The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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The American Forces Have a Total
of 31 Dead and 212 Wounded,
Colonel Fcinttoo kd I Twenty of ltli Men
Nit a in Acroii n Stream After tlio Kn-
ray The Llttlo Detachment
Captured Four Tliuei Their
Number of Folly Armed
A cable
Wartuxotox, March
dispatch was received
from General Otis saying that the bat
tlo conslnucd all to-day (Monday) wltl
tho loss ox about forty on tho Amer
ican Bide, Ho says that the troops
will press forward to-morrow morn
ing. Agulnaldo commanded tho in
surgents In person.
With tho list sent by General Otis
the casualties ofllclally reported num
ber 81 dead and 201; wounded.
Tho dispatch received from General
Otis is as follows:
Manila, March 28. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: "MacArthur holds
Wallloa; severe fighting to-day and
our casualties about forty. Tho In
surgents havo destroyed bridges,
which impeded progress of train and
"Our troops met the concentrated in
surgent forces on northern line, com
manded by Agulnatdo in person, and
drove them with considerable slaugh
ter. They left nearly 100 dead on tho
field nod many prisoners and small
arms were captured.
"Tho column will press on In the
morning. Utls."
Manila, March 2H. A thousand
Filipinos, composing tho rear guard
of the rebel army, which is retreating
on Malolos, Agulnaldo's headquarters,
made a stand to-day in some strong
Intrcnchmcuts about Marlloa, across
the Marlloa river. In tho engage
ment alz Americans were killed, in
cluding threo officers, and forty wcro
General MacArthur's division spent
the night and morning at Mayka
way an, the next station beyond Polo.
After reconnoltcrlng his front, ho
pushed along tho railroad towards
Tho Flllplnoi, realizing that tho
railroad Is tho crucial Una, havo con
structed row after rcw of trenches,
running dlagoually on both sides of
tho track at a distance of a few hun
dred yards apart. This work was de
signed most Intelligently and has ev
idently been done under the direction
of export"). I represents nn enormous
amount of labor. Most of tho rcbol
bosltlons nre protected by thick earth
works, a majority of them topped with
stones and provided with loopholes.
Soma have sheet iron roofs.
Tho day's work of tho United
States troops consisted of stormlmr
tho successive trenches. Tho Filipinos
occupying them were completely hid
den. Tho enemy poured n strong ttro
from every trench until they wero dis
turbed by a Hanking volley, when
they would dtsappenr into the woods
and jungle, only to make a stand at
tho next line.
Tho American loss was remarkably
small, seven being reported killed and
twenty-llvo wouuded. It is known
that tho Filipinos wcro so well pro
tected that they suffered little. No
dead Insurgents wcro found in tho
trenches. Forty prisoners wero taken
by tho Americans and it is estimated
that tho rebel casualties numbered
Tho insurgents broke their guns
when they wero compelled to abandon
Tho evacuation of Malabon was n
plcturcsquo rout, thousands of men,
women and children, loaded down
with household goods, some with their
dearest treasures fighting cocks un
der their arms, poured across tho
swamps In tho early morning.
An exploded caisson at tho railroad
bridge proved a bar to tho Americans.
Ten soldiers of tho Oregon regiment,
while searching for two of thoao killed
earlier in tho fighting, sneaked into
the city in the morning nnd found tho
place in a condition of chaos. The in
habitants, seeing them, fled in a panic,
thinking the American forces wero in
possession. Tho Orcgonlaus shot sev
eral armed natives and then returned
to camp.
Tho American forces did not occu-
Malabon, but aro concentrating
Vlmr-ly Mention of the IlohiRn of the Na
tional CoiiRn'M, lrinrtinriilnl and 1'.
riutlTo Olllclul l-v-j, and .Motctnents
of Ann) mill N'to.v.
ThiirKilnj, .Man h !:.
The statement of tho condition of
tho treasury yesterday shows un
available cash balance of $'-'. 1,1 04, MK.
The gold reserve is SfiM'M I'.'.UO.
I'A-Senntor Thomas W. Tipton of
Nebraska is ill in Washington and Is
not expected tollvc. lllslllncss Islnrge
ly assignable to old age, he being 8'.'.
