'. p 4. - A' Btfitf r MMflMyElffBPSBIIBAiZjLjV yl UT Jiww!wKiStjffMN'iBf TBBs?rTl!iriraaB'S9BiiMlWWIBMBWB 1 KHlLBKSr'iSKtxfvjH VOLUME XXVII. (14 THE I Weekly Inter Ocean IS c L4BREST CIRCULATION OF ALL r(!40l LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL o ft POLITICAL PAPERS Always American WT THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND DEBT CURRENT LITERATURE 3 ft n til D t ft 9 h O ft ft Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with N.. b The Literature of its columns Is equzl to that of the best frr.ga zincs. It is intcrcstin , ,o the children as well as thi "treats. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and v Wit ;l brings lo the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, It is 'n full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and dkcisu,t literature and politics from the Western standpoint. Jt&JjtjJtjJljXjtjj $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$1.00 g,ao c THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN J ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THft WEST. awlm M C7I9 ei !THE INTER OCEAN'S Price at Dally by mall Price of Sunday by nail lallv and Sllflifav llv mall 0, a - - - X?R1S t City Dray and ROSS Sk RIPB. PROS. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAYS EXPRESS CO. While they last I will sell my Ice Wool Fascinators, Wool Squares, Hoods at greatly reduced prices. Remember that I sell White Flannels, Black and Colored Dress Goods, White Goods, Ladies, Shopping Bags, Hosiery, Mittens, Handkerohiefs, Mufflers, Laces and Embroideries For loss monuy tbau thoy can be bought olaowhero in tho city. Tho boat placo for yarns in tho city. mrs. it. newhouse. israx:e:r itjmbbor co, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL lEiii:f.clin.fg material, Bto. RED CLOUD, WE WILL Red Cloud Chief AND BOTH TO ANY ADDRESS One Year for I- e "0 IN THE WEST Always Republics a -w 0 9 J 7 C o w 0 NEW8 18 EXCLUSIVE. $1.00 per year a! S2 00pcrycar CA fU) nr var ft ,-.--r. j . - Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest NEBRASKA. SEND THE aftVsW laai mlm PI ipis I i The Household One Dollar. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FEB. 10. 189H. LETTER FROM FLORIDA. A Former Red Cloudlte Tells of His South ern Home Where Farming is a Diffi cult and Laborious Task Jacksonville, Fin., Jan. 10. Editor Chikk: 1 own you many n luttor for tho weekly visits of Tub Ciui'.h aie much piizeil. I iuii writing at my school house, twouty miles fiotn thu city, and us tomorrow is Fiiiliiy will luivo to uinku tliu tiip home. Now thnsb twenty miles tiro long or short, ueeoiding to the standpoint you look from. If inuustireit by thu timu neees sury to tmvcl oer tlium they tiro much loi'gur than Nubiusku tulles. At this end they uro over woods roads, with plenty of water and no bridges. One mile U a solid sheet of water fiom four to eight inches deep. At thu other end the roud is graded for about live miles and is very good now, but in dry times it is deep with sand and is sim ply awful. Judging by tho mile posts however, tho miles are very short. Tho road is posted and tho ninn who took tho contract set tho posts at bo much per post, ami ho could easily slu that tho more miles tho more posts and tho more dollars. Ho measured with a cart wheel and never placed a post in a low place, but selected tho ncnn.it dry place. His miles arc on tho avoi ago about four-fifths of a mile long. It is said that tho man who posted tho balance of the road, in Clay county (the road runs from Jacksonville in Duval county to Middleburgh in Cloy county) was more patriotic. Desiring to bring his Middleburgh home as near as pos sible to tho metropolis of Florida ho measured with a coon skin and threw in tho length of the tail for good meas ure Now the sitnatlon is this, both the Duval county mile and tho Clay county rnilo havo tho stamp of tho (stute) government and uro legal ten der for miles therefor. Four-fifths of a niilo is u milo or six-fifths of a milo, or more, is a mile. How fur is it from Jacksonville to Middleburgh? I have now lived among the country people of Florida for tbreo winters and must say I like them. Thoy aro a simple, quiet, kindly and friendly peoplo, but they aro quick to "get down on" a stranger if bis ways do not suit them. If, however, you get along with them until you get used to them and thoy to you, you are all right. I wanted a horse and wagon onco and several neighbors came, out of their way, to tell mo of a good bargain where any one of them fcould have mado five or ten dollars by purchasing themselves and Belling to mo. A great majority of theso peoplo do not seo a nowspapor of nny kind onco a year, and I think a majority of thorn cannot rend or writo more than their own name Thoy aro however, singularly intelligent con sidering tho circumstances. News travels in n remarkable manner, al though