The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Hraely Mention of the Dnlnc of the Na
tional Cong-re, Departmental anil III
rrntlte Official Action, and Motcntnli
of Army noil Navy,
"Wednesday, Marrli 9.
An official report of the rtistnms ser
rice nt Havana shows a (jnitlf.viny con
tlltlon of affairs.
Genernl Otis has tnnile no report to
the war department of the wounding
of General Hale, reported from Denver.
General Oil has purchased all gun
I ma in in the Philippines. Thci i arc
thirteen of them. They will be lined
In service against the natives.
The principal result of Alger'" vIMt
to Cuba ban been the quelling of the
Cuban assembly. lie absolutely ig
nored the body und refused to receive
lis members.
Hear Admiral Howisou. on comple
tion of bin duties an a member of the
examining board in Washington, will
proceed to the Chicago at Norfolk and
iiniht his flag as commander-in-chluf of
the South Atlantic station.
The vacancy in the colonelcy of the
Twenty-second regiment caused by the
death of Colonel Kgbcrt. will be filled
by the promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel
.John V. French of the Twenty-third,
who is now with his regiment in the
Philippine. '
Dr. Godfrey Hunter, Alted States
minister to (iuatrmcla, whoisin Louis
ville, is taking steps to save the life of
Churchill Giitliroy. an American under
sentence of death in Honduras for fili
bustering. Guthrey was formerly a
lawyer at Marshall, Mo.
Indian Agent Mathewson of the
Winnebago agency and W. I'. Peebles
of Pender left Washington last night.
They are confident that allotments to
Indian children will be made and that
this will have the effect of opening up
the land to occupancy by cattlemen
holding leases.
Captain O'Neill, chief of the ordnr.ncc
bureau of thu navy department, has
forwarded to the secretary for his ap
proval a form of circular for bids for
armor for thu battleship Maine ami
the four monitors authorized last spring
und the three battleships and three
armored cruisers authorized by the
iut naval appropriation bill.
Thtimdny, March 30.
Ex-Senator (Srorge !'. Gray of Dela
ware has been appointed United States
circuit judge for the Third district.
Commander .1. M. Forsyth has been
assigned to the command of the Haiti
more at Manila, vieeCaptaiu Dyer, who
has been invalided home.
The formal order retiring Heat Ad
miral Kobesou, under the provisions of
the personnel act, was Issued yester
day. This retirement will promote
('apt. He ujatnin F. Day to the rank of
rear admiral.
The following Nebraskans have been
admitted to practice before the inte
rior department: Joseph D. Hamilton,
!eueva: Adnet II. ltowcn, Hastings;
A. G. Wolfenbarircr and F, A. Williams,
Lincoln; .loel Hull, Mlnden; Francis
E. llrown, Syracuse; David P. Henry,
Captain Pcaliody, able to General
Ludlow, arrived from Havana yester
day and presented to the president a
large silk banner, the gift of General
Perfecto Laeoste, mayor of Havana,
and presidentof the "junta patriotlca."
With the banner was presented a letter
expressive of the gratitude and good
will of the Cuban people to President
MeKinley and the American people.
Washington olllclals were yesterday
more Interested In the fighting at Sa
moa than they were about affairs at
Manila. It Is alleged the German con
Mil started the trouble by Issuing a
ininunciamcnto upholding tnc provis
ional government of which the deposed
Mntaitfa is the head, as against the
rightful king Malicto. Mataafa's ad
vance taward the American and British
consulates caused the American cruiser
Philadelphia and the ltrillsh cruisers
Itoyallst and Porpoise to bombard the
native villages along the coast. While
the olllclals do not fear complications
with Germany, the situation Is grave
enough to cause some uneasiness, and
may result hi the recall of all three
Friday, March .11.
Admiral Kant.' bombardment of
Apia is upheld by Washington author
ities. Ex-Secretary Sherman is resting
comfortably at his residence In Wash
ington. The secretary of the interior has is
sued an order postponing for an Indefi
nite time the sale of timber lands on
the Chippewa Indian reservation.
