' WKgpSyj'-S i''f?i'?i2S VOLUME XXVII. Nebraska Mercantile Co. Special Wool and Silk Skirts, Fancy Under Skirts. SATURDAY, H0WAY and TUESDAY, Three large wholesale Sample Lines placed on sale for these three days. Foster "mm7UJiim ?ri v gi wrr' i ii u Lacing Gloves. SEE THEM- This is the Grandest Opportunity ever offered in Red Cloud to see an immense line of these garments. Each and every garment marked at special bargain prices. Nebraska Mercantile Co. ALFRED HADELL, Manager. BEST Rp CHEAPEST LfiffiP OH EARTH. -A light that is brilliant and stoady, gives little boat, no sinoko unci no odor, and that costs but littlo to burn vnd noed but slight attention. THE KNGLE L-H7UTP has theso good points and besides these throws the light just whore it wanted downward and outard. As to the- cost to burn One Quart of Ordinary Kerosene or Coal Oil Lasts Sixteen Hours. Of course it costs a littlo moro than poor, old fashioned lamps, hut it saves its cost uiady times over in a year. AD stylos from one burner up. Call and examine the lamps, now on exhibition at my shoo store. Henry Delderich, Agt. City Dray and ROSS & RIPB. PROS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TRADBRS IXJMBESR CO, DEALERS JN LUMBER and COAL, I3ni cling: material, Btc. BED CLOUD, - , NEBRASKA Showing OF Ladies' Suites, Ladies' Capes, Shirt Waists, Silk Waists, We invite you to ICOME AND Express Line. JLi5jjfc WFLjBESSIljifMfciB-fesgsJS , RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MARCH. 24. Hood's Cure sick headache, bad taste In the mouth, coated tongue, gas In the stomach, Pills distress and IndlniUoD. Do not weaksn, bat have tonle effect. 13 cent. The only Mils to Uke with Ilood'i Bersaperllla. STATE CREEK. Sotno sickness in this neck of the woods. SoTcral farms have changed bands in our part. Mrs. S. P. Fair has been very siok but is considerably better. There will bo a lot of fruit trees Btt out in this part this spring. Dr. Beck of lied Cloud has also boon treating tbo sick iu our part. John Davis has about give up re building in Andersonville. Cbas. Arbucklo and Oscar Provalt wore painting their barns last week. Lafo Fitzgerald has gone to work on tho railroad with a bridge company. Mr. Sodorlind of Cowlos has bought tho Al Docker farm and moved to An dersonvillo. Cbae. Davis and Al Scrivnoreacb bought a tine spaa of mules at tke II. Henry sale. Wood Stevens has been real siok with lung fever though Dr. Moranvillo is getting him up. Somo farmers bave commeaeed cat ting stalks and many of tbea mean to sow oats this month. Wm. Dollings Bold last week to VV. II. Roaoncrans, 100 bushels of corn at twenty-five cents per bushel. Boys, why don't you get up a wolf bunt. Thoy haven't beon so numerous on this creek in twenty years as thoy aro now. Chas. Davis and Harvey Graham bavo traded farms and moved. Ghao. got 100 acres of Harvey for his eighty acres and 11200. It has beon roported by some of tho correspondents that the peach buds and part of tho trees were dead. Who ever over heard of the like. Thero is not a tree hurt. Occasional. NORTHEAST WEBSTER. Locals ato scarce this week. The now doctor is giving good satis faction. Ed Linney shelled corn for Goo. M. Albin ono day last week. Miss Anna Killougb of Mt. Glaro is visiting Jessio Lum this week. Mr. Curtis has sold his interest in the steam thresher to Mr. Aibin. Isaac Taylor intonds buying a half section of land north of Bed Cloud. F. S. Lum, who is in Michigan, re ports tho wenthor as being very cold thorc. Mr. Will Monia has purchased eighty acres moro laud west of Mr. Jacob Monia. Fred Newman is calculating starting a hotol in Mt. Clare this spring, or a lunch counter, Mr. Robt. Bustor who is in Kansas, is on his way back to this county wo understand. Herb Zeiglor is having a bard time getting water. Tho Lawrenco well man has tried in two placos but no well yet. Mr. Warren Donnoy is in the skunk business. Anyono having any hidos to sell, especially skunk hides, call and ro cievo tho highest market price Mrs. Mary Cannon of