The nnvy department yesterday au
thorized the sale of the old monitor
Comanche to .1. Pimteskoy, Ithcovlch
.t Livingston, of Oakland, Oil., for
Colonel Hecker of the quartermast
er's department, who has been In Cuba
for some time, has returned to Wash
ington. Ho roiMirtH the conditions In
Cuba quite satisfactory.
The nnvv department has just re
ceived an account of u coiumemoriitlve
service in Smyrna, Asia Minor, In
honor of .lohn I'ervls, n Smyrnot, who
wns a member of the crow of the tor
iK'do boat Wlnslow. I'crvls was killed
jn the action at Cardenas, May 11, lbOrt.
An order for the organization of u
new company tit the United States
burrueks lit Columbus, ()., Is believed
to mean that all posts In the United
States will be garrisoned by recruits
while the regular Infantry will be sent
to the Philippines. The cavalry only
is expected to lie retained tor tiuiy in
the west.
The I nltnl States National hank of
Omaha has been designated us reserve
for the First National bunk of Sutton
and the (urn P.Nchnugc National bank
of Chicago for the Omaha National
bank of Omaha.
Prof. Walter F. Wlleo of Cornell
university has been appointed chief
statlstleli'in of the census bureau and
William P. Powell of Washington will
conduct the taking of applicants for
portions under the bureau.
V,. W. Wood ru IV of Sutton. Clayeoun
ty, Is taking an examination prelimi
nary to appointment In the ollieo of
Auditor Andrews In the treasury de
partment. Congress nuthoried the
appointment of three clerks to assist
In disposing of the accounts in connec
tion with the war loan of Is'.ih.
Coinpt roller Tniswell of the ticasury
has decided that the men who enlisted
for the war only and arc entitled to
extra pay an those who went In after
the net of April 20, Wt. which author
lyed the Increase f th' regular army.
According to the ruling of the comp
troller no soldier who enlisted prior to
the act of April 2il Is entitled to etrti
A llrlcf simiiiuir.v of Hiciila In
1'rople ore Deeply liilrrrlrd
Nenlemri font e) lug it World
formation to Our Header.
of lie
Owing to the publicity of tho ronlro
vets. between Perry lleliiiont and W.
I. Hrnn in relation to the Uemoeratlo
club Imnquet, Oliver II. P. Ilclmont,
Perr.v 's brother, has withdrawn from
tlie club, ami will attend the dollar
dinner glwn by the Chicago platform
their strength to strike Mulolos. Ma
labon Is a city of desolation. Tho
American soldiers have been forbidden
to enter tho plucofor fear that natives
may bo lurking there
Tho Americans found the important
town of Polo and a number of small
villages west of tho railroad deserted
and burning. They aro advancing
along the railroad.
General Wheaton nnd his staff were
nil tho tlmo under a rain of bullets.
Colonel Esrbcrt. who was In the thick-
1 est of tho fighting, was shot in tho
I abdomon. Ho was placed on a
At every railroad station circulars stretcher, and an attempt was mauo
have been posted, signed by the Fill- to carry him to tho cars, but ho died
plno commander-in-chief, Antonio on tho way.
Luna, ordering all spies and bearers of I It was a most affecting scene. Gen
news to tho enemy to bo shot without oral Wheaton, baring his head, said:
trial, and instructing that oil looters ! "You -havo done nobly." Colonel
and ravlshers bo treated In the samo Egbert gasped in reply: "I must die;
... . T A I.I II
manner, Further, till towns, nban- i nm iou uiu.
flonod by tho Filipino troops are first No Filipinos
wero found In tho
Though apparently their forco was
to be burned.
-ta( rrtsr a sr - sn rrv s r
uu "" "' "rft ''" ......, -""". :--". -:-,- I fnr...r 1,,,.k who,. vouuvsU'A
While deploring tho cxlstnneo of,"" "'' l" noreouests are ma.k. they will
war. tho circular maintains tho undo-; ns "? " " "'"""- . to the Arlington national cemetery
nnciriftnnnriinnnTinniiiiii.viiiiiwi v
U UUJIklUU UK- u uiiiiwt uj m w- i n
I treat.
l'rhtay, March 'it.
