U i i ,m-riitmmmmmmiimmmimmmmm. mmmn fw j THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH. 81. 18WH. isgpsr We say, "The Goods that We Advertise are the Goods that Hie Sell; ? Lti And wc back it up. That is one clement of our success. A fulfilled promise means a satisfied customer satisfied customers are responsible for our success. We want to do business with you. Every buyer is interested in that which will secure the most for the money spent. Our plan of business enables us to buy right, at the right price and the benefit wc derive from close buying we give to our customers. We sell the highest quality at the lowest price. If at any time you are dissatisfied with your purchase bring it back. .tn rfws-iCjir wvh if & 2,500 yards of Standard Prints for 4c per yd. These goods nro not the shoddy kind. These goods nro generally sold nt Go and Gu, but buying iliiMii as wo do in ease lots, woaio on abed lo offer thrm nt tliu vury low piico Hint wo do. 2,500 yards of dark colored prints in new spring styles at 5c per yard. This is whore wo again buy prints in enso lots ami give you tho lienellt. All Blacks, Blues, Grays and Red Prints at 5c per yard. Our print department contains the best vnluos that money can secure. The styles are tho cream of tho wholesale stock. Tho prices tho rcMilt of reaily cash buying. MTJSXvUVS. r I Ifc-y- U8 R - .3IJL--lf-"- hL-ti Our prices in Muslin stock lias attracted many new faces, Wo prico you will known brands of cooils and then to make a Ions: story short WE SELL THEM AS WE ADVERTISE. Loindnlu 01 Fruit of tho Loom blenched G?,'o per yd. Farmer's Usu bleached at Gc per yar I A good bleached muslin, tho ciiality usually offered for Oe, our prico only -lo per yatd. A Rood yard wido unbleached muslin 8c per ynrd. Cabot unbleached for -1c per yard. Special value in heavy unbleached atOc per yard. Anderson's L. L., snuio weight as Uoaver or Law ronce, nt4o per yaul. Stiirt Waist Goods. Wo arc showing a vory handsome lino of goods for maklngBhirt waists in Percales at lOo and 12)tfe per ynrd. Fanjy light colored calicoes in plain colors, stripe, nnd checks, 10c and 12c. Fancy French Uinghnms nt 15c, 20c and 25o. Fancy Piques, nt 15c por yard. English shirtings at 20c por yard. XiMJKWVnTXJRE. March 27lh we will have another carload of furni ture on display. We guarantee to meet any nnd all competition, We buy dliect from tho factoiios, and buy in caiload lots. If you want a bedroom suit wo can suit you, 812.C0 to ?3.-i.00. Combination Hook Cases fiom $12.50 to 920. Secretaries from $15 to 825. Couches frnniiMI lo22 50 Center Tublfs from 81 to $8. Dining room tables from Si 25 for G foot oak to $15 for 10 fool. Kitchen Cupboards from m.ill aafn for $'.) 50 to fancy oak extension front at $7.50. Wo show 8s:yles. Side hoatds from $12 to $30. Chifllouoi from $4 GO lo$15. Dining room ehalr.4, hardwood, cane scats, 85c to $2.00 et.ch. Special price on sets of six. Hardwood kitchen chairs, 45u each. Wood seat rockers from 81.25 to $7. Cane seat roekers from $1.50 to $3.50. Fancy rockeis to $12.00. It will soon be time to tnko the baby out. Wliv not havo one of our peerless buggies. (Jo catrs from 85 upwnrds. Baby bug gies from $5.50 upwards. SBWING MACHINES. Wu aro receiving another shipment of sewing machines. V aro better piepareii limn ever to meet any and ull competitors. Wo nro showing two qualities of machines at $15.50 for 8 drawer, oak finish nnd $20 for sumo finish in drop bond. Wo are still showing tho old reliablo Field, Odrawer. oak llnish, for$20. Sumo in drop head for 825 Wo guaVnntco these goods iho equal of anything on the market. Tho trav eling agent will tell you that he lias the only machine nnd that the FIELD is n cheap machine. Tho FIELD ma ehino is strictly first class. We aro not tied down by n contract in regard to soiling tiiis machine Wo aro satisfied with the small margin that wo make on these goods, All other machines could bo sold at.the snmo mice if there wero not any middle mou's profits to pay. Wo sell direct. &xriig: r3ress Goods. 33 Our now Spring Dress Goods nro shown in pattern US) lengths. No two nlike. Wo cant show every- cSJj thing, no store could, hut wo can ami shall y show too best. Such a tiling as a complete roll Va call of the nrrivnls lor your choosing in tho fttg Spring Dress Goods is impossible unless wo TA? devote our entire epaoo to it. 