The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 20, 1899, Page 6, Image 8

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IWWWIHiWiriiniiii;iiiii main mint wunliu )
Tho End of a Career as Writer and
n-essiona! Librarian.
At SO Mr. Youtif- Will Oroolr-yM .1InBl"lt
rCdllnr Wout Ariiund tlio World With
Cleuerat tlriint II U KomIm In llio LlbMry.
Wasiiimiio.v, Jim. IS. John Hussoll
Young, librarian of tho Congressional
library, died nt Mi homo hero thin
morning after an illness of several
Mr. Young hai had a notable career
ns a newspaper man, dlplomatlnt and
public olllclal. In 1BT7 Gcnoial Grant
started upon htn memorable trip
round tho uor.d, and on hit Invita
tion Mr. Young Joined tho party. This
niado him for two yearn utmost a mom
bor of the family of the general, and n
warm frti.ntshlp spuing up botweon
them. After the return Mr. Young
wroto "Around the World With Gen
ral Grant." During this trip Mr.
Young wan specially Interested In
Interna l.'iclletnciit In lliyitcr 4Viuiily, Ar
kim.i. Hlx Dunil, Mitny III.
Litti.k ltocic, Ark., Jan. H. There
In Intense excitement In Hatter county
over n sciles of Midden and mysterious
deaths which have occurred In tho vi
cinity of Mountain Homo, the county
scat, within tho last few days. No
fnwnr tli.'in at high, all of whom were
j apparently In robust health, have been
maidenly stricken ami uicti within a
very hliort tlmo after the attack. In
every case there were unmistakable
Bymptomn of poisoning, lleslden those
who have died, a number of others
have suddenly beeomo violently III,
and their Uvea were only aave.l by
prompt medical attendance. Tha phy
sicians hae been kept busy working
with stomach pumps, and Ul demand
at tho local drug store for pilivju anti
dotes have been enormous.
On further Investigation It developed
that tho victims had in all cibes taken
n drink of whisky shortly before tho
Tho discovery seen oil to settle tho
fuct that poisonous whisky wu tho
cause of tho deaths, but there Is no
saloon at Mountain Home, end the
source from which thu whisky comes
In a mystery. It in thought tuat u
"blind tiger" Is dispensing poison for
whisky, but whether it be through
Ignorance or with a murderous Intent
Is not known, and this doubt has added
to tho excitement. A bottle coalaln
lug a small quantity of tho stuff lias
beau sent to St, Louis for an export
oxamluatlon by u chemist. No one
seems to know whero It came from,
uml a determined cIVort Is bolng made
to discover who Is responsible.
Missouri Gives Her Representative
a Fifth Term.
lliu "rather (if the Sonata" U'ui tliu
Ifiiiiiiiliiinili Chulro of the Oemoerrt'Mu
I'nuetti Keron III Opponent Two
Kepulillivtiu Holt to ICenuWh.
JlIITKHsoN ClTV, All)., Jau. 1!
Francis Marlon Coekrell was elected
United Stales Senator for tho fifth
tjmo to-day.
In the .Senate Vandlvcr ol Lafay
ette, a one "mud cx-Confcdornto sol
dier, nominated Coekrell and Senator
Schwclekhardt of St. Louis nominated
Kerens. Thu entire membership of
the Sennto was present and on the roll
call tho vote btood: Coekrell 25,
Kerens 0.
In the House tho election gave op
portunity for speech-making and ora
tors made tho most of their opportun
ities. Webb M. Kobey of Macon, who
was a senator when Coekrell was llrst
China, to which country President
Aithur scut him JHS'J as United States
minister. Ho remained in China until
the opening of tho first Cleveland ad
ministration, when he returned to thin
oountry and engaged In literary and
business pursuits.
Ho had contributed to the Now York
Tribune, and his pleasing stylo at
tracted the attention of Horace Grec
loy, with tho result that'ln 1300 Young
became managing editor of tho Trib
btine. At that tlmo Young was only
C5 years old. His leisure ho devoted to
tho sillily of law, and lu 1807 ho was
admitted to tho bar lu New York olty.