The Third Nebraska will be brought
north In April. They will go direct to
Ft. Crook. Omaha, to be mustered out.
Sylvester O. Campbell of Madison,
Neb., has been admitted to practice as
mi attorney for claimants before the
Interior department.
Honoris received at the war depart
ment from the medical officers serving
with troops In the Philippines show
that Agulnaldo's army Is using bruss
tipped bullets. Several American sol
diers have been wounded by the poison
ous projectiles.
The navy department wns yesterday
notified of'tho arrival of the cruiser
Chicago at Santiago. This is the vessel
which was sent to bring back to tho
United States ex-Secretary Sherman,
who Is now nt Santiago on the Paris.
The expectation is that he will be put
on the cruiser today if his condition
It Is now believed Hint President
McKinley will take an extended vaca
tion this summer, If public, business
will permit. Last spring lie wanted to
make a trip through the west, visiting
S'ellowstone park uud going as far
west us the Pacific coast, and he may
see his way clear to make that trip this
Tho Koumunlu has sailed from San
tiago with the remains of f54 soldiers
who were killed or tiled in Cuba and
120 from Porto Illeo. The Itotimaula
will arrive in Now York on Tuesday,
where arrangements will be made to
send the remains of soldiers to their
be sent
V ilnimlii, Mnrili 'ill.
An official report of the customs ser
vice ut Havana shows a gratifying con
dition of affairs.
General Otis has made no report to
the war department of the wounding
of General Halo, reported from Denver.
General Otis has purchased all gun
boats In the Philippines. There nre
thirteen of them. They will be used
in service against tho nathos.
The in Inelniil result of Alger's visit
to Cuba has been the quelling of the
Cuban assembly. He absolutely Ig
nored the body and refused to receive
Its members.
Hear Admiral How ison, on comple
tion of his duties as a member of the
examining board In Washington, will
proceed to the Chicago tit Norfolk and
iiolst his ling as commander-in-chief of
the South Atlantic station. '
The vacancy in the colonelcy of the
Twoiitv-seeond regiment caused by the
death of I oloncl Egbert, will be tilled
by the ptomnttouof Lieutenant-Colonel
.lohn W. French of the Twenty-third,
who is now with his regiment in the
Dr. Godfrey Hunter, Fnltcd States
minister to (itmtoinola. wholsin Louis
ville, is taking steps to save the life of
Churchill Guthrcy, mi American under
sentence of death In Honduras for fili
bustering. Guthrcy was formerly a
lawver at Marshall, Mo.
Indian Agent Mnthewsou of the
Winnebago agenev and W. K. Peebles
of Pender left Washington last night.
Thev are confident that allotments to
Indian children will be made and that
this will have the effect of opening up
the land to occupancy by cattlemen
holding leases.
Captain O'Neill, chief of the ordnance
bureau of the naty department, has
forwarded to the secretary for his ap
proval a form of circular for bids for
armor for the battleship Maine and
the fourinonltorsauthorled last spiingj
and the three battleships and threo
armored cruisers authorized by tho
last naval appropriation bill.
ThiirMln) Man h 'ill.
West Virginia oil companies have
The street railways of St. Louis ate
about to consolidate.
Aguinaldo has bo.isted that he will
inarch Into Manila In twenty days.
Hx-Sccretary Sherman continues to
Improve, lle'was able to go on deck
for a few moments.
The report of Sherman's death origi
nated through a blunder of the cable
company at Santiago.
Five persons were Injured, two prob
ably fatally. In a runaway dining a
funeral at. KviinsvUlo. hid.
There are yet forty-six persons miss
ing from those known to have been
guests of the Windsor hotel In New
Molvin Hoiiton shot and killed Ed
ward Walls at Worlhington. hid., yes
terday. There was no provocation for
the crime.
Over Il.OOO pounds of smokeless
powder exploded at the Diiponl Powder
works at Carney Point. N. J. Three
men were killed outright and social
were Injured.
