. i mi "ii mil mmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm b - j i ' ' ' ii i in. -... ,- .. ,... i. ,.., , , M". VOLUME XXV11. P. V. TA YLOR, The fmUn fflao is still doing busineis at tlie old stand. Lower Prices, Better Goods, than any one. Call and be convinced before buying. fltwvi While they last I will sell my Ice Wool Fascinators, Wool Squares, Hoods at greatly reduced prices. Remember that I sell "White Flannels, Black ami Colored Dress Goods, White G-oods, Ladies, Shopping Bags, Hosiery, Mittens, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Laces and Embroideries For less monoy than they can bo bought elsewhere in tho city. Tliu best place for yarns in tho city. MRS..F. NEWHOUSE). City Dray and ROSS Si RIFE. PROS. v 3 Goods Delivered to anv part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. TRADERS ITJMBJEOR CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL Bu.ilctiiT.g: material, Bto. I Red Cloud, PLATT & FREES CO., . Ghieago Itambe? Yard, RED CLOUD. I Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD. THE ONLY TRUE SCICHCE BY WHICH YOUR FUTURE ZAXAR, th world nnown.d Ffjptlaa Aitrolof.p, who ha. tw.a creating .ueh u- tonlihtnent thorouinout Kuroi fur th. i ait Of. mil, will (It. a truthful, accural., ILncthoro(og delineation of jour life. II. will nir. jour tronl pearanco, di- i poiUlon, character, abllltr, Uut, robabl. IcnRth of life, oiifbL Mx.ld.sta, adrlc. oJ uggciuoni on iot. aaairi, 1 DIPHtC Tn DC flD IMT HIUfl-D 1U DC Un HUl A SINGLE ANSWER MAY Band 10 e.nta and xlr. (mural norouop. reaainf tall offer at a test trial. ZAR AH tho ASTROLOGER, lock , fttm PB883 "ZmfcUM lsTouimli crUlal uto&Ufcuf upu isaiipiuiv iui iuui umimot innnnn4 Express Line. of the citv. Charges as low as the Lowest Nebraska. NEBRASKA. A REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND ' WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "SOLAR BIOLOGY." CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD. raamag., rrieuai, entmiei, ipwuiauou, buuneii matter., .to. (r. Tfl DC "ou nn Inform Tounlf tfiorUthlr on V lU DC. tbU aud on anr other nueitiom of ,our tl 1 ' rue, relent ana luiuro me. LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. ei.et dtl. of birth and I will lmmedlatljr rituru you a or jour life, and i rore It to M all tru. tr journu i max. All communication, itrlctl confidential. AJdrill Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. UMiiudi, IIU vondtrful prtdietloDi nd tctti m butd rrMT4 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JAN. 27. 1898. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Opposition to Peace Treaty Claim Majority A Tilt in the House. A Question for Debate Eagan Courtmartial. Tlir claims of I lie siippoileis nut! up poncnts u( t III tll'lltj of pi'llff, il llllll CStl IIIUllc, lllllkt' il I'Vlllellt tluit :i number of scimtois mi' tl inn tin two fai'o ni't Tin' opponents now claim that tlit'S have plctlgt s fiiiui a Mitlifii'iit iiumlii'i' if sfiiimi h thiitj "i. i the llUtllber to llji't't tilt' tll'lltj, it it it ntit lunt'iuli'tl m as to pledge this gov ernment :iii!nt peimaiient lctcntion of the Philippines while its siippmtcis s'tj tin y hac votes enough pb dgctl to latifj tin tieatj if they run n'l It to a voto. It ftienis as though neither xitlt) was until ely eonllilent of In flaunt. Senator Davis it said to have tleelinetl a piopnsition matin by Senator (Sol ium), who is lfatlinr tin) opposition, to set n tiny for taking a vote on the trtaty. Many believe that the oppo sition is imltiliiiiif' in n htj blnfT for the purposo of trying to Riit u ni.ijniity of thusonato to voto for a lusoluii n, in nilvnnco of tho votu on iliu tiuuiv, !' clarinR tho policy of this govuiiiinctit to bo tho same toward tliu Philippines as toward Cuba merely to keep t lie m under a military povcrnmeni until they are cnpahlo of maintaining a stable government of their own. Wliilo many of tho strongest supporters of tho treaty and of tho administiation believe that it will be tho policy of tho administration to allow tho Filipinos tho fullest extent of self government thfit they show themselves capable of even tnabsoluto independence they do not regard it as good policy to bind this government in advance; therefoic, there is little probability that such a resolution will pass tho senate, and none whatover that it could get through the house. Tho treaty will either bo ratiiied or theio will bean extra session to ratify it. Tho senate passed the amonded Mor gan Nicaiaugua canal bill Satin day afternoon, by a voto of J8 to 0. If the leaders of tho house were so inclined this bill coultl easily be passed, but tho chauces seem to bo that an entirely now bill will bet epoi ted to tho house which would moan no canal legislation at this session. Tho framors of tho river and harbor bill, which has been lopoited to the houso, aro adepts in tho division of public "pork " Thirty odd states will sbaro in tho twelve and u half millions appropriated by tho bill; consequently votes will not bo lacking. For tho first tinio this session tho houso had what the old timers call a "field day." It was a sort of