In 1S70 ho again tried the establish
ment of a newspaper of his own, this
time tho Standard. About this tlmo
Secretary Houtwoll, who was at tho
head of the treasury department lu
President (1 rant's cabinet, induced
Young to go abroad to look Into finan
cial affairs. While abrovl on this
mission ho watched tho Paris com
mune. Ills account of tho rlsa and
of tho stirring days through which
the French capital passed Is regarded
as one of tho best examples of ICugllsh
flcscrlptlvo writing
When tho now library of Congress
was completed Prcstdont MoKluloy
named Mr. Young librarian. Ho en
tered on his duties while tho library
was still in Its cramped quarters lit
the capltol and saw It expand into Its
present magnificent quarters. Tho
transition Involved not only a removal
of vast stores of precious volumes, but
tho complete reorganization of tho
library staff. Mr. Young dlreoted all
this, bringing about tho change from
tho old to the now with smoothness
and success. It is said that his time
has been spent in part on a contribu
tion to literature which ha hoped to
complete as a supremo llterury achieve
meat of his life.
Oreet. tlio llrntt Author With Kluel
nml "limn Akt fur III AmtWtanca
Ouium, Jan. 1H. While journeying
north from I.ivadla, lhupcror Nicholas,
during a break for luncheon at Toola,
capital of the government of the same
name, lu Central llussta, .sent a deli
cately worded mc&snge expressing his
desiro to see Count Leo Tolstoi. Con
trury to expectation, Tolstoi accepted
thu invitation and soon appeared at
the railway station.
In his peasant's garb ho presented a
striking contrast to the richly -dressed
entourage of the l.mpcror Nich
olas kissed him on the mouth and
both checks, Tolstoi readily respond
ing. Then a conversation commenced, tlio
czar asking his guo.t for an opinion
upon the imperial proposal for the lim
itation of nrmumcntH. (ouut Tolstoi
icplled that he could only believe in It
when ids majesty t-honld set the ex
ample to other nations.
On tho car mentioning the dlfllcul
ties of the problem and the necessity
for united aid o,f the great powers, the
count hofteued somewhat and ex
pressed the hopo that his majesty
would be able to attain some definite
results, or, at any rate, to formulate
some workable plan at tho conference.
Tho czar, thanking him for his good
wishes, said he would be pleased if
Tolstoi could bo Induced to lend his
genius to the solution of the question,
and thu count rejoined that the em
peror might count upon his co-operation,
for ho was already engaged in a
work dealing with the question lu
point, which would soon see the light.
Hhllug With the Iniurcent Chief Axtluu
the United BUtei
Paris, Jan. 18. News tenoned
hero that tho Spanish government
has beguu negotiations with Aguin
aldo, through tho agenoy of certain
Filipinos In Madrid, for tho rclcasa o
tho Spanish prisoners. Having beguu
to trout directly with tho lnsurgeuta,
tt Is probable that Spam will go a
step farther and accord thorn tliut
recognition hitherto refused by auy
Tho difficulties confronting the
American government are all under
Btood In Madrid and ns soon as official
cognlzauco of them Is obtained tho
government will consider Itsolf free to
treat with the Filipino government, if
necessary, as power to power, in order
to secure tho liberty of its subjects.
That Spain should take such rovengo
upon America would surprise nobody.
China' Xumlntl Itulrr nn I thu llmrncnr
Knipre. Are Hild to Ho ut Out.
1'kkixo, Jan. IS. Palace reports de
scribe increasing III feeling between
tho dowager empress and the emperor.
On several occasions rcecntlv tho em
peror, It is claimed, disobeyed the
dowager empress. Tho chief amuse
ment of the emperor at present, the
palaco reports also say, Is training
goats and monkeys.
Clump bitiitltcu llDiiur
Wasiiimitov. .Jun. P. There wan
handed toth l'lctldeut yesterday the
repot t of tho military board connected
with tho Santiago campaign. The
bonid In composed of Ik-ucrats Schwann
ami Hoy n Urn and Colonel Carter, and
will Immediate. y proceed to consider
tho claims of officers who were in the
i Porto Klcan campaign for iceognlllon
by tho bestowal of brevets. The list
submitted in the case of the Santiago
campaign includes the names of not
persoun. Tho brevets recommended
will require not only the approval of
tho President, but must bo confirmed
by tho Senate.
elected senator, made tho nominating
speech for Coekrell. Ho was followed
by J. II. Whltccoltou of Monroe.
