The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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" 0WM
4- ttst
A Rnrrtnct Bunnimry of the Doing of a
Week A Minis of Illllt, Ileiolu-
llom, F.te., Acted Upon.
Wednesday, February 32.
Tho senate passed seventeen bills
yesterday nntl setn p:ioo for the house
oy deciding to hold no session today
on account of the dny being George
Washington's anniversary. Tho sev
onto en bills passed worn till cnnitlve
bills except one, senate file No. 30, by
Noycs, nn net to provide for school
district libraries. The bill docs not
apply to school districts that levy the
full tax allowed by law for school
purposes nor docs ft apply to cities
and towns Hint now iiinintnln public
libraries. Talbot's bill, senate file No.
85, providing for ti state text, book
commission nud for city and district
ownership, also for uniformity In text
books, was reported by the committee
on university and normal schools with
tho recommendation that It be passed.
The report was adopted. A bill Intro
duced by Newell of diss, providing
that deeds of conveyance shall not be
valid unless all taxes on the property
arc paid up, was llrstinilellnltely post
poned, but later the vote was recoil
nldercd and the bill was placed on the
general flic.
Senator Talbot's joint resolution
commending tho olllcers and men of
the First Nebraska regiment nnd re
commending Cnptaln Holllngsworth
nnd Lieutenant llcrt Whcdon for pro
motion, was advanced ami ordered en
grossed for a third rending. Tho res
olution carried with in an order that
tho entire resolution shall bo cabled
to Manlln to bo rend in full before the
rcgimcilt. It has been estimated that
tho cost of cabling 'be resolution will
amount to more than S.'OO.
Senator Schaal introduced a resolu
tion calling upon congress to support
a bill transferring all government
property to the control of the govern
ment. Senator Owens of Dawson intro
duced a bill defining n legal newspaper.
Tho bill is an exact copy of tho law of
XBPs, which was repented oy the legis
lature of 1807.
Tho senate, on request of ex-Super-Intcndcnt
Gllllspie of the Institute for
deaf and dumb at Omaha, ashed the
legislature to appoint n eomnilttco to
Investigate his term, claiming ho was
nnfnlrly treated by tho fuslou com
mittee of tho 18'.)7 legislature.
On motion of Talbot a committee of
three was agreed to, and will bo ap
pointed by Lieutenant-Governor Gilbert.
hind the resolution Is snld to have
killed It. '1 he admission was made by
a former nltornoy of the Union Pucltlo
that he drew up'tho resolution. Tills
man already has a suit of his own
against the Union Pacific company for
salary allegotl to be due and some of
tho senators concluded Hint there
might be some spite work behind tho
resolution, Mr.'l'row said ho offered
the resolution in good faith and be
cause he believed ho had the facts and
the law on hlsslde. A motion to make
tho bill a special order for Monday af
ternoon did not pnss. The motion to
postpone carried by a voto of 23 to 10,
as follows:
Alexander Ilnlo l'mut
Allen Ilannll'nl HarnoMi
Arenil Hoiiirnok UoeUo
llitrton Mnrunn Steolo
Oirrlo Howell Spulni
Dunn Niu e Tulbot
Oirert O N 111 Vnn Duseo
llulJerninn Owens
Canml.iy Fowler MeCuraer
Trow Howard Miller
l'urrcll KnepiHT SvhnU
The cmbalmer.s bill from the house
was passed In the senate by a close
vote, Cimadiiy of Kearney, fuslonist,
may be credited with the praise or
blame In passing tho bill, for it was the
change of his vote from nay to yea
that gave It tho necessary number.
Immediately Furrell of Merrick, fu
slonist, voted for tho bill, after once
having refused to vote at all.
The senate adjourned to Monday at
11 a. m.
, The specie! order was called up, bo CONGRESSIONAL CHAT
ing coiisiiicrnuou in nouserou sti, mu
salary appropriation bill.
Weaver of Richardson moved to raise
salary of governor's private secretary
toS2,000. It has been cut to S1.500.
Dismission ended In the motion pre
vailing. No changes woro made boforo the
committee rose except the increase of
tho salary of the governor's private
seerotary. The bill was placed tit the
head of the general file.
A movement to adjourn till evening
for a night session was squelched and
the house adjourned till this morning
at 10 o'clock'.
