JL'HJB RED CLOUD OHJLKIf, IfKlDAY, MARCH. 3. 1890. Tp P E- lr :4 - vjf If 3 U y . k f.v ;V- S- a M INERT-DAY HEROISM! Btruffgllntf through life, cuihoil with en (arih, Is ii common xperlence. How ver heroic tlio fight t'titurrh gen rally wins. Under mhiio nnino or oilier it rets the best of tut. Frank E. Itilfiill.H, Waco, Tex., and thou- mintls of othern liavo been permanently cured of catarrh ly Dr. Ilartinan's MieceHsful remedy J'o-ru-nn. Hero Is Mr. Ingnlls' letter: Dr. S. Jh llartman, Columbus, O. Dkaii Sin: "I'c-ru-iiamid Mann-lin ktxvo cured ino of one of the wornt cases f catarrh any ono over had. My case was bo Bcvcro that I was compelled to discontinue my business, that of con ductor on a railroad; but I am now atlrely well." Ordinary treatment of catarrh is for local relief. Cures arc not expected. Dr. Ilartman's method eradicates ca tarrh absolutely. Get his latest book nd learn how to combat this insidious disease. The Pe-ru-im Mediclno Co., Columbus, O., will mall Dr. Hartmau's 1kk)Ub free on application. II. A. Scott, Hurt, Tenn., writes: 'I feel very thankful to my Maker and vour tfrent medicine that 1 am cured. I would not bo without Pc-ru-na in the house." I'o-ru-tui litis been curing catarrh for forty years, it plucks out the roots of catarrh and builds people up. All druggists sell it- Frazer Axle Grease M5LWI . Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial. Perls and World'a Fair. iKtand tntirn I unnini-rnn flu r in Attn Luonibniun w,t FnMm: Chofcf, SL Uali. Nsw York. MI hava been tiling OASCAHKTS tot Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for rer twenty years, and I can say that Caacareti ave given me more re lief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being all they are represented." Taos. Gillabd, Elgin, 111.' CANDY TNAOIMMn E!St!!,tn, i,,l,ab.l5' L'0,nt. Taite flood. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 2Jc, Uie. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SUfll.g ,4y l.apta;, raltit. trtal. Haw fart. Ill M0Tn.lin Bold and iiuarantwl by alldruf nuUBHli giiuto Oil KK Tobacco Ilablt" AGRICULTURAL LAND SEEKERS are time and money ami lm-pruvptliflroon-illltun If Ih.lr ticket cariict thtm lo tha !FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS IN WESTERN CANADA HMuro fur ynurtelf and jour iom a liei It- Aire, roiling" )u imttilnn in tlio courts of a tow yean It will YIELD YOU A COMPETENCE aa It liaa don thounandt of ottienc, who fallliiK H.tmhfre, today hare comfort' bla noniM. Yield of wlirat 1 phenomenal and print tha hlhtit, owing to citra quality of grain and LOW RAILWAY RATES THAT EXIST. Cllraata healthy, fuvl plentiful and taiea merely nom inal. Writs for particulars and experience of farmer! to the neareit agent of the Canadian Ooroniment or apt. or immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to W, V. BENNETT, Canadian (Joverpment Aiiont, SOI Mew York Ufa Uullalug, Osaka, fceli. (win and TradevMarka obtained and all Pat' eat buaineaa conducted for Mooknatc Fcra. Torrica oe lei. drawiojf or photo., With descriiK tton. We Mvtse. If patentable or not, treo oi i.. nm tm nnt HnA tui intent u aecurea. ! Twmwut. M Ho" Obuia Patent," tIth coft of waeTS'the U. S. nd forei eountrie. eat frte. Aaarcae, C.A.SNOW&CO. Gf. FATWT OFMCC. WaiHmoTo w. p. c. i- M lfVJr ran rfl ..-n-J. "jL - aw. f !& M WiR TWICEAS,J-U nap INSOMNIA $0- JKCWiicD Ajflm ni Hi S n Boat Uougn BTrup. Tiu tea Good. BWH W iq time. Bold by tlrg't.tt'',rJIJ,L After the Grlp-Vnit. You thought you had tho best of tho Krip and you determined to wear St off; but somehow it (loos not wear off as you expected. You pass restless, sleepless nights, and get up in tho morning feeling inuru exhausted than when you retired, You nro irritable and nervous and have no appetite for your food. You go about in n listless hrtlMiciirted sort of way, and every thing you undcrtnKu to do scums to go wiong. Do you know that you aio on thu vergo of nervous prostration? You need help; and you need It mure than when tho grip was ut its worst. Dr. Miles Nervine Is the best medi cine you can get to build up your shat tered nerves and restore your wasting strength. It invariably insures sound sleep and gives the over strung nerves their natural rest. It makes tho appo tito keen, facilitates tho dlgestion,givcs healthful vitality to tho