The commissions of a large numWr
of postmasters appointed by the presi
dent since the adjournment of congress
will lc signed at once by the president
and postmaster-general.
The strained conditions at Samoa
nrc becoming less tense. It Is Haiti
that Mataafa will bo banished, as this
will bo ueecbsary to preserve tho stntu
Consul-General Do Leon at Guayaquil
reports' to the state department that
the general change to a gold basis lias
finally driven Kquador to adopt the
same course, Its congress just having
passed a law which within two ycarc
will place the monetary system ou a
gold basis.
Unless the Cuban assembly comes
down off its high horse, und agrees to
the settlement between the I'nlted
(States and General Gomes, the 8:i.(KKV
000 that ha been forwarded to Cuba to
pay the Cuban troops will be sent back
to the State, and the assembly will
have to whistle for its pay.
The modus vlvendl to be recognized
on the Alaskan boundary nn pposed
by the United States hus been referred
to the Canadian authorities as well as
to the Hrltlsh foreign ofllce, and until
word comes from both quarters It will
not be known whether the modus lo to
bo established. The Impression pre
vails, however, that as soon as Canada
lias expressed approval the Hrltlsh for
eign office will speedily give, oGlelal
ftatordny, AprlJ 1,
John Sherman is still improving.
The war department is hurrying
faosrvo the volunteer troops now In Cuba.
The president has .laid the founda
tlon for a purely Cuban merchant ma
rine. The revenue cutter McCulloch, nor
at Marc Island, is likely to be ordered
back to Manila.
A cabinet session was held yesterday.
The Nicaragua commission and Pari
exposition were discussed.
The delegates from Cuban ns.emblv
failed to get more than the 8 1,000,OOC
already provided to pay Cuban troops.
It has Ih-cii decided at Washington
that volunteers In the Philippines will
not be mustered out until they can be
A joint high commission to settle
the entire Samoan trouble has lwcn
practically agreed upon by the I'nlted
States, Hrltlsh and German governments.
Banilay, April 2.
The unclaimed dead from Cuba and
Porto Hico will be burled In Arlington
Otis has sent word to Washlngtor
that the dead cannot now be sent home
on account of climatic conditions.
War department ofllcials are verj
much gratified at the conditions exist
ing in the Philippines. It is deducted
from the dispatches received from Gen
eral Otis that there Is little left of the
army of Agulnaldo ami that his troop
do not want to face the American sol
diers. Arrangements have been made for
the sailing on May 11 of ex-President
Harrison and ex-Secretary Tracey for
Pari, where they will act ns compel
for Venezuela before the international
court of arbitration which meets In
Paris on May ::,. Chief Justice Fuller
andifiistlce llrewer, who arc arbitra
tors, will probably go at the same time.
Monday, April n.
An extra session of congress is pre
dicted. The torpedo boat Somers. bought in
F.nglaud before the war, will be brought
over on the deck of a freighter.
The navy department has Issued the
circular calling for bids for the armor
plate for the new war vessels. Pro
jiosals will be opened May 31.
i uoiegnuon oi lomnncnc, mown i
and Apache Indians are at Washing
ton to seek to have the allotment of
their lauds deferred until the next
The glorious old sloop-of-war Hart
ford, from whose wooden sides thun
dered the guns of Farragut, Is to be
made an elective part of our navy.
She has lately been overhauled at the
Mare Island navv yard, and a modcrs
battery has been placed on board.
Tncudity, April t.
The blankets issued to the soldiers o)
our army cost the government S3. 1C
The comptroller of the currency
declared a first dividend of L'O per cent "iihe alter inev nave receive.! an
in favor of the creditors of the First object lesson of the American power.
