"1 n Vfc JA( ji. , 'n 4 ) -,. I t v Jwrrnr I'HB KED CLOUD OHIKK. KKIOAY. MARCH. 31. 1S99. t WERY-DAY HEROISM ! Stnitftflliitf tlirmtpli life, uursiil with ra tlin li, In iv common porlcnrM. How- r hiTok' tiio lit ctttiirrli ifcn Hill Willi). L'uder hoiiii mime or othi-r ItfctH till' liL'bt oftlH. IYiuili 1. ItlffllllN, Wttco, Tox.,niiiltlioit- Stlllll.S f OtlllTfl Iibto been permanently ciiretl of catarrh by Ur. IIiirlmiiii'H huccumiiiiI remedy PeTti-iiii. HorulnMr IiiijiiIIb' lutter; Dr. S. II. Hartman, Columbus, 0. Dkaii Sin: "I'cTU-ininiKl Mutva-lln havo cured mo of one of tlieworstciif.es i catarrh any onu over had. My case was bo sovoro that I wan compelled to discontinue my huslneu, that of con ductor on a railroad; but I am now ntlrely well." Ordinary treatment of catarrh Is for local relief. Curen arc not expected. Dr. Ilartman'H method oradlcatcH ca tarrh absolutely, (let his latest book and learn how to combat this Insidious disease. The IV-rii-nti Medicine Co., Columbus, O., will mall Dr. Hurtrauu's books free on application. II. A. Scott, Hurt, Tenn., writes: "I feel very thankful to my Maker and your grunt medicine that I am cured. I would not bo without I'e rii'iia In the hoiibc." l'o-ru-im hits been curing catarrh for forty years. It plucks out the roots of catarrh and builds people up.- All druRpIsts sell It. Frazer Axle Grease Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial, Parla and World's Fair. f"" Frazer Lubricator Co., rMtfritil Cli6wff St LOwtf Nwv Yonu Lazy Liver "I have been troubled a great deal with a torpid liver, which produces constlpa tlon. I found CAS0AKF.T3 to beall you claim for thorn, and aecurod auch rellof tho Rrat trial, that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I shall only be too Kind to reo tnmend Cuwcarets whenever the opportunity U presumed." J. A. SMITH. 2WU Susquehanna Ave., I'hlladolphla, . CANDY CATHARTIC TSADt MAMS RtOIBTIKCO Pleasant, rolMnblc. roient. Toitr GoikI. no flood, Never Sicken. Weaken. or Orlpe.lOc, Sic.Wc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... f urii.f n,.jj rir, cu.j., x.Mr.ii, rri. no Hn.Tn.RAn flo,rt anilauarantcrrtliT all drug. HU U-DAli gl.U to Ct) UK Tobacco Habit. Tree Homesteads a ilErprvvs -- ' A,"""" I'Vt ?& m "jstL. irw i s jrx l rmmmdJ ' ' Canada ltciiitio, fnnm-i--.' ou nnd fnrnuii ' Ing mi fear of tliocouutry people who bi'nlmtil win, tm, nii.rtemrM, lnii i were tloel'lmr ti, vpII tln.ir timrl-xi crltl4nl..i1 t,!ri .tfaUiiMkiii) t uie1 "lrc "OLI.ing to SCI1 llicir llKtrKOl fire iiuiiin.tendi.nr ico rtm. m thu j produce In the city. There is much ex- luiinillan ii. llu Imul nf Nu 1 llnid ,, . ., , . .- Whim n tu :.j inisht m to iiip Hint i.i,w I elteinetit, amounting almost to a pan S!..'.:!!,'.1 "iL i,JKr,il.J:!,;r.4,.,,5: . therefore, In Soochow, and a dire 5JSfc ftt munti) in ttm wmiii oooii wt.r, inwifnte is prophesied to tho city, it being tait, abundant furl. Tb Ulnuiwila ihII ' ....i..i .,.. .. 1 ,.. tola. Him riHunllr madu tlir Vi'ritrn fan ada trip, rak of It a. tli hom for tniall faimrri Tho onirlal rrpol t n "Tu tlir mall farmrr klnii naw lioma r.tcrli Canada ultrrt Krrat liulutt inrnla, Wlillo It arrin. a I on it way noitli, Hie Canadian I'arttlc Hallway linn ! far mutliuf IMIuburith, the climate that of Hortlirrn Mlnnr.ota, ami Hie laiut ralira eplrii. 4ldaml aurarroiM." For map. ami full Information apply to pupi, in immigration, (Hum, Canada, or to W. V. IICKXBTT. Canaillnn lloTprnnipnt Aitcnt, 601 Now York 1.1 fj. ltulltltnij, Oaaaun, Neb. aAiyayivvawav I aV ffaraal BaV aaaaM H La bbXbli I EVa arnr aaaaa bbbm aaaamj aa bbh bbt bbi I bS bw A aaTaTI bTbTJ aTaTaTl kli iraH pBviTbTbV I aV m b TbTbb BraTJ 1 kI aaTl iiBTaaAW I B af. VXfM H bbjH v H VatbtbtJ1 I Baw a varfl iil bTbTbTJ bBk iil bbTbTbTbb l1 i ...,. and TradcMarka obtained and alt Pat entbuaineascunuuicu iv, muoanaTK rata, "'y" .. . I t.m .. .