The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 03, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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I At
Salaries for Hundreds or Generals
and Thousands of Colonels,
Tho Cuban Want IIIi Moti l'ald fur
Thrro Yoiri tit 'Aniorlntn Army Hutnt
III TrooM Urjjrd to st.iy Armed
t'nlll atvnri lltn Money.
Wahiiixoton, Fob. 1. -- Maximo
Gomca, tlio Cuban commander, hits
demanded nearly SCO, 000,000 from tho
United Stales und refuses to disband
his "nrmy" until the money Is paid.
Ho bnn repudiated the arrangement
tnado ly Cullxto Ourcla, who emtio to
Washington with authority from
Gomez to provide for tlio return of tlio
Cubans to their peaceful pursuits. Ills
work was barely accomplished before
his sudden death on December II.
It was then agreed thai tho United
States, In order to secure the prompt
resumption of labor on the planta
tions of the Island, with a view of
promoting tlio speedy revival of pros
perity and Nettled condltlous, should
distribute about 83,000,000 anions tho
80,000 Cubans wild to be still under
onus. Tlit money was to bo divided
in tho ratio of 9100 a man, the ollleer.s
tu proportion to their runic to receive
a greater amount, tho ordinary en
listed men to be (Uncharged with sums
less than SlOO.dcpaudlng on the length
of Hcrvlce mul other considerations.
For over a month tho pay corps of the
army has been malting ready to carry
out this arrangement. Tho national
defense fund Is available for tho pur
pose. Accurate lists of the soldiers en
titled to compensation hud to bo pre
pared and other formalities gone
through. It was Intended that the
Cubans at tho proper time should ap
ply at established American garrisons
In tho various piovluees, where, on
throwing down their arms and pre
Hontlng tho proper credentials, they
wore to receive their quota of the al
lotment from the pay olUcers at tho
In tho meantime, General l'rooko
and his chief subordinate have been
tuidoavorltig to give employment,
mostly of n permanent character, to n
large number of Cubans, In order to
reduce tho number requiring a bounty
mid at the sumo tlmo to give tho in
habitants opportunity to begin gov
erning thcmsolves.
Gomez has come out against this
scheme, which was operating satisfac
torily to most Cubans and has struck
for greater stakes. It is officially
known hero that he Is endeavoring to
tllssuado Cubaus from neeeptlng ofllee
under tho American occupation and Is
urging all tho natives of every grade
to stay with him in tho Held until
tho United States Is compelled to
accede to his "terms of disband
incut." Gomez alleges that his army
consists of 40,000 men and ho Insists
that most of them shall be paid for
thrco years' f-crvlco at the rotes that
prevail in tho Uultcd States army.
Uo fixes tho date of tho Cuban declar
ation of Independence, Fcbruury S4,
1803, nn tho beginning of tho period
for which himself and his forces irro to
bo rcmunoratod, and for himself, with
tho rank of lieutenant goncral, he
'will Iks satisfied with 811,000 annually,
tho American rate for that grade.
Gomez also has about twenty major
tronoralo, for each of whom ho wants
7.D00 annually uud his "army" Is
equipped with nearly 200 brigadier
gciiornls, each rated, according to tho
United States army pay table, at 8:5,500
annually, This aggregates the nice lit
tlo sura of 83,783,000 for generals alone;
then there aro colonels, lieutenant col
onels and majors, whoso numbers run
Into tho thousands. The private! do
not amount to much, for they are com
paratively fovv, but each of them will
rcqulro $018, and tho nrmy paymasters
who havo figured out the totnl have
reported that over S.",000.OD0 will be
requircu to grainy an me tiomanus
Gomez has made. This Is an uveraire
of Sl,4S.r a man.
It Is to meet these demands nud
show Gomez their absurdity that Lion
alo Quosada, who, for the last thrco
years, has boon tho representative of
tho Cubans In Washington, started for
Cuba lost week, after reaching u thor
ough understanding with tho war de
partment authorities. Ilobort l For
ter went along with Mr. Quesnda as
tho official representative of the
United States in the matter.
rb Infnntrjr ftfovtttuvjit to tho hlaud
Bnld to ll.ivo Stopped.