Jones of Howell nominated It. C
Kerens on behalf of tho Republicans
and Mann of Kansas City made a short
seconding speech, in which ho compli
mented Coekrell but praised McKin
ley. To show their good will the lie
publicans applauded his reference, to
Coekrell and the Democrats his praise
of MoKinlcy.
O'Couuell of Madison and Uarrett of
St. Louis seconded the nomination of
Coekrell. llarrett was cheered when
he declared that Chauueey L Fllley
was the choice of as many Republicans
as Kerens, but Coekrell was tho choice
of nil tho Democrats. Tho nomination
of Kerens, he said, had been forced on
tho Republicans by federal otllco hold
era. Johnson of St. Louis couuty
roasted Harrott, and said if it had not
been for Filley a Republican would
have stood lu llarrctt'.s place.
On the roll call Musscr of Miller and
Pralsowater, of Andrew bolted the
Republican caucus and voted for Johu
Kenulsh. Musscr said afterward that
he felt that he had a right to vote us
ho thought proper, regardless of the
action of the caucus. Tho voto stood:
Coekrell 70, Kerens CO, Kennlsh 'J.
Major Henry Newman, chief clerk
of thu House, who served with Coek
rell In tho Confederate army, took the
place of the reading clerk and called
the roll of the Houso himself.
Doth Houses adopted the necessary
resolutions providing for to-morrow's
joint meeting.
Chief gunrtrriiuutcr of tho Bsutlago
CntnpnlKn Heforo Hoard.
Washington, Jan. if. General
Charles F. Humphreys, who was In
charge of tlio water transportation at
Tampa for Santiago, was chief quarter
master on General Miles' stuff and was
with General Shafter prior to General
Miles' arrival, was thu main witness
beforo tlio wnr investigation commis
sion yesterday.
General Humphreys said mediciuo
chests belonging to many surgeons
wcro not landed with the troops as
thoy should have been. Tons and tons
of regimental property weio landed in
Homo cases but not the surgeon's med
icine chests.
Asked nbout his experience with
refrigerated beef, ho said tho first he
saw was at Santiago. "Tho trouble
was there wan too much of tt," said he,
"what I saw was pretty good. I think
it was all good when landed at day
light each morning, but 1 know noth
ing about Its condition when it reached
tho troops. I heard some of It spoiled."
"How about the tinned roast beef?"
"Thnt I know did not give satisfac
tion, possibly owiug to tho intense
"Did you hear any Intimation that
it might have been chcmlcully
"I did not. In n joking way I heard
that Armour had extracted tho julco
from the roast beef for ills beef ex
tract" Cnptaln 11. J. 0. Irvine, eleventh
United States Infantry, commissary
on tho Panama at the time that trans
port was In charge of Surgeon Daly,
who wrote a report on the beef, con
demning It in tho most bcnsational
language, testified that the vessel
sailed from Ponce on September 1 or ?,
and on tho 7th there was a well
marked odor, as of something that had
been "closed up." Ho was not pre
pared to say tlio odor was like that
emanating from a dead human body
injected with chemical preservatives,
as Surgeon Daly had reported. As
soon as complaint was made of tho
beef he said it was examined ami
found to be very odorous. Tho beef
wa3 thrown overboard. The men
wero then put on the rest of the ra
tions, living without fresli beef.
Kill 1
The President Orders One for the
Commissary General.
Ooniniln.irjr Oenernl Will to
rtofl nml ItulleveJ from III. l'o-ltlon
U Already l'rntitrlua; Ills IlofotMO
To I'IimU JtHllflcutloii far Hit W'onh,
Trust llelrtail.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Jan. 18. Max V.
Stolz, cashier and confidential clerk
of Morris, Uutt & Muller, soap manu
facturers of Armourdale, 13. In jail in
Kansas City, Kan., on a warrant
which churges htm with embezzle
ment. The exact amount of ids short
age Is not known, but the victimized
firm believes it will amount to over
SO, 000.
Cut Wurltmoii'i Witjre.