sometimes it becomes strangely distorted. During tho year 181)7 thero wore war vessels of Undo Sam's navy hero most of the time. , Tho dynamito cruisor Vesuvius and tho cutter Daunt less being our most constant visitors. One evening whon proceedings were being had in the United States court against the filibuster Throo Friends tho captain of ono of tho vessels was wanted early tho next morning as a witness. He was aboard his vessel off tho bar at tho mouth of the St. John's river. The search lights of anothor war vessel lying hero were turned up ward after dark that night and tho vessol twenty miles away was signaled. A message to tho captain was flashed upon tho clouds and tho noxt morning tho wished tor captain was upon hand. Those lights, however bad been seon ovor a remarkably largo territory and the darkies of northern Florida wero terrified and thought the last day was about to dawn. A fleet of torpedo boats visited us shortly beforo tho doc larrtion of war and wo rccoived calls from larger vessels, Tho torpedo boat is a queer looking cruft, cigar shaped, wttn nuns not much thicker than boil or iron, with no railing or bulwark to provont a man from being washed overhaul d, thoy look liko n very tickl ish thing to go to ten in and a still more ticklish thing logo into battle on Thoy carry lorpulo tubes and llotch kiss guns on deck, both of which enn bo opernted by a man who stands with only his licul hud shoulders above thu deck. It is said that soiuo of Miom ato capahlo of being stibium gcd to the level of thu deck when going into ac tion. , Tho soil hereabouts is mostly sand or sandy and is so frequently washed by heavy rains that all vegetable toftio Is washed out of it so that it requites thu constant application of fertilizer toieuilerit produutivo. One wilier on the subject writes, "the soil of Florida will produce well with tho aid of a small amount of fertilizer," but he added, orally, It requires tho fertilizer to bo applied uvury thiity days. Tho country people seldom own the laud they live on. They "squat" ou-a piece or as best buy a tax titlu and raise a few sweet potatoes, a little corn, some sugar cane and a patch of greens, per haps. In the spring when the mo squitoes get so bad as to drive the cows out of tho woods the farmer pre pares a pen in which bo conliues them during the night. In order to induce them to como homo regularly he builds lires around tho pen that tho smoke may protect thorn. The calves have in the mean tlmo remained without tho pon and during this season of tho year ho has milk in tho morning. After tho hord has remained long enough on one spot to fertilize it sufficiently, the pen is moved and tho process is repeated. This operation is known as cow-penning and about tho only way tho farmer has of "taking in" new land. Tho old land is fertilized from tho stable whero his ono pony horse is kept nnd If ho koops n string of "oxens" with which to haul logs or railroad ties t the nearest sta tion or rivor lauding, they aro kept in a yard ovor night and fed on bran shipped from tho north. This adds to tho fertilizer pile which helps keep up thu old land. Somo cotton seed meal is purchased occasionally to assist in making the corn crop. It is fed to the stock and is also applied directly to the ground. I said the oxen wero kept in tho yard, this is because thoy go too far away from homo in search of grass if left at large in tho spring. During tho remainder of tho year they are fod bran once a day and turned out to for ago "long food" from tho wiro grass of tho woods. Tho cow-penned land is most reliod upon to mako a crop and soonor or later the old ground is given up and allowed to go back to broom sedge and old-Hold pino. Scarcely any cotton is raised here. Sweet potatoes and Florida syrup aro tho products most relied upon to fetch what money is needed. When tho "tutors" aro dug a few hogs aro usually hunted in tho swamps and put in to eat up such yams as remain in tho ground. Thoy aro perhaps helped on a littlo by being fed tho small potatoes or such of them ns aro not needed for seed. Somo farmers in this way have pork during tho greater portion of tho year, but most of them buy bacon over half tho time. Bacon nnd grit form tho basis of their table faro. What is grit you will ask. Well whon I saw barrelful after barrnlful with the Nobraska City label on them I thought it must take an elaborate and expensive plant to manufacture it, but whon I saw my landlord last winter grind corn in a mill not mnch larger than a coffee mill then take the ground product and sift it through a common flour sieve which lots tho outer part of tho kernol, being more flinty than the conter part of the grain grinds np finely, through wbllo tho starchy middle part lemains in tho siovo, and after tho chaff bad boon blown off was known as grit, or homi ny. The tine which passed through tho sieve was corn meal. This