The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1899, Image 1

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' i
10 - Dflrs
Wednesday, March 8th,
We will offor the Biggest Bargains ever offered in Red Cloud.
Traveling Jtten's Samples at Wholesale Prices
AND LESS, consisting of the following.
13 styles Ladies Night Gowns at less than wholesale prices.
6 styles Ladies Muslin and Swiss Skirts at less than wholesale prices.
- 9 styles Ladies Muslin and Swiss Pants at less than wholesale cost.
7 styles Ladies Muslin and Swiss Corset Covers at less than wholesale cost,
10 styles Infant's Muslin and Swiss Dresses at less than wholesale cost.
10 pairs Bootees at less than wholesale cost.
3 Children's Bonnets at less than wholesale cost.
23 Underskirts, Plain and Fancy less than wholesale prices.
60 styles Ladies Percale and Prints Wrappers at less than wholesale cost.
67 styles Ladies Spring and Summer Vests at less than wholesale cost.
10 styles Ladies Spring and Summer Union Suits at less than wholesale cost.
87 styles Shirt Waists at less than wholesale cost.
57 styles Men's Spring and Summer Undershirts at less than wholesale cost.
45 styles Men's Shirts at less than wholesale cost.
A few pair Men's and Boys Overalls at less than wholesale cost.
Oar spring shoes are now in and
during this aalo wo will givo 10 pei
cent off to reduce stock. Wo have tho
largest stock of bUoos in Webster
Muslin Underwear and Laces
and Embroideries.
Wo aro showing tho largest assort
ment and best values in Muslin Under
woar and Lncm and Embroideries ever
shown in Uod Cloud. It will pay you
to soo thorn.
We havo about 100 pieces Emhioid
ery 4 yards each that we offer during
tho salo at 80o each, about one-half the
former price,
Our now spring stock of Gapes,
Bkirts and Waists nro in, with many
Special Good Hin gains, which we will
take pleasure in showing you.
Our dress goods stock is the must
attractive and complete stock in tho
city, and during this salo wo will give
FREE, 0 yards Skirt Lining with Dross
Patterns from 20o to BOo per yard.
With Dress patterns over 50o per yard
yards Skirt Lining, 3 yards Silesia,
1 card Hooks and Eyes, 1 sot Dress
mo yards Calico tor 25c
Blizzards are the order of tho day.
Frank Graham has returned home
after a several week's visit in eastern
-f Iowa. Ho says thoro is plenty of sick
ness and cold weather In Iowa.
Tho sick in theso parts aro better at
Willie Stevens has boon quite siok
for somo timo with heart troublo bus is
gotting along quito well with Dr. Mor
Rnvillo of Red Cloud in attendance,
Chas. Arbuoklo has bought tho old
Fogcl place.
Mr. Harrington has a fow moro thor
oughbred hogs for sale.
Mr. Cutter of Red Cloud was in
-tboso parts oue day last wook buying
R. O. Wilson is still on tho siok list.
He hasn't beon out for sovon weeks.
S.N. Fottor has been laid up with
ihuuiualism for some timo.
4is Mr. P. S. Enir sold sumo fat cattlo to
Mr. Cutter of Rod Cloud ono day last
t wee
' Mr. Scrivnor says ho thinks that fall
Groeer ies I
Groceries I
We have the only exclusive
grocery room in town full
of the best that mon
ey will buy.
We Have,
DO NOW and
Will Lead.
Will discount anybody's Com
bination Grocer) List .
and fill it with better goods.
to each lady customer.
wheat is all right yet. Ho says it al
ways took a bard winter in Missouri
for good wheat.
C. W. Barrott sold his farm for 11200
and has bought tho north half of the
old Fisher farm on our creek for 1850
and will move soon.
Dan Growell will mnvo on Chas. Bar
rett's old farm.
Harvey Davis and Charloy Graham
havo traded farms. Both mado a good
Al SciivniT traded horses one day
last week.
V. H. Scrivnor, tho real estate man
of south Andersouville, has been do
ing somo good work in tho real estate
business this spring. Ho has sold and
tradod several farms on this creek.
O. 11. Arhucklo lias bought wire to
fonco 100 acros hog tight.
Robt. Gillis says ho has about 1,000
bushels of corn to gather yet.
James Graham has secured a position
in tho machine shop? at Muscatine,
Iowa, whoro ho will stay for u year,
Clark Storons says thei'f will t-i no
SM -10
New Carpets will be in next.week.
It will pay you to ceo our lino beforo
Most comploto stock of trimmings in
2-inch Corduroy Binding So.
Velvet Blndlrg, He.
Peerless Carpet Wnrp, 17o for whlto
and 20c for colored.
Our no.w spring stock is in and wo
can suit you iu Style, Quality and
Special value at 2Qo worth 50o.
FISH, complete stock.
Smoked Salmon, thick chunks.
Smoked Ilalibut, thick chunks.
Smoked Horring.
Mackerel. Salt Herring.
White Fish. SpcedTHorring.
Salt Salmon.
Holland Herring in Kegs.