-.. m nun orncc l OfPOBITK U.S. ParcNT Orn ICE ibdwecaniecuro patent w ia iuuo uum u ue remote from Wathfngtou. Send model, drawlnjf or photo., with dc tcrlp- j tlon. we adrue, n patcmaoio ur , i uuikc wu. .v-" -".rAIT-i -i,.,. II t,k 'coft oflUnlon'tha U. S. and lorein counuie. ent Iree. uvaareia, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patimt ornce, wabhinoton, Ob. TSn LUHtS WHtl t AIL Hit Allb. M 13 licet ifouKli Hyrup. Toatos aoJ. Ueo gl H lnllinn. ""'' h Urut-'gl'ta. ,-J51 Jgj.y.tNMI.y.llrWWgjjJBl AN OYSTER'S AGE. It Mar Haadllr II Determine Meaaurlnif tha fllao of tlm flhall. r It Is just ns ensy to tell the nrfc of an oyster by looking at Its Midi ns It Is to nscertnin the apt of n horse by exam ining Its teeth or a tree by Inspecting the circles revealed bj the n orwuv when It Is laid low. Whin tlienster Is six months old It Is us big as a dime; when one year old It will cover a silver half dolhir, anil when two years old will be shout the clrctunferener of a slher dnlla nny IVarsoti'a Weekly. The oyster, unlike the crnb, Is not obliged to eelt new ipinrtera or build a new house every time he grows np preclnbly The extensions that he puts on to his house are clearly marked by a well-delneil rlilge. Oysters are esteemed to bent their best when between four and five years of age, and the plnntcrs endeavor to protect tho beds for thnt length of time. Conscientious oystermen that Is, men who arc not inclined to kill the goose that lays the golden egg always return to tho bed oysters that are too young, but in ense a patriarch is brought up, over whoso shell tho tides of from eight to twelve winters and summers havo ebbed nnd flowed, he Is sent to market, where ho is put at the bottom of the heap and sold with his younger and more luscious companions. Through Tourist Sleepers to Nowest The litirlingloii Uinitc has estahl'sheil a twlee-a-week touiisl ear lino from Kansas City to llutlit, Spokane, Tneo ma and Seattle. Cut's leave Kansas City, Lincoln anil Grand Island iivery Tuesday and Thursday, arriving at Seiiltlo following Fiiilny ami Sunday. They are. upholstered In rattan. Tho bed linen and ftiniMiii.gH arc clean and of good quality. The healing, ven tilating and toilet arrangements nru all that can bit desired and each car is in chnrgu of a uniformed Pullman porter, whoso solo duty is to attend to tho wantsof passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and thu berth rate from Lincoln to Tacotna or Seattle is only $5 00. To intermediate point it is proportionately low. Mon tana anil tho Pugct Sound country aro now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. As a cousequouco, liuvol to tho northwest is rapidly attaining largo proportions. This now tourist cur-lino has beou established with u viow of caring for tho Burlington's sharo of it in tho best possible manner. UhiiIis, tickets and full information can bo had on application to any II ur llngtou Route tickot agent or by ad dressing J. Fraucis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. The Color XV tut Immaterial. Hero is a story about Commodore Schley that is told in Washington: About the time, thnt he was looking-for a fleet the question of painting the ships of the navy a wnr color was un der solemn consideration by some of the precise officers of the big building. Assistant Secretary Jtoosevelt was bothered dally by the question of tints submitted to him by a bonrd on war ship color, when Schley remarked that he did not care what color his ship were painted so long as he had ships. "Paint them red If you like," snid he, "or pnlnt them black, hut lev me have them Co" r i heir ii'it'i' " I havo been nllHcteil with rhetima tism for fourteen y rs and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was nblo to hoatouud all thu time, but constant ly sutToring. I had tried everything 1 could hear of and :tt last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Halm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short titno cured. lam happy to say that it has not since returned. Josu KnoAit, Getmantowu, Cal. For sale by II. K Griee. M I .'tin ,.l