tt WJ'W-Mm WU,'Mv XWW(i,i.wv,,.Ki -ww vj i,-m $ lyfl ., wwntrm' "imi ira-i f w(K sw -Tr-iicriunt'jjitf.iJf 'rt-wyr THIS RED CLOJJD CHIEF, FRIDAY. MARCH. 8. 189. mr.'.m'nnftf,t)fn-vriVlyKirfK.n WMMWirw:wi c i9 t Ri" r. i IJ 3' ' - K & h l v it,'- ir- ' K !rj. Hk. t.i IH . Mfc. ni ae-at ' " Br- , VW Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hopo Had Boon Abandoned Wondor ful Results of Purifying tho Dlood. "A very novoro pnlti cmno In my loft knoo, which grow worso nnd worse, nnd Inally n soro broko out nhovo tho knee. It discharged n great dcnl nnd tho pain from my thigh down wns maddening. Largo, hard, purplonpotn appeared on my log. I suffered In thlt way for yearn, and gave up all hopo of over holng cured. My wlfo whh rending of a citso llko mlno ourod by Hood's Bnrsapnrllla, nnd niio advised mo to try It. I began taking It and when I had used n fow bottlcu I found rollof from . my Buffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this rcltof I I am stronger thnn I havo over boon In my life. I am In tho best of hoaltb, havo a good appotlto nnd nm n now man altogether." .1. P. Moons, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Hood's Sarsa parilla laths best-in fact tho Ona Truo Illood Purifier. Heed's Pills euro nil liver llli. saconU. THE CHIEF rcBLtiniD sr w. l. McMillan. Oat rear II 00 8UmonUia BO PUDLIBIIKD KVBKT FRIDAY Intered at tho post offlco at Rod Cloud, Neb.i itoond class mall matter. LINE. Somo sicknoss from measles and grip. Weather sotuo warmor tho past fow day. Tho mooting at Mt. Hopo has closed. Measles nnd grip wns tho cause W. Stovons Is vory low with lung fovor. Dr. Moranvlllo is attending him. Mr. Uoovos of Guide Hock was in Lino looking after tho Tlios. Leigh es tate. The wintor wheat is not damaged tis much by as was thought nt lifflt. Uov. James Campbell of Noith Urntich was tho guest of Wiy. VnnDyko Sunday. Uarl Iltidd lias commenced spring work by cutting corn stalks. Ho is living on tho Marsden ranch. Tho ontortainmont at Penny crook, Dist. No. 8, has been postpoued on ac count of measles in tho school. Ensign W. A. Vandyke is nt Cleve land, Ohio, in tho interests of tho sal vation army, under Commander Wm. Booth. Moving is tho order of tho day. F. D. Hutchison has moved on tho Fred Wobbormln place. Mr. Keesc and Mra. England havo started ovorlaud for Oklahoma whoro they will mako their futuro homo. Thoschooljtaught by MissSkjolvor in Dist.39, closed this wook. Thoro nro only six scholars of school ago in Dist. 39 this year, whllo there is forty in Dist. No. 8. GARFIELD. Elinor Fonix is on tho sick list this weok. U. E. Thorno is ou tho sick list this week. J. Aniack sold llvo loads of hogs last week. N. P. Campboll shipped a load of buitor tho other day. Corn hit sking has been brought to a closo by a snow storm. lloury Smith will movo on tho Ed Mohlcr placo in a fow days. Boyd Munsoll is buying corn. Won der what he is going to do now? John Uoatichamp and wlfo were call ora at J. 1). Campbell's on Sunday. Say, what about tho boy that got whipped for going to tho charivari. Cap Houchiu has hired a hand and expects to commence springjwork in a fow days. Our road overseer purchased a now buggy. Expect hu is going to look after the roads. The Brethren Sunday schooljmeetiug at the now church on February 27th was largely attended. TllAMI. WILLOW CREEK. Mr. Middtotou moved on tho'lirst of March. J.D. Conynu has gone to Valisca, Iowa. Miss Nellie lion visitod with lur parents last Sunday. Charley Jackson has beon having a tusslo with tho measles. Uert Norris and family havo moved to Decatur count. y, Kansas. Grandpa Norris is fooling belter thin ha has for sovoral years past, Mr. MIddloton