MtnDi.E.ow.N, Conn., Jan. 18. The
Mlddletown Plato company, manufac
turers of silver platcware, announced
to-dny a general reduction lu wages of
nbout IS per ccttt. Tho company cm
ploys about 300 hands, and Is ono of
the few concerns that Is not a member
of thu International Stiver company.
The managers claim that dull business
forced them to It.
W.fintxo rov, Jan. 18. The Presi
dent announced at tho cahlnot moot
ing shortly after It assembled for its
regular session to-day that ho had de
cided to order a court-martial to try
Commissary General Kagnn for hU
abusive and violent languago respect
ing Major General Nelson A. Miles
upon tho witness stand beforo tlio
war investigating commission.
Tho decision mot tlio unanimous ap
proval of tho members of the cabinet.
Threo of tho President's olllclal ad
visers, Secretary Alger, Sccrotary Wil
son and Postmaster General Emory
Smith wero nbseut, but in each in
stance their views are known to cotn
cldo thoroughly with tho Presidcut'n
decision. Tho details of tho action
were left to tho secretary of war.
White It was not definitely staled
what specifications would be made
against General E.igan, it is under
stood tlmt tho specific charge on which
he will be tried will be "conduct nn
bjcomlng an ofllcar and a gentleman."
General D.igau is already at work on
the oulltne of his defense. Ho would
liko to bring in tho beef charges
mado by General Miles in order to
prove they wero without founda
tion, and, having proved General
Miles guilty of falsehood, he could
plead that ho was justified in calling
him a liar. It maybe tltat his counsel
will endeavor to carry out this pro
gram. Tho court will, of course, de
termine whether such evidence Is al
lowable. Ho will admit, however,
without equivocation, that ho made
the shocking statements attributed
to him, and plead in extenua
tion his condition ns a result
of the comments of the press
and pcoplo upon Milcs's
charges. Uy throwing himself upon
the mere' of tho court lie may sccuro
a recommendation for clemoney which
will glvo tho President an opportunity
to commute the sentence.
In any event General Eagan un
doubtedly will closo ills term as com
missary gcnernl of subsistence when
relieved and placed under military ar
rest, preparatory to his trial. Colonel
John F. Weston, the next ranking of
ficer, will lu all probability succeed
General I.agan. Ho Is expected in
Washington shortly to assnme his new
The War Dr-pnrtmont to Count fu
nml l'orto Klein.
Washington1, Jan. 18. In -iild,-,
to its now duties It now sceius pr
ahlo that tho war department
havo to supervise tho next censnjj!
ing iu win recently acquired po.
slons of the United States Tli9c,j
sits uiu as reporteti to tho n0ja
maKcs no special provisions for i'.
urnncu oi tnc woric, but If
general terms of tlio mcAsuro
tint nvn fc 1 1 1 estj I (-ITt.i.t..,.. a.
,.wu wuiiiuvi Duuitiiui it) ro
this work nn nine td merit will urolnvl
bo drafted. It is contemplated that J
tho Island of Cuba only thutcinuj J
mo principal cuies win bo taken
tho population of tho Island estlmvJ
upon theso rotnrns. Willi Porto RJB
uunm, iinwan nuu uio I'lillitinln..
which uro considered American tcrrl
tory, an effort will be made to gd tm
nco ugures on population, nomestcaj
mortgages, etc. it is not eD,."'J
this work can bo accomplished uldH
great degreo of accuracy, atul tl
enumerators who are assigned to llo'J
and tno miiu group win uuubtl-v &.I
lively ana interesting work tibial (
tho in.
A Newly Marriott Woman tVunmltJ JM
Her Husband' former Kireritliea-L i
.i.b r.i.Aav, vmiu, .mil. la, , j'O
llshly dressed and hnudsomc womill
said to bo Miss Edna Raymond, (
icrcu ina rooms occupied oy Air. 1.1
Mrs. John A. Hnnna nt thu KUitunl
apartment houso last night. Ilanw
was not at homo and the woman sli
at Mrs. Ilanna four times with a,
volvcr. Only ono Bhot took efledj
sinning iiira. iuiiuu in uiu I'Hrl
.miss uayinonu, naving npiuren'.
emptied her revolver, escaped nnJlM
not yet been found by the police.
iur. nnu airs, nanna wero nmtJ
at Christmas. Up to a short timet!
vious Ilnnna had been attentive, ill
said, to Miss Itartnoud.