'J$J Our range in price is from ioc to $1.40 per jB yard. $ Eariy purchasing in the market gave us many values yz that Into buyers wore unable to hociiio. A Do you want n now Carpet? If yon need 0110 for $ the parlor, for tho bed room, for tho sitting tat room, or in fact any room in tho house we havo j Ingrain enrpets from 30u in cotton up to 75c for nil wyj wool ingrains. Price quoted is for goods made S$J up and nil ready to lay on the floor. tX Tapestries, Brussels and Moqucttes from 55o to $1 WS per yard made up. fV We make tho carpets for you, that is part of our ftSj business. If you mnko lliem, 50 per ynrd less. fj Our carpet dop.irtment is the largest in the county. $3 It contains the newest styles and tho best values IZJ, that money eau buy. fv? SHIRTING. M Union stripes anil checks 5o j Hescuo stripes and checks 0c ftf Southern silk fancies 8c A Ainoskeag stripes 10c l?j Aniuskeag fancies 10c itfjj Uanchmnn's blues nnd blncks 12e ;Mt IiuiTalo blues nnd blacks ltc tfft Glen wood reds 12c $? BICYCLES. m Have you seen the new CALUMET. Just zA think of it, a strictly first class wheel for $25. i35 Made of Shelby sonmless tubing, patent expander ! handle bar, McGIU's patent expander seat post. 0J Morgan & Wright tires, Brown shnpo saddle, Aft Indiana chain, in met everything up-to-date. SS2 We Lead competition in all departments. We sell goods cheaper than city stores. We have no large rents to pay, no expensive help, less insurance, and in fact many other items we can enumerate. Bring in your catalogues and we guarantee to meet any prices. MINER - BROTHERS, - Red - Cloud, Nebr. IZZ ... -r. !- i-:r'.ES-l.ft2ik5S BK:tggBsa&3E 'M' : 3ii;c V.:":!"..!" JmmSm 35? ggft3i!gti C-iJ2:5riti WK;Sia THE CHIEF renLuniD bt W. L. MCMILLAN. Ins yoar... ill month. ..1100 M P0UL18HKD BVBKY FUIDAY Bolered t the pott office at Hcd Cloud, Neb. at Itoondclaaamall mattot. REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. For Major. JAS 3. WHITE. For CltrTrca.urer, O. W. DOW. i'or City Clerk. J. E. KKSI.KU. For I'oIIdo JiuIrc, SAMUEL WEST. For Alderman, Flnit Ward, MADISON FINCH. For Alderman, Second Ward. 8. V. SrOKRSFIKLD, For Members of Hoard of Uducatlou, C. H. OltONB, JOSF.l'll OAUIIKH. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Little Stuff Which Almost Escaped the Pub lie Eye Through Carelessness. "The ouly paper in Chicago that dares piinl the news." This very sug gestive sentence adorns each side of tho heading of the Chicago Inter Ocean, one the gteatest papers in the world. The cause for the above is brought by tho exposure of rottenness of Chicago's mayor, Cat let Harrison nud tho tough element who do his dirty work, by this papers. A great man country weekly paper are in the same tix as the Inter Ocean designates the rest of tho great papers of Chicago. They dare not say this, or that for fear of n loss of patron ago. Tho Inter Ocean has taken tho right stnud nnd will win because tho botttor olemuul will stand by it. A little more nerve on tho part of papers m towns tho size of Bed Cloud would make them recoivo more respect. Tu. day is Good Friday, and the question arisosdld you get your "Inters" phuu od. If you didn't later ou in tho surlns will do just as well. Thero ate no sigtis ot tho times or old sayiugs which ctitnuy liguro In this country. And uoxt Sunday la Raster iho only day in thoyoar when tho small child can bo made bollovo that rabbits Iny eggs, com mon eggs, speckled eggs, striped eggs, nnd eggs of all the colors and hues 0 the rainbow. Such eggs may bo health fill and pleasing for binnll children but wo prefer onus of tho natural color given by thohon. WhoovororigiuatcU tho colored easier egg business must havo beou hard up forflotuolhiugtodi'. He may havo been a drug man wilh lot of Diamond Djea on band lie wanted to gt rid of. Aftor m rery ex tensive resonrch of tho history of tho early peroid of tho world about tho time Kaster is supposed to havo originated wo fulled to lind any thing regarding the eating of red eggs or the wearing of Easter bonnets. If anyono cau givo us n good explanation why theso two ar ticles nro so very essential to tho Easter of this period of tho world wo would bo glad to havo it. Easter bonnets aro made principally to ticklo tho women and Easter eggs aro mndo principally to ticklo tho "kids." At present things have