The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1899, Image 5

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    !rtWWWI.Ill.W ' " Js.i " " -
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Nothing is moro Import
nnt (ot tho preservation
V rwrrlt linnll It nHil nlnnN
Ul (UUU UUOIWI null UlUIll
business judgment than 4
onions enro of tho oyes. J
)ofcctlvo vision produc-1
os irritation and nor 4
vousnoss, and in this J
condition no person is 1
cnpablo of giving to bus- 4
tnaaa tnntl.fira np in tlin 4
tl tnnT nlTfilta n( Itfn 7
tho attootion necessary
to success, rorieci tit'
UUg ginssus Will over-1
como nature's defects, i
Yon can have your eyes J
examined free by 3
Newhousc Bros.,
Graduate Refracting Opticians
and jewelers.
Bring ui yoar Watch, Clock and Jewelry '
work. Wo do the beat work.
TnE Chief ?1.00 per year.
Al Holdrogo of Riverton was hero
J. II. Smith is out again after a se
vens illness.
Miss Cora Marsh of Hastings is visit
ing friends hero.
Tho Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean
ono year for 81.25.
Robes aud blankets in endless vari
ety at J. O. Butler's.
Samuel Spry loft tho first of tho wook
on a visit to Lincoln.
The Chief and tho Chicago Intor
Ocean ono year for $1.25.
Mrs. Mary Rockwell is homo aftor'a
visit to Norcatur, Kansas.
J. A. Tulloys has beon visiting with
his family horo this week.
Lindsoy & Smith want your poultry.
Highest market prices paid.
Jas. Gilham and Bernard McNony
wero in Lincoln this week.
Mrs. Jacob Rolglo loft Tuesday for a
-visit at Lowistown, Pennsylvania.
The 5-A horse blanket, tho best on
tho.markot id sold by J. O. Butler.
Insuro with tho Pennsylvania Firo of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
M. R. Bentloy and wife left tho first
of the weok for Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Ed Pulsipher of Hastings was horo
this weok looking after proporty inter
ests. Attornoy J. R. Mercer was looking
after legal matters in Lincoln this
Albert Ovorleos and wifo of Riverton
were visiting in tho city tho last of tho
Havoyou seen J. O. Butler's now lino
of 5-A horso blankets, fur and plush
Tho county commissioners will aieot
in regular session next Monday, March
6th, 1801).
S. M. Milligan was kicked in tho
head by a mulo last week and soriously
Mrs. Jno. Wilholmsonof Guido Rock
is in tho city visiting with relatives
and frionds.
Mrs. I. Frisbio loft Wednesday even
ing for McCook whoro sho will visit for
somo timo.
Morhart & Cutter have built a small
office on tho corner of Third avenue
and Webster street.
liafvst 1
TfipBesTlbnic i
is a wonderful aid in the 5
maintenance of health; it is
an easily assimilable form of g
nourishment in illness, and
is Invaluable in restoring B
g shattered nerves and in con- g
valescence. A doctor writes: g
E "I have found it especially 5
S valuable for persons conva- 5
lescinff from fever, and for
S nursing mothers. lam high- 5
ly pleased S
with it and 5
my patients j
could not do E
without it." a
1 -"
J jyX83! Drut Stores
John Polnloky left Monday for Lin
coin and Omaha, whoro he is looking
after business interests.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
J. Warren during tho month of March.
A full attendance is desired,
Hugh Minor has roturnod from Chi
cago, where ho purehasod n largo in
voico of goods for Minor Bros.
Workmen have boon at work this
week topping and trimming up tho
trees in the court house grove,
Sco that now cast stovo with stool
ovon plates at W. V. Wright's. Guar
anteed bettor tlrnti steel .langcs.
Commonco tho new year right by in
suring your proporty against firo and
tornadoes.- W. L. McMillan, Agent.
Tho man who procrastinates may bo
sorry ho met tho undertaker before tho
insuranco agent. Insuro in tho Trav
elers. Tho Union Firo Insuranco Company
is tho best mutual. Combino risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
L. H. Ruet Bays if you want somo
good nursory stock cheap this spring
let him know what you want. Also
has treo paint to sell.