Timely Mention of llm lining of the Nil
tloniil CongrtMi, Departmental Hint Kx
erittlvo OnU'lul Actions, and MoTCUienU
of Army nml Navy.
Thursday, February 2.1.
The senate was not in session yes
terday. ,
Frldoy, Tebrunry 31.
The chaplain led In singing In the
cnato yesterday morning "America.'
The kinging was proposed in memory
of Georgo Washington. Tho prayir
that followed was full of patriotic,
A largo number of petitions were
presented relating to various bills be
fore the senate.
Lieutenant Governor Gilbert ap
pointed Noycs of Douglas, llurton of
Johnson nnd FurroU of Merrick ns a
committee to mako an investigation
requested by ex-Superintendent Gil
lcsplo of tlis institute for deaf uud
Senate file 38, by O'Neill of Holt, nil
Jthorlzlng county judges to appoint
Judges and clerks of election, was re-
fiortcd back by tho committee on prlv
luges aud elections in tlio form o( a
substitute embodying all amendments
lormerly adopted in committee of tho
whole. Tho committee recommended
that tho bill bo passed.
Senator O'Neill of HoltolTercd a res
olution calling upon congress to en
courage enactment of u constitutional
'amendment providing that all persons
who hereafter encourago war sliall be
conscripted Into tho army and bo made
to bear tlio liardsmps oi war.
1 Tho senate held a session last night.
It was held for tho purposo of aliow
Inir senators to Introduce bills, ves-
Wday being tho fortieth day of the
session and the last day bills could be
Introduced Eighteen bills showed up
making a total of 353 for tho session,
i Senator Reynolds Introduced a bill
to remedy tho defect in the bill passed
two years ago relating to tho appoint
ment of superintendent of Kearney in
dustrial school. At tho session two
years ngo-a bill was Introduced for the
purpose of authorizing tho governor to
appoint tho superintendent of the
Kearney Industrial school. Tho bill
was taken to the governor and signed,
but It was discovered that the bill
fallod to pass In tho house. Govomor
Poynter acted under the bill and ap
pointed John G. Rprccher superintend
ent of the institution, it Is now be
lieved that tlio governor will be relieved
of all responsibility in the matter by
the courts when Mr. Sprccher'a suit to
secure possession of tho plnco comes
up for decision. Tho bill Introduced
Yesterday Is almost an exact copy of
he bill taken to tho governor four
years ago.
Monday, February 37,
The senate was not In bcssioti Sat
urday. Tuesday, February 3H.
The senate yesterday was told that
the governor had signed house roll It),
an net to make the plowing up ot a
highway a misdemeanor.
Nearly tho entire afternoon was
spent by the senate considering an or
iginal insurance bill, senate tile No.
3H, Introduced by Gilfert by request.
The bill creates a law for the govern
ment of insurance companies transact
ing life insurance on tho stipulated
premium plan. There Is no law of
that nature In this state at present,
but similar lawn have been enacted in
New York ami in Ohio. Companies of
the kind mentioned in the bill arc to
bo exempt from tho general Insurance
laws of the state If they comply with
tho provisions of tho bill. A com
pany must deposit securities to the
amount of 35,000 nnd hnve '.'.'0 mem
bers holding policies amounting to
S250.000 before it will bo permitted to
transact business under the law. Tho
bill was recommended for passage.
The senate passed ono curative bill
yesterday and two amendatory bills.
The law'relatlng to farmers' mutual
Insurance companies, insuring against
damage by luall, was amended so ns to
permit such companies to Insure crops
in the shock or In tlio stack.
House roll No. lit, rc-enaetlng the
law providing for tho nppolutment of
supreme court commissioners' was ap
proved by the eomnilttco of the whole.
Saturday. February B.S.
The house yesterday put In n good
share of tho time introducing bills, It
being the fortieth day of tho session
for tho house. Fifty-eight now bills
showed up, milking tlio total for tho
session 021. This occupied pretty
much all tho forenoon.
In the afternoon, tho house spent
considerable time in committee of tho
whole considering House rolls 310 and
200. the former . I anscn's bill to amend
the law relating to tho managenient of
the ntatc board of agriculture, and the
latter tho bill Introduced by Sttirgcss
of Douglas, giving tho bureau of labor
more authority in regard to tho col
lection of statistics. Tho two bills
were contllctlng in that .lansen's mens
uro provides for a complete system
f collecting agricultural statistics,
while the statistics the collection of
which the labor bureau has in charge
pertain to all industries In tho state.
