The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 20, 1899, Image 7

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1 HE KK1) CLOri) CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 2(X 1898.
IN 1S98
vo fitted over thrco times as tunny
glasses as
IN 1897
ind eoven and one-half times ns
many as
IN 1S9G,
Xiriae the months of November
December, 1898, we fitted'more
glasses than during the
whole of 1897.
and i
rhese figures are only furthes proof jthat
our glasses are correct.
tatisfaction or your money back. Exam
ination free.
Newhouse Bros.,
Sraduate Ref rating Opticiansejewelers.
Wo do tlio best Watch, Clock and 1
Jowolry repairing, bring us Jyour
work. j
Dr. Waldcn of ltivorton was hero
The Ciiiek and Chicago Inter Ocean
icyonr for 81.25.
Geo. McCall of Guido Rock was hero
io last of tho week.
I. B. Colvin and W. II. Sawyer of
uidoRock wcro hero this week.
Tho 6-A horse blanket, tho best on
I market is sold by J. O. Butler.
Webb Josselyn of Orleans was sbak
Sg hands with old friends hero Satur-
Havoyou seen J. O. Butler's now lino
( 5-A horso blaukets, fur and plush
fjj. S. Vierson and wife of Hastings
ere hore visiting friends tho last of
io week.
o. D. Robinson was in Lincoln tho
fit of tho week makiDg sottlomont
rith tho stato treasurer.
KTho sermon subject at tho Methodist
nrch next Sunday evening will be
)ocs This Life End All."
Ccmmenco tho now year right by ia
iring your property against firo nnd
riadoos. W. L. McMillan, Agent.
F. E. Goblo was in Lincoln this wcok
serving tho workings of tho republl-
n legislature and seeing tho eonatori-
ilsaao Myers and wifo left Thursday
orning for Lincoln whero tho latter
111 undergo a surgical oporatlon for
removal of a cancer.
Jns. Peterson is liniuu from Omaha.
Rov. Dean is visiting in Crete this
Robos and blankets in endless vari
ety nt J. O. Butler's,
Lindsay & Smith want your poultry.
Highest market prices paid.
Insure with the Pennsylvania Kiro of
Philadelphia. W. L. McMillan, Agt.
Anton Kindlcr from near Esbm,
Kansas, was hero thii week visiting old
Sco that now cast stove with steel
oven plates at W. W. Wright's. Guar
anteed hotter than steel .tangos.
Tho Christian church pooplo aro pro
paring for an evnngolistic mooting to
ho hold some time beforo wlntor closes.
Tho man who procrastinates may bo
sorry he met tho undertaker boforo tho
insurauco agent. Insuro In tho Trav
elers. Tho Union Firo Insurance Company
is'tho best mutual. Combino risks; in
installments 8 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
L. 11. Rust says if you want somo
good nursery stock choap this spring
lot him know what you want. Also
has tree paint to soil.
Ben. McCuno left this wcok for Dead
wood, South Dakota, where howilltako
a position with F. N. Potter on tho dul
ly evening Independent.
Wright Thornburg of Sapulka, Okla
homa, is in tho city this week visiting
old friends. Wright is now engaged in
tho cattlo business and doing well,
Tho wiudy weather of February and
March is a dangerous timo for a tiro.
Make yoursolf secure by insuring your
proporty. W. L. McMillan, Agent.
Don't fail to seo and hear tho bcauti
ful illustrated songs nt tho opera houso
next Monday ovo, alone worth the price
of admission. Ladies free Monday
"I guarantee tin m as good ns nny
steel tango on tho markot," is what W.
W. Wright says about his now cast
stovo with steel oven plates. Seo them
beforo you buy n stove.
V. II. Scrivner, real estate man,
vill sell your farm for you for a rea
sonnblo por cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
II. Scrivner, Red Cloud, obr.
J. II. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of five years at 3 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm proporty on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Mob.
Horrible agony is caused by piles
burns and skin diseases. Those aro
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witch Hazol salvo. Be
waro of worthless imitations. C. L. Cot-ting.
S. Beckwith will soon begin to erect
n rosidenco on tho lots north of Mrs.
W. A. McKolghan's borne for Paul
8torey. Wo aro glad to seo tho young
mon of our city acquiring property as
it will do much towards improving the
place in looks and in a financial way.
Get your salo bills printed at this of
e and tho announcement of sale will
printed in tho paper during tho
e preceding tho sale day free of
bort MoBrido has purchased a ros
ace on norm ueaar street, uno
ro of our young mon has decided
t paying out monoy for rent is a
tllsh practice.
here kavo boon numorous bad no-
ents in tho past month. Thoro may
many in tho future Insuro against
idents in tho best company in tho
irld, tho Travolers of Hartford. W.