mado a business trip to Nuckolls county last weok. Prod Hon has bought eight miles southwest of Red Cloud. Frank Hailoy and family expect to movo to southern Kansas in tho noar futuro. Mrs. Bon and hor mother, Mrs. al- . . . . .1.1. tm.n 11... I Mfi.l mm lor, visited wiiu tuia. .... ... day last week, Mr. Hardy nnd fnmilyhns moved on tho farm which ho bought of Henry Brubakor last year. Will Brubakor, formerly of this crook, but now of Heury;:county, Mis .iouri, is horo vlsitiuR relatives nil frionds. Honolulu. STATE CREEK. Dave Elliot has had quito n tussle with tho grip. Dr. Beck of Hod Cloud wns on our crcok Inst week. Mis. Mary Gruwoll has been sick n fow days witli tho grip. Harvey Urnhnm bought fifteen hoge of Willie Stcfllns for t)D. A sign "monny to loan" always at tracts attention. Why is ItT Tho man who joins n lodgo for aoy material benefit usually gets loft. It is not tho carpenter with the most tools who is always the llnost workman. Mrs. Jas. Fruit has had a sovoro at tacit of grip or pneumonia but is some bettor. Chns. Arbucklo has had tho grip bad. Dr. McKcoby of Red Cloud wns to see him. C. Arbucklo has bought 1000 pounds of wiro to fonco tho farm ho recently purchased. Dr. MoKooby has had considerable prnctlco iu this part during tho past two wcoks. L. A. Hnskins will soon have two carloads of hogs and oattlo roady for tho market. Nothing sounds sillier than a conver sation over a tolophono when you 'only hoar one end of it. Clark Stovons sold two loads of hogs to Morhart & Cutter last wook. Ho got 13.35 por hundred. Frank Graham nnd family started for Muscatlno, Iowa, their old homo, on a visit a fow days ago. Mrs. S. Potter is on tho sick list this week, caused from taking caro of oth er sick until she was played out. Sovoral lots havo recently boon laid out in Andorsonvillo nnd somo now buildings will go up In tho near fu turo When wo imagino wo nro having trouble wo need only to look a little ways to find a great deal worso than ours. v Moving has nlroady boon commenced in earnest. Ed Anderson and sovoral others of Andorsonvillo and Mr. Ed gcrlon havo gone to Inavnlo. No thermometer on our creek regis tered lower than ten degrees on tho 5th while wo learn somo ran down ns low us -II below at Red Cloud or at tho depot. Several in this part havo measles and somo havo tho grip. Oscar Provalt and mother, Mrs. Collins, Sam Mount ford and Miss McCartner aro nmong tho nick. Dan Norris and Lon Wllmot recently returned from Kansas City whoro thoy took throe carloads of cattto nnd hogs. Tho cattle sold as high as 15.80 aud tho hogs at S3 75. We loarn that Rovs. Howltt and Goldsworth nro still holding a pro tracted meeting ou Rock croekjwlth good success, which havo continued since thoy leftMt. Hopo. Mr. Joy of Roamsvillo, Kansas, nnd Miss Mjro Davis of our creek, wero two of tho participants in a doublo wedding which occurred nt tho groom's homo on last Tuosday. Your corres pondent wishes tho couplo success nnd n happy lifo. Occasional GUTDEROCK. Mr. Pope of Bluo Hill was in town this week. Henry Gibbons moved to Rod Cloud Wednesday. Geo. Shuck wont to Hardy on busi ness Wednesday. Mel Sherman was in Guide Rock this week on business. Wo aro informod thoro will bo a wed ding in town yet this week. Mrs. Warren Donny living north of town, has been vory sick, but is better. Geo. Shuck sold his black porcheron stallion to Mr. Cole of Nora, Nebraska. Tho Martin livery barn changed hands Wednesday, M. Crow taking possession. The last dauco of tho season nt Mor ris's hall Wednesday night was largely attended. Chris Konzach is ablo to come up town again after his sovoro attack of rheumatism. Jamos Rich has concluded to movo to Bladen instead of going into tho post ofi'ico hero. Herman Sasso shipped a car of goods to Pawneo county, Nebraska, whoro ho has bought a farm. R. S. Donnoy will have a public salo at his rcsidouco six miles north of this place on March 10. 