National bank of Neligh, Neb., ont Olllclals of the Kansas penitentiary
claims proved, amounting to SW.IS I. j near Leavenworth, working In eon-
The regular Faster-Monday egg-roll- junction with peace otlicials in other
Ing brought hosts of children to the sections of the state, have run down a
White house grounds yesterday to en-1 band of ""eged criminals whose opera
Joy the hospitality o'f the president. ,ions ,lri! Wlitl to vo extended over a
The marine band gave a concert foi "'irge I,:t of Kansas. Crimes charged
the little folks, and President and Mrs. include murder, horse stealing, burg
MeKinley enjoyed the fun from the lary and counterfeiting,
portico. I The American troops under General
There Is an impression among mill. McArthur are pressing the Filipinos
tarv oflieers here that when Secretary .
Alger returns from I itlm Mime Inn
e import-
ant chunges will be made among thf
olllclals there. Gen. Ludlow has not
proved a popular governor of Havana.
He is too much of an autocrat aud dic
tator, and although Gen. Brooke hat
given greater satisfaction he is not en
tirely satisfactory. There Is an ex
pectation that Gen. James II. Wilsor
und Gen. FiUhugh Lee will succeed
The annexation of Nicaragua to the
United States, more or less talked of, it
not a new proposition. It has beer j
suggested from time to time for mor
than half a century, and in his lasi
messaire to congress President Zchtvr
took advanced grounds in favor of such I
an arrangeme
",.., ..:.", i ""
i .. . .. i
: .V...1 r ' r ' '" ,"." :r
patches at the time. Anncxatior.
would, of course, settle the canal prob
lem anil would give us a very rich
colony with natural resources that art
almost incomparable but have lain tin
developed because of the political ilis
turbances that have contln-d eve;
since, independence was established.
Fox Hantinjr on Wheel.
Among other uses to which tho cych
Is put is that of following hounds,
and tho cyclist Is by no means a
novelty at most of the numerous nieeti
In KnRland. Those who follow houndi
In the orthodox way do not welcome
him any more than they do tho mis
cellaneous assemblage that, on foot
and otherwise, tries to see a little ol
the sport. With
the country, tho
a good knowledge of
roads and tho foot-1
paths, however, tho cyclist Is often
far from being "out of tho hunt," for
though thrown out at by the
fox taking an unfavorable lino, he can
get well to tho front when a stretch ol
good road falls opportunely In nil
way. Chicago News.
Fain, Vn.
a rule the n.tttAnt InnV.
up to his medical attendant, especial
ly to Uio visiting siirgeon or physl
clan, with implicit confidence and I
good deal of wholesorao awe and rev
erence. His anxiety to help the doc
tor In every way Is sometimes unln
tentionally comic. A senior surgeon
says a writer In the Cornhlll, ja lee
turlng a class of students on dlfferen'
appearances of the teeth. "Here, gen
tlemen, In these two teeth we havi
well-marked symptoms of " Pa
tlent (Interrupting In a depreeatlni
manner)-Dut please, air, them two'
faho 'uns."
frartloal Charity of a Kins.
King Oscar of Sweden and Norway,
always ready with tits purse In tho pro.
motion of scientific research, appears
to havo rendered a great service tc
mankind by having, at his own ex
pense, causca a dear and dumb man I
to do trained under a certain system
of massage of throat, ears, etc., ad
vocated by a great' Bwedlsh surgeon
with the result that the lucky patient
bu begun to speak and can hear.
A Itrlef Snmnmrr of Intent In Which
I'eople are Deeply Intrrmtcil Shnrt
Hcntencen Conveying a World of In
formation to Oar Header.
Tuesday, Mnrrh 2B.
The Fifteenth Minnesota regiment
ias been mustered out.
Ambassador Choate Is sulTcrlng from
a bad cold at London.
W. ,T. Bryan addressed the Arkanvis
legislature at Little Hock.
, heavy snow is falling In Illinois.
It Is fourteen inches deep at I'ana.
The transport Cook, bringing back
the dead from Santiago and Porto Hico
Is due at New York today.
The Armor Curled Hair and Felt
works at Chicago burned. Six persons
arc missing. Loss 5400,000.
The United States Castiron Pipe com
pany has completed Its organization
with a capital stock of 830,000,000.
