The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1899, Image 5

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Nothing- is moro import- 4
ant (ot the preservation J
of good health and clear 2
business Judgment than 4
Ieatous care of the eyes. J
)ofectlvevisin produc-!
es irritation and nor- i
vousness, and in this
condition no person is J
capable of giving to bus-1
iness matters or to the J
ordinary affairs of life
the attention necessary
to success. Porfoct ht- J
ting glasaos will over-1
como naturo's defects.
You oan have your oyca J
examined free by
Newhouse Bros.,
ltt..l Tf-4lnrirVt!l4n 4
and jewelers.
tiring U( your Watch, Clock anil Jewelry J
wnrk. Wciln thnbpst work.
Bluogrnss seed at Mitchell llros.
Frank Anson of Hastings was hero
this wook.
Harnoss of all kinds ut Fogol and
CF. Gather of Lincoln is hero visit
ing with '.ho folks.
Thk OniRPf 1.00 per year.
V. B. Daucby of Lincoln was here
Ed. -Smith orNorton was in tho city
this week.
Mrs. . E. Ladd of Inavale was hero
on Saturday.
R M. Allen of Orleans was hero tho
first of tho week.
See W. W. Wright's lino of cooking
stoves and ranges.
Attorney J. N. Rickards of Beatrice,
was hero this wcok.
U. Uinkins of Rivcrton was doing
business hero Saturday.
If you want anything in tho harness
lino eeo Fogel and Hutchison.
Ed. Smith of Morton Kansas was
hero this weok visiting friends.
Mitchell Brothers can save you
money when you want a blcyclo.
Lesllo Chanoy left Saturday for
Superior whoro ho will most likely stay
for boiuo time.
Don't think becauso you don't see
any wall paper advertised in this paper
thcro is nono in town.
Call on G. W. Dow when in want of
uew or second hand plows, harrows,
cultivators, listers or buggies.
L. A. Hussong returned from Kearney
on Tuesday whore ho preached and de
livered a Temperance address on last
Lord's day.
Tho beautiful cantata "Little Red
Riding llood'b Uoscuu" directed by the
Missus Campbell will bo presented Fii
day evening, April 11
Married, Herbert B. Fulton and Miss
Doeia Morgan of this county were
united in mnrriagu by Elder Hussong
at the parsonage on April 5.
If our readers want a cooking stoo
or range they should look over tho lino
kept by V. V. Wright. They havo us
good an assortment as can bo found in
Tho enterprising (inn of Fogel and
Hutchison have como to tho conclusion
tlmt Ilea Cloud is too small for both of
them, and us a consequence Mr. Hutch
ison has gouo to Cowles to open up a
hurnoss shop.
The highway robbery coso lu which
Juno Bout and William Hayes woro
accused of beating up and robbing J.
. Jacobs was tho interesting part of
tho court the first days of tho wook.
Bent who was tried first was found
guilty. Hayes wUl be tried later.
Is the fairest flower in the garden
of humanity. Every woman may S
bo lovely after her own style, with
sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks,
and with every line of beauty fully
developed. , ss
Pabst Malt Extract, The " Best"
Tonic, will bring out her beauty, a
fill in the holjows, cover up the
bones and angles, round out the a
curves, and develop all her lines a
or beauty. It is a flesh and tissue E
builder that will make anv woman
plump and round and rosy, as she a
was meant to oe. try n yourecu
nd your mirror will aiow you a
pkUMnt surprise.
Charley Dlckorson roturued from
Lincoln Thursday.
Janios Monisou otSuporiorwas hero
tho first of tho week.
J. W. Robinson of Guldo Rock was
hero tho flrat of tho week.
Sootho flno lino ot cooks and ranges
handled by W. W. Wright.
I. B. Colvln of Guido Rock was hero
attending court this wook.
Attorney M. A. Hartigan of Hastings
was hero this wcok attending court.
Insure with tho Pennsylvania Fire of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
Farm loans at low rates of intorest.
Loans closoed on day of application.
Mrs. John Garber of McCook arrived
in tho city Thursday on a visit to rela
tives and frionds.
Elder Hussong has been retained by
tho Christian church at a nlco increase
in salary for a third year's work.