Savannah, Ga., Feb. i. it is said
here that tho Wnr department has
reached tho conclusion that it has
enough infantry in Cuba and that cav
alry U now ncodciL Fifteen troops of
tho Second, Fifth and Klghth cavalry
regiments will sail from hero on three
transports, tho Mluuowaka, tho Man
itoba and tho Michigan, to-day a.tul to
morrow. 1 "
The cities of Cnba aro supplied with
American foot troops, and tho special
need In tho island is for mounted men
In tho country districts.
Their Wlvos to Go Willi Them.
Waahixotox, Fob. 1. Secretary
Alger and tho members of tho Senate
and IIouso military commltteea, with
their wives, will go on a tour through
tho West Indies. Tlioy will sail from
Now York March 0, Immediately after
the adjournment of Congress, on tho
teauishlp Uerlln, nnd will bo frono un
til April 1.
The Cherokee Trent I'.lectloa.
TAUXKQUAH, I T Feb. I. Voting
ea tho Cherokee-Dawes treaty is going
pn hero, with indication of a lioavy tua
Jorlty in lavor oi tuo treaty.
Dowager IJtuprot Him DdcMciI nn n Sua
rpniut to Hi l'rotnnt Killer.
l'KKtxo, Feb. 1. Tho Chinese hero
say tho dowager empress has decided
upon a policy icgardlng tho successor
to tho throne. It is detailed that, nt
a meeting of her relatives, recently
held, she selected the successor of tho
present emperor, but the Identity of
tho person so selected Is not di
vulged, All report, however, agree
that ntohuugent the palu'eo Is Impend
ing. Tho emperor Is still strictly
guarded In tho southwest corner of
tlio island palace. The drawbridge
eouuccltug the island with tho shore
Is drawn up at night, uhd every morn
ing tlio loo around tho Island is broken
in order to prevent unauthorized per
sons from approaching it.
It Is usscrtod that the dowager em
press now practically Ignores the
grand council of state and tho tsuug-ll-yamcn,
or Chtneso foreign ofllee.
rnor Simile .Scmlt In 11 llntiilt of .ji
lmlntinonU Cliurcti Saccuedi -lie Nil 11.
Toit.ica, ICan., Feb. I. Governor
Stanley yetterdny sent tho following
appointments to the Senate for con
firmation: For state coal oil inspector S. O.
Spencer of Fort'.Scott, to suececd M
V. Wharton.
For state superintendent of insur
ance M. V. Church of Marlon, to suc
ceed Webb .MeN'nll.
For state grain inspector A. K, Mo
Itcnzlo of Kansas City, Kan., to suc
ceed V. V. Culver.
Spencer and MoKon.lo will assume
charge of tlrclr olfiees as soon ns they
aro confirmed by the Senate. Church
will not tuko charge of the Insurance
department uutU July 1.
J. V. tu.rltM Nominated fur Senator Jn
Mawpo.v, Wis., Feb. I. Tho Sena
torial deadlock was broken last night.
Joseph W. Quarlos of Milwaukee was
nominated In the Republican caucus
to succeed John I. Mitchell, whose
term expires on March 1. All the other
candidates wlthdrow. Joseph Very
Quartos Is a native of Wisconsin, hav
ing been burn hi Kenosha flfty-flvo
years ago. He is an attorney and vet
eran of the civil war. Ho has held
muny state tuul local ouiecs.
County Treasurer Itexlicnt.
Nkvad.V, Mo., Feb. 1. Anothor
chapter In the Vernon county finan
cial muddle was opened up yestorday
by tho county court. County Treas
urer Frank Parker bus been repeatedly
ordered by the court to mnko a settle
ment with the county, but he hus each
timo failed to do so. Last wcok tho
court ordered Mr. l'nrker to make ad
ditional boud in tho sum of S'.'O.OOO
and notified him that, If ho failed to
do so, tho ollico would bo declared
vacant. Mr. I'arker was present and,
liibtead of making a settlement or
furnishing additional boud, ho ten
dered his resignation to tho court and
promised to make his final settlement
Inside of two or three weeks.