McMillan, Agont.
Ir. S. A. Fucklor, editor of tho Ml-
lopy, (Fla.) Hustlor, with his wifo
cnuaron, suuerea tcrrtniy irom ia
mo. One Minuto Couch Curo wa3
I only remedy that helped them. It
ott quickly, luouaanus oi oiuors
this romodv as a specific for la
sp and its exhausting after effects.
, uotung.
IbW. f -EBBB-
Raftst I
Causes sweet sleen. restores S
ided looks, lightens weary
ilnds and builds ud the
It braces: it elves
)u vim and bounce.
La grippe is again epidemic. Every
precaution should be taken to avoid it
Its specific curo is Ouu Minuto Cough
Cure. &.. J. Shoperd, Publisher Agri
culturalJournal and Advortisor.Kldon,
Mo., says: "No one will bo disappoint-
ea in using Ono Minuto Cough Curo
for la grippe." Pleasant to take and
quick to act. C. L. Cotting .
Tho revival meetings now in pro
gress at tho Methodist church in our
city is attracting wide attention. Largo
congregations aro in attendance and
the intorcst grows daily. Tho music is
good and ono beauty about it is that
tho audionco joins in with tho largo
chorus choir in tho singlug. Tho pas
tor, Rov. Darby, preaches nightly upon
practical subjects. Tho meetings will
continuo for somo timo, perhaps a
month or more, with no providential
G.A.Harris of Cowlos wishes t an
nounco to tho peoplo of Rod Cloud and
vicinity that ho has rented the room in
the Moon block formerly occupiod by
Miss. E. A. Hadell and will move his
stock of gonoral merchandise from
Cowlos and move it therein nnd tho
stock will bo sold both at prlvato and
public sale. Goods must be closed out
and they will go regardless of cost.
Goods will bo opened for prlvato sale
on or about January 25th. Audi on
sale will commonco Saturday, January
28tb, at 2 o'clock p.m.
Now that tho tolophono system is an
assured fact or nearly so wo havo learn
ed that tho contral olllco is to bo plac
ed in a residence for tho pur
pose of cheapness nnd nlso that
night calls can bo answered.
Maybe wo aro mistaken but wo
understand that when n connection is
modo tho "hollo girl" at central can if
sho jo desires, nnd is not too busy, lis
ten to tho conversation going over nny
particular connection. If this is tho
caso it might bo ndvisablo to know that
tho "hollo girl" is ono who has not
boon in tho habit of tolling nil sho
hears. It might mako business in di
vorce courts take a boom.
Jhiiiiw Morrison of Superior was hero
Mr mil Mrs. Jay Oluoy left last
nvci.iiig for Norcatur, Kansas.
E. U Overman was In Lincoln this
week loiiKiiig after legal mattirs.
(Scl ur salo bills printed at this of
fice and you will receive a notice in the
pap1!' free.
Mi. II. E. Grico gavon party on last
Monday afternoon to tho little frlonds
of her daughter Graeio In honor of her
fifth binhday.
Mr". Amanda Cummings and daugh
ter Kiliel left Thursday morning for
Beatrice whero they will visit with D.
0. Jenkins and wife.
J. ('. Harris of Denver, a firoman op
tin- B, A M. who has been visiting with
bis brother G. A. Harris of Cowlos loft
last night for his homo.
Beforo you buy a heating stovo soo
that "R.-tort" heater at Wright's hard
ware store, it is a wouuonui ucai
producer nnd saver of fuel.
C. E. Wescottand son Hilt arrived
hero tho last of tho week from their
homo in Plattsmouth. Tho formor is
senior partner in tho firm of Galusha &
Will your widow dross as well as
your wifo does? Answer this quojtion
by insuring your lifo in tho Trnyelors
Insurance Company of Hartford. W.
L. McMillan, Agent.
Coughing injures and inflames soro
lungs. Ono Minuto Cough Curo loosons
tho cold, allays coughing and heals
quickly. Tho best cough curo for chil
dren. O. L. Cotting.
Tho smallest things may oxort tho
smallest influence. DeWitt's Littlo
Early Risers aro unequalled for over
coming constipation an J liver troublos.
Small pills, best pills, snfo pills. C. L.
