The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1899, Image 1

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$1 1 Weekly Inter Ocean i$l!
aatf i arofrt rmeiiLflTinN of ai i
Always American
Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with News
The Literature of Its columns Is
equal to that of the best maga
zines. 'It Is Interesting to the
children as well as the parents.
brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its
readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in
full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses
literature and politics from the Western standpoint. jtjtjjjtjtjtjtjjjt
Price of Dally by mill
Price of Sunday by mall
Dally and Sunday by mall
City Dray and
Goods-Delivered to any paft
While they last
I will sell my Ice Wool Fascinators, Wool
Squares, Hoods at greatly reduced prices.
Remember that 1 sell
White Flannels,
Black and Colored Dress Goods,
White Goods,
Ladies, Shopping Bags,
Hosiery, Mittens,
Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
Laces and Embroideries
For less money than they can bo bought clsowhoro in tho city. The best place
for yarns in tho city.
;Builclixi.,3: material. Etc.
red Cloud,
BEST flU) CHEAPEST MfflP 01 EAflTtf.
A light that is brilliant and steady, gives little heat, uo smoko and no odor,
m and that costs but little to burn vnd needs but slight attention.'
has thoso good points and besides theso throws tho light just where it wanted
downward and outard, As to tho coal to burn
One Quart of Ordinary Kerosene or Coal Oil Lasts Sixteen Hours.
Of courso It costs a little inoro than poor, old fashioned lamps, but it saves its
i cost mady times over in a year. AH styles from one humor np.
Cull aud examine the lamps, now on oxhlbition at my thoo store.
i Henry Delderich, Agt.
Always Republican
, $4.00 per year
2 00 per year
$6.00 per year
Express Line.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
and CQALr
wmtti i' w- .
-nrr Mhrn
Extra Session Avoided. Minority Claim a
Victory on Army Bill. Representa
tive Johnson Wrathy Again.
An imiuodlatu extra session of tho
next congress was avoided when tho
agreement was reached on tho army
bill, but there tiro indications that
cause many to think an extra session
probable in tho near future. ThingH
are in a more critical condition in tho
Philippines than is indicated by any
thing given out olllcially. Dewey's
cable to hurry tho battleship Oregon
was given out inadvertantly at tho
navy department, and tho ollicials
have since been trying to make tho
public believe that it had uo slgnih
canco. They are fooling nobody.
Dewey's record isn't that of n man who
does things without causo. Ho thought
ho needed tho Oregon or ho would not
have scut that message, and it is well
known that he doesn't need tho battle
ship to tight the Filipinos. It has boon
feared in Washington ever sinco tho
Filipino attempt to burn Manila sever
al days ago was known, that tho de
struction of proporty might bo mado
un excuse for meddling by Germany or
othor foreign powers or a combina
tion of powers. Long-headed men be
lieve that thero is greater danger of a
war with Germany now, than thero
was at any time while our war with
Spain was going on, and should their
fears bo realized, congress would at
onco have to bo called in extra ses
sion. Tho minority senators claim that
thoy won a great victory in tho army
bill, but tho moro tho now bill Is ex
amined, the less substantial their claim
appears. It looks moro liko a bunko
than a, victory. Tho administration
sonators have secured from tho minori
ty about everything that tho Hull bill
would havo given them and have es
caped tho extra session of cougross,
whicli everybody knows tho adminis
tration dreaded. True, tho now army
bill only provides for tho incrcaso of
men for only two years from next
July, but that amounts to nothing
when it is remembered that a majority
of both houses of tho next congress
will give tho administration any ad
ditional army legislation it mny ask
A speech mado by Sonator Sowall
whorls an administration man when it
comes to voting, has attracted consid
erable attention. He expressed regret
that Dewey should havo remained at
Manila after his great victory, and that
he should havo undertaken to control
tho Philippines, which, ho said, contain
a population of ten million persons
who are almost uncontrollable. Ho
said that wo must now mako tho best
of tho situation, and that if he was
president ho would send enough troops
to mako short work of tho Filipinos,
oven to tho extent of wiping them out
ontiroly, if thoy could be pacified in no
other way. Uo predicted that this
government would Unci it impossible
to satisfy tho Cubans, and it was only
a question of timo when wo would
havo war with them. And he intimat
ed that tho Cuban Junta wns as likely
to have been icsponsiblo for the blow
ing up of tho Maine as Spain was. Tho
speech would havo caused a sensation
uttered by any sonator, but tho effect
was heightened by Sonator Sewall's
close relation with tho administratis.