Sttirgcss claimed his bill was tho more
comprehensive. Tho commlttco de
ferred action.
The senate favorably recommended
senate Hie 40. repealing tho section of
tho game law that hunters may not
use blinds In Hie Nebraska streams.
Among the bills Introduced was ono
by .Speaker Clark providing-for a com
mission to take charge of erection of u
monument to Abraham Lincoln on
Capitol grounds. Mr. Anderson of
Laueastcr Offered ono that If passed
will reduce the fare on the street rail
way to llavclock from Lincoln to 5
cents. It is now 10 cents.
Among the bills Introduced yester
day were several which arc placed on
tile to be used In case other measures
pass. Chief among theso nro some
which will regulnto tho amount of
levies that may bo made in cities.
C1..M.1.1 tin, Pillnril rnvnnllll liill 1C-
. . ... 11. . ,-. ' liKilnM (lint tin. na.i'ilm. I.,., .a Mil.l
come a law, mo property oi mc nwnu "- "" i,,u ; r" ,.........., ......
jo assessed at Its cash value, ' Uff cuius uiong uic river limy uc piiieeu
" IVednerdiiy, February 33.
Secretary Hnv yesterday entertained
Lord Charles lleresford, admiral of
.ho llritish navy,
Nebraska postmasters appointed yes
lerday: I'urdnm, Itlalne county, Law
rence GUvs, vice 1'. It. Giles, resigned.
A favorable report was made to tho
senate yoiterdny npon the bill to In
crease the cost of tho Omaha public
A bill was passed by tho house yes
terday to grant to the Sioux City &
Omaha railroad a rlghtof way through
tho Winnebago Indian reservations.
Nebraska patents yesterday were:
Joseph Goeller, Fnlrbury, liiinio at
tachment; t liarles A. Ntlsh, Crust on,
pcrinunatlon lock; Robert 11. Slelster,
Nebraska City, seed drill.
The nomination of 11. O. Lewis to
bo postmaster of Fulls City, will be
continued In a day or so, its Senator
Allen, upon whose request It was held
up, has withdrawn his opposition to
Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio yesterday at
tempted to secure, on behalf of his col
league, Mr. Ilromwell, an amendment
to the naval bill to unme ono of the
proposed new battleships "American
Roy' nud apply on tho eoit all con
tributions. The amendment went out
on a point of order.
Tho proposed constitutional amend
ment against admitting polygainlsts to
,'ongrcss was favorably acted on yes
terday by the house commit too on
lection of president and vice president.
The lolnt resolution for this purpose
was introduced by Mr, Cnpron, Rhode
Island, who will make the report.
Luclen Stark, son of Representative
Stark of Nebraska, utul passed quar
termaster of the United States ship
l'ern, yesterday reported for duty on
board Ills ship, which has been ordered
out to clear the l'atomio rlvcrof Ice In
yet (o be nppolnted In tho First dls
trlit. The duty of doing so will de
volve upon the new congressman, Mr.
Representative Stavk was told by
tho war department yesterday that
the body of Voting Rirtlett, who en
listed under the tiaiiie of Doran, in n
Colorado regiment and was killed In
Manila, will be shipped to his parents
ot Wayne, Nob.
A new dry dock Is to be erected nt
Mare Island navy yard, San Francisco.
Rids have been advertised for.
Secretary Gage yesterday denied
published rumors Hint there would bo
a bond Issue. Ho says there Is no rea
son for apprehension.
A dispatch was received at Washing
ton from Dowoy requesting that tho
Oregon be sent'to him at onco It Is
believed he fears complications. Tho
Oregon will reach Manila about March
The Pulled States senate hns passed
a bill, for a resurvev of certain lauds In
Cheyenne county, Nebraska.
Olllclal advices received Jndteato that
the First Nebraska volunteers again
distinguished themselves for bravery
In a battle at Manila. They were sent
up the l'aslg river a few miles to drive
tho insurgent forces Into the Wyoming
lines, when they were cut off In tho
rear by another detnehincntof natives.