T. 11. Fisher of Denver arrived in tho
city Thursday morning and is lioro for
tho purpose of ngain interesting our
citizens in having our city provided
with an electric light plaut. Prelimi
nary work looking to that end will bo
commenced at onco nnd thero is no
doubt but what it will bo successful.
Mr. A. G. Storrs of Omaha who was
hero last wcok working up a tolophono
list in tho interests of tho Nebraska Tel
ephone Company left Saturday after
getting forty-five signers which guar
antees a t yBtem for this city. If oviry-
thing goes right wo can expect to soo
lino iu operation during tho first weeks
of April.
Mr. Ernest Tirrell and Miss Myrtlo
Boycc wero married at tho M. E. par
sonatre at 8 p.m. Jan. 18., 1890, Rov.
James G. Day officiating. Mr. Clar
ence Cox and Miss Lurlsa Malick wero
the happy couplo to witness tho cere
mony. Thoy went '. to tho bride's
home where a feast of good things wero
awaiting them.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllcoat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Jan., 19th,
Alfred, Bach, Emily C.
Romer, Chas. White, C. E,
, These letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter oflico Fob. 2th, if not called for
before. Whon calling for above please
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M
There aro n few young thugs ia this
city who have no raoro respect for
law and ordor than if there was no
such thing. Tho last part of tho week
thoy got ono of thoir "bad'rspells and
proceeded to the home of an estimablo
old lady residing a short distance south
west of this city and raised havoc in a
high handed manner. It is about time
somo kind of a curb was put on this
class of hoodlums and thoy should bo
brought up with a short turn.
I Advice to
There are three great reme
dies that every person with
weak lungs.orwith consump
tion itself, should understand.
These remedies will cure
about every case in its first
stages ; and many of those
more advanced. It is only
the most advanced that are
hopeless. Even these are
wonderfully relieved and life
itself greatly prolonged.
What are these remedies ?
Fresh air, proper food and
scon's Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites. Be afraid of
draughts but not of fresh air.
Eat nutritious food and drink
plenty of milk. Do not forget
that Scott's Emulsion is the
oldest, the most thoroughly
tested and the highest en
dorsed of all remedies for
weak throats, weak lungs and
consumption in all its stages.
. cocind ti.ooj ll drugjUU.
At Bluo 11111, Nohr., Wednesday, Jan.
18, 1891) in tho M. E. Church occurred
the mnrriago of Mr. Edwin Oatmnn to
Miss MnrgiirttcLeetch promptly at U
ocloek. The wedding march was sound,
by Miss Lottlo King of llluo Hill, whon
tho bridal couplo proceeded by Mr. (Seo.
Bukor and Mrs. May Buker mnrched
up tho aisle and passed in front of tho
altar whero tho solemn words wore ut
tered by Rov. (. W. Hummol which
niado them ono for life. Tho groom Is
a prosperous former of Oak Crook, is
noted for his sterling qualities, and is a
gonttomanly young man. Tho brldonr.
accomplished and handsome young
lady of Webster Co, has hconnvory suc
cessful school teacher for sometlmo
past and is well worthy of tho young
gontlcmnn whom sho has won.
Thoy will reside on a farm on Oak
Crook. Wo wish them n long and hap
py life
The Grand Finite.
Tho olopemont of tho Into editor of
tho Nation with his cousin, Miss Dol
lio Rood, Tucsdny morning perhaps was
a surpriso to somo but to many it came
ns a verification of much that had been
said of him in tho past. This papor
has already contended thntthoso who
woro called his frionds would eventual
ly soo him in his truo light. Tho fact
that thoro is no law to Inlorforo in a
case whoro n man runs nway with a
school girl doos not mako tho crimeless
and n law which would restrain such
deals would not bo amiss on our statute
books. As far as absonco of tho editor
is concerned thoro will bo littlo rcgrot
and fow will caro which way or to
whoro ho has gono. and tho uncomplo
montary remarks which woro mado by
persons on tho street in regard to tho
gentleman wouldn't look nico in print.
It is a sad blow to tho paronts of tho
girl to havo the brightness of their
homo circlo darkened by this occur
Proof against Burglars.
The Peoples Bank hangs up a neat
sign to tho effect that thoy are protect
ed by a policy in tho Banker's Mutual
Casualty Company. This refers to nn
insurauco policy issued by tho com
pnuy to tho bank, indemnifying it from
loss that may bo caused by a burglary
or robbery of tho bank, and secures
tho bank and its patrons from tho dan
ger of loss from that score. Tho com
pany issuing tho policy pays tho loss
occasioned and in addition to this mon
oy protection tho company has an ef
ficient detective service which is nt
onco put on tho track of tho criminal
who Interferes with any bank holding
a policy in the company, and bringing
tho burglar or robbor to bay and trial
regardless of tho timo or effort ro
quirod. Punishmont is suro to ovor
tako nny person who attacks tho bnnk
ia tho way of burglary or robbery. Tho
patrons of tho bank can roadily see tho
great merit of such protection.