Klondike post men refuse to carry
letteis from the I nlled States because
they have not the Canadian stamp. It
is said about 20 tons of I'nlted States
mall Is piled up at Skaguay.
The I'nlted States transport Sher
man fi tmi New York on February II ur
rhed at Manila yesterday. Ond child,
two sailors and two privates died on
the vovngc and one man was drowned
In thu .Mediterranean.
I). A. Flelschniaii, n bell boy at the
Hotel Morrison, Chicago, during the
mouth of .lime, IhUS, testified before
the court yesterday that he witnessed
the chemical process applied to beef.
The meat was smoked over a mystcii
our fiamc.
hi May. lsilH, Gerald Laplncr, n-venr
old-son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Limine r,
was abducted fioiu Its home In Chicago.
Last Tuesday It was discovered at the.
home of Mrs. Ann Ingersoll, Palnes
vllle, (). The Ingersoll woman and a
man named Collins have been arrested
for kidnapping.
similar, March 911,
Itiidytiid Kipling is better, nnd con
tinues' to ImpioNc.
.lapan has contracted for tlvo hun
dred tons of American Iron ore.
KvGmornor Fletcher of Missouri
tiled in Washington yesterday,
Tod Sloan Is not rtdliig up to liisprc
tlous rceoids on Hugllsh tracks thU
Cuivon, vice-regent of ludlii, ts prov
ing somewhat rash In his inlmiiilstra
t'on, and predictions of serious trouhlii
me many.
The formal opening of tho Port Ar
thur, Tex., ship canai took place yes
terday. Thousands of visitors helped
to celebrate the event.
Plans are now being considered by
whitlow glass workers which, if car
lied out, will eloso every factory In
Pittsburg, Pa., and nearby towiiH con
trolled by the American Giasscompany.
France anil F.iiglaud havo settled
their African trouble. The agreement
reached disposes of hundreds of thous
ands of square miles, apportioning It
between them on a satisfactory basis.
Hob Murtlcttc, the humorist, nnd
Miss Clara T. Halter of Los Angeles
were married yesterday. They will
live at Pasadena, where Hurdctto will
fill the pulpit of the First Presbyterian
O. K. Westenhavor. a prominent at
torncy of North Haltlniore, ()., was
murdered at Howling Green, ()., by
Paul and John Zeltner, against whom
he was trying a ease. Tho .eltners
wcro arrested. Mob law Is not feared.
nlablo right of the Filipinos to defend
their homes, lives and lands against
"would-be doralnators who would kill
them, their wives and children," add
ing that this motive ought to impel
every Filipino to sacrlflco everything.
Tho shelling of Pnranaqua was not
premeditated. The turret ship Mon
adnook anchored off the town nnd tho
Insurgents, emboldened by the long
Hence of tho warships on guard duty
opened flro on her with muskets, with
the result that ono man was killed
and threo wero wounded. Tho Mon
adnock then destroyed half the town.
Including the church.
Tho Washington rcirimont had an
txcttlng experience nnd displayed
much gallantry. The soldiers found
a band of insurgents concealed in a
tone houso over which tho French
flag was flying. A private volunteered,
to set fire to tho building. lie did bo
and the troops approached while it
was burning, the Filipinos having ap
parently fled. Hut the Americans
wero greeted with a sudden volley
Tr6m tho balcony of tho house,
charge was made and tho building
oon cleared.
The American forces advanced from
Meyouyan, tho brlgado commanded by
General Harrison Gray Otis upon tho
left of the railroad and General Halo's
upon the right. They eventually dis
cerned white roofs and Btccples
among the green trees beyond tho
river, looking not unlike a Massachu
setts village.
The robels had an unfordable river
In front of them nnd they poured In a
Ore, so effectlvo that it showed that
they were veterans, probably mem
bers cf tho native mallltla, which the
Spaniards organized.