Tho man who procrastinates may bo
sorry ho mot tho undertaker beforo tho
insuruueo agent. Insuro in tho Trav
elers. Sood potatoos, Chicago markot and
early Ohio. Apply to Daniel Norrls live
miles west and ono mile south of Red
Tho Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Fearn
was buried in tho city cometary April
5th. L. A. Hussong of the Christian
church attended tho service.
For a quick remedy nnd ono that is
perfectly safo for children let us tec
ommond Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure. It
is oxcollont for croup, hoarseness, tiok
ling in tho throat and coughs. C. L.
Don't buy a rango or cooking stovo
until you examine tho lino kept by W.
W. Wright. They aro of the latest
pattern and built to do good cooking
and savo fuol.
M.A. Jones of Franklin is a new ar
rival to our city and has purchased the
Simons property in the north part of
town and will we understand go into
business here.
There havo been numerous bad ac
cidents in the past month. Thore may
be many in tho future. Insure against
accidents in the best company in tho
world, tho Travelers of Hartford. W.
L. McMillan, Agent.
For Sale. Houso and lot, corner
Webster street nnd Fifth avenuo, con
taining 12 rooms nnd cellar; also barn
and lot. For furthor particulars, ad
dress, L. Badm, No. 71 Potomac Avo.
Chicago, Ills.
L. H. Blacklodgo of Culbertson was
hero attending district court this weok.
Tho gontlomnn is tho attorney spoken of
some timo ago as thinking of locating
bore. Wo aro glad to say that ho has
decided to do so and will bo hero; in
A splendid iiudinnce greeted tho very
excellent poiformnnco of "Red Riding
Hood" at tho P.uldook last nvoniug.
Tho affair was a biilllant, artistic nnd
linancial success and all parties talcing
part aro deserving the greatest credit.
Beatrico Daily Express. Will bo
rendered at the Rod Cloud opera house
Friday evening, April 11. .
Tho Bladen Enterprise of last wcok
says: "Wo understand that our prosont
district clerk is to bo a candidate for re
election. Wo seo no reason why ho
should not have the place again. Jim
has served the people faithfully and
olliciontly, and to the satisfaction of
overyono during his torm of oflico, and
wo would liko to soo him carry off
tho honors again." Whllo It may bo a
littlo early for possiblo candidates to
be sprung, tho abovo will no doubt
meet with tho hearty approval of tho
majority of tho people.
Wo havo boon sued for libol and wo
do not bellevo that It will bo out of
placoatthis tlmo to ask our frionds
who owe us on subscription to como in
and help us out with a littlo ready
cash. If you cannot payJusZall that
Isduocomoin and pay whatjyou can
Law-suits at best are oxponsivo luxuries
and tho frionds who holp us out now in
our timo of need will! be doubly ap.
predated. If you are not n subscriber
como in and subscribe for a paper
which takes a stand and says something
and hasn't its columns shut up liko a
jack-knife to tho truth.
James Mcintosh wns In Byron this
John Fulton of Rivcrton was hero
this weok
R. L. Tinker of McCook was hero tho
lust of tho week.
For hand made harness go to Fgol
and Hutchisons.
The Ciiikk nnd Chicago Inter Ocean
ono year for 11.25.
Omar Doling of Holdrrgo was heio
tho first of tho weok.
Miss Mumio Copley left tho last of
tho wcok for a visit in Kansa.
See the "Atuorlcati" hog fence nt
Mitchell Bros. Best on earth.
N. S. Harwood of Lincoln was look
ing after casos in court hero this week.
Mass meottngs Sunday afternoon and
ovening at Congregational and Christ
ian church.
C. F. Shepherd au old friend of C.
W. Kaloy Is visiting with that gentlo
man and family.
Como and hoar a lecturo worth fifty
dollars, you got it free, Sunday after
noon and evening.
H. E. Pond who has boon having a
serious tusslo with tho grip for somo
time is ablo to bo nround again.
Mrs. Jas Swearinger nnd children
arrived homo Monday morning after a
sovorul weeks visit with frionds at Mc
Cook. Attorney Jno. O. Yeiser of Omaha
was hero tho first of the wook attending
court and loft for his homo again Wed
osday morning.