LlllH, The .North China Herald says that a curious phenomenon was witnessed re cently at daybreak upon the opening of the Ch angmen gate of Soochow. Some 1,000 or more rats of all sizes , were seen to file out of the gates, show- rcincmbcrctl that a sitnllnr exodus l.appenetl In the '50s, just prior to tho fnll of the city Into the hands ol tho lalniug rehelB. Uev. K Kit wants, pastor of tho Hug llsli Haptist chureli, at Miuursville, Pa., wlieu 8iitlering with rheumatism, was advised to try Clminbciintn'a Paiu Hitlm, Ho says: A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to mo. It subdued tho inllammatiou and relieved the paiu. Should any suf ferer profit by giving Pain llalm a trial it will pleasu me. For salo by 11, E, Grlcu . Nnmea uf Army Officer. A correspondent of the London Spectator calls attention tc Uie'faot that out of a random list of 81 offi cers in the American army anil navy there nre three German names, one Italian, oue French nnd one Dutrh, All the rest are unquestionably IJrlt lih, ' i a Not one child dies where, ten formerly died from ennui, Peoolu have learned tint vnlim of Omi Minimi Cough Cure andUM.il for seven, lung and throat . , ,. I, . . . i tmuuloK, It immediately stops cough - log. It liovor lulls. 0. L. Cottiug. A Good Club Offer. All our fninier itiitltr Mioulil tak advnntage of tho unprecedented club blng oiler wo this year make, which includes, with this paper, The I'uvu lloinesiend, its Special Fanners li)i!Milu iltMiii,ThM Poultry Fanner, Tim Fin mi i' Mutual Iiisiiianee Jour nal and tin' Illumine Alliance. The siibseiipilcn piiee of thoMi live publl c.iiliMis amounts In i'i 80, while our paper l. $1 a total of 8i!c0. Wo tiro piepnred to rend them tul incliidi lg our own psper, to any fanner In this county foi $1,15, which is only 15e more than mir own sub-erlptiou price. Never befnii was so iiitieh stipelior t calling nintUT, of the most practical anil iiM'tnl character niTered for only $1 15 The III"! four of the pitpeis nan. cd ni c mi well known throughout lliu west that but littlo need be said of I hem. The commend themselves to thu readers favorable attention upon lueio mention, Tho Humane Aliianco is dovoted to humane education nnd should bn in every farmer's family, so that tho boys and girls on the farm may early Imbibe tho principles of a brond humanity that shall iucludo all God's creatures, and learn tho wickedness and brutalizing tendency of cruelty of all kinds. Take advantage of this great offer. ' Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's foot case, n powder for tho feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes tho sting out of corns and bunions. It's thu greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Huso makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It. is a euro for sweating, callous and hot, timl, aching feet. Try it today, bold by all drug gists aril shoo stores, liy uinli for "pic. in stamps. Trial package free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmotcnd, Lu Hoy N. Y. Drink Grain-O. After you have concluded that you ought not to drink coffee. It is not a nicdicino buldoctois order it, because it is healthful, invigorating nnd appetiz ing. It is made from pure grains and has tha '. rich seal brown color and tastes liku tho tluest grades of coffee nnd costs about i as much. Children like it and thrive on it because it is agenuino food drink containing nothing but uourish tuont. Ask your grocer for Grain-O, tho new food drink. 