R. D. Gaston moved his family and
household goods horo and is now lo
cated in tho Roby rosidonco in tho
northwest part of town.
Mrs. Amanda Cummings who has
been visiting in Beatrico with her
daughter, Mrs. Carl Jonkins, returned
homo Saturday ovening.
Moforoyou buy a heating stovo seo
that "Retort" heater at Wright's hard
ware store. It is a wonderful heat
producer and savor of fuel.
Tho Misses Mary and Margaret
Minor aro homo after spending a month
in tho trimming department of a largo
millinery houso in Chicago.
Thcro is somo talk of tho organiza
tion of a band in this city in tho near
future. Wo awnit furthor develop
ments before saying too much.
Tho windy weather of February and
March is a dangerous timo for a firo.
Mako yourself secure by insuring your
property. W. L. McMillan, Agont.
Get your sale bills printed at this of
fice and the announcement of salo will
bo printed in tho paper during tho
timo preceding tho salo day freo of
For Sale Ono St. Joseph walking
lister and drill combined. Nearly
now. Prlco $15 cash. Would trade
for a fair wagon. CrtA. Gust, Rod
Cloud, Neb.
A hobo who had numoreus koys and
other articles in his pockets was run in
by the officers Wednesday night. Threo
other hoboes wero given a bed in tho
jail tho same night.
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lungs. Ono Minuto Cough Cure loosens
tho cold, allays coughing and heals
quickly. Tho best cough cure for chil
dren. C. L. Cotting.
Will your widow dress as well as
your wifo doosf Answer this question
by insuring your lifo in tho Travelers
Insuranco Company of Hartford. W.
L. McMillan, Agont.
'I guaranteo thtm as good as any
steel rango on tho marked" is what W.
W. Wright says about his now cast
stovo with steel ovon plates. Seo them
before you buy a stovo.
V. II. Scrivnor, real eslato man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable por cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivnor, Red Cloud, Nobr.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
anco for a term of five years at 8 por
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan,
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Mrs. I). McKeoby, mother of Dr. G
E. McKeoby of Guthrie, Oklahoma, and
grand-mother of Dr. F. E. McKeoby of
tiiis city, diod at her homo in Oregon,
Wisconsin, on February 24, of pneu
monia. Tho smallest things may exert tho
smallest influence. DoWitt's Littlo
Early Risers aro unequalled for over
coming constipation and livortroubles.
Small pills, best pills, safo pills. C. L.
There havo boon numerous bad ac
cidents in tho past month. There may
bo many in tho future. Insuro against
accidents in tho best company in tho
world, tho Travolors of Hartford. W.
L. McMillan, Agont.
A pair of youthful shop-lifters wero
trying to work ono of our stores this
week. Thoy wero suspocted and ilred
out and then it was discovered that
they had rolled up a small packago of
goods preparatory to stoaling thorn
Thoy were girls.
A sorious ruuuway occurred on yes
terday afternoon Frank Tonnant was
driving a toam of colts on north Web
storstrcot when thoy ran away throw
ingMr. 'lonnantj out. Ho was badly
stunned and ins carried to n houso
nearby but his injuries wore notsor
ions. Tho team becoming detached
from tho buggy ran "down tho street
and collided with a horso and bufftrv
belonging to T. J. Wright and the
buggy was badly demolished
The II rin of Nuwhoitso Bros., wishing
to always bo in tho lead when it comet
to getting tho host known appliances
foi touting tho eyes, havo this weok re
ceived tho latest in test cases and aro
now better than over prepared to lit
your oyos correctly with glasses.
A load of small poles for tlio pro
posed telephone oxchango aro now 011
tho ground, and work will begin in tho
near future. The company is now
pushing tho construction of tho Hold
rogo oxchango nnd McCook is uoxt on
tho list. McCook Tribune.