J. U. liutlor this weok removed a
dwelling houso from tho south part of
town to his lots just oast of tho
north ward school building.
James Kidd and wife of Sodalia, Mis
souri, arrived in tho city Wednesday
night on a visit to tho luttors mother
Mrs. C. R. Bosso and other relatives.
Get your salo bills printed at this of
fice and tho announcement of salo will
bo printed in tho paper during tho
timo preceding tho salo day freo of
A largo number of persona went to
tho homo of A. G. Willis on last Tues
day and gavo that gentleman a pleas
ant Burprlso. A royal good tlmo was
had by all prosont.
Word comes from Putnam, Illinois,
that a fine ton pound baby boy arrived
at tho home of Mr. pnd Mrs. James R.
Robinson, former well known residents
here, on April 1st.
If you havo a cough, throat irritation,
weak lungs, pain in the chosr, diffi
cult breathing, cronp or hoarseness,
lot us suggest Ono Minuto Cough Curo.
Always roliablo and safo. C. L. Cot
ting. May, tho eight year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, died nt hor
homo Wednesday morning. Tho fu
neral services were conducted from tho
rcsidenco this afternoon and tho re
mains laid to rest in tho city cemetery.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
AlMmtialdn powders arc tfefrcAtett
BMUctritolitaJtfcot the procatday.
garden seeds. Mitchell
p w
Rev E. O. Taylor, of Chicago, who is
a specialist, author and lecturer on
Sciontilic Temporanco will givo tho
first of a course of lectures at tho Bap
tist church Saturday ovening April 8 at
8o'olock, subject "Microln nnd Men."
Sunday at II p.m., "That Boy of Yours."
Sunday ovening, "Citizenship in tho
Light of Christ and Paul." Monday
evening, "A Glass of Hcor Annlyzed."
Places for tho remaining lectures to be
announced Sunday. Any ono attend
ing theso lectures will feel well repaid
m bo is a forcible and entortalalng
wafcer. . - ' -- 1
You have used all
I sorts of cough reme-1
I dies but it does not
(yield; it is too deep!
J seated. It may wear j
f itself out in time; but I
fit is more liable to!
produce la grippe, I
pneumonia or a seri
ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body. j
will do this when everything
! else fails. There is no doubt 1
I about it. It nourishes, J
I strengthens, builds up and i
j makes the body strong and J
i healthy, not only to throw s
I off this hard cough, but to
I fortify the system against
I further attacks. If you are I
i run uuwn ur tuiauaicu yuu
I cfinnlft ortainlw tak Ihic
nourishing food medicine
fee ci4 ., U dniHUtt.
tCOTT SOWNt, QStmbw, tfaw Y.rt
Fresh bnlk
Chas. H.Sloan of Gonovn was hero
this weok.
Seed potatoes for sale. Soo S. F.
Takoyour harness ropairingto Fogol
and Hutchison.
Dr. Damorell of Hastings was in tho
city this wook.
Tub Chirp nnd tho Chicago Intor
Ooean one yoar for $1.25.
Amos Uowdon wns up from Superior
over Sunday visiting with tho folks.
Mr. und Mrs. C. J. Burkott f Indi
ana aro visiting with T. C. Hacker nnd
Young men wanted to hoar "Christ
ian citizenship r tho light of Christ
and Paul."
Mrs. Lytic, sister of A. G. Willis is
hero from tho west part of tho Stnto
visiting with him.
Gulusha nnd Wescott havo rocolved
iron doors and shutters to place on the
rear of their clothing store
Eugonio, tho infant child of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Al Fearn died at Ihoh house south
wost of the city on Tuesday, aged 13
day b.
W. M. Campboll, formerly of tho
firm of Kaloy and Campboll of this
city, lately of San Francisco was hero
tho first of tho week.
L. H. Rust says if you want somo
good nursery stock cheap this spring
let him know what you want. Will
have a full line for salo noxt wook.
Among tho lawyers attending court
this week are: M, A. Hartigan and
Jacob Bailoy of Hastings and A. M.
Walters and A. D. Rannoy of Blue
W. H. Cloud of Holmcsvllo, this stnto
was hero this woek and purchased from
our renl estate man D. J. Myers tho
Prontiss section near Inavalo paying
therefor $7,000 cash.