Articles of incorporation of the Com
pressed Air Traction company have
been filed at Trenton. N. J. The cap
ital stock is 815,000,000.
The Klondike Exposition company
has Just been organized under Cauadf
an and New York auspices to exploit
to the world at the Paris exposition a
perfect representation of life and work
in the Yukon territory.
Wrdnenduy, Mnrrh '-III.
Missouri and Kansas had a snow
fttorm yesterday.
A mob at Holton, Kansas, lynched
Henry Sanderson for murdering Mrs.
General Engnn has been called to
Washington to testify before the beef
inquiry board.
Members of theCuban assembly want
510.000.0oo for Cuban soldiers, 'claim
ing that $3,000,000 is not enough.
The cruiser Chicago, with ex-Secretary
Sherman on board arrived at
i Hampton roads. Sherman is better.
Evidence came to light yesterday in
the Pennsylvania legislative investiga
tion that Qunyltcs offered members
money to vote for Quay.
At Kingston, Jamaica, American
sailors of the Texas got Into n dis
turbance over the absence of the New
York at the time Corvcra's llect was
destroyed, and one or two were dan
gerously wounded. It required over
two hours to quell the trouble.
The United States Phlllppluo com
mission proposes to issue a proclama
tion immediately after the rebel gov
ernment at Malolos is dispersed. le
lieving that the mott effective moment
to secure the allegiance of the natives
will le alter they have
",ulL'r Agulnaldo north to .Miuoios. til'
'Hoiiffii it is pretty hot weather. 1 hey
are anxious to strike a decisive blow
and end the trouble. Agulnaldo will
make a stand at Malolos, and is report
ed as saying if defeated he will quit.
The battle is expected to occur Thurs
lay. Thumdny, Murch 30.
Hudyard Kipling's father arrived
from F.ugland yesterday and went to
Bee his son. The meeting was affect
ing. The supreme court of Indiana holds
that If a man marries a woman who Is
indebted to him the marriage discharg
es the debt.
i in- mi ii!iu itii, uiii ,,
The steamer Howena Lee sank in the
Mississippi opposite Tyler, Mo., and
the crew and about .1.'. or 40 passengers
were lost. The boat was broken in
two by a boiler explosion.
In an engagement yesterday within
sight of Malolos, the Filipinos capital.
The First Nebraska had one man killed
nd eleven wounded while performing
the remarkable feat of swimming the
river and attacking the enemy in force.
Claude llolladay, one of the mall
clerks injured In the Santa Fe wreck
it Lang, Kas., in 1H'.)7, has just settled
with the company. He received SU.MK).
This is said to be the largest sum paid
a mail clerk by a railroad for itijuries
iiistaiued in n wreck.
The trouble at Apia, Samoa, grow
ing out of the election of a kng, has
resulted in the bombardment of native
villages along the shore by the U. S.
cruiser Philadelphia and liritish ships
Itoyallst anil Porpoise. No interna
tional complications are iweiy to en-
Timothy Rcardon, who served as
gunner on the United States ship Kenr
surge during its famous battle with
the confederate privateer Alahama,
outside the harbor of Cherbourg,
France, and who ' later served under
Farragut in Mobile bay, is dead in
Hrooklyn, aged sixty-one.
Genernl McArthur's division Is press
ing northward from Manila. The third
day of fighting resulted In nothing of
a decisive churacter. It Is leurned that
the Insurgents were led by Agulnaldo
In person on Monday. Tho American
forces are proceeding north along the
railroad. The western troops are prov
ing to be the sturdiest fighters, Ne
braska's First Is distinguishing itself.
The -'2d Infantry which was shot to
pieces at Santiago is getting the worst
of it In the Philippines. It is hoped
tho worst Is over.
Frnnce nnd England have settled
their African trouble The agreement
reached disposes of hundreds of thous
ands of squurc miles, apportioning it
between them on a satisfactory basis.