Tho American artillery put a dra
tnatlo end to the battle. Approaching
under cover of the bushes, to about
Ixty yards from tho trenches, the ar
tillerymen emerged upon un open
pace commanding tho town. When
the Americans appeared they gave a
great yell and tho Filipinos wero
panlo-atrlcken, about a hundred seek
ing aafoty In flight. A white flag was
raised by those who wore In the
trenohes, who alBO shouted "Amlgos"
Colonel runsion, nun iwcnvy mem
ber of the Twentieth Kansas regi
ment, swam across tho river to the
lift of -tho railroad bridge ond car-
Cured eighty prisoners with all their
The Pennsylvania regiment cap
tured forty prisoners.
By this time tho right of the Fili
pinos wao demoralized.
The Americans havo
along the line of tho
railroad, driving the
from Mallnta and New
Qanaml Utti'
lteport of Louoi SaturdaJ
anil Sunday.
Washington, March 'J3. A list of
casualties In tho Philippines Friday,
Saturday and yesterday reached tho
war department lato yesterday after
noon. It shown killed, 2 officers and
20 men; died from wountU, M menj
wounded, 7 ofllcors, 158 men.
Colonel H. C. Egbert of tho Twenty
second United States Infantry, Captain
J. S. Stewart of Company U, First
Colorado volunteers and First Lieu
tenant M. G. Kravcnbuhl are tho offi
cers killed.
Tho Twontleth Kansas casualties
aro as follows:
Killed Private IL L. Flummcr,
Company E, Garnelt.
Private Curran G Craig, Company
E, Garnott.
I Prlvntn Alhcrt S. Anlbal. Com nant
G, Independence.
Sergeant Morris J. Cohen, tom
pany 11.
Private II. Falrchlld, Company IL
Won nded Private Frank Steward,
Company A, Topeka, scalp, slight.
Privato Thaddeus Wllgant, Company
C, thigh, severe.
Sorcrcant Gcortro O. Nichols, Com
pany, C, throat, severe.
Private George II. Cravens.Company
E, Lcroy, thigh, severe.
Privato Joseph Heflin, Company E,
Btrawn, leg, severe.
Privato Andrew W. Evans, Company
E, Puoln, neck, moderate.
Corporal James II. Hryant, Company
E, Vernon, elbow, slight.
Private Orvillo E. Parker, Company
G, Coffeyvlllo, shoulder and arm, se
vere. Captain Adna G. Clarke, Compuny
n, Lawrence, shoulder, sovero.
Private Edward It Hook, Company
II, Lawrence, shoulder and
Private William Tull, Company
Osawatomio, limbs, severe.
Saturday, .Murrh !iB,
Word comes from Santiago that ex
.socrotary Sherman was safely trans
ferred from the Paris to the cruiser
Chicairo. Ho will be brought north.
I and it is hoped the change will benefit
Comptroller Traeewell of the treas
ury announces a decision continuing
I the payment to fourth clnss postmas
I tcrs of the amount allowed under the
old law for the cancellation of stamps
on newspapers and periodicals.
The delegation of Winnebago Indi
ans had n final interview with Acting
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ton
uer yesterday and they will go home
today. Although they are in Wash
ington without authority, the Indian
office will pay their board and trans
portation home.
rbr Jhera jrexe J, 000 inhabitants;
Tho fruits of industry sometimes go
to smash Jn family jars.
HoteU Indian Chief Dyluir.
Spokank, Wash., March 28. Indian
Agent Anderson roports that Moses,
head chief of the 2,000 Indians on tho
Colvillo reservation, is dying of
li right's disease at his place near Nes
Pellm sub-agency. Ho is nearly 60
years of agC;
Will l'leren Wanhlp' Armor.
Paiiib, March 28. A dispatch to the
Eclair from Toulon says that tho ex
periments made there with armor
piercing shells have conclusively dem
onstrated tho possibility of a shell
piercing a warship's armor and ex
Blading Inside tho ship.
Monday, Starch U7.
The nnvy department has received
no word from Dewey In regard to the
battle at Munila.
The Indian office will permit Indians
to go to the proposed Omaha exposi-
..I i i ....
mm ii irniniurk(iiiiJii in jinui.
Major llrad I). Slaughter, paymaster,
was in Washington last week. He will
be stationed nt Omaha for some time.
The United States colonial commis
sion, Gen. Ilobert P. Kennedy, Maj.