nerves and re stores health. "I was rostlcBs, nervous, irritablo, and altogether out of sorts. It was im possible to get my natural sleep and I becamo so weak and exhausted that I could not loavo my bod. Finally I commenced taking Dr. Miles Norvino and I began to improve from tho first doso. In a short timo my health was completely restored. Mrs. Dow Hkaoi.k, Slug Sing, N.Y." A trial package of Dr. Miles favorite treatment, for grip, consisting of Dr. Miles' Nervine, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, and Dr. Miles Nerve and Liver ('Ills, will be sent absolutely freo of cost to auy person sending iinmu and address on a postal card, requesting thu samples, and mentioning this paper. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elk hart, Indiana. Prehistoric Corn. George Itanium, a prominent farmer living justacrofls tho Loup river in liut lor township, has a few acres this year ot what is known as tho "prehistoric corn," so called from the peculiar man ner in which tho seed wns discovered. About live years ago a handful of this corn was found in ono of the old caves in Arkansas in n largo clam shell, which timo and the action of tho weath er had hermetically sealed. This seoJ was taken and planted especially for tho seed, and this is Mr. Barnum's first experience with it. With any ordi nary attention and without any irri gation, this corn grows to an averago height of fifteen foot and runs from two to twolve ears on a stalk. Geolo gists agreo that tho original seed in tho cavo was from 0,000 to 4,000 years old and was no doubt placed there by a forgotten prehistoric race. As a rule tho ears comtuonco to appear on tho stalk about ten feet from tho ground. During dry weather whon other corn would curl up nnd wither in tho hot sun, this would maintain a bright, goosoberry green, Mr. liuruum be lieves it has no equal for withstanding a drouth. Omaha Boo. . A Good Club Offer. All our fntniiT u-nilcrs f lioulil tnk ntivnntngo of tho unproccilontcil club bitifj olTor wo tliis year nmko, which iucliulcs, with this pupur, Tho Iowa Ilomustcntl, its Spccinl Jb'armors Instituto editions, Tho Poultry Fanner, Tho Farmer's Mutual Insurance Jour nal anil tho Huuiano Alliance Tlio subscription prioo of theso tiro publi cations amounts to 12.80, while our paper is $1, a total of 83.80. Wo aro prepared to sond them all, including our own paper, to any farmer in this county for 91.40, which is only 45c more than our own subscription price. Never beforo was so much superior reading matter, of the most practical and usoful character offered for only $1.45. Tho first four of tho papers named are so well known throughout tho west that but littlo need bo said of thorn. They commend themselves to tho readers favorablo attention upon mere mention. Tho Huuiano Allianco is dovotcd to liumano education and should bo in every farmer's family, so that tho boys and girls on tlio farm may early imbiho tho principles of a broad Humanity mat snail liiciuuo all Uod's creatures, and learn tho wickedness ami brutalizing tendency of cruolty of all kinds. Take advantago of this groat offer. $J0O Reward, $100. Tlio loaders of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at loast ono dread discaso that scionco has been abio to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only po9itive;curo known to tho medi cal fraternity Catarrli bolng a con stitutional disease, requires a constitu tioiml.troatmont. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takon internally and acts directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disoaso, and giving tho pationt strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curattvo powers that thoy oiler One- Hundred Dollars for anycaso that it fails to curo. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Chenev & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. To insure a happy new year keep tho liver clear and the body vigorous by using DuWttl's hittlo Early Risers, tho the famous littlo pills for constipation and liver troubles, O. h. Cotting. CHURCH SERVICES. CimiSTI AN CHURCH. Sorviccs cacli Lord's Day as follows: Morning service at 10:'JO. Subject, "Tlio World's Worship." Bible sellout, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 0 p.m. Set. lor Christian Endeavor (1:15 p.m. Evening service at 7:80 o'clock. Sub joct, "Whatj and How Largo is Heav en " Prayer mooting and bible study on Wednesday evenings. Ladies' Aid Society Friday after noons. Foreign Mission day March 5. Our pleasant church home mid ail services are over open to the public. L. A. Hussono, Pastor. MKTUOU18T Services next Sunday ns follows: Morning servico at 10:80. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Preaching at Amboy at 8 p.m. junior liOaguo at 4 p.m. Senior Leaguo at 7 p.m. Evening service at 7:80. Prayer mooting on Wednesday even ing at 7:80. Ladies Aid Socioty Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to .at tend. Jamks Mark Dauby, Pastor. llAlTISTCUUUCH. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:45. Juniors meeting at 3 p.m. Young People's Union meets at 7 p.m. Evening servlco at 7:30. General prayer anil ctinfeienco meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Eusox, Pastor. i i i CONOHKGATIONAL. llegular services next Sunday as fol lows: , Morning scrvico at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:45. Young People's Socioty of Christian Endeavor at 0:80 p in. Evening scrvico at 7:30. Mid-week prayer meeting and eon fcrence Wednesday evening nt 7:80. All cordially invited to nttend these sorviccs. Fkank W. Dkan, Pastor. .. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy is inteuded especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has bocomo famous for its cures of thoso diseases, over a large part of tho civilized world. Tho most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good works; of tho aggravating and persistent coughs it has cured; of se vens colds that havo yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of tho dan gerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the lifo of the child. The extensive uso of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs this discaso of dangerous consequoucos. Sold by II. E. Grico. uowoy's request for permission to shell tho shore in tha neighborhood of Manila will bo granted. Thoro is only ono ready way of pacifying tho Mnlays who are carrying on their campaign of arson and assassination under Aguin aldos orders. Dewey knows tho sort of medioiuo to givo to tho land pirates of Luzon. Ho will doubtloss bo allowed a freo hand in suppressing tho Malay revolt. Ho has shown an ability in dealing with tho situation which has given him tho confidence of tho entire country. Tho next timo a travelling peddler calls at your door and tries to sell his goods ask him if ho will take your but ter, eggs and othor farm products; ask him if, whon you got ready to build a road or bridge, he would willingly donate a few dollars to help It along. Toll him thero is a poor family down tho road who would bo thankful if ho would donato a fow provisions. Ask him if ho would contribute to an en terprise just starting. If ho agrees to all theso things patronizo him. Your homo merchant will do this and more. Miss Stella Sheffor, owner of a dairy farm just west of Aurora, Illinois, painted her cows with paris green, on recommondation of n druggist, to kill lico. Tho remedy was horoio and ef fective. Tho vermin woro killed, and of a herd of forty cows but two animals survive Tho cattlo in licking their sides swallowed poison in sufficient quantities to kill thorn all. Mr. S. A. Fackler, editor of thoMl canopy, (Fla.) Hustler, with his wifo and chlldron, suffered terribly from la grippo, Onu Minuto Cough Curo was the only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others uso this remedy as n specific for la grippe and its oxhausting after effects. O. L. Cotting. Examination Notice. Kogular examinations for persons desiring to toach in Webster county' are hold in tho superintendent's ofllco at Red Cloud, tho third Saturday in each mouth, Eva J. Case, County Supt. ' a To Cure a Cold in One Day. Tnko Laxative Uromo Quiuino Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure, 20u, The geuuino bus L, 1). Q on each tablet. ST. JACOBS OIL ST JACOBS OIL CftrM RfiwmaUsm Neuralgia Lumbago Sciatica Sprains Bruises Soreness Stiffness Oachcha Muscular Aches I I ( Farmer's Club Offer. Money spent for books and papers is never thrown nway. What do you wiui t to read this year? Following is a good club list which will givo you all the county, stato and national nows aud also nioio