advnnced to such n stnto that Easter gowns nro also in order. In tho course of n fow years more wo may ex pect to hear of Easier celebrations that will out-class tho Fourth of July. Backward, turn backward, oh time in thy Hlght; and give us those Easter days long lost to light; when people dressed comely and not "all for show," and red eggs and bonnets wero uot ull the go. Iho Nation has received a letter from our red whiskered friend Mr. Bent ley who is basking in tho buushine and electric lights of Hot Sorincs, Arkansas. Mr B. does not want any improvements in his homo town for ho had got the "tin" to go .vhero he can wnlk under the glare of electric light J and taku baths for "rheumatism" an 1 see peoplo killed as a pastime, while tho rest of the fellows who come nt his bidding have to bo content to shiver ln'Bed Cloud with no hnrd coal in their bins. Tho prediction of that loproductlou of Mathew B's hat which wo made two weeks ago is liable to eonio truo as thoro Is vory little doubt but that tho rookery on tho corner will in the ucar future be torn dowu. Tho mayor nnd city couucil have done a big thing for tho good of our people nnd tho looks of tho city in tho passage of oidinnnco23nnd29. Ordinnnco 28 is "an nidinauco for tho removal or de struction of buildings damaged by lire or decay." Ordinnnco 20 is "an ordiu anco providing for eafo approaches, on tiances and exits to churches, onora houses, halls, lodge rooms and public I buildings." Ordiuanco 28 makes it al most cei tain that tho eyesore, liro tap nnu dog kennel on tho corner of Web ster street and Fouith avenuo will havo to go. The old coon song iu regard to thu old log cabin iu which tho words, "The roof am tuiublin' in and the e Easy i Take Easy to Operate Because purely vegetable yet thor ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory Hood's Pills be monaccd by n conflagration on ac count of theso old tiro traps in order to let some one receivo a small pittance for a rontnl is past understanding. The men who own these buildings nro well nblo to build ono story or oven two story brick buildings in their stend for which they would receivo a rental which would bo good interest on tho investment. When the mayor serves his order condoming theso buildings ho will have, wo believe, every newspaper in tho city nt his back, nnd tho hearty co-operation of every citizen who be lieve iu Improvements. If there is any newspaper which does not it will bo of tho class as designated by the Chicago Inter Ocenn. Tho Chief tins not in the pnst nnd will uot iu the future be found in this class. Iu ordinance 28 the mayor can lind lots to keep hisodd moments busy. To begin with the steps back of tho Chief ollico should bo condemned and un entire nov stairway and lauding 01WINANGE NO. 1G. Au Ordinnnco grouting cortuin rights , and privileges to tho Nebraska Tolopuouo Company, its successors nnd assigns, regulating erection of poles and wires, and protecting Bnmo in tho City of Rod Cloud, Nebraska. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor and City Council of tho City of Red Cloud, Nebraska: Section 1 That tho Nebraska Tele phono Company, its successors and assigns, bo and aro hereby granted right of way for tho erection and main tenance of poles and wires and all the appurtenances thoroto, for tho purpose of transacting a general tolo- nlinnn n.wl IfilnrfMinli ltiiQlnnuatltMAiir.li JIU.U I...U kutugiujiu WUO...UOO tUlUUf,Uj upon and over tho streots, alloys and public grounds of tho city of Red Cloud, Nebraska, provided that snid Company shnll nt all times when re quested by tho proper uuthoritios, permit their poles una fixtures to bo usod for tho purposo of placing and maintniiiinir thoroou freo of ohunro any wires which may bo necessnry for tuo ponco or tiro depart- YOU - -ARE CORDIALLY - INVITE TO BECOME E MEMBER OF THE HOME HEALTH CLUB. Publishing Com- (Cut this out and sond it with ono dollar to tho Iuter-Ocoan pauy, Chicago, Illinois.) TEE INTER OCEAN PUB. GO. I hereby accept the invitation lo become a member of (he Home Health Club and I enclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's sub scription to the Weekly Inter-Ocean, which, I understand, entitles me to a life membership, a record number, and a copy oj Volumn J of the Home Health Club books price $1.00) free of charge. Name Town or City . Street No. State tho ubo of monts of tho city of Rod Cloud. Nob ruskn. nnd furthor provided thnt such poles and wires shall bo erectod so ns not to iutorforo with ordinary trdvol through such streets and alloys, and Khali lio ns dircctod by tho mayor and council. Ctrwl.'i? O Wlifitinvnt If (.linll tm.tn.