The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 27, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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The Plying
CHAPTER. I. (Continued.)
Thnt, Philip, I shall never be. I feel
that dcnth clnlms mo; nml, oil, my rod,
wero It not for yon how 1 should quit
this world rcjolclngl I hnvo long been
dying, Philip nnd long, long hnvo I
prnyed for dcnth,"
"And why so, mother?" replied
Philip, bluntly; "I'vo dono my bo.U."
"You hnve, my child, you hnvo; and
mny Ood bless you for It. Often hnvo
I aeon you curb your fiery temper ro
ntrnln yourself when Justified In wruth
to Bhnro a mother's feelings. TIs
now Homo days Hint oven hunger linn
not persuaded you to dlHobcy your
mother. And, Philip, you must havo
thought mo mad or foolish to Insist ho
long, and yet to glvo no reason. I'll
upenk ngaln directly."
Tho widow turned her bond upon
tho pillow, nnd remained quiet for
Rome minutes; then, tin if revived, she
"I bollovo I hnvo been mad at tlnicB
hnvo I not, Philip? And God knows
I havo had a Rocrot in my henrt enough
to drlvo n wlfo to frenzy. It Iiiih op
pressed tne day nnd night, worn my
mind, Impaired my reason, nnd now, ut
last, thank llcnvou! it Iiqh overcome
ttatfl mortal frnmc; tho blow In struck,
Philip I'm sure It 13. I wnlt but to
telj, you nil and yet 1 would not
'twill turn your brain aa It has turned
mine. Philip."
"Mother," replied Philip, eiirneBtly,
"I conjurn you let me hear thlB killing
secret. Do Heaven or boll mixed up
with it I fear not. Heaven will not
hurt me, nnd Satan I defy."
"I know thy bold, proud .qilrit,
Philip thy Btrcngth of mind. If any
ono could bear tho loud of Mich n
drendful tnle, thou couldst. My brnln,
alas, was fnr too weak for It: and I
aeo It Ih my duty to tell It to then."
Tho widow paused as her thoughts
reverted to that which uho hud to con
fldo; for n few minutes the tears rain
ed down her hullow checks; alio then
appeared to havo summoned resolution
and to havo regained strength.
"Philip, It wan of your father 1 would
apcnlc It is supposed that ho was
drowned at sea."
"And wnn ho not, mother?" replied
Philip, with surprise.
"Oh, no!"
"Hut ho has long bcod dend,
"No yes nnd yet no," said tho
widow, covering her eyes. Her br.iln
wanders, thought Philip, but ho npoko
"Then where Is he, mother?"
Tho widow raised herself, nml a
tremor visibly ran through her wholo
frame, ns bIio replied:
"In living Judgment."
Tho poor woman then sank down
agntn upon tho pillow, nnd covered her
head with tho bod clothes, ns If uho
would havo hid herself from her own
memory. Philip was so much perplex
ed nnd nstounded, that ho could make
no reply. A sllcnno of somn minutes
ensued, when, no longer nblo to bear
tho ngony of suspense, Philip faintly
"Tho secret, mother, tho secret;
quick, let mo hear it!"
"I enn now toll all. Philip," icplled
hla mothor, in n solemn tono of voice.
"Hear mo, my son. Your father's dis
position was but too llko your own.