Vnchtloc fart? Use rrobobly
itked lu the Oatf.
Un-oxi, Miss., Jan. 18. Aftor a very
thorough and fruitless search of tho
roast there seems to bo little causa for
hopo that tho naphtha Uunoh, Paul
Jones, la afloat, and there is every rea
son to believe that tho persons aboard
her havo perished.
Republican Vail to Acres on a Bnoeenor
to Senator Allen.
Lincoln, Nob.. Jan. 18. Tho vote on
United States Senator to-dav was as
follows: Allen, fusion, S3; Hayward
89, Wobster 10; Thompson 7, Flold 4,
I-arabertson 8, Valentino 3; Little,
Cornish, lUvldsou, Haltiea, Martin aud
Van Duyn 1 each; Heesa, Majors,'
Adams, lUutuaw and Foss 9 eaoh. All
Kepubllcans excopt Allen. Allen
toelved the oolid fusion vote.
Sivilnnl- Olrcn Hhor.
Havana, Jan. IS. General Monocal
and ex-Superintendent McCullagh aro
examining MO applicants for positions
on tlio pollco force here. About bO
patrolmen havo been accepted so far,
and of this number 30 are Spaniards.
Monocal is noting fairly towards tho
Spanish candidates. If physically and
morally up to tho standard thoy are
aceopted. Some former Spanish of
ficers are among the applicants.
I.eaea fur Wiuhhistoii.
San FiuNctsco, Jan. H. The three
emissaries of Agulnaldo who arrived
hero on Saturday havo depicted for
Washington, where they will confer
with President MeKlnley regarding
tho govcrntnent of the Philippines.
Mirer I,-uo Ntlll Allvo.
Denvkii, Col., Jan. 18. Colonel Will
lam J. ltrynn declared vesterdav In a
brief speech which ho niade nt tlio
publlo reception given to htm by tho
ItimetalUo League of this cltv, that
tho silver Issue is atlll very uiiiuh ullvo.
Wtlhtlruws Their l(rlf;ii.,thm.
Ban Juan, P. K., Jan. H. General
Guy V. Henry, governor of Porto
Hlco, promises certain concessions to
the councitmen of San Juan( and tho
latter, therefore, have withdrawn
their resignations.
DIclit.Miii liny nt Son nml Not Heard
l-roin -Sinill I'uiMeiii-er I.ltt.
Xi:v Yoiih, Jan. 18. Tho Atlantic
transport liner Marquette, which loft
Loudon for New otk December 29,
h:is not yet been reported. None of
the Incoming ti.ins-Atlantlo vessels of
tlio first-class, which left tho other
side a week later than the Marquette,
saw any trace of the belated steamer.
The Marquette should huve sailed on
the icturii trip to London last Satur
day. She has now been eighteen days
at sea. The crew numbers ino. There
are no second-class or steerage passen
gers. She has a siuull passenger list.
A Mnjurltj (.tinn lllm In Until IIou-
of tho Nmr York ABinMy.
Auunv, N. Y., Jan. H. The Senate
and Assembly In their respective cham
bers voted to-d'iy for United States
Senator. In tho Assembly Chauueey
M. Depsw, Kepubllean, received 81
votes and Edwatd Murphy, Jr., Demo
crat, CO votes. In tho Senate Dopew
received !!7 and Murphy 23 votes.
Pnlillor Come on n Furlough.
San FitANcisco, Jan. 18. The Ohio
arrived yesterday with 300 men from
Manila, most of them stray soldiers,
who aro either going homo on a fur
lough or aro convalescents. Tho first
Nebraska regluiont is tho most largely
represented among the sick men,
although there is a number from the
thirteenth Minnesota regiment also.
Metier of the I'lvilx Acalnit
Henitor to Meet lull,
H.utiiisiiuiui, P.t., Jan. 1H. A con
ference of tho anti-Quay Hepubltcau
legislators wus held this momlug, at
which it was decided to meet dally
during tho contest for United States
Senator. Fifty-one of tho fifty-two
Senators aud members who signed tho
antl-Quav pledge wcro present. Sen
ator Losch of Schuylkill, who is re
ported 111, was the only absentee.