Charles W. Wulkins nnd Henry G. Cur
tis, has arrived nt Ponce, Porto Itico.
The commissioners subsequently left
.by the revenue steamer Hlake to in
spect Puerto tie .lobos, the port of
Gunyuma nnd that tlistrict.
I Director Mcrriam of the eensus
. buicau has made the following np
Ipolntmcnts: William C. Hunt of Mass
achusetts, chief statisticau of popula
I tion statistics; Legrande Powers of
Minnesota, chief statistical! in charge
! of agricultural statistics. I loth ap
pointees arc well known statistical
'experts. Mr. Hunt occupied the same
office In the last census.
I An Intense pressure for small paper
currency Is anticipated by Treasurer
I Koberts at the time of the crop-moving
season next autumn. Tills pressure is
neck, already such that the trcusury is con
stantly refusing to supply paper cur-
I renoy in exchange for gold deposits at
' I New York and Is directing usslstunt
treasurers to pay goltl whenever pos
sible over the counters of tho sub-treasuries.
The Child Afraid of ttie Dark.
A timid child erica when ho Is put
to bed, because ho la afraid of tho
lark. Tho "Boft-henrted" narcnt stays
with him simply because ho realizes
.hat the child Ih passing through a
phnso of rnce development, In which
his Imagination has the best of him
out of demonology, bew-so his log
.cal faculties nre not developed. After
ill, tiicEo two parents, w'do npnrt In
,iolnt of view, act much tho same, und
very different from the paeudo-Bcion-tlflc
pnrent, who acta from a dogmatic
conviction and Is fiuro he Is right.
He talks of developing his child's self-
rosnprt nnil irood seilSO. and IcaVPH
him to cry himself to sleep, demand
ing powers of Belf-control and devel
opment which the child does not pol
ices. Jano Adtlnma In Tho Atlantic;
A Ilnchfiii Who Vlilti I'rlnoin.
Perhaps the woman who knows tho
moot about women convicts in Eng
lish prlsoiiH Is Adeline, Duchess of
Hcdford. llor graco holds special per
mission from tho home secretary to
isit the convict prisons In which
women nre Incnrcerated for longer pc
rlodB than two years, and very ex
cellent use has sho made of tho grcnt
trust reposed In her. With her col
league, Lady Hattersca.she does every
thing in her power to give the prla-
l'rlday, Mart-h SI.
Six hundred employes of the Fo
Pressed Steel company at Pittsburg,
I'll., have quit work because the firm
refused to grant an advance of' 10 per
cent In their wages.
The rumor that Cardinal Gibbons
wlil be the next pope has been revived.
The little town of Liberty, Tcnn.,
wus almost wiped oil the mnp by a
The trial of Mrs. George, accused of
the murder of George 1). Saxton, is un
der way at Canton.
St. Petersburg papers publish re
ports of the pitiable condition of the
famine striken in Hussla and Samaria.
Three negroes were taken from an
officer of the law anil lynched by an
armed mob near Silver City, nzoo
county, Mississippi.
John Gilbert of Clay Centre, Kan.,
eharged wito tho murder of his wife
and four children, was arrainged in
court and pleaded not guilty, but sub
sequently weakened and entered a plea
of guilty. Ho wus sentenced for life.
Mrs. Molter, near La Grange, Intl.,
caused the death of two of her chil
dren by administering morphine. She
attempted to commit suicide, but
failed. She said her husband was be
coming insane, and she wanted to tlie.
A race war is on in Little Hivcr
county, Arkansas, and during the past
forty-eight hours tin Indefinite number
of uegroiH havo met their death nt the
hiindb of an infuriated white popula
tion. Seven arc known to havo Wen
lynched, shot to tleuth or slain in some
maimer and tho work is not yet done.
Saturday, Murrh S,,
Two additional victims of the Wind
sor hotel firu have been found.
G. W. Leitncr, the llnqulst of Honn,
Gcrmuny, is dead. Ho was the master
of fifty languages.
In a tire at a boarding house in Mem-
lost und
Monday, March 117.
Secretary Alger entered Havana yes
terday. George Hldwell. tho noted forger,
and elder brother of James Hldwell of
Chicago, dletl at Hutte, Mont.