Oh, mny his cruel fnto bo a lesson to
you, my dear, dear child! Ho was a
told, n dnrlng, und, they say, n flrst
rato seaman. Ho was not born here,
but in Amsterdam; but ho would not
live there because ho still adhered to
tho Catholic religion. Tho Dutch, you
know, Philip, nro heretics, according to
our creed. It is now seventeen years
or moro slnco ho sailed for India In his
lino ship, tho Amsterdnmmcr, with a
valunblo cargo. It wns his third voy
ngo to India, Philip, and It was to havo
been, if It had so pleased Ood, his last,
for ho had purchased that good ship
with only part of his earnings, and
one moro voyage would havo made his
fortune Oh, how often did we talk
over what wo would do upon his re
turn, and how theBo plans for the fu
ture consolod mo at tho Idea of his
absence, for I loved him denrly, Philip
ho was alwnyB good and kind to me
and after ho had soiled, how I hoped
for his return! The lot of a sallor'R
wlfo Is not to bo envied. Alone and
solitary for so mnny months, watch
ing tho long wick of the candle, nnd
listening to tho howling of tho wind
foreboding evil and accident wreck
and widowhood. He had been gonu
about six mouths, Philip, and there
was still n long, dreary year to wait
before I could expect him back.' One
wight you, my child, were fast asleep;
you were my only solace, my comfort
In my loneliness. I had beeu watch
ing over you In your slurnbere; you
smiled and half pronounced tho name
of mother: And at last I kissed your
unconscious lips, and I knelt and
prayed prayed for God's blessing on
you, my child, nnd upon him too
littlo thinking, nt tho time, that he was
10 horribly, so fearfully cursed."
The widow pnused for breath, and
then resumed. Philip could not speak.
His lips were sundered, and his eyo.s
riveted upon his mother, ns ho devour
ed her words.
"I left you and went downstairs into
that room, Philip, which since that
dreadful night has never been reopen
ed. I eat mo down and read, for tho
wind wns 6trong, land when the galo
blows, a sailor's wife can seldom sleep.
It was past midnight, and tho rnln
poured down. I foil unusual fear I
know not why. I ioso from tho couch,
and dipped my finger In tho blessed
water, nnd 1 crossed mHclf. A violent
gust of wind roared round tho house,
and alarmed mo still more. I had a
painful, horrible foreboding; when, of
a sudden, tho windows and window
shutters were blown In, the light was
extinguished, and I was left In utter
darkness. 1 screamed with fright; but
ut Inst I recovered myself, nnd waH
proceeding toward tho window that I
might redone it, when whom should I
behold, slowly entering nt tho case
ment, but your father Philip! Yon,
Philip, It was your father!"
"Merciful Ood!" muttered Philip, in
a low tone almost subdued to a whis
per. "I knew not whut to think ho was
In tho room: and although tho dark
ness was Intense, his form and fea
tures were as clear and as defined as If
it were noonday. Fear would havo In
clined rao to recoil from hla loved
presenro to fly toward him. 1 remain
ed on that spot where I was, choked
with agonizing sensations.' When ho
hnd entered tho room, tho windows and
shutters closed of themselves, and the
candlo was relighted then I thought
It was his apparition, and I fainted on
tho floor.
"When I recovered I found myself
on tho rouch, and perceived that a cold
oh, how cold! and dripping hand
was clasped In mine. This reassured
me, and 1 forgot tho supernatural
signs which accompanied his appear
ance. I Imagined that ho had been un
fortunate, nnd had returned home. I
opened my eyes, and beheld my loved
husband, nnd throw myself into his
nrms. His clothes were snturntcd with
rnln; I felt as If I had embraced lcc
but nothing can check tho warmth of
womnn's love, Philip. Ho received my
caresses, but ho caressed not again; ho
spoko not, but looked thoughtfully nnd
unhappy. Wllllnm William," cried I;
'speak, Vanderdecken; speak to your
dear Catherine.'
" 'I will,' replied he, solemnly, 'for
my time is short.'
" 'No, no, you must not go to sea
again; you hnvo lost your vessel; but
you arc sate. Havo I not you again?'
" 'Alas, no bo not alarmed, but lis
ten, for my tlmo Is short. 1 havo not
lost my vessel, Catherine, but I havo
lost Mako no reply, but listen. I
nm not dead, nor yet am I alive. I
hover botween this world and the
woild of spirits. Mnrk mo.
"Tor nlno weeks did l try to force
my passage ngninst the elements tound
tho stormy Cape, but without success;
and I sworo terribly. For nlno weeks
moro did I carry sail against the ad
verse winds nnd currents, und yet
could gain no ground; and then I
blasphemed ay, terribly blasphemed.