running discussion, which, although nominally upon a bill allowing a ship-building firm to suo in tho court of claims for additional pay, it claims to bo entitled to on contracts with tho government, it really embraces about everything in sight, including tho war, the embalmed beef contioveisy, tho Philippines, the treaty of peace, anil somo spicy per sonalities. The ro wero fivo gentlemen who puitioipatcd, Giosvenor, of Ohio; Simpson, of Kunsas; Cat mack, of Ten nessee; Ruiloy, of Texas, and Lewis, of Washington, but tho star parts wero played by tho first ami last named. While tho discussion was going on memhois of tho houso seemed to enjoy tho hits made, regardless of who mailo them, but as partisanship figured large ly, they afterwards divided on political lines in expressing opinions as to who pot tho best of it. Tho speech of Lewis was, however, a genuino surpriso to tho house, and caused more than one man who had been previously indiffer ent to express regret that ho will be lost to tho houso after March 4th. Gen. Grosvenor has for many yeais been regarded as ono of the most dan gerous men in congress to tackle in a running debate. That a man serving his first torm coultl oven hold his own in a scrap with him is considered to mat kablo by old members. Lewis cor taiuly did that. Senator Perkins has announced his intention to obey the insti notions of tliu California legislatuto ami vote for the ratification of tliu tteaty of peace, because he believes nine-tenths of tho people of his statu wish him to du so, wliilo Senator White says ho will re fuse to obey the instructions of the leg islatuie, because a majority of its memhcr-i am his political opponents, and because he does not lecogui.o tliu light of legislatuies to instinct sena tois in niatteis involving conscience or conviction If a tit bating societv is hunting a haul nut to crack, let ihnm tlceiilc which of t lit so senateis is light, onlj one of them is Wi'diii'sdii) was the tla set foi the meeting of the coiiit maitial that will ti (ii'ti. I'igaii fot conduct unbecom ing an ollicei ami a gentleman, in speaking disit'spectfully of (iencial Miles, Ins siipei inr olllcer, ami, unless (Jen Ivigan exercises his right to ask foi a postponement foi a slum time, the vei diet ought to be in the hands of llm picsident bcfoie the close of lint week It is not ctitaiu that Gnu. Kigali will plead guilty ami a-lc inciej on account of extenuating ciictim stances, as some of his fiiemls siidhu would when the announcement that he would be couitinaitialxil was liist made, but whatever his plea, thero can bo but one verdict guilty. His pun ishment will depend entirely upon the president. A vol diet of guilty can ies the penalty of dismissal ftom the army but the president may change tho pun ishment to suit his pleasure, or omit it entirely. Tho case has aroused too much public indignation for General Eagan to hope to escape punishment, however friendly tho secretary of war and tho president may fuel towards him. La Grippe Successfully Treated. "1 have just iceovered from tho sec ond attack of lagiippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of tho Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In tho latter case I used Chamberlains Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed n littloover two days against ten tilths for the former attack. Tho second attack I am satis fied would have been tqually as bad as tho first but for thu use of this lemctly as I had to go to betl in about six hours after being 'stiuck' with it, while in tho first enso I wns ablo to attcntl to busi ness about two days boforo getting 'down.'" For sale by II E Grieo. Ballot Law to Be Changed. Senato (ilo No. 1, by Pi out of Gage, to prevent tbo namo of a candidate from appealing on the ballot more than once, was discussed freely by tho com mittee of tho wh )lo on last Tuesday and finally recommended for passage Fusionists thought the bill was to pre vont fusion, so they fought it hard. Tho bill makes no change in the pres ent form of the ballot, but it prevents a candidate from having his name ap pear in inoro than one column on tho ticket. Several republican senators expressed dissatisfaction with tho blanket ballot. Drink GrakvO. aftor you have concluded that you ought not to drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it, becauso it is healthful, invigorating and appe tizing. It is made from puro grains, has that rich seal brown color and tastes liko tho finest grades of coffee and costs about ono fourth as much. Children thrivo on it becauso it is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. 15 an 25c at grocers. To the Public. Wo aro authorized to guarantee ev ery bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to re fund tho money to tho purchaser. Thero is no hotter medicine mado for la grippo, colds and whooping cough. Prico 25o and 50c per bottle, try it. H. E. Grico. Thcso aro dangerous times for the health. Colds, croup and throat troub les lead nipidly to consumption. A bottlo ot One Minuto Cough Cure used at the right timo will preserve life, health and a latge amnulit of monoy. Pleasant to take; ehildieii liko it. C. LCotting. 