good farm nows than was ever offered for the price. For a limited timo wo will sond Tiik Chirp, giving all tho county nows; tho Omaha Weekly Bee, giving all tho stato nows; tho Chicago Weokly Inter-Ucoan, giv ing all tho national and foreign news; The Homestead, cno of tho best farm papers published; tho Poultry Jbarmer, dovotcd to tho interests of poultry ex clusively; Special Farmers Instituto Editions of the Homestead, devoted to discussions of various farm topics; Farmers Mutual Insurance Journal, a paper published in tho interests of co operative insurance muting tho farm ers, ami Tho Iluniauo Alliance, a mag azine devoted lo tlio cause of humane education, thu eight papers ono year for the sum of $2.23 easli in advance. Till e is us good nnd as elieap 1111 offer ever nindo nnd will last only u limited time. Tlio stibscnminn price of tlitiso eight, papers is $0 80 per year, but wo will, for a limited Mtnu, send them one year for S2.25 cash in advance. Give the Children a Drink called Uraiti-O. It is 11 , delicious, np potizing, nourishing food drink to take tlio placo of coffee. Whon properly prepared it tastes like tho finest coffee but is freo from all its injurious prop erties. Grnin-0 aids digestion and strengthens tho nerrcs. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great bonotit. Costs About one- fourth ns much as coffee, at grocers. 10c and 25c Grain-O Brings Relief to tho coffee drinker. Coffee drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in and almost as universally injurious. Havo you tried Grain-O? It is almost liko coffco but the effects aro just the opposite. Coffeo upsets tho stomach, ruins the digestion, effects tho heart and disturbs tho whole norvoussystem, Grain-O tones up tho stomach, aids di gestion and strengthens tho nerves. lOo and 25c per package. Ninety pek cent of the people havo some kind of humor in tlio blood, ami tliis causes many discasos. Hood's Sarsapurilla cures theso diseases by expelling tho humor. Hood's pills aro non-irritating aud tlip only pills to tako witli Hood's Sar- saparilla. m 9 m 1 ' The consumption of sugar in tlio United States has passed tiie 2,000,000 ton mark. During tho calendar year of 1898, nt nn avorngo rotalir.prico'of live cents per pound, or HOOpcr ton, our domestio sugar trndo 'represents 1200, 000,000 a year. In ordinary soasous more than'.lialf this sum goes out'of this countryjf.oach year for imported sugar. a Beaatr la Blood Deed. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Euritics from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Caocarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. These aro dangerous times for tho health. Colds, croup and throat troub les lead rapidly to consumption. A bottlo ot Ono Minuto Cough Curo usod nt tho right timo will prosorvo lifo, health and a large amouht of money. Pleasant to take; children liko it. C. L. Cotting. m a- Doa't Tobaeto Spit and Smoke Your IJfe Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic, full ot life, nerve and vigor, take Ko-To-Boo, the wonder- worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, Wo or II. Curo guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Itemedy Ca, Chicago or New York. a Horrible agony is causod by piles burns nnd skin diseases. Theso aro immediately rolioved and quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel salvo, lie ware of worthless imitations, C. Ii. Cot ting. Paul Perry.oflColumbus, Ga., suf fered agony for thirty years, and then cured his piles by using DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It hoals injuries nnd skin diseases liko magic O. L Co tting. To Curo Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOoorMo. It & 0. C fall to euro, druggists refund money. No-To-Mao for riftj LY11U. Guarautt'od tobacco bablt euro, nial-os weak men ittroug, blood pure. 60u,tl. All tlrtiggista a-No-To-liao for Fifty Ceute. Guaranteed tobacco bablt curo, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, (1, All druggists. EducatoYour llowels With Cuscarets, 10o, s&c. It C. G. O, fall, druggists re tuna Money. Curious Mathematical Puzzle. Following is n very curious puzzle. Try it, nil of you. Open a book at random and select a word within tho iirst ten lines, and wi hin tlio tenth word from tho end of the lino. Mark the word, Now double