Yet still I persevered. The crow, worn
out with long fatigue, would hnvo had
mo return to tho Tnblo Hay, but 1 re-
fused; nay more, 1 becamo a murderer
-unintentionally, It is true, but still
a murderer. Tho pilot opposed me,
and persuaded tho men to bind mo, and
In the excess of my fury, when ho took
me by tho collar, I struck at him; ho
reeled; and with tho sudden lurch of
tho vessel ho fell overboard, and sank.
Kven this fearful death did not re
strain mo; nnd 1 swore by the frag
ment of the Holy Cross, preserved In
that relic now hanging round your
neck, that 1 would gain my point (n
detlanco of storm and seas, of light
ning, of Heaven, or of boll, even If 1
should beat about until the Day of
"'My oath was registered In thun
der, und In streams of sulphurous lire.
Tho hurricane burst upon tho ship, tho
canvas flew away In ribbons; moun
tains of seas swept over us, and In tho
center of n deep overhanging cloud,
which shrouded all In utter dnrknes?,
were written In letters of livid flame,
these words: Until tho Day of .Judg
ment. " 'Listen to me, Cntherlno, my time
Is short. One hope alone remains, nnd
for this I am permitted to como here.
Take this letter.' He put a scaled
paper on tho table. 'Head It, Catherine
denr, and try If you can assist me.
Head It, and now farewell my tlmo
Is come.'
"Again the window and window
shutters burst open again tho light
was extinguished, and tho form of my
husband was, as It were, wafted In the
dark expanse. I started up and fol
lowed htm with outstretched nrms and
frantic screams ns ho sailed through
the window; my glaring eyes beheld
his form borne nwny llko lightning on
the wings of tho wild galo till It was
lost as a speck of light, and then It
disappeared. Again the windows
clobed, the light burned, and I wns Itft
"Heaven havo mercy! My brain!
my brain! Philip! Philip!" shrieked
tho poor woman: "don't lenvo me
don't don't pray don't!"
During theso exclamations tho frnn
tlce widow had raised herself fVom tho
bed and, at last, had fallen Into tho
arms of her son. She remained thero
soma minutes without motion. After
a tlmo Philip felt alarmed at her long
milefenco; he laid her gently down
upon the bed, and as ho did bo hor
head fell back her eyes wero turned
the Widow Vanderdecken was no moro.
Philip Vnndcrdecken, strong aa he
was In mental courage, wan almost
paralyzed by tho shock when ho dis
covered Hint his mother's spirit had
fled; nnd for some tlmo ho romalntd
by tho stdo of tho bed, with his oyes
fixed upon tho corpse, nnd his mind
in a Btnte of vnculty. Gradually ho re
covered himself; ho rose, smoothed
down tho pillow, tho tenra trickled
down his manly cheeks. Ho Impressed
n solemn kiss upon tho pnlo, whlto
forehead of tho departed, nnd drew tho
curtains round tho bed.
"Poor mother!" said he, sorrowful
ly, aa ho completed his task, "at length
thou hnst found rest ant thou host
left thy son a bitter legacy."
And ns Philip's thoughts reverted to
what had passed, tho drendful narra
tive whirled in his imagination and
scathed his brain. Ho raised his hands
to his temples, compressed them with
force nnd tried to collect his thoughts,
thnt ho might dccldo upon whnt mens
urcs he should tnkc. Ho folt that ho
hnd no tlmo to indulge his grief. His
mother was in peace; hut his father
where was ho?
Ho recalled his mother's words
"Ono hope alono remained." Then
thero was hopo. His father had laid a
paper on tho table could It bo thore
now? Yes, it must bcl his mother had
not had tho courage to take it up.
Thero was hopo In thnt prayer, nnd It
hnd lain unopened for more than sev
enteen years.