1 m Paul Peny,(of Columbus, (in., suf feietl agony for thiity ears, and then cured his piles by using DeWitt's Witeli lin'.el Sahe. It heals injiii ies mill skiu diseases like magic. 0. L. Cutting. I'.t '.'3 y" I ' IUIr vSH W- .&VI - ':m" There is enough wear and tear on the soldier without the discomforts that come from having to use a strong laundry soap. Common brown soaps, when constantly used for washing the person, are extremely irritating. Ivory soap is the ideal soap for the soldier, suitable for oil purposes, for the kitchen utensils, for washing clothes, and for the bath. Ivory Soap is not easily lost, forit floats. ccnrKiMT i.m it THi No Appropriation for the Exposition. By a unanimous voto of all members present tho house committee on ways and means Tuesday decided tn lay on tho table tho lesolution for government recognition of tho Greater American exposition. Mr. Meioei, who Intro duced the resolution, spoke in favor of its adoption, and .Judge Strode was recognized in opposition. Tho latter said Nebraska hail given loyal support and patronage to tho trans-Mississippi exposition nnd nil her citizens felt proud of its success, even though ninny of her business men had suffered pe cuniary loss on its account nnd they now felt that self preservation demand ed their untiring efToita to prevent an other exposition being hold no soon after that of last jear. Ho said it was a duty ho owed to himself and to his constituents to oppose in nil ways pos sible any form of government recog nition of a continued exposition, nnd ho earnestly appealed to tho members of tho committee to voto against tho resolution. Ho then went on to state theiensons why it would damngo nil kinds of business enterprise outHido of Omaha. Tho people attending, ho said, would spend their monoy in tho exposition city, and tho department stores, street car companies, hotels nnd restaurant men nnd liquor doalers wero tho principal factors in tho scheme for the continuation of tho ex position, as they wero tho principal gainers thereby. After hearing soveral petitions from various Nebraska towns against tho exposition tho coniniittco wont into execoutive session, and after a shot t consultation a voto was taken resulting in indefinitely tabling tho bill for government help. Does Coffee Agree with You. If not, drink Graiu-O inado from pure grains. A lady writes: "Tho first time I mado Grain-0 I did not like it but after using it fur one week noth ing would Induce mo to go back to coffeo." It nourishes and feeds tho system. The children can drinK it freely with great benefit. It is thu strengthening substance of puro gralus. Gut a package today from your grocer, lfio and 25c, Catauuh in tliu head is cured by Hood's Sursaparilla which eradicates from thu blood tho scrofulous taints that cause il, soothing and rebuilding the diseased tissues. i IloodV Pills are thu onh pills to tako with Hood's Sarsapuiiila. Curu nil liver ills. NUMBER 4 f Wl.iAi."' -v2fe Ttf ocrm 4 umu co Cincinnati Is Not a Tenderfoot. Mr. Smith is the now editor of the Downs Times, nnd a neighboring pop papor made somo sneering remarks about his being a tenderfoot. Hero is Mr. Smith's roply "Wliilo ns to our residoncu in Downs wo may not be classed among the old settlers, wo havo spent nearly ninoyonrs of our happy life in Kansas nnd in what is now the 'Mxth tlistrict; we lived six years on a homestead, one venr on n free claim havo planted forty ncres of treoc, somo of which aro now nice timbor; wo havo shucked corn, bound wheat, helped thresh in Osborn, Smith, Jowoll, Phil lips, Norton, Russoll and Graham counties, wo have also worked on tho section as a railioad hand, dug wells, taught school, clerked in a store, and had a scrap or two in northwestern Kansas. We havo boon tho direct rauso of six good families moving into tho state, all republicans, (two have turned pop, sorry to say.) Wo havo raised a family, ono son who is n voter and another who soon will bo, nnd 'moro a romin' on.' Say, what does a feller havo to do to gain citizenship in this district."- : v m- r-Ms- - u . aVI TCOTM'yJT x-V-v '" .- i.i -i i v i x i . s r . i r'T Catarrh Cannot Be CuVed by local applications, as they cannot rtach tho scat of thu disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to euro it you must tako internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takon internally, nnd nets directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this country for years, nnd is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two in grcdionts is what produces such won dorful rosults in curing catarrh. Sond for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, prico 75c. Hall's Family Pills aio thu best. For Sale. Ono hundred and sixty acres of unim proved land four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of tho wost half of tho northeast quartor, and tho cast half of tho northwest quartor of suction fifteen in township two north, rango eleven wost. The land is leased at present, but subjnet to salo. Prico $3,000. For further information upitt$fcif v Mks. .Jamks Kiukwood," Fairfax, Mo. w ,i