Lester Koontx formerly a resident of
this city arrived in tho city Tuesday
with a carload of cattlo from his homo
at Kinzie, Indinnn. Ho was ono of tho
volunteers who wontout todo service
for Undo Sam in tho lato war.
A pleasant gathering wns hold Thurs
day at tho homo of H. Mnurer north of
town in honor of Mrs. Muuror's sister
Mrs. Lunk of York who is visiting
there. Those present woro. Mrs.
Hedgo, Mrs. Engels, Mrs. Winton, Mrs.
Hert Tennant, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. E.
McCune, Mrs Wm. Holsworth, Mrs.
F. Tennant, Mrs. Copeland.
Tho enntnta of Red Riding Hood's
RoHctiont tho opera houso last ovening
wns a perfect succoss in every respect.
Everybody pronounced it ono of tho
best entertainments given in this city
in a long time. Nobraska City Daily
News. Will bo rendered at the Red
Cloud opera houso Friday evoning,
April 14.
LiBtof loiters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofficeat Red Cloud, Nob
raska, for tho wook ending April Gth
Boyd, J N Hulette, Geo E
Largent, R M Mappcs, Lona
Mlllor, J O Romor, C
Theso lottcrs will bo sent to tho dead
lotter oflico April 20th, if not called for
before. Whon calling for abovo ploaso
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Itcomes a littlo peculiar for us to speak
about oursolf and to mnko it short wo
havo boon sued for liabol by L. S. Wil
son. It is a littlo too early in the gamo
for us to tell of tho motive for this
move or tho deal that is behind it. Wo
havo gotten so used to tolling tho truth
in giving tho news to our leaders that
wo do not stop to think how it hurts,
Perhaps as wo aro "the only paper in
Red Cloud which dates to print tho
news" wo got the uor&t of it because of
tho hiloiioo of the others, Wo uro u
poor hand at writing obituaries espec
ially when It is our own. While wo
havo no misgivings as to tho outcome
wo wish to suggest to our renders who
aro indobtcd to us that now is tho time
to pay up and to thojo not taking our pa
per it is a good tlmo to subsoribe. In
sure in the Travelers Insurance Com
pany of Hartford. W. L. McMrmur,
Wc don't believe
you can find a suit
of any other make
that will have the
style and appearance
of these Hart,Schaff
ner 6c Marx suits or
that will wear as
well and cost as little
in the long run.
Come in and see
them and try on
some of the new
Copyright 1899
.By Httt, Schiflncr ft Mux
We have just received $500.00 worth of Men's Fine
Suits which ac bought at our own price.
We offer them at prices that will force you to buy if
you see them.
If you want to look well on Easter wc are the people
who can fit you out.
GouideD-Kaley Clothing Go.
Council Meeting
Tho city council met in regular ses
si'in Wednesday evoning with all coun
cilmen present nnd mayor absent.
Meeting was called to order by Presi
dent Spokesiiold.
Tho following bills woro presouted
and upon motion allowed on their re
spective funds:
(1 W PaundcrH, election board 2 00
OOTcol, "
ThadJMoNItt, " "
It I) llcdford, " '
rf V Ki.o, " "
MWIIOby, " "
UlMSdlllMlll, " "
J)J.(!roni, " "
T J Wnrd, " "
I) KchUt, " "
.1 V KIiibuI. " police
W Ii McMillan, prlntlm?
I O () V Hull, rent .
A A lliinllck, illicit iollc-o
V i: Illfc. Milnrytlilnliiunrtor......
H 1' SiKjklBlIleld, Huliiry third itinrlcr..
Goo It llollntor, "
WWWrlKlit. " "
(1 W Dow,
. 200
, U(M
2 0U
2 00
3 (HI
2 110
, you
IS 60
25 00
10 0)
. m W)
in no
l'J 60
12 M
Alderman 1st ward, S. F. Spokestleld;
Alderman 2nd ward, Madison Finch;
Members of sohooi bosrd, 0. 11 Crone
and S. Dcokwlth.
Council ailjournod to calUof Mayor.
.1 K KckIct, Hiilnry tw(imuMtliHnndKiii)llci 1? 'M
I, K Tult, prlulluK ..-....-.