Philip Vanderdecken resolved that
ho would examine tho fatal chamber
at onco he would know tho worst.
Should ho do It now, or wait till day
light? but tho key, whoro wns it? His
eyes rested upon nu old japanned cab
inct in tho room; he hnd never seen
hla mother open It In his presence; It
wns tho only likely placo of conceal
ment that ho was aware of. Prompt
In all his decisions, ho look up tho
candle und proceeded to c.xnmlno it.
It was not locked; tho door swung
open, nnd drawer nfter drawer was ex
nmlncd, but Philip discovered not the
nhlppt nf IiIh snnrnh! nornln nnd ncnln'
did ho open tho drawers, but they wcro'
nil empty. It occurred to Philip thnt
thero might bo secret drawers, nud ho
examined for some tlmo In vain. At
last ho took out all tho drawers, nnd
laid them on tho floor, and lifting tho
cabinet off its stnud ho shook it. A
rattling sound In ono corner told him
that In all probability tho key was
there concealed. He renewed hla at
tempts to discover how to gain It, but
In vain. Daylight now streamed
through tho casonicnts, and Philip had
not desisted from his attempts; nt Inst,
wenrled out, hoNvcnt into tho adjoining
room, throw hlmserMiponkla bed, and
in a few minutes was In a sleep ns
sound ns that permitted to the wretch
a few hours previous to his execution.
During his slumbers tho neighbors
had como In, nnd hnd prepared every
thing for tho wldow'H Interment. They
had been careful not to wako tho son,
for they hold as sacred tho sleep of
thoso who must wako up to sorrow.
Among others, soon after tho hour of
noon, arrived Mynheer Poots; ho bad
been informed of tho death of tho
widow, but having n aparo hour, ho
thought ho might as well call, as It
would raise hla charges by another
guilder. Ho first went into tho room
where the body lay, and from thence
ho proceeded to tho chamber of Philip,
and shook him by tho shoulder.
Philip nwoko, and, sitting up, per
ceived tho doctor standing by him.
"Well, Mynheer Vnndcrdecken,"
commenced tho unfeeling little man,
"so It's all over. I know it would bo
so; and recollect you owo me now an
other guilder, nnd you promised faith
fully to pay me; altogether, with tho
potion, it will be three guilders nnd A
half that Is, provided you return my
Philip, who at first waking was con
fused, gradually recovered his senses
during this address.
(To bo continued.)
Friends Well Met.
When truc-hearlod men in north nnd
south met and understood each other,
there wns never real enmity between
them. A certain Virginian lived near
tho field of.Mechnnlcsvllle, whero Mc
Clcllan fought 0110 of his severe battles
In the summer of 18G2. This mnn went
out to tho field, after tho northorn
troops had retired from it, and noticed
n littlo fellow lying, wounded, In tho
hot sun. An he looked pityingly at
tho boy, tho young follow gained cour
ago to mnke a, request: "Neighbor,
won't you get me a drink of water?
I'm very thirsty." "Of courso, I will,"
Fnld tho man, and ho brought tho
water. The littlo fellow was encour
aged by this, and ho asked again:
"Won't you get mo taken to tho hos
pital? I'm badly wounded." "Well,
now, my boy," said tho man, "If I get
you taken care of, nnd you nro well
enough to go homo again, are you com
ing down hero to fight me and my folks
once more? How about that?" It was
a hard test for a wounded prisoner, but
tho boy stood It. He looked his captor
firmly In tho eye, aud said: "That I
would, my friend." "I tell you," said
tho Virginian nfterward, "I liked his
pluck. 1 had that boy taken to the
hospital, and ho had good care,"
Ills Idea.
Little Ikey "Fader, vat Ish a phll
nnthroplst?" Old Swlndlobaum "A
philanthropist, meln sohn, lsh a mnn
vot induces oder peoples to glf nvny
delr monlsh mit chnrlty." Now York
What- She Desired.
