The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1899, Image 1

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"Every Path
" Hath a Puddle."
Uie puddle in the pathway
of most lives is a defective
circulation due to a blood sup
ply that instead of growing
clear and strong like a moun
tain brook, is stagnant and
impure. Puddles may be puri
fied, however, and become
limpid streams. That is what
Hood sSarsaparilla does with
human blood,
I' It clarifies, purifies find strengthens
the blood, nnd when this is accom
plished, the vital organs, liver, lungs,
kidneys, bowels, are all braced and in
vigorated. It never disappointi.
Dyspepsia "Suffered everything but
death for years with dyspepsia. Nothing
relieved ma until I took Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and It made and kept me well. Can
at anything I wish." Mas. Euokhb
Mcbniy, Hull's Mill, Danbury, Conn.
" Impure Blood-" Five years I suffered
with pimples on face and body. Hood's
Barsa pari 11a cured mc permanently. It
also cured my father's carbuncles." Albeit
S. Chart, Tustln City, Cat.
IEryslpelM-"My little girl Is now fat
and healthy on account of Hood's Sarsapa.
rllla curing her of erysipelas and ectema.
It Is our family medicine, as we all take It."
Mrs. H. O. Whiatlky, Port Chester, N. Y.
I Hood'i 1111 nirw llrer 111, thw non IrrlUtlng nnd
only cathartic to Uk wltTTTlood'. tiMiapartllZ
We havo had another snow storm in
Considerable sickness in Gnrflold.
Bud Dohnrts children are no better
at this wilting.
Grant Houchin hns bought a farm
on tliu oast side of Gni field.
Mrs. Ball is bettor at this writting.
Our huukstor man was seen at the
depot shipping eggs and butter.
Mr. Hovel has left Gat field and mov
ed out in Kansas.
J. D. Campbell was seen hauling a
load of chicken netting thu other day.
Wonder if ho is going into the poultry
Mrs. Skeen was visiting her daughter
.in Smith County last Sunday.
N. B Wagoner has booc doing somo
moro painting.
Promptly Reaches t!ie Soat
II I Ml ffllS S 1 ySfi.
aI nil nAni n: j 7. ro"'euip- it matters not howob-
of a B ood Diseases and ? in10 tho cas?i nor w,mt ther -
uiwuuuo unu ment or remedies hnvo failed, 8. S. 8.
n a. iii-..i n ii ulw'iy promptly reaches and cures any
Cures the Worst Cases. a tM'"1
mTV? , ,,n8 hml nxperienco with
ment, or troubles bo obstinato i.K
asru?r tStiSffis: .defers s Sr r "?
i onofve
not, like other remedies, dry "P H o W
ilrs.T. W. T.nn. M..i. ...... ...... ai .. ..'r.
t .- TT .?.""" ., nines: "aomo vears
ago I was inpeu ated with poison by a nurso who Infected
my babo with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from head to foot, nnd in my grentoxtremlty I prayed
to die. beveral prominent physicians treated me, but all
to no purpose. Tlio mercury nnd potash which they
gavo mo seemed to add fuel to tho awful flnmo which was
devouring mo. I was advised by friends who had seen
wonderful cures mado by it, to try Su ift's Specific 1 ini '
proved from the start, as tho medicine seemed to j-o direct
to tho cause or tho trouble mid force tho poison out. Twontv
bottles cured mo completely." Swift's Specific
Valuable books mailed frco by Swift
More snow.
When will winter end.
Basket suppers are all tho rage at
C. E. Nougan shelled corn for Cling.
Molloy and Stanford Croxtou last week.
John honznek traded horses lately
with a man from Hastings.
It is repotted that Mrs. Mattiu Smith
hns purchased tho Sam Hagiiu 80, con
sideration $1300.50.
Lyman Fatquhar has eommonced to
work again for Sanfotd Croxton for tho
Hurry Vaughan has teturned from
Grand Island where ho has been attend
ing college and will probably teach
nuislo the coming summer.
Albort Scrnberg has returned from
Missouri and is working for Mr. D. II.
Robinson. Ho was accompanied by a
brother who is working for Mr. Chas.
John Goldon has returned from Mis
souri where ho spent the winter.
C. E. Vaughan shelled corn in Guido
Rock Saturday.
Will spring ever cntm.
Harvy Co came lioniu Friday even
ing from Gonova, Nebraska.
Mrs. Ft isbio and daughter Daisy was
visiting in lied Cloud Fiidav.
Mr. and Mis. Adams of Nelson were
tho guests of C. W. Baker and family
last week.
Miss Ida Baker was in North Biauch
Kansas ouu day lust week.