In their deslro to effect a friendly
settlement of the Samoa difficulty, the
German authorities havo dechfed to
discontinue their support of Mataffa,
hoping that this will Induce tho United
States to recall Chief Justice Cham
bers. The big battle fought at Manila last
Friday resulted in the death of forty
five aiid the wounding of 11.1. Urigndler
Goucrnl Egbert, 22d infantry, wiih the
only regular tinny officer killed. Ser
geant Walter Poor of Company II, First
retriment. Nebraska, of York, wiih
killed, nuil fourteen privates wero in
jured, among these being Captain Leo
For by, of Company G, anil W'ullneo 0.
Taylor, captain of Company L. Tho
Filipinos were driven bade with heavy
Chaiies McCoy was killed by a blow
over the heart given during n friendly
boxing bout at Kokomo, hid.
Michael Davltt, M. C, was stoned at
ChnrleyvHle. County Cork, Ireland,
during a melee between rival support
ers of candidates for the county chan
cellorship. Dr. ('has. Corrl, of Tncoinii, Wash.,
shot und killed his wife whilo tho two
were asleep. He claims ho hud a night
mare; believed a man was pursuing
ills wife, anil shot him. Ho awoke
with a start, found that he was In bed
and had taken the revolver from be
neath his pillow und killed his wife.
Tlie authorities believe him.
Fillpplnos arc burning their strong
holds at Malabon, and their forces aro
fleeing from tlie city in tho direction
of Malolos.
Engineer James Ilrncken and Fire
man liimcs It. Lowe, on tho Fort
Wayne t Chicago road wcro killed In
n collision at .luck's Knit near Pitts
burg, Pa.. It is alleged Hruckcn wav
asleep lit Ills post.
. mils. Tcnn., four lives were
si neonle were in hired.
oners, upon their dlBcharre, a fresh Kudyard Kipling suffered a set-back
start under improved conditions. Tho yesterday. II a ovcr-cxerted himself
duchess is n handsome woman In the und had a fainting spell,
prime of life, and when spenklng from Ilefore announcing tho administra
tis nlalform her charming voice is . lion's policy in regurti io mo i-iiiup
curiously like that of her r.lster, Lady pine", J'rcs dent McKlnley will
n... a until ho gets tho report of tho
jivu.jr ouuiciBCk. ,.,n,Uuln nmv nt Mini In.
At Sweetwater, Tex., Lawyer Wood
ruff shot and wounded Judge Cochran
and inlured a bystander. Woodruff
Palne'a Share In the IUTotullon.
At tho cloio of the American revolu
tion It became n nroverb that lnde
pendence had been achieved equally by had taken exceptions to tho court's rt
ti, D,.i nod th ncn . f"hal to npprovc a bill of exceptions.
Tuesday, March '4H.
Secretary Long Is Inspecting the
Norfolk nuvy yard.
President McKlnley has brought his
outing to u and returned to
The war department hns Issued or
ders that the Eighth Massachusetts
regiment bo mustered out at Hoston.
Gen. D. W. Flagler, who has been
critically 111 at Old Point, huw taken a
turn for the better and he may recover.
Major John L. Tlernnn, First artil
lery, has been assigned to command
, tho battalion of light artillery under
. orders for Manila.
of Paine, writeo Moncure D. Conway
in the Arena. Up to January, 1770,
Washington had protested his loyalty
to the crown. On the tenth
month Pnlne'B "Common Senso
Articles of Incorporation of the
Amerleuii licet Sugar company were
vestcrduv filed in New Jersey. The
capital ntock Is 820,000,000. Hoth Nc-
of that ( i)raska companies, It is suid, will enter
bo" ap- , the combine.
penrcd. On the thirty-first of that Citizens of the United States, resitl
month Washington wrote from Cam-, lng in China have appealed to the
brldgo to JoRcph Heed of tho "sound charituble in America and elsewhere.
floods of this year.