"Hob Hurdette, tho humorist, and
Miss Clara T. llaker of Los Angeles
were married yesterday. They will
live at Pasadena, where Hurdette will
fill tho pulpit of the First Presbyterian
O. E. Westenhaver, a prominent at
torney of North Haltlmorc, O,,, wns
murdered at Howling Green, 0 by
Paul and John Zeltncr, against whom
ho was trying a ease. Tho Zcltuers
were arrested. Mob law is not feared.
Friday, Mnrrh .11.
Kansas aiid Missouri were swept by
a blizzard.
The whisky interests arc soon to con
solidate. The administration upholds Admiral
Kautz. in Ills action in Samoa.
In a wreck on the Hurllngtonnt Park
vllle, Mo., seven people were Injured.
1 (audits tortured Thomas Crocker
and wife, nn aged couple near Colum
bus, O., and secured 8!'".
A plot against the life of the czar of
Kussin has been unearthed. Jt Is said
his mother was implicated.
Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy was found
guilty of murdering Dollie Heynolds
in the Grand hotel at New York.
The American forces under (icncral
MacArtbur took Malolos. the Filipino
capital, yesterday. The American loss
was considerable.
The president has not yet selected
the persons whom he wants to repre
sent the United States at the interna
tional disarmament congress.
The Ohio state archeological and his
torical society has undertaken to se
cure the title to and possession of
the property known as Spigel Grove at
Fremont. ()". the home of the late ex
President Hutherford It. Hayes, with a
view to preserving it as a memorial.
Siiturdny, April 1.
A Carlist uprising Is Imminent In
Spain and 30,000 Spanish reserves have
been called out.
The Pacific Folding iiox company at
San Francisco burned out, entailing a
property loss of 8500.000.
Tho steamer Stella struck on the
Ciisquet rocks In the Kngllsh channel
and foundered In ten minutes. Sixty
persons were drowned.
Papers were lllcd at Trenton, N. J.,
increasing tho capital stock of the
American Tobacco company from
83.'.,00O.OO0 to 870,000,000.
A wealthy Frenchman named Tourrct
was shot dead on the Hols du Hologne.
Paris by a fellow named Ozouf. Ozouf
mistook1 Tourrct for President Lonbct,
whom Tourrct greatly resembled.
The Hoston commercial Hullettn an
nounces that efforts are making to
form a trust of nil the leading carrot
mills of the county. The combination
will lie financed from Hoston and New
A. J. Crawford, president of the
Terre Haute Iron and Steel and Wa
bash Iron companies, has had the ab
stracts of title to his extensive plants
examined with the avowed purtoaj of
entering the Iron trust.
Old Glorv now floats over
Malolos. I
The Twentieth Kansas and First North ,
Dakota had a race to see which would
lie me nisi hi iiwisi. nm iiut. luium-i
Funston of the Kansas was the first to
do so, he claims,' but the Dakotans
were the first to secure ofiicial recogni
tion. Snmltiy, April 3.
The spring session of the Mexican
congress has convened.
Germans are angry nt England be
cause of the Samoan trouble.
Police at San I-rancisco made a sue
ccssful raid of gambling houses,
Vice President llouart is sulienng
from grip and confined to his home.
Two more bodies have been found in
the ruins of the Armour felt works at
General Otis will continue nn active
campaign. The Filipinos are keeping
under cover.
Vermontcrs are to erect a statue ol
Admiral Dewey. It will be placed at
the entrance of the state house.
A letter from Guatemala dated March with a party of scientists sent out by
IS says tho inauguration of Manuel tnc Smithsonian institute to Invest!
Estrada Cabrera as president was at- t0 , t , , Uf
tended with imposing cereinonles j trop,cs Thou,0 ves,el
The telegrapherson the Union Pacific maiuleil hy irofussor A, w Ant,onv
system and the olllclals of the company d wreekod oiT ti ,!An? r
Have arrived at an understanding and ,"d "" ""kcd 7 t,,c coflst ?f Lo'
have signed an agreement regulating " i .1 , ,!n bo?rdtWl'"-e
wages and hours and conditions of saed, but the valuablo collection of
labor. specimens gathered by tho party was
One of the largest transactions in lost
Texas cattle since the first of the year, ' STZ7.
has just been closed ut San Antonio. ; PARTY BORN IN PORTO RICO
Charles L. Ware of Fort Worth sold to ",u muu
head. Delivery will begin May 15 for
shipment to Nebraska.