Ht. I.011U J.exaw.
St. Lotus, Mo., Feb. t. When the
Senate, Lcxow investigating commit
tee convened yestorday tho taking of
testimony ns to Irregularities In con
nection with the city boiler inspector's
office was resumed. A number of wit
nesses wcro examined and their testl
tlmony all went show that money had
been paid the board of examiners for
cnglnoors' licenses. Tho mast sensa
tional testimony offered was that of
Charles Dcariug, an engineer, who
said he paid !(. K, Fhllpor, u moiriber
of the board of examiners, S.0 for a
license. Ho said he secured tholtcenso
without nn examination and that
ltllll-l Illvlfe.ittfir P1,. t-im
i when the deal was made.
A TrrlHc t'rnth.
Kax.-8.vs Crrr, Mo., Fob. I. A car
on tho Cast Ninth .-.treat lino of tho
Metropolitan street railway ' system
ran down the iuelluo to tho Union
depot, with tho full force of gravity,
from tho top to the bottom, at 7:10
o'clock last night, completely wreck
ing tho cars and one side of tho ter
minal ntatlou by the foroa of tho
collision. The three passcngoni on
tho train were all injured, and the
grlpinan, John 'Warner, who stood at
his broken grip to tho end, had his
arm broken and ankle spriinod. Con
ductor F,. M. Gresham had hh buck
Injured by tho force with which ho
wu.s hurled agolnst the end ot'tho ear.
Jopllu Woman .i Trlplati.
Joru.v, Mo , Fob. 1. A poor
man, Mrs. Cue, who resides In u hovel
In tho east part of Jopllu, guvo birth
to triplets yesterday, all boys. Tho
woman was too poor to have n physi
cian attend her, but as soon as the
event was known she was cared for by
the Humane society. Her husbaud is
in jail at Carthage for cruelly beating
his wife. Mother and trlpletts aro
doing well.
To Tax lutierlUiinat.
Topkka, Kan., Feb. l.Seuator
Young, Populist, of Montgomery, In
troduced an inheritance tax bill, simi
lar to a law uow on the statuto books
of Illinois, It Is to tax legacies
nmouutlng to 810,000 nnd more. For
an am uut in excess of 810,0).) tho
noiret relative of tho dseeasod is to
pay 81 for eaolr Sl.UOO; S'.' additional
when tho amount excoads & ),030; 4JT
when In excess of 8100,033', "3J when
tho value of the ostatn to in-.tntnt- tlinn
General Otis' Latest Reports
Deaths in Manila.
Ihrte IllioAtet Carry on a Largo Nam
bur of Itiierlonii HnlilloM Stationed In
tlio riilllpplan IslnniM Uuntlt Ilecordr
from January 8 to January 87.
Wasiuxotox, Fob. I. Tho war de
partment has received a cablegram
from General Otis at Manila, in which
ho rcportn tho following deaths since
his last roport:
January 8 Kdward Itothtneyer, pri
vate, A, Twentieth Kansas, smallpox.
Junuary l I'owhattan T, Ilackott,
private, F, Twentieth Kansn?, smalt
jwx, Kugenc Merwin, corporal, M,
First California, cirrhosis of tho liver.
Lewis II, lladger, private, F, Twen
tieth Kansas, smallpox.
January 11 A. lircut McCIalru pri
vate, G, First Tennessee, smallpox.
William II. Itell, private, 0, First Col
orado, smallpox. K. P. Ulalr, prlvnto,
A, Twentieth Kansas, smallpox.
January 14 lienjaruln Vi. Squires,
private, L, Twentieth K-iusas, small
pox. Jiyiuary If. John I). Young, prlvato,
A, Twentieth Kansas, smallpox.
Frank Ilraln, private, C, Tenth Penn
sylvania, smallpox.
January 10 Norman E. Hand, pri
vate, L, Twentieth Kansas, smallpox.