Knlcker I tried to convince my wifa
that I couldn't afford a new sealskin
clonk. Docker And did you succeed?
Knlcker No, sho wanted tho argu
ment brought homo to her. St. Louis
1'laces a l'artlallr MeMed Clpir In III
Overcoat Pocket, HI font Calcbcs l'lrr
Iturnlni; Him so Mildly That Drwtli Fol
loirs Other Hlate Sena.
As Fred Hunger, a farmer living
eight miles south of Syracuse, was re
turning homo from Cook, ho put a par
tially lighted cigar in Ills overcoat
pocket. He soon diseoveied that his
coat was 011 lire. He put It out, or
supposed ho had.. Not long nftor his
coat burst Into tlnuio nnd burned his
body so seriously he died from tho ef
fects. About three-fourths of his
body was burned over. Ho reached
homo and medical assistance was sunt
for, but nothing could bo done to
save him. Ho leaves 11 family und
was a respected citizen.
Secures III Freedom on a Writ of tin lira f
C orpin.
County Judge Frank Sklpton of Fill
moro county, who was nrrcstcd Friday
afternoon, brought before tho bar of
tho house of rcprcaentntlvcs and sen
tenced to six hours' imprisonment for
contempt in refusing to produce nml
deliver to tho committee 011 elections
the votes enst for representatives In
his county last fall, was Saturday re
leased on a writ of habeas corpus is
sued by Judge Frost, of tho district
court. The matter camo bofore the
judge in chambers early Saturday
morning on nu application issued by
Judgu Skipton alleging that he was re
strained of his liberty by Sergeant at
Anns McLcod and Sheriff Trompcn
withouthcurlug, judgmciitor warrant,
of law. After some parley Judge Frost
signed an order in which it is stated
that, inasmuch us tho matter could
not be conveniently beard ut that time,
the applicant would be released on 3200
bond, which wns Immediately furnish
ed, nnd tho case bo heard Tuesday,
January 24, at 2 p. m. The speaker
of the house bus appointed two mem
bers, who arc lawyers by profession,
to appear Tuesday and represent thu
bouse in prosecuting Judge Sklptou.
lluacla. County ItepretrntatlTe Iteclplent
of Floral Tributes
Representative Hevcrlv of Douirlas
county wus the recipient of two Wau-
111111 bouquets from the employes of
tho house is u token of appreciation
of bis speech ugaiust "docking"' them
or timo while- the house Is udjourned.
He made a very earnest plea on the
iloor against such n motion introduced
by Wilcox of Lincoln and favored u
motion mude by Hurinnn of Dougl us
to Indefinitely postpone the inittor.
His earnestness attracted the atten
tion of the members at the time and
the matter was postponed. In recog
nition of the notion the employes re
membered Mr. Hcverly. Hums of
Lancaster In a factitious maniitr
moved thnt all bouquets be placed on
the speaker's desk, but Mr. Hcverly
put lu nn appearance soon enough to
rescue bis flowers.
Dead Infiint Found.
The dead body of an Infndt was found
At Twenty-ninth and Farnam streets,
Omaha Friday afternoon nt 5 o'clock
and tnken to 313 South Twenty-ninth
street. Coroner Swnnson was not! lied
and removed the remains to his under
taking rooms. From the nnncunim-n
of the remains the coroner thought
the body had leen dcud for three or
four days. It was discolored so it was
impossible to tell whether it was white
or black.
Coiilr.icti Let.
The state printing board met Satnr
day afternoon and opened blU and let
contracts. The work wus let to various,
firms, including the State Journal
company, North & Co., Hammond
Hros, und the Woodruff Printing com
pany. The big job, being the print
ing of five volumes of the supreme
court reports, wns let to tho State
Journal company.
Itojallj Iterelved.