Monday, April 3.
Senators Quay and Penrose held a
conference yesterday. They deny It
having any special significance.
Miss Marie Wilson of Augusta, Kan.,
killed herself because her lover was
killed in the battle near Malolos.
A messenger boy has left London
with a dispatch to a man in California,
to rival the trip of the boy Joggers to
New York recently,
The flair on tho Shamrock, tho chal
lenge of the America's cup, will be a
green sprig of Shamrock on a gold
ground, with a green uoruer.
Mrs. W. D Owen, wife of the secre-
tary of state of Indiana, dropped dead
in the cars while enroutc home from
Mexico. The fatality occurred near
Texarkann, Ark.
The American troops under Genernl
MacArtbur are still resting at Malolos,
where everything has been quiet to
day. Hostilities elsewhere, so far as
officially reported have been limited
during the Inst twenty-four hours to
nn occasional exchange or shots be.
tween the Insurgents and the troops.
Tueidny, April 4.
The pottery trust is a failure. Its
projectors lost a fortune in trying to
organize it.
The pope had a fainting spell yester
day. Great efforts were made to keep
the fact quiet.
At Chicago James Urown, a brutal
husband was stabbed to death by hia
wife. He had beaten and kicked her,
MeKinley has Issued a proclamation
relating to the funeral of the soldier
dead to be buried in Arlington ceme
tery. The town of Hronson, Kan., will hold
no election 'todny. No steps were
taken to prepare ballots or candidates,
and unless present officers hold over,
tho town will be without government
for two years.
A battle has taken place at Holguln,
Cuba, between the bandits nnd men of
the Second Immune regiment, two out
laws and ono soldier being killed.
Further trouble is anticipated at Hol
guln and Gunntanamo.
Will !I.T Ilecldlnc Voles In Betttlnff
Hiimnan Quentlon.
WjIMUNotox, April 3. A Joint high
ointnlssion to settle tho entire Samoan
trouble has been practically agreed
vpon by the United States, Hrltlsh and
German governments. Lord Salis
bury's absence, from London alone do
lays the formal acceptance by Great
Hritaln, though, In his absence, Sir
Thomas Sanderson and Mr. VHllers,
who are understood to bo specially
familiar with the Samoan question,
have approved tho plan for a commis
sion. The United States has Inform
nlly expressed Its approval, and tho
formal acceptance, It is learned from
the highest quarters, will follow
speedily. As the proposition emanates
from Germany, her approval, of
course. Is assured. This high com
mission, it is felt, affords a pacific
solution to the whole, trouble at tho
moment when Samoan affairs began to
look the most threatening.
The new plan has been fully gont
over by Secretary Hay and the Hrltlsh
and German ambassadors here, and Its
essential details worked out. Each
nation is to bo represented by ono
member on the commission. It is to
have practically unlimited authority,
without the ncceirlty of referring its
decisions back to the several govern
ments for approval. It Is felt that by
conferring such compjete and final
authority on the high commission, tho
danger will be obviated of any further
deadlocks and delays.
Still another Important provision
under consideration is that King Os
car of Norway and Sweden shall be the
umpire in casu the three high commis
sioners should fall to reach a determi
nation. The plan of inviting King
Oscar to referee a disagreement meets
the approval of tho Hritish and Ger
man authorities, and doubtless will In
approved also by the United States ai
a means of insuring finality of decis
ion, though it is not known just how
far this has been considered by the
Washington authorities.