Tho senato passed tho river and har
bor bill with tho Nicaragua canal
amendment, with only thieo dissent
ing votes Pottigrow, Rawlins and Tolt
ler and frionds of tho canal in tho
house say that they havo strength
enough to prevent tho amendmont bo
ing voted out of tho bill, and parlia
mentary skill onough to prevent its be
ing juggled out.
Representative Johnson of Indiana,
mado another highly sensational spoech
attacking not only tho policy of tho
president, but his personal integrity,
but it did not recelvo as much atten
tion ns his first speech he mado along
similar Hues, tho general impression
being that Mr. Johnson is trying
to got oven with tho president he
holpod olect, for somo real or fancied
personal grievance,
Secretary Alger's position is any
thing but a pleasant one at this timo.
It is well ku wn that hoiuo of tho pies,
(dent's friends wish to get Alger out of
the cabinet, aud that having failed up
to this time to get the president to ask
for his resignation, they havo tried to
bring about his resignation by o .her
methods, one of which is believed to
he.rHpoiiMhle for the constantly re
pealed stories that the resignation was
about to be forthcoming. Socrutnry
Alger lias served notice upon these
men, and incidentally upon tho presl
dent, that lie will not willingly resign,
by stating that so far as his own will Is
concerned, ho intends remaining in the
cabinet until the cud of the adminis
tration. Tho failure of Chairman ISoiitell of
tho house naval committee, to satisfac
torily explain why tho bill reported,
appropriated $515 a ton to pay for
Krupp armor for tho battleships Maine,
Missouri aud Ohio, and to tell what
foreign governments were paying for
the same aimor, resulted in tho house
reducing tho amount to $445 n ton.
In order to got tho amount restored
tho navy department has placed the
information before tho senate that
might havo prevented tho reduction
being mado by tho house. Russia is
paying 9575 a ton for tho Krupp armor
that is being used on tho two war ships
the Cramps nro building, and Great
Britain is paying $508 a ton for tho
samo armor. Tho two American com
panies which mako armor offerodoto
furnish tho Krupp armor for tho four
battleships for 1515 a too; '.hence tho
placing of that amount in tho bill.
Residents of tho Mississippi bottom
nea- Ava, Illinois, aro greatly wrought
up over a strange and fatal disease. In
fourteen days thero wcro fourteen bur
ials in ono littlo cemetery. Tho dis
ease takes hold of bho victim somewhat
liko tho now disease did horses and
mules early in tho fall. As yet no ono
has boon nblo to find a remedy. Somo
nro of tho bollof that tho disease is
caused from eating corn bread mado
of meal manufactured from worm pois
oned corn, and it is reported that tho
doctors have forbidden tliousoof meal.
The malady has not mado its appear
ance in tho hill country, and as corn
bread is greatly used by farmors living
along tho rivor, it is possiblo that thero
is somo causo for believing that the
meal is poisoned by worms.
I havo boon afflicted with rheuma
tism for fourteen years and nothing
seemed to givo any relief. I was ablo
to bo around all tho timo, but constant
ly suffering. I had tried everything
I could hear of and at last was told to
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I
did, and was immediately rolioved and
in a short timo cured. I am happy to
say that it has not sinco returned.
Josh Edoah, Gormantown, Cal. For
salo by II. E. Grlco.
For every session of tho legislnturo
Colorado pays out thousands of dol
lars to have tho session laws published
in Spanish becauso a lot of greasers in
tho south part of tho stato rof uso to go
to English schools and learn tho lan
guage This is a disgraco to tho stato.
Not ono in twenty can road any lan
guage Tho printing is a straight stoal
and tho Colorado legislature needs no
extra inducements in this lire.
Rov. E. Edwards, pastor of tho Eng
lish Baptist church, at Minorsvillo, Pa.,
wnon suuering with rtieumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. Ho says: A fow applications
of this liniment proved of grent sorvico
to mo. It subdued tho inflammation
and relieved tho pain. Should any suf
ferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial
it will pleaso mo. For salo by II. E.
Tho neighbors of two old men in an
Ohio town found them drunk in their
cabin, with a hot tiro in tho stovo, and,
for fear they would bo burned to death
put out tho firo and left them, Tho
precaution showed great foresight, for
in tho morning both wcro found frozon
stiff, which science claims is a much
mora comfortable moans of dying than
by firo.
Ge..yDur salo bills printed at this of
fice and you will receive a notice in tho
paper freo.
He sells cheap soap; the sale, once made,
Brings larger profits for to-day. ' t
The soap, when used, offends his trade, .
Which deals, henceforth, " across the way "
Both purchaser and seller lose;
But Ivory Soap makes steadfast friends'
'Tis best to sell, and best to use,
And brings best profits in the end.