Furm Hume niotrn to Atotni.
PiiTflViu.B, Wis., .Inn. 18. The farm
houso of Fayette Meaeham, near this
place was blown to atoms by dyna
mite, killing Meacham and fatally in
juring his wife and four children. Mr.
Meacham purehasod tho dynamite for
blasting jiurposes. How It became ig
nited is not known.
The XewtMiili-SleiTArt Fight,
Caiison, Nev., Jan. 18. New lands
ndinlls that Stewart has 19 votes at
the present time, but claims tljo power
to cause a deadlock. The struggle
over contested scats will bo tho nest
important move. Eight Itepublicans
are seeking tho complimentary vote.
Not n (looil t'laee for 3Ien.
Havana, Jan. JK The casement In
tlio artillery cuartel chosen for Major
General Ludlow's office ntyvr tho pal
aco moved so foul that tho air extin
guished candles and suffocated dogs
und cats, which ran In.
Actreti it Voluntary Hankr-ipt.
Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 18. Ellta Proctor
Otis, tho actress, filed a voluntnry pe
tition In bankruptcy, placing her total
liabilities at 830,3.11.
A Kunini Hill I'orblilcllnc tho Drnllni;
In Option.
Toi'KKA, Kan., Jan. 19. If Houso
bill No. 1, introduced by lietiefiel, be
comes a law, it will make "bucket
shops" Illegal in Kansas. Anyone,
according to this measure, who shall
buy, sell or exchange or in nny other
way deal In options on grain, stocks,
bonds, securities or provisions shall bo
liable to trial nnd Imprisonment for
from ono to five years.
Tho owner of a "bucket shop" and
his employes, when convicted, nro to
bo punished by tci ins In tho state pen
itentiary. The, bill further makes tho
renting of rooms or building, which
shall be used for "bucket shops," Hie
gal, tho owner of tho property to be
punished by Imprisonment In the
state penitentiary.
Tho sheriff who shall close n
"bucket shop" shall, as in the case of
raiding a saloon, destroy till tho prop
erty ho seizes. Whero a "bucket
shop" proprietor or agent in enjoined
publishing market reports aud defies
such an injunction, ho is to bo fined
8100 to 8500 for contempt and impris
onment in jail.
Senator Cooke introduced a resolu
tion calling for a ropeal of tho section
of tho state constitution affecting tho
office of stuto printer. Cooko would
have the state printer elected by a
direct vote of the people every two
years. Tho resolution nlso provides
for tho establishment of a prlntlng
plantto be owned by the state. Tho
printer is to be paid u salary fixed by
tho Legislature.
What Ili-nponeil Dnrhiff it One Hoy
Stay In the Texia Town.
Er. Paso, Tex., Jan. 18. Major Gti
ernl Shafter and staff, on tho -atf
California whore tho general will's
sumo the command he held prior t
tho breaking out of tho war wJ
Spain, wero met horo by 2,000 pccpl
and a brass baud. General SlialJ
wns escorted to tho city park, ivbJ
he made n tun minute talk dcsuriptil
of tho Situ tingo campaign.
When tho general ended his spwa
a number of pretty girls insisted!
taking snap shots at him with I
camera, and, greatly to his cmbamfl
mcut, several of them then kisscil hi
Illt-tmayinen In St. F.ouW Try to KUlfl
JInu After Hobblng lllm.
St. Louis, Mo., Jau. 18. Frcdc-i
Mllliken, employed at tho NatlotiB
stock yards, East St. Louts,
knocked Insensible by highways:
last night and robbed of money, m'M
nnd valuables aud his body dr.i?fl
across tho railroid track in front
tlio fast npproachlng passenger tral
lie wan struck by the engine
hurled into a ditch. Ills left arm rl
torn and ho wan internally injarl
His chances of recovery nro suji
The highwaymen escaped.
Withilntui All Appointment.
Toi'KKA, Kan., Jan. 18. Governor
Stanley yesterday withdrew all un
confirmed appoints which wero pend
ing in the Senate.
KliiK Ha the Indaenzt.
Stockholm, Jau. 18. King Oscar is
suffering from Influonza, and In con
sequence a number of ceremonies have
been abandoned.
btophoui Wuutt AiKithur CniuniUtlou.