Wo understand that Mr. Beaton has
sold his fat m,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Saladon
Tuesday March 21 an eight pound bny.
Joe Saladon and family wero visiting
his brother Satuiduy.
Mrs. Holcomb of Red Cloud was hero
this week visiting.
Mis. Claud Baker is on the sick list.
Does Coffee Agree With You?
If not, Diiuk Grain-O made ftom
puto grains. A lady writes: "The liist
time I made Grain-O I did not like it
but after using it for ono week nothing
would induce me to go back to uolToo."
It nourishes nnd feeds tho system. Tho
children can drink it freely with gtoat
benefit. It is tho strengthening sub
stanco of pine giains. Get a packago
to-day from your giocer, follow the di
rections in making it and you will havo
u delicious and healthful table bovorago
for old and young. 15 and '..'So.
In nverv test mmln a a a ooott
eillOnxtl'lltoa itfl aimni.lni.ltn n. ... .!.
i.i . , r- - "i'"...kj iii umur
Spoclilo Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Know by the sign
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises,
Soreness, Stiffness.
Snow, snow and moro to follow.
Wood Stevens is some bettor at this
E. J. Fox is ablo to bo around nftor a
siege of measles.
Wm. Vandyko was tho guest of Mr.
Sherman last Sunday.
Rev. Con Howlttisback from a visit
with his wife's parents.
J jo Saladon is up nnd around again
after a sitgo of the grip.
Wm. Reovos of Guido Rock was in
Lino ouu day last weoK.
b. V. Hutchisons folks aro all down
with tho measles this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moutford
a boy of usual Nebraska woight.
Louis Aubushon will farm tho rauch
his brother bought of L. D. Oatmnn.
No meeting at Penny Creek on ac
count of the snow storm last Sunday.
II. H. Haskins has moved on whnt is
known as tho Fisher placo. He bought
it for 81000.
A family from Bostwick, Nebraska,
has moved ;in whore H. 11. Haskins
lived last year.
What has become of tho lower Penny
creek Sunday school? Some ono ought
to reorganize it soon.
Mr. Mitchell is talking of moving
oveilaud to Colorado in the noarfututo
to make that place his homo.
No cluo as yet to the parties who stole
Will Aubushon's hnrness. Last week an
an est was mado but found not guilty.
Thoio will bo Suudny school at Ponnv
creek, District No. 8 every Sunday at
10 a.m., and prayer mooting at 7.30 p.m.
DlstrictNo. 8 will havo six months
school, one spring term nnd ono fall
term, and will pny tho teacher $25
per month.
Geo. Rosen, tho little man that lives
with L. A. Haskins is going in tho
garden business on tho Sherwood ranch
witli L. A. Haskins.
Shot ill Wells was down Wednosdny.
.Joseph Foglo was in town Wednesday
ou business.
Mlllaid Francis of Cowlos was in
town Thmsdny
II L, Horner of Bui male Kansas was
in town Tuesday
Mis Postlowuitu and Mis. Williums
aie on Hie sick list.
Harness maker Scott will movo into
the Westlako building Monday.
Goo. Shuck lias gone to Kansas City
with his little boy that accidental
stuck a knifo in his ovo last Saturday.
Tho building second south of Guido
Rock House is boing repaired. Wo
understand a dressmaker from Rlvorton
will occupy it as soou as comploted.
Tlio entertainment by tho Franklin
Gleo Club at tho Baptist church Satin-
tlav mcllt WUS well nttnnilml finnal.l....
ingtho bad weather. Total rneninta
87 dollars nnd 85 conts.
At the caucus Saturday rile-lit W. A.
Sooly, M. Lovitt, J. S. Mutsh. A. J.
Hayes nnd N. M. Dotulna wero noml
natod as candidates for trustees of tho
vllliago of GuidovRock for tho ensuing
Died at his homo 7 miles sontlmnqf.
of town on March 25, 1809, James L.
itonry. Mr, Ilemy was hoi n in Glasco
Scotland in 1821 nnd cume to Ai ii.
at the ago of 11, has resided in Kansas
and Nubiaskuforu number of yen i.
Tho deceased was a kind and airuotlon
ate father am) IiiihIiilm.I .mil i,,,o ..
Wild Ullll four Clllldll-U to iiimni. I.U
, .. ,,.,., iviiiva (
"The over victorious nrmy" Is tho
title now given lo the men of Goneinl
Otis, who are again lighting and again Sinco
the lliet dispalehes voiiceiuing the bat
tle of Situid.iy aniveil, lliecoiiiiluisof
the War Department have been (illcd
as the woie dining the fcuv weeks of
the war with Spain, uith ollleeis and
newspaper eoiiespiniilenl.s, all ou tho
aleit for the bite-.! fimn the fuint.