The business bouses of Hradshaw
were nicely decorated Saturduv In
honor of Carl It. Schuurlntrui. a soldlor
of company A, First Nebraska, who
came in on 111c noon train on his re
turn from Manila. lie was mot at thu
depot by u squad of the (5. A. It. post,
the scholars of the public school and
almost the entire population of the
Mornlnc Fire at Table Hock,
At Table Rock an alarm of (Ire was
heard alout 2 o'clock Sunday morning,
and on Investigation the engine house
ut the depot was found to be on tiro.
Hy dint of hard work the building
was saved, the roof being half to two
thirds burned awuy.
(irlnand Pneumonia.
Charles Mallmiee of Fremont died
nfter a short illness', of pneumonia.
He was taken with the grip, which
later developed iuto the trouble which
caused his death. He leaves 11 family
consisting of a wife und three children.
An Knldeiulo. of the drip
There are u grout many cases of lu
grippe lu Fullerton and' surrounding
country, many entire families being
coutlncd to their homes, but no fatal
cases so fur. The attendance in thu
schools I- materially lessened by the
grip and an epedemle of mumps.
Snturday morning Sheriff Snyder of
Hebron turned over to tho slier I ft"
from Columbus two prisoners captured
ut Helvedere it few nights ago. They
attempted to escape but being under
close guard they wero retained till the
officer who wante.l them arrived,
Deceived and ltobbed,IIoVlrtiiall)"riirow
Ills Mfe Away.
William Hootlnnd, n man who has
been a familiar figure in Ashland for
nearly a quarter of a century, died re
cently under painful circumstances.
In early life he had been an actor and
travelling showman but drifted to this
place many years ago and remained.
He followed shoe making, but for years
his old life and habits would manifest
themselves in performances of various
kinds. Every one know him ns n liurd
drinker and dissipated man. About
ten years ago he took the cure. Ho
reformed entirely and becamo another
man. His quiet, genial ways won him
new friends and he has been constant
ly seen at church and ut social gather
ings of nil kinds. Every one wus glid
to help him in the light he was so suc
cessfully making. A month or moro
ago some scoundrol came to him pre
tending to be n. prosperous farmer up
in the county nud proposed to set him
up lu the boot nud shoe business. Ho
deceived the old mnn nnd got him ex
cited. Then he got him to drinking
and robbed him of every dollar of his
hard-saved earnings and fled. When
the old mnn found that he was deceived
nnd robbed nud disgraced it wus ull
over with him. lie pave himself up to
tho old passion sigulu nud died of
tremens, a dclcrium he has had for
many years. It is not known thnt ho
has a relative on earth or a friend to
mourn his death, but there is general
sorrow aud pity for tho kindly old
man for the sad ending of his gallant
tight aud universal horror of the wretch
who ouuscd his failure nnd death.
Discharged Soldier Talk.
Discharged members of the First
Nebraska regiment who are now in
Lincoln held a meeting Monday night
at tho Lincoln hotel. There were about
'..'00 men discharged from the Nebraska
regiment ut Manila nud many of them
are in Lincoln. A majority of tho boys
hnve taken part in tne discussion of
Colonel Stotsenbnrg, who commands
the regiment, and at tho meeting told
whut they thought of him. An effort
will probably bo made to petition Gou
ernor Poynter to remove Colonel Stot
senburp and place Lieutenant-Colonel
Col ton in commaud. A demand may
bu made upon tho government to
produce cablegrams that were sent to
the regiment at a timewheu thero was
talk of having tno regiment returned
to America. Some members of the
regiment think the officers showed
forged telegrams.
Arretted for Home Ktmlluir.
Oscar Kohlstorf und Mrs. Donella
Irwin, the lntt,cr a well known fre
quenter of the tenderloin district of
Omaha, have been taken to Fremont 1
to answer a charge of horse stealing. I
They hud rented a rig Saturday of
Packer & Son in Fremont, and werel
arrested with it in Omaha. Sunday!
night. When arrested they had a set
of new harness, a new saddle and -a
lot of new clothing in the buggy, which
is suspected to huve been stolen. Tim
woman claims that she had nothing to
do with the thefts more than to take y
ride with the man.
