The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1899, Image 1

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Thereby Hangs a Tale
Competition Acknowledges Our
Our regular prices are always lower than others
specials. Our special prices are not goods
marked up and offered at cut prices.
They are values we have se
cured through cash
India Linens, Lawns and Dimities.
Whito India Linens, 10c to 50c. (fgj
Black India Linens 10c to 20c w
Dimities in chocks and stripes 15c to 50c. vW
Organdies and Lawns iu dress pattern lengths. '&
Orgaudio Rao, Organdio Suise, Lawns and Organdies at 10c to 10c "Sjj
A good story always bears ropeating. Prices lower than compe
tition. Wo aro showing tho bost lino of shirt, waists over shown
in Rod Cloud. 85o to 81.75 each.
Material for making shirt waists contain all tiio latost novelties.
English Shirtings, Percales, Picrotinos, Fashotla, Plquos in
whites, fancy figures and colors.
Wo aro satisfied with small prollts on good goods. That always
means a satisfied customer. A satisfied customer always comes
back. That is tho reason of our great succoss.
Our patterns are selling rapidly. Tho reason, that they aro markod
very low, not 10c to 15c por yard liighor Ithiin tiieir value in
order to give you dress linings froo whon you pay double tho
prico for tho linings
(Jood dross linings aro an important jtem in dresses. Wo have them.
Our spring patterns from f0c to 81.40 per yard.
Spring dross goods from 10c to $1.40.
Waist patterns from 75c to 1.50 por yard.
Trimming Silks from 50c to $1.10 por yard.
Have you looked over our stock. Prices that aro niiro to make a
buyer if you are needing a carpet. Our output is such that it
enables us to buy goods in largo quantities. Cash buying is an
osscntlal item in successful pricing and selling.
Cotton Ingrain carpets, 30o per yard, made up.
Union Ingrain carpets upwards to 50c por yard.
Wool filled carpels upwards to 00c por yard made up.
All wool carpets from 50c to 70t per yard.
Hemp carpets from 15c to ;i0c per yard.
Japanese and Chinese matting 15o to fltc por yard.
Pickings from best lines Moquottos at 51.00 per yard mado up.
Wo luivo just received another iuvoico of Ladies, Misses and Ohil
dron's shoes.
.lfc Richardson lino of ladies shoes aro lino. Thoy coinprlso all tho
latest styles and finish, combined with low prii'o. In order to
make room for this lino of shoos, wo have placed special closo
out prices on our stook of Brndloy, Motcalf Shoo (Jo's, lime of
A few values in moil's shoos.
Vesting tops, kangaroo, machlno welt, latost too for $3.50.
Vicl Kid, machlno yelt, common souse too for 82.25. Those are real
Colt Skin shoes at $2.25.
Tho bost plow shoo on tho market $1.50.
Children's slioes rrofti ooc to 82.00
Tho following listod articles only a fow of tho many values from our
f urnituro room. Okr furniture room contains over .1500 square
feet floor space. Clowdod to tho coiling with now goods. An
other carload of goois now on sale, lhiying in carloads makes a
saving or 4U por couurrolgut
lactones Bavos mo pnuts or tuo
Kitchen safes,$!J.50.
Iron Bods. 83.50.
Laruo solid oak chiillouori&GOO.
Solid oak side bourd, $12.
Tho bost value in a coudi, covered with velour or corduroy, tliat
was ovor shown in RodCloud. for $7.
A largo, roomy, hardwood, Irni rocker, cano aent, for $3.
Bodroom sottos lor t&ia.ou.
JJiner BfosI Hed Gload, Keb.
per pair.
charges. Buying direct from tho
ffll The Pains and Aches of
UL I Right on its track 1
1 ) St. Jacobs Oil (
fit I CREEPS IN. 1
M I It Penetrates, Searches, Drives Out. f
Court Proceedings.
Tho district convenod at tho court
liouso last Monday morning, and is
still iu sossion. Tho dockot contained
about ono hundred and fifty casos in
all. Tho following is a list of the casos
so far hoard:
Stato of Nebraska vs Myron Liudsoy,
Win. Sanderson and Clins. Hunt; ap
peal; continued on defendant's appli
cation on renewing the recognition for
appearance at next term of court. Wm.