January 10 Harry 0. Falkenbnrg,
principal musician, First Colorado,
smallpox. David L. Campbell, private,
K, Twentieth Kansas, smallpox.
January :.'0. Arthur W. Tlldon, prl
vato, K, Fourteenth Infantry, small
pox. January 10 Allou li Carlyle, prl
vato, I, First Washlturton, typhoid
fovcr. Wistar Hawthorne, private, C,
Second Oregon, diphtheria.
January M John A. Moyor.s, prl
vnto, II, First Tonnossoo, smallpox.
Karl A. -Jeaiu, prlvato, I, First Wash
ington, typhoid.
Jauuary '.'7 Otto J. IJcrg, private,
F, First South Dakota, diphtheria.
Tlio Contott Orer AMnnably Clerksulp
JBFFJ'.nso.v City, Mo., Fob. 1. The
contest over tho Itohart resolution to
reduce tho clerical force of tho House,
which was expected to como up to-day,
was postponed until to-morrow by
unanimous consent of tho nouso. Only
threo of the five meuibors of the com
inltteo on clerical force wero In town
and they failed to get together. Mr.
Noel of Jackson county expeotod tho
trouble to begin in tho Houso this
morning and llohart, tho author of tho
resolution, joined him In a request
that tho Houso oxtoud tho committee's
tlmo one dny. The Houso promptly
agreed to extend tho time.
The House spent a largo part of the
morning discussing a bill by-Woolfolk
to reduce tho salaries of prosecuting
attorneys throughout tho state. Tho
bill was referred to tho committee on
criminal costs and fees.
Tti (Irnnil Jatf Dili i'avurod.
JKTifr.uso.N- Cm-, Mo., Fob. 1. Tho
ncuato commlttoo on constitutional
amendments reported favorably on
Senator WUsoii'm resolution to abolish
tho grand jury system except when
grand juries aro specially called by
the judgo Tho resolution proposes n
constitutional amondment and has a
companion resolution providing foe
trlalsot felony cases an information
without indictment, lloth wera sent
to engrossment without opposition.
To Uo .Supported by Saloon Mn.
JKifr-EKSON Citv, Mo., Fob. 1. Cap
tain A. S. l'rather, who represonts
Tnncy county in tho House, has a plan
for taking care of drunkards which ho
expects soon to Incorporate In a bill.
Ho proposes to establish a home for
Inebriates and mako tho saloon keep
era support it.
(Irmo itobborj Kill l'uaiai th Smat.
JKFfKiisox Cut, Mo., Fob. 1. The
Senate passod unanimously Senator
Ficld'd bill making It u felony to re
move a dead body from a grave. Tho
offense Is In tho removal, and It makes
the law so read that It will not bo
necessary to prove tho purpose of tho
removal to seeuro a conviction,
Dog Tux for School Itooki.
Ji-ffkiisox Citv, Mo., Feb. 1. Kills
of Vernon has a bill providing for n
free school book .system, tho money
for tho books to bo raised by placing
a tax or license on 07ery dog in the
tally Churchill' Ventura.
Loxdox, Feb. 1. Tho Pnrls corres
pondent of tho London Dally Mall
says: "Lady llandolph Churchill, for
merly Miss Jeronio of New York, is
about to start a mag&zlno on now lines.
It will be sumptuously bound and sold
at 83 a copy, Her son Herbert Church
Ill, will nsilst In constructing It and
tho list of contributors will include
Emperor William and other royal per
sonages." ,
In tlio Face or the Feaoe Not.
Loxdox, Feb, 1, St James' Oaotto
says the French government is ne
gotiating - with Frcnok and llrltlflh
flmnelors for a loan of $40,000,000 to
8,M',000,0lO, to bo devoted to army and
navy purposes.
A Wyoming BnowSlldo a MUo Loujr,
Coickvu.w:, Wyo., Feb. 1. A onow
slido a mllo long burled soveral men
and teams near hero.. MIL . the men
wero taken out all va with tho excep
tion of Kurt Handy who was dead
when found.