Reduce- Price of C.bpu
The city council of Lincoln has pass
ed a gas ordinance, Introduced by Mr.
Mockett two weeks ago. Tho vote on
the ordinance stood eight for the three
against it. Ayes: Unlley, Dobson,
Erlenborn, Webster, Winuett; nays:
uicsicr, .Maicnc, atewart. The princi
pal provision of this ordinance maker
;hu net price of gas Si. 35 per 1,000 feot
for illuminating as well as sucl gas.
Heretofore the prho for illuminating
as has been 82.00 per 1,000 cubic feet,
and fuel gas Sl.r.O per 1,000 cubic feet,
with a ten per cent reduction If paid
botween the 1st and 0th of the month.
Pronounce It Smallpox.
Frank Hrown, u restaurant man of
Ord was taken ill recently with what
is pronounced smallpox. He did not
know what was the matter, but thrco
physiciuns pronounced it smnllnnv
Every effort will be made to nmwnt
a spread of tho disease.
Ilcuvy Ituin at (iordon.
What promised to be the worst storm
in years opened at Gordon Monday
with a four hours' rain, which later
turned to snow, nceompanled by heavy
wind in the late afternoon and even
ing. The snow und wind ceased dur
ing the night und no great damago
was done.
'uKeU of Nebraska News.
Privates Morris, Horucek aud Hart
of the First Nebraska regiment arrived
ut Hrniuerd from Manila. As they
alighted from the train they were
given a rousing reception by 1,000 peo
ple. The by brought 'homo two
trunks full of relics.
George Hughes, charged with crimi
nal assault upon Miss Zclla Thomas In
the home of her parents lu Eagle, about
six weeks ugo, wns arralnged before
Judge II. S. Ramsey last Satnnlnv nf.
tornoon. A pica of not guilty was
entered anil Hughes wns bound over
in 81,000, and in default was commit
ted to jail.
The vaults of the Commercial Na
tional and the Fremont National bankf
of Fremont ure being equipped with
up-to-duto burglar ularms.
The Rock County State bank at New
port. Rock county, with a paid up
capltul stock of 8:1,000. bus been author.
Ized to commence bnslnet-s.
I'reslil.-ntlnl Tost muster
Wasiiinoion. Jon. 2ft The Prctl
dent nominated these postmasters to.
Kansas-Charles Smith, Washing-
l?ni..Ut!0r80 W I,,ort' St-onli John
II. Mchols, Kiowa; William a Palmer
Jewell; Robert M McGontgal. Colby
MI.Rour.--T. L. Crane. Lee's Sum.
lit; Albert F. Huggins, Shelblna
Treasurer Mrncrtn Authorlred to Offer
I'reinluin of 1 t-3 l'er Cent.
At a recent meeting of the state
board of publlo lands and funds the
following resolution, introduced by
Treasurer Mcservc, was adopted:
Whereas, The county treasurers nre
now making their annual settlement
and the state treasurer is. receiving n.
largo amount upon principal on school
lands, which has Increased the permn-
nent funds of tho htuto to u largo
amount; and
Whereas, There arc no bonds on the
market which can be bought; there
fore, be it
Itesolved, That tho slate treasurer is
instructed to buy unregistered general
fund wnrrants to tho umount of 8100,
000, issued upon tho appropriation of
1807, and pay l'i per cent premium
for the same. He is also instructed
that when these warrants shall bo ,4
called for payment and the Interest
shall bo collected on said warrants,
that he shall credit an amount from
this interest to tho permanent' school
fund sutllient to reimburse said fund
for the umount of premium paid, nnd
tho balance of said interest shall be
credited to tho temporary school fund.
I'rlTate Knlerprlne IlultiN Mil KttnndlnR
:tOO Mllei.