A grand panorama of tho visions f
St. John will bo given at iho opera
houso March 10th. It consists of over
titty beautiful nil paintings, 10x15 foet
square, illustiating many of the vis
ions as recorded in Ilavnlatinns. Ad
mission 15j aud 25o. Reserved scats
880 at Cotting's drug store.
Publio Sale At my rosidonco threo
mllos north of Inavalo, on Tuesday,
March 7th, 1890, consisting of borsos,
cattlo, hogs, farm machinery and
household goods. Fren lunch at noon.
Terms, ono year's timo at ten por cent
intorost. Fivo per cont off for cash.
Cuas. Smelser, Inavalo, Nob.
Dick Gray of Suporlor, stopped off
botweon trains Monday and looked
over tho ground horo prospootin&for a
saloon. Dick sooms to think a saloon
is what is needed in Bladon to mako a
boom. Ho did not recoivo much on
couragomont from onr pooplo, how
over, and left for other parts. Bladon
"Tho prophetic visions of St. John
formed tho material for a brilliant
panoramic ovc nt at Graco M. E. church
last night. Tho vision ot hoaveu and
tho throno with tho sea of glass before.
Tho Tight of tho angels and tho boast in
heaven, besides othors were displayed.
Stato Journal. At tho opera houso
March 10th.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoffico at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tiiu week ending March 2d,
Harten, Ilazol Smith, Ronninn
Thcso letters will bo sent to tho dead
lottor olllco March lGth, if not called for
before. When calling for above pleaso
say advertised. T. C. Hackek, P. M
Tho various grades in our schools
havo rccontly contracted tho amateur
theatrical fever and Friday ovening
performances aro a common occur
renco at tho high school building.
From reports wo judgo tho amateurs
excel many of tho "profesh" which
have made this city lately.
Wojwould like to secure a good cor
respondent in Bladon, Bluo Hill, Roso
mont, Inavalo, Judson, Sherwood,
North Branch, and other localities
which aro not already represented, and
will offer nn extra inducement to any
ono who will volunteer their services
in this capacity. Wo would also like
to havo our regular correspondents bo
a littlo more prompt in their communi
cations. Thcso bits of nows aro what
helps to make a newspaper and aro al
ways acceptably received.
! Babies and children need I
proper food, rarely ever medi I
I cine. It tney ao not innve
I on their food something is
I wrong. They need a little
I help to get their digestive
I machinery working properly. J
1 wi
will generally
correct this
If you will put from one
fourth to half a teaspoonful f
in baby's bottle three or four 1
times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement. For
larger children, from half to
a teaspoonful, according toi
aie. dissolved in their milk, 1
if you so desire, will very
soon show its great nourish
ing power. If the mother's
milk does not nourisn tne
baby, she needs the emul
sion. It will show an effect
f at once both upon mother f
1 and child.
oc. and li.oo, lit drvggUU.
SCOTT tt BOWNE, CJwmUu, Ntw Vok.
.WH llM
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powdm arc the greatest
menacm to health of the present daVi
John Keslor has been appointed by
Mayor Buck to bo oity clork to tako
tho place of Roy Tait, resigned. Roy
since holding that office has always
boon a painstaking and courteous offi
cial and whllo as a general thing wo
aro a littlo modest in giving praiso to
persons connected with this offico will
say that John will mako a worthy suc
cessor. F. W. Cowdon has roturnod from tho
eastern markets, whoro ho purchased
ono of tho largest invoices of spring
clothing nnd gents furnishings over
shipped to tho Republican valley, Wo
don't know what ho intends doing
with nil of tho.ii, but suppose ho is go
ing to soil "good olothos" so cheap that
our farmers will quit working in tho
Holds in overalls, and wear a suit of
"sto' clos"oveiy day.
Probably n common country editor
doesn't know much about farm work,
but wo havo a littlo good sound advico
to givo to our farmer renders, viz:
Don't commonco making garden and
doing spring work on tho strength
of somo ono saying winter is over. No
ono lias control of tho vcather in this
section of country, and tho man who
is always saying "Well this is our last
snow," should bo hit with a club.