thu number of the pogo and multiply the Mini by live. Tht'ii add twenty. Then add tho number of the line you have selected. Then mid five. Then multiply the4 sum by ten. Add tlio number of thu word in tho line. Ftiiin this sum subtract 250 and the lemaiiider will indicate in thu unit column tiiu number of tliu word, in tlio ten column tlio number of thu line luul tlio remaining figures the number of tlio pagu. Hereafter cornstalk pith will ho used in tho manufacture of smokeless pow der. This being true Nebraska will furnish euough cornstalk pith during the next year to manufacture ail the smokeless powder used in this country during tho next fiyo years. a Rheumatism'.Cured in a Day. "Mys ,io Cure," for rheumatism aud neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, is action upon tlio system is remark able and mysterious. It removes at oucu thu uausu and tho disease imme diately disappears. Tho lirst dose greatly benelits; 75 cents. Said by 11. E. Gricc, druggist, lied Cloud, Neb. - La grippe is again epidemic. Evory precaution should be taken to avoid it Its speciilo cum is Ouu Minutu Cough Cure. . J. Sheperd, Publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advortlscr.Eldon, Mo., siiYf "No one will bo disappoint ed in using Ono Minutu Cough Cure for la grippe." Pleasant to take mid quick to act. C. L. Cotting. $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Dieuretic. Jly lu worth tojouinuro than 101 If you hitvon child ulio soils bedrilMK from liirontuti ciicu of wnttr tlurliiK sleep. Cures old nnd joutic itllkc. it nrresls the trouble nt once. II. Hold by (J. L. CottltiK, druggist, lied Cloud, Neb. Relief in Six Hours Ir Dlsiressliif; kidney mid bladder disease's' ro llced In hlx hours by "New Great South Amcrl cnu Klilncv Cure." It lin ureal surprise ott tie count of lt exceeding promptness In relieving pa in In bladder, kidney and back, In malo or female. Huileveo retention of water almost Immediately. If you Tnnt quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by C. I.. Cotting, druggist, Hed Cloud, Neb. WOMAN S HOPE The only hope for many weakly women is IraffltM's FtMMt Rinlatiri It is the one safe and sure cure tn all stubborn and severe cases of ?& Profuso, Irregular, Scantyor Pain ful Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Leucorrhoca, Headache, Backache and Nervousness. It is a distinct remedy for the distinct ail ments called "female troubles." Those are the diseases for which it should bo taken. ruB'""!1 THE BRADNELD REGULATOR CO., AtlanU.Oo. W CMeheiUr'a End lab I)lamopl Ilraaa. PENNYROYAL PILLS .tEtV uniniaaaniyenoIo. a4-v9v Arc, aUwji rciutw. iadics tak , anviui ir tsceMr nwu Ito monUOrund la Hed uwl 0Ad ntuUloX toiea. Mtua wita Mac ribbon. Take ' tUma and imitation. Ail)ntM.mtMn&A. ! tump for Mrtltralar. uaUmoaUli and Hlurf. raftlM I lttr. It r Mb iiHuvv iciDiBiui, jvanf mptr. aTTa-"ra jkiv7a.vjirr. "":. av "V- 1 .01a vf aUifeoallivvaafta. rillLAUA.. FA. r. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Oltaaaei and txtutiriM tha hair. PnnurfM a lnniriinft crowth. Wever Falls to Beatore Oray Curt acalp dltram hair (aluu. fOOjandSluuatDruttUtj" BE YOUR OWN BOSS;,08i,iaRViyo0rUd,cr HiislneiB day or evening at homo. No pert (IIIiir. You cnu tnako fix per trcek. Either sex. Address, M, Young, 353 Henry Mreei, llrooklyn, New York, RANDOLPH MoNIIT, ATTOHNET and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commorcinl and Probato Litigation. UOON 11LOCK, REU CLOUD, NE1IRASXA. E. U. OVERMAN, HTTORNBY - KT - LKllWt. Offee orcr Post Ottlce, - Does a general law business. Practices in till courts E. U. OVERMAN, Plaintiff's.Attorney. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Ktate or NxanABKA, 1 BK WensTKit County, J j? In tho District Court lu unH for Webster County, Nebraska. fv j aeon nauaitr. 1 ur Plaintiff. I VB A.J.OIlleapIo Com in I j siou uompauy. Defe The "A. J. Ollli CominlaslOU Com Dan v." defendant, will 11 of November. A. notice that on the 2Mth ilav tiled bis petition Court of Webster 1808. tho Plaintiff heroin 1 attachment lu the District ouniv. airalnat nfllil dnrmwl. ant, tho object and prayer blect and Prayer of which la to rcenvir tho sum of Flvo lluudrcd Dollars, due aud ow ing on a contract for goods and chattel, to wit: For cattlo contracted and delivered by the plaintiff to the defendant, for which sum the plaintiff nsks judgment. And that at the com mencement of which action, nnd In support of tlio same and on proper nOldavlts filed and shoeing msdo by tho plaintiff, an attachment was Issued and garnlshco process served ou Charles Hunter and Kugeno Hunter. You are required lo answer said petition on or beforo the '.Till day of Murch, A. 1), 1 W9. .,.. . JAcon Hadskt. lly E. U. OvEitMAN. Attorney. 