Theatre Next Week.
The favorite Madison Square Theatre
company will open a wcok'a engage
ment at tho opera house on next Moo
day evening, January 23d, producing a
lino of new clean and up to date
dramas and comedies at popular prices.
Opening Monday eve in tho sensational
5 act comedy drama ontitltled "A
Rough Diamond." As an inducement
to a full house Monduy ovo, ladies will
bo admitted froo when accompanied by
a gontloman with ono paid reserved
seat ticket; or two ladies admitted on
ono ticket which must bo purchased be
fore 7 p.m. Monday ovo. Positively
no free tickets at tho opera house.
Spocialties will bo introduced between
acts including songs both comic and pa
thetic, illustrated with ono of Edison's
latest picture machines. Admission
10,20 and 30c. Reserved scats now on
salo at Grico's Drug Store.
New Firm at Cowfes.
E. T. Benton and J. R. Greenhnlgh
two young men latoly of Russell, Kan
sas, woro in tuo city touay. xuoy Davo
purchased tho building of G. A. Harris
of Cowles and will open up the samo
kind of stook as that formerly kept by
Mr. Harris, gonoral merchandise. The
now firm will bo known as Groenlmlgh
& Benton and as both are pleasant gen
tlemen and well acquainted with that
lino of business thoy will do well. Thoy
have a large invoice of new goods al
ready on tho ground.
Uutil February 1st, 1899, everything
in the house at
20 per cent
From regular plain figure prices. The
only genuine discount sale ever
held in Red Cloud.
As a special inducement and to show Sjg
our appreciation of the liberal pat- m
ronage given us during the past M
two weeks we offer the balance of $j
our nne an wool seaver uvercoats ?j
Just six of them left. Sizes 34, 36,
37, 39, 40 and 42. Greatest
bargain ever offered.
I GowdenaleyGlothingGo. I
Leaders in Fashions and Low Prices.
j Nebraska Mercantile Co. j
Saturday Jloraing, January 21
wo place on salo our ontiro line of
j Ladies Jackets I Capes,
Wo aro having our rogular January
thaw. .
Mrs. Chas. Isom is on tho sick list
this wcok.
Al Docker has commenced fnrming
by cutting corn stalks.
Loula Aubushon was on a business
trip to Inavalo ono day this week.
Mr. Gcorgu of Guido Rock was tho
guest of Rov, (I. 11. Haskins last week,
Rov. II. II. Haskins lias bought tho
southeast quarter of section twenty
oight, town ono, rango cloven for 81000.
Tho rovival meetings which havo
boon in progress at Ml. Hopo for tho
past two week havo closed. Those
uit'otings havo boon in charge of Rov.
Goldsworth of Lebanon, Kansas, assist
ed by Rov. Con. Howitt, and havo been
largely attended.
Tiik Cuikk and tho Inter-Ocean one
year (or lf.
at exactly half prico rcgardloss of oost. This is a grand opportunity to get
a nice stylish wrap for a little money.
5.00 Jacket or Cape on sale at $2.50. .
$6.00 Jacket or Cape on sale at $3.00.
$7.50 Jaeket or Cape on sale at $3.75.
$10.00 Jacket or Cape on sale at $5.00
$12.50 Jacket or Cape on sale'at $6.25.
$15.00 Jacket or Cape on'sale at $7.50.
$18.00 Jacket or Cape on'sale at 9.00.
$20.00 Jacket or Cape on sale at $10.00.
Also spoclal for Saturday's soiling wo placo on salo a choice lino of
at Clearing Sule Prices.
Remnants of Dress Goods,
Remnants of Calico,
Remnants of Table Linens,
Remnants of Towelings,
Remnants of Towelings,
Remnants of Outings,
Remnants ofJSheetings,
j Remnants ofjMuslins, Etc.,
At nearly half tho rogular prlco. Look thtm over carefullyas there aro
i many extra choico bargains among them.
1 Cloaring salo prices on
i ' Thero is monoy saved In huylug you underwear now.
J See our new Window Shades on Spring"Rollers at"i2c,
15c and 25c.
j Jleteiskci - JWereantile Go.,