The coroner's jury which sat upon
the bodies of thc-ncirroch lynched tho
other day somewhere near Texiirkana,
Sense." "
in tho pamphlet
The die wnB cast,
Iqsnn oqi u omi Ul" , rk. gave a verdict that the men hud
uopjnq V 'aoo u3Aa "conie to their deaths from natural
J0copuiu,i pnupiAoio no passed
oq aqi pun
si punn dim
uj ppis oq .. a1 Kn uiM" jaaM
9in jo eoAo oniq aq) no n.viop pai(ooi
2uHdH 103.18 otu, ,napjnq b.ubui
01qM Oil) OlUnBBB 8UI 101,, :p3JtJBUJ
-0J A"i8nniuiB ptin s,pju.pnu u osi
-OA A"Aoq oqj oj aapujod 'pas iuq Bq
paqonoi oq 'XiHBjiq pjuAUo; Supldsis
luoq oq) mojj paputq oq nil J3)JM
1oj8 oqi poplso niqojn pao-uoof, V
slX 'lltH v
Only Too True.
"Dcnreflt," sue murmured, "I nm so
afraid you'll change." "Change," he
answered, "you'll find any
change about me." Which was pain
fully true in n double sense. Cleve
land Plalndcaler
causes or were to death." The
verdict Is regarded us u gruesome joke.
News hns reached Seattle, Wash.,
that the old Russian bqundury line has
been discovered which places Klondike
In the United Stntes. Tho facts will
be given to ofilclalH nt Washington.
Although there Is no immediate
alarm it is generally felt that the pope's
life is ebbing uwny. Communications
iiavo recently piissed between the dif
ferent cabinets relative to the eventu
ulity of a conclave.
Mury A. Clarke, aged .12, was beaten
to deuth, and her bUtcr Annlu Clarke,
aged 45, was futnlly hurt ut Howie, i
village ncur Upper Murlboro, Md., by
Jolrn llerry, a l.vycar-old negro boy,
who 1b in pill for the uimo.
Tui-iuliiy, March US.
The Fifteenth Minnesota regimen
has been mustered out.
Ambassador Ohoato Is suffering from
a inid cold at London,
W. J. llryan nddresscd the Arkansas
legislature at Llttlo Kock.
A heavy snow Is falling in Illinois.
It is fourteen inches deep nt Putin.
The transport Cook, bringing book
the dcntl from Santiago nnd Porto Hico
is due at New York today.
Tlie Armor Curled Hair and Felt
works at Chicago burned. Six persons
are missing. Loss 8100,000.
The United Stntes Cast Iron Pipecom
puny has completed ltHorganizatlou
with a capital stock of 8300O,0O0.
Articles of incorporation of tho Com
pressed Air Traction company have
been filed at Trenton, N. J. Tho cap
ital stock is 815,000,000.
The Klondiko Exposition company
has just been organized under Canadi
an and New York auspices to exploit
to the world at the Paris exposition u
perfect representation of life and worb
in the Yukon territory.
AVcdneiday, March !!l.
Missouri and Knnsas hud a bhow
storm yesterday.
A mob at Holton, Kansas, lynched
Henry Sanderson for murdering Mrs.
General Eagan has been called to
Washington to testify befow tho beef
inquiry board.
Members of the Cuban assembly want
810,000,000 for Cuban soldiers, olultn
ing thut S3, 000,000 lb not enough.
Tho cruiser Chicago, with cx-Sccre-tnry
Sherman on board arrived at
Hampton roads. Sherman is better.
Evidence came to light yenterday in
the Pennsylvania legislative Investiga
tion tliit QunvltcH offered member
money to vote for Quay.
The United Stiitas Philippine com
mission proposes to 'issue a proclama
tion immediately ufter the rebel gov
eminent at Malolos Is dispersed, be
lieving that mo most eueciivo moment
to secure tho nlleglunce of tho native
will bo ufter they havo received uu
object lesson of tho Amerlcun power.
Officials of tho Kansas penitentiury
near Leavenworth, working In con
junction with peace officials in other
sections of tho state, have rini'ilown a
band of alleged criminals who9 opera
tions are said to havo extended over a
large part of Kunsns. Crimes charged
include murder, horse bteallng. burg
lary und counterfeiting. r
v -,
- r 'ii i lrmmmnimmni