4 iBikVa 1 M IS B lla BO YEARS ) EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DESIGNS COPVrtlQHTS &c. Anyono acndlnit a skctrh nnd description m qtilcHIr nscortnln our opinion freo whether ru liiroiitlon l prnbnblr patpntoblo. romniunlrft tlotis mrlctlrcontlcloiitlnl. Handbook on I'ntcnU ecnt freo. Olilest nuoncy foraccunnirputciili. IMtents tnken thrmmh Alutm Ac Co. rccolro $rtetal notice, without chnrno, lutbo Scientific JftMicam A hnndsomelr llltistrnted weekly. Ijtrircat cir culation of nny nelontlllo Jourtinl. Tcrnia. 13 a yenri four month!, f 1. Bold by nil ticwadenlcm, MUNN&Co.30,B'Md' New York Ilrnnch Ofuce, C35 IT 8U Wnslilnutou. I). C Skin Diseases. For tho speedy nnd permanent euro of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It alBO cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic eore eyes ana granulated lids. Dr. Cadj'B Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby VM SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN .POLNICKY, PUOPK1KTOK. DKAI.EU IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. KALWAYS ON TAP. - Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. It rata with too whether yon continue theta. nerte-klllinff tobacco bablt. M e-TO-HAQaBBS remoTei the dctlre for tobacco, wltbtfaTaSlBBBBl out nerroua dlatreaa, eipeli nlccv! .1 1 nSBp tine, pnrinea tha blood, re-JalTal I L WMSt . torn loat manhood. iarm WMMWathoxmt makei Ton atronvaT. lllAlE'aaid ftnrV 5SAP0Ck!SfBmi M'WO-TO.B AC t rei 2? Vr7aM IaHJ!!ryour own drturilit, whr Iaf3i III Sm"111 Toach for na. Take It with iM aawjwlll. patiently, peralitently. One S !!-. b0I h U'nally curen boxea, 1 M. BMwjrj5r.an,e.l!ito '2?' or we refund money, mmr BMrU Butaj C., Calwr, tnal, law Ink. TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y Ii ED CLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 87. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS fiHti all points cast and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL'I LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISCO ami all point west. TnalNS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS! No. 60. FrelRht, dally oxcept Sunday for wymore and all point east 7:00! )a.m. rso. id. rassongor, aaiiy tor 01. joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louts and all points cast and south 10:20a.iri. No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Hunday, liastltiRS, laud, Black Hill urana is- 8 and all points In tho northwest- So. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, aud 1:00 p.m jiiiunnuuiHio eiauons, via 110 publican- .12:30p.m. No, 04. Freight, dally, Wyraoro nnd St. Joo and Intermediate ii miction points... m pi 18:45 p.m No. 63, FrelRht ally for Republican Orleaus.Oxfordandall points west 10:30a.m. No. 15, t'asucngor, t'asucngor. dally. Denver, all points in Colorado, Utah and California ........... 8: 'inn n No. B73. Freight dally to Oxford and Ititormcdlnto poluts l:.10p.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars, f scats freo) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggago checked to any point In the Unlltd States or Canada. For Information, timo tables, maps or ticket call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ked Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City anti country calls promptly rtn sworcd day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office ovkh Lindsey's Meat Market J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IF YOU WANT IT. Crown I Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plitei. PORCELAIN INLAY And all tha latest Improvement la dental mecrt anlsm kvkAAal Ml I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look Ilox S. Quldo Rock, Neb, All kinds of property bought, sold nnd oxclinuged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TERMS REASONAULU. J ' A ; x &' IS mT 5rVtVlMA37 -ft HWitrt-' mtm rjrr Lvii