Sanderson and Chas. Hunt each ack
nowledged themselves indebted to tho
stato in tho sum of $100 conditioned
that they appoar at next term.
Stato vs Harris et al, dismissed.
Chas. Lopin vs Geo. E. Coon, sheriff,
ou mandate, contiuued by agreement.
Farmers & Merchants Banking Co.,
vs Lucius PJatt et al; creditor's bill;
H. G. Koohler vs C. F. Dronutoorder
et a); ponding stay; dismissed at plain
tiff's cost.
Gdrrow Kolloy & Co. vs Stato Hank
of Blue Hill; reinstated; passed for
present; given 20 days to plead.
Wm. II. Male ot al vs Josephine Mi.
or; petition in equity; dismissed.
Mary E. Conway vs Daniel S. Cook
et al, for confirmation; salo confirmed
and deod ordered granted at onco.
Daniel Cook vs John C. Rosoctal,
petition for daainges, dismissed at
plaintiff's costs.
N. S. Harwood vs Red Cloud Powor
Co.; petition iu foreclosure; given leave
to withdraw demurrer and plead in
thirty days.
Pettibone & Nixon vs Susan 11. Clapp
for confirmation, settled and dismissed.
James L. Millor, administrator vs
Clara E. Waller et al, for confirmation;
sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Ezra liisliop vs Jacob Schmidt et
nl; pending stay; settled and dismissed
at plaintiff's cost,
Connecticut General Lifo Insurance
Co. vs Jane Saladon ot al; for confirm
ation, sale confirmed and deed or
dered. Nt braska Loan Sr Trust Co. vs. Geo.
L. Gullifoid et al; for confirmation,
sale confirmed and deed oidcrcdjdo
fendant given forty days to piopnro
bill of excoptions, supersedeas bond
fixed at $150.
Surah P. L. Nasi) vs Mary A. Wood
Hide et al. Plaintiff given leave to
amend petition; dismissed as to
Mosteller, husband of l'ernielia Mos
teller, Mosteller, wife of T. L.
Mosteller and Theodore Mostellar.
Default of all other tlolondants taken.
Duo plaintiff from. Pormolia Mosteller
8220.00, subject to principal mortgago
of 81,000, drawing 5 por cont interest.
Decree of foreclosure and order of
sale; stay of ono year by agreomont.
Emma Thtolko vs Ernest Theolko.
Petition; dismissed at Plaintiff's cost.
Rosoana B. Seoloy vs Harvoy W.
Sawyer et al. Ponding stay; dismissed.
First National Hank of Omaha vs
Stato Hank of Blue Hill, Suit on note;
continued by agreement.
State Bank of Blue Hill vs W. O.
Dlmmlck. Suit ou note; demurrer
overruled; court finds duo plaintiff
from defendant $2147 at ton por pent
interest; judgment on finding.
R. A. Simpson trustoo vs William II.
Snook ot al. For confirmation; objoc
Hon to confirmation overruled; defend
ant excepts; supersedeas bond fixed at
Chas. L. Mosloy executor vs Daniel
Cook ot al. Pending stay, doath of de
fendant Cook suggested; leave given
Irwin Bros, to fllo amended petition
without prejudice to trial this term;
court finds duo ciosh potitionor from
defendant Sarah Cook, l. J. and C.
Irwin $848.11; decroo of foroolosuro
and order of sale; nine months stay.
Alice McDonald vs Charles Lopin ot
nl. Ponding stay. Settled and dis
Honry Guild vs A. M. Simerson et nl.
Foreclosure of mortgage. Settled and
dismiSsed at plaintiff's cost.
Mai g:u et Otis et al vs James G.
Brown et al. Overman appointed
guatiliaii ad litem for minor heirs; re
port of referees confirmed and salo or
Mary Fitzgerald, administrator vs
Thomas (jtiinn et al. Foreclosure of
mortgage. Sale confirmed ami deed
ordered; writ of possession awarded.
Jane C. Fnirchild vs Martha A. Rob
liiBOii et nl. For confirmation; salo
confirmed and deed ordered.
Citizens Stato Bank of Cambridgo vs
J. A. Boyd and E. J. Overing. New
trial granted; judgment heretofore ren
dered set aside; defendant Overing
given thirty days to answer.