- r ...... ....,... i W osbary 101 imj i.-.miu m nu" iiiuuK orj ncro.s unv of said streots or nlloys nny vehicle or structure 01 such liolglit or slzo as to iutorforo with any poles a .......w Ono of tho most prncticnl and bonolleinl courses of study over offered to its readers by any no-vspapor. Not only aro thoro a sories of practical lossons lu tho papor each week, but tho subscriber is presented, freo of oxpenso, with 11 beautiful cloth bound book, worth ono dollar, besides a lifo membership in the great club. Subscribe tit onco and got tho groat lessons now being published. built. Tliis wns a death trip for years ! or wires so erectod, tho Company using until the writer got boards and a car penter and had live or six missing steps put iu nt liis own expense. It is in as had a condition now, as several boards aro gone out of tho landing. The opera house needs a little fixing at least a light should bo placed in tho front en trance during tho time of entertain ments so that peoplo can sue to get dowu stairs. We're not going to enum erate them ull for most of them need iixing. Tomorrow, April 1st, Is April Fool day. Probably tho weather man will deeido to fool us and glvo us a pionsuut buturuny. uon 1 iry 10 kick any old hat off the sidowalkor I iiii'W tin nnv nnnhnt lmnkn. Thov might bo "fixed." Red Cloud will havo a shooting gallery for a time to gather up tho htray nlcklos It will be located iu the land mark of ancient Rod Cloud, the rookery, tho dog ken uol, or whatever you want to call it, on tho corner. It is to bo hoped the bullets will not fly around nnd brenk hiiubrey's fallln' down and tho old log '"11 tho wludowv cabins going to decay" gives a good - -- i-epiveiitaUoiuifthH rookery.-This is not tliu onl iiuihtlng ot our main stttet in the lire limits which is iu the same fix Tho Chief does not believe in favoriteism and If auy is shown wo will bo like the Inter Ocean and spoak about It. Wby tho beauty of our streets bould tiller and our city bo liable to Big Bargains in Choice Farms, I havo for sale within two miles of Red Cloud about 1C00 acres choice im proved farms of 80 acres or more, very cheap on favorable terms. Theso lands must be sold regardless of price. Como and see me for bargains in land. F. K. Goblk. unci oneratiui: such Doles and wires. shall upon receiving twonty-four hours notico, served In writing upon their Agent or Manager nt Rod Cloud, Nob raska, and upon receiving payment of tho actual cost thereof, temporarily romovo sucn poios una wires irom such placo as must necossnrily bo crossed by such vohlclo or structure, nnd provldod that this section shull not bo construod to npply to circus or othor pnrados upon tho public stroots or alleys. Section il Any person who shall in terforo with, cut, Injure, romovo, break or destroy any of tho polos, wires, fix tures. Instruments, or othor nronorty of tho snld Telephone Company or its successors, shall ho decmod guilty of a mlsdemennor, nnd ou couviction there of shull bo llnod in nny sum not loss than ton dollars nor moro than ono hundred dollars; nnd nny person who shnll paste, tack, or fasten on tho nlos or fixtures of said Comnunv nny sign, poster, udvortisomont" or bannor shall bo lined iu any sum not loss than flvo dollurs nor moro thun fifty dollars. Section i This ordinnnco shall tnko offoct and bo in forco from and uftor its pnssiigo, approval nnd publication according to law. L. II. Beck, .Mayor. Attest: J. K. Kksi.kii, City Clerk. Adopted, .Mnrcli :J, ISM F. V. TA YLOR, The Far nitare (Dan is still doing busineis at the old stand. Lower Prices, Better Goods9 than any one. Call and be convinced before buying. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists lefund money if It falls to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has I h. B. Q. 00 each tablet. PLATT &IFREES CO., Ghieagoliumljey Yard, KEli CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. y ' r &a- Si -Ji' 4k - UXlV . , v H. , , , . V. . rJ, -A-j,fjt!iMiilM:MM-u-. "'at''-JW''r-J''',c "WlIMWfwi'WWi.VMlf ,1g'M BB"mtmW0Vt wmK'.Vwt -'iHFA!r.,