Omaha, who brought suit against her brother Jos. Odenrtdo of Elkhorn, to recover hor sharo of hor father's estate, baa sottlod by her brother paying hor tho sum of 2,500. Her brother Fred of Mt. Claro and Henry of Washington not being present were supposed to havo beon satisfied with tho first will, wbiuh is not correct. J. Sheer, Sedaliu, Mo,, conductor on electric street cur line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her lift) saved after nil nliv. siclnns hud fulled, only by using Ono Miuuto Cough Curt'. C. L. Cotting. SHERWOOD. Weathor line utter the rain. Mark Payne is still on tho sick list. Old Uuolo Henry is still on tho sick lint. Sunday school at Mt. Hope evory Sunday. Mr. McCartney has sold somo of bis fat cattle. Quito a number still bave tho measles in theso paru. We see bouiu are still gathering corn these fine days. Chas. Davis bought a tiuo pair of mules of 11. Henry. Oliver Provalt is painting his now house aud burn this week. H. Payne was in Red Cloud on busi ness the first of the week. William Doling is golug to work for George Bcardsleo this summon Mr. Green of Bed Cloud was in theso parts this week selling fruit trees. The township assessor was in this corner ono day the first of the week. Mr. Beodlu sold his cattle to Mr. Cut ter of Red Cloud one day last week. Old Mr. Fair, who has beon sick for some lime, is some better at this writ log. Irvin Collins and Bobt Gillis bave been haulicg corn to Alt McCall's this week. Our Iowa reporter says thero will be a wedding over north of hero as soon as they are both well. We boar that Ifr.JfilBgerald has got a tposition on the railroad where be will work this summer. Wood Stevens, over north of here, who has been quite sick for somo tinio is roported some better. C. Arbuckle sold over $30 worth of chickonB ono day last week. Who says there 1b no money in raising chickens. Frank Graham says they caught tho smallest wolf at his placo ono night last week that ho ever saw. It only weighed tbreo pounds. Quite a number are going te sow spring wheat. We tbink there will be an unusually large acreage of small grain sown this spring. LINE. Tho weather is cold and stormy. Mr. Skjelver of Cowles was in Lino ono day last week. Mrs. Grice of Red Cloud was tho guost of L. A. Haskins last Sunday. L. A. Haskins sold bis twenty-ono fat cattle to Mr. Cutter of Bed Cloud for 700. Mr. Scrivner reports the fruit trees in fine condition aud not injured by tho cold weather as reported. Miss Barney spent a short vacation with hor parents and has now taken up school again for tho spring term. Allen Carpenter will plant an acre of onions and tbreo acros of potatoes. Un has loosed bis farm to Ernest HaskinB of Line. Mr. Guthrie of Fountain, Oklahoma, reports tho farmers aro busy sowing oats and making gardon and that all vegetation is green. Tho Easter services at Penny crook, Dist. No. 0, will bo conducted by Rev. Campbell of North Branch at 11 a. m. Tho Sunday school was reorganized last Sunday. Somu'ono visited Will Aubushou's barn and walked awny with a now sot of harness. Mr. Aubushon, . W. An derson and the sheriff went to Lebanon and Smith Conter but no clue to tho missing harness could be found. On the following Wednesday evening John Boeman's storo at North Branch wan broken into and S10 and a gold watch was ttikon. Who says tho world is get ting better. Big Bargains in Choice Farms. I have for sulo within two miles of Red Cloud about 1000 acres choico im proved farms of 80 ucres or more, very cheap on favorable luring, Theso lauds must bu sold loguiilltiHS of price. Come and see inn for bargains in land. K. E. Goiilk. Tliu CuiKKand tlio InterOcuun year for $l.U.r. on 189W. IVORY SOAP PASTE. In fifteen minutes, with only a cake of Ivory Soap and water, you cun make a better cleansing paste than you can buy. Ivory Soap Paste wilt take spots from clothing ; and will clean carpets, rugs, kid cloves, slippers, patent, enamel, russet leather and canvas shoes, leather belts, painted wood-work and furniture. The .special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free applica tion of water. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING.-To one pint of boiling water add one and one-hair ouncee (one-quarter of the small slie cake) of Ivory Soap cut Into shavings, boll five minutes afttr the aoep le thoroughly dissolved. Remove from the Are and cool In convenient dishes (Dot tie). It wilt keep well In aa alr-tignl glass jar. corretiHt me ev tut raooita a SMtau co. Cincinnati GUIDE ROCK. A. J. Hayes is in St. Joe this week. James C. Henry southeast of town is very low. Piles of new goods at A.J. Hayes' this weok. Ed Parker and wife spont Sunday at Jewell City. John Beeman ef North Branch was over Sunday. Tho Kansas City Star man was in town Thursday. A. A. Busheo and John Marsh have new cash registers. Geo. Shuok shipped a car of cattle to Kansas City Monday. E. E. Burr sold five head of horses to the buyer, Turner, this week. E. T. Merriman the jewolor is mov ing to Courtland, Kansas, this week. Luko Dillon of North Branch was in town Tuesday Selling nursory stock. Harnessmakor Scott of Cowlos was iu town Monday. Mr. Scott expects to locato horo. G. W. Shuck and Johu Ferguson shipped a car of stock cattlo from Kan sas Citv Thursday. J. A. Pay no of Hastings, agent for tho McKinloy and Limning Loan Co., was in town this week on business. Threo entertainments billed for this week. Mrs. Walker's musical enter talnmont at tho Baptist church Tues day night. A sconic show at Mooro's hall Weduesday night and the Frank lin gleo club at tho Baptist church Sat urday aight. Amidown. DISTRICT, No. 75. Measles aro in tho neighborhood. 11, C. Weber is still husking corn. Richard Tonnant will farm with bill brother Littlo Laura Mc.Cune is visiting her graudparonts. Mr. Davis sold quite a buuch of cattlo to Mr. Essig Tuesday. Every one is waiting fur it to get warm enough t begin spring work. Will Robertson und Mr. McKcighau aro shelling corn at Cowles this week. Rov. George Hummel! and wife of Blue Hill und Mrs. L. Hummel! and Miss Sarah Hutmucll of Muscatine, Iowa, woroguestsof A B. Pierco Wednesday. Our neighborhood bus had quite a change this spring, C. 11. Rust has moved on tho Hazloton farm; Mr. En gel moved un his farm; Bert Tennivnt moved on Mr, Winter's farm, and u NUMBER 12 Mr. Brown from AdaniB county on C. II. Potter's place. John Winters was in our midst Tues day. OOOASIONAiLT. m WnXOW CREEK. Dow Thompson has quito a nice house put up in tbo placo of tbo one that was burned in February. Grandma Waller is quito poorly at tho Dome of hor daughter, Mrs. Samuel Bruner. Born, March 14th, to Mr. acd Mrs. Hamilton Hardy, n daughter weighing 8 pounds. Alvin Mackoy, formoriy of Webster county, now of Henry county, Missouri, baa come to spend tho summer here. Bob Post is tho happy father of a bounoing baby girl, also two boys, Mr. Hardy is building a now barn. Joo Brubakor and his father aro the builders. Whon, oh whon, will winter let go his grip. Littlo Pearl Fraso was burled ut Pleasant Hill comotory on Thursday, March ICth. Fred Bon stopped with his parents last Sunday night. Honolulu. GARFIELD. Weather is fino. Farmers aro preparing for spring work. T. Emerson expects to farm on bis old farm. Ho says ho Las enough of Texas. Jud White's brother-in-law and fam ily aro visiting him this weok. We boar he intonds buying a farm in this locality, Lew King sold bis fat cattlo this week. It Never Dwaitoints. This is one of tbo peculiarities of Hood's Sarsap arilla. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, humors, stomach and kidney troubles, nervousness. Ilnnil'a I'llla nnrn nil Hum- Ilia Puci- to take, oasy to oporato, reliable and sure. 35c. Card of Thanks. I desire to thank my many friends who so klnkly assisted mo during mv Into horoavomout, illness and death of my daughter Pearl. Mas. Minnie Fit ask. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Dromo Quiniiiu Tab bus. All druggists rofuud money if it fails to euro. jJBc, Tho goiiUino bus L. H. Q. on each tablet.