Jikfi'mtsoN City, Mo., Jan. 19.
Governor Stephens sent a message to
both houses of tho assembly this
morning suggesting that this state ap
point a commission to settlo with tho
United States government for nubile
lands given to this state. There nro
twenty-one states Interested und Mis-"
sourl Is the only one not yrovldcd
with a commission.
I with a commission.
Squadron Now Made Up.
Wasiiinoion, Jan. in. Tho Navy
department has designated tlio follow
ing warships to form tho squadron of
evolution which in to go south under
direct command of Admiral Sampson:
Flagship Now York, lit oolclyn, Indiana,
Texas, Chicago, Newark aud Maohlas.
lUrtbiiuitku Felt In bpnln.
Santamlui, Spain, Jan. IK A
strong earthquake at 1 o'clock yestor
day morning throw tho Inhabitants ol
this city Into a panic. A number of
windows were broken.
The Poiltlon of Ltbrarlau Will Probably
Uo to the l'reildent'i I'rlritto Seorotury.
Wasiiinoion, Jan. 18. It Is probable
that John Addison Portor, prlvato sec
retary to tho President, will succeed
Johu Russell Young, as librarian of
Congress. That the announcement of
this probability should follow so close
ly upon tho heels of tho anuouncoment
of Mr. Young's de&th is due exclu
sively to tho faot that Mr. Young
himself recently expressed a desire to
bo transferred to tho diplomatic serv
ice, and it is known that whllo await
ing an opportunity to effect the trans
fer tho President was at the same time
favorably considering tho suggestion
of appointing Mr. Porter to tho place.
Mr. Young desired a transfer becauso
tho duties of the offioo of librarian
wero found to bo too onorous for ono
in his condition of health.
A Town of tho Hams Name Wat t'otni
By the Oklahomun.
AitKANflAS CtTV. Kan., Jan. IH
J. Itlackwcll died at his homo in lm
couuty, Oklahoma, last night. Ho'
known all over Oklahoma and Km I
as "Prophet" lilackwcll. Ho was:
founder of tho town which be!
his uamo. He achieved consider.!
notorioty last summer by lmportl
negroes into Illackwell, which
always been an nnti-notrro town.
r.ltiznns nrmiil thnmselvos and drfl
the negroes out of tho town. Ho
reported to bo wortli about 530,90
the tlmo of his death.
Illi Old nimt to Settle the Del
the KropnrU Hanker.
EMi'oniA. Kan.. Jan. IK Willi
Martlndale, vice president of
First National bank of Emporia,
turned his nronertv over to
ancient political enemy 'nud frl
clal rival, Major Calvin Hood, 0l
deed of trust. Hood will settlo
the depositors for Martlndnlo's d
It is bollovod that Maior Iloou
handlo Mr. Martlndnlo's propertl
that it will nnv depositors doliari
dollar. They had feared a torcei
Robbed on n, BU Tuul Oar.
St. Louis, Jan. 18. In i crorj
strcot oar, on board of which vm
nollcaman. threa men robbed "!
Snider, resident lnanncer of the
tlonnl Flro Iusuranco company.
jewel case containing botween I!
and 84.000 woith of jewelry, to-f
Despite the presonco of tho polictj
the robbers escaped.
A Government ltoad In Cuba.
n.WANA, Jau. If. The American
government is now building and equip
ping a railroad in Cuba. Seventeen
hundred men nro nt work and nt least
1,300 moro will bo given employment
as soon as possible. The road runs from
Trisoonla around Ouanabacoa. giving
conneetlon with all railroads ontering.
Havana. It will bo about aLs r'-j In
"Lncky" llaldirln to Unbuild Illi "
Ban Francisco, Jan. 18. "Itt
Baldwin lias decided to erect an t
story fire proof building on theP
erty occupied by tho old Uahlw!'
tol, which was burned soveral ."
ago. Tho building Is to cost 83,0Wf
Henitor DavIs Ro-r.leoled.
St. Paul. Jan. 111. Tho Minn
, . -
Legislature to-day re-elected Cus j
IC Davis United States senator. !
fusloulsts cast their ballots IC
Congro&Arcan Towae.