See our Mammoth Stock of Dried Fruit.
0nly one pattern to each Ldr.
Gload, flebf.
peachos this year. He says tho buds
are all killed and many of the trees.
Tho grip, hog cholera and populist
party have about all left tho creek.
Grandma Provalt is getting over the
measles. Sbo is 78 years old. That is
pretty old to havo tho measles.
Deu McCartney sold sovcral hogs
'last week for S3,8b,
Thoro aro a good many who will be
gathering corn when thoy ought to be
C. H. ArbucKlo sold 22 head of hogs
last week that averaged 300 pounds.
They wore good .spring pigs.
Tho meetings at Mt. Hopo havo
dosed on account of slokncss.
Sunday school at Mt. Hopo every
Wiut people sav about Hood's Sar
saparilla is that it cures when all other
remedies fail. Therefore you should
take Hood's bnrsaparillii in preference
to all others,
Hood's Pills cum biilinusncss. Mall
(d forsrjc, by ('. i. , & Co. 'Low
ell, Mas
Central Commltte Meeting.
Tho Itud Cloud gun cluh held Its reg
ular shoot hint Wednesday. The scoro
shows that some of the members aro
nblo to lueak blue rocks about as fast
as tho trap i aro sprung. One of tho
features of the shoot was the llvo blid
contest, in which the contestants were
allowed to shoot Mm second barrel if
ho did nut kill his pigeon with the
shot. The liot itiir was all doiiu at
sixteen and eighteen ynid.-i rise with no
definite angle The ueliili expresses a
dclie to meet any imtslile eluu tin a
contest, and do not he.-dtatu to express
their belief that they can beat any club
that wishes to contest their claim as
iirst class niarksnion. There aie cer
tainly somo first class marksmen in
tho club. Jas. Houron broke thirty
fivo bltto-rocks without a miss, and no
doubt would have broken more had ho
not run out of shells. Several others
mado scores that woro record breakers
as the following will show:
First shoot Fifteen blue rocks, six
teen and eighteen yards raise, un
known angles.
Peterson 11110 10111 11111-13
Benso .
McCltnlock .
.oiiio uui moi-is
11101 11011 0QW1-10
11101 00010 OHIO- 9
11001 10100 11100- 8
10101 01101 00110 8
-10800 0011(1 10111- 7
.-.10000 00000 10100 s
oiiot onooo s
Double stot at blue-rock, sixteon and
eighteen yards rise, unknown angles,
ten birds each.
Bense ... . 10 11 11 10 10 7
Peterson 10 11 10 10 11 7
McCllntock 10 11 00 11 11- 7
Brown -, 10 10 It 11 10 7
Bouron ..... ...... . 10 10 11 00 It 8
Piatt ..' 10 1001 1000 4
woitii t u oo oo ioiOo a
Wright to 00 00 00 00 1
Livo birds, five each, same rise, priv
ilege of using both barrels if necessary.
McClintook i 01 1 I 1 e
Wells ...01 1 1 ! !- 6
Bense . 0101 01 1 1 S
Brown . ... 1 01 01 1 00 4
Bouron ................................. ......01 00 1 01 00 3
Fifteon blue rocks each, ttamo as first
Bcuse Hill 11111 11110-14
McCllntock 01011 UUI lltll-13
Peterson 11111 01111 10101-12
Bouron 10111 00110 11111-11
Kogel 01001 11010 11111-10
Brown.- 10110 00110 00111- 8
Wright OtOOO 11111 10001- 8
Wells 11001 01000 01001 0
Last scoro, no stated number, same
conditions as first.
Bouron.. 11111 UUl 11111 11111 11111 11111
11111-35 straight.
Dense 11101 11101 01101 11101 mil UUl
UUl 10111 0-34 out of 41,
Kogel 10011 10011 01101 01111 11101 11111
11111-27 out of S3.
McCllntock 11000 11110 11100 11111 UUl 01011
01011-83 out of 32.
Peterson 11011 11110 11100 01111 11111 01101
23 out Of 80.
Wright 10100 11110 11000 UUl 10101-18
out of 28. ZHZ
Gun Club Score.
Pursuant to call of chairman J. S,
Whito, tho Republican, city central
committee mot at his ofllco.
Meeting called to order byjehairman.
u. u. crone was elected secretary.
Movod aud carried that tho City con-
vontiou be a dolegato convention and
that tho basis of representation bo ono
dolegato for each ten votes cast for
Hon. M. L, Hayward for governor at
the fall election of 1608. That tho first
ward bo entitled to ten delegates and
second ward thirteen.
Moved and carried that tho convon
tion bo held at tho court houso in Red
Cloud, on the 17th of March 1609 at
two o'clock p. m.
Moved and carried that it bo left to
the committee of each ward as to
whother they will have a caucus or a
primary to elect tboir dolegato?, and
was decided by each that they havo a
caucus, and that said caucuses be held
as follows:
Caucus for lirst ward be hold at V.