Colonel Stothcnburg faced' tho Ncbras
kans about and drove his new enemy
through the bushes, after u sharp
light. Two Nebraskans were severely
wounded At the hour the latest dls
patehrswere sent thero was sharp
lighting In the vicinity of Caloocan,
and the insurgents were setting tiro to
tlio suburbs.
I). Ally,
Identity of NnltrMk Holdler Who DIJ
of Wotn til.
The Nebraska soldiers roportcd b
Gcnerjl Otis ns having died from
wounds received in action, havo been
idcntillcd from tho muster rolls In tho
adjutant general's olllce, as follows!
Falward D. Day, company A, York;
Aged sit), farmer; guardian, A. J Day,
.toliu ,1. Ally, company D,
ago -S, tinner; guardian, S.
Madery, Oil.
Warren II, Cook, company F. Oma
ha; ago '-'.', cleric; single; guardian,
Mrs. Anno Rones, Forest City. la.
According to a letter rccolvcd by
Adjutant General Harry tin remains
of Nebraska soldler.s that are buriad
at Honolulu will bo returned to tho
United States for burial without cost
to relatives or friends. Tho letter In
dicates that tho same will bo dono
with tho bodies of soldiers burled nt
Manila. The letter received by Ad
jutant General Hurry wan written
February 7 by Georgo Ruhlen, major
and chief quartermaster United States1
volunteers and lieutenant colonel In
charge of the quarleritinstor's depot at
Honolulu. It contains a request for
the naiiirs of Nebraska soldlors butted
ut Honolulu,
will bo assessec
ICInlliiR it Senator.
The 33d ballot for senator
Monday was as follows.
taken on
Hay ward..
Thompson .
Webster. . .
Weston . .
llinsltiuv. .
. !l
. r,
. 1
1 'oss
Van Dusen..
Absent and paired -10.
A Condensed lU'Mime of the Wnak Ac-
conipllnlieit During tlio Vast Week
Action on Kills ICIc.
which will reduce tlio levies that have
been regularly assessed on lower valu
ations. Mr. i'ollard promised on tlio
Uonr of tlie houe Hint ho would see to
it that such bills would bo introduced
to be ready to pass when tho other
bills went through. A bill affecting
the university levy Is also on file to bo
passed should such be necessary. As
tho bill now stands were the property
of tho state assessed at Its cash value,
something over 8."00,0l)0. would be giv
en to tho university. This was dis
cussed when tho bill was passed and
provision has thus been made for a
possible exigency.
The bills from the claims committee
and the committee on 'deficiencies,
were also introduced yesterday. As
the committees have not finished all
the work In relation to thesnmo, there
are still a good many amendments to
he mnde. Tho claims bill aggregates
only S2S.O0O, while tho deficiency bill I
will total more than S30,ooo. tho
claims for beet sugar bounties hnvo
not as vet been acted upon and If they
come in they will swell tho totals by
Tho house concurred in the action of
tho senate and adjourned over Satur
day to Monday at 11a. in.
In communication with the ocean.
Formal discussion of tho Hull-llnwiey
army organisation bill was begun in
tho senate yesterday afternoon. Mr.
llawley anil Mr. Warren, republicans,
supported the mensurc, and Mr. Mitch
ell and Mr. Cockrell, democrats, op
posed it, while Mr. l'roetor, republican,
addressed the senate In favor of some
amendment which he had proposed to
the bill.
The house committee on judiciary
yesterday reiKirtcd on tho invcstlga-
i tlon of tho right of General Joe
I Wheeler and others who hold army
I commissions to hold their scnts. The
l report Is that in accepting tho com
I mission they vncated their seats.
Tho commlttco says that while it may
Bcem unpatriotic to do thus, neverthe
less there Is tho plain lnuguagc ot the
constitution behind it, and tho mani
fest dangers that would follow any
other course.
Mnmliy, I'rlr mry 37.
It is probable that an extra session
will be nvolded by tho passage of t army bill.
A Hawaiian cable has been provided
for by the Incorporation of a proviso
In the sundry civil appropriation bill.
After the Ith of March Senator
Cockrell of Missouri will begin ills
llfth consecutive term in the sonato,
having served a quarter of a century.
Ho entered the senate in 1875.