Ajrouclllo I Still Trlnx to Heenro Itoc
oKnltlon Will Us Snnhboil Again.
Washi.votox, Feb. 1. Slxto Lopez,
secretary of Agoncillo, tho Philippine
roprcsentntlvo here, called at tho state
department yestorday afternoon nnd
left with tho chief clerk another com
munication addressed to tho secretary
of state protesting against tho atti
tude of our govornmont townrd tho
Filipino "republic." Tho terms of tho
protest do not go as far as an ultima
tum, Tho Biimo fnto awaits this com
munication as that which bofoll its
predecessors, it will be diplomatically
Agnlnu Child Labor.
Jkfti:i-.8ox Citv, Mo., Feb. 1. Sen
ntor John Slate of Maries introduced
a bill which provides that no child
under 10 years of ago shall bo em
ployed in nny mercantile establish
ment; and that no female- under 51
years of ago or malo under IS yoars of
ago shall bo employed beforo 0 n.m.
or after 7 p. m., or for moro than ten
hours a day or for more than sixty
hours a wcok. Tho bill also provides
that women shall have thn niunn mv
"hS moil When tllOV do thn n:im ivnrlr
Thero aro fines provided of from 8100
to S500 and imprisonment of from ono
to six months for violations of tho act
MUiourl I.atllei Iteralvo.
Washinotox, Feb. 1 Tho ladles of
tbo Missouri delegation united in' n
public reception and tea, which was
givon nt tho Kbbltt house yosterday.
Mrs. Illand, Mrs. Dockery, Mrs. Cow
herd, Mrs. Do Armond, Mrs. Honton,
Mrs. Coonoy and Mrs. Llovd wero
hostesses. Mrs. Itluud formally intro
duced to Washington society at this
function her daughter, Mis Frances
I-ovlntr Cup for. Stanton.
Wasiuxotox, Feb. 1. Gjiieiat
Thnddeus II. Stanton, paymaster gen
eral of tho.anny, was retired at noon
yesterday, in conformity with the ago
.njiiiieiiiuais oi mo service. Tho oc
casion was taken advantage of by tho
officers of tho paymaster's department
in Washington to present their retir
ing chief n silver loving cup as a mark
of their personal regard and appreci
ation of his public services.
l'rlvato Mall llotos Matt Cla.
Wasuixotox. Feb. 1. The govern
ment commission for tho revision nud
codification of tho erlinlnat and penal
laws of tho United States is now con
sidering and It is understood will in
corporate In tho final codification an
amendment to tlio existing law pro
hlblting tho maintenance in any city
of any private letter box scheme.
riruplagt FroiBii Up.
Chicago, Fob. 1. Fourteen fum
Hies were rendered homeless lust night
by a fire which destroyed a thrco story
tenement houso nt r.'4-120 Flfty-secoud
street. Every fireplug in tlio vicinity
of tho building was frozen up and by
tho timo tho engines could obtain
water the building was gone.
Illir Diamond Kobbory.
Loxnox, Feb. L Dispatches from
Dresden say that u man named Keif
has been arrestod thero on tho charge
of stealing diamonds worth 120,000
marks. It Is added that ho was for
merly a newspapor man of NowY ork,
from which city he is said to havo
eloped with n young lady.
lavcallet May Not Marry.
Topkka, Kan., Feb. 1. .Senator
Dan Hart has Introduced a bill making
it unlawful for a probato judgo, under
n heavy penalty, to issuo a marriage
license to males under 21 years or
females under t8, without tho consent
of parents or guardians.
Third Start, for MatilU.
St. Paui,, Minn., Feb. 1 With tho
mercury nt 20 bolow zero tho Third
regular Infantry yosterday bogan their
long journoy to tho tropical heat of
tho d'hllippines. This reglmout has
been located at Fort SnelUng for ten
years, except for tho four months of
hard Cuban service.
Would Join the I'rott Club.
Chicaoo, Feb. 1. S. K. Cross, tho
Chicago millionaire, who brought suit
for damages against Edmund Rostand,
nuthor of "Cyrano do Hcrgorao," for
alleged plagiarism, has made applica
tion for membership in tho Chicago
Press club.