Joseph Graves an old rusident of tho
county and respected citizen passed
away at his homo northwest of this
city on Wednesday ovening. Tho de
ceased has been ill for many months
and his death was not unexpected. He
leaves a wifo and soveral sons aud
daughters, ono of the sons, Leslie be
ing now with tho Thltd Nebraska regi
ment at Havana. Tho funeral services
wero hold at his lato rcsidonco, Rev.
Hussong officiating.
California poultry car will bo on
track noar tho B. & M. depot, Thursday
forenoon, March Otb, and will pay
tho following high prices for poultry
delivered to tho car: Hens, 6 cents
per pound; smooth young roosters, 0c;
per pound; staggy young roostors, 11.75
per dozen ; old roosters, 81.50 por dozen ;
ducks and goeso So per pound; all tur
koys weighing over eight pounds Co por
pound. Craws must bo empty. Sick or
unmarketable poultry not wanted.
St. Joseph Podltry & Eao Co.
Mrs. O. O. Case received tho sad in
tolligonco on Wednesday that her
mother, Mrs. King bad died at tho fam
ily rosidonco in Oak Crook precinct.
The" deceased was tho wifo of A. II.
King aud had resided in this county
for many years. Sho was over seventy
vears of oho nnd tho mother of four
sons and two daughters. Sho was un
estimable lady and had many friends
who will unite in oxtondlng sympathy
to tho bereaved family. Tho funeral
was hold at her late residence on Thurs
day. Wo understand that tho powers that
presido over tho B. & M, havo decided
to remove a portion of tho round houso
at this placo to Oxford, reducing the
houso hero to four stalls. Thoy have
our permission to tako tho whole
bloomin' brick pilo at onco. What's
tho uso of taking it piecemeal? If
thoy don't like Red Cloud why don't
tboy mako a clean sweop and tako all
their belongings and got out? Maybo
oftor tho last vestago of their property
has disappeared wo can got a road to
como in which will appreciate us.
Red Cloud is not tho only town that
gets flimilammod by advertising fakirs
as tho following shows: "Wymore
business men aro enjoying tho pleasant
pastime of kicking themselves thcso
days for being so badly taken in by a
chap named Williams in December last
who worked tho 'combination sales'
racket on them to a finish, and at tho
same timo fleeced them out of 175 or
$100 as a side issue. Ho worked tho
ilim-flnin advertising rickot nn them
and then disappeared and hns stayed
disappeared, and no 'combination
sales' havo como off yot."
Tho different businoss firms of our
city aro getting in immense invoices of
goods this week. The store of Galusha
& Wetcott which is directly underneath
our offico, of oouiM) is tho placo of bus
Iiibsi which conns before our notice
the most. GooiIm havu arrived until
th store looks m if i' could hold no
more, but they inauaito in Mnun them
in somewhere oven if thoy huvu to take
a ladder to reach ilium. If this is an
Indication to go by for tho rest of tho
stores, and wo believe it is, it is tho
best Indicator of prosperity wn know
of. These slocks aro not being pur
chMetl to lay ou tho shelves.
Nebraska Jlereantile Jo.
Commencing Monday, Feb. 27th.
Wo begin a 10 day's Spring Opening Salo. Wo havo determined to mako tbli
our Banner Opening Event. Evory dopartmont has combined to mako this a
momorablo bargain salo. Bomothing extraordinary has to be dono to croato the
buying wo havo tn niind and wo'vo dono It. Wo havo taken good staple mer
chandise and havo placed it on salo at prices that should interest ovory econ
omical person in Red Cloud and vicinity. There novcr was a timo when bar
gains wero thicker or monoy went furthor than right now at tho Nobraska
Mercantile Company's.
Wide-awake and economical women of
Rod Cloud and vicinity now is the time
to get the now fabrics at money saving
American Woolenetto double fold dress
goodB at 10c par yd ; also special new
goods at 12, 1G. 18, 20, 'iSo and up to
11.00 por yd.