11. B. Hunter returned from Oborlln Saturday. Ho report everything prom ising in that locality. Simeon Hall started Tuosday with a car of stock and goods for Wisconsin where ho will mako his futuro home. Commercial men nro now attacked by Crows whon they got off tho train here, But they are tho accommodat ing kind of Crows. By the looks of tho implements that ara arriving at the Peterson Implement house and nt J. E. Mooru's thu farmers of this vicinity ought to ho ablo to get anything thoy want in tha line here. Mr. Robertson, county attorney of Rawlins county, lCntm, was iu Gttidn Unci; Thursday looking after some depositions that aru being taken here iu tho case of State of Kansas vs S. P aud J. O. Pettoys, AM1DOMK. OPEfllflG - jM (He m Prices advancing on cotton goods. many Yard wide Bleached Muslin, regular 7c grade, 4c per yard. Yard wide Unbleached Muslin 3c per yard. Yard wide Bleached Muslin, 4 l-2c per yard. A good Bleached Toweling 3c ter yard. New Spring Dress Goods, dress pattern lengths, 50c New line of Spring Wash Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Pioretines NEW - TRIMMING - SILKS - AND - WAIST - We are showing SEE OUR LIFE tx SPECIAL VALUES IN GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE. Miner Music on the Graphophone. Fow pooplo appreoiato tho marvelous power of tho Graphophono ns an on tortainor. It is an instrument which, though it costs much less than tho least expensive musical instrument, will enablo Us owner to havo at pleas uro muslo of any kind from that of tho bagpipo to that of tho great mili tary band. It reproduces vocal selec tions and gives ono command of ovory pleasure that appeals to tho senso of hearing. No investment pays such largo returns in pleasure. Besides re producing tho musical nnd other rec ords mado for t ntertainment purposes, tho Graphophono will record imme diately aud reproduce at onco nnd as often as is desired, your own words or song, or any sound. By writing to tho Columbia Phonograph Company, 720 722 Olivo St., St. Louis, Mo. you can obtain n cataloguo that will givo full information as to prices of Grapho phono outfits. Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is nbsolutoly boyond tho skill of tho doctors. Thoy may doso a patient for yenrs on their mercurial nnd potash romedies, but ho will nover be rid of tho disease : on tho other hand, his condition will grow Btcadily worse. S. S. S. is tho only euro for this terriblo affliction, becauBO it ia tho only remedy which goes' direct to the cause of tho disease and forces it from the system. I was afflicted with Dloml Poison, and the best doctors did mo no rood, though I took their treatment faith fully. In fact, I Eccmcd to cot worso all tho whllo. I took almost every go-called blood renicdr, but they dldnot seem to reach tho dis ease, and had no effect whatever. I was dis heartened, for It teemed that I would never be cured. At tho advice of n friend i then took B. 8. 8., and began to tin- tirovo. I contlni medicine, and It cured mo completely, build. Ins up my health and increasing my appetlto. AlthouRh this was ten years aco, I havo never yet had a sign of the disease i to return. TV. ... .IK. HAH Staunton, Va. It is like Belf-dcstruction to continuo to take potash and mercury; besides totally destroying tho digestion, thoy dry up tho marrow in tho bones, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of the Joints, causing tho hair to fall out, and completely wrecking tho system. W T XpUi. is guaranteed Purely Vegotablo, and is the only blood remedy free from these dangerous minerals. Book on self-treatment sent free by 8wift Bpeeifl Company, Atlanttt, G, Zi$ SLS&Btood Shoaling the Best Values Ew Shoajn in the City. values that cannot be replaced at 10 per cent advance. 