Ships riy the American Via
Sax Fiiaxcisoo, Feb. L Tho Amer
ican shipping Interests of tho' Hawaiian
islands avo largely increased .slnca
their annexation to tho United States.
Thero aro now loading for or on tho
way to tho islands fifty vessels, of
which thirty-five fly the American
Ttronty Chlldrou Droiruod.
KoKXtosnuRO, East Prussia, Fob. 1.
Twenty children aro " reported to
havo been drowned by an lee disaster
at the village of Warpuhnen-llotrheln.
Wright Uand In III Iteilfnatloit.
Sacramento, Cal, Feb. l. Speakor
Wright of tho assembly has tcudorcd
his resignation.
Tampe.1 Into tho Ocean.
Ati.astio Cur, N. J., Feb. 1. Ho
causo of continued falling health, Mrs.
J. Meyers, a wealthy visitor from
Pittsburg, committed suleldo by jump
ing luto tho ocean from tho end of
Young's ocean plor about noon yester
day. Alger's Son Ilreak u I-g.
Wabhinotox, Fob. 1. Secretary
Alger went to Iloston hastily last
night to look uftor his son Fred, a
student In Harvard university, who
broke his leg there.
The Closing Day of the Debate
Was Exciting. "
Ljibor Illoti and the Tuareaned Army tho
Nilbjrcta for Comtdernbto Dltcattloii In
tho CloUtis Hoar of tho Uabato
Number of rayinuiton ttedircp.l.
Wasiuxotox, Fob. L The Houso
mot at 11 o'clock to-day. Tho Ilov.
Jatnos f. Vance of Nashvlltu delivered
tho invocation. This was tho closing
day of debate upon tlio army reorgan
ization bill. Tho opposition before
tho hesslou oponod had practically
abandoned hope of olthor defeating or
having tho bill recommitted. Whcu
tho Houso resumed work upon tho
bill to-day, section 12, relating to tho
pay department, had been reached.
Tho mimbor of paymaster generals,
with the rank of colonel, provided in
tho bill, was reduced from four to
three, with tho rank of lieutenant
colouol from eight to tlvo, and pay
masters with tho rank of major from
forty-soven to thlrty-fivo. Tho ugo
limit for appotntraonts in thin depart
ment was reduced from GO to 40.
In the corps of engineers tho num
ber of cnlonols was reduced from ten
to eight; lieutenant colonels, twenty
to sixteen; majors, thirty-six to thirty;
captains, forty-ono to thtrty-flvo; first
lieutenants, fifty to forty, and second
licutenuutn fifty to forty.
Mr. llrownell of Ohio, Republican,
moved to strike out tho provision
authorizing tho appointmont of en
gineers from civil life Tho amend
ment was supported Jy Mr. Walker,
P.cpublloan, of Massachusetts, but
opposed by Mr. Marsh, Republican, of
Illinois, who favored tlio appointment
of officers from civil life and said tho
great engineer sohome of Fads had
been scoutod by tho regular army
Mr. Dockery of Missouri said the
best results in government work had
ahvays been obtained from army en
gineers. Mr. Cuunon, Republican, of Illinois
directed attention to tho amendment
of Mr. Cutnmlngs, Democrat, of Xew
York, whs gavo notice yesterday that
he would offer an amendment to pre
vent the uso of .United States troops
us "posso comltatus" or In putting
down strikes or riots oxcept upon tho
written application of tho governor of
the state. Tho amondment, said Mr.
Cannon, proposed to put it out of tho
power of the President, the constitu
tion to the contrary notwithstand
ing, to enforce tho law within
tho territory of any stato unless tho
governor appealed for help. Mr. Can
non then recalled tho Chicago riots
during the last administration nnd tho
dispatch into Illinois without tho as
sent of tjio governor, and against his
protest, of United Stntcs troops to
suppress tho riots. That action of
President Cleveland had been Indorsed
by tho Senate of tho United States and
tho peoplo cverywhoro. Had the pro
posed amendment boon law the Presi
dent would havo bcon provented from
enforcing tho law. Tho, federal au
thority was ami should be supreme.