Our Dress Goods Department baa the
most complete and best selected stock
of new goods over shown in town.
KI in. floured Mohairs in blacks or colors
at 2r.c. 42 Venetian suitings, ono ot the
newest cloths for spring suits, ail colors,
GOc por yd.
Extra epQcinl for this 10 days' sale; with
ouch dress pattern at 25 o up to 50c per
yd. we will put in, free of chargo, 0 yd.
beat skirt cambric lining. With ouch
pattern at 50o per yd. and upward, we
will put in. froe, G yds cambric, 2 yds.
silesIa, 2 yds. duok.
New Trimmings Silks at 2Go per yd. and
upward. New Waist Silks at 20c per
yd. and upwards.
Now Trimming Braids at lo por yd, and
up to 20c. Handsomo lino to Beleot
Silk Velvets GOo per yd. 2 in. Corduroy
Skirt Binding Co per yd.
CALES At money saving prices. 10 yds. Fanoy
Dress Prints for 25o, only one pattern
sold to each lady oustomor. Extra qual
ity new Calicoes and Percales put up in
10 yd. patterns at 60o per pattorn. 10c
PercaUs nice dark styles at 0io.
Now Ginghams at S, 0, 7, 8 and lOo
per yd.
Twilled Crash ,1a per yd, Linen Craah
Oo per yd,
Hnoclnl bargains in Tablo Damask at IS,
18, 20, 25, .10, 35. 50 and 75c per yd.
Extra quality Shaker Flannel 5c. New
Outings at 5o por yd. 10c Flunnnlettos
bhIo price 7c. Silk Htrlpo Madras junt
tho thing for Ann shlrtu and waists 10j
per yd,
23 in, Mndrns shirting sarao no nample
oncloped, bIo prlco 7c.
Simpson's ! Percales, emmo us eumplo
enclosed, So per yd., nioo lino of patterns
to select from,
Nebraska - Mercantile Oo.
Wo are reaching out for your trade. It
will pay you to roach out for some C
our bargains. You will be surprised to
And how many oan be reaohed with
small amount of money. Our new $L00
Combination Grocery .Bargain is a
monoy saver. It will pay you to gat It.
25 lbs. best Gran. Sugar $1 00
lPail Syrup 35
3 Pack. Gloes Starch 25
3CanB Lyo 25
1 qt, Prepared Mustard 20
1 Bottle Bluing 05
J4 lb, Pepper 2f
1 Pnckogo Matchos 10
3 lbs, Crackers.. 26
1 lb. Baking Powder 25
3 Mb. Packages Soda 25
lib, Ex. Bulk CofTeo 15
lHor Toilet Soap 10
I Gal.Vinogar 25
12 Oars Laundry Soap 26
M lb. Cloves 10
3 lbs. RIoefEx.) 25
K lb. Ginger it
I I b. Uncolorod Japan Toa . , 50
lb. Cinnamon , , 10
1 faoksge Cocoanut 05
.16 00
Tho abovo list ot
good Btapie groceries
all for WOO, a srvTng to the purohasor
oi over zo per cont,
Now Oranges ICo per dozon. Riverton
High Patent flour at 81.00, Fanoy Stan
dard OOo, Amboy High Patent $1.00,
Amboy No. 2 OOo, Straight Patent 00c.
Black Bros, (Leadur Brand) to close 60s
per Back.
Ladies' Misses' and Children's,
We have received our new spring Una
and are now prepared to show you the
largest and beat eelocted lino ot shoe
over shown in Red Cloud. As a starter
wo nliico on Dale the well known .Tohn
Strootman Indies' 1200 fine shoos at
$2 00 per pair, also special valuoo in
other makes nt 1.00, 1.25, 1,50 and $1.75
per puir.
Tho II. O. OodmanM children's shoes
otand withwout an equal both in pries
and qunlity, buy them and yon will have
satisfactory footwesr, you can buy thorn
ot ub nt a Bavins ot from 25 to f0o per