Honry J. Clark vs E. J. Ovoring.
Petition for damages; dismissed.
Joseph A. Boyd vs Edwin J. Ovoring.
Petition for damages; dismissed.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs Mar
garet McCall ot nl. Foreclosuro of
mortgago. Dccrco of foreclosure and
order of sale; stay of thirteen months
by agreomont.
J. H. Pottibono nnd S. E. Nixon vs
Antoinette McNitt et nl. Foreclosuro
of niortgago. Settled nnd dismissed.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs John
McHalo ot nl. Foroolosuro of mort
gago. Dismissed as to A. Conover and
A. Koplsch; duo plaintiff from defend
ant McHalo $575.00, draws ten per cent
interest, first lien; degrco of foreclo
sure and order of sale; due Kopisch on
judgment $511.00, draws ten per cent
Georgiana Blackmoro vs Daniel S.
Coombs et al. Foreclosure of mort
gage. Default of all defendants taken;
duo plaintiff from defendant Daniel S.
Coombs $524 15; decree of foreclosuro
and order of salo; stay of twelvo months
by agreomont.
David Wiso & Co. vs J. W. Runehoy
et nl. Petition for dnnmgcs. Settled
ami dismissed at defendant's costs ox
eept what wns already advanced by
plaintiff to remain; this is settled by
connection with Wiso & Co. vs Goos.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs Edwin
Moliler tal. Foreclosure of mortgage
Default of all defendants taken; duo
plaintiff from Edwin Moliler $300.20,
drawing ten per cent interest, subject
to principal mortgago of $750 and inter
est at ton per cent from April, 1808;
dccrco of foreclosuro and order of salo;
stay of twelve months.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co vs J. W.
Ilarpham etal. Foreclosure of mort
gage. Due plaintiff first lien 8512.85,
subject to principal niortgnge of $1,000
with iriterest at ten por cent from Nov
ember 1, 18S7; dccrco of foreclosuro
and order of sale; stay of twelve
Wrought Iron Range Co. vs F. II.
and II. E. Gorlock. On appeal. Mo
tion to dismiss sustained.
Phillip Fasslor vs Geo. W. Roberts et
al. Due plaintiff on tax salo certificate
8101.80, drawing ten per cont interest
nnd $10.48 nttornoy's fees ns costs; de
cree of foreclosure nnd order of Halo.
John B, Hillors vs Geo. O. Yoisor et
al. Foreclosure of tax lion. Contin
ued by consent of parties.
Horaco G. Sawyer vs A. J. Gillespie
Commission Co. Petition in attach
ment. Dismissed.
Atchison Live Stock Co., J. D. Small
Manager vs A. J. Gillospio Commission
Co. Petition in attachmont. Dis
missed. Fletcher & LedbettsvH A.J.Gillespie
Commission Co. Petition iu attach
ment. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
N. E. Whitesldes vs A.J. Gillespie
Commission Co. Petition in attach
mont. Dismissed,
O. Baldwin vs same ns above, Jackob
Badsky vseamo ns nbovo, Balch Bros.,
vs samo as abovo. Petition In attach
ment. All dismissed.
In the matter of John Lightfoot de
ceased. Petition to sell real estate.
Salo confirmed and doed ordered.
Tho Piano Mfg. Co. vs John Zajlc.
Appeal. Case dismissed at defendant's
toil except such ooiU as have been ad
xM An
''f Vof
Sweetest thing that can be seen
Is a baby, fresh and clean.
Dainty clothes and tender skin
Need pure soap to wash them in.
Nurse and mother must be sure
Baby's bath is sweet and pure.
Free from grease or alkalies;
Ivory Soap their want supplies.
vnnced by plaintiff as per stipulation
on filo.
Edwin J. Ovoring vs Joseph B. Boyd
otal. Suit for damages. Dismissed.
Win. Waterman vs Emily II. Gnrdi
nor et nl. Foreclosure of niortgago.
Default of all defendant's taken; duo
plaintiff on note and mortgage $004.00
including attorney's fees; decree of
foreclosuro and order of sale.
Tho Piano Mfg. Co. vs M. Vavricka.
Appeal. Settled us per stipulation.