Mr. Cutnmlngs repllod to Mr. Can
non. Thoro was nn question, he said,
that organized labor, through tho
American Federation of Labor nnd
tho Knights of Labor, had condemned
tho efforts to increase the standing
army to 100,000. Thero was no ques
tion that the reason for their action
was tho fact that tho standing nrmy
might bo used unconstitutionally to
suppress thorn.
"Now," ho continued, "If you do
mean to do it, say so; If you do not,
adopt this proviso." Tho gentleman
from Illinois, ho said, had referred to
tho action of Governor Altgeld, but ho
had failed to refer to Governor John
M. Palmer, who had denounced tho
action of tho President for sending
troops into the stato over the protest
of tho governor. Tho United
States judgo who had sent
Debs to prison for contempt
was promoted within n few months.
Everything ludlcate'd that tho army
was to be used to oppress labor If tho
opportunity offered or if corporate
wealth demandw'd It Ho was no law
yer, or a banker, Mr. Cuminlugs con
tinued; ho was n trndes union innn, it
member of Typographical union No. U,
What he desired was that tho mem
bers of tho Houso should go on record
upon his amendment.
Mr. Cannon, replying, said that Ik-
iuru iiiuii lYuro iuyyors or oauiters Or
printers they wore American cltizons,
and tho lawtjf tho land, liko tho grace
of God, covered all. (Applause.) Tho
ono green spot In tho record of Pros'.,
dent Cleveland had beou that when
ho saw tho law doflod, not by labor,
but by law breakers, ho had kopt his
.oath and had aeon that it was en
forced. Mr. Cannon aroused tumultu
ous applauso whon ho declared that
Mr. Cutnmlngs, In seeking to mako
labor tho abettor of law breaking,
slanderod labor, no denounced It as
ohcap demagoguery.
Mr. Cummlngs said ho honored Pres
ident McKinley becauso ho was un
like Mr. Cleveland. When, recently
during tho riots, Governor Tanner de
clined to order out the mllltla, Bald
he, according to tho argument
of tho gentleman from Illinois, it was
tho duty of Prosidont MoKlnlcy to
order out tho army. Hut ho iff t tho
case In tho hands of Governor Tanner
and the peoplo honored him for It.
At o'clock, under tho order, tho
committee roso and roported tho nrmy
bill to tho House and it wus passed.
Well rot.
Smith "Every tlmo my wife wcnr3
a bonnet it affects her." Jones "Goes
to her head, I uppo.M Comic Cuts.
Comtnltttonart ItemtniUd of TMfrrMft
'Motto, "Jltood U ThlckorTltan Waters
Vancouveh, Urltluh Columbia, Fob.
1. President J. O. Schnrman and
Prof. D. C. Worcester, Philippine com
missioners, nrrtved last night, nnd tfo
spito rain there was a very represent
atlvo crowd of cltieiis nt tho ntatlou
to greet them. Among thoso present
wero the mayor, city counell, board of
trade, bankers and chief merchants.
After n welcome- at tho depot tliu trav
elers went aboard tho Empress of Ja
pan, whero addresses wero presented
und replies made.
Secretary Stein of the board of trado
read an address reminding tho com
missioners that their dnty would lead
them close to a spot forever hallowed
by tlio action of an American com
mander, Commodore Tatnnll, who
forty-two years ago, wont to tho suc
cor of a ltrlttsh admiral and assisted
in tho reacuo of Kritlsh Bailors lying
wounded on tho mud flats at tho
mouth of tho Polho rlvor in China, In
tervening ngainst a .friendly power
nnd defending his notton with tho
mcmorablo reply: "Hlood is thicker
than water." Such an net could not
be forgotten and was cherished In tho
memo'ry of thoso who wero anxious,
tho board bclioved, in certain events,
to bo ablo to pay tho debt.
The lllfhoB of' Uavnna l'rotoits Again!
Servlcoi In Cotntnbat Cemetery.