Either Voting Sectetiuj Melkh'
djiitant General Cot bin is eonstuntly
on duty They both expiess iibsolutu
confidence that General Otis will sue
ccstiful y carry thiough his plan to de
stroy Agtiiuikldo's in my befoiotheio is
any let up in the fight, and neither of
thorn Iook for any seiious set-back of
our Hoops. The regielablo feature of
tho victoiie bus been the considerable
number of casualities amongour troops,
but they aro features of war that cannot
bo nvoided. Thu lighting probably
shortened President McKinley's vaca
tion, as ho sent wori as soou as tho first
dispatuhesof Genoial Otis was forwatd
ed to him that ho would return to Wash
ington at unco.
The Military Court of Inquiry has re
turned to Washington, whero tho Inst
witness will be heard. Nobody has any
authority to say what tho report of tho
Court will bo, but the impression is gen
oral among thoso who havo closely fol
lowed all tho testimony, that it will
justify every charge made by General
Miles about bad beef being furnished
tho armv. that it will recommend ono
or moro court-maitials of army officers
who aro lespousible for the purchnso
nnd acceptance of tho beef. Should this
impiession ho correct, General Engan
will certainly catch it, for ns Commis
sary General, lie is the man who must be
held responsible, although the real fault
may havo belonged to somo of his
As most nun npprovo of a man io-
tin ning a blow for a blow, thot o is little j
ci iticism of Mr. Bryan's rebulr and ar
laignmont of Mr. Belmont, of Now
York, in connection with the much-talked-about
ton-dollais-a-plnto Jeffer
son dinner, but many man wlioHuppoit-
ed Mr. Bryan in '1)0 tegaid it as n very
bad break politically, and are already
atwotk in tho interest of other can
didates. Ono of these is Ex-Representa
tive King of Utah, who said on tho sub
ject: "Tho wiser loaders aro looking
for a candidate who will not begin hip
campaign with nliouating a largo sec
tion of the pat ty. Such a man as sena
tor Teller might stand a good show of
election. Tho ubler politicians reali.o
this fact, and nio quietly. placing his
metitsbeforo tho men who will have
the voting to do in convention, ailiiouiih
they icali.o fully that If tho convention
wuo to bo held now, Mr. Biyini would
ceitainly be ruminated."
According to an olllojal statement
made by tho United States'Tieasiiter,
tluue is no scniolty of monoy in this
countiy. On tho contiaiy, ho says the
per capita cit dilation was W5 51 ou the
litstof tho present mouth, ngalnst$23
83 ono year ago. Ho says the sooinitig
scarcity of money hns boon brought
about by a largo increuso in thovblunio
of business dono, except on the Pacific
coast, to push into actlvo circulation
tho enormous quantity of gold coin that
has accumulated in government vaults,
nnd In tho hands of bankors. Sonator
Don Manuel Azplroz, the now Mexican
Ambassador to the United Statos, has
just arrived in Washington. Ho speaks
.hnglisli and keeps up with thu news
papers, as may bo judged by his having
said, in an interview: "Naturally my
main pill pose in coming to Washington
is tostiongthen the good relations be.
tweon tho United States and Moxlco in
every way possiple, and in particular
to develop tho trado and commerce
which two good neighbors should havo
with each othor, I notieo that vour
papers reproduce Mexican piess com
ments on the recent utterance of Cecil
Rhodes, prophesying the absolution bv.
tho United States of Conttal nnd South
Ameiiean cuiimi Ic; but tliia press com.
meiit Is puitl.) iiiioillt-iul, and in no
wajs icfluet. the iWh of the. govern-
ilium, mi H'M'J is Mil UllVtUStillg
jchur.tLtei nnd the in wspnpeis wtto
julok tobflo upon hih utteiance and
1LSf?C 31 ' A W ' ill
Cheap washing soaps and powders, too,
With alkali are strong;
The dire destruction which they do
Is sure to show ere long.
But Ivory Soap will never hurt
The fahric, howe'er tender;
It makes short work of stain and dirt,
But no work for the mender.
com cut looa dy thc rno-tin i c"iit co cimcinniti
givo it much siguilij.-tnce, But it is
nothing moro than tho tho opinion of
any private individual" Of the silly
charge mado by a paper published in
tin City of Mexico, that American rulo
was adding to tho depravity i f Culm,
tho Ambassador said: "That i'h a Span
ish paper, and the views expiessed ate
merely those of the ulta-Spanish ele
ment, but not tlnsu of the Mexican
people, No significance should bo at
tached to thu utterance simply because
they are made in Mexico, Only a small
number of our people are pro Spanish
by reason offancestry or relationship.