B. Koby'a ofllce on tho 16th instant at 7
o'clock p. m. sharp, and that the cau
cus of socond ward bo held at the Fire
man's hall on tho 10th instant at 7
o'clock p, ni, sharp.
Movod and carriod to adjourn.
J. S. Wiutk, Chmn.
O. B. CnoNE, Soo'y,
I I Ml.
To insure a happy new year kcop the
liver clear nnd the body vigorous by
using Do Wit IV Little Karly Rlsois, tho
the fnmniM lit-tlo pills foi constipation
and liver troubles t L rotting.
A tasteful appearance in dress often comes as
much from good laundering as from the quality of
the clothing. Good laundering requires good soap
and Ivory Soap is the best.
The fading of delicate shades is frequently tha ruination of an expensive
garment. Any color that will stand the free application of water can be washed
Wim ivory soap. oowtffisy?HswiocTtmist.oineiiiiiw
James Mcintosh is building an ad
dition to Ids houso.
Othel Garner mado a business trip to
Hystings last week.
11. H. Crowell has bought 83 boad of
cattlo of Frank Amaok.
John Bretthauor has roturnod from
his visit with relotivcs at Lincoln .
Honry.Willinms of Winchester, Vir
ginia, arrived hero last Saturday on a
visit with relntives.
Mr. Copolen now sports a fine now
top buggy.
Win, Crablll is building an addition
to his residonce.
A. Johnson of Juniata has moved on
one of A. Erlckaon'a farms in this vi
cinity. ,
Mr. Josoph Graves passed away to
eternal rest at about nine o'clook on
Wednesday ovening of last Week at tho
ago of 04 years, G months, and 2 days.
Mr, Graves had beon failing in hoalth
for nearly three years. At times ho
would improvo and be up and around
but for the past six months has boon
conllned to tho house. Mr. Graves
was a member of tho G. A. R. at Rod
Cloud, having served five months in tho
civil war. Ho was also a member of
tho Christian church of Rod Cloud.
Ho leaves behind a wife aud nine chil
dren aud a largo circle of frionds to
mourn tho loss of a husband, father,
and neighbor. Tho funernl services
woro conducted at their residence on
Thursday at 2 o'clock by Rov. Hus
song of Red Cloud. Interment took
plaoo at tho Cathorton comotery. The
bereaved family have the sympathy
of their many friends iu their sad be
roavmont. Stunnku.
Weather lino after tho blizzard.
John Boauchainp Tiaa come back to
his homo in Line.
Miss Ramey will teach another month
inDist. Jo. 8.
Wood Stevens is still very low and is
not expected to live.
Mi. and Mrs. L. A. Haskln? are on
the sick list.
Jas, Bent will work frr L, A. lias-
kins this summer.
Tuff Sutton would Ilko to sub-lease
part of the northwest quarter of -I0-1-11.
Ernest Ueatichuiup will farm part of
his lather's place this summer and Will
AubiiHhon tho rest.
Tub Chikk nnd the Chicago Inlor
O' i nu cue jeai for ?l,25.
The mootings were continued at tho
Brethren church this wcok with three
Mr. Lockridgo has given up tho farm
he has occupied tho pust thrco yoars
and has moved north of Red Cloud.
Tho family will bo badly missed by tho
Sunday school.
S. M. Milligan is somo bettor at this
G. S Stansor is moving on tho plaoo
lately vacated by Mr. Lockridgo.
Oliver McNutt is trying his now bug
gy during tho sorios of meetings and
ho finds it to bo Just tho stuff,
O. B. Potter is going to build a new
houso and barn on tho place vacated
by Sanderson.
Mrs. C. A. Campboll's undo has
been visiting her.
Geo, Thornu has left Gartleld and
uioved to Kansas
Mrs. F. Houchln is on tho sick list
this week.
I'd. White's horse broko loose at tho
church and ran off and was not found
until tho noxt day, but no serious dam
ago resulted.
Tha ii p. .
Public Cattle Sat.
At tho feed barn of S. Day in tho
city of Red Cloud on Saturday, March
11, 1800, at ono o'clock p.m., tho under
signed will soil at public salo fifteen
bead of cattlo described as follows:
Four young cows with calf by side, live
heifers, 8 to 4 yoars old, one Durham
bull, six months old, one stear six
months old. Cowb are all .well bred,
part Jersey and part Short-Horn. A
credit of nluo months will bo given,
purchaser giving note with approved
security bearing ten per cent interest.
All stock must be settled for beforo be
ing removed. 0. M. Milliqak.
Coi.. O. L. WiNKitKv, Auctipnoor.
If weather is uot favorablo salo will
bo postponed until Saturday, March
18th, 1800.
School Report.
Report of school in Dist. 80, for term
beginning September 0th, 1808, and
onding March 8, 1899. jO.III
Total enrollment, 48.
Average attendance, 38.
.Visits of county superintendent, 1.
Visits of directors, 3,
Number other visitors 00.
Prizes A'oro awarded to Cora Smith,
Gruelo Aiiiaol; and Wl Whitham. fo '
good deportment. ' v
Iwtun Watt, Teacher,