King Oicar was agreed upon be
:ween the UnltaJ States and Great
Hritaln r.s a final arbitrator in connec
tion with the proposed Anglo-American
arbitration treaty, as well as In
the Venezuela matter. He Is also
mentioned in the treaty of Herlin nj
the one to name a chief justice of S.v
moa In case the three signatory now
crs fall to agres on a chief justice. Il
was tills that led to the suggestion ol
, , name nt tlin tirisint. limn r
I net us final arbitrator. The exnecta-
tlon is that the slttincs of the com
mission will be in S.unoi, where for
the time bsing, they will have com
plete authority over the whole range
of Samoan affairs, so far as the high
commission may think fit to act in or
der to fully restore order and estab
lish affairs on a stable basis. It will
require no treaty to brinir tin com-
I mission Into existence, as tho acc.-pt-'
' nnccs of the United States and Groat !
-! i... ... . !
isruain win complete the agreement
SCIENTIFIC PARTY WRECKED. Institution Kxpodltlon Moeu
San Fn.vxcisco, April X News has
. w.vta s. v., i.4 imii: jv Liu; hiss rir run
schooner Stella Ehrland, which sailed'
lrom here on the 20th of last month
T republic,
bAJf vax, Porto Ulco,
Anrll 3 A
new political party has been born
"tho Republican party of Porto Hico."
Though tho party was organized by
the radicals, under tho leadership of
Manuel Hossy. it has for its object tho
association of all political elements on
this island, nnd they have agreed upon
a platform which is pronounced to bo
faultless In its Americanism. It
pledges tho support of its members to
uio American constitution, nsks for
free trade with the United State, tho
goiu standard of values, and dom..!,
teaching of the English' language
. . 2
' 1 1 Wo
'"ty Dead
Ilolloi IUto lleen TaUn
From the Itulns.
New Yonrc, April 3 The total dead
of tho Windsor hotel fire now number
forty-one. Of these thirty are uniden
tified bodies and portions of bo.lies at
tho morgue. Hody No. 30 was taken
v" ""j ,nrguo yesterday. It consists
. "' "- m uoucs, entirely denuded
oi iiesn and ration charred. Tho nuin
ocr ot missing Is forty-three. Tho
funeral of the victims of the flro will
take plnce on Monday or Tucsd.iy next
at the Church of the Heavenly Hest.
Karat Stores llrnoh Manila.
Washington-, April 3. A cable mes
ago was received from Admiral
Dewey to-day announcing tho arrival
at Manila of the Celtic, a naval storo
Making aiora ContoU f,gl.
bAN Imuscibco, April 3. Governor
fiago has signed tho Rlckard bill.
which legalizes prlzo fighting contests
up to twenty rounds. Under this bill
uuiy incorporated clubs can pronioto
couiosis alter paying an nunual
license, ine amount of which is to b
uxeu uy county supervisors.
Colonel Anilarinn M id llrlcmll.r.
Washinoton, April 3. Colonel
Thomas M. Anderson his beo.i ap
pointed brigadier gonornl In tho regu
lar army to succeed E4win V. Sumner,
tjmenater District Court's I'opnlar CUrk
Called Home F.arly.
Sam E. Low, clerk of the district
court for Lancaster county, died at
midnight Sunday night, at La Cruces,
New Mexico, of consumption. Mr
Low hnd been tuken from Denver to
Las Cruces last week, arriving there
on Thursday.
Mr. Low has been awny from Lin
coin for scverul months, spending most
of his time in the health resorts of
Colorado. Heccntly his health had
been failing rapidly, and nnd last week
a change of climate was. sought in the
hope that life might be prolonged. Mr
Low was thirty-three years of age, and
was born in Illinois. He was n gradu
ate from the Hayworth, 111., high
school nt the age of sixteen years, and
later attended college ntllnuover, I nil.
He came to Lincoln In 1SS7, and was
for n time engaged In newspaper work
here for nn Omaha paper. Later he
accepted a position as clerk In the of
flee of Governor Thnycr! where he re
malned until 18951. In 189:. he was
elected clerk of tho district court,
which ofllce he held at the time of his
death. Had he lived his term of ofllce
would have expired January 3, 1U00.
Mr. Low's parents live at Stuttgart.