It is announced that Secretary Alger
Is to abandon a proposed Junket, to
Cuba and l'orto Rico on the yacht Iter
I'm which was t j leave New York on
March 0. Work In connection with
tlio nriny bill prevents It.
Secretary Alger has asked that an
amendment be made to tho army bill
allowing ie-ciillstineiit of volunteers
now In I'hillpplnes. Tills Is asked for
Vocalise when tho peace treaty takes
e fleet the term of servleo of volunteers
will expire, Their re-enlistment is
necessary only until now troops can
bo enlisted and sent there.
The senate coniiulUeo on privileges
und elections has decided that there
was no ease inndo in tho protest case
against Senator llunna of Ohio and
ordered such a report made In tho sen
ate. Senator Tuiiey of Tennessee re
served the right to make a statement
coneerniug the matter to the senate,
though a minority report would not b
Held (Inllly or Cnnilutlliig i'ry In
At Omaha Tom Dennlson was boaml
over In county court on three count!
In the sum of S.'OO each for selling lot
tery tickets, establishing a lottery nud
operating a lottery. Tho court dis
tinguished between gambling and a
lottery, holding .Hint gambling con
sists of playing a gamo wherein skill
may have some olfcct, while tho gamo
of policy Is a lottery. Tho distinction
is material, becauso gambling ih
felony, running a lottery simply a mis
demeanor. Tom Dennlson wns bound
over on ono court for promotion of a.
lottery and Rill Nestlchouso for run
ning tho Dennlson crnpgamc. All gavo
Bntarilay, February SO.
Nearly two hours wero spent by tho
genato during yesterday forenoon in
discussing sonnto file 150, by Dunn, a
bill fixing charges of- live Mock com
mission men and requiring commission
men to give bond for tho prompt re
turn of money to shippers of llvo stock,
tho bond to bo In tlio sum of 10,000
approved by tho governor. Tho com
mltteo on live stock nnd grazing hud
recommended Hint tho bill bo indefi
nitely postponed. Tho Douglas county
delegation worked hard to postpone
the bill and in this they were assisted
br manv senators who deal In live
took or como from a stock-grazing
country. Tim bill wns placed on gen
eral filo by n majority of ono voto.
Senator Crow of Douglas inndo a
splcndcd effort to save, his joint reso
lution relating to the prevention of tho
mortgogo sale of unsold Union Pacific
lands, but the scnato was against him
and tho resolution was indefinitely
postponed. Mr. Crow quoted law and
read from sworn, testimony to provo
that the 800,000 acres of land should
revert to the government nnd bo
opened to public entry at not to ex
ceed 91.. 25 un acre. The history bo-
ATeiliiemtiiy, February 33.
The house yesterday hud an unusual
working spell und disposed of a largo
number of bills In committco of the
whole. At tho morning session, a
mensurc by Thompson of Clny county,
which had" been advanced to a third
reading without discussion, was killed.
It appropriated 82,000 for bringing the
bodies of dead Nebraska soldiers home
from foreign soil nnd also appropriated
Sf,000 for the use of tho twelve com
panies of tlie 1' irst regiment to uo di
vided Into portions of 8500 and go to
tho companies to be expended for the
comfort of the men. This bill con
tained nn emergency clause and when
it failed to secure enough votes to pnss
with this clause, It was killed entirely.
The bill had never been discussed and
numerous objections were raised be
causo it preferred one regiment to another.
In the nftcrnoon, tlienouso in com
mittee of tho wholo favorably recom
mended a bill proposing to submit to
tho electors the proposition of holding
a constitutional convention. A resi
dent agency lire Insurance bill was re
ceived without opposition us was a bill
providing for n state board of barbers'
The discussion of the afternoon enmo
upon house roll No. 59, to repeal tho
law providing for tho oil Inspector and
naming his duties. Tho discussion
coma at tho close ot the afternoon, but
was nono the less spirited because of
the lateness of the hour. The bill was
favorably recommended.
Tho house ngrecd with tho senate
and udjourned over today becauso of
tho holiday.
Monday, February 37.
The house was not in session Satur
day. tuciuliiy, February 38.