25 patterns in Ingrain Carpets at 35c to 70c per yard made up. 10 patterns Moquettes and Brussels. OF ODD DRESSERS at $6.90, $7.90 and $8.50 I . Si Bros., Red Cloud, mmmmm&m You Now Have The Opportunity of consulting ono of tho leading phy sicians and surgeons in tho treat ment of chronic and nervous disoases in this country. Ho is woll known in Nobraska and is reliable a3 well as ominent in his pro fession, nnd has but few superiors in his lino of diseases, and from reports of tho presH, his rooms nro crowded wherever ho stops. By tho request of his many friends aud pntionts who havo usually gone a long distanco to sco him, ho has decided and nrrangod to VISIT RED CLOUD and will bo at tho HOLLRND HOUSe. Jlonday, Jlareh 6th, ONB D7Y ONLY. Returning ovory four weeks for six months. Consultation and ex aminations free to all. B. REA, M. D. His treatment and examinations wo understand nro based upon new methods, and aro similar as nro given iu tho eastern and southern hospitnls in which ho has learn ed his business, lie treats cbroulo anil ncrvoua dlocanet, chronic catarrh, illscfttcft of tho nyc, er, noso. throat, nm! lutiK (ricpln, Urlf;ht'illMate, dlabcten, liver, itomacti.constlptulciti, rheumatism chron in female nnd ftoxuul difeeascf. noumlKla. get ntlcn, (lliiltiem. nt'rvoiisncss, slow growth In children and nil wnttlne illoeasex In ailulta, tie formation, club feci, curvature of tho spine, (lis. ease of ihe brain, parnlytln, heart dlsenscB, cc renin, varicocele, and h)drocelc. Cnncern, tu mor, wont aud blrthmnrkk removed ToutiB, mlddle-HRcd und old, married or Kin Klo men aid nil who MillVr with lout manhood, ditvlIih ilebllltv. Miermntnrrboen. hemlnnl Iok. e, decay, falllni; memory, weak e)en, Miuitcd lirv'iopuiviii, li""K ni iM'iey, impoveriMicd biood, pimples, n I to blood and skin dUcatc. I million Imlr fnlllnv. bono nnlu. khuIIIiii-k. i no'-' Hi o.U, iitrcr. licit (if uiurriiry, klduuy and bli.ddcr trouble, vi'uW lnrk, nnrtiliitf urine, ' liipnntltipiu't. elect, tttrlniirf. rppnivn kr.nrnlit,, treatment, prompt relief Both soxes treated confidentially and privately. Piles, fistula, lissuro and rupturo cured by our new method. - GOODS - Being cash buyers we secured i Fancy Dress Prints at 5c per yard. M mmm YOU - -ARB CORDIALLY - INVITE TO BECOME E MEMBER OF THE HOME HEALTH CLUB. (Cut this out and send it with ono dollar to tho Intor-Ocoan Publishing Com- pany, Chicago, Illinois.) THE INTER OCEAN PUll. 00. .... i,heeb! nccet)l lhe invitation to become, a member of the Home Health Club ami I enclose herewith one dollar to nn,i far nn, ,..'. ...;.. senption to the Wcckbi Intcr.Oet.nn. k ,.f i , . ,, Z,e?lip: a record 1"'lber, (... viuooooM (price fi.uo) free Name Town or City . Street No. Mate One Of tho most tirnntinnl nnil lu.nnCnUI . ,,. . ..... e F. V. TA YLOR, The Faf nitaf e (Dan is still doing busineis at the old stand. Lower Prices, Better Goods, than any one. Call and be convinced before PLATT & lz:::z:z ; i Ghieago Itambep Yard, RED OI.OUD, Lumber, Lime. sf.i313i!ig3tt torn, i : I to 25 to $1.25 per yd. and Wash Goods. PATTERNS. ,; Neb. -1 mhirh r .,.?.-....! ......... ..... ' '"w' iunotiiI. emitter me 10 a and a copy oj Vo'-imn 1 of the Borne of charge. - M A buying. (FREES CO., NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. 2 " , .WtSF.ifi, Jl'Jfi3S&A&$&&iJJ?jfU&w a,iL VtoA. JaltM:'.-,'jHnKmik: