtier, and that to tho best of her knowledge) the wed dtng would not como off. Her father pooh-poohed this outburst, told her to draw on him for all she needed for a suitable trousseau, and took himself off to drink with his future son-in-law. Then it was that Miss Amy Lambert made up her mind as to a course of no tion. During the succeeding weeks, nlthough she repeatedly and decisive ly told her father that she could not and would not bu happy with Mr. Passana, she nevertheless, Hurting that no heed was paid toiler remonstrances, Joined with Interest in tho prepara tions for the wedding. At last tho day of tho ceremony arrived. Miss Amy Lambert, dressed in a beautiful new grown, and with a plensant conscious ness that she had more new clothes at home than sho had ever dreamed of possessing all nt once, rodo to tho church in company with her father, who, beholding her placid and satisfied face, told himself what a wtao father no had bacn. "AH one needs," said tho telegraph operator to himself, "Is a littlo firm ness. Silly girls should never bo al lowed to have their own way in these) matters." And all tho time the bride-elect amlled softly to herself, as if her thoughts wcro peculiarly pleasant. The clergyman, Rev. 11 rook Dcedcs, thought he had never seen a happier looking couple uud began tho cere mony with the warm expectation of a goodly fee. Ho bowled merrily along until ho reached the question: "Will you havo this man to bo your wedded husband?" lie expected a faint "I will," but was almost paralyzed to re ceive an emphatic negative from the young woman, who at the same time handed him a document setting forth some of hor objections. Of courso tho wedding did not como off. Tho guests dispersed in various directions, somo of them going to con dole with tho determined young worn nn'n father, who was expected to bo much downcast. Strange to say, how over, ho was so delighted with his daughter's strategy that ho was qulto hilarious ever tho affairanddidnotoven begrudgo her tho ilno new wardrobe sho had acquired. What became of tho bridegroom history (in tho shnpo of tho Allahabad News) docs not record, but after this ho will probably not at tempt to marry an English girl ngainst her wilL A BEAR'U REVENGE. Au Oid tlrlizly 1,1 ca In Walt for tho I'oa- albls Tranacrauor. Mr. Thcodoro Roosevelt, writing of grizzly benrs in his book, "Tho Wilder ness Hunter," relates a story told him by Dr. Merrill, of tho United States army. "A remarkable incident," Mr. Uoosevolt calls It. Dr. Merrill, in company with un old hunter, wus fol lowing an elk trail In a deep, narrow canyon. On turning a corner of tho canyon, the two men wcro charged on by an old she grizzly, m eloso that It waa only by good luck that one of their hurried shots disabled her and wnt her tumbling over a bank, where sho was easily tlntshed. They found that hho had been lying curcetly across tho game trai! on a hiuooth, well-beaten patch of bare earth, which looked as If it had been .lug up, relllled. and trampled down. Rxiuninlng this patch curiously, they saw a bit of hfdo onlv nnrtlnllv v eredatono end, and on digging thu found tho body of a well-grown grlv-V cub. Its skull had been erus!u-'. anil the brains licked out, and there were signs of other Injuries. Tho hunters pondered long over this strange discovery, and ha.ardod many guesses as to its meaning. At last they decided that probably tho sub had been killed ami its brains eaten, cither by somo old grizzly or by u cougar, that tho mother hud returned and driven awny tho murderer, and that she had then buried tho body and lain abovo It, waiting to wreak her von Seance on tho flrst passor-by. SttltiiK AVwt Still Uaeil In truiic. In France sealing wax has by no moans gone out of uso as a conse quence of the introduction of gummed envelopes. There is even a sort of code or language of sealing wax among fashionable people. White s-allng wax is chosen for communica tions relating to weddings, black for obituaries, violet for expressions of sympathy, chocolate for invitations to dinner, red for business, ruby for en gaged lovers' letters, green for letters from lovers who live lu hopes, and brown for refusals of offers of mar rlnge, while blue denotes constancy, yviiun jemousy, paie green reproaches, and pink Is used by young girls and awcouxrjouo CHURCH SERVICES. CII1U8TIAN CI10KCI1. Tho church is ready for regular ser vices and tho pastor wfll upon his third year's work with appropriate services on April Oth. Services each Lord's Day as follows: Morning service at 10:30. Hiblo school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p.m. Hi.'Llor Cht iHtiiin Endeavor (1:45 p.m. Evening service at 7:110 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all. li. A. Mussono, Pastor. MKTllODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Morning service at 10:30. Subject, "The Dark Clooud That Hangs Llko a Pall in Our Nation's Sky." Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. junior Lieaguo at 4 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Evoulnft aorvico at 7:80. Prayer mootinp; on Wednesday ovou Ingat7:80. Ladiea Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. Jahrs Mahk Dahuv, Pastor. iiaitwt otiuiicn. Services next Sunday us follows. Morning services at 10:80. Sunday School nt 11:45. Juniors meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's Union incuts at 7 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. General prayer and confurenco meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially invited. Sents free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONUUKOATIONAL. Regular services next Sunday as fol lows: Morning service at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:45. Young People's Socioty of Christian Endoavor at 0:80 p m. Evening services at 7:20. Mid-week prayer mooting and con ference Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially invited to attend these eorviccs. Frank W. Dkan, Pastor. Farmer's Club Offer,, Money spent for books and nauors is never thrown away. What do you want to read this your? Fol owincr is a good club list which will civo vou all the county, stato and national news and also moro good farm news than was over odored for tho Drico. For a limited tiino we will send Tiik Chief, giving all the county news; tho Omaha tl f i i i i t it. TvuoKiy uee, giving an mo sinto hows; tho Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean, giv ing all the national and foreign news: 'Iho Homestead, cno of tho best farm papers published; iho Poultry nrmor. devoted to tho interests of poultry ex clusively; Special I" armors Institute Editions of tho Homestead, devoted to discussions of various farm topics; tanners Mutual Insurnuco Journal, a paper published in thu interests of co operative insurance among tho farm ers, anil Tho Humane Alliance, a mag azine devoted to tho cause of hiimano education, tho eight papers ono year for the sum of $3.3X cash in advance. Thi b is as good and as cheap an oiler ever made and will last only a limited timo. Tlio subscription prico of these eight papers is SC.bO per year, but wo will, for a limited time, sund them ono year for $2.25 cash in advance. Statu ok Ohio, City ok Toledo, ) Lucas County PS Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is tho senior partner of tho linn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho cuy ot ioiedo, county and stato afore said, and that linn will pay tho sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each and every ease of catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chunky. Sworm to before me and .subscribed in my presence this Gth day of Decern- '. i. A. W. Guiason. (M'-ai.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tiit system. bond for tef tunonials, free. l' J. Ciienky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. Don't Los any Time About It. f l If you expect to go west this spring ask the nearest Burlington routo itgont about tho specially reduced rates now in effect to Montana, Utah, Cnli fornia, Washington and Oregon points. Ask about them right awaytoday. Thoy may be withdrawn at any mo ment. Through tourist slooping car sorviuti to San Francisco, and Lok An geles every Thursday; to Butte, Spo. kane and Seattlo overy Tuesday and Thursday. J. Francis, General passim ger Agont, Omaha, Nob. - .- 1111 n . Examination Notice. Regular examinations for pursous desiring to toaoh in Webster county aro uoiu in mo superiuiouuent's olllco at Red. Cloud, tho third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Cask, County Supt. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Taku Laxativo Uromo Quinino Tab lota. All druggisUi refund money if it fails to euro. 25c. The gonuino has li. B, Q. on oaok tablet. Throti.'h TeHirlit Sltcpcr to Northweit. The Burlington Ron to has established a twice-n-week tourist car line from Kansas City to Butte, Spokane, Taco ma and Seattlu. Cars Icnvo Kansas City, Lircoln and Grand l-dand uvury Tuesday and Thursday, ariiving at Seattle following Friday and Sunday They aro upholstered In rattan. Tho beil linen and (uriii.ihii gs aiu clean and of good quality. The heating, ven tilating and toilet arrangements are all that can bo tle.iired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, wlui'.e sole duty is to attend to the wantsof passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and tlio berth rate from Lincoln to Tacoma or Seattle is only $5 00, To intermediate poiutr it is proportionately low. Mon tana and taxi Ptiget Sound country aro now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel U the northwest is rapidly attaining large proportions. This now tourist car-lino has been established with a viow of caring for tho Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by ad dressing J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Nob. A Good Club Offer. All our farmer readers should lak iidvnntago of the unprecedented club bing offer wo this year mako, which includes, with this paper, Tho Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers Institute editions, Tlio Poultry Farmer, Tho Farmer's Mutual Insurances Jour nal and tho Humane Alli:inco. The subscription price of these live publi cations amounts to 12.80, while our paper is $1, a total of $3 80. Wo aro prepared to send thorn all, includhg our own pnper, to any farmer in tills county for $1.45, which is only 45c moro than our own subscription price. Never boforo was so much superior reading matter, of the most practical and useful character offered for only 91.45. Tho iirst four of tho papers named aro so well known throughout the west that but littlo need bo said of them. They commend themselves to tho readers favorablo attention upon mere mention. Tho Humane Alliance is devoted to humane education and should be in every farmer's family, so that tho boys and girls on the farm may early imbibo tho principles of a broad humanity that shall include all God's creatures, and learn tho wickedness and brutalizing tendency of cruelty of all kinds. Take advantage of this great offer., - Does Coif ee Agree With You? If not, Drink Grain-O made from puro grains. A lady writes: "Tho lirst timo I mado Grnin-0 I did not liko it but after using it for ono week nothing would induce mo to go back to coffee." It nourishes and foods the system. Tho children can drink it freely with great benefit, it Is tho strengthening sub stance of puro grains. Get a package to-day from your grocer, follow the di rections in making it and you will have a delicious and healthful table beverago for old and young. 15 uud 25c. Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's foot ease, a powder for tho feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of the ago. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today, bold by nil drug gists ard shoo stores. By mall for 25c. in stamps. Trial packago free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmstead, Lo Roy N. Y Drink Grain-O. After you have concluded that you ought not to drink colTcc. It is not a medicine but doctois order it, because it is healthful, invigorating and appetiz ing. It is mado from pure grains and has tha . rich seal brown color ami tastes liko the finest grades of coffee and costs about i as much. Children liko it and thrive on it becausr it is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourish ment. Ahk jour grocer for Grain-O, tlio new food drink. 15 and 25c. Rheumatism',Cured in a Day. "My; .ic Cure," for rheumatism aud neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, in action upon tho system is remark able and mysterious. It removes nt once the cause and thu diseaso imme diately disappears, Tho lirst dose greatly bonetits; 75 cents. Sold by H. E. Grice, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob. BE00MINO A M0THE1. A. Sara Way to Avoid Danger. Every true woman wants to boa mother. A baby is the dream of hor life tho crowning glory of womanhood true happiness can never bo known without the blessings a child brings. Yet the ordeal through which all mothers must pass is so full of pain, anxiety and fear, that many a young life is sacrificed because of the inability to undergo tho struggle of childbirth. It is not necessary to suffer in bring ing new life into tho world. By the uie of "Mother's Friend," the suffer ing and danger can bo avoided, and the hour robbed of its dread and ualn. This remedy is praised by thousands who have tested it. Every woman is anxious to learn how to avoid the pain and suffering which may be in store for her. The littlo book, "Before Baby is Born," will be sent free to any address upon application to the Brad Hold Regulator Co., Atlanta, Georgia. it Cured Her Boy. When my son George was 14. he was stricken with a ter rible nervous affliction Phy sicians nor medicines helped him He lost his speech use of limbs and could hardly swal low food Before he had fin ished a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine he could talk and eat well, and 5 bottles cured him Mri. Julia O'Oonnor, Fulton, Ky, 9P DR. MILES' Restorative Nervine is sold by all druggists on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. iiook on heart and nerves sent free. Or. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. Homeseekers' Excursions. March 7lh and 21st, April 4th ami 18th, and May 2d and lOili, 1809. To points in Aiizotin, Arkansas, Indian Tei ritory. Rate of one faro plus $1 fot round trip, finnl limit of all tickets is- 21 days from dato of sale. A. Conovek, Agent. Red Cloud, Nub., March 9, 1801). Deanty ! niood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascorots, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Duu't Tobarro Stilt ami Smoke 1 uur Mfe Anaj. To quit tobacco onsllv nml forever. te mag netic, lull of llfo, uervo una ltfor, taUu No-To-ll.ic.thoivomlcr-wurltrr, tlmtmnluis wculimcn strong. All dniRKlstM,f.0oorli. Cure Guaran teed. Uooklct, anil sample free. Address Sterling llemcdy Ca, Olilciieo or Now Vorlt $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Antl Dieuretic. May be worth to you more than 110) If you have n child who soils bedding from inrontcn cneo of wutcr during lecp. f'ure old and youne alike. It arrets the trouble nt once. fl. Sold by C. I.. CottliiR, druKRlst, lted Cloud, Neb. Relief In Six Hours. UlMrusftliii; kidney and boddcr ill-on-cH re lieved in Mx huiiM by "New Oreal South Amerl run Kldncr Cure." It Is h ureat tmrprlse on ac count of Iih exceeding iironintuciix In relieving rmjn In blnddcr. kidney nnd back, In male or fcmiile. IfellevcK retention of water almost Immediately. If you .vhiii iiulck relief nnd euro this l the remedy Sold by C I.. Cottlng. drugglM, lted Cloud, Neb. To Cure Coiittliutluii Forever. Tako Ciscarets CanUv Cathartic. 10c orSSc. It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. A'o-To-Muo for Kirtj Ci-ntH. niinr.uiieeil tobacco huhlt euro, tmil.ci weak llicti strum?, blood pure. t00 tU All driiirglslft No-To-lloc for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, make wenk men Htromj, blood pure. 50c, It. All druggists. - EdncntoYour llnnrols Vltli Caicareti. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. f all, druggists refund money. rMuratn Your lliiwrl Willi CiiHriirnta. Ciiiuly Cathartic, curn constipation former. lOc.iSc. If C.C.C. fall, druggists refund money 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Desiqns COPVRiaHTS Ac. Anyone tending a (ketch and deacrtptlnn may qutcalr ascertain our opinion free whether an tnrentlon la probably patentable. Comraunlea. llonaatrtctljr confidential. Handbook on I'atenU ion ii pronaoiy paientaoie. idbo curl eniiree. uiaeai agency roraecunng-uaienta. asenoy for aecurlnir uati l'aleata taken through Munn Co. receive tpttuunotue, without cliame. In tho Scientific JUtiorkam A handsomely llluttrnted weekly, targest ctr dilation of nny nclentlOo Journal. Tonus, 13 a yean four months, f U Bold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Co6'8"'- New York Drancb Office, SB F BU Washington, D. C. CkltkraUVa Kult.1i DtaaraJ Ilrua. NNYR0YAL PILLS urujiaal aad Only Sranlae. Hi An, iIimumiiwh i Itom mnd Julfallwi. AlUiutlitLafiasa. la aunpe fbt nnllr. utuaoaUli o4 "iuuu tar i.ayu.- tn twtr, ay tviani afaU7,0eoTnuawlJl. Htm, 17, l7katMGauioalOMlMa Place, 'flml.1 I OKI y I Uaallltaaalaw. rillLADA.. fJu PARKER'S HAIR text and. BALSA OUacua and. twantinw Ut "note irnxmoua a laxunam aroath. !Ter xiaiia Hair to II i Youthful Color. Ileatora Gray uur team ji l scalp diteavr aUc,udlUUat Dniqta nair laUmt k 03 1IO OHVOKVX8 m SSa X( opnn anttM.CMAO ton gH pSBM vixu uu no iml i.-un oeii.Mii jn.hi aH m f seejQ ixy V3IH 4$5i sbraiU no.C jjJsB k. sV. mmA a ijmTjra ft urujlaal aad Only Cn viae. A. arc, al.j. return. taDitsaik a Drmrlal tor CkUXuttm rnatuM Pio-M mtmjBrmnJ la lied aad OUJ u.ulUeYlay UtM. Mld vlia M: ribbon. TaVeV noa-iaaih Jtiut ilimmi-nM. MiAilifi V SySWISlSw 1m SavEhi A 0 Hi SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, l'KOPIMKTOK. T. DKAI-KIt IN Wines. Liquors, California randies ;rn ljiiiiuimnn 1 M1LMUM ALWAYS ON TAP. Chimney brick, x Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. a. Ludlow Bros. ltrestj with too whether you eontlnoe thf DerTMiiiiiigMiu.cniciDll.nu-iu-llA1 reraoTfls me aeaire ror lODacco, wiyv tine, porlflea the blood. ro-ifjM 1 L MrMMJ . lorra io. nianaofju.WBaa m m ajpp- wo boxes roakoi you t,ongT I I lMw;0id. 400.000 In health, neryeiaWsM U If lVMescurrii7lluy nl POCiet-atYH- MVNO TlKllAO from book. J-TalaF! AsW-jour own druinrlit.whr awlll Touch forui. Take It with Wtll.natlrntllr.tirl.t.ntlv. On. p boi,l, usually cures) 3boics,JM, iruarantrerl torurr. nr ., r.fnnrf mnn.w fiurilas H.i4j l. Uliat, BMirtat, I, I,,,. Skin Diseases. For tho speedy and permnnent cure of tettor. Hllh rlipmn nnd ui.miii Ol, , borlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without nn eiinal. It relioveH the itch ing and smarting nlmont instantly and iw Luuuuueu uho eucciB a permanent enro. It also enroa Ifn), Imr),.'. Jr..i, BCnld head, nnrn nlnnlno Unlilnn. nlle chapped hands, chronic sore eyeB and (jiauuiaivu iiuo. " l)r. daitv's ririHKfnn iojAMn ... hnrneft nrn tlm Vmaf fnnln Viln.v.1 .r.ia- andvermlfnge. Price. 25centa. 8oldby Torfo run rlTlli ll'ainiaar II"" lEIIVE KSTORER I ' tai. sot r all miisia !., . ayiawi mum. nsaf C . h.rturnraaaa wl.a rorlt4. Ml u Dr. UU. LU. B.llraa i U.Ulnle of Mnrtn, all Areh Bt,. rtlUtltlpala. ra. E. U. OVERMAN, ATTORNEY - TtT - L.TOnl. Office orer Post Office. Dot's ti guniii'iil law husiui'ris. Praetiees in all court TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y- ,k. IlED CLOUD, NEJill. LINCOLN UMA1IA CHICAGO SI JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS ami all points cast and south. DENVEll HELENA liUT'IE SAL'l LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAM FHA.YCISC0- nnd nil poinli west. T11A1NH I.EiVK AH rOLLOWn; No, 60. FrclKht, dnily except bunday for wymoro otul nil point cam T:00 a.m. No. in, PaueetiKcr, dally for tit. Joe, Kantian ulty. Atchison, St. LoiiIh and all point cast and nonth ..10:20a.m. No. 144. Accomuiodatlon, dally except Htindny. HantliiRh, Grand In land. Itlack llllln and all polntRlnthe northwest 1:00 p.m. So. H3. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Unm.au, and lntorincdlato ntatlons, via Ito publican 12:30p.m. No. 01. FrclKht, dally, Wymoro and St. .loo and Intermediate Junction tMiltitH.. . .....13:-ir,ri.m No. 63. Prelcht, dully for Hepuhllrnu ', OrU'iinn.OxfordnndnllpolntR .: .V'ei,t .:;; 10:30a.m. No. 15. I'AsseiirTer. dally. Denver, nil points In Colorado. Utah and California..- 8:40p.m No h.,1. I'rclitht dally to Oxford and Intermediate polnti .... I ::n p m Slceiiliiff, illnliiK, ittid ri'cllnltiR thalr car. (ath free) on through Imltib. TIckutB sold mill hiiKKHKu checked lo any point In the United SlittexorCiiiintla, For Information, timo tahlci.mnps or ticket"." ?.'!', i0,v-,r n,','",', , t-piiovor, Agent, lted ('loud, Jsebr. or J. l'rancl. Ocneral 1'an.etiKer AkoiU Omaha. Ncbrnsla. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN. City and country calls promptly an- swored day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. UFFIOKOVEItlilNDSEY'S MKAT MAUKKT J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRT IK TOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Withiol Natei. l POItCELAIN INLAY And all the latcit ImproTement la denul tnech ulm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LANS. Look Box 83. Guide Itock, Neb, All kinds of property bought, sold anil exchanged. . COLLECTIONS MADE. ' TKUMS HUASOMABLjI .. v ,-m. -- KW