meal being fresh, made excellent corn cakes. Tho officers of the county are largely appointive and tho people of tho south havo littlo to say. Appointmonts aro mostly mado by tho governor on tho recommendation of tho county central committee. It follows that tho demo cratic contral committee is a vory pow erful body ami of much moro import ance than nio similar committees in the north. County officers hold office, most of them, for four years. After election thu governor usually appoints those who havo received u plurality of feWF In the country it is hard to get help for the house hold work. Wives, mothers and daughters who do their own work should have the very best of everything to do it with. Ivory Soap is the best; it cleans quickest and is easiest on the hands. It floats. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many whit soaps, etch represented to be "Just u toot s the 'Ivory '; " they ARE NOT, but Ilka all counter! ellt, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Aak for "Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting It OOTUeHT MM ST 1W aaoariN tAMU 00. OMCHMATt votes; but ns ho has tho power of re moval and usually uses it at the re quest of tho central committco, it will bo seen that the committeemen aro bosses. On ono occasion somo yenrs ago a full sot of officers wero ousted by a simple "neglect" to approve their bonds. A now But wore then appoint ed whoso bonds wore promptly ap proved. As for me things have moved very smoothly sinco I havo been hero, and I like my Florida homo very well. Well if I don't stop nnd mail this I fear it will never bo finished and will share tho fato of one I commenced somo months ago. If I knew jnst what points your readers desire information about I wonld cheerfully enlighten them through Tjk Cimr. Yours respectfully, Jno. It. WlLLCOX. How's This. We offor ono hundred dollars reward for any caso of catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Curo. F. J. Ciikney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Wo tho undersigned havo known F J. Cheney for thu past fiftoon years, and boliovo him perfectly bonorablo in all business transactions and financial ly ablo to carry out any obligations made by tho firm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood nud mucous surfaces of tho system. Price 75c per bottlo. Bold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. a Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from la grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough llemedy taken all dangers will bo avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy we havo yet to loam of a single case having resulted in pneu monia which shows conclusively that this remedy 1b a certain preventative of that dangerous disease. It will curo la grippe in loss timo tiian any other treatment. It is pleasant and safo to take. For Salo by II. . Grlce. To insure a happy now year keep tho liver clear and tho body vigorous by using IioWitt'ri Littlo Kuily Uisers, tho tho famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. C. L. Cotting, NUMBER 6 CHURCH SERVICES. CIIKISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Lord's Day as follows Morning sorvica at 10:30. Subject, "By faith Abel offered unto God a moro excellent, suerllleo than Cain, by which ho obtained witness that ho was righteous, God testifying to his gifts, nnd bv it ho, belngdead.yot spoakoth," (Kind it.) Bible school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m. Senior Christian Endeavor 0:45 p.m. Evening service at 7:80 o'clock. Sub "The Greater Works." Prayer meeting nnd bible study oi Wednesday evenings. Ladles' Aid Society Friday after uoons. Our pleasant church home and all services aro ever opon to tho public L. A. Hussono, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Morning service ut 10:110. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Preaching at Amboy at 8 p.m. junior tieaguo at 4 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Evening service at 7:80. Prayer meeting on Wcdnesdnyoven Inal7:80. Ladles Aid Society Friday afternoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Darby, Pastor. BACTI8T CUUUCIl. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:00. Memorial Service for Mrs. I. W. Ed son. Sunday School at 11:45. Juniors meeting at 8 p.m. Young Pooplo's Union meots at 7 p.m. Evening service at 7:80. Subject, "Constraining Lovo." General prayer and conforonoe meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W, Edson, Pastor. conoukoational. Regular services noxt Sunday as fol lows: Morning service ut 10:30. Sunday School at 11:45. Sermon at Indian creek at 8:80 p.m. Young People's Society of Christian. Endonvor at 0:30 p m. Evening service ut 7:30. Mid-week prayer meeting and con forenco Wednesday evening at 7:80. All cordially Invited to attend theso services. Frank W. Dkan, Pastor. V y id