Phillip Fussier vs Midway Invest
ment Ca. Dismissed.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs Frank
O. Slater ot nl. Foreclosuro of mort
gage. Duo plaintiff from Slater $358.28
subject to mortgage of $1,000 with in
terest nt. 8 per cont from December 1,
1808 nnd ton per cont thereafter; de
cree of foreclosure and order of salo
Hugh B. Hunter vs Albert C. Goaicko
ot al. Petition to quiet title; default of
all defendant's taken,
Louie Thomson vs John O Yoisor et
al. Foreclosuro of mortgage; dismissed
and costs paid.
Anna Hiidley vs Morris M. Stern,
John I'olniekyet nl. Petition fordam
ngesj demurrer overruled; defendants
ocept; defendants given HO days to
Peter l'augh vs Jno. T Wilner otal.
Petition iu foreclosure; death of Stur
geon Kershuer suggested.
Virginia Galbrcth vs John Ciulhroth.
Petition for divorce; default of defend
ants taken.
Peoples Building Loan & Savings As
sociation vs Casper Wegmanu et al.
Sale on oxocution; dismissed.
State of Nebraska vs David E. John
son. On mandato; defendant executed
to plaintiff secured note nnd ense dis
missed at defendant's cost.
Emma J. Duckorvs Fannie R. Blocks
et al. Re-docketed; deod ordered.
"A word to tho wiso is sufficient" and
a word from the wiso should be suf
ficient, but you ask, who aro tho wiso?
Tlioso who know. Tho oft repeated ex
porienco of trustworthy porsons may
bo taken for knowledge Mr. W. M.
Terry says Chamborlnin's Cough' Rem
edy gives better satisfaction than any
other in tho market. IIo has been in
tho drug business at Elkton, Ky., for
twelvo years; has sold hundreds of
bottles of this remedy and nearloy all
other cough medicines manufactured,
which shows conclusively tbat Cham
berlain's is the most satisfactory to tho
people, and is the best. For sale by
11. E. Grlce.
Rheumatism Cured.
My wife has iiscdChamberlaiu'sPain
Balm fur rheumatism witli great relief,
and I can recommend it as a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and other
household use for which we have found
it valuable W. J.Cui.vkk, Red Creek,
N. Y.
Mr. Cuyler is ono of tho leading
merchants of this villiagoandono ofthe
most prominent nion in tins vicinity
W. G. PiiiiTiN, Editor Red Crook Her-
aid. For sale by 11. E, Grico.
Baby Wardrobe Patterns.
Twenty -soven patterns for different
articles in long clothes with full and
complete directions for making same,
allowing necessary materials, sent post
paid ior 25c in stamps. Fifteen pat
terns of short clothes 25c or both for 10c.
"Information to Mothers" sent free
with nnch order. Address.
Downey Pattern Co., Butler, Ind.
The repetition of idle minors is
calculated to work injury tbat can not
be easily undone. If parties would be
careful and i enort nothing until they
know it to bo true it would be best
for all, The individual who circulates
slaiideious rumors, reflecting upon tho
eharaelei of a voman withou apartielo
of evidence to sustain his tale, is too
contemptible to encumber the earth.
Decency is often a targot for a mind
surcharged witli damnable scurrility.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Romedy in tho Worcoster En
terprise recently, which leads me to
writo this. I can truthfully sny I
never used any romedy equal to it for
colic and diarrhoea. I have never had
to use more than one or two doses to
cure tho caso with myself or children.
W. A. Stkoud, Popomoke City, Md.
For sale by H. E. Griee.
You Know that tired feeling is ex
ceedingly disagreouble. What is far
bettor, you may know, by a fair trial,
that Hood's Snrsaparilln entirely cures,
Hood's Pills cure nausoa, sick head
ache, biliousness, indigestion. Prico
25 conts.
For frost bites, burns, inilolunt sores,
ec.emii, skiu disoaso, nnd especially
piles, DoWitt's Witch Hazol Salve
stands ilrst und bost. Look out for
dishonest peoplo who try to imitate
Mid counterfeit it. It's hoir endorse
ment of a good article . Wnrihio.-
goods aro not imitated. Got DoWitU
Witch Hazel Salve O. L. Cottiag