A telephone company lias been
formed by Chndrou people and articles
of incorporation havo been, tiled. It is
composed of Iiartlctt Hicli ards, prcsl- 1
dent. Will Q. Comstock, vice president;
Charles C. Jamison, secretary. Tho
company is named the Ranch Tele
phone company, aud will extend from
Gordon to Chadron, with headquarters,
at Chadron. The company is capital
ized nt S.r,000, und will have a com
plete line of over 300 miles that will V
tap all towns from Gordon to Chadron
und Elsworth, aud reach to each of
their large and numerous cattle ranch
es In Cherry county.
The Hub Full
L. O. Jones, proprietor of tho Hub
clothing store on Tenth street near O
street in Lincoln, has turned over all
of his assets to Charles H. Hunt of
Chicago, as trustee for the benefit of
his creditors. No preferences of any
sort are given. All are to share and
share alike. The Hub has done a
larpe volume of business, but the goods
have been sold on close margins. This,
with the large interest account carried
011 the account of iusnlllclcut capital
is the cause of the present difllculty.
Fled With III StepdatiBher.
Considcrnble surprise exists at Craw
ford over the news that A. Comstock.
n farmer living seven miles southwest
of town, had eloped with his step
daughter, a girl of 18 or "0 years. Corn- r
stock has been there for fifteen years
und wns always highly rejected. He
lias been selling his stock und proper
ty for some time and hits left his wife
and two small children practically
destitute. All efforts to fiud tho mis
creant couple huve j so far prove u
Had Trip of a I.lttleTot.
Littlo Helen Messeger, uten-year-pld
mite" of an orphan who bus been in
California with her grand mother.
Mrs. Hose Ritchie, went through Oma
ha on her way home to Rock Island,
111. She left California with her grand
mother, who died in the drawing room'
of the Pullman car at Reno. Nov., und
the body wns taken from the train to
be embalmed, while the little girl camo
to Omaha alone.
I'nlou rarlflo Incorporate.
The Union Pacific Railroad company
has filed with the secretary of state
amended articles of incorporation. It ,
Increases its canital stock S'T.-lill.OOO
and through its general solicitor,
neiiy, paid into the state treasury fees
thereon to the umount of $2,7.r.4.
liaised Ills H.iUry.
On the stengthof the school ennsiis.
County Superintendent George Horsi
01 rout county, was given a raise of
salary to tho minimum of 81,000 u year
by the county commissioner at their
last meeting. For a few years past
the salary has been nt SSiln.
lTttle items.
Joe Huckctt, u brnkeman running
between St. Joe nnd Wymore, had 11
bund crushed nt Fulls City while mak
ing u coupling.
The women of the suffrage associa
tion of Table Rock held successful
and Interesting banquet Friday even
ing of last week.
The postotllce safe at Friend wnn
wrecked by burglurs by means of ex
plosives but nothing wus secured. V
Tho burglars evidently became fright- '
Grip has AVvmore In Its itnu. Mr..
cases, are serious, having run into
pneumonia. It is estimated Unit over
200 persons ure confined to thoir homes
with the grip in some form or another.
The grain elevator at Pleasant Dale,
west of Lincoln, wus untirelv
destroyed by Are reeeutly. The loss l
large, but believed to hu covered by
insurance. The elevator Is thu pi op
crtyofG. W. Lowry, u gr,l ,.,ur-
chant of Lincoln. ' "?
Offended the Otrruan Consul
Manila, Jan. 53.-Tho newspaper
America has beon suppressed by Gen
eral Otis, upon the complaint of the
German consul, for publishing -.n ar.
tlclo ulleglng that tho German in Mu
nllnixvere giving financial a.v,isUucov . .
to the Filipino cause. zJl
-. : r
Taxoikii. Morocco, Jan, 2". The' '
government troopj commanded by ,4
Prince Mnrunl have defeated the TaC
lt rebels In a big battle. The chief ,
rebel s son and nlnetoen others ner ,f
?Mpliit,V1, ThU U "Ported to end
- rebellion.