The house was onlivenod yesterdny
morning by a lively tilt between Rep
resentatives Rurns of Lancaster and
McCarthy of Dixon. Tho tilt was
brought about by tho committee on
corporations reporting for postpone
ment Mr. Hums' bill taxing express
companies 5 percent on gross earnings
and at tho -saino time reporting for
passage a bill by Moran of Platte, tax
lug them only ono per cent,
the debate on Hums motion
bill on general tlio Mr. McCarthy
showed that tho companies paid 50 per
cent of their oarnlngs to the transpor
tation companies, 41 per cent to em
ployes, etc. This left them but 0 per
cent. Ho intimated that Horns' bill
was not introduced with good inten
tions, ns n tax of five per cent would
bo declared unreasonable. Tito bill
was postponed, und Mornu's 1 per ceut
bill went to the general file.
The house spent the afternoon in
committee of tho whole. Tho Initia
tive and referendum bill was post
poned. The resolution was passed calling
upon tho cleric of the supreme court to
submit a report of fees for tho cntlro
term of his olllce.
Tlnimdwy, February 33.
Mr. Lcntzof Ohio yesterday Intro
duced in tho house a bill reviving the
rank of admiral aud viee-ndmiral and
naming Rear Admiral Dewey and Rear
Admiral Schley as the persons to fill
the respective positions,
I Cadet Taylor of Omaha, whose nom-
.aiianon as collector oi customs nt
Omaha is hanging fire. Is expected in
tl .inning it'll in ii il-w iiun in tinier i
answer in person tho charges that are
preferred against him.
Hon. William .1. Rryau nrrlvcd In
Washington yesterday, und Inst night
spoke at the banquet of tho union
democratic nssociutiou, responding to
tho toast, "America's Mission."
Yesterday's session of the senate wnB
devoted to tw'o special orders, the
reading of Washington's farewell ud-
ri.'.-uT ' dress, a regular custom of tho senate
to nine? ou Washington's blrthduy, and the
I..V lix.?. pronouncing of eulogies on thu late
Senator Justin 8. Morrill of Vermont.
Senator Wolcott read the address, and
Senators Allison, Ross and others de
livered ouloglstlo speeches ou Senator
The house yesterday Inaugurated the
custom which bus prevailed for many
years in tho senate of listening to tho
reading of Washington's farewell ad
dress on Washington's birthday. Tho
address was read tit tho request of Mr.
iRailoy of Texas, tlieder.iocratle leader.
jSpecchcs eulogistic of tho late Senator
Morrill were mnde.
An invitation, extended by the charge
d'affaires, of France, M. Thlebaut,
through Secretary of Stato Hay, to
membors of tho senate to attend the
memorial funeral servleo of tho late
President Fuure of Franco to bo held
today at 11 o'clock in St. Mntthew's
church in Washington, wns read to
the senate yesterday. As the senate
was not invited as a body, no action
A Joke That Wan Lost.
Both tho motor and trail car wero
crowded with slilvortng people. The
mercury was awny down In tho vlcln-!
Ity of Zancsvlllo. Tho windows had ' wns taken upon the invitation.
ucen finely
Tliumtity, Februnry 33.
The house was not in session yester
day. Friday, Februnry 31.
The house yesterday listened to n
long string of standing committees,
and action was taken on them.
Tho question of visiting stato Insti
tutions was broached by tho commit
tee on othor nsylums. Tho committee
said It had hud numerous requests for
buildings nud desired to look over the
ground. Tho commlttco ou public
lands und buildings desired to do like
wise. A motion wus made Hint they
bo excused from session nnd allowed
mileage. Considerable discussion fol
owed nnd the matter was finally ta
blod on motion of Prince of Hall.
A motion to allow William M.
Wheuler, chief enrolling nnd engross
ing clerk 81 extra per day for the en
tire session was tabled.
decoratod by Jnck Frost,
and tho stoves wero bits of Little Con
solidated Irony. Tho train reached tho
viaduct and tho passongers pulled their
caps down over their ears and took
fresh grlp3 upon tho brass rails to1
avoid being blown Into tho river. At
last tho hollotv rumble tinder tho
had .
wheels indicated that tho cars
reached tho easterly division of
big bridge, and a momont later
trolley man, knowing that ho had regit-
Friday, February 31.
13. O. Lewis wns yesterday confirmed
as postmaster at Falls City, Neb.