Ark. He has three brothers and ont
sister living.
Deputy J. II. Mallalleu was appoint
ed by the eouuty commissioner to fill
the vacancy. C. O. Hoettcher was ap
pointed deputy by Mr. Malliilieu.
Half of tho IlniilncM I'art of the Touit
In Destroyed.
Fire destroyed about half of the
business portion of the town of Junsen
on the Hock Island, at an early hour
last Saturday morning. Seven ston s
were entirely destroyed, including
Conrad Hrucr's big general store, tin
postofllce, a butcher shop, barbershop,
restaurant and other small stocks
The origin of the lire is unknown.
lli-urnn Old Date.
A patent for land, Issued to Charles
Callahan, private in Captain Mead's
company of Louisiana volunteers, dated
May 10, 1S0I, nnd signed "Abraham
Lincoln, by W. D. Stoddard, secretary.'
was filed for record with the register of
deeds for Lancaster county last Mon
day. The land is described as the north
one-half of the southeast quarter of see
tion seven, and the northwest quartet
of the southwest quarter of seelioti
eight, township eight, range seven, "in
the district of land to besoldatNebras
ka City," and containing 1-0 acres.
Cracked the Safe.
When postmaster Clark went to the
postofllce Wednesday morning he be
hold the lower panels pried out of the
back door, nnd the door blown off tin
iron safe and all his postage stamps
and about 818 In pennies gone. The
door of the safe was lying on the op
posite side of the room. A lot of tools
from Mr. Mitchell's shop were strewn
on the postofllce floor, as evidence of
how the burglars got In. Mr. Clark
says he docs not know whether it was
done by someone In the neighborhood
or by strangers. Greenwood Gazette
Chureed With Kintinlenicnt.
Clem nnd Tom Wilson, the two law
yers who left Johnson some weeks age
to locate at Genevn, and who were ar
rested recently, had their preliminary
examination before County Judge Lam
bert and were bound over In the stuu
of 8700 each. They are chnrged with
embezzling S.100, the proceeds of u
mortgage given them for collection b
Mrs. Hickey.
Wheeler Wanted.
Myron E. Wheeler of Lincoln ha?
been offered a position in tho war de
partment by Assistant Seccrtary of
War Meiklejohn. It was said that the
offer was in the nature of an order to
for duty nt once nt Havana, and that
the salary attaching would be some
thing like 82.000 per year. It was
stated that Mr. Wheeler would probab
ly accept,
Fire at rieeraer.
Fire nt Itccmcr destroyed the stores
of Decker fc Smith and tho Woodu
block adjoining. Tho loss is largo.
The building In which Decker & Smith
had thtlr general store was owned by
F. J. Fitzgorald, real estate agont. Mr.
Woods expects to rebuild at once.
What the others will do Is not known
C.etlliiE Alone Nicely.
All of tho Injured in the Pnttcrson
block flro In Omaha arc reported to be
Improved. It develops that during the
excitement Immediately following the
fire Mrs. Hnrry Hopkins diamond ear
rings und on finger ring wero taken
from her person and have not yet
turned up. j
LlUt airl' Lone Nap.
Llttlo lelen Brelter, tho 4-ycar-old
daughterjf John Brelter, of Saginaw,
Mich,, hoi been apparently usleep slnco
Thursday night of last wenk. Sho has
not opefed her eyes but has answered
"yes" aid "no" to questions regarding
her nourishment. Sho has been 111 for
flvo wks from brain affection. She.
showB ,io signs of omaclatlon.
J a uueiunii or Air.
"Wlnt Is tho Spanish national air?'
Inqulpd tho man who Is rauilcally In
clined "I don't know," answered tho
Intenely patriotic citizen. "But Juic
ing l-oni tho general complexion oC
the people I should Bay that quinine
ouglt to go with It." Washington
6e!inrinan Wm Under Fir
Ianii.a, March S8. President
Schirman of the Philippines commls
stoi and Mr. MucArthur, Its secre
tary wero under lire with Genera)
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