IIavan-a, Feb. 1. Illshop Banian
der has declared that tho IVotcstnnt
scrvlco cannot bo hold over tho graves
of tho Maine dead in Columbns ceme
tery. Committees of Americans wcro
preparing to decorate tho graves on
tho anniversary of tlio explosion, and
doslred prayers by Protestant clergy
men, Tlio bishop says tho eemotory
Is consecrated ground, and Protestant
servlcos could uo moro bo permitted
thero than in a Catholic church. Tho
bishop is also preparing a protest to
General ltrooko pgalnst tho action of
tho municipal councils in Trinidad,
Colon, Matanzas nnd other towns In
declaring cemeteries free. Ho Bays
that cemeteries are church property,
and that to take possession of them Is
loth desccrntion and confiscation.
Nevertheless, tho Havana council will
probably tako similar action. Eteca
required for burials and similar abuses
were ono of tho strong grievances of
tho Cubans against Spanbjh rule. Tho
ngltatlon Is general to have all ceme
teries declared free.
Tho Nojrro Regiment Will Learn Cuba
In m Fotr Weolci.
WAsmxarox, Fob. 1. Arrange
incnts wcro completed at tho War de
partment to-day for tho muster out ol
tho Twenty-third Kansas Infantry
(negroes) and tho Eighth Illinois In
fantry, now in tho department of
Santiago, and tho Forty-sovonth New
York infantry and tho Sixth United
Stntcs volunteer Infantry (whlto lm
muues) now statlonod in Porto
Rico. Tho transport Minnowaska
will arrlvo at Santiago with tho
Fifth infantry about February 14 and
will return to Nowport News with tho
Twonty-thlrd Kansas Infantry. From
that port tho regiment vlll bo for
wardod to Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
for muster out. Tho transport Ches
ter will arrive at Santiago about Feb
ruary 10 and will bring tho Klghth
Illinois regiment to Nowport News,
whonce they will bo transported by
rail to Fort Sheridan, 111., for muster
The Treatnry Closet Itoaiell Inetlta
tloa Willi 980,000 Capital.
Washisotox, Fob. 1. Tho comp
troller of tho currency has received a
tclogram announcing tlio failure of
tho First National bank of Russell,
Following is a statoment of the con
dition of tho bank as shown by tho
roport made to tho comptroller of tho
curroncy for December 1, 1B08; Cap
ital. 080.000; surplus -and undivided
profits, 811,70.-.; circulation, 818,000
duo to depositors, S19,3:o; total ro
sources, Si Co, 140.
Tho bank was placed In tho bands
of John 11. Cuunlngham, national
bank examiner, as temporary receiver.
Wom.wi Killed In a tlanaway.
Mhndox, Mo., Fob. 1. While Mr.
Gray, wifo and H-year-old child, who
II vo near here, wero roturnlng from a
visit to rclativos in Carroll county,
and when within threo nittrv. f.m
home, tho team became frightened
and ran nway, throwing tho family
out. Mrs. Gray received Injuries from
tho olfects of which sho died last
night. The husband and child escapod
with slight Injuries.
Marlnot Hllll In I'okln.
Wasiuxotox, Feb. 1. Secretaiy
Long has telegraphed to Roar Admiral
Dewey, asking him to inform the navy
department of tho number at marines
stationed in Pokin. Tho Chineao min
ister hero is anxious that tho marines
shall bo withdrawn, bat 'this action
will 'not be taken until Minister Con
ger reports that their presence la no -4
longer .necessary.
Alined at Science "Healers."
Jkfi'erso.v City. Mo., Feb. 1.
Groeson has Introduoad n bill In the
houso making it n ruladomoauor to
treat diseases oxcept by methods reo
ognlzed by established schoola of mcd. H
iclno. Tho bill Is aimed at boalors of n
tho Christian Scleneo class. '
Chatter Cadeti I'oltonud by Turkey.
Cmkhtbii, Pa., Feb. l.-Slxty-sovon i
cadet,of tho military academy hera
wore poisoned yesterday, presumably
from eating turkey.
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