15 nnd 25c, RheurrutlsmtCured in a Day. "Myr.ic Cure," for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, is action upon tho system is remark ablo and mysterious. It removes at once tho causa and tho disease imme diately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benelits; 75 cents. Sold by H. E. Gricc, druggist, Red Cloud, Nob. Hoireseekers' Excursions. March 7th and 21st, April 4th and 18th, and May 2d and 10th, 181)9. To points in Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory. Kate of one faro plus $J for round trip, final limit of all tickets is 21 days from dato of sale. A, Conovkic, Agent. Hod Cloud, Neb., March 1), 181)1). Ilenuty In lllootl Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarsts, Candy Cathnr tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b stirring tip the lnzy liver and driving all iui- Iiuritics fiom the body. Ltcgin to-day to lauish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd thnt sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscnrcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, saustaction guaiantccu, 10c, L'oc, ooc. Don't Tobacco Silt and Simile Your I Ife Auay. To quit tobacco easily nnd finfrr. boinue uutlo, lull of IKo, neriouiid litter, tulie Ko-To-I)iic(ttiowoador-worl(cr, tlintinalics weale men Btronc- All drucKlnts, Waorll. CuroKunran toed Ilooldct and s.itnplo freo. Address Sterling Itemcdy Co., Chicago or Now York. $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Antl Dieuretic. May be worth to you more tlmn MOD If ou Iihyuu I'lilld wIioiioIIk IjcililliiK from liironten unco of water ilurliiK lccp. Cures old ami joiiiiKnllko, It Hrretta tlio trouble nt once. il. 3'JUI by C. L. Cottli.K, driiKRlat, Kctl Clouil, Neb. Relief in Six Hours. DIi-trohsltiK Vlilncy mtil blntliler (IImmisch re llcvetl In t lioum by "New Orcnt South Amerl enn Klilucv Cure," It Ins ureni utri'tlt-e on iui count of its ixet'e(lltiKiroiiiitnc,aln tcllcvliiK 1'ii'n In lilHilder. klilncyt unit buck. In mnle or female. Ile.ieve reteiulini uf waWr nlmoM Itiuucillnti'h . If Jon iMilit iiiilrk rullof niul cure tlilii Ik die remedy, bum by l . 1 CotlliiK, 1 (hugKlM, Itnl Cloud, .Neb. To Cuio Coimtlimtluii Vorovcr. TaltoCiisciiiets CiiiidvCatliurtic 10a orSoo. It C, C. C. full to cure, druituists refund money, Wo-To-Miic for rift Cents. auarnufi ri tiiunui.ihau'i ei.ve tain cs cak moii stiouu, biooil pure, bou.il ,U diiii:i;lbU . No-To-llao for Fifty Cents. Ouorantoed tobacco habit euro, makes wenlt mou strong, blood pure. 60o,(l, All druggists. 4 i Edacato Vour Itowcls With Cuicairata. Candy Catbnrtlc, euro constipation forever. 10o, 'Xo. It a O. O. fall, druggists refund money. m r.'itncatn Your llowela With Cuacurota. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forarer. 10c, 20a. If a C. C, fall, druKKlsts refund money Be Prepared! Tho bearing of children is not such a very se rious ordeal to the woman who Is prepared. If Mothmr'm FHmnd that wonderful ly soothing and relaxing lini ment, be faith Jully used dur ing tho period of tirecrnnncv. there will bo littlo morning sickness or nervousness, the critical hour will bo re lieved of much pain, and labor will be I brief. Recuperation will bo rapid, and tfter-unnRcrs wui cavoiaeu. Sold by dniCKlt for $t a bottle. ' m, r0K our rRnn uook on mu tunntcT. I THEBJLA.DyiELDaECBLaT0RC0AtlanU,C. "Could Hoi Ue on Left Sitlo." I&ski:,JtiM &Tmwwnw For three years I suffered from heart disease. Could not lie on my left side, bad dizzy spells, and at times my heart would skip a beat. Physi cians and proprietary medi cines failed to do me any good, but three bottks of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure made me a healthy man. J. J. Vandarra. Cornell, III. DR. MILES' Heart Cure Is sold by all druggists on gunrnntoo first bottlo benefits or money back. Hook on heart and nerves oontfrco. Or. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, 1'KOL'KIKTOU. DBAI.KK IN Wines, Liquors, California randies . tin ALWAYS ON TAP. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. Itreita with Ton whetber yon contlnun thi. nrrTtvKuiiniriuutu'cuunuii.nu. imua rciuuToi ue urairv turiuuarru, w out nerirouu.trei, i pels nlcqr. lino, punuci mo uioou, re- tore, lott man makes you ilrunit 4n0.nfln in mnraiin,nerTB (urarurrii. Iluv anupoccc Nn'roltAOfroin UOOK r own tlruirtfltt. wlir rnuph fur ua. Tali. It with lll.natlrntlr. neralntrntlr.Onr box, CI. utuatly currai 3boics.ff&0, arnnlCiMl tnrnrn. or wu rrfunil innnrr. Bit rll.lt Una, ;('.., lbli(, Do.lrtil, Hlw fork. Eureka Harness Oil Is the host preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old loutlier. Itoils, softonR, bluclc ent und protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your bent tinmcfts, your old I r nifi, nmtyour carrlttKetop, anil tliej will not only look better I. ul ucar loninr. Sold everywlii-rehi c-m nil alzea from half pliit') to rl i e KiiUoiif. Ual.U bTAMIJIIII on. III. co YEAnn EXPERIENCE Trade Marks desions C0PVRIQHT3 &C. Anrone tendtns a iketeh and deicrlptlon maj quickly airertaln our opinion freo wlietlicr an inreiii tloni a anl r. InTention la probably ratenUblo. llnn.atrlpllwmntldnnllaL HandtKI CommunlCA. tloni atrlctlr conadenliaL Handbook on I'atenta ent freo. Oldest asency foraecurtniBal fatenta taken through Munn Co. recelre Ui U lenta. rprctat notto, wituoot cnanto, la mi Scientific fltticrkam A handaomely tlluatrated weekly. iJir culatlon of any aclenttuo Journal. Ter rear: four ruont ha, ai. Bold by all no wi MUNN &Coi?B,Brc,d-''' New Branch Offlco, 62S I' et, Washington BBa ChUkuttr'a KacIlaB Plamond IlruO. Pennyroyal pills aTlB1a-4Ml aaVKat fltalff Cental alil. rc, ft.;! rvUtvU. LAUio uk umsiiM for t,wHr &ntnm v' Brmnd In tld ami tlUti nUIIU ibaxta. walai will, blur tlbboa. Taka Mm, an J JsiUallMj. All)raxri,tt.arnMa4. la ttaiura let rartlealira, tMUnumlxli ass " icaucr tup iuir," 11 twr. vr rrtara Halt USOOU rrrt'tiU. 'ai lp. lolir.trrChciBleHir.ilaitl.aB 1'larA ChU ' )!' t Lucaltlrau-U-. IMIILAUA.. VA. , STOHPEO FREE IPainiaBentlyCBrai iniinitf rroicntia d BR. KUNf.'S flRZAr RERVE RESTORER P.lll.A.n.. fc.all . L'""' r.f ,. ..... fount .MM. IIim' I'.ncfc J. I Uf crbtnouaiia afur I m tUf o. rrnaitiaand 03 trial bottla trf u 11 iUuu, U.j i.jUi -kw cau f ,. oLlf 'amr-; 1. roll. It. KlUs, l.u, n u.,aa loiiltnia.f Mill iniatcHHL.I'lill-J.lDliU.I'a. M WM I aBI knlrt nit mzjr-iji UUUU. VBAI IILa-'WOliO a x Vlllil biioi .aaM VI 1 1 a w mi v .r M ha mi-' .Lm nni aavv, .aKaas ln ma araTE'JL'CT IjmTSH fti V 9 Il THE ISIIWeekly Inter Ocerni LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST a Always American THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND OEST Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with News The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best maga zines. It is Interesting to the children as well as the parents. IT HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives Its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, It Is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. JJJJJjlJJjXJl $l.00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST. $1 THE INTER OCEAN'S Price of Dally by mall Price of Aundav bv mall Dally and Sunday by mall a - - BEST AND GHEAPEST ItflfflP Ofl EATH. A llht thnt is !ri!li:iiit itiul steady, K'Ves littlo hunt, no smoko and no otlor, niul Unit iiistH but littlo tc burn vml needs but slight attention. THE SNGLE LK7VTP litis these good points unci besides these throws thu light jtiHt where it wanted downward and otitnrd. As to tho cost to burn One Quart of Ordinary Kerosene or Coal Oil Lasts Sixteen Hours. Of eotirso it costs u littlo mote than poor, old fashioned lamps, but it saves it. cost niiitly tunes over in n year. All styles from ono humor np. Call antl examine the lamps, now on exhibition at my shoo store. Henry Delderich, Agt. City Dray and ROSS & RI1B, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. . Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COAL liuilclirxg: material Etc. a Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. Skin Diseases. For tho speedy nnd permanent cure of tetter, suit rheum nnd eczema, Chiim beiiain'B Eyo nnd Skin Ointment is without tin equal. It relieves the itch ing nnd smarting almost Instnntly nnd its continued uso effects n permanent euro. It also cures Itch, barber's itch, scald head, eoro nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. CauVs Condition Powders tor horses aro tho best tonic, blood purifier undvermifuge. Price, 29 cents. Soldby PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OltanMi and beaatinu the halt, l'njmotea a loiuriatit growth. never Falla to lleatore Oray A&air iu tm auuiuiui umgr. Cum xalp dlwawt It hair laUisg, gle.aiidtimat DrufirliU tJ IE YOUR OWN BOSSSIiVAnWr Li UiiHliicmtliiyorovcnltient home. Nu tied illtiiK You cull miiko Sa.5 ir week. I'ltlicr cx Aililrt'eK, .M, Yoiiiib, 303 Hunry street, i:rookln, N-w York. RANDOLPH MoNITT, ATrOllNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and l'robuto Litigation. MOON UI.OCK, KKl) CLOUU, NEIIHASXA. E. U. OVERMAN, KTTORNBY - KT - LKJni. Ottlcc oret Pott Ottlce. Does a general law business. Practices in all courts E. U. OVERMAN, Plaintiff's Attorney. ijiiJiu ur i-uuuijaii.ijx, State op Nxbiuska, I . WRnsTEIt CouNTr, i"0 In tho District Court In County, Nebraska. WebBtcr Jacob lladsky, Plaintiff, vs A. J. Olllcsplo Commit slon Company. Defendant, The "A. J. Olllesnlo Co: Union Company," dereudant, will tako nolle of Norember. A. 1). 189a on ino zxiii iiht inalnilir herein tiled his petition lit attachment In tho District uourt ot coster county, urriiisi sam uorend. ant, tho object and prayer of which Is to recover tho sum nf Five Hundred Dollars, due and ow lux on a contract for goods and cliRtle Is, to wit; For cauls contracted and delivered ly the plHlutttrto the dofeudant, for which mini the planum as iiiugmeui. Aim tiiai at tuo com menci mentor which action, and In support of the Mima and on proier nllldavlts tiled nnd sho'tliiK Made V)' the plnliitllf, aunltiichmcnt was Issued and itarnlnliee tirocess sorved on Charles Hunter and Ktigcne lliiulcr. You aro required to answer said petition on or before the 2th day of Muruli, A. D IH'..i. J a con Dadskv. lly E. U. OvKiivAK, Attornoy, IfiVprifl MM and faT obiii Tlio 2 " eteoiit o Always Republican OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE "W : s $1 NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. $4.00 per year IZOOntrvcar So.00 per year ' m Express Line, llaltiii TIMETABLE. B. & M. K.Y J! ED CLOUD, NEDB. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS and all points cast and south. DENVER HELENA JiUT'JE. SAL'l LAKE O'Y PORTLAND SAX FJiAXCISCO and all point west. TIUIN8 LBAVK AB rOLI-OWnl No. 60. FrclRht, dally except Humlny for wytnoro and nil point cast 7:00 a.m. No. 10. Passenger, dally fur St. Joe. Kansas City. Atchison, St. Loiila and all points cant nnd south 10:20a.B. No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. IlastlnRK, Grand Is land, Black Hills and all points In the northwest.... 1:00 p.m.. So. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and iiitcrmcuinio fcjwioiiH, via idv publlrnn.. 5.-! . iz:sup.m. dnlly. Wrinore and No. 04, FrclRht, St. Joe and Intcrmcdhite liinctlonnntntR. .13:45 p.m No. 63. Frelclit. dnth- for Itenutilicnn Orleuiis.Oxfordnndnll points went ... lO..V)B.m, No. 15. I'ntaeiiftcr. dully, Denver, all points Ju Colorado, Utah nnd Cnllforiiln ...... 8:40;).tn. No. 8TU. Vrelitbt dnlly to Oxford and Intermediate points ... i j.to p,m SleejiliiB. dining, and reclining thnlr ra,-s. (teats free) on throiinh trains. TIrkctsbold au.1 biiKKKKo checked to any point In thu Unltcrt States or Canada. For Information, time tallies, maps or tlckolK tan uii ur uiiuress a, louovcr, ARCIIl, Jtca Cloud, elJr. or J, Finucln. General Faibengcr Accnt Omaha. Nebraska. '' FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEN. City anil country calls promptly nn sworeil day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office over Lindsey's Meat Mahkkt J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 4 1Y YOU WANT XT. Crown 9 Bridge Work or Teeih Without Platei PonCBLAIN INLAT And all the latest lmproyemcnt la dontal mech anlsm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE S FARM L ANS. Lock llox JI3, (iuldo Itoct, Nob. All himia of pvojinrty bought, sold nnd 4 cxcliaiiKt'il. COLLECTIONS MADK. a TBlt.MS ui:.vsonaui. va J Hgiiiiiite,T"""iirr'imirTiitta