Tho houso yesterday passed n naval
appropriation bill. it revives tho
grades of admiral and vlco admiral,
and cuts the price of armor plato from
545 per ton to 8445 per ton.
In tho recent engagements before
Mauila a young Nebraskan named El
mer If. Ilurtlett of Vi uyne, who en
listed In the Colorado volunteers under
lar passenEers who alighted nt Water ,, ,,i , nt F.imnr F. Dornn
street, stuck his head into the trail car wllB uilled, and his nnmo nppsarcd
nnd yelled: "Water." This was too upon tho mortality list of tho Colorado
much for a stout man who had Just ' regiment. J. W. Rartlett of Wayno,
prepared to Jump Into tho snow drift ! father of tho soldier, has written to
that was heaped up along tho track. Congressman Stark requesting him to
"No wntor here," ho said. It passed , "rgo tho war department to have- tho
tho water stage long ago. It's nil tco ' bo(1? brought homo and nt Unyno
nntv if t-miM mil , ...u t ii i for buiiul. The is some question In
n n I? ii i"?1, ?T fPBfu".0f. LU tho department whether this can bo
Ho Consolidated heat Into that stovo, tlo but JIr stark ,10pe8 bo bWo
you might bring It bnck to water again, Vll0 persuado thoofllcials to correct tho
but not otherwise. Then ho looked . hauio upon tho roll and send tho body
.'uvfv w di.d vtuciiiiji aiiyuuu nua . uuuu vu ljwyiiu m n.'.jiii-in;ii
laugning or not. Tho other passengers
wero too busy shivering to laugh, so ho
permitted a look of disgust to over
Spread his enuntnnnnen nnd 1i
mntterlnc thlnpa nhmif l.lnnHlo.s i-nr. CO td 3. It Carries Willi It
poratlons that aro not worth printing ugua cnnal amondment.
Cleveland Leader. Several Nebraska postmasters aro
Suturdar. Februury 33.
The scnato yesterday passed a river row of piles of food.
" ' " l .. . .. T ". .. - - Li 1 .
countonanco and jumpod, nnd naruor mil oy a uecisivo voui oi
- ' art A . ft Yl MKuln.. I.I. 14 41. a Vlnn.
fcllU illUU'
Tneidny. Februury 3H.
Representative Mercer has great
hope of r.ecuiing a public building or
two for iSenrasmi. as 10 vuu umnr
American exposition resolution that
recently passed the senate ho Is not so
sangulno of success.
Representative Stark has introduced
another bill to revise und ndjust the
sales of land in tho Otoe and Missouri
reservation In Nebruska. This bill
lias b?en mnde necessary owing to an
error mnde by thu Indian committee
in reporting the bill. Representative
Curtis so amended tho bill reported
thul It was not In tho form that was
recommended for passage by tho sec
retary of the Interior, und would there
fore have stooil no show of passago If
It had been called up on the lloor. Tho
bill ns Introduced bv Mr. Stark Is stm
llnr to that favorably rccominetidcd by
tho secretary.
The senate at 7:1 5 last night passed
the compromise nriny reorganization
bill. Senator Gorman succeeded in
having ndoptcd a modified amendment
that the army would not bo Increased
permanently beyond July 1, 1001.
The senate considers tho houso too
erstravagunt In Us appropriations for
the navy. Tho Hanato appropriations
committee will recommend only six
new war vessels instead of twelve.
It is estimated that tho appropria
tions bv the present congress will foot
up SI, 000,000,000.
Tho appropriations for tho army
will amount to about 711,000,000; for
fortifications about St, 700,000.
A favorable report of tho proposed
constitutional amendment prohibiting
polygainlsts from being elected to con
gress was made in the house byRopro
seututlvc,Capron of Rhodo Isluud.
luruey und tho Cretcent.
Nothing posltlvo can bo traced as
to when tho crescent became the Turk
ish symbol, but thero arc several leg
ends which gtvo tho renson for Its
adoption. Ono of these nays that Philip,
the father of Alexander, mcotlng with
great difficulties In tho 'cz9 of By.nn
tlttm, set tho workmen to undermine
the walls, but a crescent moon discov
ered tho design, which miscarried;
coutcquently tho Ilyzantlnea erected a
otatuo to DIunn, and the crtscont moon
became tho symbol ot the date, An
other legend Is that Othtran, the' sul
tan, saw In n vision a crexmt moon,
which kept Increasing till Its horns ex
tended from cast to west, aud ho adopt
ed tho crescent of bis dream for his
Tradition or the Wedding King.