A WORD OF WARNINO.-There are many white soapi. each represented to t "Juslai good
ft 'Ivory';" they arb not. but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
i gtoulnt. Ask for "Ivory " Soap and Insist upon celling It.
coirmonT ieef it thi pkootir a gamiu co. Cincinnati
"Tho Amerlcau mulo follows the
llag," remarks an exchange That is
not truo of tho American jackass. Ho
tries to keep tho flag from gotti any
where. As wb understand it, tha auti-oxpan-sionists
think that it was real mean in
tho American troops not to retreat
when tho Filipinos began to shoot.
Beaver City Tribune
A young lady from Fairfield attended
thoconcortat tho Kerr Friday night
and in removing nor hat sho also re
moved a layer of her top hair that re
sembled a bale of alfalfa. Hastings
An exchango remarks that "Senator
Hoar spoko for two hours and ten
minutes aeainst expansion, but ho
fulled to offset tho four hours lighting
that Dowey did for expansion on Uie
first of May .last."
Tho Omaha ropoators soom to bo
bound to oxno so themselves noxt
summer whether thoy receive recog
nition from tho government or not.
Thoy will only expose their lack of
common sense and good judgment.
Tho kind hearted but inoxperienced
city girl who recontly expressed so
much sympathy for tho farmer bocauso
of his cold job in harvesting his winter
wheat, is believed to bo tho samo ono
who expressed a desire to see a lioid of
tobacco when it was plugging out.
In tho write up of a funeral an ex
chango says: "Tho deceased lay quiet
ly in tho caskot." That wasancml
decorus thing to do, Thero is nothing
that would mar tho solemnity Of n fu
neral moro than for tho corpse to get
up and oirculato among tho mo tuners.
It would rolled on the gentility of his
Tho dispatches from Manila say that
thoTwoutioth Kansas captured a brew
ery in tho suburbs of Manila. We aro
lod to suppose that this is tho causo of
tho great fighting qualities of tho Kan
sas rcglmont. However tho Hutchison
(Kansas) News remarks that it "hoped
tho boys immediately 'destroyed' all
of tho product on hand and kept up
ho roputation of their stato."
A young man liviug in Blue Springs
advertised for a wife under an assumed
namo and his sister answered under an
assumed name. Photographs wore ex
changed aud tho sister folt so humili
ated that she to'd her moth or. Tho
ituppmin.j 1 1 ii
mother broke tho news to father who
remarked that It was pretty hard to
have two fools in one family and the
incident was closod.
Don't judgo a man by the clothes ho
wears. God mado tho ono and tho
tailor mado tho other. Don't judgo u
man by his family relations, for Caiu
belonged to a good family. Don't
judgo him by his speech, for a parrot
talks, and tho tongue is but an instru
ment of sound. Don't judgo a man by
his failuro in life, for many a man fails
because ho is too honest to succeed.
A Jopliu, Missouri, paper says that a
woman preacher at that place recently
stopped in the middle of a discourse
and picking up a biblo said sho was go
ing to throw it nt a man who was un
faithful to his wife As Bho drow hor
arm backward every man in tho church
but ono ducked under the seat.
After giving tho man who stood with
out flinching a good puff, bb tho news
papers call it, sho learned that ho
was a deaf mute
A girl who gives away to a dosiro to
gad about tho streets and cultivate tho
acquaintance of young men and acting
the simporiug simploton, is laying tho
foundation for a useless after life Ten
to one after sho is married sho will de
velop into a slattorly gossip, if no
greater misfortune befalls her. It is
the girl of good sound sonso, tho girl
that loves home aud helps mother that
wins tho model husband aud becomes
an ornament U womanhood, Tho girl
that does this and devotes somo of hor
timo to roading trios to win tho esteem
of ovorybody, whilo tho gadding street
ornament wins tho admiration that is
not worth having.
Tho printing press has mado prosi-1
dents; killed poets, furnished bustles
for beauties, and polished genius with'
criticism. It has mado worlds got up"
in the morning, giveu tho pulpit lungs
of iron and a voice of steam. It has
set a prico on a bushel of wheat aud
made tho country postoflico tho glim
mering goal of tho rural soribo It has
curtailed tho power of kings emboli
ished tho pantry shelves and curaod
rings. It has converted bankers into
paupers, and mado sawyers of college
presidents, It has educated tho homo
less and robbed tho philosopher of his
reason. It smiles nnd kicks, cries and
dies, but it can't bo run to suit ovory
body and an editor is a fool to under
takes it.
Tub Chikk and tho In tor-Ocean on
year for 1.25.
yzfrj cy y . & till -"V