J I) Cm i in, room 'or clectlm.........
(Jco HmclKcr, fixing election bootlm...
0 V Dow, coal . ...................
ItosHimd HlfcdrnytiKO.............. .--..
M W Dlckomon, wutcr commissioner.. .
Trader' Lumber Co .coal and lumber..-,
M W Dlckerxon. atreotcommlaalouer 12 00
T W Hattlcld, labor on Ktrccts....... 2 00
State Journal Co,, pollbooka and pencil. 4 ft)
J W Klnael, repairing maln......... 2 hi
C E Fearn, drayge.... ....... .... .. , 1 90
J M Bollard, engineer. ..... .- . 40 00
Council next proceodod to canvas
vote which resulted as follows:
Your mouth is tho front door of your
face. It is tho aperture to tho cold
storago room of your anatomy. Some
mouths look liko poaches aud cream,
and somo liko n holo chopped into a
brick wall to admitt a now window or
door, Tho mouth is a hotbod of oratory
and a baby's crowning glory. It is
the crimson aislo to your liver. It is
patriotism's fountain head andthotool
clu'st for pie. Without it tho politician
woudl bo a wanderer on tho face of tho
earth, and the cornetist would go to an
iinhoiiored graVit. It Is tint grocer's
friend, the orator's pride and the dent
ists hope. It puts some mon on the
rostrum and many on tho stouo pile.
It is temptation's lunch counter
when attached to a maiden, and a to
bacconist's friend when attached to a
man. Without it mai ricd life would be
asummitr dream, aud tho dudo would
lose half his attractions. Aud most of
all, if there were no mouths there would
bo no good-byes or happy gteetings, no
woids of comfort or hope, no laughter
full of sunshine or sonirs full of nraiso:
,5 w I tho hired man could not bo called to
dinner, anu no ono wouiu asx, ' wnnro
did you get that 25 cent hat?" Kx
change. A young man of our oity has again
lot his inclination got tho host of his
hotter judgemont and is this time
charged with waiting an insinuating
I (X)
U 01
.Ml 15
6 4-i
18 00
O.W.Dow ,
J. E.Koslor
Ssimnol Dyor
Pollco Judge
Samuel West
J. Portor, Jr.,
Aldormuu, 1st Ward
S. P. Spokosflold
Aldormnu, 2d Ward
Madison Pinch
Sumtiel Ki'.er
School Hoard
;. 11. 1'rono
J oh. Garbor
S. Hockwltlt
.- OJ
Gl M
5 20
52 01
8 .10
40 103
12 2!)
73 18-1
48 100
38 127
Upon motion tho parties receiving
tho highest number of voles woro de
cided elected nnd olork instruct
ed to issuo certificate of elootlon to
satzo as follows: Mayor J. S. White
Treasurer, O. V?. Dow; Clerk, J. K.
KMtr; folio Jdf, ftuauel Wt-,
lettor to a young lady who was stopping
in our city lust woek and in other ways
making himself obnoxious. II is ex
tromoly remarkable that tho Chief is
tho only paper in our city which hoars
of such deals. Perhaps though wo aro
tho only piper which has tho norvo to
makemontionof them. Although this
young man has been brought up and
roared in the host manner possible
und has parents who aro among our
best townspeople, wo wish to state
that another occurnnco of this kind
will bo followed by this papor giving
tho full story nnd name of tho party.
"A tramp came running into tho
oilkoyestorday'iaystho Lacon Jour
nal, "and;sald that a man had just swal
lowed a two foot rule and wns dying by
inches. Wo started out at once to loam
tho partioulius tf tint death, aud meet
ing Dr. Martin told him about tho'easo.
Ho said that was nothing; that ho had
patient who onco swnllowed a thcro
mometer and died by degress. A
couple of liysttindei'ii thou chipped in.
Ono said it reminded him of u follow
down in Kansas who swallood a phtol
and wont oil easy. Tho other said he
ha 1 a friend in Now Jersey who swal
lowod a pint of applejack and atai ia
good spirit." WeoncvkMrdofaaa
whoat9ioaMboreM4t l4 4W4 o
' .& &k W
. k