Tho wearing of tho wedding ring o?
,tao third finger of tho left hand fol
.dWB the custom of tho Egyptians, whp
oclloved that finger to bo directly con
nected by a slender nerve to tho heart
ttself. And ns these ancient worshlp
irs of Isis held this finger sacred to
Apollo and tho son gold was thero
foro chosen as the metal for tho ring.
Feeding Army Kleplmnti.
Elephants In tho Indian army are fed
twlco a day. When meal tlmo arrives
tuey are uruwn up in uno ocroro a
Each animal's
breakfast Includes ten pounds of rice,
dono up In flvo two-pound packages.
The rice la wrapped up In lcavoi and
then tied with gra-.i.
Nlxteeii-Yenr-Oltl Hoy Held for Killing;
HIIhk Hnlley.
Ernest Rrtsh, tlio sixteen-year-old
boy who was stopping at Morse's ranch
a lew miles irom iiciiituiinuii,
when Silas llallcy wus murdered, has
been nrrcstcd charged with tho crime.
Tho boy's parents now llvo In Omaha,
having recently moved thero from
Honey Creek, In. Ho has a sister at
Florence, Neb.,Minmed Mrs. Lou Ras
mus. Tho preliminary hearing Is sot
for Thursdny.
Kill Her Hnby l!r ulier.
Master Henry Struvc, a llttlo boy of
three yenrs, was tho victim of a "didn't
know it was loaded" ease recently.
The family of Peter Struvo live a milo
east, of Hooper. Preparations wero
being mado to move and while tho fur
niture was being loaded, tho children '
wero left nlono in the house. An old
musket which had been around tho
house for some time, had been left on
n chair. Anna, aged thirteen, threw
It on tho lloor, when it was accdentnl
ly discharged, killing Muster Henry
Aged Man Horned to Hriitb.
Firo at Kearney destroyed a small
cottage, and Its onlyoccupant, an old
man named Eck, was suffocated and
burned to death. When tho firemen
broko in tho front door they found the
old man lying on tho lloor In an un
conscious condition, from which ho did
uot recover. .
Fell nn tlio lee.
Mrs. G. W. Townsend of Franklin
mot with n serious accident a few days
ago which may provo fatal. Sho slip
ped and fell on tho ice, breaking her
hip and hurting her Internally. Sho
is growing worse and It Is feared she
eauuot last much longer. Sho Is about
sixty years old.
Fulled to Agree.
At Fremont after being out fifty
eight hours tho jury hi tho 810,000
dninngo ease of Frank Fuhlrodt versus
Herman Rlumcnthal, failed to reach
nn agreement A new trial will bo
necessary, i ho vote sioon i i vo i m
favor of the plaintiff.
Farmer Injured by a Horse.
S. M. Milllgan, a fnrmcr south of
Red Cloud, was kicked In tho head by
n mule recently and badly Injured. Ho
ts resting well ut present nnd the In
jury Is not supposed to be serious.
A notary F.-llnatlon.
First Loafer (Inspecting a billboard,
to second ditto) I Bay, Dill, wot's a
cycle of song7 Second Ditto Dn't
ycr know Why, It's ono of them new
fangled bikes, wot play a toon as yer
roll along, Jet llko a barrel-horgan.
Author ii nil Critic.
"Btubbs, your now novel Is splendid.
It Is written in a crisp stylo and is
interlarded with flashes of wit." "Great
Scottl That sounds as If you had been
brought up In a bakery and woro do
Ecrlblng piecrust." Chicago Record.
Washington, March 1. Tho fler-
lloleuti Aff4ln.
March 1. Tho
man government has given an evidence
ot Its purposo to facllltato friendly
commercial. relations with the United
States by taking steps to ascertain
whether It is possiblo to removo the
Impediments to tho operation of
American Insurance assoolattons in
Ireland to Ha a Cardinal.
Lomdon, March 1. Tho, Rome corre
spondent of tho Dally NevTsaya "lie"
learns on reliable authority that Arch
bishop Ireland will bo created a cardi
nal at the next consistorvt
iLt,4. ,l.