The groat bulk of tho people treat
such mattors with indifference and re
gal d tho United Stntes as their nearest
and best friend,"
Secretary Long doosn,t liko to see
partisanship enter into naval aflaiis.
His inviting Miss Mat Ian Coukiell,
daughter of Sonator Cocki ell to chiis
ten tlio battleship Missouri, which will
be launched at Newport Nuw, next
October, was one way of shnuiicr it.
and at the sumo time paying a deiseiv-
ed compliment to a charming young
lady who is the Secretary's pergonal
Let thoso .vim am shoit of faith make
a little study of the payment of M,000,
000 to Cuban soldiers; it is an object
lesson ou faith, fiom stattto llniili. To
stai t with, Congjess had so much faith
in the President that it nppropiiatud
33,000,000 to bo spent at his discretion;
then tho Presideut had fal;h enough in
Hon. Robt, P. Potter to send him to
dickor with Gonernl Gomez, Commander-in-Chief
of tho Cuban ni my, for tho
di8bndmontof that nrmy, and to offer
to distribute tho $3,000,000 among tho
soldiers, if they would return to peace.
ful occupations. Gomez has so much
faith iu thu offer that ho accented it. !.
though only vorbally made, ou bohmf
of the Cubans, and in return this gov
eminent showed it conlldenco in .him
by muking his O.K. tho only thing that
would eimblo a Cuban soldier to ill aw
his share of the monoy. It has been dn.
elded that each man who sorvinl In Km
Cuban Army ptovloiu to tho signing of
tlio protocol botweon Spain and tho
United States, wlinthm- no m-i. ...... ....
ollleer, will bo given 3100 upon thofiiir-
Milium in his arms anil signing of .tlio
pavio II anni lived bv Ci.m.i-ni f:.. .,...,
The .United States government had nit
.much faith in the Cubans that it will
uui it 411110 uiese men to either t iko an
loath iilallegiancoorobligato themselves
not 10 taKo up ai ms ngiiliiNt iis If that
Isn't leal lullii, pi ay what InKj
Thu t'lin.f and
je.11 foi Sl.'.fi,
the Iulor-OcuiM tn
Farmer's Club Offer.
Money spont for books nnd pnpora in
never thiown away. What do you
want to lead this year? Following ii
a good club list which will give you alt
tlio county, stnto and national now
and also moro good farm news thnn
was ever offered for the mice. For n.
limited time we will send Tint Ciiikk,
giving all the county news; tho Omaha
eekly Bee, giving all tho state news:
tho Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean, giv
ing all thu national and foreign news;
'Iho Homestead, cno of tho best faim
papers published; the Poultry Farmer,
devoted to tho interests of poultry ex
clusively, Special Fanners Institute
Editions of the Homestead, devoted to
discussions of various farm topics,
Farmers Mutual Iusutanco Journal, n
paper published in tho intercuts of co.
operative insuranco among tho farm
ers, and Tho Humane Alliance, a mag
limine devoted to thu cause of humane
education, the eight papers midyear
foi tlio sum of $3.35 cash in advance.
Tlii sis ns good and as cheap an offer
ever made and will last only a limited
time, Tlio Hiibseupiion price of tliesu
(tight pupeib is $0 80 per year, but we
will, for a limited time, send them ouu
j cur"ior 82 '.Ticash in advance.
$100 Reward, $100,
Tlieiendeis of thu paper will be
pleased to leant that there is at least
une di end disease that science lias been
ablo to cure in all its singes, and that
tscatanh, Hall's Catoirh Cure is the
only positivejcuro known to tho medl
cut fraternity. Catarrh boing a con
Htitutionnldiseaso, requires a constitu
tionnUtreatment. Hall's Catan h Cuie
is taken internally and nets directly up
on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
loununtion of the dlsonso, and giving-'
1110 patient strongtli by building up the
constitution and assisting nnluie in do
ing itsjwork. Tho ptopiietors havo so
much faith in its curntivo powers that
they offer Ono Hundred Dollath for
nuycaso that it falls to euro. Sond
for list of testimonials. Address,
F, J. Ciiknkv & Co., Toledo, O
Mold by druggists, 75o.
Hiill's;Fiui)lly Pills are tho best.
Foi frost bites, burns, Indolent mhos,
eczema, skin dtsenso, and osueeiiillC
piles, DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
stands first and best 1 .!.. ... .....
uisuouest peoplo w,0 try to imitate
and counterfeit It. If, i,. endorse
mont of 11 good nrfiele, Worthless
goods lira not imitmeii ti n......
Wltoh Hazel Salvo.-O. L, Cottlijg,
. 'h.